The New Doctor Who Showrunner is a Hack Fraud (Chris Chibnall) - NitPix

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The whole "putting out lots of fires" quote is a major difference between Moffat and Chibnall imo. Moffat creates lots of different interesting "fires" because he thought they'd be cool little things to have in the episode - the Weeping Angels coming out of the snow in Time of The Doctor for example - while Chibnall creates his "fires" because he thinks they should be there to make the story work, rather than because they are interesting independently. Also Moffat generally does his sequentially rather than simultaneously although I think doing them simultaneously could work with a better writer.

Btw, I think pretty much everyone was somewhat wary of Chibnall becoming showrunner, not just that YouTube channel. Broadchurch is brilliant, but nothing like Doctor Who and nearly everyone thought his previous episodes were not good.

On the plus side - no countdowns in series 11 as far as I remember! Lots of sonic-ing though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CyborgBee ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When you start describing professional television writers as "hack frauds" you lose my attention, you can make a criticism video without delving into ridiculous insults, I understand there is a necessary element of clickbait to get people to watch the video, but I'm not going to engage with something so lacking in graciousness. Also, none of us really understand how difficult the job is.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/somekindofspideryman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He protec

He attac

But most importantly

He fraud hac

This isn't meant to be taken seriously

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheOutcastBoi ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
nut packs doctor who is a quintessential part of English television with the show being over 50 years old a big reason for its longevity is due to the ever-changing nature of the show completely reinventing itself every few years with the upcoming series 11 it seems like Doctor Who is making its biggest changes to date with the very first female doctor which has gone down really well however I'm not gonna be talking about Jodie Whittaker because she's a good actor but a good actor is nothing unless they have a good script and this is where Kris Shipman comes into the picture Chris Chibnall will be the head fighter and showrunner for the new episodes of Doctor Who when his role was announced I became really interested in finding out what contributions Chris Chibnall has made the doctor so I watched all the episodes Chibnall has written over the many years all four of them in this video we'll be looking at chip nas episodes critically in order to gain a better understanding of chip know as a writer so I can paint a picture of what series xi might be 42 is the first chip no episode if you have seen this episode you probably won't remember because it's pretty much the most forgettable bland uninspired episode of Doctor Who ever made the doctor arrives on the ship and he has 42 minutes to stop the ship from colliding with the Sun but before our heroes can worry about that is revealed that one of the crew members has gone crazy and it started killing people on the ship but before we can worry about that the crew has to answer a series of security questions against access to the control room but before we can worry about that the sunshine monsters are actually zombies and can infect other crew members but before we can worry about that the doctor says into the Sun and becomes infected as it turns out the Sun is an alien being and the crew of the ship have been illegally using as fuel all these problems are solved by simply jumping all the fuels so good job guys but this episode should be complimented for the way that fan-favorite companion Martha tragically dies she's in an escape pod hurtling towards the Sun with no power to stop her demise and the doctor has to convince her but his saving but deep down he knows he can't not really if flex the switch and she's fine everyone's fine this is a classic Chibnall moves up I'll get more into that later this is pretty much all the doctor does in this episode apart from getting affected from the Sun and almost died which begins his long-standing battle with PTSD in really do need degree how you doing maybe I'm not being completely fair the doctor does some things like he's able to give a full diagnosis of this man by shining a sonic screwdriver in his face writing body temperature unusual energy readings oh your sonic screwdriver told you about his energy readings cool the main problem with this episode is it's too convoluted and lacks focus themes or any kind of end message Chibnall is constantly establishing new frets which makes it difficult to build any sense of tension especially when every fret can be tackled by pressing a button the doctor is at his best when he's putting out lots of fires simultaneously he's having to run from one place to the next always having to deal with problems always under pressure Jibril's next contribution is a two-parter it's a chip nib double bill so strap yourself in boys and girls is about to get chippy in this hippie so this episode is set in the future Wales 2020 although it's the future things in Wales are still a bit primitive why are you reading The Gruffalo this is the future captioner oh yeah - new Kindle paperwhite were immediately introduced to the world's greatest knife well his best friend is great with his son and everyone at work loves him I sure hope he doesn't die no he's dead well what easy when you see a smoking dope it and your state-of-the-art drill lab is it haphazardly shove your arm down it because that's what you would do if you were in a Chibnall script these dirt pits have been made by the sigh lorian's an ancient reptilian race who used to inhabit the earth before human beings evolved but they went underground to hibernate in order to escape extinction but this big drill has woken them up and they want their planet back which they thought was rightfully theirs so just imagine the Israeli Palestine conflict but instead with lizard people David's line of defense is clear when he says lizards he really is referring to lizards this is not a plot on the world by Jewish people the thing is when you say this is not a Jewish plot some people think that the merciful from you saying it's a Jewish Club later on Amy also gets eaten by the quicksand but the doctor doesn't really seem that bothered about living I can't do the words under section that's right I can't like decently round it's almost like you read the script previous whole episode it never feels like anyone's in any real danger which really kills the tension and makes everything fill meaningless but Chibnall uses his classic writing technique to ramp up the stakes employs an arbitrary deadline the countdown serves two purposes firstly it moves the story forward and secondly it stops you from thinking about the plot because if you do you realize nothing makes any sense like instead of these characters sitting and talking about what's been happening jib doll just makes the drill computer show that life forms are moving to the surface so they have 12 minutes before the bodies arrive and they have to get ready ready for something but gosh golly damn am i tense now but anyway the kid gets kidnapped the old man gets poisoned and Chibnall broke new ground by having the doctor shove this lizard lady in the back of a van so now you've kidnapped the soul Orion you can do a trade and get the others back as long as the humans don't kill her and she's my best bargaining chip I need her alive one of you will kill me keeper creature say I know which one of you look to me nobody dies today oh no didn't see that coming to be fair how could she know that stun gun would be the sole ourian's only weakness and this middle-aged mums of seem to feel pretty guilty about killing this alien lizard creature maybe she's learned her lesson away she set the drill to destroy and wipe out all the sigh lorian's effectively Jenna siding an entire species but they've got 15 minutes to stop the drill so it's another countdown and again I'm on the edge of my seat even though the doctor's screwdriver makes all their weapons useless like the previous Chippenham episode it ends with all the characters being exactly how they were in the beginning hopefully the next episode is less [ __ ] don't done didn't underdone [Music] unlike Jurassic Park this episode is garbage I'd rather watch 2012 the dinosaur project four times back-to-back then sit through this episode again but sadly this has become my life because the dinosaur project is my free or odd son's favorite film so please leave a like for support I don't really have a son but please don't unlike I need the YouTube money so dinosaurs on a spaceship this spaceship that's full of dinosaurs is going to collide into the earth in 6 hours wait haven't I been here before and the doctor has to uncover the mystery of what happened to the crew and save the dinosaurs from being blown up by these missiles so how does it go about this he decides to assemble a dream team the universe is best and brightest heroes from all of time to help them save the ship so who does he choose Nefertiti which is cool again roaring ami go have them and John riddle a made-up fictional English Explorer from 1902 also Rory's dad accidentally gets taken while changing a lightbulb so I'm sure here come in handy even though this might not seem like the obvious people for the doctor to recruit I'm sure Shipman can write the story in a way that gives each character a moment to shine and add something to the plot so riddle is sexist and shoot some dinosaurs with Amy at the end and Nefertiti well she's a strong female character who has a crush on the doctor and floats with a sexist old-fashioned animal hunter and then she gets kidnapped and has to be saved oh and Arthur Weasley also provides a trowel so that's useful the main problem with this is like all of Chibnall other episodes this episode doesn't have any distinguishable themes for example this episode was about animal cruelty the hunter could change his ways or opinions but fair was about the ownership of people because caretaker folks wants their own Nefertiti is like a collector the Nefertiti who probably owned slaves might learn something it's just founded story storage but because Chibnall doesn't give them anything to really add to the plot or any character arcs they feel unnecessary and empty ultimately it seems like they were written in so the episode could look interesting but just because something looks interesting but doesn't mean it's actually interesting when none of these things work together or fit into a narrative of theme you've just got a mess but I didn't mention there's a countdowns when the missus here initiative estimated 30 minutes so I'm going to retract everything I just said this episode has a lot of high pace and energy I was gripped all the way through ten hours this is the last episode Chris Chibnall wrote for dr. which was five years ago this could be argued as its best episode but it could also be argued as its worst the episode starts with a really promising Doctor Who mystery of all these cubes appearing on earth overnight the doctor analyzes them and can't figure out what they're about they're just sitting there doing nothing unlike other Chibnall episodes it doesn't force in other elements to move the story along and try to create artificial tension signal is happy to have the characters interact and develop naturally in a casual setting the plot thickens as chip know establishes more creepy elements surrounding the enigmatic cubes there's this mysterious little girl in the hospital he's rubbing a cube and staring at people and these disturbing gas masturbates people who are kidnapping patients around the halfway mark after a year of doing nothing the cubes become active so far there's been no countdown arbitrary screwdriver use and we've had a focus block with consistent themes in the captivating mystery all chip will now has to do is not screw up the final act all he has to do is give us a satisfying ending and it's at this point that the caves start counting down from seven it's all downhill from folks has revealed that the keeps have spent a year figuring out the best way to kill humanity which turns out to just be giving people who are near by heart attacks which means a third of them have died edgy choice Chibnall the doctor and Amy rush to the hospital to put a stop to the dust of the cubes whilst there the doctor comes face to face with this ominous and mysterious cube gal the doctor deduces that the girl was an Android working as a scout even though the cubes were sort of doing that anyway at the elevator the doctor uses a screwdriver to pick up on some unusual energy signals the energy signals converge here turns out there's a portal in the elevator that leads to the invaders ship and it is here so we are introduced to the greatest doctor villain of all time cube man ah doctor it seems you've stumbled into the cube then ah oh oh okay these shoes lasers I was always one and then revealed his entire motivation for killing a third of the world population which is humans are a plague and should be destroyed before they colonize space he then reveals the next foreboding step in his ingenious plan which is to release more cubes and going to release more cubes to kill more people after a slew of exposition cube man just disappeared leaving the doctor and his crew completely unsupervised on his spaceship maybe you could have stuck around and uses eye lasers more than one but I know blamin is a busy man he probably has a guest panel a cube convention but there's no excuse for the gas mask people what are they doing right now what even are they they seem to have absolutely nothing to do with tube man and why they bringing people on their ships why are their faces like that people committed hours to see giing those faces but no one questions why this is so dumb they spent a year observing people intimately and taking in information and sending little cyborg girls to do and having their gas Muslim kidnap six people but when it comes down to crunch time you all just go home surely after you were planning and observing you must understand how there are fraud in this plan the Kings won't be able to get everyone there will always be a handful of people hiding in a cupboard or something and sending more cubes won't change that you should have done enough together and it won't go and then you leave the one man who can stop you in the central hub of everything putting up no fight whatsoever when you have to bloody laser eyes so the doctor uses his magic wand I mean screwdriver to reverse the effects of the cubes so instead of stopping people's hearts it restarts them on top of that by skillfully moving his screwdriver about a bit more he is able to use the energy to blow up the ship now you could say that because the doctor is really clever or you could call it lazy writing so in closing every Chippenham episode has not been good he hasn't been a dull - episode for five years but in that time he has been a showrunner for a fairly successful mafia unoriginal detection show for free consecutive seasons so when say I was worried for the eleventh series of Doctor Who but I'm not excited either mostly I'm just confused confused as to why Chris Chibnall the Hackford Doctor Who and I got this job let me know your thoughts in the comments and subscribe for more videos like this make sure to follow me on Twitter as well you can suggest ideas for future videos and also make sure think of me okay hello nip excuse me Peck give me a little nitpick
Channel: NitPix
Views: 719,895
Rating: 4.6478882 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor who, Chris Chibnall, Nitpix, Nit Pix, Nit, Pix, Doctor, Who, Female, New, Woman, series, 11, Broadchurch, Chris, Chibnall, IHE, YMS, Review, Video, Essay, Tips, Companion, Trailer, Reveal, Jodie, Whittaker, Jodie Whittaker, Kris, Matt Smith, David tennant, regeneration, Redlettermedia, Stephen Moffat, Hack, Fraud, Showrunner, Head writer, TV, TV shows
Id: mh8xyDlLXfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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