The NEW KING of Face Swappers! Reactor Tutorial. Roop is dead.

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the best face swapper is here I'll show you how to use it and how to install it RP is dead also show you several workflows and tricks to it so stick around hey editing sa here just wanted to dive in quickly and tell you why reactor is better than rot now reactor gives you high resolution face swaps with upscaling works great with CPU only so you don't need a big py GPU works both for sdxl and 1.5 models automatically detects the gender age of the characters it's uncensored and it's still in development let's get back to the other set now oh and um I got hit in the head with a soda can yesterday luckily it was a soft drink AI we have an input image here so this woman here we have also this input image the Mona Lisa and the end result will be so here you have the same image but with a completely new face super simple I'll show you how now first off we we're going to use stable diffusion for this so if you don't have that installed check my previous video how to install that up in the corner right now then we're going to get the reactor extension and while RP was kind of the king previously RP has been discontinued you can still use it but it's not continually developed anymore so if you are on automatic 111 this is the link for you if you are on comy this is the link for you I'm going to have everything in the description below and you're also going to need to in install Visual Studio 2022 and you have two links here for Windows users you can either install the complete package or only Visual Studio C++ build tools if you want the easy version just get the big one here and if you want the the the light version you can go with a little link down here we're going to go with the The Big Easy one for now we're going to go here we're going to press Community free download we're going to continue here and it says getting the Visual Studio installer ready so we're just going to wait for this to finish I think it's time to start uh swapping up some of the pictures in this um this background here let we start implementing some sdxl images what do you guys think so the first step here is finished it has downloaded all the files and I just going to continue with installing these it's a fairly smooth process but depending on your computer and bandwidth could take a couple of minutes so if you're going to be playing a lot with stable Fusion and the extensions you might want to press Python and deskt development for C++ which might help you with other extensions but it's not necessary for now you can just press install here and we're going to continue without the workloads once that's finished you're going to go to step two here so we're going to copy this link here and then we're going go into stable diffusion we go into extensions up here install from URL and you're going to drop that link in there and press install use install tab to restart we going to go to install tab I'm going to press apply and restart UI and if everything worked correctly you should see in your terminal here reactor status running so that's great now that we're back in stable Fusion we're going to see reactor down here so this is going to be your new face swapper the new rou so to speak and there are several ways to achieve a facee swap first I'm going to show you the quickest way and that is with a previous image so if you go into image to image here and let's take the image that we had previously in the beginning of the video Let's drop that woman in there make sure you press the little ruler here to set the size and take the d noising strength set that to zero open your reactor and drop in the face you want to swap in this case the Mona Lisa press enable now you don't need to do anything else except press generate and now you'll get the image on the left with the face swapped from the input source here the Mona Lisa you can see here that reactor is working analyzing Source image analyzing Target image and it actually detects or well guesses ages of the character so we guess it that monisa was 44 and the original image here was 24 and as you can see in our result here we have a a quick swap of the face now this was a quick version so I've dropped in an image of of two people here now and if we just set this to D nois in zero again Chang in the size here and open up reactor we're going to drop in an image of Johnny Depp here I'm going to enable again and now you have this these little numbers here says zero and and that's where in the image the faces are going to be and it goes from left to right 0 1 2 3 Etc so this character here is number zero and this character here that's number one and if there would be another one that would be number two three four Etc so if we have the zero which is default this face will be changed and if we render this you can quickly see that the leftmost character now is more similar to depth with a mustache and if you would change that the target image result here to number one and render again we will see as soon as it's finished that the right C character here character on the right side will have the little Johnny Depp mustache and this works for multiple characters and even for multiple inputs so if you have an input with three characters here maybe you have a Johnny Depp Brad Pit and a Christian Bale you can separate them with the numbers here from left to right so let's say that you had Christian Bale here on the right you could say that um if you put 0 one here one Z here they would swap places John Depp on the left here would be John Depp on the right here and our imaginary Christian Bale here would be on the left on the the results and this works just as well if you are in text to image so we have man closer portrait I've loaded cinematic from my Styles those can be those can be downloaded for free in the description below I've loaded my face here and enable that and if we are generating here you can see that another pH comes in here at first and then as that's finished reactor swaps in with my face for the end result here so there are several ways you can work with reactor even with finished images or as you are generating just keep pushing out new images you could do like four Images here and just bash out a lot of images and see what works you can actually see a woman woman coming up here as well so this it's going to be interesting to see how that face gets turned into mine so looking at these four results we have um four characters here and three guys here and a woman that has my facial features not too shabby now you can use the upscale feature here I'm I'm most of the time using nmk CX if you don't have that you can use um R San 4X for example that will upscale your image after the after the face swap has been done you can reverse the order here if you want the upsc first and then the face swap how however the results are going to be worse so I recommend having this checked I also recommend having restore phase code former when using reactor in general I don't approve or I don't prefer using restore faces uh if you're just generating anything but inside a reactor I found the code for or restore faces works pretty well hey while you're here check out this video too as always have a good one see you
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 75,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Da6J3wjBx3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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