Sunday, September 26, 2021, 8 AM EST, Worship Service Live Stream

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ready i woke up this morning with my mind and my mind it is said oh jesus so i woke up this morning with my my mind did he say said oh the lord you know that i woke up this morning with my my my mind it is said oh jesus was singing hallelujah [Music] i woke up this morning i woke up this morning with my in my mind it is jesus you know i woke up this morning with my mind and my mind it is set on the lord you know that i woke up this morning with my in my mind it is said oh jesus was singing hallelujah yeah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let us all say amen we are thankful to god that he has allowed us to be back in service one more time we want to welcome all of those of you here in the building and also those of you who are worshiping with us virtually at home or wherever you are it is time for us to engage in our spiritual love feasts and so therefore what we're going to do we're going to do our love fees like we usually do the love feasts um we're going to reach out uh with our signs and we're going to reach out for the people at home we're going to reach out to one another in whatever way you do but let's go and says what let us well let's say it again love let us love one another come on one more time love let us love one another okay the love feast let us engage in the love feast let us engage in the love feasts okay now let's let's share the love share the love share the love of the people at home share the love with the people at home okay the love feast love faith okay i'm singing and praying with my mind and my mind it is jesus you know i'm singing and praying you with my mind and my mind it is said set on the lord you know that i'm a singing with my mind my mind it is said oh jesus we'll see in hallelujah yeah hallelujah [Music] i woke up this morning i woke up this morning with my mind my mind it is set on you know that i woke up this morning with my my mind it is set set on the lord you know that i woke up this morning with my mind my mind it is said oh jesus singing hallelujah yeah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let us pray the most wise most holy father father by lord and save jesus christ the one who is the ruler and creator of all things we come to you dear lord once again thank you for allowing us to see another day the lord's day we pray the love for your son jesus christ himself the cruel death of the cross for all sins for the sins of this world we're asking the lord that we continue to paint on him to believe in him in his word we pray the law for those who are getting ready and traveling to the very destination of worship they'll be they may arrive safely without any hurt harm or danger we thank the lord for the leadership of this church for each and every member who is summoning themselves here that we continue to love one another continue to depend on you in everything that we do please pray in jesus name amen i am a horrified and soldier i'm on the battlefield yes i am a heartfelt and soldier and i'm on the battlefield yes i am a heart fighting soldier i'm on the battlefield and i keep on breaking souls to jesus by the sir this that i keep yes i am a heart fighting soldier and i'm on the battlefield i am a heart fighting soldier and i'm on the battlefield yes i am a heart fighting soldier i'm on the battlefield and i keep on bringing souls to jesus by dessert this that i give well i've got a helmet on my head and in my head a sword and i've got a helmet on my [Music] that [Music] [Music] yes i am my heart [Music] the battlefield and i keep on bringing souls to my jesus by the service that i get well i've got to walk right talk right and sing right and pray right while on the battlefield i've got to walk right and talk right and sing write and pray [Music] jesus by the sir this that i give yes i am our heart fight is soldier and down [Music] yes i am [Applause] [Music] and i [Music] [Music] that i gave good morning the scriptural lesson for this morning will be coming from the book of numbers chapter 13 verses 26 to 33. help you all out now that's the fourth book of the old testament okay it should be relatively easy to find again that's from the book of numbers chapter 13 verses 26 through 33. we have to say amen 26 and they went and came to moses and aaron and to all the congregation of children of israel into the wilderness of paran and qaddish and brought back word and to them and to all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came into a land whether thou sentence us and surely head forth with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the city is a wall and very great and moreover we saw the children of anak there the malachites dwelled in the land of the south and the haiti and the jebusites and amorites dwelled in the mountains of the canaanites the way up by the sea and by the coast of jordan and caleb steal the people before moses and said let us go up at once and possess it we are a we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him we are not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we they brought up an evil reported land which they had searched and children ears were saying the land though through we though we had gone to search it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature 33 and there we saw the giants the sons of anac which came of the giants and we were in our own site as grasshoppers so we were in their site referee from the book of numbers chapter 13 verses 26 through 33 let's direct our hearts and minds to the prayer good morning church let us pray our father which are in heaven hallow will be thy name thy kingdom has come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven father give us this day this day father our daily bread and father forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all righteousness of this world father we come before you in the most humble matter i know how balling at your feet mercy father we need you on this journey we are making trying to get it to heaven and father we lie without you we cannot do it we can't make it and father we know that we got to believe in your son jesus and thank you jesus for what you did for us thank you jesus for dying on that cross taking our sins upon yourself and kneeling from the cross give us a chance to talk to god for ourself thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord we humble ourselves before you this morning lord because we need you on this journey the sick needs you the ones in the hospital come a lesson home need you this morning father oh god we need you but we cannot make it without you oh thank you thank you for your glory your mercy your grace oh thank you for it this morning lord thank you for your love caring for us giving us an opportunity to come to you oh god we thank you this morning lord glory fine you magnifying you this morning because you are worthy you're worthy jesus thank you thank you thank you lord god bless the service today in a special way god bless our guests today god let them know that you are for real this journey we own is a real journey thank you g thank you for your church oh lord we thank you thank you thank you glorify you magnify you this morning lord thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus and father let your will be done in our life this morning god every family needs you lord the young people need you lord lord we cannot make it without your father bless us father strengthen us and let your will be done in our lives in jesus name amen he is more than able well and yes yes well he is more than able oh lord yes yes well now he is more than able i know he is yes yes well he is more than able i know he is here come on church well well singer he is more than baby i know he is singing [Music] well he is more than able to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love to praise him i love to praise his name i love to pray and my love to praises and that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but i love to pray [Applause] [Music] well i love to praise [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he'll never hallelujah hallelujah oh i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know we're singing hallelujah well sing hallelujah well i love you praises again and always singing hallelujah yes sing hallelujah well i love the praises [Music] well i love to praise [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] he's just [Music] oh [Music] and you amen let us say amen you may be seated we should love to praise his name do you love to praise his name do you love to praise the mighty name of jesus when the praises go up the blessings come down ii chronicles chapter 20 the people of god were praised in the name of jesus while they were being attacked by the enemy and the bible says god fought the enemy for them they didn't have to fight in the battle the prophet said you don't have to fight in this battle for the battle is not yours but the battle is the lords and they and they the lord forbade forbid them he forbade them brother matthew to fight so they said we can't fight so we might as well praise we we can't fight but we can praise and they praised the lord they sang to the lord and as the enemy attacked them the lord ambushed the enemy rocks started falling on the enemy so that by the time they got to the battleground the enemy was already dead the enemy was already destroyed i'm telling you if you praise him if you praise him if you praise him if you praise him if you're willing to praise him he can defeat your enemies without your health thank god for jesus christ thank god for blessing us with another glorious and wonderful opportunity to worship him in spirit and in truth we'll thank for those who are here uh physically we're thankful those who are watching virtually we it is time to keep our hearts and minds on serving the lord even now the enemy is trying to distract you even now he's trying to get you to think about something else so focus on something else but as brother mcclendon says don't just watch the worship sir let us participate in worship for god is reading hearts he's reading minds he's reading our hearts john chapter 4 and verse 24 for god is a spirit god is spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth we thank the lord for who he is and for all that he does numbers chapter 13 is the text numbers chapter 13 is the scripture uh that was read we're thankful for the brethren that led us in prayer that led us in scripture reading that led us in singing praises to the god of heaven we want to continue to pray for all of those who are in bereavement and for those who are sick at this time that the lord of heaven will give them strength let us serve each and every one of god's children the best way that we possibly can and giving god all the honor the glory the praise and the thanks for he's worthy of our praise he's worthy of all the praise we can must up and much much more let us go to the word let us go there is a word from the lord this morning there is a word from the lord numbers chapter 13. uh the scripture was read we just want to emphasize a few verses here uh numbers chapter 13 uh verse 20 oh my goodness so much in here uh numbers 13 we're talking about where moses with the instructions of god sent out the spies twelve spies to spy out the land of canaan they were on the border they were on the edge they were almost there almost home and god instructed moses to send out spies to spy out the land and they came back and numbers 13 verse 27 says and they told him and said we came unto the land where you sent us and surely it flows with milk and honey and this is the fruit thereof they have proof they had verifiable proof of god's promises brother or and verse 28 nevertheless watch that nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great moreover we saw the children of anac there the giants the shaquille o'neals there the amalekites dwell in the south the hittites and the jebusites and the amorites dwell in the mountains and the canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coast of jordan and verse 30 caleb steal the people before moses said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him said we be not able sound like my cousins we be not able i got some cousins y'all have some cousins like this too come on now don't don't don't come on now we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we subject this morning subject this morning attitudes are contagious is yours worth catching sometimes you have to let it marinate sometimes you have to attitudes are contagious is yours worth catching we are living in this covert 19 pandemic we pray for all who are affected directly or indirectly by this uh pandemic and it is highly contagious it has changed our world it has changed our country our society and how we do business in the lord's church we must still do business we must still be about kingdom business be about the lord's business uh uh but and and we are encouraging folks we're getting calls i'm sure the preacher continues to get calls i've been on all weekend with a few families from gainesville and loved ones are dying one of my close friends from my hometown just just died of of covet and and in my home in our our county uh sister richard polk county uh my sister to me because in polk county last three months 500 deaths from covert 19. not just sick and 500 have died in polk county our county where i'm from and you have similar stories uh uh and we're encouraging everyone to get vaccinated we're encouraging everyone to wear your masks and to be uh socially distant and to wash your hands and to take proper precautions but there's another disease that is highly contagious and that is a disease of a bad attitude negative attitudes worldly sinful attitudes we are now the old testament romans 15 verse number 4 says those things that were written before time before jesus christ before the gospel before the new testament they were written for our learning why that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures when he said the scriptures here in romans 15 paul is talking about the old testament scriptures that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope so this numbers chapter 13 is under a different dispensation under a different covenant and but it is still some things we can learn god's rescued his people through the man of god moses and in the book of numbers numbers is called numbers because god instructed them to number the people number the people it's time to get ready for battle it's time to get ready for war against the enemy and god wants his people to be organized organized with the preachers with the elders the deacons god wants his people to be organized with ministry leaders with zone workers with workers brothers and working sisters working the older members working younger members working working with the strength god has given you with the talents god has given you i can't sing like short man and matthew but there's something i can do and and i i have a one or two gifts but uh some other i'm not too high almighty to help around the building to help clean up to help do things i i've driven the church van uh many times uh brother or appreciate you appreciate brother rock appreciate everyone that works and labors the ushers the greeters the sisters the brothers we all have work to do work in your strip zone but help out wherever you are needed if it's going to help the church move forward and here in numbers god's people god delivered his people rescued his people in the exodus and they were doing good in numbers in numbers chapter 1 god spoke to moses and said number the people numbers chapter 2 god spoke to moses and said organize the people number chapter 3 god spoke to mclennan i mean moses and told him how to organize the people god number chapter five god spoke to moses and told this now you're talking about a million people you're talking about over a million people and god didn't choose as the lead of those people he didn't choose 500 000 leaders he didn't choose a hundred thousand leaders he had moses and a quorum of leaders around him working together in unison numbers chapter six chapter seven chapter eight chapter nine these are verse ones number chapter six seven eight nine ten verse one god speaks to moses and tells moses what he wants and moses tells the leaders and the leaders work together in unison like north side we lead us we work together in unison but i know that people watching us all over the country is not that way everywhere but and they were doing well as long as this was the pattern now that's numbers chapter 1 all the way through chapter 10 brother pete they were doing well but then numbers chapter 11. some of those members started saying who moses think he is attitude attitude who does moses think does he think he's the only one that's been to college does he think he's the only one that knows something i know something that's number chapter 11. and then it came from the people and then then aaron and miriam start saying well we don't like him either and then god plagued them with leprosy for their mouth running their mouth with a negative attitude attitudes are contagious is yours worth catching and then when they had the leprosy oh they had the leprosy uh brother brother or they had to come to moses to pray for them now we know we've been talking about you moses yeah i know but pray for us and moses prayed for them and then chapter 12 the people kept complaining we don't like this walking now we can talk bad about them but come on now how many of us walk 10 miles no food don't know where you're going just because the leadership says so why why are we going this way i know a better way we could have went up edgewood why are we on why are we walking down avenue b why we got to walk down why we have to have a evangelism workshop why we why we have to you know why we still why do we have worship sir you know a lot of people are just online with no worship you know you know i know what we're supposed to i know you know i know what's going i know why why why do they command the husbands and the wives to love one another and the people started complaining and the whole congregation went down now that brings us to numbers chapter 13 attitudes are contagious and there are leaders numbers chapter 13 leaders of each tribe numbers 13 and 1 and the lord spake unto moses saying sam he's been telling he's been saying speaking the most each chapter in the first verse of each chapter send thou men that they may search the lamb of canaan which i give to the children of israel of the tribe of their father shall you send them in every man a ruler from them and they go and search the lamb numbers 13 26 and they went and came to moses and aaron and to all the congregation of the children of israel to the wilderness of paran kadesh and brought back word unto them and all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land they showed they brought the large clusters you got it short man they brought the large clusters watch this now the large clusters of the land what god said god fulfilled his promise they saw the fruit of let's see we we in our our technological society we don't get this but in an agricultural society agrarian society when you see a land that is good for a fertile soil you know what i'm talking about bro when you see a land like that hey we better park it right here god said it was there and what god said was true how many has god ever fulfilled promises he made to you you didn't know how it was going to work out you didn't understand if it was going to come through but god came through has he ever come through for someone has he ever fixed it where you couldn't fix it has he ever uh blessed you when the world tried to curse you has he ever strengthened you when you were weak has he ever picked you up when you were down has he ever given you the prognosis when the doctor diagnosis was wrong has he ever fed you when you're hungry gave you a drink when you're thirsty made a way where there was no way he we have to keep telling him brother andrews you made a way when my back was against the wall and it looked as if it was over lord you made a way and i'm standing here only because you made a way not because of me not because of my degree not because of who i know downtown but god made a way god made a way what you need to know also about these 10 spies that brought back the evil report is that they knew the history of israel they knew they were involved they were there during the red sea they were there god brought them out they are the ones who the lord caused them to go into the houses and put the blood over the doorpost and the window and he said when i see the blood i will pass over you the pastor they were that they were involved it happened to them and now they're at the edge of canaan now they're almost home let me tell you something when you have goals dreams and aspirations the closer you get the bigger the enemies you face so don't think that you're facing large enemies because you are not getting close you are getting close when you face the largest enemies when you when you want to raise your children right you're going to face enemies when you want to have a good marriage you're going to face enemies when you want to be a faithful dedicated single christian in the lord you are going to face some enemies but god is able numbers uh uh brother uh andrew numbers 13 26 uh watch this now now she's not eight of 27 watch the text we're going to get where you want us to be in a minute and they told him and said yes sir we came unto the land wither thou sent us and surely it floweth with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land yes sir and the cities are walled and very great yes and moreover we saw the children of anak there the amalekites dwell in the land yes of the south the hittites and the jebulites and the amorites dwell in the mountains yes sir and the canaanites dwell by the sea yes and by the coast of the jordan we gotta deal with this point one to terrify ten the terrify ten uh be careful about people that speak to you and tell you it's hopeless be careful attitudes are contagious you know the story you know the text i may not even get to it until uh tonight but you know these ten came back and this this is this this crowd of this massive crowd of almost a million some say a million six hundred thousand men and then there were women and children uh there this humongous amount of people they were influenced by ten naysayers be careful about terrified ten in christ we have the mission save souls to help soldiers they say live a godly life i'm here to tell you that there will be terrified tens around you but don't you listen to the terrified team they are terrified of the enemy they're terrified but you're going to see caleb say they're bread for us caleb said we're going to eat them up we can eat them up we can eat them up we must still focus on doing the right thing parents feed positivity into your children tell them they can make it tell them the truth racism is still real oh yes it's real oh yes discrimination is real but we know a god through christ i can do all things through christ that strengthens me you can get your education you can study in school you can make the honor roll you can be on the dean's list in college you can go to the military and have a great military career you can be an entrepreneur you can uh work a regular jobs regular job they still pay in green money they need great regular jobs that's lawful and good that's a good job when i worked for the department of children and families i interviewed a man interviewed a man he was he was working at sonny's barbecue and then he got a promotion and he got a promotion and then he was the manager uh he was the he became the manager so the starter of of sonny's and he was making more money than me i said let's trace any job that's lawful and good that's a good job and there are opportunities for growth at many different places of employment but be positive and have a mindset i can do all things through christ don't listen to the terrified ten the terrified ten here say yes the land is good yes the the area is plentiful but uh verse 20 i saw the the the people that are strong that dwell in the land and the cities have big walls and very great and we saw the children of a neck there and they are the giants when you see when you deal with the terrified ten be careful of people that peddle fear and frenzy anger sadness hate and division don't you listen to them and also remember we you can be around the things of god and know and not know the character of god nor trust the word of god just hanging around the services being in the building every time the doors open does not make you a faithful christian it has to go from the outside to the inside not just looking like a christian not just talking like god is good oh yes how how's your day today brother matthew brother matthew you're that singing just anointed me i'm enough you are anointed brother we know how to talk we know how to make it sound good but it has to get down on the inside of me not only sunday morning but friday night at midnight when the enemy is attacking attitudes are contagious these terrify ten spread this attitude rebellion against god makes wisdom and discernment elusive when you when you rebel against god and you want wisdom you can't get it until you change and repent and sometimes you make poor decisions when you have uh when you have a rebellious mindset and spirit also if you don't seek god don't try to speak for god now there are many some there so many they they have uh somebody hashtag somebody quote that you i'm gonna get in trouble for this but i'm gonna say it anyway there are so many people now with facebook degrees you got a facebook degree in bible well you know i read on social media that you know noah did this and you know i saw that man you don't know what you're talking about the word of god is true god selects his preachers his elders his leaders and you need to listen to some leadership and get some guidance for yourself for your family or you're going to have a worldly sinful negative attitude and you're going to spread it i'm the same way i came into the church brother mclean i thought i knew everything i thought i knew everything didn't know a thing didn't know didn't know nothing that makes that's not grammatically correct but it makes good sense that note and the lord had to beat me up and knock me down off my high horse and i thought i knew everything this uh i thought i had it going on man when i was in college playing ball and people are shouting your name and everybody knows your name oh my goodness man i'm i'm doing it i've got it going on but then i got injured got hurt hurt my back and i couldn't stand up they couldn't figure out what was wrong they did all kind of treatments and now now i don't know everything now lord help me sometimes the lord has to knock us down sometimes the lord has to knock us down he knocked the brother down then i said lord and i don't know but i know that you know how many of you had the lord the lord had to knock you down the lord had to beat you the lord had to whoop you lord had to pull out the whooping stick i raised both my hands and raised my feet he had to whoop me he had to beat me he had to spank me there was no time out there was no no no no the lord the lord the lord had to beat me down and and help me he helped me change my attitude beware of those that peddle fear to you beware of those that that try to sell you on frenzy and anger and and sadness and hate and division and i'm gonna go to this brother and talk about that brother then i'm gonna go over to that brother and talk about this brother then i'm gonna go to this brother and talk about that bro man i i'm the problem be careful oh yes i'm from small town one haven florida uh my sister can attest to this the uh wrestling used to come through one haven and lakeland and tampa and orlando you know i'm talking my bro and they were you know we had our favorite wrestlers you know dusty rose you know you know lex luger you you know the junkyard dog you you know the road warriors and and come on now come on i know some of y'all overcome but there's some country people in here like me and and we will sit out there now now you have in the in the wrestling ring back then even more so than now you have what's called the hero and then you have a heel h-e-l the bad guy is a heel he gets paid to make you hate him that's his job that's his job and we will show up just to see the heel get beat down and i mean but i fee i'm we're teenagers sister richard we're kids we're going up in there man get him beat down ric flair beat down this guy beat down that guy beat him up and they would be in the ring beating each other up but one time after the match was over brother oh i saw the hero in the hill in the car together riding sister tracy it messed me up i said what is this they were just beating each other up and they ran out they probably went out to dinner sitting down talking having a good time and a lot of us in the stands we yelling and screaming and sweating and having strokes and heart attacks because we hate ric flair we can't stand donald trump i mean we hate this person and we're having strokes and heart attacks and we're mad and we're upset when the heel and the heat they're just playing one another they do it in wrestling they do it in politics they do it in sports they do it in sports commentary and many of us are falling out mad and they're riding in the car together going going to dinner don't fall out don't fall for the negative attitudes i'm here to tell you attitudes are contagious is yours worth spreading but that was the terrified ten the terrified ten are afraid and as i've said in this covert 19 era we're still in the midst of this pandemic we're encouraging folks to wear your masks we're encouraging folks to be careful we're encouraging people to get vaccinated there is a bomb in gilead the bomb the the medicine is ready but there's so many that will not uh prescribe will not take it will not get the medicine that is available it's available and it's ready and some people say i don't want to wear masks if you don't like the mask you are really not going to like the ventilator hashtag it tweet it i can't do the mass i just can't do you are really not gonna like the ventilator i just told you 500 deaths recently in my county where i'm from born and raised and we should thank god for the essential workers for these nurses for these doctors for these school teachers for these bus drivers for the ambulance people the truck drivers give them a hand come on all essential workers give them a hand [Applause] risking their lives to save our lives it would be one thing if there was no vaccine but now it's able is there it's available they're trying to give it away and they're throwing away so much oh my goodness it's because of our attitude attitude people some people don't want you to get vaccinated and they have reasons for that but it's not for your best interest not you make your own decision you go to you uh consult with your doctor but i'm here to tell you uh god has blessed us with the bomb in gilead but there is a more powerful medicine the healing power now we say get vaccinated now get the vaccine but for your spirit you need jesus christ for your soul you need the word of god now to terrify ten but i gotta that that was point one don't have time to keep going on with that uh but the trusting two that point to the trusting two numbers 13 uh brother andrew and verse uh number 30 numbers 13 verse 30. we're almost done with this we're almost done with this and caleb still the people before moses now when still the people this gives the idea of caleb saying hush once the terrified team started talking you know the political pundits and the sports the analysts and make you man hey don't don't don't hate another football team i root for my team my team won you can root for your team let's take a serious how many of your team no never no no root for your team i root for my team and at the end of the game we but we okay it's all good but some people take it too far they're out in the stand every game you know a brother in the every game there's somebody in the stands fussing and fighting and it it's not that serious you are not on the payroll you go to jail they will not come and bail you out what i'm saying is the the terrified and negative attitude people sometimes they get more money by your anger by your hate but now i'm talking about politics i'm talking about sports i'm talking about uh all kinds of things but they they get more money if the in the uh tv um ratings that's right tv ratings for cnn fox and all them if it bleeds it leads that's what they say and but we can't get swept up into that we've got to stay focused on the mission given to us by christ numbers 13 verse 30 watch what the text says and caleb steal the people he's still before moses and he said stop the madness stop listening to the world don't you subscribe to that facebook degree that instagram degree that twitter degree no no no when you go to real school and get a real degree they don't listen to that people just talk talk talk talk talk on social media go to the bot the bible will tell you what you need to know and if you want a degree in college university they don't pay attention to what social media says caleb says stop this what does caleb say let us go up at once let us go up at once and possess it and possess it for we are well able to overcome it that saints we are well able to overcome we are well able to live the christian life we are well able to have a good career we are well able to live the single life faithful to god we are well able to have godly marriages we are well able to survive sickness we are well able to survive depression we are well able to survive loss we are well able to overcome we out to our youth you're well able to be whatever god has called you to be you are well able to go to college oh nobody in my family ever win you can go you are well able to go to the military and have a great career you're well able even if you don't have a whole lot of money let me tell you something businesses are they're looking for people with good attitudes i guys i see some business people out here they're shaking their head yeah yeah yeah yeah am i right sis they're looking for people with some good attitude because a good attitude will take you further than a degree further than your your your resume a good attitude will help you go further very far in life attitudes are more important now now expertise and all that is good but attitudes are extremely important and i have decided even in the midst of coving i al jackson i'm not gonna die until i'm dead some of y'all don't cover the well i'm just to be dead i'm just going to hide and sit in the dark and be a hermit and i'm not going to die until i'm dead i'm going to be careful i'm going to wear my mask but the preacher the elders the deacons the leadership we're going to focus on saving souls and helping soldiers stay safe keep serving god keep worshiping the lord keep bringing souls to christ and some of us need to learn and need to remember you are still alive for a reason oh it hurts oh we go through some pain because of what we've suffered many of you gone through some pain because of what you have suffered i wouldn't dare try to minimize that but there's a gentleman that i can recommend to you who had a good attitude job he said the lord gave and the lord take away but still blessed be the name of the lord job said all the days of my appointed time i'm going to wait till my change come job say is we in it now job was in a pandemic but he said a change is coming job said i see a change coming jobs he looked forward to something that wasn't there now he said in job 19 25 i know that my redeemer lives oh i got death all around me job had open sores open boils he had stains his body was it was stinking he tried to rest couldn't sleep and when he did fall asleep job chapter 7 he had nightmares no one wanted to be around him his friends distract or hated him talked against him but he said my redeemer lives and he will save me at the latter day job uh said that that uh the bible tells us and job friends had to ask him to pray for them oh i'm not as strong as joe brother mclean i might have said how dare y'all come to me y'all talked about me my grandma would say like a dog like a junkyard dog imma let you stay in what you i mean i'm sorry let me give the spiritual answer yes i will pray for you i will gladly offer prayers and supplications on your behalf let me switch back here job pray for his friends job said it's bigger than me it's not about me what's going on in this world we got to understand it's bigger than us it's not about us job pray for us reign and the bible said can you give job 4210 i'm almost done i'm almost done but we got somebody can get healed and helped and delivered by this right here job 42 verse 10 uh the bible said the lord turned the lord and the lord turned the captivity of job the lord somebody's waiting on a turn right now somebody is in line for a turn right now somebody is about to experience a turn right now with god said trouble don't last always your weepin may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning joe turned the lord turned to captivity of joe when when he prayed for his friend when you get involved [Music] in church ministry and help somebody else then the lord will help you with your issues but as long as you're sitting around talking about you me me me the church not doing enough for me when the church gonna do for me when they gonna do more for me me me me me me get out of the disease of me and change that attitude and make sure that you have a attitude to serve even in job's grief he had to serve even in joe's pain he had to serve even in job's poverty no money he had to serve even in the midst of his marital problems he and his honey not sitting close together wearing the same color outfit in church he and but god still called him to serve and job prayed for his friends and my god turned his situation around and if he did it for job he can do it for you that's the trust thing too the trust in two joshua and caleb joshua and caleb the trusting too oh no look at it the trust into joshua and caleb they trusted in the lord they trusted in god and if we trust in the lord he has a way of turning things around sometimes we have to wait but your waiting will be worth it your waiting will be worth it stories told of a a man on death row and they came to get him they came to get him brother or it was time for him to go sit in the hot seat time to go and sit in that old that chair and this was way back in the 1960s and they said what would you like for your last meal the man on death row about to go and sit in the hot seat it was december he said i want some watermelon and the the officials at the prison said watermelon is it's not watermelon season right now he said i'll wait saints it's good to wait on the lord he may not come when you want it but he's always he's always he's always on time he's always on time oh he's gonna come through when it's time you gotta just check it out later on i may get to it tonight lord willing but numbers chapter 22 god was uh protecting his people and they didn't even know it he was protecting them so well they didn't even know it israel said uh uh numbers 13 33. i got to cut this dog i got numbers 13 verse 33 verse 33 my brother watch what the bible says and there we saw the giants yes the sons of anak yes which come of the giants yes sir and we were in our own site as grasshopper yes sir and so we were in their site we were in our own site as grasshoppers how do you see you how do you see you how do you see you how do you and how do you see god that's going to determine your success or failure in life jesus our lord said who do men say that i am they came up with but then he said who do you say that i am i know who i am but i want to know who do you say that i am brothers and sisters our success of failure in life and our attitude will be determined by how we see jesus and how we see ourselves these terrified ten they had a false picture of god and they had a false picture of themselves therefore they were terrified to do what god commanded them to do if you do what god commands you to do he will provide he will take care of you they say we down now at first they said we saw some giants down there then they said everybody down there giants first they said the land is difficult then they say the land just swallow you up you can just you can just be out there walking in the lane the land just swallow you wait a minute that's a negative attitude that's how they saw themselves but if you read joshua chapter 2 in your leisure we get to it later on when they asked rahab what she thought what they thought rahab said we are afraid of y'all because your god is is providing for you all and taking care of you all and you read numbers chapter 22 sometime i get to it tonight the the the emma uh the children of ammon they were the israel was passing through now israel all depressed and sad and mad but the ammonite saw them passing through their land and said oh no they're here they've been destroying everybody and the king called for a soothsayer he called for a man that hang with madame cleo to come out there and curse them and he called for the soothsayer to come and curse them and the sausage tried to curse them but as he was speaking all he could say is bless israel he tried to check your bible numbers chapter 22 i'm gonna teach on it tonight he tried to say curse but all he could say was blessed he tried to say curse but all he could say was blessed and the the king said what's wrong with you it's i'm trying to curse him he tried to cur and they came out blessed blessed blessed and they were way up high on a mountain and israel never saw them there are some people that are trying to curse you right now but god is going to turn their cursing into a blessing if you keep walking if you keep serving if you keep singing brother keep doing god's will they can't you can't curse what god has blessed you can't stop you can't beat this you can't touch this you can't lose with the stuff we use because we serve the god of heaven you can try to curse us but we are blessed by the best [Applause] you need him today you need him today attitudes are contagious is yours worth catching are you going to live as a part of the terrify 10 or the trusting two you'll notice when joshua sent out spies to jericho brother oh he only sent two he only said two so i'm not doing this 12 stuff either but he sent two spies and we have to make sure that we are part of the trusting two and not the terrified ten how do you see god how do you see yourself how do you see north side church of christ you need to change this they need to change it get in where you fit in this the church is not a cruise ship where you get everything you want i mean i they didn't have my they didn't have my lemonade when i walked in the other day but the church of christ is the body of christ we're the army of the lord we come to serve the world serve the wheat serve those who need help and not so much look to be served jesus came not to be served but he came to serve and give his life a ransom for many attitudes are contagious let's have a thankful attitude let's have a joyful attitude someone is praying right now for something you're taking for granted someone right now right now so about in gainesville one of the congregations there we partner with them to do mission work overseas you think it's bad you think you got some troubles go across that water go overseas in some other countries what they call third world countries but they're right in the same world we are in and there's no walmart down the street there's no children starving children looking in tr piles of trash for something to eat and they go with one of the congregations brother mccain you know you know about they would build houses we're going to go and build houses but we go over there in these uh third world country building a house a house is really like a nice tent it's not really a house and the people are overjoyed to basically have a nice tent with the steel the the ground the floor is the ground and they're overjoyed grateful for these americans that came over and built a house for us but some of us because of our attitude lord you should have done it lord i deserve lord you're supposed to give me more love you but we should be grateful we should be thankful we should be focused on saving souls helping soldiers they say working in the kingdom and doing the will of god are you going to be a part of the terrified 10 or the trusting too if you're here you're not a christian or if you're watching and you're not a christian you can be saved today you need to be saved today christ wants to save you christ won't say but you but have the attitude to obey christ have the attitude to obey the gospel have the attitude the the perspective the mindset the paradigm to come to jesus because even god won't save you with a bad attitude all read numbers chapter 14 god said these men that have seen my miracles and have provoked me 10 times god was counted i'm gonna let them die in the wilderness i don't know about y'all but al jackson's not gonna die in the wilderness i'm going into the promised land i'm going in and i believe some of y'all want to go in too god said don't they provoke me and they're still complaining and these folk didn't have air conditioning they didn't have uh live uber and uber eats or um what's the food delivery people some of them door dash yes give me an eight count deliver to my door or the no no but god still said don't complain what am i saying what am i saying be careful before you complain against god be careful before you complain against the lord's church and the lord's leadership he may open up a hole in the ground like he did for some of those folks i'm not going to complain i'm i'm i'm encouraging us to have the right attitude you're not saying christ wants to save you he wants to redeem you rescue you come to him right now don't let the enemy stop you from coming to christ don't let the enemy stop you from being saved you're facing some giants that are stronger than you are you're facing some children hey now you're facing some things not so you can depend on your own but so you can depend on the strength of god come to christ having heard the death burial resurrection of christ believe this glorious gospel repent of your sinful life make a change make a turn i've had to do it everyone in here that's a child of god and watching has had to do it if they're a christian or child of god remember the lord's church come having heard the gospel come believing come repenting come confessing come and be baptized buried immersed in water for the remission of your sins christ will wash all your sins away and if you're a christian and you stray away from the fold you can come back home through repentance confession and prayer now is the time behold today is the day of salvation come attitudes are contagious don't let the terrified ten turn you away from the one church you can read about in your bible the church of christ follow the trusting two and become a christian a member of the church of christ while we stand while we sing a song of invitation come to jesus come to jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's but he'll be [Applause] time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us all say amen thank you brother hell for the lesson on today attitude attitude you know going away from here with nothing else but attitude and that's that's that's enough when we have the right attitude uh we're going to be listening to those who have come asking for the prayers of the church we want to pray for terrorist state terry has been in the hospital and got worse from her mom on yesterday that terry's doing better and let's continue to pray for her terry young lady that grew up here in the church and she was on our board of nci and she took sick a few weeks ago and we are trusting and praying who is that well we got a nursery and a cry room right back here and you can catch everything catch everything back in the nursery try rooney usher's going to show you that so the baby can cry so if you would do that that would be helpless not a great deal and we want to pray from terry and understand that brother tarvert is in the hospital as well we want to pray for brother tarbert as well i also want to pray for sister harris family mr harris's you know passed on last week and the funeral will be this saturday coming at 11 a.m everybody want to be here uh to encourage her because um harris turned 100 years old this year he prayed for god to give her 100 years old and she got 100 years old and went home to be with the lord she can't ask for much more than that other than going to heaven and so let's pray for the family and let's pray for all of those who are in bereavement uh we have several people who have lost loved ones in the recent past and funeralized them so at this time we're going to listen to those who come forward asking for the prayers of the good church church i'm sister dale turner and i come thanking you for your past prayers and i stand here again asking you for continued prayer pray for my husband as he flies back home tomorrow night from a funeral i also want to thank the church for being who you are i want to thank the bereavement committee um it's been a lot of death it's been a lot of bereavement it's been a lot of trying to encourage each other through this situation pray for me pray for that committee and i want to thank the leadership of this congregation for being who they are they're not perfect but they are great leaders god has blessed us with them and i just don't want to take any of you for granted sometimes you just don't know where somebody is mentally emotionally physically so i want to let you know i really care for you i love you in the lord and just pray my strength in the lord good morning church i want to come on behalf of my wife i want to thank the congregation for all of the cause the prayers and the encouragement that she had sent to my wife during the time of her brother ben losses means so much to her and i want to give a special thanks to the leadership and also a special thanks to the leader's wife what you did for her you didn't have to do that because it's it's just the little things you do that really make an impact on someone we just want to say thank you so much because y'all went above and beyond what you did you didn't have to do it but it means so much and at the wait friday night uh i didn't have to feel the work for her from the home and he realized that the support that y'all gave to her i just want to bow my head to say from her husband to all of y'all the least your wife the leadership and the congregation thank you thank you thank you because it really made an impact on her and also in me and may god bless every last one of y'all thank y'all so very much amen amen we have a number of uh members who requested prayers we'd like to just make reference to your prayer requests we won't be able to read all of the details but we're praying for you mary oates states uh please continue to pray for me and my family gloria van fuller says pray for me and my family kesia mcgrim major stage pray for me and my family regina owens say please come pray please continue to pray for the lewis family deborah hicks says please pray for me and my family for retired london traveling grace almadrina smith says please thank you for your prayers pray for william jackson and his family and my mother and father and theresa and our family sister michelle banks stays please pray continue to pray for the banks family in prayer due to the loss of stacy's mother please pray for their family tony jamila nobles intend to pray for brother webb and the nobles family greg drayton please say please pray for me i'm not fully recovered please keep me in prayer karen wyman says please continue to pray for my family and my attitude and for the church leticia patterson uh states please continue to pray that thou that the lord will give me strength at this time kimberly booker says please pray thank you for your prayers for jordan booker's surgery please continue to pray for his recovery and physical strength brown and pratt says please pray for me and for my family jackie to us ward says please keep the hires family in prayer trisha dunlap states please pray for me i've been having issues pains in my stomach and pray for my entire family cozell white states please pray for the eastland tisch and royal families they're mourning the loss of their daughter please pray for them team middleton says ask for prayer for my family sister tawana middleton who's in the hospital please keep us in prayer sister sweetie says please pray for her and her family and sister barbara carter says gail lockley says please keep me and my family in your prayers bobby pitts says please pray for me and for my family brenda smith says please pray for me and my family and my daughter for recovery of strength please keep them in prayer also sister jackie shoots she states please pray for uh jackie shoes asked for prayers for her mother who's in the hospital at this time brother von hill say please keep him and his family in prayer also have prayer requests it's coming up here yeah i'm really i'm shortening them down to uh brownie pratt please pray for her and for her family and for all those who am bereavement let's continue to pray for them brother paloma thank you brother good morning church i pray to continue to write to continue to read that's in the person of you heard the one that brother mcclendon made about brother talbot uh just a request from illinois his daughter i pray for the family uh dad is back in saint benson he's not doing too good keep him in your prayers denny's healthy surprise for her family at this time special prayer she says for terry and also for larry jones uh that they will come back to the service uh she'll have a phone number for either call and if you would encourage them 705-6589 you can get free information from the niece hall at this time uh then the waistlines the prayers for her family in all areas of her life as well and then we have stavicky murphy's little prayers for her family in all areas of her life as well malik bolton said surprise for himself and all areas of his life and then we have clayton johnson with surprise for jackie campbell her father pass please continue to pray uh for my children's sisters and friends and co-workers beyond at this time brother marcus watkins uh he just texted us and said please pray for their family uh my goodness his sister gloria her brother sister gloria's brother passed away as soon as they got back from jacksonville so pray for brother marcus sister gloria uh and their family and the passing of her brother please pray for the watkins family this time let's go to god and pray have you please bow heavenly father we come in for your throne of grace we come and bow he has become a humble heart we thank you lord for this day thank you my father for the message from the messenger and the person of jacksonville god to bless him and bless his family he continued to preach sermons he preached on this morning that he wants to be a better worker but a christian they've been yard become praying for those who can ask for prayer requests prayer requests in the hours of their life here the requests have been made both verbally and non-verbally we pray may father that you bless them in areas of life those who are sick have their bodies to be healed the bereaved call the lost their loved ones travels grant them traveling grace especially pride for those who've seen their hearts to repent we pray for our leadership pray by elders pray for our deacons pray for our ministry workers and ministers of god bless them bless their families and do you willing your work we pray for our visiting friends we'll come on this morning do not shout out like faith please you bless the episode this more heavy father these will be better today and also become members of your church then before they turn it too late i pray for those that are home watching us virtually oh god you bless them they may be able to be in the next appointed time we pray for their families as well and their well-being we're spread god blessed with the fruit of the prophet and servant we don't want to continue to say but glorify thee christ the rest of restaurant to give thanks let us all say amen this time now the brother will be coming forward to lead you another hour to worship for the close hell the finance committee is coming at this time i trust to pay you abortion lay by you're now ready to get back to god when he's given to you by the closing of the finance committee good morning giving we find the example of giving in first corinthians chapter 16 verses 1 and 2. jesus follows the collection for the saints says i'll give over to the churches of galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week let everyone let everyone be laid by him and story as god has prospered him that there be no gathering also in second corinthians nine verses six through eight it reads but this side said he was so experienced also spiritually he was so abundantly shared reap also bountifully every minute according to the purpose in his heart so let him give not gradually or of necessity for god lived with a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work let us go to god in prayer most kind of gracious father we again come to at this time to say thank you father we thank you for allowing us to prosper in giving us this day this time of the hour to give back that we just so mercy blessed upon us on this morning father we ask and pray that all will give unto you father joyfully and unselfishly bless us prayer in your son's name amen also if you're not had the chance to give please raise your hand and ourselves will come by to get your collection thank you i just can't give up now [Music] i've come too far from where i started from [Music] and nobody told me the road would be easy and i don't believe he brought me this far to leave me oh oh i just can't give up now [Music] oh no i've come too far from where i started from nobody told me nobody told me that the road would be easy and i don't believe he brought me this far no i don't believe he brought me this no i don't believe he brought me this no i don't believe he brought in it's far to leave me oh lord i just can't give up now [Music] oh no i've come too far from where i started from nobody told me nobody told me the road would be easy and i don't believe he brought me this no i don't believe oh no no i don't believe no he brought me this i don't believe he brought me this far to leave me we're not going to collect for our tv ministry let the bible speak this ministry comes on every sunday morning at 7 30 a.m on cw 17. it's been hearing our mark for over 40 years teaching and preaching a true gospel without any additional subtraction this ministry is not about fame or fortune this ministry promotes our ministry here and our mission here of saving souls and helping to keep souls saved at this time we ask all will continue to give and help support our television ministry thank you all right church this is a quick new song the song is titled turning around for me you should have heard it on the radio it won't always be like this the lord will perfect that concerning this sooner or later it'll turn in my favor is turning around for me it won't always be like this the lord will perfect that concerning [Music] this sooner sooner or later it'll turn in my faith it's turning around for me it won't always be like this [Music] the lord will perfect that concerning this sooner sooner or later it'll turn in my favor it's turning around last time it won't always be like this the lord will perfect the lord will perfect that concerning this sooner or later sooner or later it'll turn in my favor it's turning around for me best is yet to come everyone have a chance to participate in simon worship was there anyone overlooked let's pray father in heavenly father our lord said jesus christ father become just so thank you for you allowing us to participate inside my worship man we pray father this time that you will bless this collection that was taken up for i'll be praying to be used for the work of management and edifying of the saints the man out of blacksmiths and also in jesus name amen good morning church we have now come down to another item of worship which is the partaking of the lord's supper some me know as communion if you didn't have a chance for an opportunity to pick up a kit as you enter into the sanctuary if you raise your hand one of the ushers will provide you one thank you church we do this in remembrance of our lord and savior jesus christ who came who died on the cross for our sins and if you go to the book of first corinthians chapter 11 beginning of verse 23 and in verse 26 it reads for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death until he come and if you go to the book of acts chapter 20 verse 7 you'll find out when we should do this and it reads and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread paul preached unto them ready to depart on the morrow and continue his speech until midnight now the bread represents christ's body that was hung on the cross on calvary and the cup represents his blood that was shedding on the cross from cavalry now at this time the brother on my left he'll pray for the bread and then we'll partake of the bread then the brother on my right he'll pray for the cup and then we'll partake of the cup good morning church let us pray dear lord heavenly father we thank you for this opportunity to partake in this item of worship we represent the torn body of jesus christ which was sacrificed from the cross of calvary for the salvation of our sins we pray that whoever partake of this i mean worship do so with his hands and appear heart in jesus name we pray amen we will pray for the cup earth we come to the lord once again thank you for the opportunity to with enforce your service we pray to the lord for this cut about to receive to represent jesus christ blood shed on calvary hills for all sins for the sins of this world we praise the lord whosoever for this item may do so with a clean hands in the prayer heart be prayer wrath in jesus name amen there is a name i love to it sounds like music in [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] there [Music] [Music] to sing is the world it sounds like music in my ear the sweet [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] jesus because he first loved me one more time [Music] jesus oh jesus [Music] how i love jesus because he first loved me because he first loved because he first loved me he died on the cross because he first loved me was anyone overlooked thank you again we want to thank brother ellen for the great lesson as you get on this morning i want to thank i want to thank god for blessing him to be able to do this and of course uh we thank god for our song leaders may god father song leaders and uh we got some great song leaders and uh i sure hope we can have at least one of them here at 11 o'clock brother stanley is not here and y'all don't want me singing and so i just hope that we have at least one of them here uh at 11 o'clock when she observes you're going to see that okay all right then one to do but okay that's good long as long as we got somebody here and uh praise the lord we also want to welcome all of our visitors and our visiting friends that we have here with us we always glad to have visitors to come and be with us here at the north side church of christ because we look at them as being future members of the church and of course valencia valencia boys valencia said she want a place of membership financial where are you come forward come on up here i'm gonna have people say people can see who you are so they'll know who you are come on up come on come on down let's hear uh boyd is placing a membership tell us who you are tell us who you are placing your membership my name is valencia boyd and i worship at 9th street in winter garden florida and i just relocated to jacksonville and i would like to place my membership here at northside okay wonderful valencia and uh we're looking forward to working with you and uh also uh we want the members to get to know you that's what i want to see you so they know you now the visitors when you come next time and of course that's your brother you got with you i say i assume yeah okay oh your son my goodness stand up soon got a big son wonderful praise the lord okay then good good good good we also are glad to have uh mckinsey mckinsey here we have a bible study we can't say i wonder did she come today okay um also um we have uh kenneth uh eubanks kenneth uh and the guests of joyce and they made it known that this is not her brother and so kenneth uh it's glad to have glad good to have you here you know they they look alike but they they made it known we're not brothers and sisters okay you don't tell me i don't know any better alfonso franklin afonso it's good to have you here with us again leroy tucker [Applause] so you were here last week weren't you you you rather than here but i'm glad to see you here today and we're going to look for you next week uh you with a good man there brother leroy we also have david jefferson the guest of sharon evans that where are you good to have you here with us as well and we do want you to come back and be with us again at your earliest convenient come back and be with us um we have with us sharon evan sharon uh you are member of golden heights church of christ who goes behind church christ for a lot of the all right and you got a guest with you you're moving to jacksonville they're not moving to jacksonville okay then it's good what'd you say okay i know you would okay thank you so much it's good to see you here praise the lord do we have any other visitors that didn't turn a card in uh we want you to know that we are glad to have you here with us and we do want you to come back and be with us as soon as possible and if you desire to know more about the church of christ more about the church while we sing without mechanical instrumental music and why we just have a good time if you want to know more about the church or if you want to be saved become a member of the lord's church just let one of those just know and let myself and brother hell know and we'll be glad to accommodate you um we are glad to see marvel here on today marvel uh you don't know the difference that you make in the singing when you're here uh that voice of yours you and sister martha and others y'all helped carry us we just love to hear your voices and it stands out and we are so glad uh when you're here um we also as i said want to pray for the sick and the bereaved members as it has been stated uh terror statement we told the mother we'll be praying for him for the cars clown or the target and many more that are sick and shut in uh again i want to emphasize the funeral service of sister uh harris on saturday uh two at 11 o'clock a.m and we want you to make sure that you're here and we need brethren to be here because there will be people here uh will be the first time and we're going to need ushers and all so we ask you to be here total commitment sunday on next sunday total commitment months start next sunday now total commitment what it is what is it i'm glad you asked um total commitment day of the day that we started in month years ago after the summer and fall set in people get more settled down and we we try to bring church back together in total commitment recommitting yourselves and uh we also at the first of the year uh asked members to make a special donation on that day or during that particular month to help with our homecoming that'd be coming up in november and also balancing our budget and also building fun this has worked out for the past 30 plus years has been good many of you made commitment the first of the year we expect for you to come through on your commitment next sunday or sometime during the month we usually preach sermons on commitments during the month of uh october uh we want you to be committed both body spirit and soul uh back to the lord and next month we're gonna go back into a lot of our activities that we have been having if y'all can go to these ball games and jump up and down and shout and do flips and everything and do all the other stuff we can go back to our activities here in the church now it's time up for um hiding behind that and so we want everybody to work with us in our total commitment day we will have home come in this year and we will have some kind of community day this year as well we'll let you know more about that also his needs her need clothes and dinner program would be and uh we have some couples that went through this their fantastic job in this and we're going to have a award program and then and those who would like to be a part of this there's a sign up sheet on the outside up there please shine up and let us know that you will be attended and of course we invite those who have taken the seminar before to come to encourage these uh couples the leadership program that we're going to be starting as far as training for leadership elders deacon ministers ministry workers uh there's a sign up sheet on the outside out there in the foyer uh please sign up we got several brothers that are signed up and we want other brothers to sign up we will start this class soon and we will let you know when we're going to be starting it as soon as we uh finish the list we want to thank those who are working in the garage sale with ncion yesterday i believe that it was very successful and also we want to thank those who volunteer to work with nci nci is our outreach uh community uh program uh we are working now with our young men to win program it is going real good and we meet on tuesday and thursday six to nine pm and we are meeting with the young boys from 6 to 18 years old we want to catch these young boys while they are real young and train them and teach them how to get along and to solve their conflicts and so therefore we are encouraging brothers to come and be a part of this particular program and if you have a young man that you want to be a part of this program meet out here at uh 6 00 p.m on tuesday or thursday and then sign them up we want the parents to be involved as well because we can't do too much with your boys without you being involved we are still encouraging those who have not taken the vaccine to take the vaccine people are still dying from the vaccine getting sick and dying in the hospital and it's not an idea that i'm oh i take a chance on getting the virus and i just get over it there are people that are suffering dearly who has gotten over it so there's no guarantee that if you get it that you're going to really get over it and they are doing a study now uh they don't know their lasting effect that this would have on a lot of people is it affecting their lungs the brain and some people can't afford for uh affect your brain you can't even unfold that at all i know i can't i can't afford to fake my brain and so i i don't think you can devote it fake your brain but the other victim people brain uh mobility it is affecting their mobility um lungs their breathing um all of this it is affecting and so the best thing to do is to preventive try not to get it try not to get it and if you would observe the guidelines and be careful don't take this thing lightly because it's just as strong as ever now and of course we encourage you to get the vaccine and now that the booster is out i'll be in line of tomorrow uh to get my booster shot and whenever you are eligible um and if you are eligible i encourage you to get your business shot um as well the fall and winter is coming on the flu is coming on and you catch the flu they don't know whether you got the flu or whether you got the virus or not so we need to be careful and then finally uh be mindful as we pass out give people their space as much as possible and let us uh really respect one another uh and and we're going out and our fellowship and we encourage you to fellowship but let us be careful enough for fellowship also uh we are trusting that uh you'll be back this evening at five o'clock and we have bible school as soon as we dismiss in the next 10 minutes we'll start bible school in here where we're doing our discussion in galatians and so we're trusting in praying that you will stay uh to the bible uh study hopefully next month we'll get back to all of our bible classes brother hell what did i miss that's it brother and said that's it let us all stand please jesus my heavenly king loves me i know praises to him i see onward i go oh voices will smell my bling still flow i love my savior too i love my saints [Music] me [Music] in everything i do [Music] let us pray to be dismissed father god in heaven on savior jesus christ we so grateful and thankful for the lesson was taught we pray we put it to practical use in our everyday life and may the holy communion of the holy spirit be with us until our next appointed time in jesus christ precious name let us all say amen you
Channel: Northside Church of Christ Jacksonville, FL
Views: 482
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RPB_sAqvMrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 54sec (7494 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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