The new mercenary base... (FULL REVIEW)

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okay uh that is a little bit of a big crate so I mean you can see mercenary base new tower and I'm not going to waste your time let's just hop straight into the review so this is like probably the biggest tower release they've ever done this thing was advertised with a timer they had this whole show they teased this weeks in advance and now it's finally here and you may notice that I'm not as like super energetic about this let's play sky islands here and that is because I kind of know how this Tower works and so I'm to teach you everything about this tower that you need to know so of course you know if it helps you better like subscribe and use star Cod but here in the start I'm going to be playing solo Fallen going to be using this specific Loadout and let's just get talking about this thing okay this Tower is level 150 so that's higher than Pursuit so this thing is supposed to be very strong I mean nobody's going to argue doesn't give you a lot of info here but you have this little Camp Tower and it's of course a spawner Tower unlike most spawner Towers this is like Necro mancer so you need it further back in order for it to like actually have the troops that it spawns be able to Traverse down most of the map in order to make the most work out of the enemies I should have upgraded that cowboy basically what I'm saying is uh if you're mercenary bases here no no good cuz it'll spawn the troops here the troops are just going to you know you know you know anyways I'm forced to use this specific Loadout because mercenary base is is not a high DPS Tower it was created with the intent of like rivaling engineer an accelerator in terms of its strength but honestly it comes off more as a support Tower than anything that is because later on in the levels this thing actually gives a damage boost we have not seen a damage boost in TDS since either John or I guess war machine but that's an admin power so yes this thing does have an extremely unique feature now I'm probably just going to cut until I'm done with spamming these Cowboys because everybody just is here here to see how good this Tower is so I'll see you in a moment but would you take a look here we got a leaking Shadow this is a perfect opportunity to go back to well where I was saying like here put down to mercenary base and look at this we got a Rifleman spawning in this dude does three damage every 15 seconds which translates to a ridiculous DPS this DPS is like 20 and for a tower you're only paying $11,200 for that is ridiculous now I'm going to get to level three Cowboys here this thing unfortunately has no hidden attack action but look at this the timer runs out and this is something pretty strange like even though the timer ran out my unit's not spawning I'm assuming that is because there's a limit so while the other one is alive this one's not going to spawn in but there you go now this one's spawning in and in fact now if we upgrade it it unlocks another q here so we can actually Spawn Two Riflemen and this one in particular is extremely good because it unlocks explosive experts so Grenadier mercenary we definitely want to use these because from what I noticed they're just way better than this Rifleman they do some absurd damage and you'll get to see when they spawn in I mean it's going to take a while because I think the timers are broken right so they the stuff doesn't spawn when this timer says it's going to spawn that's something they got to fix but I'm only assuming that that's temporary why would that stay in the game which kind of strange because I reported this bug during testing but I'm not going to complain okay so Grenadier here is actually kind of insane this thing does 25 damage a shot unfortunately his projectiles are really slow which isn't great if you want to pull off a lot of damage on especially something that's moving fast but this thing does have decent range and look at that we have two of them dealing 25 damage a shot so that means we're doing 50 a shot that's actually going to come in like really nice for these Fallin here uh they also each have 45 HP which is pretty strong here come out some more and yeah you can see now they only come out where the mercenary base is so if I place the mercenary base here no that's just a stupid idea I would literally be losing them as soon as they spawn there you go I reached my limit of 12 Cowboys though so going to start getting some of them to double tap actually probably want to DJ first and by the way I'm going to tell you some extremely important information for using these things cuz you can't just go out and use them like what the flip yeah just you got to be careful but as I was saying you can't just go out and use them on any map and be fine it's it's not like it's not as versatile as say accelerator where in any late game situation that's what you bring this thing definitely has more specific use cases so whether you don't have this Tower or already have it and just want to know how to use it best well that is what I'm here to talk about firstly of course as I said you definitely want a map that you can place the mercenary base at the back and that spot is also not going to be trash for other Towers cuz you must remember as I said earlier this thing look unlock 10% damage buff so although these units on their own like I spent $4,000 to get these grenadiers and that's good and all but I'm going to be honest I would rather just have like a few more of these Cowboys even though I say that that doesn't exactly mean mercenary base isn't worth using but it's definitely harder to use okay let me use my abilities I don't want to be blabbering too much I kind of want to you know make sense here so let's get I think three level fours that should be more than enough damage yep we're good there you go we have plenty of level four Cowboys we're going to be making money oh and by the way I was saying uh you can't really use Farm of this Tower and that's because it just doesn't really fit into a solo lad out you need DJ for this thing because look at how small its range is when you get a damage buff you of course want it to see as many towers as possible but if its range is this tiny yeah you can see there's an issue so DJ is absolutely mandatory so is another high DPS Tower because this thing is not like accelerator it's not winning you the game that being said we're starting to struggle got to upgrade on my Cowboys so yeah you end up kind of being locked into the situation where you need a high DPS Tower you need DJ you need the thing itself and that leaves you with only two Tower slots I don't know know what these two Tower slots could be if not cowboy and Commander because that's just what completes the load out and this to a certain degree makes this Tower really difficult to use that being said though I got to move this DJ now because there's a tank in two rounds and I have to defend back here because I need the damage buff for my mercenary base before the tank comes out and you actually get to see the damage buff though let me add even more information I just don't think this thing's good in Solo I'm going to be honest with you in Solo you're much better off using Farm gold p Ro something like that by the way let's sell the DJ actually and move it now going to upgrade it to level three get the damage buff and we also get uh some stronger stuff I think from it like you can see the the grenadiers aren't strong right now but after this they will be so let's get golden Minis and then of course a commander got to use the Ability up here and yes now you can see these minis do have a damage buff 10% now let's use the Ability and see 10% damage buff minis plus a commander ability does do some pretty good DPS is it enough to kill the tank I certainly hope so and yeah just barely I had to get another Commander but yeah again here's the issue in the situation when it comes to solo the tank would have died here if I was playing with Farms by the way look at these stronger grenadiers they now do 50 damage and have 120 HP again as I was saying though if I had my other load out with like pyro and gold mini and farm I would have had more money cuz Farm makes more money so overall the advice is use this Tower in uh multiplayer cuz in multiplayer this will go huge a 20% damage buff like yeah it may sound like it's just 20% but that goes such a long way in multiplayer you can't even comprehend and it's good in multiplayer cuz you're not limited to so little Tower slots so you can feel free to buff your teammate's towers and not have to worry about losing the game I'm going to start maxing the Cowboys up here sadly can't be having two DJs but we still need to be maximizing our earnings cuz this thing it ain't cheap look it has six levels it's like the engineer so if you're not farming really hard you're not only not going to afford your mercenary base you're not even going to afford the DPS that the mercenary base is supposed to buff by the way quick tip on Golden Cowboys if anything is going past them feel free to upgrade them the only reason you want lower level Cowboys is so they get more shots but if you know all the shots they could be getting they already are and stuff's leaking you could just be making more money if you Max them here comes Warden Warden I'm pretty sure can just absolutely annihilate all your mercenary units there's of course ways to reduce the severity of that with stuff like uh field medic which I will show pretty soon in the meantime though look I'm not using more of these mercenary bases because they're not that good like I've spent $10,000 and these grenadiers that are spawning like but first of all you got to keep in mind I'm on a really good Map There's a great turn at the start so it gives it gives these things plenty of time to build up their power most other Maps you don't have that luxury and also we're starting to struggle definitely going to want to expand my golden mini Arsenal out here should be fine yeah we're good let me actually get upgrading this mercenary base so this one unlocks us field Medics and by the way some of the upgrades claim that they make stuff stronger when they actually don't that's just a bug I'm pretty sure that happens on let me check the um this one oh never mind they fixed it but when I was testing like here it would say oh that improves your Grenadier but in reality it never did that so you'd essentially just get your money scammed now we have three graders though and field medic I'm going to set it to spawn field medic of course because we do want to see that and uh let's just max this thing out honestly let's get the 20% damage buff let's chain harder let's Max this Commander I should have maxed the dj2 here we go we should be doing some ridiculous damage cuz I not only have fire rate boost okay field medic is useless if there's no units on the track there you go we're currently attacking with full power because uh well commander and uh uh yeah I don't know why I'm at a loss of words there commander and this thing again as I said field Medics useless without other units hopefully look you see all the timers hit zero but none of the stuff spawn that's because the timers aren't accurate so never be relying on that here comes the field medic again and there you go look we spawned two grenadiers these things are doing 85 damage a shot so we basically have a mortar at home and this field medic's healing them now what's kind of stupid is the fact that the field medic is up in front uh that's literally counterintuitive because it's going to die and then the stuff just stops receiving its heals you can see though the splash damage is huge and there you go we now have another field medic so this thing provides a shield which uh I'm going to be honest with you is actually surprisingly effective like it kept these two grenadiers alive when they got rammed by an air which has 800 hp and this thing works on all units oh look at this it actually stops if the other units in front of it stop so you def need to be playing on a good map if you want this thing to actually shine but um let's see if this Shield is effective against a tank no the tank just bows it down and it bowls that down and W okay I mean it managed to tank the glitches But ultimately you want to use these Riders okay these things are way stronger than everything else because look at this 2,000 HP this thing is ridiculous like why why is everything else here an option when you could have this guy so here he goes he stops he does 30 DPS so not much but that's because he acts as a wall there you go he there come more Riders these things are much more powerful cuz you can actually have check this out so let's put a mercenary base up here even though I said that's a trash spot just to get damage Buffs up there and let's get another mercenary base H let's like right here so you can see I have three mercenary bases that's the placement limit I think that's the placement limit in solos I believe this is one of the only Towers in the game that has a variable placement limit so it has more in like Duos I mean less why would it be more that's literally op but yeah this one I can I don't know I guess I can set it to different stuff just so you get to see yeah here's The Rifleman this dude is he's got like what is that 60 a little bit over 60 DPS I think like 70 on that guy Fallen King's out by the way I got to get some more uh of these also the shield kind of prevents stuff from dying when the Fallen King comes and I think field medic is Invincible to all Stomps and like Warden and Templar but there you go this is where the mercenary base helps most because of course if I didn't have the mercenary base spawning as riders or whatever my defense wouldn't even notice the golden minis are doing all the work and so being able to buff the golden minis is really the best part of the mercenary base that's why it's so good in Duos and above because you're not limited to like I don't know three towers oh by the way there's an ability that I didn't show with this thing uh but let's just set this one's three Riders let's just deploy this thing it's going to deploy whatever troops you have equipped so yeah here come down three Riders you could plop down three Riders at the back of the map and just kill anything with like uh under 6,000 HP but just before we kill the Fallen King main points are of course must use DJ for your mercenary base must be playing on a good map because otherwise you know you got to place it at the front and they instantly die should play m multiplayer just so you're not limited by the placement limit and ultimately use grenadiers and then Riders overall probably a high a tower pretty good and if you enjoyed make sure to like subscribe and use St C goodbye
Channel: Elite
Views: 364,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, new, update, mercenary base, tower, review, showcase
Id: LipkV6Ymj40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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