The New Golden Heights Church of Christ Sunday Morning Worship Service 09/26/21

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[Music] [Music] back to the bibles what god has for me back to the bible then i will find back to the bible truth and peace of mind back [Music] amen he is so good he's so good till me will never hear so he is [Laughter] [Music] i love [Music] me will [Music] is is [Applause] i love is [Music] [Music] [Applause] so good [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] to be [Applause] to me let us pray heavenly father as we approach your majestic throne with grace and mercy before we ask for anything father we want to stop and say thank you thank you for the so many blessings you have so richly stored upon us thank you for anonymous another opportunity to come in your kingdom and be able to worship you once again in spirit and in truth follow hope choices for everything we do will be done decently in order and pleasing acceptable in your sight father recognizer of all sin that comes fruit of your glory that's why i've come in asking for your forgiveness not only your forgiveness but for your strength and your courage to not commit that same sin again father come on behalf of your dear servant dr washington father pray that you'll bless them bless his wife bless his family bless them all with the blessings that you see they stand in need of father become on behalf of the goddess church of christ as a whole father pray that you're still under instilling that's the mindset to be the christian man and woman that you want us to be father we thank for faith to recognize without faith it's impossible to please you father will come on behalf of all the members that are sick and shut in for the predator put them on the road to recovery so they'll be back in able to worship us once again in spirit and in truth now follow the prayers the word everybody be preached we pray every inspire somebody's souls to act what must i do to be saved in jesus name do prayer amen [Music] you know [Applause] [Music] looking for [Music] [Applause] remain attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] see this morning i will be reading from romans chapter 1 verses 16 and 17. again there's romans chapter 1 verses 16 and 17. and it reads as follows for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek but therein is the righteousness of god revealed from righteousness revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith may the lord that's the readers the hearers and especially the doers of his holy in his word [Music] [Applause] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i can't stay there [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who wants me to stand [Music] oh uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i am [Music] he's [Applause] will [Music] [Music] he will go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love him [Music] [Applause] we know [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] of the [Music] the empty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] through is [Applause] [Laughter] foreign [Music] is you [Applause] yes [Applause] amen again said this time like you mean it oh thank you for being with us today and another worship god is certainly good he's always good and we are just absolutely excited about the fact that we serve a god that change is not he said i'm the same yesterday today [Music] and forever and so we are just grateful and gratified uh for his uh for his goodness we may not feel as well as we want to feel or would like to feel but at least we are able to put one foot in front of the other as slow as we might be as we meander on this earth we're just grateful that we are still here and it's because of the goodness and the graciousness of our god he is a lie and not only is he alive but he is unchangeable i am the lord i change not the bible says and so we are just grateful let me say uh to those who are tuned in to our live streaming a worship service this morning and for those who are listening around the world we want to send greetings and felicitations to all of you wherever you are all across this nation we hear from you and we are grateful and gratified for your comments uh 99 of them are encouraging and but we do have that one percent uh who have some real problems uh with the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ but um we understand that paul said i charge you before god that you preach the gospel preach the word charge you therefore before the lord jesus preached the word not only be not only preached the word but he said be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time [Music] will come when men will not endure sound doctrine and they shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they should turn their ears away from the truth but shall be turned unto favor but what's that in all things into affliction do the work of an evangelist make full proof of their ministry for i am now ready to be offered and my departure is at hand and then he comes to the end of that particular thought he said but i've fought a good thing i've kept the faith and forth there was later for me a crime of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me in that day and not to me only but to all of them that love is appearing and so it is good to know that god is depending on believers wherever you are in the world he is depending on you to maintain the continuation and the elongation of his holy and divine word and so for those who are watching around the world just know that we love you and we thank you for viewing we thank you for contributing because it helps us uh stay on the air this church the new golden heights church of christ is the only congregation of the church of christ in the united states that has a weekly television program that he is getting the gospel around the world and telling it like it is it is a rare thing to turn your television on and hear the gospel of jesus christ that doesn't have anything to do with me it's just it's the gospel of jesus christ that's important and that's why we are entering in entering into this into this series and so i thank god for you golden heights i thank god for you that you continually support and you didn't just start but you have uh for years always supported the fundamental gospel of jesus christ and i'm certainly not bragging but we are the only one with a national and international worldwide proclamation of the gospel of jesus christ and that's what god expects us to do so just i don't want you to beat yourself on the chest but i do want to uh encourage you and congratulate you that you have sacrificed and you have given and you are still giving that this gospel might go around the world and so as a member of this church as a member of the new golden heights church of christ you can safely say that we support not only the gospel but we support it to the extent that we send it all around the world and you can't uh many of you maybe some of you can go to africa and uh uh poland holland london you probably would never be able to to go into the darkest uh uh huts of africa you won't be able to do that but you do do it when you support uh the gospel by way of television where people around the world can hear the gospel of jesus christ and that's what god wants you to do and i just want to thank this church and i'm so proud of you that you didn't just start you've been doing this for quite some time and it's not easy we have to be sure that we manage what we have to make sure that we not only can sustain what we have but that we can use what we have to get this gospel around the world and so uh members of the heights just know that god is proud of you uh he's proud of you because jesus is proud of you because you're doing what he asks you to do and i don't know how you're doing on a local level but you're doing it on an international level you're talking to people around the world every sunday morning and you were telling them uh through your support of the gospel that there is no way to god except by jesus christ and so for before i get into this gospel series i i wanted to say that to you and that is that you're doing something that puts you and i don't want to sound like i'm bragging but it puts you uh in a class uh by yourself and uh if it sounds like i'm bragging then uh that's what i'm doing of course uh i don't call it bragging i call it encouraging you to continue to get this gospel out uh continue to do what no one else is doing in terms of our faith in terms of the body of christ and so i don't want that you get the big head but i do want you uh to know what you're doing and how important it is that you can tell others that we support the gospel around the world not just next door but we we support the gospel around the world and not only that but you're in a class by yourself and uh that's not something to brag about it is something to be thankful for that we have been able to maintain the preaching of the gospel around the world people all across the nation and all around the world are hearing the gospel every week because of your giving and because of your uh willingness to sustain the gospel of jesus christ folk that you'll never meet folk that you'll never know uh gotta call the other day from a uh member of the body of christ who was congratulating us on the gospel of jesus christ and the preaching of it and and she was saying that uh all of my grandchildren have been baptized uh from the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ and so you'll never know the good that you do and and you don't want to stop and i wanted to pause before i get into this gospel thing because i'm going to be a little rough the water is going to get a little rough right along in here and but i want to congratulate you i just want you to know the great job that you're doing and not only are you preaching the gospel around the world but we cover this church covers all of south florida with the gospel of jesus christ anybody in south florida anybody in the bahamas i want to hear the gospel of god and the gospel of christ but you turn on the golden heights program every sunday morning and all of south florida at wmbm we're on every sunday morning and so we cover all of south florida and we cover all of west palm beach uh what is that station in sugar 900 every day the gospel of christ is heard supported by this church and and and every day all of broward and west palm beach is covered by the gospel of jesus christ w-e-x-y we are on every day and we invite people to listen so just know that we are not only uh singing and praying but we are supporting the preaching of the gospel throughout all of south florida we cover from orlando all the way to the other side of key west the gospel of jesus christ you can hear and i want to say to those who live in this area hey you can hear the gospel because it's brought to all of south florida every day by the new golden ice church of christ and so uh i want you to continue that i don't want you to ever stop even though it's a sacrifice for some of you it's a sacrifice uh because it it's a financial burden but it is a burden that we have been bearing for quite some time and when nobody is complaining that i know about i know nobody uh nobody is complaining about it we we just happily do it and so i encourage you to continue that continue that wherever you are if you live in south florida tell your friends turned the program on uh from orlando all the way to key west and the bahamas and all of the caribbean we support the gospel of jesus christ as well as around the world so i want to congratulate you um it's not it's not it's not all about me of course i'm doing the preaching but but if you weren't supporting wouldn't nobody hear me out there so we just thank god that you are a church that believe in the proclamation of the gospel of jesus christ and and i've said to you so many times and you already know that the gospel is the power of god and i say that so many times that's what it is it's the power of god it's not just some preacher preaching the gospel is the power of god and it is the only power on earth to save mankind and and you involved in it and i i just love you and i appreciate you uh and i pray that you will never stop supporting getting the gospel out to people who have never heard it before and folk that you'll never see but at least you are providing an opportunity for anybody who want to hear the gospel of jesus christ to turn the radio on turn your tv on whatever you got to turn on turn your phone whatever you got new golden heights is there and the voice of the gospel is being heard around the world so i want to thank not only this church but again those who were in our media church all over south florida we just thank you for your support and your encouragement in preaching the gospel of jesus christ now uh i said that because that's that's that's the uh that's there's some money introduction to what i'm going to get into here uh in a few minutes about the about the gospel of jesus the gospel of jesus christ now i know you have heard uh sermons on the gospel very rarely though you hear one on the gospel i mean you hear sermons but very rarely do you hear one on the old time gospel preached by paul and silas and uh because those who preached the gospel was not very popular those who preached the gospel in the first century were they were they were not they were not very popular uh ask paul and paul will tell you that i was beaten thrice three times i was beaten and i was in peril in the land and peril in the sea and in peril among false brothering what for paul because i preach the gospel and so it's not an easy thing to preach the gospel i know i mean i i know the criticism i know backstabbing i know all about it there's nothing anybody can tell me about uh you know criticism one gets for preaching the gospel and and this new generation has been on inundated uh with this business uh uh that's old school that's old school that's old-timey well new time they can send you to hell uh say amen when you can yeah this this new time stuff can send you to hell because jesus says i want you to go and preach not new stuff preach the gospel and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved there's no other way to be saved except by the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ the gospel is enough it is enough i i want to i want i want to be sure we understand that the gospel is enough whatever is going on in the world whatever is going on at your place whatever is going on in my place whatever is going on in the world where whatever is going on in the city whatever is going on wherever you are i announce to you today the gospel is enough no no no no new ology just the same ology and that's the gospel of jesus christ and the reason it is enough it is because in it we find the power of god and and there is no other entity as powerful as the gospel of jesus christ i want you to i want to get that down in your spirit i want to i want to get that down in your spirit i know those of you who've been members of the church all your life you know we've come up with this thing about i heard that before i know what mark 16 i didn't yeah i understand all of that but you also must understand that without the gospel and without obedience to the gospel there will be no going to heaven i i want to be sure we under all we all understand that uh so uh i want to begin this series now this is just the beginning this is just the beginning of the series it's going to get a little rough up in here but that's okay uh not today but if you just stick with us if you just stick with us i think you'll you'll um you'll be you'll be helped i don't want anybody to think i'm impersonating because some who might listen to this uh to this series will say that um uh he's talking about uh brother so-and-so he's talking about whatever i'm not talking about anybody i'm talking about jesus and i'm talking about what jesus wants us to know and what jesus wants us to do in order to be saved now the gospel is relevant it is relevant it is as relevant today as it was in the first century i'll prove that in this series the gospel is as relevant today as it was in the first century and and not only that but the gospel is the answer the gospel is the answer to humanism the gospel is the answer to secularism the gospel is an answer of their answer to liberalism the gospel is the answer to modernism all of these islams that have come up in the realm of theology and in the realm of religion all of these ologies all of these are isms uh in america and today i have come up because there has been a complete ignoring of the fundamental gospel of jesus christ and what it has done a lack of preaching of the gospel has caused members of the body of christ to go to sleep and when i say go to sleep that means unaware unaware desensitized to what it is we need to be doing as members of churches of christ and so it's important this message for us i'm concerned is as important as the one that the ones that i've done down through the years the first five minutes after death thousands have were baptized and they're still being baptized off that sermon um drinking too far below the fountain all of those uh there was no bibles in joan town all of those sermons uh are still baptizing people and the reason that they are is because uh in those sermons you get a chance to hear the gospel of jesus christ and so uh humanism and secularism and modernism all of these new ologies all of these images all of these islams that have come up now because when you turn your television on i turn your radio on today uh 95 of all of the uh programs on television and and radio all of them uh very rarely none of them is what i need to say uh really tell folk how to be saved they they they talk about uh everything other than how to be saved and those who attempt to tell folk how to be saved they tell them some stuff that's not even written in the bible and and so it's it's it's sad but um we don't need any new ologies we don't need the sinner's prayer uh we don't need any of that stuff and the reason we don't need it is because the gospel is enough it's enough we don't need we don't need any of that uh but uh because of the days and the times in which we live we when i say we i'm talking about believers have allowed ourselves to be put to sleep uh with new ologies and new theologies and and and and academicology uh we we we've allowed ourselves to go to sleep and and and and we've allowed ourselves to be carried away with the sound of what's being said from the pulpit rather than the truth of what's being said from the pulpit and and so you need and for many of you here today this is just a reminder but i want to make sure you get it and and those of you who are here today who is not a member of the body of christ i want to be sure that you understand there's no other way to be saved there is no other way to deal with the institutes of life without the gospel of jesus christ whatever you're going through and i'll show that later on whatever you're going through in life god put the remedy for whatever it is in the gospel jesus says i have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly and when jesus died on that old rugged cross he created a a system he created a way of life if obeyed by humanity today uh we would have a better life not only a better life but we will be able to better deal with the the institutes of life the gospel uh is enough now here is the proposition uh that i will be using in the series uh every message need a proposition that is a methodology every message uh needs to have a purpose it needs to have an intent and not only does it need to have a purpose and an intent but uh the purpose and the intent needs to be proved before the preacher sits down if you're in if the preacher's intent uh is to preach then uh the preacher has to preach from a position not only of power but from a uh position of clarity so the folk will understand what it is you're trying to do this is why the introduction is taking so long uh because i want you to be sure that you understand what it is that the preacher is seeking is seeking to do and and and you can systematically follow now you have your bulletins and you're able to take notes i want you to take notes but now uh the proposition that i shall pursue uh in the next uh and the next few sundays the proposition that i uh will pursue in the next few sunday is that the holiest bible teaches the holy bible teaches the gospel of god in christ jesus in the new testament is god's only plan for saving humanity today now that's what i'm proposing and that's what i want those who are listening around the world i want you to be i want you to be clear uh on what i'm doing and what i shall be doing and that is that in this series the proposition is that the holy book i shall prove that the holy bible teaches that uh the gospel in jesus christ is the only methodology for saving men and women today and that's what i'm going to prove i'm going to prove that uh those of you who do not have the gospel who have not obeyed the gospel and are not thinking about obeying the gospel i want you to know your position and i want you to know how you stand uh in the face of god and what god thinks about those of us who refuse to obey the gospel of jesus christ now that's the proposition i read it again the holy bible teaches the gospel of god in christ jesus in the new testament is god's only plan for saving humanity today and i will be sure you get that i'm proposing that the gospel of god in jesus christ is god's only plan for saving men today there is no other plan except the gospel plan of salvation that's how important it is and because uh it is very important it should not be ignored it should not take second place it should not take second place to singing it should not take second place to praise him it should not take second place to feeling good it should take first place because one it is the power of god and there is no other way boys and girls men and women can be saved except by the gospel of jesus christ and that's what i that's my proposition and that's what i should prove as we move forward second of course after the proposition is the definition what do you mean by the preacher by the gospel here is what i mean here's what i shall prove that the gospel is the sum total of god's saving truth as he has demanded commanded communicated and revealed through his son jesus christ and the holy scripture what is the gospel it is the sum total of god's saving plan there is nothing outside of the gospel of jesus christ capable of saving men and women today the gospel is god's total plan for saving man in other words save or saving comes from an original word soteria and it means deliverance so when i say we are saved through the gospel i am saved that the gospel is the only way that men and women today can be delivered from whatever problem that you're having so far as your salvation is concerned there is no other way to be delivered you cannot be delivered spiritually any other way except by and through obedience to the gospel of jesus christ that's what i'm saying uh and that's what i shall prove now with uh jermaine to the definition is the uh is the etymology of the word gospel where that word come from the word gospel where did it come from what is the gospel it is a sum total of what god has given us through jesus christ the word gospel comes from an original word yuan jillian yuan julian what does that mean [Music] you angelion is the greek word for our english word gospel now we say gospel and you hear me saying gospel gospel gospel where gospel is the english word derived from the original greek word yuan julian and it means good news now the gospel you need to write that down you you know you on jelly on you don't have to worry about that that's the greek but the gospel comes from an original greek word meaning good news good news so if you don't know anything else about the gospel here's what you need to know the gospel is good news it is the good news of god not only is it is it the good news of god but peter said seeing you purified your soul and obeying the truth unto unfeigned love for the brotherhood see that you love one another with a pure heart fervently peter makes known that it is important that we understand that the grasp of 2nd peter chapter 1 verse 20 at 2 that we understand that the word of god liveth and abideth forever now we need to be sure we understand that seeing that you purified your soul peter said that you understand even in your souls that the grass withering the flowers falleth away but the word of our god endureth forever and this is the word which by watch this the gospel is preached unto you and so then if a preacher is going to preach the word he has to preach the gospel and if he doesn't preach the gospel he is not preaching the word i'll show all of this as we move as we move forward uh and god placed the gospel in the word and paul says all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction instruction that the man of god might be perfectly fairly furnished until all good work and so then the gospel is god's power to save and not only is it god's power to save but god forecasted it in scripture romans uh chapter number one and verse number four and you can put that on the screen and leave it up there uh romans chapter 1 and verse actually it's verse number two but that's okay we'll get there romans chapter one paul writes to the church at rome and here's what he had to say uh paul verse 1 paul a servant of jesus christ to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of god and watch this paul says he was an apostle separated unto the gospel of god which god had promised afford by his prophets in the holy scriptures so the gospel is not something new now i just quoted ii timothy 3 all scripture is given by the inspiration of god in the scriptures that is in the old testament scripture all scripture old testament scripture new testament scripture all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and it's profitable for doctoring gospel the gospel is doctrine so if you're going to preach the gospel you have to preach doctrine because the gospel is doctrine now we've reached a point in our existence where members of the body of christ uh are not impressed with doctrine but hear me clearly without doctoring you are without a religious or spiritual leg to stand on you have to understand that now watch this paul says paul the servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated unto the grace of god which he has promised which god has promised before by his prophets in the holy scripture in the old testament god was forecasting the gospel in the scriptures in the old testament in the old testament scriptures god was forecasting the gospel to watch the next verse concerning his son jesus christ our lord which was made of the seed of david according to the flesh and declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead that's the gospel that's the gospel and it's not some new ology and i know there were so many of our folk particularly our young folk who never heard the words of the gospel but i submit to you that god was perfecting his gospel in christ jesus before the word began and he put it in scripture and the old testament prophets prophesied the gospel now in genesis 12 god speaks to abraham and he said in thou see that that's that's a that's the gospel message that's the gospel message god preached the gospel to abraham he gave the gospel to abraham what is the gospel the good news what is the good news that in you abraham all of the nations of the earth will be blessed but not without the gospel there is no blessing without the gospel there is no blessing without the carrying out of the gospel of jesus christ therefore one cannot relegate the gospel to second place therefore you and you in tv land [Music] don't be loved to sleep by feel good teaching and feel good preaching because everything get this that god wanted you to know and do he put [Music] in the gospel is in there i'll prove that i'll i'll show you that it's in there it's in the gospel we're going to watch it i'm having a difficult time i'm having a difficult time personally from a personal point of view i'm having a difficult time what can i do go to the gospel because what you need and what i need [Music] is in the gospel if you want to experience the power of god in your life you have to go where god's power is and it's in the gospel of jesus christ ah now the gospel is god's rescue plan for our redemption whatever your problem is or whatever your problems or whatever you are going through in your personal life god has a rescue plan and that rescue plan is in the gospel i'll show you all the good things that's in the gospel because we've heard about the gospel but we don't know about all the good things that are in the gospel and so this preacher is suggesting that if there is no preaching of the gospel of jesus christ and now when i say gospel of jesus christ i'm not of course jesus is the gospel because that's where uh that that's what god meant that's what god did that was god modest apparently in terms of saving the world and that is uh he put everything in his son uh jesus christ but uh we have to understand that jesus christ loves us and there is no question about that but we also have to understand that jesus christ has a doctrine and we must know what that doctrine is and our problem is from the pulpits across this nation doctrine is not being preached and therefore those that were brother preacher um uh i preach christ i preach christ you cannot preach christ without preaching the doctrine of christ you cannot preach christ without telling folk how to get into christ how to stay into christ how to die into christ blessed are the dead that dieth in the lord and so it's important therefore that we understand the power and i know you see i've been in this business uh a long time i i you know and i don't become intimidated by uh folks who have no idea what the gospel is i i'm not intimidated by folks who come to church and follow their arms and when is he going to preach i'm not intimidated by that i feel sorry for you i feel real sorry for you because if you think church is just praising god and jumping up and feeling good and cramping your hand you have the wrong concept of church yeah the wrong concept of church but we have been loved to sleep [Music] by teachers and the people know who these teachers are and they're very popular paul says and i quote it again i charge you therefore before god in the lord jesus christ who should judge the quicken the dead and his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be a sin and seized out of season will prove him if you can exhaust that's gospel reprove if you can exalt with all wrong suffering induction for the time will come when folk will come to church for their arm and become disenchanted with the with the doctrine that's found in the gospel of jesus christ and that's why we're not establishing churches all across this nation that's why we're not establishing churches all across this nation and and there are young folk in the church between between 25 and and 50 who know nothing about establishment of a church they're members of the body of christ between the age of 25 and 30 are 25 and 50. know nothing about going into a city where the gospel has never been preached and preaching the gospel and establishing a congregation there are folk in the church between the age of 25 and 50 know nothing about ten meetings of course i'm not advocating ten meetings anymore because we're living in a different age now because someone would have come and i did ten meetings and you know i did ten meetings all across this nation uh in years past that's how we did what we did but know nothing about gospel meetings they don't know anything about gospel meetings what's the gospel meeting well that's how congregations of the churches of christ was established and the church that you were in i'm talking to believers now and the congregation that you are in was a stop and we need to check our history was established by the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ unless it's a split now the only way say the only way not the only way but one of the major ways that congregations get established in this day and time is by church splits for an example we may have folks sitting here who say well you know i i heard dr sunderland i'm hearing doc now but i'm not interested in what he's saying and he said he's going to be on that for quite a while so i'm not going back till they get off of that i understand that and i'm not intimidated by that but here's what people will do people instead of going into a city where there is no congregation of the church of christ and establishing one the murders operandi now is split the one you in and go across town and start a new church so new congregations new churches the bulk of them that you see open today congregations that sp of the churches of christ that sprung up in the last 20 years sprang up because of a split in other words somebody in the original church the mother church became upset with something that happened pouring off 25 or 30 members went down the street and started another congregation and called it the church of christ and it's sad to say but if we were to check our history of local congregations of the churches of christ we will find that 90 of them were not established by someone coming to town setting up a class or in days past a tent meeting and establishing a local congregation that's not how that thing got started but how did he get started someone got angry and went across town and spotted it without the blessing [Music] of the mother church and that's how i got started let me give you some statistics here well let me journalize it rather than give you specifics most of the congregations of their body of the body of christ in the last 20 25 years are the results of splits you know what a split is i just explained it to you a spinach brother so-and-so decided he wanted to start him something so he influenced 20 members to go with him uh down there by the courthouse and that's where they're meeting now and then they put out a sign that says church of christ that's a split and it's dangerous it is dangerous to seek to destroy the temple of god dangerous and so it is pathetic i know this is not going over good with something but that's all right does mama say it's true anywho it's tragic and and i'm not fussing at members who do not know that's that's not what doc is doing because many of you sitting here are not aware of the history he's talking about but what i'm saying to you is the gospel demand that church members do what we do what do we do we spread the gospel how do you spread the gospel not by splitting a church not god becoming angry with someone in the church and then and and this is what some preachers do they pull off 25 and listen let me tell you something that you already know and that is there are members of the church who will follow anybody they will follow anybody it doesn't matter what they preach it doesn't matter what they're teaching they will follow anybody so what i am saying to you is we need to be sure we understand we need to be clear on what the gospel of jesus christ is because in it is the power of god let me make one more point maybe two and that is i need to tell you what the gospel is not i need to tell you what the gospel is not the gospel is not social work social work is important parametrically i wanted to add that social work is important feeding the hungry we do that we do that before covert 19 we were feeding over 3 000 reginald and this group was feeding over 30 over 3 000 folks and and continually we do it every year so social work is important i'm not advocating that we cannot get involved in social work but social work is not the gospel of jesus christ feeding the hungry is necessary and it's admirable and is good and it's a good work but that's not the gospel of jesus christ and that's not a substitute for the gospel of jesus christ social work is not the gospel of jesus christ social justice is not the gospel of jesus christ but being involved in the movements the black lives matter the movements the civil rights movement i was a part of the civil rights movement and when i look at what's going on today you know i just yawned because i was a part of it i mean i was in i was in the group where whether where policemen had dogs and where policemen uh put us in jail for what what were you you all doing doc we were marching for the right to sit at the counter at in uh uh in woodwork and drink a cup of coffee and we and my cosmic bishop college and raleigh college is where uh we had our demonstration and they arrested us so i'm a part of that i know all about that for years i served as president of the naacp in marshall texas i'm aware of all of that social justice have no problem with that but social but to justice participation is not the gospel i'm not advocating don't participate i'm simply saying to you it is not the gospel of jesus christ and don't think you can substitute it for the gospel of jesus christ it cannot be substituted for social justice now if you want to go out there and do what you do do i was out there i was out there when i was in college i was out there i was out there i was one of those that was herded by the policemen into the courthouse and they sat us down on the floor and threatened us and told us if you come back down here we're going to put you in jail and we say yes sir and when tomorrow came right back down there so i've been there done that don't have anything against it but social justice is not the gospel of jesus christ wants you to be a bit separate to social justice political involvement you register people to vote nothing wrong with that you encourage folk to vote nothing wrong with that you should vote you need to vote there's nothing wrong with that but political environment is not the gospel of jesus christ because you cannot vote if you don't want to but you cannot fail to obey the gospel and be saved there's a difference and the gospel of jesus christ is not to be tampered with it is not to be tampered with one of the most dangerous thing in the world is for preacher to tamper or teach her to tamper with the gospel of jesus christ mark said quoting jesus what god has joined together the new king the new king james virgin says what god has joined together let no man separate and the new american standard version of uh 1977 says the same thing but god has joined together let no man separate which means what god has put in his word with regard to the gospel is not to be tampered with but god has joined together let not man put asunder john on the isle of parliament in revelation 22 verse 16. the reading is clear that we are not to add to god's word not subtract from god's word for he that added to god's word all subtracts from god's word god shall add unto him the plagues that are written in the book so there the gospel is not to be tampered with the gospel is not to fit my imagination is not to fit your imagination don't bother it don't touch it whatever the gospel says that's it because in the gospel is the salvation of god almighty now one more thing it's it's difficult to get people to see and understand us because we're living we're living in in a different generation now and it's not the young folks fault really not their fault you see back in the day and i'm i guess i'm older than everybody in here oh i'm the only one that will admit how old i am and then i won't even admit it ah praise the name of jesus but in proverbs chapter 30 put that on the screen and leave it up there proverbs 30. uh we're living in a rebellious generation that's why the gospel does not have its impact that issue it's the power of god but it's not being impactful and the reason it's not impactful is because we're living in a dangerous generation now i call for proverbs chapter number 30. and i want you to go over there with you you've got your bibles proverbs chapter 30 and if you don't have a bible just write it down anyway proverbs chapter number 30. my point was we're living in difficult times now and the gospel does not have its effect not that it's not powerful but it does not have this effect because of the generation in which we're living look at verse 11 of our proverbs chapter 30 and verse 11. this is number one so go ahead and write it go ahead and put one this is the first generation one and then circle it so you know when you go back there is a generation that curses their father and do is not bless that's the generation we're living in we're living in a generation where uh where where young folk crush the daddy out and don't have anything good to say about the mother and feel no pain that's like first generation now let's look at verse 12. there is a generation that a pure in their own eyes can't tell them anything mama tries to tell him that boy listen i know you think you're smart you're smelling yourself but you better listen and the same thing to that dog i i know you think he but verse 12 says that's a second generation there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes you can't tell them anything you can't tell them anything 13 years old they tell mama what to do i do what i want to do pure in their own eyes that's the second generation now there's a third generation there is a generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up oh my goodness i am so pretty i am so handsome they look at themselves in the mirror and say to themselves washington how good you look and how long did it take you to get this way [Music] lift it up in your own eyes i'm pretty and i know it i'm handsome and i know it can't know why can't nobody tell them anything verse 14 there is a generation whose teeth are as swords and the jaw teeth as knives to divide the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men that they curse anybody i used to go to this farmer's market i think is what they call it what what's in them filling stations you go in that you're running and get gas almost on every corner uh farmer's mark whatever that is i don't know anymore but uh i don't but uh i just used to stop by because we had a couple down there near where we lived and uh i'd drive in and get them quick gas and take off went in there one day and there was a there was a uh i was standing in line and uh wasn't a long night uh and waiting to pay the guy to get some gas out there and uh two or three young brothers walked in and uh i'm standing there i'm waiting you know for the folk in front of me to move on and these brothers didn't get in line i mean they walked up stood beside me what's going on man what's going on man and uh you don't mind [Music] [Applause] we're living in a dangerous time you know that was a time back in the day because you know many of you not old enough to know this but back in the day in the community in which we live i mean when we were children if you act up miss nixon will whoop you and then she'll tell mama and when you get up and mama will we'll give you another one he said nixon don't tell mama i i i don't tell mom because she or what me yeah i know but you mess around you mess around and hit a child today even though he was or she was wrong can he come mom and daddy with a gun well this is a generation in which we live so you want to write that down there are four i believe there's four generations there in the four generations there yeah uh in verse number 11 verse number 12 verse number 13 verse in four generations that hinders the gospel of jesus christ now while you were in proverbs um verse number five and six verse number five and six and i'm going to stop right there uh verse number five and six uh proverbs 30 verse 5 and 6. you're probably already over there every word of god is pure he is a shield unto them that put that trust in him and thou not unto his word whatever the gospel says that's it unless he reprove thee and that be found alive every word of god is pure but there are folk who will not listen to the word some years ago i was called to come down to a place not far from here because they were having some problems and they wanted me to come down and see what i can do they helped them out church almost ready to blow up so i got in the bible it went down there and when i got there the church was full of folk and i knew that something was going on because they had more folk at this fight than they have on sunday morning for worship and so they said we have brother washington here we we we uh we'd like him to to say a word help us out and uh they were trying to dismiss the evangelists what they were trying to do and i went down hopefully maybe just save him if i could and uh and so i said thank you very much and i got up and i said um now first of all we need to respect what the bible says what brother in the back when i said that got up and said i don't care what that bible say and then so and so and so and so well then but my job down here is finished my job was finished because if this church doesn't care what the bible says then you're sent for the wrong man because all i have is the bible now if you don't want to obey the bible if you don't want to obey the god i don't have any goodness down here but there is a generation of folk who refuse to obey god's word and so the gospel does not have its effect today because of the generations in which we live now just know that every person in the room who have not obeyed the gospel of jesus christ you are in a dangerous state [Music] you see there are two states of men are men religiously they're two states one is the state of b b-e and i'll start there next time because it'll take me too long to explain this there is a state of be and then there is a state of become we are either in the be state or we are in the become state if any man be in christ he has become a new creature so in order to be saved you have to leave one state in order to become [Music] another state going from the state of bbe to the state of become which means that there is a change that need to be made on the day of pentecost the people on that day ask peter what must we do because they had murdered the son of god and peter said to them you're going to have to make a change you're going to have to repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins and then you shall receive that's the state of become in other words you have to go from this and i'll explain this next time i'll start here next time moving from the state of be be to the state of become now if you want to become what god wants you to become you're going to have to obey the gospel in order to become what god wants you to become but to become what god wants you to become you're going to have to leave the state of be because b is a static state b is who you are b is what you are b is where you are b is a state of being but now if you want to become you're gonna have to you're gonna have to leave the state of wherever you are in order to become what god wants you to become because that's what the gospel says how does one do that you do that by believing that jesus who we say he is by repenting of all of your past sin by confessing his name by being baptized for remission of sins and if perchance you are in the house and you have not obeyed the gospel of jesus christ you're in a dangerous state paul said for the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels taking vengeance on them that know not god and have obeyed not the gospel of jesus christ you're in a dangerous state if you have not obeyed the gospel of jesus christ if you're in the house in the bathroom wherever you are and you want to obey jesus christ in order to become what god wants you to become to become what god wants you to become you're gonna have to leave the state of be wherever you are if it's not in christ jesus baptism will put you into a new state which is a state of become moving from what you are what you were that you might become a child of god now if you're in the house and you want to ask the church to forgive you for sins if you want to ask the church to pray for you then we'll do that we'll pray for you but we can do no more than what the gospel says and the gospel tells us to pray one for another for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man all woman are very much and for those of you in tv land those of you who are watching us those of you who are watching us online those of you wherever you are in the world who's watching uh us viewing this program online we'll pray for you too we pray for you too because the bible tells us for the eyes of the lord is over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of the lord is against him that do evil we'll pray for you if you so desire if you're here this morning and you want to say yes to the lord if you're here this morning you want to be baptized for a mission of your sins if you're here this morning and you want to confess things if you're here this morning and you want the church to pray for you we're going to do all three of those things very quickly and very quietly let us begin to do that and i'm going to ask everybody to please stand on your feet and while we're standing we're going to have a song and while we're singing you make up your mind to say yes to the lord [Music] [Laughter] oh [Applause] [Applause] why oh [Applause] [Applause] and there are those of you in the house who won according to the gospel according to the gospel confess sins brothers and sisters i've seen that repented in american prayers of the church we'll hear your confession and we'll pray that god will strengthen you and keep you in the hollow of his hand and if you're in this house and you're not a child of god you have not obeyed the gospel you're in a dangerous position paul said that day is going to come when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels taking vengeance on them that know not god and have obeyed not the gospel of jesus christ that's the only thing is going to save you the only thing that's going to save you is obedience to the gospel and the world has to hear that message the world has because that's the answer the gospel is the answer to all of the world's problems it's the answer the gospel we don't need to be well okay i've already done that and if you're here and you're not a child of god you're not a member of the body of christ you're not in the church of christ you have not moved from the state of be to the state of become you have not become what god wants you to become and that is he wants you to become a child of god how do you do that for if any man be in christ he is a new creature if you're in the house you're in the balcony wherever you are and you say preacher i want to be added to the church today i want to be baptized for a mission of my sins if you're here and you want to remember the church of christ the church we find in the bible that was bought with the precious blood of jesus christ we want you to come now and say yes to the lord if you if if you came with a visitor if you are visitor and you came with the member of the church that visitor that member will bring you down these hours for you to say yes to jesus christ we we want you to do that we want you to do it right now we're going to give you an opportunity to do it right now while we sing that first verse of past spinal gentle savior [Music] is that one is there one is that one hmm [Applause] do not pass i'm calling you sir anybody on this side want to say yes to the lord anybody on this side want to be baptized for remission of your sins your mind will christ oh god bless now then if there are those of you who want to make a confession of sin this is your opportunity to do so wherever you are if you're upstairs downstairs wherever you are if you god bless you i see your hand in the back those who want uh to make a confession of sins brothers and sisters i've sent asking for the prize of the church please raise your hand and we'll come to where you are just raise your hand we'll come to where we are and listen to you god bless you uh neighbor god bless god bless anybody in the bathroom with a hands up all right anybody in this aisle anybody in this section we want we don't want to miss anyone okay go ahead go ahead go ahead i've repented and request your prayers okay harold all the way in the bag god bless you god bless you hon okay i can't sleep just like all right yes ma'am god bless anybody in this aisle okay we're moving now to the center out anybody in the center out that want to make a statement to the church anybody in the center we're moving all the way over anybody all the way in the back god bless god bless all right now did we get everybody for prayer i hear a voice balcony god bless go ahead hon god bless we'll pray for you anybody else let us bow our father in heaven we come now before you we thank you for the uh worship this morning thank you for giving us uh one more opportunity to come to worship you and we thank you and we bless you and we praise you for your gospel which is the sum total of all we need to know about salvation and remission of sins we thank you for giving us jesus and we recognize he is the heart of the gospel we recognize that you so loved the world that you gave your only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life for you sent your son into the world not to condemn the world but the world through him might be saved so we just thank you for all of that and we thank you our father for this opportunity to talk to you and to ask for your continuous blessings because we need you now more than ever before for our brothers and sisters who've asked for ask for forgiveness of sins we know that you have already forgiven them and father we call on you not to do what it is you said you was going to do and that is that you will for not only forgive them but you will remember their sins no more whatever their sins are whatever their sins were whatever they confess their sins to be we know that you will forgive them we know that you have forgiven them and we thank you for what jesus did on the oracle cross and that is he made it possible that if we would ask you for forgiveness you will forgive and you will not only forgive but you will forgive and remember our sins no more and we thank you for that we thank you our father we we can go home knowing that we've been forgiven of our sins we can go home today knowing that you have not only forgiven of our sins but you will not ever bring them up against us in this world nor in their world but just to come and we just thank you for that and we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in the mighty name of jesus those who agreed with his prayer amen god bless now there are those of you who came to church this morning and while you were here you wanted the church to pray for you you're not in that group that made confessions of sin you in that group that that's a member of the body of christ you remember the church of christ but you're a little weak you're going through a patch right along in here and things are getting tough for you you're not openly committing any sins it's just that your life is topsy-turvy and uh you're going through some things you just need divine strength and you want the church to pray for you that god will give you what you need for what you need it for we're going to do that if you're in this house and you want the church to pray for you your family your friends whatever the case is then please raise your hand we're going to pray for you god bless you i see your hands god bless god bless our father in heaven we come to you one more time to say thank you for being our father thank you for sending us jesus the heart of the gospel that he made possible by dying on that old rugged cross being buried and rose again the third day for our salvation we come to you our father to ask for strength we just need strength right along in here we just we we just need power uh we need energy right along in here uh life is getting rough it's getting tough uh right along in here and we're feeling just a little weak and and we just need strength in our shoulders because our cross is getting a little heavy we're not asking you to move the cross we're asking you to put strength in our shoulders so the cross that we must bear would not seem nearly as heavy and we want to give you thanks right now that you will come into our lives and into our life in a meaningful way give me give us the strength we need to take care of our personal problems whatever they are whatever they are we pray for strength for us to get through put strength in our shoulder put walking in our feet put a song in our mouth put vision in our eyes but healing at our ears that we might hear believe accept and follow your holy divine word we thank you for what you're doing right now we thank you for what you are sending right now we admit and we accept the blessing that you are sending to us right now we believe help is on the way we believe that what i need you ascending to me right now strengthen my faith strengthen our faith so we can believe that help is on the way because if we don't believe we will not receive thank you father i accept it thank you for every spiritual blessing that you are sending us from above every spiritual blessing we receive them all we claim them all and we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise everyone who agreed with this prayer in the name of jesus said amen god bless and you may have your seat i'm so glad that jesus lifted me [Applause] [Music] jesus lifted me and i'm singing and growing yeah jesus lifted me well now satan had me bound but my jesus lifted me with [Music] jesus lifted me and i'm singing i know that's right god bless god bless remove now i to our collection offering and those of you in tv land who want to participate with us information is on the screen god bless yeah even so do you upon the first day of the week and every one of you may by him god has possibly no gathering no gathering these verses in mind father without you we can't do it everything that we have that you have blessed us to receive in jesus name we pray amen amen we've got two elections this morning our first place will be our lead connection with our media programs this our connects program if we overlook them hey [Music] in jesus name it is at this time that we will have the opportunity to participate in the holy community as you prepare your hearts and minds and about taking of the bread and the cup let us focus on him who died for us and as you do so let this mind be in you because also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought of not robbery to be equal to god but made himself of no reputation took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross so as you prepare your hearts and minds for take please remember him who died for us first corinthians [Music] matter also he took the cup when he had something saying discover testimony in remembrance when jesus may we always remember that you loved us so much that you gave your son and your son loved us so much that he gave his life that we all may have the right to eternal life and he took the bread and broke it he said this is my body and he took the cup gave thanks this cup is the new testament of our blood oh uh church amen i want to thank you for your presence and your participation on today looking forward to having everyone
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 1,127
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AlkCGQeZV3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 37sec (7537 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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