Explaining the Doctor Who Iceberg

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for those of you unfamiliar the tiered iceberg is a very popular image format where concepts relating to a certain topic are collected together and ranked from the most popular surface level all the way down to the most obscure esoteric and confusing today i'll be taking a look at the doctor who iceberg and briefly explaining each topic listed as i'm sure you've gathered the beginning is filled with simple information that's easy to understand so please be patient as we work our way down to the truly bizarre in the depths below if any of these topics seem interesting to you don't hesitate to drop a comment on it down below and maybe i'll make a more focused and in-depth video on it sometime down the line also if you're a doctor who fan and you'd like to see more of my content in general please subscribe and leave a like on this video it really helps with the youtube algorithm alright enough of the intro let's dive in tier 1 these topics are all general knowledge about doctor who even if they've never watched a single episode of the series most people will be aware of these things through simple cultural consciousness the bbc the british broadcasting corporation abbreviated as bbc is the public service broadcasting company founded in 1922 headquartered in london it owns the production and distribution rights to doctor who which premiered on november 23 1963 david tennant the 10th doctor david tennant is arguably the most popular incarnation of the character the second actor to take on the role after the show's revival in 2005 he's often credited for the series massive rise in popularity he was so popular that the bbc considered canceling the program when he announced his departure in 2010 out of fear that no one would watch without him tardis time and relative dimensions in space this is a time and space ship used by time lords to travel the universe the doctor's tardis a type 40 has a broken chameleon circuit this means that its cloaking feature is always malfunctioning stuck as a 1960s police box the form it took when the first doctor arrived on earth the most notable feature of the tardis is that due to trans-dimensional engineering the inside of the ship is bigger than the outside time lord the doctor is a time lord a race of humanoid aliens that differ in many ways the most important differences are that time lords do not age or at the very least they age very slowly this means that many time lords live to be thousands if not millions of years old secondly time lords are far more intelligent than humans with mental processing power and deductive abilities far beyond most high-speed computers bow ties are cool this was a phrase commonly spoken by the 11th doctor it was in reference to the bow ties he always wore usually said in response to questioning or mockery interestingly enough eleven's tenure as the doctor actually positively influenced the sale of bow ties around the world more than doubling their market capitalization over several years sonic screwdriver this is a high-tech multi-purpose tool the doctor typically carries at all times its features are constantly fluctuating while originally its purpose was simply to turn screws it now can hack computers open locks rewire circuitry and that's just scratching the surface today it primarily exists for merchandising and plot convenience daleks the daleks are the doctor's greatest enemy and most popular as well a race of genocidal aliens that each pilot their own individual war machine a set of armor with a laser weapon and manipulator tool daleks are an iconic staple of the series most famous for the phrase they often repeat exterminate tom baker tom baker is the one actor who can compete with david tennant for the role of most popular doctor he served as the fourth actor to take on the role for the longest tenure of any incarnation seven series from 1974 to 1981. his image and persona are considered by many to be the prototype the most concentrated and pure example of what it means to be the doctor tier two these topics are simple concepts that a viewer will pick up after watching a season or two of the show typically the revival series most casual fans fall into this category k9 a futuristic robot dog this was a companion of the fourth doctor in the 1970s and another staple of doctor who iconography canine was most useful for his encyclopedic knowledge and the laser mounted weapon in his nose starring in several spin-offs the character did make a brief appearance in the revival series along with sarah jane smith gallifrey the home planet to all time lords and the believed birthplace of the doctor this massive orange planet is marked by the citadel a utopia-like city contained in a glass bubble only time lords are permitted inside the citadel as time lord is actually a rank to be achieved those who live outside are simply known as galifrans two hearts as a time lord the doctor's physiology differs greatly from humans the most notable difference is that he has two hearts a binary cardiac system other interesting differences include a respiratory bypass system that allows them to survive strangulation three brain stems and an internal body temperature of 15 degrees celsius or 59 degrees fahrenheit the doctor not doctor who the titular character of the series is not named doctor who the title he goes by in universe is simply the doctor this concept is in reference to the way fans of the show will correct non-fans who assume the character's name is doctor who hulk hulk is an abbreviation of doctor who and sherlock two popular british tv dramas both helmed by stephen moffat in the early 2010s the term originated on tumblr where fans of both series would envision stories where the heroes of both shows could meet and interact this concept was also used as a blanket term a signifier in blog bios that let visitors know you were a member of both fandoms this was often abbreviated further to super hoolock which included the cw series supernatural regeneration regeneration is a physical process that time lords undergo upon receiving a fatal injury welling up with regeneration energy they are perfectly healed but every cell in their body is altered to match new dna while regeneration changes physical appearance it also has a tendency to alter the personality of whoever undergoes it the process appears to be a physical skill that can be controlled as characters like romana and the master have shown varying degrees of chosen customization when changing their bodies tier 3 at this stage we have knowledge that is generally accepted among more engaged fans of the show they likely own at least one piece of doctor who merchandise and usually have a few friends who also watch the show night of the doctor this short one-off special aired exclusively online as a prelude to the 50th anniversary special the day of the doctor this marked the first on-screen appearance of paul mcgann reprising his role as the eighth doctor since the 1996 television movie this was also his final adventure leading to his regeneration and subsequent entry into the last great time war classic who this is the first 26 seasons of doctor who airing from 1963 until its cancellation in 1989. it spans the television adventures of the first seven doctors from william hartnell to sylvester mccoy depending on who you ask the 1996 movie could be considered the final episode of classic who although many consider it in a separate category from both classic and modern who time lord victorious the time lord victorious is a story concept conceived by russell t davies to be explored during the final stint of the 10th doctor's run due to the nature of the span of episodes shown only as four specials instead of a proper season the time lord victorious concept was contained primarily in the episode the waters of mars in this episode the doctor overcome by grief and frustration breaks the laws of time choosing to change a fixed point and save the life of a woman who was meant to die he deems himself the winner the sole survivor of the time war the time lord victorious his hubris is quickly checked however when the woman he saved takes her own life in order to preserve the timeline this concept and dark mental state was later explored in the multimedia timelord victorious series where the 10th doctor descends down a path of villainy determined to alter the fabric of the universe itself war doctor the war doctor refers to the incarnation of the doctor between the 8th and 9th who spent his entire life battling in the time war because he rejected his title of healer and wise man in order to wage war he also did not use the moniker of doctor during this time portrayed by john hurt he was revealed in the series seven finale name of the doctor and featured prominently in the day of the doctor where he was shown once again accepting the title before regenerating into christopher eccleston's incarnation influenced regeneration this concept refers to the idea that regeneration is a process that can be influenced by both the conscious and subconscious mind of the time lord undergoing it we've seen romana and the master both consciously alter their appearance but there have been clues that the doctor who is less skilled in regeneration subconsciously influenced his own the most obvious clue is when the 12th doctor recalls seeing his own face on kaiselius during the 10th carnation as a way to remind himself to always save as many people as possible other more subtle hints include ten's young handsome appearance and more human emotionality as a result of falling in love with rose tyler and eleven's young face in whimsical nature as a response to being in his final incarnation even twelve's scottish accent could be attributed to missing emilia pond who eleven envisioned in his final moments the hybrid the hybrid is a concept introduced in series 9 an ancient time lord prophecy born from the matrix a collection of minds uploaded from the experiences of every time lord the prophecy stated that a hybrid creature born of two warrior races would stand over the ruins of gallifrey and unravel the web of time breaking a billion billion hearts to heal its own after surviving the time war lord president rathalon feared that the hybrid would soon appear and lead to gallifrey's fall while it was often believed that the two warrior races were time lord and dalek this was never specified in the prophecy while there have been many candidates for this role throughout the series the doctor and clara oswald are definitively the hybrid as they are the only instance in which every element of the prophecy is met i have more on that in this video here if you're interested torchwood torchwood is most well known for the torchwood institute the british secret service established by queen victoria to protect the world from alien threats this institute was the focus of the spin-off series of the same name which featured captain jack harkness in the lead role the name torchwood originated as an anagram of doctor who which was used to label tapes of the revival series to prevent pirating and leaking online doctor who not the doctor this idea is in reference to the fact that when the series was first airing referring to the titular character as doctor who was deemed as acceptable and even commonplace even if the character was just called doctor in universe he was credited as doctor who and was referred to as such by many people who spoke of the show because of this those who tout it's the doctor not doctor who are ironically showing their lack of knowledge and experience with the series tier four these are serious fans of the show they not only have watched the majority of the available episodes but they likely enjoy dabbling in fan theories and learning factoids about the production too everything after this tier delves into the realm where if you talk about it in public you'll probably get strange looks weeping angels are time lords this is a fan theory born from speculation that the weeping angels have no given origin they're explained to be very powerful very ancient beings who are intrinsically bound to time itself these facts coupled with the fact that razzalon felt the need to mention them during his speech in the end of time caused much speculation that weeping angels were either some form of proto-time lords or perhaps ancient time lords evolved into them because this is only a fan theory there is no solid consensus on how the two races are actually linked the watcher the watcher is a peculiar piece of doctor who lore a mystery from the days before regeneration was as well defined as it is in the modern canon this strange white being stood silently observing the doctor and his companions save for some telepathic communication the audience never gets to hear toward the end of his fourth incarnation leading up to his regeneration into the fifth at this point the watcher merges with tom baker and peter davidson's fifth doctor is born the only explanation given was that the watcher was the doctor the whole time weird in the expanded material of books and audio watchers are explained to be unregenerated future projections of a time lord's next incarnation a sort of echo sent back in time born from the moment of regeneration both the fifth and tenth doctors have seen watchers before their deaths in this expanded media unfortunately this is the full extent of our understanding about them inspector space-time inspector space-time is a parody of doctor who a 1962 british sci-fi drama from the fictional world of community a sitcom created by dan harmon the series follows the inspector and his loyal constable as they battle blorgons and travel through time or space but never both while an obvious riff on many of the staples of doctor who what is most interesting about inspector space-time is that it actually has a rather expansive lore comprised entirely by community fans the inspector which has had 13 incarnations is an infinity knight from the planet kayaklash through the process of metamorphosis the inspector can change his face and personality and can thereby be played by a new actor he travels through time or space with his booth or bio-organic omnidirectional time helix the show also has an infamously terrible 1981 christmas special a reference to the similar star wars holiday special from the same era there are a million of these hilarious nods to doctor who and other popular sci-fi series i highly recommend you read the wiki if you want a good laugh you can check it out at madman with a booth.fandom.com the show actually received a very short-lived web series quote untitled web series about a space traveler who can also travel through time unquote which saw seven episodes in 2012. it's really just a very fun rabbit hole to jump down my favorite bit of trivia though in the community universe every fan of the show hates the fifth inspector the only female one their reasoning not because she's a woman but because she sucks this aired in 2013 prophetic half human this concept originated from the 1996 movie starring paul mcgann in the film the doctor confesses to a stranger that he's actually half human on his mother's side not fully time lord this is punctuated by the fact that the doctor is able to open the eye of harmony something that requires human dna this idea is referenced once again during the 12th doctor's run me suggests the doctor's lineage is more complex than he lets on during the events of hell bent but the doctor remains coy and chooses not to respond directly of course this concept is meaningless in the wake of the timeless children reveal but if you choose to ignore these recent changes to the canon then there is an explanation for the quote damning evidence of the doctor's human biology in the film i explained several potential resolutions in my review of the movie which if you're curious you can watch here rubber toe replicas this is a company that produces officially licensed high quality replicas of various props from doctor who known primarily for their recreations of sonic screwdrivers they also sell a model vortex manipulator and have sold props like the moment a miniature pandorica the confession dial and the tome recounting the history of the time war their site is basically nerd heaven provided you have deep enough pockets headless monks killed jack this is another theory but seems to be very heavily implied by the main series after being made immortal by the bad wolf captain jack harkness lived a life of adventure protecting the earth with torchwood and occasionally adventuring with a doctor at some point billions of years in the future jack becomes the face of beau an enormous head that many believe to be the oldest being in existence as the theory goes something had to happen to jack to transform him from a humanoid into a talking head during the 11th doctor's tenure riversong purchases a vortex manipulator from dorian maldevar who claims he acquired it off the wrist of a handsome time agent while jack definitely fits that description what's more interesting is that dorian regularly made dealings with the headless monks they even end up beheading him it would make sense that the monks were the ones to behead jack their process keeps the heads of their victims alive which would explain why jack never regrew a body and became the face of beau theta sigma theta sigma was the doctor's nickname in the time lord academy it was what he was called by other time lords and was meant not to be spoken outside of the academy despite this it is not his real name however when many people stumble upon one of the sources of this information happiness patrol or the armageddon factor they mistakenly believe that this is the doctor's true name it is not that said it was part of the message that riversong left in the pandorica opens as it was carved into the cliff face hashtag new 13. this is a fan made audio drama series designed to replace the work of chris chibnall by rewriting the entire era with a new 13th doctor new companion and news stories this series was created by youtuber beware who hey who put this on here but seriously if you hate the chimneal era and wish something different existed in its place or even if you just want more hoot content give this series a listen you might really like it you can listen to the first seven episodes right here the doctor married the doctor's daughter this is in reference to david tennant who married georgia moffat georgia is actually the daughter of peter davidson so the 10th doctor married the fifth doctor's daughter even stranger georgia played the character jenny on doctor who during the 10th doctor's run she was the genetic amalgamation of the doctor's offspring she played the doctor's daughter so the doctor married the doctor's daughter in more ways than one very strange tier five people who know about the topics in this tier could rightly be classified as superfans nothing from here is simple or easy to wrap your head around every topic has at least two schools of thought regarding it the other one of the three ancient time lords that founded gallifrey in society the other is a mysterious individual who worked alongside rathalon and omega to build the citadel and found what gallifrey would become in the future very little is known about the other but it is implied that after having a falling out with the other two founders he tossed himself into the birthing looms on gallifrey and it is heavily implied that he was reincarnated as the doctor the morbius faces during the fourth doctor serial the brain of morbius the doctor faces off against time lord criminal morbius and they use a time lord technology to have a mental battle where their previous regenerations are shown on screen as they fight after the fourth third second and first doctor's faces appear several more then appear afterwards while some people interpret these to be the faces of morbius's previous regenerations many believe them to be doctors before william hartnell this was in fact the intention of the writers of the episode but later stories seem to clearly retcon this idea until you get to the timeless children but we don't talk about that around here the valyard during the six doctor story trial of a time lord the doctor is put on trial on gallifrey for crimes against the laws of time it turns out that his prosecutor is a time lord known as the valyard which is later revealed to be the doctor himself far in the future the valyard's exact identity is vague but he exists as some form of the doctor's darker nature from some point between his twelfth and final regeneration the valyard wanted the sixth doctor to be executed so that he could take the remaining regenerations as he was all out at this point we haven't seen the valyard return in any of the television media although he has appeared in some audio dramas time will tell where exactly his creation falls in the doctor's timeline lemonade and dry ice during the lead into the 50th anniversary special the night of the doctor we see paul mcgann's eighth doctor regenerate after drinking an elixir meant to influence his regeneration to turn him into a warrior however in the novelization of the scene it is revealed that the elixir was nothing more than lemonade and dry ice and that the doctor's desire to be a warrior is what would eventually transform him into john hurt's war doctor the woman while the woman could refer to many characters throughout doctor who this is particularly in reference to the woman seen during the end of time the 10th doctor's final story a mysterious character her true identity is never actually revealed although many speculate that she is perhaps the doctor's mother some may think that she is the doctor's daughter perhaps she's susan or any other influential woman from his time on gallifrey 8 recounted age this is in reference to the fact that the doctor's age is and always has been incredibly confusing at least since the classic series ended at one point during the eighth doctor audio dramas the doctor decides to reset his age to zero and begin counting again as he forgot exactly how old he was at that point this seems to rectify the fact that the ninth doctor claimed to be 903 years old which is slightly younger than the seventh doctor said he was at several points the doctor might be 2 000 years old he might be 1 million he might be 4 billion no one really knows for sure and this is one of the reasons why curse of the fatal death the curse of the fatal death is a hilarious comedy parody of doctor who starring rowan atkinson mr bean as the doctor made for the red nose day charity telethon in 1999 this parody episode follows the adventures of the doctor and his companion battling against the master and the daleks i would explain more but if you haven't seen it yourself i highly highly implore you to go do so it is absolutely hysterical for any doctor who fan also somehow it predicted that the 13th doctor would be a woman i have no idea how this happened big finish big finish is the company that produces the vast majority of doctor who audio dramas that exist at this point there's probably more doctor who content created by big finish than actual television episodes of the show this is such an enormous backlog of episodes and stories that if you're hurting for more who content this is the place to go i'll also note that big finish has a tendency to write stories that fill in or fix plot holes from the mainline series and also offer some great stories for doctors that receive rather poor writing during their own tenures just something to think about shulka this refers to the scream of the shalka a very short-lived flash animated series designed to continue doctor who after the tv movie with a new doctor portrayed by richard e grant the series only had a few episodes before the 2005 revival was announced and so this version of the ninth doctor never truly got to live on there was one short story the feast of the stone which was published in 2004 but that is the end of this particular continuity rory is the master this was a fan theory that originated in 2010 to 2011 while series 5 and 6 were originally airing while this might seem like a ridiculous theory you have to consider that there was actually a substantial amount of evidence to support it first of all rory was not at all impressed when he first entered the tardis combine this with the fact that his daughter river song has time lord abilities and the fact that rory somehow keeps returning from death repeatedly to a rabid 2010 fan base this seems to make a lot of sense of course rory williams is not the master but it was a ton of fun when we thought he might be alternate time wars the time war as we know it from the revival series is not the first instance of a great battle between the time lords and an enemy ravaging the entire universe across all of time what exactly constitutes a time war is up for interpretation but the concept itself has appeared in various different pieces of doctor who media most notably the war under heaven but we'll touch on that later the very first instance of this concept was alan moore's 4d war in the comics of doctor who magazine all the way back in 1981 the existence of these alternate time wars gave credence to why the big one most viewers know from the revival series is called the last great time war strange mouth noises during the two-part episode from series 3 human nature and family of blood the 10th doctor records a set of instructions for martha to follow while he is disguised as a human in the episode she fast forwards through a large chunk of this instructions but the full speech is actually available for anyone to view on youtube in it he needs to talk non-stop for that portion of time and so david tennant just riffs about a band that he likes some additional nonsense and then he ends it by making what he describes as strange mouth noises that go like this bingle bongle dingle dangle yikkity do yikkety da ping pong lippy tappy tuta look it up if you don't believe me cardinal master plan the cartmel master plan was a narrative decision made by andrew carmel the script editor at the very end of the classic series run he believed that the primary problem with the series was that the doctor was no longer mysterious his planet his people they've all been explored so in order to add some mystery back into the character cartmel slowly started to allude to the fact that the doctor was more than just a regular time lord this idea was meant to lead to the reveal that the doctor was in fact the other as explained earlier in this tier and that he was essentially the reincarnation of a time lord god this idea was never canonized in the tv show at this point i'd like to take a quick break and ask that you please consider supporting me on patreon the bbc is notorious for copyright striking videos that easily fall into the realm of fair use and because of that all of my most popular doctor who videos don't see a shred of revenue so if you're able and you enjoy my content please consider making a monetary donation on patreon for just one dollar a month you can access my discord server where you can talk to me as well as my production team and the voice actors behind new 13. at my highest tier you can even request for me to make a specific video of your choice that said liking subscribing and sharing the video are all ways you can help me grow as well but even just by watching this you're helping me out so thank you tier six this is where things start to get really obscure with most of these topics even fans of the show are likely to scratch their heads if you bring these up proceed with caution the final game this was the planned final episode of season 11 of the classic series meant to cap off the antagonistic relationship between the doctor and the master unfortunately the episode was cancelled after roger delgado's untimely death the story was to have a shocking revelation about the two time lords that they were related in a way closer than most thought perhaps that the master was actually a proto-version of the valyard an amalgamation of the doctor's darker side this episode has since been recreated exactly in the same production feel of the episodes of the era by studio seven here on youtube if you like the third doctor and the stories from this era of the show i highly recommend you watch their seven part story the final game peter davidson meet this is a pretty funny one peter davidson who played the fifth doctor also starred as meat the living meal for guests at the end of the universe an event from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy tv series there's not much more to this it's just a fun little fact that most people don't know season 6b at the end of season 6 the classic series the second doctor is exiled to earth by the time lords and forced to regenerate however this is only the second regeneration to take place in the show so far and it's not even called regeneration yet on top of that there was a six month gap between this episode the war games and the third doctor's first episode spearhead in space so during that six month gap various publications continued to produce doctor who content featuring the second doctor but during his exile on earth this led fans to believe that perhaps the second doctor didn't fully regenerate until spearhead in space and that there was in fact a period of time where patrick trouten's doctor was exiled on earth dubbed season 6b the canonicity of the season is like most spin-off material completely up in the air dimensions in time dimensions in time was a two-part charity special crossover between doctor who and the soap opera eastenders it actually features the third fourth fifth sixth and seventh doctors and it also happens to be generally considered one of the worst pieces of doctor who media ever created you can really only watch it as a parody to get any enjoyment out of it but for those of you who are curious it is available to watch on youtube anytime you want zagreus sits inside your head segreus sits inside your head zagreus lives among the dead the grain sees you in your bed and eats you when you're sleeping michael jackson movie so this one was actually nah i'm just kidding zagreus is an anti-time creature from the eighth doctor cereal zagreus this was both big finishes 50th story and it was released to coincide with doctor who's 40th anniversary because of this it featured not only paul mcgann but also peter davidson colin baker and sylvester mccoy with a surprise appearance from the third doctor john pertwee done by using previously existing recordings of his voice the actual story is incredibly complex and fascinating but to simplify things as much as possible the monstrous zegras is unleashed inside the tardis and it takes over the mind of the doctor to explain anything more than that would really be spoiling the story so i suggest you give this one a listen but maybe not as your very first audio story michael jackson movie so this is a weird one as you all know after the classic series concluded in the late 80s the bbc was shopping around for a way to revive the series and eventually settled on what would become the 1996 television movie starring paul mcgann but long before that in 1989 paramount pictures actually pitched a version of the film to the bbc with michael jackson as the titular time lord i'm not joking and the kicker their second pick was bill cosby that would not have aged well the corsair created by neil gaiman the corsair is another renegade time lord and friend to the doctor their stories are scattered amongst various comics the corsair was one of the first instances of a time lord changing gender in regeneration and was known to have an auroboris tattoo somewhere on their body in every incarnation the corsair met his demise in the bubble universe in the doctor's wife also penned by neil gaiman put simply this is neil gaiman's oc the guardians also known as the six-fold god enlighteners or the accord the guardians of time are elemental beings each representing a fundamental aspect of reality itself to be quite frank they're basically like living infinity stones and that's most likely what they were based off of these are incredible cosmic beings capable of tearing apart galaxies and altering time on a grand scale as with lots of the cooler stuff from doctor who's history there's a ton of confusing continuity following the guardians there are only supposed to be six of them but sometimes there's just two sometimes there's nine in one story they were created by rasalon in another they existed before the universe itself they're very hard to track but they have some really fun stories that are written about them the doctor is the master's brother as discussed previously the final game was cancelled due to roger delgado's death and as i said there was meant to be a big reveal in that story about the relationship between the doctor and the master while we're not sure exactly what that reveal was the most commonly accepted story is that the doctor is the master's brother this was reinforced at one point where the doctor defeats the master and as he is supposedly burning to death he yells doctor how could you do this to your own implying brotherhood of course this would be debunked later in series 3 when the doctor outright tells martha that the master is not his brother but of course if this is anything like the morbius faces maybe next year chris chibnall will give us all a surprise and guess what they actually are brothers oh god lung burrow this novel was published in 1997 and is the culmination of the cardinal master plan in the story it is revealed that the doctor is in fact the pseudo-reincarnation of the ancient time lord known as the other because this was published in the wilderness years between the movie and the revival series in 2005 its canonicity was up in the air and still is to this day although most people will agree that it is non-canon and that the doctor is not the other tier seven any sane person should turn back now understanding these ideas places you at the fringe of society a walking repository of deep hoovian lore renewal not regeneration when william hartnell's first doctor changed into patrick trouten's second doctor the concept of regeneration was only in its infancy stages in fact at this point the writers of the show considered this to be something closer to renewal as though his body had somehow reversed his age not changed its genetic makeup even the transition from the second to the third doctor was not called regeneration on screen not by the doctor and not by the time lords it was just called changing his face this led some to believe that the very first regeneration was actually not regeneration and therefore did not count towards the 13 total lives available to the doctor as we know from our discussion of season 6b earlier the show's lack of clarity on these subjects led to quite a bit of speculation and theorizing by the fan base this is just one such example doctor who and the daleks this is a really fun one doctor who in the daleks is a 1965 science fiction movie starring peter cushing as doctor who that's right not the doctor doctor who this film was meant to capitalize on the popularity of the tv show and exists entirely inside its own continuity doctor who is a kindly old scientist a human from earth who built a time and space machine in his backyard due to an unfortunate mishap doctor who ian barbara and susan who are all very different from the television counterparts are whisked away to an alien planet where they must face off against the evil daleks this movie actually received a sequel dalek's invasion of earth 2150 if it wasn't clear from the names the daleks themselves were really what brought people in to watch these movies they're a lot of fun you can find relatively high quality rips of them on youtube if you look just a little bit but definitely know that they are nothing like the show that you may be used to time lords are future humans yet another popular fan theory this one posits that the time lords of gallifrey are actually just the human race who after billions of years of evolution invented time travel traveled back to the early universe and founded a new world that would one day become gallifrey this theory was used to smooth over a lot of the strange inconsistencies of the canon or just simple questions that fans had including but not limited to why do time lords look just like humans why is the doctor so fond of earth why did the doctor say he's half human on his mother's side this theory has been around for a very long time and it's so popular that some people still think that it will eventually weasel its way into becoming canon at some point but i doubt it marvel comics along with several other popular properties from the 1980s and 90s including transformers and gi joe doctor who actually exists canonically inside the marvel comics multiverse specifically in the universe of earth 5556 these stories like many in marvel comics covered the exact sci-fi cosmic adventures that you would expect from the doctor we even have an appearance from every doctor one through eight and a brief flash forward to an unnamed future doctor if you're into comics especially from this era definitely check these out they're a lot of fun the dream lord is the valyard as discussed previously the valyard comes alive at some point between the doctor's 12th and final incarnation what most people assume this meant when he was first introduced was that he would appear during the doctor's last lifetime but now that we know that the doctor has more than 13 lives the valleyard could appear anywhere between the 10th doctor and whatever the doctor's final incarnation will be perhaps the curator so if 10 is the earliest the valyard could appear perhaps the dream lord is the valyard or a pseudo-version of the valyard still forming as the dreamlord was made from the darker aspects of the doctor's nature if this is true it's quite possible that this is a nice out for the writers they've shown us the valyard's creation and now they never have to think up anything clever to solve this ridiculously hard to answer question nelvana cartoon in 1990 following the cancellation of the classic series the canadian animation studio nelvana was pitched a potential doctor who animated series the production never made it past the concept stages but that does mean we got to see some of the concept art that could have been used in the show it seems to have been set in a primarily futuristic world in its own separate canon in the same style as doctor who and the daleks we see the doctor the tardis canine and a companion or two the doctor appears to be a rough amalgamation of the third and fourth at least in one of his designs what i find most fascinating are the dalek designs for this cartoon they appear to be much larger and more battle ready some levitate and others have treads like tanks fun stuff the master is the warchief the warchief was a renegade time lord that appeared in the second doctor's story the war games after his defeat at the hands of the doctor he was sent back in time where he commanded a group of nazi soldiers to do his bidding not much else is known about his character following this but one particularly interesting theory is that this was actually the master in an incarnation before roger delgado the characters are strikingly similar not only in motives and method but also in appearance original six outfit colin baker's era of the show is plagued by several big issues including the writing budget but most egregiously this horrendous technicolor dreamcoat this terrible fashion choice was chosen to highlight the doctor's volatile mental state but i think we can all agree there are probably better ways to go about doing that anyway colin baker himself was not pitched this outfit when he was explaining the concept behind his doctor's personality in fact he recently described in an interview that his initial casting discussions included a description of his attire very closely matching what christopher eccleston would eventually wear as the ninth doctor it's hard to imagine a world where the sixth doctor actually had drip but it could have happened the deca the deca were a group of ten young gallifrins in timelord academy who made it their business to rebel and generally act like rabid children jokes aside they genuinely believed that they could alter time lord society and make the universe a better place of course the doctor was among the members interestingly enough one of the other members was referred to as magnus who was understood to have later become the war chief who is implied to be that's right the master stories of the deca are very sparse usually only existing in dream sequences or flashbacks in novels tier viii this is your final chance to leave everything beyond this level is so strange and esoteric that knowing about it will alter who you are at the most fundamental level you have been warned the ghost of matt smith in the first doctor's final episode the 10th planet we see a very strange and unexplained event while the doctor is off regenerating the controls of the tardis seem to magically move themselves while this could be explained as a feature of the tardis being a living machine there's actually a very interesting different explanation in the 50th anniversary special an adventure in space and time we see the story of verdi lambert putting together doctor who in 1963. one of the final scenes of the film shows william hartnell depressed that he has to leave the show receiving a vision of matt smith reassuring him that he has created a legacy that will last long into the future this scene is so wonderful and it may or may not have made me cry multiple times but the important part is this matt smith actually plays with the dials of the tardis while he's here and in the context of the scene william hartnell is the only one who can see him so he's invisible to everyone else so this 50 year old mystery the source of these moving dials during the first doctor's regeneration was actually the ghost of matt smith faction paradox this one's a doozy in the late 1990s writer lawrence miles penned several doctor who novels exploring the idea of a grand calamity sometime far off in the doctor's future involving a time lord syndicate known as the house of paradox after his 1999 story interference received negative reception from doctor who fans lawrence decided that he no longer had the right to continue producing content in the doctor who cannon and instead decided to write stories surrounding his creation the house of paradox and they can in some might consider to be tangential to doctor who because the stories were legally not doctor who they could not include terms like time lord gallifrey or tardis to work around this the characters in the stories had different often grander names for each of these concepts and locations tardises were often called great houses and instead of referring to various species as aliens they were discussed as though they were gods and obviously the title of the organization itself was also changed from house paradox to the faction paradox the faction paradox series exists in books comics and audio dramas and has even had an installment as late as 2019 officially the faction paradox books are not canonical to doctor who but some of the concepts that were introduced in the series are even adapted into doctor who stories particularly big finish so that's why i like to describe it as tangentially canon tardis builders tardisbuilders.com is a delightful little community that very few members of the fan base know about it is essentially a diy forum for anyone interested in constructing their own tardis interior exterior or any other potential piece of the time or spaceship you can imagine there's a page for sightings where people can post pictures of tardis's or just police boxes that they've seen out in the world references for various designs in size color and shape there are also galleries where people often post their progress in building their own tardises tutorials 3d printing catalogs and a bunch more if you're the creative type who likes to work with your hands and you want a tardis of your own this would be a great place to check out the master is the timeless child this one is a theory but pretty self-explanatory we've only known about the timeless child for one episode in universe so far and of course many people including myself are not fans the decision to make the doctor the timeless child many people have come to the conclusion that it would have been better narratively for the master to be the timeless child it would give greater reasoning for why he has always hated the time lords why they treated him so poorly his entire life and why he ended up burning gallifrey to the ground not to mention it's very in character for the master to lie to the doctor about something like this and so some fans are still holding out hope that this particular theory is true jago and lightfoot jago and lightfoot is a big finish audio drama series following the adventures of henry gordon jago and george lightfoot both introduced in the talons of wang shang as of 2018 there are 45 separate stories chronicling these two detectives solving mysteries revolving around alien threats in the 19th century this is a pretty obscure one but if you are starved for new doctor who content and you somehow made it through all of the regular big finish stories here you go third doctor levitation this one is pretty silly but has outlandish implications on the canon if you take it seriously in a very short comic strip in tv comic annual 1971 long before marvel comics started publishing doctor who this strip showed the third doctor help the brigadier stop an enemy spy by levitating as it turns out he learned to levitate by reading about it in a book so technically the third doctor and every doctor following has the ability to levitate but just chooses not to i don't know man weekly bible as you know the classic series of doctor who was cancelled in the late 1980s while we all know it was revived in 2005 after the 1996 movie the 96 movie was actually the last of several different attempts to revive the series the weekly bible refers to an outline of a potential series story for a 90s reboot of doctor who penned by john leakley this was meant to be a reboot and so it would adapt portions of the previous continuity instead of directly continuing them if you're familiar with jojo's bizarre adventure consider this like the transition from part six to part seven anyway in leakley's vision for doctor who the doctor is still a time lord and one day discovers that he is the long-lost son of the infamous explorer known as ulysses it is then revealed that his enemy the master has become lord president of gallifrey and so the doctor must begin a search throughout the universe to find his father so that the two of them can overthrow the evil master the very idea of giving the series an overarching plot is so antithetical to what we understand doctor who to be but that was sort of the point leakly was hired to recreate the series in a way that wouldn't get cancelled again alas legally was fired after the stories he wrote were deemed too serious to fit in with the vision the higher-ups had for doctor who going forward while i don't like the idea of the original continuity ending after the seventh doctor i would like to see what our world today would look like if they had decided to go forward with leakley's version of the show i think that universe would be really cool to explore delta cubed sigma x squared remember how theta sigma was the doctor's nickname when he was in time lord academy well this jumbled mess of an equation is technically the doctor's full real name first the similarities both terms include sigma implying that they are referring to the same person but you probably want to know the origins right well in the 1972 book the making of doctor who by terence dix and malcolm hulk this equation is used interchangeably with the name doctor and beyond that in the marvel comics there is a page that has this little equation and scribble next to it are the words real name finally it shows up in the tv show itself in the 1983 story the five doctors right on the stone pillar so is it the doctor's real name i mean technically yes but at the same time the way you interpreted it is what really matters his name might literally just be a mathematical equation or this is simply an equation denoting the circular gallifreyan that spells out what his real name is or maybe his name is a time lord is particularly complex and this equation is the only way a human brain can comprehend it i honestly have no idea but at least it's better than basil dejuan predates missy this is another fan theory designed to fix the terrible writing of the chibinal era notice how there are quite a few of these anyway this theory posits that sasha dewan's master does not follow missy but instead exists at some point between john sim and michelle gomez this would explain the sudden turnaround after missy's character arc in series 10. of course if you're familiar with the big finish missy series and her change into the lumiate then this theory doesn't matter all that much it all depends on what you consider canon and what you don't iris wild time oh boy alright stick with me here what if miss frizzle from the magic school bus was canon to the doctor who universe then you would get iris wild time her first appearance in doctor who media yeah just in doctor who media she's been in other stuff was in the 1998 novel short trips where it is revealed that she is the time lord who travels in a tardis that looks like a double-decker bus to which she refers as the celestial omnibus iris continues to pop up in various other stories and eventually receives her own spin-off series where it is revealed that she is far more confusing than the doctor could ever hope to be her time stream is completely out of whack for one or many reasons meaning she actually has several different pasts that are all equally true she's technically a time lord a human and a goddess and she has said at one point that she doesn't even live her life in the right order whatever that means her stories are essentially very similar to the doctors but typically include a bit more silliness and make a bit less sense if you're up for a fun but very confusing time check out iris wild time tier ix this level is obscurity incarnate only the most niche the outcasts of humanity ever make it this far there's no turning back now the great teabag mystery doctor who exists across virtually all forms of media obviously television movie comics audio some games and yes even a live production i'm referring to recall unit the great teabag mystery now no this isn't dr who's only live production they've actually been a handful this is just the most obscure and the worst of all of them the story was something else seeing how it didn't include a single character from the television series unless you count the supreme dalek or a pre-recorded voice of the brigadier that last one wasn't intended nicholas courtney was meant to be in the play but due to a scheduling conflict had to pull out of the production and that's about all i can tell you about it it's really hard to find anything about this one anywhere on the internet but i challenge you to look around timeless children leaks the infamous timeless children's story arc that ravaged the fandom in early 2020 was actually not much of a surprise to a small portion of that fan base that's because the series 12 story arc was actually leaked online as early as october 2019. the master returning his casting is sasha dwan the lone cyberman the death particle ruth's existence as an earlier incarnation of the doctor and the doctor's identity as the timeless child were all leaked online in 2019 what was so interesting about these leaks is that they were shared in a pretty vague way the poster wanted to avoid being cnc'd by the bbc so there was an intense chatter amongst the fan base discussing the clues he left and trying to pick them out as valid or not as the series aired of course the master appeared in the very first episode and so this gave a lot of validity to the following predictions which obviously all turned out to be true so as many people were shocked and disappointed by the reveal of the timeless children there was also a portion of the fan base that could actively dread it coming for weeks at a time i was one of those people also just a quick note if you happen to like the timeless children and you're watching this video i have no hate towards you we just happen to disagree on this one thing so hope it's all cool between us 850 pounds plus court costs the doctor's tardis is modeled after a 1960s police box because the chameleon circuit malfunctioned and it's stuck this way and has been for as long as the doctor has been adventuring give or take one or two stories that said police boxes happen to be owned by the police and that is why in 1996 the london metropolitan police decided to sue the bbc for stealing their design and using it for a profit seriously not only that but the lawsuit lasted all the way until 2002 six whole years and the kicker the police lost after all of that the court ruled that the london police had to pay the bbc 850 pound plus court costs in reparation for the overly litigious suit wacky the final human death in all of his time traveling the cosmos the doctor has seen quite a bit but one of the more somber pieces of trivia about his adventures is that depending on how you look at it the doctor has witnessed the final human death at at least one occasion you could consider the death of cassandra and the russell t davies era to count as the final human death but there are still many subspecies that existed and so it wasn't a particularly upsetting moment now i'm referring to the death of seo in the fifth doctor's story singularity there's a lot to the story but the important thing to note is that the universe is ending and the time lords have a way to live on afterwards presumably into whatever universe arises next the humans do not and we get to see the fifth doctor share a scene with a final human at the end of time the doctor watched the very last human die trauton secret family patrick trouten's second doctor is infamous for his goofy clown-like persona designed to mask a cunning ingenious true nature beneath likewise patrick trouten himself is not as wonderful as he may appear on the surface as it turns out patrick trouten left his wife in 1955 in order to spend his life with a woman he had been having an affair with and they went on to have three children together this would be bad enough but shrouded actually managed to keep this double life a secret from his own mother for more than 20 years until she died he was able to pretend that he was still married to his first wife for that entire time truly bizarre the stranger what do you do when you want to keep making doctor who but you're not legally allowed to you make the stranger in 1991 colin baker and nicola bryant reprised their roles as the doctor and perry brown oh i'm sorry the stranger and miss brown in a direct-to-video series known as the stranger this video and later audio series is essentially doctor who in everything but name with the stranger and his companion traveling to different planets and time zones they just never show exactly how they get there definitely probably not in a blue police box the series would go on to include various other doctor who alumni including nicholas briggs and sophie aldridge this is a very weird technically legal anomaly born from the wilderness years nothing more nothing less also colin baker wanted to get naked in this for some reason i i don't know hayakawa bunko in 1980 the japanese company hayakawa bunko published several books written by terry nation obviously set in the doctor who universe the only problem the cover artist for these books was not given clear instructions as to what the doctor or any of the aliens in the series looked like combine that with what i'm sure were poor translations and you get the incredible hayakawa bunko doctor who universe it's pretty fun to look at these pictures of daleks which are kind of correct and imagine which aspects were described and which weren't it's like an artistic version of the telephone game oh and the doctor also does not look right at all the first doctor was a human scientist when an unearthly child aired in 1963 the concept of gallifrey time lords and regeneration did not exist in the minds of the writers or producers the hook of the show as i'm sure you could tell from the title was that the doctor's identity was a mystery the implication that was originally intended was that the doctor and susan were humans from the very far future this would explain why their scientific knowledge was so great why they had technology as advanced as the tardis and why they seemed so unaccustomed to 20th century social norms obviously we see the doctor regenerate later and it just explained that he is a time lord from gallifrey that said in at least one instance we see a scan of his body that shows he has only one heart not two implying that he is in fact human no matter how you slice it something has to be retconned here so it is possible to believe that the first doctor was in fact a human scientist tier 10 this is the lowest depth the pinnacle of your search for knowledge these ideas will fundamentally alter the way you perceive doctor who and reality itself the greater key is the moment the primary conflict of the faction paradox series is known as the war in heaven this is in fact one of the alternate time wars discussed previously one of the most powerful weapons meant to be used in this war is known only as the greater key it is described in a rather vague way and therefore no one is sure exactly what it looks like some describe it to be a box covered in circular writing while others claim that it is shaped like a metal rod after the events of the faction paradox series the greater key was sealed away however in the day of the doctor we see the war doctor acquire the moment a super weapon originally believed used to destroy both the time lords and the daleks notice that the moment appears to be a box covered in circular writing but when it's about to be activated by all three doctors it extends a metal rod the implication is obvious the greater key is in fact the moment further substantiating that the faction paradox series is canonical or at least tangentially canonical hidden general wiki doctor who general is an obscure fan made wiki created by primarily users of 4chan yeah that 4chan it's less of a compendium of actual doctor who trivia and more of a compendium of the various jokes and memes that have been shared between this community for the past decade or so it also links to a discussion forum but good luck getting in that's password protected the wiki is available to everyone however the url often changes and it's not part of a typical domain of course to maintain the integrity of this niche community i would never do something so brash as to share that url with you the wiki is filled with numerous inside jokes including how both everything and nothing is canon every time a new episode is released the show has now been ruined forever and the various ages of the series for those curious we are currently in the glitter age and fair warning it's anything but politically correct cliff lola and biddy during the series infancy many of the staples were still up in the air including the look of the tardis itself and one of the original scripts for the first episode titled nothing at the end of the lane the tardis was meant to be invisible not take the form of a police box in this version of the story penned by c.e weber the humans cliff lola and biddy were to discover the doctor's invisible time machine which actually wouldn't do any time traveling but instead would accidentally shrink them down like in honey i shrunk the kids while the episode was never made and the companions names were later changed to ian barbara and susan the general plot was eventually adapted into the planet of the giants notably the script refers to the doctor as doctor who just like in the peter cushing dalek movies the count of saint germain the count of saint germain was a famous 18th century european explorer who had vast knowledge and interest in philosophy science the arts and alchemy incredibly eccentric he went by various different names and was described by the high society around him as an incredibly intelligent very wise philosopher with seemingly endless knowledge of all subjects what is most interesting is that he claimed to be 500 years old his true origin was a secret although after being arrested in england under suspicion of espionage he recounted that he was italian spanish and polish a priest a fiddler a nobleman and that he was married to an incredibly wealthy woman from mexico he was released the next day without charge he was also known to be fluent in multiple languages an excellent musician and singer and was able to strike up meaningful conversation with educated people in all different sorts of fields towards the end of his life he revealed to close confidants that he was in fact the son of a transylvanian prince he died in the late 1700s but there have been multiple accounts of him appearing in public as late as the mid 20th century if you haven't put two and two together yet the implication is that the count is really the doctor now if he's not the doctor i'll say this much he's definitely someone the doctor would probably like to talk to abbott's perfect companion in issue number 360 of doctor who magazine russell t davies revealed in an interview that paul abbott had at one point written a script for a series that revealed something astounding about rose tyler's history she had in fact been genetically created by the doctor to be his perfect companion her entire being and history a complete fabrication so that the doctor would have an unmatched traveling partner davies vetoed the idea because he believed it ruined rose as a character but he loved the story itself and struggled with cutting it from the series how mind-bending of an episode would that have been i'm sort of hoping this gets adapted into a future story but i'm not sure i'd like the doctor to have done something so upsetting hmm sunset at mont major the sunset at mont major is one of many oil paintings by the great vincent van gogh dated 1888 it depicts a sunset over a garden landscape with unique foliage what is perhaps most interesting is that in the upper left corner a rectangular blue structure stands out against the skyline its authenticity as a van gogh original was only determined in 2013 three years after the 11th doctor episode vincent and the doctor clearly there is the connection between van gogh and the doctor that arises from the 2010 episode but also the blue rectangle in the top corner looks far closer to a tardis than the mount major abbey that it's supposed to represent the implications are obvious utah cave paintings inside utah's horseshoe canyon several caves house ancient paintings known as petroglyphs left by indigenous peoples thousands of years ago the greatest estimates placed these paintings at up to 8 000 years old although some argue they might be as recent as 900 years they seem to show various people and animals as are common in these sorts of petroglyphs but what is most interesting is the large rectangular shapes with an individual raised portion at the center it's a tardis it looks like a tardis from thousands of years before anything resembling a police box would have existed anthropologists posit that these designs are the early people's depictions of spirits or gods otherworldly beings i wonder what tall box-shaped phenomenon could have inspired them to believe it was something divine perhaps appearing and disappearing out of thin air dr omega doctor who premiered in 1963 half a century earlier dr omega was released by french writer arnold gallopine the titular dr omega and his two companions travel to mars in a machine of his own design on mars they run into multiple different alien species that they have to evade before eventually returning to earth obviously there are some surface level similarities to doctor who but what is most astounding is that dr omega himself bears an incredibly strong resemblance to william hartnell as the first doctor this is so obvious it's even stated as a fact on the book's wikipedia page go look it up i'm not joking dr omega is not listed in any of the original transcripts or production notes by verity lambert or any of the production staff for the original series and so it's completely up to speculation whether or not this book was inspiration for the series or instead a very strange even unearthly coincidence and that is it you have made it to the very bottom of this iceberg what did you think anything you want me to expand on is there something you think should have been on this list but wasn't let me know down in those comments below i want to thank you all so much for making it this far and watching till the end your support and viewership means the world to me remember to like subscribe ring that bell and consider supporting me on patreon i have been beware stay frosty [Music] you
Channel: B-WHERE
Views: 390,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg doctor who, doctor who iceberg, explaining doctor who, explaining doctor who iceberg, doctor who iceberg explaining, explaining the doctor who iceberg, doctor who mystery, doctor who mysteries, doctor who mystery iceberg, iceberg meme, b-where, b-where doctor who, dr who, doctor who, doctor who reaction
Id: 8hamjgYaYuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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