REGRETROID - Starbomb 3D Animated Music Video (by Antony Manley)
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Channel: Egoraptor
Views: 4,804,086
Rating: 4.8894701 out of 5
Id: T5zL3FMyoq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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April 19 for the new album... can't wait!
Fuck YEEESSSSSSS! Second favorite song. Only behind Luigis Ballad. Glad it finally got a "real" music vid.
That was fucking cool. Great poses and did they MAKE that Kraid model? Fun how they spliced in a line from the Smash parody too.
ahhh! so ready for this new album
This shit is rad
It's okay. I personally think Andiemations was better.
There's clearly alot of work and talent that went into this animation, so I don't want to seem like I'm disregarding the technical ability behind it (that being said, this might get bombed...). If the creator ever reads this, I hope they'll understand that they did so much awesome with this, and my critique is just so it's even
With all that said. man there was a lot of unnecessary and over exaggerated movement in this animation, my eyes barely had a chance to keep up on one thing before the next thing happened, which really threw off the way my brain tried registered the lip-sync between the animation and the song.
Sort of the same principle as action movie fight scenes - settle the camera and cuts down and let the actors do the work. If its just cutcutcutcut it just makes it chaotic.
Hm. Idk, I can't help but just not really liking it much. The 3D artstyle is more uncanny than anything. There have been several fan animations of this song, and Andiemations generally takes the cake imo for it's animation, nice artstyle, expressiveness of the characters, and shot composition. It's not professional grade animation or anything, it certainly doesn't look fancy, but it's quite good as it is.
This version is kinda visually messy, the artstyle isn't appealing to me, and it's not very expressive. It's got a lot of visual polish that Andiemations version doesn't have but none of the personality and good fundamentals. It looks fine, it's not like theres any glaring flaws that put me off, it's just not as fun.
I'm gonna pre