The New Goonzquad Headquarters Part 12

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it could be clogged or there's something something blocking away right now what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the new gun squad headquarters and as you guys seen in the previous videos we have been doing a lot of work in the backyard but we are accomplishing some pretty big things we already got this natural stone wall completely built and we even went ahead and started cleaning out some of this hill here got some of it grated and looking good and also we brought in some plants as well that we're almost ready to plant but before we can do that we actually want to clean up that hill just a little bit more there is some bigger rocks that we actually want to just get out of the way because we are probably going to plant some fescue grass so our plan is to actually throw a bunch of the fescue seeds down and then the straw blanket and fescue is actually really good for erosion control so that's our plans there i think that'll work just fine then we're actually going to plant the plants within that straw blanket just cut out where we need to cut out so our goal is to actually try to get this whole entire hillside 100 complete that way we could actually move on to bigger and better things but as right now let's just go ahead try to take care of this hill and hopefully get some plants planted [Music] all righty guys so we just started doing a little bit of cleanup on the side of this hill and you might have noticed us placing some rocks in certain areas like right there and right there and what do we do that for that's like basically where the water just like pours down whenever it rains as you can tell like between those rocks and that little crack in the rock right there so we just actually just place those rocks that way whenever the water lands it doesn't just like erode like the soil away it would actually like stop the water from hitting it hard yeah it kind of creates a crater there and instead of creating a crater it'll now kind of just like drop down and create a little sprinkler system splash the water away that way just don't eat our dirt away you know water our plants or whatnot heck yeah but we already removed most of the plants here because we're going to remove some of these bigger rocks and kind of straighten a few things out yeah straighten the dirt out and stuff like that but while we were doing this man we noticed something slithering amongst our feet or something and what did we find we found another snake and we got a baby one here dude and we got the gargantuan right here i had to i had to get the gargantuan out here dude but dude check this little guy out dude that looks super cool and this thing is actually called a yellow ring snake so you ain't got to worry about him being venomous on venomous the first snake that's not venomous so the first thing out of like five things that we found on this property that's not venomous i don't know right and this thing is pretty neat to uh i guess they call them just yellow ring snake just as you can tell that little yellow ring around his neck almost thought he was a black black rat snake or a black snake because those things actually eat other snakes so the copperheads and the rattlesnakes yeah i was hoping this was uh one of those but it wasn't i guess this i don't even know how big these little guys get maybe they stay this small who knows that may be full grown right there that makes for a good pet right there what do you think i don't i don't mind i don't mind this guy being around the house the copperheads and rattlesnakes we had to like get them miles away from they got to go that way or that way of 10 miles away from here this guy i don't care i'll just let him go right here because i mean he just looks cool you know cool snake man but anyways i guess we're going to probably relocate i don't know what we're going to do with it maybe we'll take him home and or something no we'll definitely i'll just leave him here you know this would be our little house uh snake that just slithers around the house we'll give him a name who knows what name should we name him let's drop that down in the comment section down below his name is gargantuan gargantuan right here dude he's yellow and that's the perfect name for him so we'll let this guy go right here but as of right now we're just going to continue working cleaning up this hill and get some more stuff done [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty guys so we went ahead and did the rest of the cleanup on that hill there and we did a little bit of dirt work as well just to smooth everything out then we broke out the seed gun right here and we actually planted some kentucky tall fescue let's take a look at what this stuff is capable of look at this man it's low maintenance durable soil adaptable climate tolerant and disease resistant man i think it'll grow just fine on the side of that hill there you even sprinkled some on like where it's like super strong i sprinkled some on the rocks just to see if that thing is capable of growing anywhere it might pop out of a rock you never know who knows but anyways the very next thing that we're gonna do is actually throw down a straw blanket we do got some super wide rolls over there but i think we're actually going to use that on the front end there which we should probably do that here soon yeah dude because i believe it's going to rain here soon so it'll be the perfect time that's ideal is to water it right after you put the seed down but i think we're actually going to buy some narrow narrower yeah probably like some four foot rolls i think we got like 10 foot rolls right now and just go ahead and cover everything and probably do another go around of this stuff right here just to make sure that we have enough seed down and just hopefully it's just nice and green and luscious there that i could see it now man it's gonna look beautiful and then we'll probably start planting some plants so let's just go ahead run to the local home depot or hardware store and pick up some more straw [Music] blanket [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] dang sun now that's what i'm talking about right there that looks nice and clean with a sheet of some straw blanket all over this hill well most of it there's a few patches that we didn't cover that's because we're gonna plant some plants there right yeah we're gonna plant some plants we're not gonna really focus on putting straw at the bottom over here because you know we're gonna we bought that soil and this is exactly where we want to place it all along these rocks that way we can plant the most most of the nice looking plants down here yeah probably those red ones right there what do you call those swords or something like that some kind of sword looking plants and some of these green grasses and then i mean we could we're definitely going to get some more plants to plant along the side because i think that'll look cool as well oh yeah and we're just going to probably cut into that straw blanket with those what kind of we have hole diggers yeah we got a pole digger and it's like perfect size for those pots so we'll just dig those uh holes out it should just cut through that stuff really easily do a few plants along the whole entire thing but i say dude that was pretty difficult to roll that thing out at the very top especially that was the most difficult part over there at the very top that's why we got a bunch of steaks out there we actually made steaks right we had to make steaks not the ones that you can eat man i wish we would have made those but you know what those things right there are holding in that net from hopefully don't get like washed away with the water but i don't think it's super steep up there you basically got to be a billy goat to climb up there without these 4x4 shoes right here man i wouldn't have been able to actually go up there cause like when it's dry this stuff is slick but when it's a little bit like wet and moist dude you can easily grip i might have to throw on my all-terrains right here because dude i was sleeping and up there these don't have abs so that's probably the problem but anyways i guess as of right now we're gonna probably go ahead dump the soil and start planting some plants right here yeah and i do think that we should actually whenever we dump the soil probably grab some of that black tarp to put on top that way we can do some mulch like towards the bottom i think that'll look pretty damn yeah i think the mulch should hold up at the bottom no problem right here because when we notice that the rain actually doesn't go too crazy it doesn't like just like drizzle it goes directly into the dirt so the dirt is like like a kind of like a sponge yeah it absorbs it really quick and there was barely even any water at the bottom over here so i mean if you didn't throw a uh what's called a drain irrigation piper yeah you probably wouldn't even have an issue but we're definitely going to yeah just to be on the safe side hey but also i was thinking about this once we do plant all the plants along everywhere this bottom end or whatever wherever we plant it maybe we should water it too dude we're probably gonna do what if we connect to our well dude that's what i was thinking there is some sort of weird pvc connection there yeah if we can like run to the hardware store and like find something that'll fit there buy a water hose run it all the way out here and just spray everything dude that would be pretty awesome because it does have some pretty dang good pressure dang good pressure i think it may be able to even power uh what's called a sprinkler system hey we made him get one of those i go that's exactly what i was thinking but i guess as right now let's plant these plants first and then we'll figure the rest of it out later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check that out guys we finally picked up some more mulch and we picked up a few other supplies not mulch uh soil it looks like mulch though it does really look like mulch almost resembles mulch because it's kind of like big chunks you're really kind of supposed to mix this stuff in with like the original dirt that's here but you know what we just said screw it let's just go ahead and drop it down how it is and this is just going to give a lot of nutrients to that actual original soil oh yeah for sure might as well like i think we're actually going to dig holes and then plant the plants and stuff like that then put soil in there and mix it all up like that that way these things can just flourish over here but dude we just we just got some work done with this wood it's not easy spreading that stuff it ain't it takes a little bit of time but look how good that looks i really do like i think black mulch is gonna look super good oh yeah dude that's why i said whenever we do like black mulch may have to get that plastic lining you know what i mean where we can do like like a little like loopy loop like a border pretty much yeah a little border that way whenever we just throw mulch it's actually like a nice line throughout the whole entire thing and it's also going to be contained and water's not going to wash it down we did grab some stuff for the well trying to hook up the well but i think we got the wrong yeah we got the wrong connections and stuff like that we should have took some pictures but we're going to take some pictures right now so early in the morning we can go ahead and grab all that stuff yeah that way once we knock all this stuff out we could just throw shoot some water at it man yeah this stuff all needs to get watered down afterwards but as of right now i guess uh the bugs are chirping so we're just gonna have to catch you guys tomorrow in the morning all righty guys so it is the next day here and we are back with some supplies here for our water right oh yeah dude we're gonna make a little connection for this little spout right here that way we can actually run a hose all the way to the backyard we got two 100 foot hoses and also we purchased a nice little sprinkler system i'm hoping that it actually powers this sucker up dude i'm sure it will dude definitely and another thing that we got to be careful with is if we like do something like this with the hose connected to it we can't actually i think have pressure on this pump right yeah we can't really like let go of that nozzle and like lock the line you know with water because that pump is always pumping we could possibly ruin it and we do not want to do that so we're probably not even gonna put that on there yeah probably not unless like you just always keep it open like this but doesn't that pump sit all the way at the bottom like 800 or 900 or eleven hundred thousand yes that's awesome if we do mess it up they gotta pull all that out which is gonna cost a pretty penny so i say we just don't fool with that either use it by a regular water hose or uh screw that in and then turn it on use the old good old thumb method over the water but anyways we also purchased this right here this elbow this is actually gonna go into the concrete slab over there and we're gonna run some water lines through this uh that's gonna probably be tomorrow actually i think the concrete guys are actually going to come out here yep and i think they'll do all the finishing work on it as well yeah because i mean the concrete is the expensive part the guys that come out here and finish it are like the laborers thought that experience it's fairly uh i think fairly priced inexpensive yeah fairly priced as well also got some grease dude you got to grease the machines up almost every single day man you got a pile like a gal like a five gallon bucket of grease because we with these machines you basically grease them up every day with the way we've been using heavy rocks and all that stuff dude we got to make sure that we get plenty of grease in the machines but as right now i guess we're about to test out the water and then uh we're not going to water this stuff yet right right yeah well i'm saying we just go ahead plug all this up and run the water hose back there you know then start planting some plants [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alrighty guys so we just planted some plants in the backyard that stuff is looking super good but the plumbers actually arrived here they already started doing some work on the inside here and also we're trying to locate our septic tank right yeah that's why uh this main guy came out here he actually got some kind of radar detector you might have seen that sucker just like going through the ground actually locates where the sewer line actually goes so he stuck it into the hole right there and it led it all the way down to here and we're trying to end up like right here somewhere because we believe the tank is right here but it actually stopped where this little blue line is that he actually marked right here there could be it could be clogged or there's something something blocking away right now yeah he pulled it out and it was mud at the tip of it which is kind of not a good sign because there could be a cracked pipe which mud got in but really not a big deal because we can just replace all that stuff we got an excavator right here so that's exactly what he probably wants to do is go ahead and dig it out just to see what's going on yeah we really want to figure this out because it's actually holding us back from pulling the permits to the shop that we're going to build right there the city actually wants to know where the line is and where the tank is that way we're 25 feet away from that sucker i mean if it's right here we are good to go you got to have like setbacks so yeah within the property lines and then off of septic tanks there's so much that we're learning but it's pretty dang cool i gotta say so we're gonna go ahead and see what he wants to do probably dig this sucker out and then we're gonna jump back to the backyard [Music] [Music] all righty guys so we just figured out our septic tank issue which that was crazy the pipe just ends dude it just ended off right there which uh actually makes sense because that dude said he actually had his rv sitting here for like five years so all he did was just connect it to the bottom over there that went straight into the tank spread into the tank but from the house they just ran the line and they never fully connected it which is actually a pretty good thing that's what the plumber is saying yeah he said that's really awesome because all he has to do now is just chop it and connect the extra tube just leave it straight to the sewer line i thought it was going to be an expensive repair but that's going to be a quick and easy fix right there you got the best plumbers in the game here as well dude those guys are awesome right there they know exactly what to do right and we went ahead and turned on the water just to test out the pressure because actually we're going to use that just to kind of put it in the pipe just to fill it up and like clean it out but you know what they no need for it now yeah no need we just wanted to test it out dude that's some decent pressure right there i think it'll run that uh what do we do oh sprinkler system sprinklers just no problem man it's gonna be awesome but i guess let's just go ahead cut it off let's finish up in the backyard and water everything let's do it [Music] yes sir it literally hits almost perfect right there from the very top we just needed to go a little bit further that way right there which we can adjust all that yeah definitely i'm about to adjust actually right now go ahead and adjust that thing man that is awesome dude plenty of pressure which is always a good thing but that's just off of a well pump no that's crazy dude i wonder if we're gonna have like any other sort of pumps once we get like that i think there's one gonna be in the house actually pulls the water from there that is awesome dude let's go ahead and set this sucker up right dude [Music] alrighty guys so that is pretty much going to be a wrap for today's video we just ended up watering this whole entire hillside along with all the plants we switched over from the sprinkler just by the thumb method just because we didn't want to risk damaging that pump on that well but anyways this is all watered up the plumbers are actually inside they're working we're going to give you guys an update on that here really soon but that's pretty much it for the backyard for now we're definitely going to add a lot more plants somewhere in the near future but as right now we're going to probably move on to some bigger and better things we got some awesome things on the way but you guys are gonna have to stay tuned for that so make sure you guys post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also if you want to inside scoop before youtube definitely give us a follow on instagram at goon squad but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 957,476
Rating: 4.9486232 out of 5
Keywords: the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad house, new goonzquad house, buying the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad garage, goonzquad garage update, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked trackhawk, rebuilding a wrecked supra, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini, rebuilding a wrecked car, building the new goonzquad garage
Id: GbWWypt-L_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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