The NEW KING Of Wild Turkey Bourbons

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hail my name is Kurt and I'm here with Trenton welcome to SLB basement bourbon bar and a fantastic show today your show you came up with all of it I'm expecting top tier knowledge coming from you no pressure anything yeah it's a lot of pressure no pressure I hate to to jack your intro but have you seen the comments on the last video uh no not yet I've got to get to that point I'm almost there well I I was looking at them and I can't remember why because I usually don't I leave that I kind of leave that up to you but I saw a couple mention my hair and I I didn't think twice about it because I I don't do my hair before we do a video or anything mom's always kind of busting my chops about my hair looking all alfalfi or whatever but a lot of comments were like what's up with Trenton's hair did you take a nap beforehand did he does he wear a hat all day if there were probably 10 of them so if you don't you know our videos come out or what 7 A.M yeah okay your mom's gone for a few days and at about 7 30 I got a text for her from her all capital letters Trenton's hair did you hear like three exclamation points I didn't even catch I don't know I had to go watch the video before I leave to see what she was talking about well I added him and I I didn't think it was I didn't think it was that bad so I went back and re-watched that looks like it wasn't good yeah okay for context I shower at night at like I usually go to bed at one or two in the morning I shower probably at 12 12 30. so when I get in bed my hair is wet and I'm out in 5-10 minutes so when I'm rolling around in bed all night it just kind of it Jacks it up and I work from home so I just I don't do anything put on your slippers go to your desk yeah boom we're at work yep so let's be nice um yeah so for for those of you that were wondering why my hair is like that that there's an explanation I made sure before today's video that I got all prim and proper I I blow dried it I put water in I put hair all right so if you prefer one or the other let me know and maybe we'll make it uh we'll make it a a theme so oh back to Wild Turkey yeah I wouldn't expect a nap holy cow's busting a gun all right let's get back to the content here again I was I was busting a gut laughing oh laughing okay yeah all right wild turkey now there are just a few that do not like like wild turkey at all and that's and that's all good you know I've talked to a few of you and it's all about personal preference and Palette didn't somebody say it tastes like dog food or something yeah they're you know there's been a couple and that's okay I'm good with that you know it's fine but I know the majority of the folks out there really like wild turkey and especially this wild turkey Rare Breed and why not it's an excellent Barrel proof whiskey Trend 116.8 proof in our area it is up to about 55 bucks but I have talked to a lot of you folks out there are telling me you're still getting between that 45 and 48 dollar Mark which is pretty good so but you know kind of a far cry from we were first yeah so I'm gonna get it for about 40 bucks you know 38 sometimes if you're lucky but hey it is what it is but here recently I was able to secure this non-chill filtered version of wild turkey Rare Breed this is an export only and my good friend Stuart thanks for always looking out for me and your generosity I certainly appreciate it but he travels a lot for his work and he picked this up in Canada and you holding on your hat one liter right and in Canada he paid 40 US dollars for that bottle that's the Canadian like currency 50 something dollars Canadian money he told me but it was 40 U.S it's cheaper than this I know that's what it's like really for a whole leader leader to 750 wow I would have never guessed that I I wouldn't have either I was shocked but anyways thank you Stuart I really was looking forward to this because I want to do this video I was looking for it for you for a while and you managed to get it beforehand so I'm glad you're able to find it yeah and while we're on it I really wanted I really want to dive into the for just a few minutes a lot of folks have been asking you guys talk about non-chill filtered what is it so as we're as we're looking into this the uh U.S release of The Rare Breed let's talk about it just for a little bit um this is Chill filter so the quick and dirty on that and I when I'm trying to educate you know especially now because I'm not I'm not a professional I'm not you know I'm not all that but I find if you if you stick on something for 10 minutes or so it's just too much information so the quick and dirty chill filtration right when the Whiskey's made in the barrel you're gonna have fatty acids you're gonna have some proteins you're gonna have some Barrel sediments so what happens is that that whiskey gets cold or gets poured over ice with those fatty acids and proteins in there it'll get hazy and cloudy so just for looks sake for appearance sake a lot of Bourbons are chill filtered and what happens is the actual whiskey is taking taken down a few degrees below zero and with that those fatty acids and proteins are clumped up and then passed through whatever amount of filters in order to clean that out what do they do with the clump can you like eat it it's like a glob of you know goodness you should you should email wild turkey and see what they do with their filters that are full of fatty acids and proteins after they chill filter if you work at wild turkey or know somebody that works at Wild Turkey I'd be interested maybe we could do a video like I'm trying when I picture it it's like you ever seen kombucha when it has like that so kombucha is like a fermented uh tea or something in it oh okay so it has like this mound of like bacteria at the top and it like floats and it kind of looks disgusting right and I always kind of want to like take a little nibble out of it but I I don't think it would end well I'd picture something similar with wild turkey but like this massive vat of this film on top yeah this is approaching my dunk here you know do the workers like dunk their finger in and get a taste you know who knows well we'll just do this quick taste for the for this release here because we all know it's great we got some great flavors in there a little Maple caramel I always love that burnt toast that I get from that that grounds everything it's like it's just the flavor it's kind of like a you know I think it's more like a barrel type Char note but to me it tastes on my palette more like like a burnt toast would taste now I kind of need some burnt toast it's really good I'll be honest with you I don't drink wild turkey Rare Breed too often this is probably the first time I've had it in a couple months but man how long has this been open oh I get in that long okay because I get those once every three months I'm saying once every three or four months now I'm rice Trends so the chill filtration then once I pour it over ice the whiskey will still stay you know good consistency of color it won't get hazy or anything like that okay so let's move on to the nacho filter so basically the nacho filtered guys it just isn't chill filtered like this particular bottle like we just explained however the Whiskey Still needs to be filtered because it has Barrel sediments and things like that in it but it's not chill filter so the fatty acids are not going to Clump up Clump up they're going to stay intact and stay in the whiskey now rule of thumb is Flavor Aromas everything's more prominent a little bit more powerful when whiskeys are not non-chill filtered that's the rule of thumb and we're going to find out with this one how this one works out well if if the nose is any indication it's like a that's really nice like maybe you're knocking the microphone I feel too excited here really nice that Maple flit like that Maple hose just becomes full swing yeah it's just this is beautiful this is amazing on the nose this would be good with like a waffle for breakfast I feel like it is like screw the Bloody Mary's just go just go full Rare Breed unfiltered and it it lets the Aromas are just it's just powerful it really is and the maple note like Trent's saying is front and center on this on this particular version sweet Jesus [Music] yeah I'm gonna be honest with you when you told me that this was going to be a thing or a video idea because you finally came across one I honestly wasn't really expecting much of a of a difference because he's right right same proof same like it's basically the exact same stuff as this but it's correct non-chill filter just filter differently nacho filtered chill filter now if I pour this over ice it's a little you know it'll probably have a little bit of a coloration difference you know the appearance might be a little bit hazy or cloudy per se because those fatty acids and proteins are left in the bourbon but for this example I can't speak we'd have to check all of them you know are all of them going to be as widely separate as these two are better than the other one I don't know but for our case study today let me just tell you something I I'm I'm pretty well versed on wild turkey Rare Breed this this is wonderful this is amazing in my opinion so the fatties and the the acids and stuff that are left in here making that I feel like make it quite a bit more silky because it coats my mouth like I just sprayed some olive oil in my mouth for some reason the mouth feel in general with all non-chill filtered whiskeys is going to be better right off the bat now on the flavors for me on this one Trenton to me on on this year I get in a dark honey note right at the beginning but there's a lot of cinnamon in this one for me more than here yeah almost to the point of a Cinnabon not quite as much sweetness but almost Now give me one almost yeah to there and I'm still getting that that burnt toast Barrel charna that that balances everything out gives it the depth of flavor but the sweetness in here is just powerful for me there's there's still a lot of the maple from the nose that carries over the palette and I like the cinnamon because it's like you toss some cinnamon in maple syrup I'm not getting like the the super sweet stuff maybe like you are with the Cinnabon I would go more with like a like a thick syrup with with cinnamon a little Barrel Char a little it is dark I like when you said dark honey I like that note yep really nice it's so I I have to say I put I put a post on our patreon last night you know looking because you know of course I was doing a little prepping I'm sure you're working I'm sure I was a little excited then too and I put a post out saying I'm really curious to see Trenton's reaction to this because this is your first taste am I wrong yeah yeah first taste so what do you think foreign I wish this wasn't an export because I would drink this over this every day I know I mean it's truly oh well I shouldn't say that I was almost going to say it's night and day difference but it's not really yeah this is great this is amazing it it really elevates the bourbon in this example with nonchill filtered and if you're ever around if you have anybody traveling overseas if you've got somebody traveling especially we know it's in Canada thank you again Stuart Stuart thank you if you can get your hands on it um give it a shot try because this is great if you love this like I do holy cow yeah that's wild wild good comparison yeah all right that's all we got for you today I hope you learned something I did I had to study a little bit for this video so I learned some things as well so you did so sometimes you know I did so I hope you did as well this has been great thanks for letting me do some wild turkey yeah you know I I like wild turkey I don't mind tasting it every now and then so this was a cool cool comparison I've I've heard from other folks that this is spectacular yeah I don't want to say I didn't believe him but I was like how much how much different could it be from this I really when I took the first sip last night Trenton as I was doing a little prepping my eyes literally went holy holy fell out of your seat no I was sitting at recliner okay it'd be hard to follow that well that's true um live stream Friday Four Roses Four Roses blind Big Show don't miss it we've got giveaways we got we got a lot of fun canopy Kent will be back here this is our first live show after the bourbon Madness so we're back to the usual swing of things don't miss it Friday 8 P.M Central yeah hope to see you all there yeah always always a lot of fun please drink responsibly and we'll see you next time right down over check nine a good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 68,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon, whiskey, whisky, bourbon review, whiskey review, wild turkey, wild turkey rare breed, non chill filtered, barrel strength, cask strength, barrel proof, allocated, slb, slb drinks, austin nichols, russells reserve, campari, russells, eddie russell, antique, vintage, dusty, bourbon hunt, hunt, hunting
Id: ye1qJgMdIC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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