The New Best DIAMOND BRANCH MINING METHODS! | Minecraft 1.20 Guide (Tutorial Lets Play #60)

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good morning good morning oh no no no no no no all of my stuff I don't have a bucket what do I do that's right if you saw the last episode it's no big deal how you doing everybody it's me Waddles and today we become the Diamond King himself in today's episode we're going to talk Branch mining strategies for just about every single or type in the entire game including those sweet sweet Blue Rocks we kick things off today down here all the way at the bottom of our gig antic mining Zone that we set up last episode to begin our Branch M setup for the diamond variant divor we're going to start by picking a side and then basically making a main hallway to mine off of now a couple episodes back this is a little bit of a throwback but a couple episodes back we did a little bit of Chunk resetting when we were doing that wonderful chunk resetting in relation to our base like most of it is back over that way which means this way is all the chunks will be reset with the increased Diamond generation that happened in like 1.2.2 step number one is going to be a main hallway anytime I'm setting up a branch mine I feel like this is the perfect way to get me in the zone and aesthetically functionally I feel like it's one of the best ideas of all time now our little main hallway here that we're going to set up I think I'm going to Branch it off of this main room we'll detail it in a second the main hallway that I'm going to set up I want it to sit at -58 58 is pretty much the perfect crossover into like lot of diamonds but not so much bedrock at all you see here's the thing theoretically if I made this hallway deeper maybe even just by one block maybe theoretically I might be able to find slightly more diamonds but I guarantee it I will also begin to start to see bedrock and even if it was just Bedrock on my feet Bedrock is still bedrock and can never be replaced by diamond ore or anything like it in World Generation in other words deeper is a waste now my little old main hallway down here totally you don't have to make it a solid 3x3 hallway but I personally feel like these 3x3 hallways are perfect for traveling like up and down throughout your whole Branch or strip mine and then also like aesthetically I feel like they look pretty clean I like them while I ride the bubble column up to the top of the surface this is a quick reminder to tap like on this video right here if you enjoy it lets me know to make more episodes and helps him out huge St speaking of Aesthetics we got some catching up to do in between episodes I've been a little bit busy the pickax that you might have noticed it's in perfect health good condition again over here the entrance I went ahead and mossed it up a little bit I thought Mossy bricks right there would look so good and I I was sure enough I was right over here I cleaned it up a little bit I organized the chest that I had everywhere at the end of the episode The Beacon for our friend from the subreddit is back in a box of course over here because of an incident that occurred between epis I don't want to get into it it was kind of disgusting so anyways over here I went ahead and moved all of the blocks that I mined up when digging out this gigantic chunk last episode still uh definitely no doubt about about it we have a little bit more work that needs to be done up here but it's in a much better spot than it was last episode hey also almost forgot to say gentle members there's a Brands New World download out now and tap join for more so for our initial branching hallway right here what I'm going to do is cut it down to the left and the right relative to that whole dropping area with my world and how I've reset chunks I could of course branch mine in either direction to the left and right but because I reset chunks only on the left side of this hallway this wall that is going to be the direction that we will branch mine every every single time we need to branch mine inside of this world meanwhile on this side because it goes into the older chunks with less diamonds I mean I makes no sense why would I waste my time let's talk about torch placement because when setting up a branch or strip mine you're going to want to use torches to effectively cut out all mob SPS fortunately nowadays you don't need very many torches at all mob SPS are only going to happen when it is completely dark if you place a torch every 15 blocks then it will never get completely dark oh I don't know if you heard that but oh there's a slime chunk down there somewhere I was rocketing up and I definitely heard a slime oh that is spicy baby an essential Supply that I like to leave at the bottom of every single branch mine of mine is a simple bed that way you can sleep and skip it over today let's talk about pickaxes because when it comes to Branch mining you got options on options of course you could do either fortune or you could do silk touch silk touch is probably a little bit better for saving space though one of the most amazing things to add to your branch mining setup especially if it's not like at your main base or anything like that is going to be an ender chest and speaking of Ender Chest obsidian I don't think I have a single I don't think I have enough obsidian which means it's time to farm well my my my out of my peripheral there was only one legend that I could see and that is dear sweet Bono it's been way too long I'm so sorry about this coming in the next Minecraft update 1.2.5 I will have armor and you will follow me everywhere dear friend but I'm sorry I just got some nervous after the incident years and years ago you follow me though you can join me today Ender Chest this is going to be great for not only saving the pickaxe I don't want to use but maybe transporting valuables all right Bon so I need you to monitor the iron farm okay I [Music] I I'm sorry I can't help but I'm still a little bit nervous about bringing dog all the way down to the bottom of the world ah do one day I'll get over my fears one day now for now pretty much the final thing that I'm going to need to add to my Branch mining setup to have it good to go for a long time is extra chest extra storage when setting up a branch mine unfortunately tragically well sadly because of the nature of it 99% of the stuff you're going to get is just going to be solid blocks fortunately is deep slate and tough for us going to be useful but yeah having extra chest nearby so you can turn back every once in a while and drop off all these rocks it's a great call branch mine so far maybe you kind of get a vision but why in the world do they call it a branch mine well my friend my sweet sweet friend this is why they call it a branch mine for this mining technique when searching for sweet s e diamonds we kick everything off at y 58 I've got a main hallway right here that's going to make it easier for me to make new branches every time I need to I'm going to pick a spot on this hallway and begin digging a tunnel this tunnel is going to be for now two blocks tall while digging this tunnel I'm going to take a look at every single block around me top floor walls you know how it goes every once in a while specifically 15 or so blocks I'm going to drop a torch on the ground while mining down here it's a great idea to get a good pickaxe because unfortunately deep slate takes time to mine on Bedrock edition if deep slate is at the very end of your reach like we're talking right there it's actually instam minable tragically it doesn't work on Java now this is a method that tragically requires quite a bit of patience for a method that requires patience but maybe is a little bit more exciting check out this episode or maybe even this episode for finding diamonds both methods will work perfectly after mining for a little bit of time we stumble upon our very first the initial profits of the day however today right here right now to keep the inventory clean because Redstone likes to be like fortuned and spill everywhere I'm going to go head and silk touch it with a silk touch it'll be Compact and nice and organized inside of my inventory after that it's back to mining for me tragically Diamond generation oh sweet lapis generation haha our other friend slowly the color gradient if I'm not mistaken is like amping up to that sweet pearly blue color perhaps that could mean only by one thing maybe we go a couple more blocks just a few more blocks right here any second and all right maybe not any any second but diamonds they can be anywhere down here but they're not exactly everywhere so my hallway right here at this point it's getting pretty significantly long what I'm going to do at this spot right here is pick a random spot it doesn't matter I'm going to go to the left or right I'm going to mine three blocks over then I'm going to turn and start mining straight back by far the best and safest branch mining strategy involves branches of your mind that are separated by two blocks by separating them out by two blocks you ensure that you're going to see every single block in between the hallways like you see this block right there inside of that hallway over here in this hallway you see that block right there you see Diamonds the sweet friend that we're searching for desperately right now when these things generate inside of Minecraft usually they'll generate in a chunk that maybe look something like that of course sometimes you might be missing some blocks but usually it spreads out over the course of two blocks let's imagine this area right here has two of my branch mine tunnels let's say maybe diamonds generated something like this inside of the branch mine of of course I'm going to be able to see if I'm in this tunnel the diamonds over here or if I was in this tunnel I would see the diamonds I would never miss them now let say for the sake of this example that block down there that is- 58 if the diamonds generated something like this maybe a little bit above us and I was inside of this hallway I would never see those diamonds but over here in this hallway I absolutely see the diamonds theoretically if I were to spread my hallways out three blocks instead of two I might be able to cover a little bit more ground but if a diamond happens to generate something like that or something then I'm unfortunately going to completely miss it because of course there would be a ceiling here and that ceiling probably wouldn't be diamonds another great way to look at it is when you're Branch mining you're not really necessarily trying to just cover as much ground as possible instead you're probably trying to find as many diamonds as possible if you're trying to find as many diamonds as possible separate your hallways out two blocks it's a proven science period so in our second hallway of our Branch minor right here perfect we stumbled upon Redstone let's talk about Redstone even though we're looking for diamonds right now you see what I mean one block lower and we'd be on Bedrock but anyways even though we're looking for diamonds right now this area that we're mining at is actually going to be even better for Redstone if you're ever looking to find Redstone in a branch mine setting for whatever reason you don't want to build that witch Farm or something then it's going to be 58 as well hey um who grew a tree in the middle of my branch mine well well well on a different note Aesthetics down here this little area is going to be the branch mining hub for the entire world forever I care how it looks with the basic diamond mining technique kind of laid out for you I feel like we could move on and talk about Aesthetics really quick here down here I want to make sure this area looks like a proper mining Hub and is like beautiful looking for all time I figured maybe what I could do is start with a little bit of through staircases in here facing towards this middle water FIP of course because of of how we're going to like you know get up and down in here long term we need to leave this Center thing as a waterfill down here in the corners not that it matters that much but we dig that out and we put along now that looks proper and good beyond the spruce ledge that I just put in right there I think I would like to continue with the spruce floor I feel like the spruce flooring would look pretty good down here what I'll do is I'll continue the spruce flooring all the way up until we hit our branch mine then over here I'm not really going to worry about it I feel like that would be a little bit on the overkill side down here to maybe make you look a a little bit more detailed o we could get fancy with some Spruce logs in here Spruce logs are not only beautiful looking but they're fancy looking too now when I was thinking about this build and trying to come up with how I want to do this I kind of envisioned this idea of this being an allout informational Hub as well where I could like you know kind of get all of the knowledge that I could ever dream of needing when it comes to Branch money so in other words what I'm saying here is I'd like to maybe set up a little bit of a sign a board if you will then what I like to do is slowly but surely throughout today's episode as we start to do a little bit more Branch reminding and talk about maybe where it is possibly best to find these things we come back over and watch this we come back over and slowly but surely begin to fill this entire board in with a little bit of information that way maybe I have some kind of severe accident and completely lose track of this entire game well no big deal I jump down into my Branch m i take a look at the billboard I'm like ah yes diamonds go to 58 and start Branch Ming haha diamond diamond oh sweet wonderful diamond for me now it's back to Branch mining what I'm going to do today is set out on a goal my goal is pretty straightforward all that I need to do to be able to finish the diamond goals that I have for the setup firm what I want to do next is find 64 diamonds that way if I find 64 diamonds I should be more than set for all of the stuff that I want to do in the upcoming near future in order to find 64 diamonds factoring in Fortune I think that means maybe if I can find like eight or so clusters hopefully I'll be good however that brings me to my next big point and that is Branch mining down low it is inevitable every once in a while you will find gravel clusters I highly recommend when Branch mining down low to remove all of the gravel removing gravel is insanely easy if you do this little torch trick because of how many blocks this stuff ends up exposing when you remove it all I highly recommend digging it out it takes no time at all and you never know might lead you to a couple diamonds gold ha I found even more gold so far I mean I haven't had loads of gold I have more Redstone than gold but I have found some gold and to be honest I'm a little bit surprised by it of course obviously clearly statistically we can find gold but ideally if you're looking for gold you're going to want to set your branch line up somewhere closer to y0 instead more specifically y -16 and while we're at it talking about things close to y z you're also going to find the most iron Underground close to y0 and the most lapis Underground close to y0 as well lapis it maxes out actually flat at y z so maybe a branch mine there meanwhile iron on the other hand it's actually going to max out around Y6 that's going to mean with those three things in mind it's maybe not a terrible idea because of the crossover generation of those ores to maybe set up a branch mine at say y z or something and maybe find a little bit of all of them however iron it has a little bit of a different situation iron or vein these basically gigantic massive or veins that I wish existed for diamonds that would be beautiful iron or veins they exist anywhere below y z you can definitely find these things stretching all the way down to the bottom of the world it's kind of all just up to luck a coincidence and a little bit of chance all right all right and L last sweet beautiful diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds you're wonderful you're so perfect I love you so much for now I'll so touch you maybe get like 32 with you and I'll Fortune you all at the end 3 2 1 let's do [Music] this [Music] all right look this is such a Sidetrack like the biggest one I don't need to be doing this right now I should be looking for diamonds but I keep hearing lava popping over here and I'm not really finding anything of course I would branch mine off down that way but it sounds like the lava to me is like up over this way or something what I think I want to do is try and find this lava because I noticed something in between cuts here I tell you what it is in a minute but lava lava it definitely sounds like I'm like right in front of it right here right here right here all right well I I don't know where it is but I'm close it definitely sounds like there's a pit of lava right over here and sometimes these Lava Pits could of course be like fully submerged the Lava Pits could be fully submerged but this one I it is not fully submerged it's not all right just so my friends I noticed something when I was mining down the hallway one of these hallways right over here and I forgot to put torches it was really dark and I saw nothing and then I noticed oh the entire branch mine right here is in the deep dark biome everything that we've been working on over here is deep dark including this whole dropping area that I improved and got like all the way up to my vision see a little bit of backstory when I built something like this in the survival world the million years ago I always wanted to do something like this where you have the Bedrock showing and then I have water right there so I like jump into the water and there's bedrock and yeah but it's all inside of the deep dark and I literally didn't even notice I I mean look obviously here I knew that I was like a good likelihood that we'd have the deep dark because we're right underneath a gigantic Mountain but we're actually properly and solidly inside of the deep dark biome we need to be careful here oh the deep dark biome we need to desperately come back we need to come back here and revisit it sounds like we're next to the edge of the deep dark biome 2 or there's a mob spawner too oh boy the deep dark biome look at this place it's so cool looking and actually for diamond mining and Ora mining in general it's not bad we could actually find ores ins out of this place relatively easily especially if I brought a hoe why in the world are there so many zombies though wow okay so this is the find of the century right here I don't know if this is really going to help me find diamonds I mean of course it could it's low enough it's a deep cave and maybe is this like the end of the deep dark biome I don't know I need to be so careful the ancient city that we found so long ago it's waiting for me it's on the to-do list I promise I promise desperately I want to go back over to the ancient city but I just need better armor first I need to fix it up oh boy the deep dark biome imagine if I found an ancient city down here too that be the second of the world wow this place is so scary it's terrifying I also get tempted to just Fallout Sprint in here Fallout Sprint okay all right well that's going to be strike number one for the warden today I could ha to look up one more strikes I'm no coward look at this thing the the caves how could I resist do they keep going this cave this sweet little cave right here not very many diamonds inside of it and not very deeper dark looking but it definitely is but anyways this cave is my preferred diamond mining method Branch mining definitely works and and it's definitely a thing but I have so much more fun nowadays running around inside of proper cave systems and looking for diamonds instead anyways though this cave this Vine right here is pretty clutch and it looks like there's more and more to the cave as as well it's kind of beautiful absolutely going to need to come back down here at some point and explore even more yeah look at this thing it's a whole mess of a cave well look here for today with such an amazing clutch of a find what I'm going to do is set up a simple staircase cutting off at this main hallway up right into the deep dark biome then anytime I want to head over to the deep dark biome and maybe like find an ancient city or something number two well look anytime I want to do that not a problem at all let's get back to diamond mining now while we do a little bit more Branch mining I would like to talk about some other ores that you can find while Branch mining except definitely not Branch mining down low if you're looking to get your hands on a little bit of coal or a little bit of copper to be honest I don't really recommend a branch mine but if the branch mine is your thing and you'd really really love to then consider making a copper branch mine somewhere around y50 y48 sta statistically according to this chart right here is the best spot to find Copper inside of your world keep in mind that you can find massive copper or veins and to keep in mind that copper generates a little bit more frequently inside of the dripstone caves biome though another resource that you could branch mine for but I don't really recommend it is coal the classic coal if you're looking for coal technically a branch mine around y 100 would probably do but around y 100 that means you're going to need to be inside of a mountain bio while you're in inside of the mountains if you're looking for coal just go higher and higher and higher inside of your world just like with emeralds coal is going to generate more frequently the higher up you go unfortunately for us down on the Deep slate range there will be no coal about ever at least like 58 we our minus not a chance at all so L as I've done it in fact I might have overdone it actually I'm not too sure I got a l I got a lot of diamonds y yeah yeah yeah yeah I definitely overdid it I think with the amount of diamonds that I have inside of the inventory but then also combined with the diamonds theide of the chest I should be golden I think we've just about finished our Branch mining mission for today oh and um there's this little glitch that you could do while running in third person in a two tall hallway you could actually see clean through the world I guess um that might help you find caves so our branch mine today I finished it all the way down to this wall and that Wall's not as far and then over here that one's way farther I have a lot more room of course as I need more diamonds in this world not a problem now I could just jump down here in between episodes and continue to expand the branch mine a little bit more considering the fact that it's all in the deep dark I don't even need torches is beautiful our chart over here is looking pretty filled in for most of the things on here we got a little bit of information remember that I really don't recommend Branch mining for coal or copper just maybe go in a cave and you'll find plenty of that stuff stuff the very final one that I absolutely never recommend panum anymore is Emerald Emerald is honestly so vague according to the Chart right here it's most common higher up inside of your world but you need to take into account the fact that higher up inside of your world there are like no blocks like the mountains aren't very common up high so for Emerald theoretically like technically I guess you could say like y 256 but that's literally not really possible so basically the higher you go if you're looking for emeralds don't make a branch mine instead find a tall mountain and look around inside of it and on the side of it when it comes to mining for every single ore that's your best range right there take a screenshot oh boy when it comes to blocks look at this thing I'm rolling in the deep slate not only do I have a double chest and more up there but now I almost have another double chest down here when it comes to tough I mean I'm doing pretty all right and then other blocks gravel oh so much of it too it's beautiful when it comes to the or hle for today's episode inside of the inventory woo 42 deep slay Diamond two stacks oh two stacks perfectly of redstone and a little bit more deep slay lapis deeps like gold and even a little bit of iron too it's beautiful now of course I would consider mining it all out down here but instead instead I think we got another job that we might as well take care of first all the way back up here on the surface things are looking things are looking that's exactly how I would put it this little Zone over here though it is like progressed and better looking than ever before and oh wo that not a minute better looking the tree grew oh I got to get a view of it this Zone it looks good but it definitely could look maybe a little bit more good and first things first I was thinking maybe a couple big rocks sitting around on the ground I think I'm going to have to go get a little bit more point to drip some for this but fit the pallet match the vibe you know all of that kind of stuff Bono you look beautiful I was also thinking a little bit about this hill in specific right here and I have a cool idea this is right close to the iron farm so I can't really build anything here I figured maybe I could just expand this whole mining Zone take over this whole little section right here then I don't have to worry about it by the time I want to come back in and add more builds say like right here I think I'm starting to get far enough away from the farm shouldn't be a problem come on man I was down in the caves the whole episode as soon as I'm up top trying to do beautiful terraforming the rain the rain the poor terrible rain stop satiating my land it's good go away oh this tree is perfect I don't know what it looks like I haven't taken a look but it's perfect from up close it's beautiful we need to go ahead and make this a nice and Tall Tree and then I don't know I need to come up with what else I want to do over here ideas throw them down below we have so much new deep slate ores I wish I had like classic ores but I don't think I really have very many of those but we got a lot of different deep slate ores I was imagining considering the fact that this is a mining Zone and all what if maybe I did a couple small piles of ores sitting around on the surface I don't really need like a lot of piles I was thinking maybe three three should probably be more than good enough but you know to some piles that could be cool maybe even I'm big vancy around here we'll put a little bit of diamond on the ground too that feels Rich up here on this hill to maybe like more properly close off this area now how about one of those cool little log pile things like you know the things like we have a pile of logs sitting something like that and then maybe with some like rails I could go ahead and go up and down this thing right here to like hold the logs in I don't know what happens at a mining Zone but I feel like at a mining zone They defin got some logs like from a tree cut down right there that definitely starts to like Define a border for me which is good speaking of Define a border for me I was thinking over here we should probably Define a border as well H it's a little bit tricky cuz it's kind of abstract here but maybe like that'll be the entrance where I step up then I could like have the Border go over this way room for a road in the middle yeah I mean that's kind of perfect I think rocks rocks did somebody order a little bit more rocks and I can't believe I'm saying it I really truly can but right here with this whole like border definition thing and then I'm going to have the path in here and I'll get even more rooted in Co dirt but right here that just about actually like I mean I got it how long last I just about got it I could do a path connecting that way and a path connecting that way is beautiful I never thought the day would come truly I didn't I don't know what was happening but I never thought the day would come we have a road fully connecting got some random stuff in the way no big deal we got a road [Music] and so as we start to finish up the rest of the zone and everything else I had to do today I'd like to talk a little bit about hit 1996 game pajama S no need to hide when it's dark outside okay so this is for today's comments of the day I just kind of wanted to talk about another game that I just replayed this is a game from when I was young and The Vibes are Immaculate inside of this thing I've lately been into this new aesthetic or maybe it's not really new or what I needly learned about it it's called Dark Noir it's really cool it's like those old like Batman shows if you know what I'm talking about and I feel like this game maybe almost fits into that aesthetic too it's like very dark and kind of like almost creepy Vibes or whatever but it's so so good I found out that it was on Playstation usually I like try to like chill I like play games on PlayStation cuz I can hang out with like the animal with Jordan you know how it goes but I recently found out it was on Playstation so I had to cop it and oh my my gosh is this a shared like nostalgic memory does anybody else know what I'm talking about right now or I can't be the only one right because the Vibes are so good I need to make this in Minecraft somehow and so without further delay this time the grand mining zone is now fully complete at the beginning of the very next day we can see it slowly the sun will rise over my tower and it'll be all lit up in here but check this out I didn't do too much over here by this path I'm a little bit nervous about the lava good somebody let me know if I plant plants out here like I mean I guess I have somewhere there but if I put some around here they're not going to burn right because I don't want to burn the whole thing down so anyways though I finally have this path that kind of wraps around here I left that lame looking pond maybe I'll get rid of it but yeah it like wraps around the whole building there the iron farm nice and Central then we've got a path up over here and a path up over here I decided to come in and build these simple little light poles here with like a little bit of log some fences and lanterns a slab up top I think it looks nice I added three three is the golden number after all now all around in here on the ground scattered we have different types of or just a big fancy big F we got sweet bones over there he loves it in this Zone and then all the way down this thing I well I didn't change anything else down there you saw it earlier all around here I went crazy oh yes that's right it's a work site of course there a work site it's no problem accidents will happen at work site right no big deal I tried to close this area in with a couple different obstacles we got that chest box right there that one day will be empty but I'll leave it sitting there then we have the log pile then I built a small little fence I've got a little smelting machine at the back there I felt like that kind of made sense with the whole Vive and yeah the whole Zone and this whole half of the world kind of is like basically filled in now just got to fill in this small little hole probably with plants or something but he looking pretty good all in all I'm so happy with how this area turned out I think it looks really really nice with the or piles around and just a fully finished concept dirt all over the place thank you all so much for watching today's episode tap like And subscribe Branch reminding your complete guide for 1.20 and probably Beyond at least for a while there you go and channel members in honor of episode number 60 there's a world download on out with everything and more patrons early access to the episodes thank you all for watching it's me and I will oh wait of course that cannot end on this note the Deep slay diamond or 40 of it that we got in this episode I think it's time to do a little bit of mining the truth the moment of truth will we have over one stack of diamonds from this solid well not solid stack but from 40 deep SL diamonds I think it's looking very promising don't you think all right so let's hold up let's roll back a little bit beautiful looking tree but where can I do this better probably over here I could set up like way more deep slate Diamond at a time and just go for it the armor situation it's really holding us back same with some of the tools I'd like to get some better tools and I'd like to get some better armor in order to pull all that off I need over a stack of diamonds just to be sure so I can like combine tools gear you know everything like that and sure enough oh sure enough we got more than a stack of diamonds it's beautiful I'm the richest man in the world I'm the richest man in the world and I will see you next time signing for real this time goodbye everyone and see you [Music] tomorrow
Channel: wattles
Views: 117,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond branch mining, minecraft diamond mine, minecraft diamond mining, minecraft branch mining, minecraft branch mine 1.20, minecraft branch mining design, minecraft branch mine, branch mining in 1.20, minecraft 1.20 mining guide, minecraft survival lets play, minecraft 1.20 lets play, minecraft guide, minecraft 1.20, survival minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.20 survival, best level to find diamonds in minecraft 1.20, how to find diamonds in minecraft 1.20
Id: LrYNvTGxtU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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