The New Fairly OddParents is DARKER Than You Think

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the new Fairly Odd Parents might be darker than you think that's not what I meant taking fan favorite aspects of the original series and cranking them up to 11 and today I'm on a mission to get you pumped for the new series so let's waste no time and Dive Right In Nickelodeon recently unveiled the new Fairly Odd Parent show a new wish a reveal that left fans skeptical and reasonably so Nickelodeon's been on a bit of an IP frenzy giving everything reboots revivals and sequels G and if we're being honest very few of them have been hits we're mostly looking at misses at least when we're talking about audience reception and I'm not even talking about the stuff aimed at kids obviously something like Camp curl is going to slap if you're in the Target demographic obviously adults wouldn't care for a SpongeBob but they're at summer camp and they're kids but even stuff like Zoe 102 and Good Burger 2 follow-ups made for adults have been pretty forgettable at best and outside of the realm of Nick people have also just started to have reboot fatigue feeling like a lot of projects that come out now are just ideas that wouldn't stand on their own so they slap a familiar name onto it and hope that viewers will flock to it and considering Fairly Odd Parents just won't die the original series getting cancelled and bouncing back from the grave like two or three times and then you throw the liveaction films and the sitcom into the mix yeah I get being Burt out on this franchise and not being super excited for another cartoon of course there are some complaints that I think are uh dumb like people getting mad that the new protagonist isn't Timmy even though focusing on a new God kid after Timmy's time in the spotlight makes perfect sense for a sequel I think exploring the different backgrounds of all the god kids is something that could be really interesting for the franchise it's just a matter of making those characters interesting which we'll get to but something else that has people upset is that it's another CGI reimagining instead of traditional 2D and while I'm usually in that Pro 2D Camp from what we've seen so far this is a great use of CGI as a medium mimicking the movement of the original series while also providing far more detail to the world in characters I don't know the original series didn't have the fanciest animation in the world and even if you prefer 2D you got to admit that this is Miles Ahead of whatever the hell the back half of season 10 was but one major concern I've seen for the series is that it might be sanitized compared to the original the OG Fairly Odd Parents was pretty cynical probably the most cynical show in that golden age of Nick Tunes it's not just the humor that could be mean-spirited but also the characters themselves and it was awesome not only did it shape my sense of humor but this windso yet Bleak world made the sincere moments all the more effective when the show put on your heartstrings it almost always landed losing any of that would suck and what we know so far doesn't really Aspire confidence namely the reason why Hazel gets Fairy God Parents as most of you probably know last year the first episode and Pitch Bible for the show leaked and although I won't show anything that hasn't been officially released in this video I do want to shed some light on the reason behind why Hazel gets Cosmo and Wanda because it feels kind of uh weak at least compared to Timmy who was put through the ringer before and after getting Cosmo and Wanda our new protagonist Hazel has just moved to a new town demad Delphia love that World building and she's really struggling now that her older brother Anthony has gone off to college and she is not doing well without him the pitch describing it as lonus without his blanket Dumbo without his feather without him she's just Hazel and she doesn't feel like that's enough she's becoming very introverted so Cosmo and wand to help push her out of her show it's not exactly the most compelling angle but I do also believe that the show's trying to be a bit more nuanced because yeah we could just leave it at Hazel move to a new city her brother's at college she hates it boom fairy god par but I do think this show is trying to be nuanced and instead of having the lead character be someone who clearly needs god parents because the World At Large is just an ass to them Hazel's ordeal seems to be a matter of self-perception as the pitch discusses how Hazel is the smallest kid in class and she feels small in the sense that she's not taken as seriously as everyone else the only time she feels visible or she doesn't feel as small is when she's with her brother his Pres brings the best out of Hazel but without him she's shutting down and is kind of regressing which is where Cosmo and Wanda come into play Cosmo and Hazel connect because of their Oddball nature while wand is able to identify Hazel's emotional needs and in return Hazel provides a connection that Cosmo and Wanda have been longing for ever since Timmy let go and grew up it's a dynamic I'm really interested in but again it does raise some valid concern that this series will feel a bit more squeaky clean compared to the original and that's where I think some additional Insight on one of the creators behind this project really comes in handy The Talented Lindsay katai is one of the creators of the Fairly Odd Parents of new wish animation fans May recognize her as one of the writers on Infinity train one of the goats of Cartoon Network that was taken way too soon I love Infinity train and although it has a lot more drama than Fairly Odd Parents it takes itself a lot more seriously I think the two shows still share a lot of traits while Fairly Odd Parents is more high energy I think both shows share that Whimsical yet cynical atmosphere and sense of humor and honestly I think Nick might have picked Lindsay Kai because of her phenomenal work on Infinity train according to the pitch Bible serialization is going to be a big element of this new series something that probably was adopted from Infinity train and well all the big 2010 cartoons and it's something that I think fits right at home with Fairly Odd Parents the original series already embraced continuity and we had iconic specials that took advantage of that continuity like aboc catastrophe Channel Chasers fairy Idol and wishology but it was still a pretty episodic show with that being said not everything in Pitch Bibles is 100% final they're always subject to change it's a pitch and I have a feeling that Hazel's need for Fairy God Parents goes deeper than just missing her brother something that Infinity train excelled at every book or season featured a different cast of characters and just when it comes to getting Fairy God Parents every passenger on the infinity train had a different reason for being there some of these characters we got their deal right away tulip didn't want to deal with divorce Ryan and Mii hit a snag in their friendship and had huge codependency issues but others were a slowburn Like Jesse we don't find out why he's on the train until halfway through book two the first half kept building up the question of why a goober like him was on the train he seem so nice and while adjusted only for the show to slowly pull back the curtain and reveal no he's actually a really big pushover he lets people walk all over him and his family to be accepted he struggles making his own choices so he gets whisked away to this death trap in another dimension ah Infinity train but I think something similar could be the case for hazel in the first few episodes we really don't get why she has Cosmo and Wanda like she's struggling to come out of her shell she's feeling alone but there will be bits and pieces of context that we need to see the full picture and as we learn more and more about Hazel's past about her life before dimad Delphia and how this Chang in environment has really affected her it'll become Crystal Clear why she was given Cosmo and Wanda and if the writers are allowed to bring any of the energy that Infinity train had we might be holding back tears when we finally know the full story but let's loop back around to the serialization because that's where I think this show will really shine and where it can get really dark again I'm not exactly convinced that the story arc we're getting in this pitch Bible will be an accurate depiction of what we get in the show especially since for the last like 12 13 years it's been common for showrunners to present one version of the show to Executives and then Trojan Horse her real Vision into the show gravity false star Steven the L house amphibia so on so forth but even with that in mind I do think it's telling that the pitch Bible mentions the Pixies propping them up as the main antagonist for the first season something I do think will be the case however the angle they're going for probably isn't spelled out in the pitch Bible for obvious reasons but given the experience a lot of people animation have been having for years I think the Pixies are definitely going to be a clear allegory for one thing and one thing only corporate mergers this has been the biggest plague on animation it's what effectively killed Cartoon Network it replaced Disney TV VA with Disney branded television and in conjunction with General capitalist greed it's why 60% of the animation industry is out of work right now mergers put people out of a job and then the people calling the shots don't want to spend any money so they spend very little greenlighting shows and when there's little shows to work on there's little jobs to be had people have to switch to entirely different career paths it gets dark and the Pixies are the perfect antagonist to tell a similar story with and make the turmoil that the animation industry is going through known on a wide scale and if you're thinking oh but kids are going to get that shut up not only are kids not stupid and now they have the internet and YouTube channels like this to keep them informed but as long as it's a good story with or without the meta commentary it really doesn't matter but I'm calling it now season 1's Arc will be the culmination of the Pixies acquiring fairy world effectively having a corporate merger and we're going to see the terrible ramifications that has on the fairies and their God kids that's where I think it's going to get dark funny but dark I mean if corporate mergers lead to people losing their jobs in the real world what do you think would happen to the fairies they're going to start losing work we're going to see kids lose their god parents hazo might lose Cosmo and Wanda which might cause her to spiral and slowly lose all the character development she's gained over this season it'll be emotional it'll be Bleak and if done right it'll be a contender for one of the greatest installments in the franchise I do want to see where else they can go with serialization though the pixie being a stand in for corrupt CEOs and corporate mergers I think that's easy to see coming but what are they going to do with the anti-fairies mark Chang or even Dark Laser like personally I would love to see a space Arc I don't even know what the hell it would be about but imagine meeting alien kids with fairy god parents that would be Uncharted Territory and something I can see this sequel going for expand the world expand our minds I personally think it would slap but as always these are just my thoughts and I would love to hear yours what are your thoughts on the new Fairly Odd Parent series are your hopes low or did this video boost your expectations a bit let us know in the comments down below and if you enjoyed this video please thr to like And subscribe to the round table for more great cartoon content thank you for watching and I hope you have an awesome day see you he [Music]
Channel: The Roundtable
Views: 61,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fairly oddparents, fairly oddparents reboot, timmy turner, butch hartman controversy, butch hartman, the fairly oddparents, a new wish, fairly oddparents a new wish, hazel, butch hartman danny phantom, fairly oddparents ending, fairly oddparents a new wish theme song, fairly oddparents secret wish, cosmo, wanda, pixies, nickelodeon, nicktoons
Id: yelea0uAxVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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