The Call of GOD

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god that's important that's important you want to deal with it from an introduction point of view to familiarize you with the turn call because that's a crucial term that's the term that we are we will be extrapolating from the call of God Clell everybody say called of God say call of God again you have to understand the importance of that those of you who are believers those of you who are members of the Church of Christ you've been called you've been called I'm going to talk about that call here for for the next few minutes with the hope that if the Brazilian one in the room who has not been called by God well before this service is over you will commit your life to be called by God let me explain Kol because that's the key word call and those of you who are taking notes then just know I am giving you the definition of call Nicole is a multi various word it's a multi various word and that is that it has several different meanings that were called and I need to be specific as to what I'm talking about when I explained to you the call of God it again call is a multi various word and it has different meanings it has different meanings but I'm explaining it and I'm teaching this morning from a certain point of view with regards to the New Testament with regards to the halt of of God I mean let me define it for you so you'll know in I am using it the word call and what it means it is number one it's not only multifarious word but it is a homo graphic word it is a homing them I won't know what it did into all the back but those of you who are interested just know that this is a multi various multi faralis word that we are using multifarious word that we're using and that it is a homonym by hominem I mean that it is used several different ways to call to call there are multi definitions of the word call but the call that I will be teaching this morning is the call of God and the call of God is the is a divine call what does it mean generally generally if I were to ask for a definition of call then you will know that that word could be defined and more than more than one way the word call means number one for those of you who are writing number one it means to convoke to convoke see or envy okay it means to convoke the word call mean to convoke number two the word call means to name to me number three the recall can mean to summon to summon su mmm Oh and animal for the word call can mean to assemble number five the word call can to invite number six the word call can mean to request number seven the word call can mean to act point so we have several different definition of the word and connotation and denotation of the word call it means to convoke that means to name it means the summon it means to again mean to assemble that can't mean to invite it you mean to request that can mean to a point that makes it a multifarious word it's a Homa graphic word by homing them it means that it is spell it's a homonym and i want to get into hominem so many of those synonyms and all that but except to say that this word called is a homonym and it means that it is spell CLL it is spelled the same way as any other call but he doesn't have the same meaning so so understand that what we're doing here we're giving a special meaning to the word call to understand the call of God because the word is a homonym and it could mean a lot of things but we're talking about the call of God the term call can be established as a demand that we recall the word call can be accomplished as a demand or it could be established as a business it could be established as a summoned we have those definitions of the word call in Scripture it can be a summon it can be a demand and Ephesians chapter four and verse number one we quickly put that on the on the jumbo screen that is called as a man as a demand in Ephesians chapter 4 paul writes of the church at Ephesus and he says I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye or whether Paul you see we call those of us who are believers those of us who have been baptized those of us who are members of the body of Christ we have been called now we've been called now cult and be seen as a demand it should be seen as a demand you guys other meanings but all I'm talking about is the call that can't be seen as a demand as another things as as well nah Ephesians 4 verse 1 put two on the board and verse number two of Ephesians chapter number four with all let's go to verse one and then we'll come down so we compete this in in order therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called vocation already flipping on it the word vocation here refers to business it refers to business won't worry me I need Paul is talking to believers he's saying to you he said you need to walk worthy of the vocation we're in we're with you uphold you are called I ever would have you in the road whoever obey the gospel of Jesus Christ have been cold and you have been called you can call the God but this call has a demand built into it this called yo call your call yo michael has the idea of business or a business built into it and and Paul says now what worthy of the vocation of the vocation we're in our with your call that is the business of the call what is the business of the call of God everyone who who was a member of the body of Christ can say yes and I put my hand up I've been called and all of those of you who are believers you'll say yes I've been called I admit that I accept that I've been called so Paul says now I want you to walk worthy of the vocation weary and aware with you call and then he goes to verse 2 and in verse 2 he says with all lowliness now with this call that is the Christian Hall and the Christian obedience to the call of God carries with it a demand now you've been called I've been called how have we been called I get into that in a few minutes we've been called all of us who are Christians all of us who are believers we have been called but this call of ours this call that we haven't accepted from Jesus Christ has a demand with there is a demand with his call so it's not that we relish in the fact that we've been called and that makes us special but this call the call that you have the call of God on your life as a believer carries with it a demand and so he says in verse 2 were worthy of the vocation wherewith you a call we're with you have been call now here is the demand the demand of the call when you accepted Jesus Christ you were home when you were born again when you became a member of the body of Christ when you were washed in the blood of Jesus and all of your past sins was watch the way you were therefore at that moment call now bell call carries with it a demand we don't relish in the fact that yes I've been called I've been call of God you have been all of you all of us have been calls of God but don't forget the demand that comes along with the call now here is the demand with all of we've been called with all lowliness walk worthy of the vocation wearing a word with you've been called with all lowliness and meekness with long-suffering forbearing one another in love all that comes with the call I don't have time to deal with all of that but I just need you to know that that there are some things that comes along with with the call now the turn call in the Bible that is the Christian call that is the call that comes from God when you heard the gospel and when you obey the gospel and when you gave yourself to Jesus Christ when you are born began when you were added to the church you were called but know that with that holy there is a demand so to be called by God is to be blessed by God saved by God justified by God sanctified by God all of that goes along with your call so you're not just a member of the Church of Christ you have a calling you're not just a member of the church who have been called by God but with the call with your beedi ins with your acceptance of the gospel of Jesus Christ comes a demand and of course in verse number two it gives us that that demand not only does it give us that demand but it says something to us those of us who have been called those of us who have been baptized for remission of our sins we have not only been cold but Peter the Apostle says make your calling and election sure you see so it's not just a call it's not just that you've been baptized for a mission of sins and you've been saved and therefore you've been called high we accept that we admit that we stipulate that that's not a question but what is important is that there is a demand Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 and 2 there is a demand that comes with your call and not only is it a demand that comes with your call 2nd Peter chapter 1 and verse number 10 Peter instructs us to make our holy and election sure so there is a demand so there was a man that becomes with your calling so just being baptized and just being a member of the Church of Christ that's one thing but there are demands in your acceptance of the call and one thing is to make your calling sure your your calling this calling this spiritual calling this pulling of God this divine calling from God demands certain things and not only does it demand certain things but the Apostle Peter says you need to make your calling and election sure now there are folk who are not members of the body of Christ but they are religious there are folk who have not accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior as so and is described in the gospel but Peter says you have to make it sure so if you are in their own and you say preacher I agree with you I've been called yes but if you have not been called like the Bible says if you have not been called and your call is not in hang with the Bible with the New Testament with the preaching of the Apostles then you need to check it you need to make sure that you have the right calling you need to be sure and how do you do that make your calling and election sure now let me let me deviate here for just a moment in the early church in the first century the members of Churches of Christ were given a name they were given a Halling except 11 and verse number 26 the Bible says among other things it says in that verse that the disciples were called were called were called Christians first and any young they were called Christians first I don't know I may need to take I don't know that I needed tell you this but I'm gonna tell you anyway and that he that next 11 and verse number 26 the disciples were first call they were called Christians first call that word call comes from an original Greek word crema result now the word takes thee thus it's of a business for Marisol so those of us are criminals oh those of us who have been called those of us who are members of the body of Christ we've been called human called I have a calling on my life you have a calling on your life but now X 11 and verse number 26 in terms of etymology and etymologically explaining the word call because the word called in the New Testament has different meanings but you need to understand yo call I need to understand my call as a child of God so acts 11 and verse number 26 the disciples were called Christians first I don't know they were called Christians chromatids oh it has a business sense to it I want to be sure you understand that that word in acts 11 and verse number 26 has a business sense to it because when tomorrow so mean when you look up the word called and trying to determine what you calling is you find that your calling has a clematis old outlook to it it has a car models old definition to it that is a business call so then when and understand this clearly the disciples were first called Christians the the intent of acts 11 and verse number 26 gives us the understanding that the Christians of the first century was in a business from others own they had a business they were called which means they were called into business so Christianity is not only the theology of price or the organism of Christ but the religion of price is a business for the child of God and the child of God must walk worthy of the vocation their affairs that were at business walk worthy of the vocation were in you appalled with all lowliness etc etc etc so the word there in X 11 and verse number number 26 gives a sense of business what was the business the people of the first century were called by the business that they were in they had a business where it did make what is your business what are you called as a called Paul says I'm a tip maker that's my business so the Christian are the believer members of the Church of Christ you and I have a business what is that business that business is telling others about Jesus Christ that's our business all from others or has that connotation and denotation in X up to 11 and verse number number 26 now in 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse number 10 you need to note that 1st Peter chapter 5 and number ten we'll put that on the board as we move hastily here the Bible says but the God of all Grace who hath there you go who has called us God does the calling not man God I'll get into it hopefully before this is over who had called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that ye have suffered a while make you perfect establish strengthen and settled that's what the folding does that's what the calling on your life does as a child of God as a child of God you have imperfection about you you have been established for it is established you have been strengthened you have been subtle now that's what the calling does see that's what the calling does a when you obey the gospel of Jesus Christ when you were justified by God when you were washed in his blood and clay and God added it to the church all these things happened because that was the call of God and the call of God makes you perfect that word Amin that admit you are puts you in a position that you don't make mistakes that would perfect mean maturity that makes you mature in God you're not silly minded you're not one of those kinds of persons who look to find something wrong with something else you you're perfect that is you mature you are mature because here's what you know that you've been made perfect you've been made mature you have been established or established you have been strengthened you have been settled and that that takes you through life you see that takes you through like all your calling takes you through life your calling and the significance of your calling the importance of your calling what does it do for you makes you perfect it makes you fat oh all that silliness is gone Paul says when I was a child I understood as a child I spake as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things and that's what happens when you are called by by God you are strengthened and you are settled you become a mature person when when you work also that word the disciples were called from Manos oh you were cold in other words that was the business that they were in what business were they in the business that they were in was telling people about Jesus Christ calling folk to Jesus telling folk that Jesus hung bread and died on Calvary for us in that was their business so the word call in the New Testament are Camberwell mean call so what we have to do is be heah on how the word called is used because the word call is used in many different places in the New Testament but only in X 11 and verse number 26 and Romans chapter 7 and verse number 3 that word call is used and not only is it used but is for the mother's old which means it which gives it a business sense so it says what business are you in and and how do people see you they see you as being called and it is about the business that you are in so we as Christians we are called Christians that is the business that we are in so Paul says in as much as you inasmuch as you have been called you are in business for God and because you are in business this is your business walk worthy of the vocation wherewith your call with all lowliness etc etc that's your business as a child of God that is your business as being faithful to to the pole of God so we are Christians and being Christians we have a pole or a line now if you want to know what the : G is I'll explain it in in just a minute what that calling is on the Christian three times in the New Testament do we have the word Christian now as powerful as they were as faithful as they were the word Christian is mentioned three times in the New Testament first it is mentioned in Acts chapter 11 and verse number 26 where the impro was said Paul all those that was rated me to become a Christian first time we meet that word Christian in in the well acts 11:26 the disciples were called Christians first at any our first time that word Christian is mentioned Acts chapter 26 verse number 28 the Bible makes clear of that the infant was said to poll after poll explained to him the gospel of Jesus Christ he said Paul almost thou persuaded me to be a Christian second time that that word is mentioned in the New Testament now that was a third time that that word our Christian is mentioned in the New Testament 1st Peter chapter 4 and verse number 16 Peter says if any man suffer as a Christian so three times is that word Kristen mentioned in the New Testament and the business the calling the business that the early Christians were in were bringing people to Jesus by telling them or what the gospel is now this is not a human call and the call on our lives and the call on your life and the call on the lives of all Christians is not a human call it is not a human call it is a design call if you have been called by God it is because you heard the gospel you believe the gospel you obey the gospel you were baptized for remission of your sins that's the extent of your call and all of those of you are in the room who are children of God you have been called by God now the question is how does he call how does he call does he spit to you down through the trackless air does he speak to you at night on your bed does he speak to you in the confines of your privacy how does he call and every person who is not a child of God every person who is not a member of the body of Christ you have to be sure you understand that God has a special way God has a particular way that he calls people and he calls them only by one way he doesn't call them independent of the word just know this that that voice that you may have heard I say because I used to preach that you did not hear voice you know for back in the day they said I was out in the cotton pension and and God spoke to me and and God called me or I was on my bed and I was whatever the case was I was you know I was only one said angel appeared to me and God called me I come to be to tell you that there was not God because God does not call people that way and if you have been if you think but if any one thing that they have been called that way then that calling was a human call or it was a call as a result of the figment of your imagination and so understand that because God has a special way to call 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 at verse number 14 clears all of that up because when we raised the question of how does God call people today does he speak down through the trackless air there's a temple upon our back does he give us a dream how does not call men and women today well 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and you can put that on the board and it says woe unto here it is we're on - he called you he's talking to the Christians at Thessalonica he is talking to the Christians are at Thessalonica and you said to the Christian that fellow Thessalonica he is saying we're unto he called you by our gospel that's how he calls he called by the gospel he doesn't call it any other way and I want to say this again particularly to our friends in TV land God doesn't call down through the trackless air God doesn't tap you on the back God doesn't take you down someplace where you were way down there by yourself and couldn't hear anybody president has got calls the Bible says he called us by our gospel Paul said God calls by the gospel and if you have not been called by the gospel then you have not been properly called so who does the calling the question there is if we have been called who does the Pauline Jesus Christ God the Father calls through Christ were one - he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ so every one of us who have been called by God were called by the gospel it was not some little voice it was not some angel it was not some some person dressed in white came into your room and shook you awake and told you you say no no no if you did not hear the gospel if you did not obey the gospel you have not been saved because that's not the way God calls God calls according to scripture he calls through and by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the reason he does that is because of the fact Paul says I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God and that's how he calls that's his power that's his power that's how he calls you and if you are not a member of the Church of Christ the church that's in the Bible the church that was expanded in the first century and you are claiming that you have been called I submit to you you have not been called if you have not been called by the gospel of Jesus Christ God's power to save and this is important God's power to save is in the gospel of Jesus Christ because Paul said it is the power of God and then he says to the church at Galatia he says I marvel that you will so soon removed from him that called you into the gospel of Christ and he said that would be some who were trying to subvert and pervert the gospel of Christ we then says that there was a danger in trying to change how men and women are called today Paul says though that include the Apostles though we are an angel so if that angel that you say you saw came and came to you and spoke to you and told you do certain things Paul said listen to me though we are angel from heaven preach any other gospel than that which we have preached let him be anathema or let him be accursed and then he repeats himself as I said before so say I now again though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you then that the gospel that we appreciative ah now of course this is important to all of those of us who are members of the body of Christ we do not know when the end time is going to come we do not know when the end is going to come but we have a part in it we have a part in it we have a determinant part in the end time we don't know when the end time is going to come there are no signs of the end time that allows us to go to church and get baptized or go to church and repent of our sins because we know that the end time is coming next week so we gonna be in church on Sunday and be sure we make a confession or get baptized or whatever the case is but no no those of us who are believers those of us who are in the business of telling folk about Jesus Christ those of us who are in the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus says in Matthew 24 and I guess you can put that on the Jumbo Matthew 24 and verse number 14 Matthew 24 and verse number 14 if we can get that on the jumbo the Bible says there it is now I've explained to you that the gospel is the Avenue through which God calls all men and women best Avenue God is the Paula and he calls us through the gospel of Jesus Christ because that's where his power is but believers those of us who have been called by the gospel those of us who have been called by the gospel we have a part in when the end time is going to be we don't know when but we have a part we play a part in when the end time is going to be now look at the board the Bible says and this gospel that is the medium through which we have been called and this gospel which have been called which through which we have been called and I am hey that we're here we are we can cut the said I thought I had lost my night and this gospel of the kingdom and this gospel of the kingdom underlying gospel because that's the power of God and thus how God calls everybody he calls him through the gospel and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world because that's what he told his disciples to do go into all the world and preach the gospel that matter 20 19 in 20 Mark 16:15 16th ah and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come so when the gospel is preached to all the world when everybody in the world has had says to the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the gospel when it has reached all human beings for all persons one way or the other has heard the gospel V the Bible says shall be income now we don't know when everybody in the world has heard the gospel our job is to take the gospel to every part of the world and that's what of this church that's what we do by television that's what we do by radio what we're doing we're trying to get the gospel to the whole world because it is through the gospel that God calls all men and women and when the last person on earth has heard the gospel then the air is not a count but we don't know when the last person will have heard the gospel but he is what we do know when everyone has had an opportunity to hear the gospel one way or the other Jesus says then the end is going to come so it's important and to understand that because that's our that's our responsibility another thing about this call another thing about the call that we have accepted as members of the body of Christ in Romans the eighth chapter and verse number 28 this call is definitive this call is definite this call has a sense of definiteness about it it is not a that you can't understand it is a call that every man and woman can understand now woman's the chapter and verse 28 the Bible says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are now I need you to notice the the definiteness of this call it is a definite call it is preceded by a definite article what's this because this is important the Bible says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are what Berko not any call not anyone who has been who claimed to be called you have to be a part of the call you see and the holy spirit provides for us a definite article in front of cold he says the call a specific call a definite call and that call has to be the gospel of Jesus Christ and so to them that love God to them who are the called and not only must be must it be per call it must be according to his purpose and if it's not the call if is not according to God's purpose it's the wrong call it is not the gospel call if you cannot find it in Holy Writ they just know that is not according to the purpose of God and that you and I independent of the gospel have missed the gospel because the gospel is according to the purpose of God the Bible says those who are the called according to his purpose and so it is important therefore that those who are listening on radio those who are listening by way of television just know that God has a specific call the call is specific the call is definite and those who have obeyed the call of God through the gospel has responded to the gospel of Jesus Christ and so the call then must be a gospel call and that gospel that you heard and that you claim to have obeyed must be according to the purpose of God and it is not according to the purpose of God is an illegitimate call and you have to understand that there are calls in the world today that are illegitimate and God is to call it now let me hasten here by simply saying to those of you particularly those of you who may be writing there are three things that distinguish the call of God there are three things because you may want to know how do I know that the call that I obeyed that I responded to was the right call well there's a way to figure that out because there are three things that determines the call of God three things and there may be more but I'm dealing with three things specific things that determine the call of God so you not confused and not only I'm not confused for those of you who have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ it is for your edification number one we distinguish the the call of God based on its nature in a ture based on its nature we distinguish the call of God based on its direction we determine the call of God based on its character and that's how we tell that's how we determine the call of God how do we do it we do it based on his face honest nature we do it based on the direction of the call number three based on the character of the call these things has to be present if you want to know whether or not you have the right calling you have to look at the nature of the call what is the nature of the call you see what I've been called preacher well what was the nature of the call and the nature of the call goes to the to the fact that it has to be a holy calling it has to be a holy in 2nd Timothy chapter number one second Timothy chapter number one and and verse number nine Paul writes to the young man Timothy and he says something specific to them and here's what he says God who has saved us and called us with what kind of call a holy calling you see this call of God is unholy calling first goes to the nature of his call the nature of the call of God what is the nature of the call of God the nature of the call of God is it's a holy calling the Bible says who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to his own what purpose but recording another cording to our words in other words there is nothing that you can do there is nothing that I can do to save ourselves nothing absolutely nothing this call has to be from God it has to be abroad and not only that but it has to be a holy calling the fact that the call is from God the fact that the call is of God and to earth it has to be a holy calling who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began in other words God was working on this plan God was working on this purpose before the world began so it is a it is the holy calling and is not according to our own work you remember in Matthew 17 chapter verse 1 through 4 5 Jesus was transfigured on the mountain of Transfiguration and Peter was so excited about what he saw he saw Jesus and he saw Moses and he saw Elias talking to Jesus on top of the mountain and Peter says Lord it's just good to be here there is barrel three Tabernacles one for the one for Moses one for Elias Peter wanted to start a building program and he wanted to start this building program in the name of men Moses and Elias but Jesus would not allow through his father for Peter to begin a building program the Bible says while he yet spake of horse out of heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased to him so then it is important to understand that this is a holy calling and not only is it a holy calling but even to make sure we don't miss this it has to come food and by Jesus Christ and Method chapter number three when Jesus was baptized by John in Jordan a 4-sided have been saying this is my beloved son whom I am well-pleased he him it has to come through Jesus Christ whatever Jesus says about what we must do so whatever Jesus says we must do in order to be saved then of course we have to do that because if we do anything different from that we have obeyed and responded to their own calling number two the direction of the call the direction of the call now we talked about the nature of the call the nature of the call is is not about man's work it is about God and about what God does and it about what God does through Jesus Christ now what about the direction of the call the direction of the call to accept Jesus Christ the direction of it well Matthew except another three and and hastening on that's the baptism of John our baptism of Jesus by John and after he baptized Jesus beginning with verse number 16 a voice out of heaven saying this is my beloved son and whom and well pleased hear ye him hell is the direction of the call that is that you need to obey what is the direction of the call that those of us who are Christians have obeyed it's a heavenly call it is a heavenly call and what it is call come from it came from heaven the Bible says there was a horse out of heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him so what is the direction the direction of the call is heaven would it comes from heaven and if the call didn't come out of heaven then it's the wrong call not only is it the wrong call but all spoke to the church at Philippi in in Philippians chapter number three and verse number 14 not only it is any heavenly call but it is a high call in Philippians chapter number 3 verse number 13 Paul first lady will begin in verse number 13 of Philippians chapter 3 brethren I can't knock myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before now verse number 14 our press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling this is a high calling Paul calls it a high calling in methods up to three it's a heaven Nicoli what Paul says is not only all the vets but it is a high calling and not only that the number three are the character of this calling the character of this call what is the character of the calling what is the nature of this call that you have received as a child of God in Revelation in second Timothy chapter 1 and verse number 9 we're talking about the character of the call what is the character of the call is it a humanistic call it is a student isn't a spiritual call what is the nature of the Paul where did this poor Tim Flynn how can I recognize the call well they've already ported in second Timothy chapter number one and verse in verse number nine how were Paul right to our to to the young man Timothy he says who has saved us and called us with a holy calling that's the nature of the call the call is a holy calling it is a heavenly calling it is a holy calling so when you talk about the fact that you have been called by God here's what you say you were saying that I have obeyed a heavenly call or heavily a high and heavenly call I have obeyed the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus and he is a holy it is a holy call now the importance of the call the importance of the call he was chapter 3 and verse number 15 gives us some instance gives us some information about the response to our responsibility to the call of God he rules chapter 3 at verse 15 while it is said today this is our responsibility if you are in the role this is your responsibility if you are in the room and you're not a Christian if you're in a room and you're not a child of God here is your responsibility to this call that I'm talking about this morning here is your responsibility the Bible says while it is save today if you hear his voice harden not so hard when you hear the call of God when you hear God's called and God's call and he is calling through his word and the Bible said the day that you hear is called that's the day to obey the call now then here is something interesting in revelation 22 and verse number 16 Revelation chapter 22 at verse number 16 the Bible says Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root I am the offspring of David and the bright in the morning star he had comes in verse number 17 verse 17 says and us and this dears this is the last invitation the method 11 in verse number 28 Jesus has come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden a little eccentric that's the invitation that comes from Jesus Christ but here is the last invitation the last invitation is in the last book of the Bible and the last book of the Bible in the 22nd chapter and verse number 17 here it is as John the Revelator closed the book as he closed the book he gave us finally the last invitation and Jesus already you know said to us come unto me and I'll give you a thief said all of it if a man will believe in me then he would keep my what he'd already talked about that and that is that he that rejected me receiveth not my word have-12 judging him for the word that i speaking to him will judge me he's already given all of that information without me you can do nothing he's already given that information coming at me are you he's already done but before the Bible was closed before John the Revelator closed the Bible in Revelation chapter number 22 verse number 17 this is the last time now it's you were here his invitation from the Bible the Word of God this is the last time in the first gospel Matthew 11:28 you have Jesus given an opening by saying I want all of you to come to me that's the invitation but not before he closed the book he said John says and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him take the waters of life for you that's the last invitation that's the last now I'm given invitation this morning but the last invitation in the world is to all those of us who have not accepted that gospel call and and God says now I'm closing the book but I want you to know the Spirit wants you to come because the Spirit led the Apostles to write this book and this book is inspired by God and the last invitation when the book closed the last invitation Jesus says I need you to know this that the Spirit wants you to come the bride wants you to come and whosoever will let him come there is no pressure there is no criticizing and ridicule if you want to receive the call of God you're going to have to listen to what Jesus has to say this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased want you to hear him and the last invitation is for members of the body effects for members of the Church of Christ this is the last invitation and the last invitation says even to us hear what the Spirit says to the churches and the Spirit is say come to him and drink of the waters of life freely that's the call of God that's the call on your life best of all of my life all of those of us are Christians we have a call on our lives and it's an important call and you must not forget that call you must not forget the direction of that call you must not forget the nature of that call you must not forget the clarity of that call because they talk come directly from heaven and you must not forget how you will fall now somebody may have missed you and taught you and baptize you but the call came from God himself through his son you can receive that call by having faith in God by believing that he is where we say he is by repenting of all of your sins Luke 13:3 acts 17:30 by confessing with your mouth with your heart believe but being baptized for remission of sins and those of you in TV Lane you can accept this call today those of you in the room you can accept this call today by coming to Jesus and giving your life to him by completing your obedience in Baptism for remission of sins meaning the blood of Jesus and that blood will cleanse you from all of your past sins and if you were in the building today and you have taken this call like that this is the most important call and you you're taking it lightly if you have taken the call on your life and I wish I had time to talk about that to to the Christians and how important it is to those of us who are Christians I'd need you to know that every believer in the body of Christ has a call on his life and as I explained from the word that I used in acts 11:26 Cavazos Oh goes to the business of the child of God we are in business and that business is telling others about Jesus Christ and taking the gospel to all parts of the world will you accept the call if you're not a Christian will you accept the call if you are a personal Jesus still want you to accept the call if you have seen and turn your back on God if you will confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and so if you're in the building and you feel the call of God in your life that you need to insure it up that you need to make sure that you are using this cause of this call for the cause that Jesus called us and used and you feel that you might need strength you feel that you might want the church to pray for you that you might be stronger and that you might be able to have what you need to have when you fight and you daily fight against the devil and I would invite you to come and we're going to pray for you that God would give you what you need for what you needed fall and we'll ask everybody to please stand this gives the invitation this is your time to come to the Lord this is your time and say Lord I'm not much but I'm all I got take me and use me to your glory and to your honor this is the invitation to all of those of you who know that you have the call of God on your life which you have not been exercised the responsibility of that call as you should and you know better but you're a little weak and you need strength and you need your brothers and sisters to pray for you that you might and that you might not be intimidated by the devil and you might not be intimidated by those who might laugh at you you need strength to do that well God will come into your life and give you what you need of what you need it for and if you're not a Christian this is the time to accept the call where is the time creature today that you hear our voice Jax today to obey Jesus Christ now we're going to give you an opportunity to do that while we sing [Music]
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 2,605
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to be saved, One true Church
Id: JhO4Bdcyglo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 17sec (3917 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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