Early Times VS. Early Times - WHICH IS BEST?!

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hey all my name is kurt welcome back to slv basement bourbon bar as you can see trenton is behind the bar because we've got a big show a humdinger of a show right trenton yes we do yes we do back when we were doing our uh bottled and bond competition as you were all aware most of you are aware early times bottle and bond won that competition for good reason for good reason it was awfully good that's why however what was amazing to me is the conversations that lit up in the comment sections concerning brown foreman early times versus sazerac early times which one are you using are you using sazerac are you using brown for brown forman's better sazerac's not as good hey they're both the same it's all the same what are you talking about it was amazing i really did love all the conversations there and i tried to chime in you know the best i could and let me just get this out of the way right off the bat because as my wife knows every once in a blue moon i just possibly could be wrong maybe right honey maybe maybe so you are better than me i swear i swear on my life how to put ten dollars on a bet down that i never had the brown foreman early times in the bar but you guys are great you proved me wrong actually used it in a video so hey that is that uh you did you know and every every comment that i read on that said you know trenton was right you know trenton was right that's hard to read one for me that's hard to read trenton was right did you delete those comments i did not i left them up for the world to see so i apologize i apologize i misspoke but i i did it honestly i really i didn't remember and i know that's hard to believe too but at any rate we did have it at one time but but truthfully i wouldn't you know at that time i wouldn't even recognize the difference between a brown form and sazerac and things like that so what we have here in front of us tonight a couple of men were really really gracious to the show keith norton for one sent us samples of the brown foreman bottle also uh bill bill miller actually sent us a bottle that you can see i i left it up here because i got the black cap on it of the actual brown foreman release of early times guys we sure we certainly appreciate that and i want to be honest there were several more that even that even responded and and said they would and i said you know we already have some i didn't want to have you know have all of you sending stuff here so greatly appreciate that you guys are great it's fantastic so let me start out with this trenton what do we know about early times bottle and bond what are some of the information that we know it has to be aged for at least uh four years has to be aged at least four years because it's bottle and bond early times have a match bill of 79 percent corn 11 percent rye 10 malted barley okay also we know brown foreman sold the early times whiskey line to sazarak in june of 2020 okay so we know that took place right last thing we know about early times bottled bod is it's about 25 bucks for a whole liter depending on your area of course and it's flipping delicious it is right i think honestly one of the best best bargains and without question that you can get yeah without question it's really grown on me too over the last several months and he's 100 right one of the best bargains in bourbon a whole liter for roughly around 25 bucks you know depending on your area so those are some of the some of the details that we absolutely know so what i did for tonight what we want to do here is we want to blind taste trenton and i want to blind taste each bottle so rebecca went ahead and poured these we have no idea what i really wanted no mistakes yeah i wanted no mistakes with this so i know this may look a little awkward but we have the little glass and the big black the big glass rebecca poured one whether it's the sazerac or brown foreman in the little glass and the other one in the big glass i was wondering why that was and you know that's one of my corny ideas probably but that's i just i just absolutely wanted no way to screw this up because even if if she would have done it right i might have had switched you know what i mean so it's just like i just wanted i wanted no issues with this whatsoever now as you'll notice i i have not opened the bottle i took i took the wrapping off so you guys can see it as a black top and it is a brown foreman thank you bill for that i'm gonna i'll promise you that's coming open as soon as i drain this bottle here so what i did i thought in order to be a better comparison keith's bottle was already opened and he sent us samples of his bottle okay of course our sazerac bottle is open so i thought both have been open for a while it'd be a little bit better of a comparison all right so that's where i'm coming from let's dive into this and see we got going on because i can't wait to the end of the show i've got some some really neat information that i want to give you guys so don't skip out wait to the end of the show which one you want to start with i was going to ask you that question let's start with the big glass okay let's start with the big glass on the left again we have no idea this is the brown foreman or the sazerac early times i don't think i tried brown foreman when you had it it's possible because i was i was just getting into i just got into bourbon like a year and a half maybe two years ago and kurt gave me a george t stag to try it was like just when he was getting into bourbon and i i hated it i thought it was awful it was like 130 proof about burned my burned my tongue off so i don't think i had this that's hilarious [Music] wonderful nose as always wow [Music] so i haven't had anything to drink today so i'm wondering if because right when i drink it i i don't remember this tasting like the sazerac that i tried during our competition all right but man is it good it's good i don't know what's in the big i don't know what's in the big glen carrying there but that's quintessential bourbon for a bargain price it is how do you like that one are you going early times or wild turkey hey whatever that's good stuff i mean really really good you're typical for early times caramel toffee just a little bit of old goes down super smooth really really nice stuff all right let's go to the little glass see we've got here bud see what happens do you sense anything different with the nose this one seems to be maybe a little sweeter it does doesn't okay yeah that's why i brought it up what you know and i i know you know we also need to realize that you know with this little glass the nose is right up there on us compared to the other glass but i have to admit that that's correct shoot okay [Music] i'm gonna get into my nose thanks man that's my bottle there might be a booger in there no i wouldn't be surprised right this is so much sweeter than this one on the nose i i he's not lying really that's why actually i brought it up i made that comment just to see and i know so i know some of the the the info that you have about both of these and it's it stirred me for a loop yeah i know you know what's coming i don't know if it's just me but the the pal the nose doesn't transfer to the palate just as much as i thought it was going to yeah it's good though it's awfully good i'm trying to i need to go back to the first class the bigger glass but i almost drank all my i told your mom just to pour one ounce maybe we should have done more but i i i sensed the flavors honestly on this one to be similar to be very similar i thought it for first taste it might be a little bolder but then again i'm going to go back here and see you got to watch your mind plays tricks on these things too right here that's that you really got to watch that you gotta gotta take your mind completely out of this game okay after after drinking this one this one seems sweeter now you want to try babe they taste very similar i don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me or what that's uh that's unique that's that's i mean i i know he's pausing i'm pausing just a little bit because we're splitting hairs here this is very close i sense a lot of the same flavors to be truthful with you i sense the flavor palette to be roughly the same for the most part for me i'm trying to determine if one glass might have a little bolder flavors than the other that's where it is for me to me they both seem extremely similar in on the palette how long has this bottle been open you know is this one that i got for you and so i think that was like january february i was gonna say six yeah i was gonna say six months but i you know zig zag time is roughly about six months do you know how long keith's bottle's gonna open no i don't keith if you're watching the video comment below what how long your bottle's been open and i'll pin it to the top of the comments so everybody else can see how long like what the yeah the difference is between the open that's a good idea time all right your final thoughts they taste very much i hate to rush same but this this video could literally be 45 minutes and there's there's extremely subtle differences but that could just be the batch exactly you know yes but it's not right one doesn't taste extremely different than the other right right right that's my thought right what do you think well to me like i said before the nose is a little bit different but you know i also have to realize you know where that's one thing i didn't think about honey when i told you when i asked you use the smaller glasses but the nose is going to be right up on you on this glass compared to this glass not real concerned about that so the flavor palette to me seems very very similar i'm sensing the same flavors the caramel the toffee a little bit oak the beautiful things you find in early times i really do but to me the small glass seems to be a tiny bit bolder in the flavors than the big glass just by a little bit they just seem a little sweeter maybe a little bit you know bolder that's the best way i could put it yeah i agree that this is a like a little sweeter a very small amount and the flavors are a little bit elevated compared to the one on the glen exactly so at this point we know they're both early times bottle and bottom we know one is sazerac we know one is brown forming so honey which which bottle is in the big glencairn glass the large one is the bronforman so what's the samples yes the large one was the samples okay wow so the sazerac then in in turn would be in the smaller glass for us that's wild it leads me to this conversation because you know where i'm gonna go because kim and i've already talked about it so here's the thing as trenton mentioned there's a few things every bottle might be just a little bit different that that's a fact the batches might be just a tiny bit different as trenton alluded to already that's a fact bottles open up differently yep i in case in point an example for that is in the bottle and bond competition and my old granddad bottled and bond i had about this much left in my bottle and if you all remember when we were tasting that i was like boy i really have a butterscotch sense to that on the very back end of the palette right yep now since then that that bottle has been drained and i've had another one but before i drained that bottle i tasted both i tasted the new old grandad bottle and bond to the one that i had opened up i sensed no butterscotch on the back of my palette interesting now i truly believe that certain bottles will open up just slightly different than others some may be just a little bit better than others this might open up just a tiny bit better than the next sazerac bottle that we buy i'm a believer in that it's just it could be very subtle but it's very possible so with that in mind i will tell you this i really worked hard i really worked hard at trying to really figure this out because i know this is important to a lot of you folks i really do so i talked to a multiple people in the know i talked to i climbed up the ladder trust me when i tell you i can't tell names i was sworn basically to secrecy i can't give out names i just cannot do it but it was multiple people on multiple levels that are absolutely in the know they told me every so often a brown foreman tanker comes into the barton distillery dumps early times and they bottle it because sazerac has not aged the early times in the sufficient amount of times of four years so in their opinion and what their knowledge is you truly won't see an early times sazerac version until june sometime june or after 2020 i was told to expect it early 2025 and that makes sense and that makes sense so i i and listen you can take that as and everybody has an opinion and rightfully so i don't have any problem with that i'm just letting you know the information that i really really dug for and that i that i came up with so everybody has their own opinion you can go with what you want to go with but from what i'm told from people in the know is that no matter if it's blue top black top it doesn't matter at this point in time it's all brown foreman juice different cap same juice that's what i'm being told now what we decided though and i i truly i wouldn't lie i wouldn't lie to you folks i'm not trying to put this up i would never do that i truly felt that this that this little glass was just a little bit sweeter slight edge and it could be a little bit better it could be the batch it could be the bottle opened up nicely i'm interested now to hear what keith has to say about it you know how long his bottle's been open so there you have it that's that's what we're going with here at slb man i'm going to love to read the comments if if you have a brown foreman early times go out if you're able to buy a sazerac early times do a side by side let us know which one you pick because i'd be interested to see what people prefer or if they even can tell a difference in what they have at home that's a great idea fantastic idea hey that's all we have for you tonight i know that was pretty extensive i had a good time doing it thanks for coming up and helping with that trenton so hopefully that was somewhat educational and hope you had a good time watching as always we ask you to please drink responsibly hey see you next time right down here with me and trenton in the good old basement bourbon bar see you later [Music] you
Channel: SLB Drinks
Views: 45,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: early times, early times bourbon, best cheap bourbon, sazerac, bourbon, whiskey, whisky, brown-forman, best $20 bourbon, cheap bourbon, top 5 bourbon, buffalo trace, eagle rare, blantons, pappy, best bourbon 2022, best bourbon, best whiskey 2022, best whisky 2022, vs, bourbon battle
Id: 5DYV7qJCdy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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