The Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-4) 1/7/18

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[Music] how are you taking your seats I want to remind you you know a little bit of the reasoning behind we had Josh McDowell out on Thursday was to set us in that mindset that the authority of Scripture is established it's reliable and the Bible's that we currently possess in English are a very accurate representation of the original tax the original manuscript evidence and you can trust what it says and the reason I bring that point to you tonight is we're entering in to one of the hotly debated and hotly contested parts of the book of Genesis and tonight we're going to be looking at these very strange creatures called the Nephilim the fallen ones and as you turn to the sixth chapter the reason that I want to bring that to your attention is this you have a couple of options as a believer one is you can believe that the Word of God is accurate authoritative it says what it means means what it says and God is not a deceiver he's not a liar and so when he says something you can trust what he says implicitly even when you do not understand the mechanism by which that happens or can occur or perhaps it contains the miraculous and thereby you're forced to literally believe that God does miracles and can do things that you cannot explain the other path is you try and find a naturalistic explanation for the supernatural you begin to question God and you take everything he says as somewhat figurative it's not to be taken literally and thereby when you read things like we will look at tonight you try and find some reason to believe that this is possibly just an extrapolation of some basic understanding at the time and it can be explained solely by natural means and thereby this either is a fairy tale or it is the truth and I can tell you what side I'm on I believe God authoritative Lee spoke what he meant meant what he said and what we today have in our hands available to us is in fact the infallible Word of God there are very few things that you can go back through and look at the manuscript evidence especially for the first five books of the Bible and find any area of disagreement with the current English text in a whole bunch of different versions and so whether you have the King James tonight whether you have the New King James tonight the New Living Translation the new American Standard the Revised Standard the English standard version even the NIV is relatively accurate here when you look at this particular passage of Scripture and so would you join me we'll look at the first four verses and these giants that were in the land Father we thank you for the power of your word and Lord as we study tonight would you help us to be encouraged to know the times and the seasons in which we live because these times are important to us as are described in Genesis chapter 6 because you Jesus quoted of these times Peter quoted of these times and Jude quoted of these times even the book of Hebrews alludes to these angelic beings and so Lord we pray that you would instruct us from heaven as we read we want to hear and know what it is your spirit would say to us so bless us with understanding we pray in Jesus name Amen verse 1 Genesis chapter 6 and now it came to pass that when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose I want to make a little disclaimer here I'm looking around to see I don't think we have any issues tonight tonight's message will be pg-13 so we we need to discuss a couple of things and there will be some adult topics and a couple of places and so it begins with a couple of strange understandings daughters of men not too tough but sons of God who were those and again we must look at the original language to determine what those sons of God actually might be on the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever and I want to ask you to underline that particular phrase and here's why God absolutely without equivocation is not going to strive with mankind's evil forever today his character has not changed he remains the same yesterday today and forever and if there was an extent to which he would allow mankind to go in its desire for evil and for sin there still remains a limit to which God will allow mankind to stretch out its hands towards the very things that God has told us we are not to do God has always had a limit to sin he reached that limit once before and he has told us that he will once again reach that limit and he refers specifically to win he will once again reach that limit and in fact Jesus himself in the Olivet discourse uses this particular chapter as the background for win he will once again cease to strive with man and he uses the conditions of the days of Noah as the backdrop for it so this chapter is extremely important to those of you who care about such things as the last days the prophetic Word of God and when it might be that we might be looking more closely for the glorious appearing of our great God and King because it is the times of Noah that provide the backdrop for that he goes on for ease in Deen flesh and yet his days shall be 120 years now remember this is after a time when men had been living nearly a thousand years up to nine hundred and sixty-three years and so God now is not only limiting the amount of time that man has but he is also limiting the length of life to 120 years and we still have people that get close to that I think the current oldest person on the earth is slightly under 120 but he says I won't strive with man forever in other words he won't allow man to judge for himself the word there strive has only found once in the entire Old Testament it's a very unique Hebrew word duo and and what it essentially means is is man and God at odds one with another and man choosing which direction he's going to go in other words it's the ultimate in choice where man chooses to do wrongly God will not allow man indefinitely to chew wrongly is basically what he's saying here right now you can choose wrongly if you want but there's coming a time and we know when that time is again because our Bible tells us that there's going to be the rule and reign of Christ back on this earth and you will not be able to choose wrongly in fact you will be forced to choose righteously even if you have a desire to choose wrongly and then finally at the end of that Satan's thrown into the pit and then the new heaven and new earth but this is setting the stage and something seems almost insane looks like some kind of you know grim fairy tale Brothers Grimm wrote this there were giants on the earth in those days and then notice this often skipped and afterward it wasn't just before the flood there were some giants after the flood and probably some of you can name at least one of them when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those are the mighty men who were of old and men of renown how we're giant is actually the Hebrew word Nephilim you see what happens here in this particular passage and it's the beginning of the end if you will and we'll get to the rest of it actually next week because we will actually see why God chooses to take eight people put them inside of the ark and saves only them and destroys the rest of humankind and I can tell you there are an awful lot of conversations I've had with people especially those who espouse atheism this is one of the areas that they bring up well why would God create mankind and then a few thousand years later completely wiped them off the face of the earth that's the question that question becomes in technicolor answered as we read the rest of chapter 6 remember how sin began think about it for a second sin began very innocuous ly it wasn't a major deal I mean let's be honest how many of you in here you do not have to raise your hand but think about it for a second have ever told the lie please don't raise your hands cuz if you don't all raise your hands then you will have lied and you will become a liar right now probably everyone in here is told a lie at some point in time in their life so Adam and Eve told the lie how many of you have ever not trusted God please again don't raise your hands cuz we all know it's true probably every one of us have not trusted God in times if you know God there's a very good opportunity that you've not trusted how many of you have ever gone against exactly what God told you to do again please don't raise your hand now I would think that most of you didn't begin your life ago you know what I'm gonna set out to be the world's greatest sinner you were born with the capacity to sin and your lifestyle has proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are actually a sinner you sin you see the way I know you're a sinner is you sin you lie you cheat you deceive you're selfish you're bitter at times unforgiving you're unloving you're unkind please don't get mad at me I just described most of humankind right at times we all have those sin problems and here's what happens when you begin to feed that side and there's no remedy to it you can turn into something really evil let me give you a few names hot off Hitler Pol Pot Stalin Marx Mao Zedong you see when you start being really selfish and super self-centered and extraordinarily hateful you begin to do some things that we would think tonight no one would ever think of how else can you explain the slave trade that plagued this country except inherent evil right think about it you see mankind from time to time makes these runs towards evil and we've gotten really close on several occasions there's one yet left to come and man's going to get all the way to this point once again and God's gonna say enough now I'm not telling you that's next week but I can tell you where the world is heading you look at where the world is going currently we live in the most self-absorbed narcissistic generation of people that has ever existed on the face of the earth we are living currently in a post-christian world not just a post-christian nation the church is actually contracting it's shrinking there are places where the gospel is going out and people are being saved and by the hundreds of thousands and millions but where the church was once strong let me give you a few places Great Britain used to be more than 90 percent Christian it's less than 20 percent Christian the United States of America used to be 78 percent Christian it's less than 54 percent Christian tonight and that's self-identification people said yes I'm a believer India at one point in time it was almost 30 percent Christian it's now less than 3 percent Christian you see the effects of sin the effects of atheism the effects of evolutionary thinking the effects of us trying to out think the need for God will once again bear down on the lives of humankind and that's why this passage is so important because it gives us a window into the thinking of God as to where that line is how bad does it have to get before God says enough these things may seem strange it's hard to imagine how evil the world must have been for God to send this incredible deluge that wipes out the earth but I can tell you this it really doesn't take a quantum leap in evil it is very clear that all it takes is the church to begin to not trust God the church to no longer have a witness in the world the church to abandon the Word of God the church to stop the righteous ones the ones like Noah became fewer and farther between and the descendants of Cain as were in this story began to set the tone for the way that everybody else was gonna go so when people ask me well why should we get involved you know in the political process and while I think you need to be very careful how you do that we have an obligation to take our biblical worldview into the world because if we do not do that then we hasten this type of behavior that doesn't mean that we turn the church into a place of politics it means that we take it from here out into the world and affect the culture that we live in that's why pastors that will not teach the truth I believe there's a special place of judgment for them I think scripture says that characteristics of those days are very present and Jesus began to speak about it if you look at Matthew 24 go ahead and flip over there all the way down to verse 37 and notice what it says he's asked a question Matthew 24 and verse 3 by the disciples and that question is this what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age that's at the beginning of Matthew chapter 24 now this discourse known as the Olivet discourse is Jesus's commentary on the very last days days that for us tonight are still yet ahead they have not yet been fully realized but they will come so the disciples believing that was going to be the following week because the world is already in turmoil in trouble asked Jesus the question in verse 3 notice verse 37 but as the days of Noah or now you know why I'm starting the way I'm starting this was Jesus speaking about the days that we are reading about in Genesis 6 but as the days of Noah were so shall the coming of the Son of Man be in other words when the world ends up in the same place that the world was when Noah was on the face of the earth God said and we've already read it I will not strive with man for ever and so when we look at why he did it next week you're gonna understand very clearly exactly how close we might be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating drinking marrying and given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark in other words they were clueless they were going about their business like the world was gonna last forever they were doing the most normal and popular things that there were to do they were hanging out making families having a nice meal together and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be people are going to be oblivious they're going to be looking and watching and they'll see what's going on and they're gonna say oh that's nothing homosexuality just another lifestyle love is love anybody heard that slogan your Bible patently condemns that behavior and while we must love people who were caught in that lifestyle we have to also at the same time stand and say not on my watch am I going to marry two people who are of the same gender because it's an abomination to God and so as the world leans towards that direction love is love as the world leans towards well let's just make one of the drugs that we've been trying to eradicate since the 1940s legal like we just did here in California that by the way is still a federal class one drug and if you happen to get caught with it by a federal agent ie FBI border patrol you can still go to prison just a little word up for you so in the word world is saying well it's just kind of you know it's not that bad jesus said when the world begins to get that way you better look up because your Redeemer draws nigh we were talking back in the green room before the service tonight and I'm sitting there thinking back of what it was like when I was a young person Oh men and women did actually really kind of even kiss on television they kind of got really closed it was like a you never used any type of vulgarity and vulgarity is words that kids use in common conversation today why am I telling you this because the book of Genesis is important and this particular time is the reference point that Jesus uses for when he is going to take his church home Jesus not only verified the historicity of the Great Flood but he also reminds us we better be watching our our times we better be watching our seasons we better be looking up because just before it returns it's gonna look just like it didn't Noah's day now I admit to you this is one strange passage the moral the spiritual conditions of that day and time Keynes line had basically taken over now remember that from the innocuous beginning of not trusting God's Word and lying and deceiving and trying to tell God you know I'm not actually naked that's all it was think about it they were fruit robbers okay that's how sin started but it went from that to murder in one generation one generation jealousy one generation completely disobedient to God's absolute authority one generation why this is so important you see we think that we have forever and I will tell you that very often when I talk especially to young people about some behavior that they're doing that scripture is very clear on not talking about marginal things well you know I'll just get it squared away right later right now I'm having too much fun to stop doing that you might want to remember what this passage says you need to be strong with the truth of the word of God because we don't know how long god is going to strive with us not corporately and not individually that's why it's so important to believers do not get caught up in a life of sin once you know the grace of God you're supposed to live as children of grace which means your change lives should be borne out in the way you live you see that's what happens when you're really a child of God so when you do what I was speaking of this morning and you believe on his name things do begin to change and you have a heart that leans towards God that is what we saw Noah but if there's no change than you saw what happened in the line of Cain that's like God who God what I don't need to answer to him who is he anyway in my life you see the sons of God saw the daughters of men and took them as their wives and the unions the sexual relationship between those two groups of people became the Giants that were on the earth obviously why there's no such thing as Giants he need to be careful because Giants in this case is not like Jack than the giant slayer not talking about 85 foot tall beings we're talking about giants meaning that it was so believed by the translators of the Septuagint in in the early 1st century in Alexandria Egypt that the ox substituted the Greek word gig on taste or Giants there were just very large people and so what we have here is a picture of these fallen ones the Nephilim Giants and there's really only a couple of ways that you can look at this it's either fairytales and ogres and Dragons and myths and you know it's it's like when you read Greek mythology it's full of all kinds of nefarious things you have the gods of Mount Olympus coming and you know having their way with the human women on below them and under their control it's it's exactly like this and so there is some thought that people would look at this and go well this is just you know God's idea of a fairy tale the other way is is that people would look at it saying well you can simply explain it make it intellectually palatable and we'll just say well this is just like the difference between believers and unbelievers it's just kind of a word picture or is it you know royalty marrying into the commoners what is it this whole passage hangs on exactly one Hebrew phrase two words and it is Bonet Elohim who are they are they ever mentioned after this is there any way to understand what was being said and the fact of the matter is there is a way to understand the actual phrase is used three other times they're all in the book of Job and they all pertain to angels their angelic beings they're literally the sons of God as in birthed in heaven by God just as mankind was put on the face of the earth we know that God also at the same time some place consistent with the beginning of the universe God created angelic beings and it is the B'nai elohim those angelic hosts which we know according to the book of Revelation that there are demonic hosts just as there are heavenly hosts this is a very strange case referring to angels very similar form the word Bar Elohim the two words together use there in Daniel chapter 3 also refers to an angel or to a thinit theophany in other words it's a heavenly host the third-place Bonet aleem is used in Psalm 29 also in Psalm 89 again refers to angels so this is literally angelic beings seeking out the daughters of men human women and having sex with them and from them pure unadulterated evil because these are fallen angels how people are going on that sounds like some horror movie yes it does and you might wonder where mankind got the idea to think up some something like that it's because it's not actually something that has never happened before and it's described here in the book of Genesis and so when you think about this demonic hosts of fallen angels there seems no reasonable doubt as far as the languages here that God was trying to convey to us that these fallen angels who were in opposition to God's will undoubtedly stimulated by Satan remember he's known since the beginning that he was in trouble and if you knew that there was going to be a child born who was going to be Messiah what would be the easiest way for you to make sure that that child never sees the light of day send your own hosts into the world to populate the gene pool with evil and that's exactly what Satan does the senescence is Satan's influence compounding the original sin remember man given the choice to be able to choose to love God or not love God that's a beautiful part of who he has made us so that we can love him fully we have to be able to choose to not love him these Angels did exactly what the book of Jude reminds us tells us make sure that we understand very completely turn there if you would book of Jude so go to the book of Revelation right before the Book of Revelations the book of Jude the book of Jude is exactly one chapter that's 25 verses if you look at verse 6 again this is a the New Testament this is not the Old Testament verse 6 actual look at verse 5 but I want to remind you verse 5 the book of Jude though you once knew this you were aware of it you understood it how do you think that is by reading the book of Genesis by understanding what God had already said Peter says much the same thing and we'll look at that in just a moment as well oh you once knew that the Lord having saved people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed those who did not believe and so God has constantly been telling people look I want you to believe in me and you have a choice to do that freely but I'm not gonna allow your evil to continue forever to continue on the same reason that the Egyptians were wiped out you can say well why would God do that there was probably a couple of good Egyptians in there don't you think that God is quite able to convince the minds of a righteous of Egyptian to not follow after the crowd I believe he is the way he's able to pick out somebody who's in a tribal situation in the middle of Afghanistan and by the way I know a soldier who actually met a Christian man in the of Tora Bora in Afghanistan who had been living there his whole life who was led to the Lord and by a missionary and he chose to live in the caves of Afghanistan no reason for a missionary going you're taking your life in your hands and yet there was one righteous man notice how this continues and the angels who did not keep their proper to mean where was their proper to me have been the heavenlies not the earth God sends angels frequently to the earth and when they appear they appear in the form of men so far as scripture says they didn't keep that proper domain but left their own abode those he is reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of that great day they have a special place in hell is another way to look at it ask Sodom and Gomorrha and the cities around them in similar manner to these having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh are set forth as an example of suffering and vengeance and eternal fire these are not happy thoughts you are never seeing a Disney movie based on this passage and the reason I'm saying that it's still true you see sometimes we don't like to hear the truth Jude believed that there were naughty angels Jude believed that angels left their proper abode and had sexual relations with humans the book of Genesis declares that truth turned over to 2nd Peter all you gotta do is go back a few pages second Peter chapter two pickup in verse four hair it is for if God did not spare the angels who sinned but cast them down into hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the angel ancient world but saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them to destruction making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly God has his limits and he doesn't play around forever he isn't going to strive with man forever he's not going to continue to just turn a an eye of grace as he's doing right now he will reach a point at some point in time and say enough and it's interesting that the key stone in both Jude and in Peters account of this was the rise of homosexuality the sin of sodom and gomorrah and for anybody who believes the nonsense that they were just being in inhospitable as liberal theologians try and make it out to be they have zero understanding of what the Bible actually teaches because it's very clear because the context of what happens here is sexual the context of what Peter comments on it is sexual and what the context Jude is is sexual and in fact the actual passage itself with sexual sin between angels because remember the men of Sodom sought to have sex with the angels who were also men very clear that is the influence of Satan that's strange flesh that other if you will lifestyle it's never been okay with God and I say that an absolute love it's not okay with God whether it's okay with me or you or our country or this world does not make a bit of difference it matters that God's not okay with it and if he said he's not okay with it it's one of the reasons that he destroyed the world don't think he's going to give it a pass this time and while I'm not making a direct equivocation here and saying that I know for a fact I heard from God that he's going to destroy the world because of what's going on with the gay rights movement right now I can absolutely tell you that it is going to be a component part of the very last days because your Bible says so and your Bible is where we get our truth I don't get my Bible from politician I give my Bible to the politicians I tell them the truth of what it says I don't let them indoctrinate me with their supposed truth to try and change the truth of what God's Word says that's gonna make me really unpopular but I'd rather be unpopular and tell the truth then tell a lie and see someone perish because I did not tell them the truth so when this goes up on the internet and I start getting the emails I just want you to know God loves homosexuals he always has he just simply asked that they repent just like he loves drug addicts but he wants them to repent just like he loves adulterers and adulteresses but he wants them to repent that was what was asked of them turn from your wickedness and we do not get to tell God what he thinks is and is not wicked he tells us what that is and he knows better so please be strong in these areas in this day and time we don't have much time left do not compromise your witness by saying yes to that which God has clearly said no to please don't do it because if people cannot believe in trust that you are telling them the truth in all things regarding life and godliness as you know it from the word then why would they believe that there is a God who loves them preach the truth family because Satan has influenced this world in a massive way to the point of confusion people are legitimately confused now as to what truth is as Josh said and I was sitting there thinking I know why I've never really put those things together we actually now live in the first generation in almost 2000 years where the word truth itself is actually contested people what's truth truth is now what you say it is instead of what God says it is to most people they don't know the Lord almost all people who don't know the Lord God's words very clear so do we trust it do we believe it remember where I started tonight you have a choice you can either trust it believe it and do what it says or you can start to pick it apart and say well you know I don't know if it really means that then you don't know if he really means that before by grace you've been saved through faith not of yourself it's a gift of God so please don't play I like this passage but I don't like that passage you need to like the whole Bible if it were on face like it on Facebook hit the love the like button on Instagram for Jesus because everything else is spiritism everything else is witchcraft everything else is occult beliefs in practice everything else is patently satanic I've use it well you know I don't go to the first Church of Satan when you agree with the devil you might as well be going to the Church of Satan now we can sanitize it all we want we can sit here tonight when you talk about well you know I don't you know I've never sacrificed anyone and that likely is true but remember how this started no we didn't eat it the fruit it was the woman you gave me Satan deceived me that's how it started it went from there to murder and from murder to the flood and after the flood Giants were in the land again notice it says and afterwards and we're gonna pick up that thought that's why God's patience has its limits he knows when mankind's gone over the line he knows when you've gone over the line and I'm gonna say something to you it's not gonna make some of you happy I know beyond any shadow of doubt that God has taken people home to spare other people there'd been situations and I will spare you the details because they're gruesome but I have sat in counseling with couples and had husbands look me in the eye and say I know exactly what the Bible says about marriage and tell me you don't have to live with her and I will say that doesn't change what God's Word says and this one man in particular that I'm talking about was dad two weeks later in a head-on car crash because he was going to destroy his wife and he was going to destroy his kids and his family and their families and God just said I'm not letting it happen and I believe God took him God has his limits do not play with sin and do not think that you were the exempt one because you're not the exempt one if you think you are you're on a one-way path and it's not a good one this is powerful stuff my spirit shall not always strive with man that's why I had you underline it it's true for all of us as humankind as true for us as individuals he will not always strive with us when he uses that Hebrew word duo nor duo it means to judge one thing against another thing it means that you give your opinion and God gives his and he lets you do that you know God lets you question him he does that he lets you have your opinion and that's exactly what's in view in this first you can have your opinion but at the end of the day the weight of the evidence that's for him and against us is so overwhelming we're supposed to go god you're right I'm gonna change the way I think and if you ever get to the place to where you will look God in the eye and say I'm not going to change I'm going to continue in this pattern of sin I am going to do this thing I don't care whether your word says that I'm not supposed to do it or not I do not believe that that is truth then you have placed yourself in exactly the place that's being talked about your God will not strive forever and he we'll then turn you over for the destruction of your flush don't do that and again I'm not gonna ask you to raise your hands by guarantee you sitting in this room are people that can tell you personally yes and amen I've been down that road I tested God's patience and I paid a price for it one of them is standing right here I've tested God's patience wandered in the wilderness paid a price for it it was not good a long time ago but I still remember what it's like to have God go no Jeff you're not winning no by by the way those teeth on the ground those are yours because when God wants to get you your attention he brings out the Holy 2x4 and he's not opposed to whacking you with it you can collect those go see the dentist you see God it's then going to put into play a reminder you see bigger is not necessarily better there were giants on the earth in those days let's wrap this up when the sons of God came to the daughters of men and they bore children to them and it's interesting when you when you look at this it it isn't the the modern understanding of they took wives they literally took the women this is kind of like angelic rape is what it is but they were so powerful they actually convinced the women that this is the right thing to do this is demonic at the core and just like we know that there are huge were huge reptiles on this earth you can think of mammoths and cave bears and giant cockroaches and dragonflies and every kind of dinosaurs you can think of there were giant people too and I want to remind you that we have zero fossil evidence of almost all humankind from that period of time and we probably have zero evidence of all humankind from that time because it was destroyed and buried underneath thousands of feet of silt after the flood so I wouldn't be digging around expecting it you're gonna find the skeleton of the Nephilim anytime he's not next week maybe that Sunday the Lord allows it we have found some fairly giant skeletons though interesting I was looking at some old fake National Geographic articles too where people supposedly found they actually inserted the National Geographic logo and all those kind things are going that's just like the dudes head was like 12 feet in diameter it's like ridiculous but that isn't what they were saying they were just saying that they were very large people they were there were mutations they were giants there are currently two people on the face of the earth that are in excess of eight feet one of them nearly nine feet tall today so not like that's unheard of and we're actually gonna find out that at least some of these guys were the six-fingered man that fought IndyGo Montoya and Princess Bride but they're just simply large people but they were fierce warriors they were very very very dangerous and they were always a threat to the Jewish people how do we know that because again the others that were afterward were actually also told about in Scripture the Book of Numbers tells us the after that the Philistines of Gath of course Goliath Goliath is the chief one among those spear the size of a Weaver's beam sword taller than David himself we don't know how tall David was but that's a big sword even view's five foot tall that's still a big sword we have the Anakin race of giants ascended from the sons of a nack lived in the southern part of the land of Canaan modern-day Gaza Strip by the way Philistia land of the Philistines at another part that lived in the the southern end of what is modern-day Israel which would be in Jordan today a land of Moab and Edom we'll see that we get to Genesis 23 and it's the very same people that are mentioned there in Joshua chapter 15 and of course Goliath himself also descended at the anagen so it's not a wise thing to say that you don't believe what God has clearly said and repeated over and over and over again in his word not just in an obscure passage in Genesis chapter 6 but he uses the same word for Giants the same bene Elohim for those angels the sons of God he uses the same understanding of these mighty men of renown who interestingly enough always hated God's chosen people why do you think that would be because they weren't supposed to be on this earth to begin with wasn't God's doing when you talk about how these things could possibly happen people always debate this actually only two ways that you can have genetic differentiation you're talking to the basic genetics is this mutations and recombinations of DNA in other words you take DNA mix it together and it makes something new or there's a mutation we don't know if that's what happened here but it makes perfect sense that if that is what happened that's why you would still have races of giants that's why after the flood there's still this possibility because once again Satan invades our time domain with his minions and again these incredible Giants come on the scene are some future implications and don't forget that part of it because it's perhaps the most important part of it that when things start to get really really really crazy when people start talking about Giants once again you know it's interesting when you start to read some of these crazy things I don't know how many of you have ever seen the movie men in black but there's a scene in there and I actually like the movie I'm just telling you it's okay you can judge me if you want but if you remember that movie there's a scene in the movie where they're going to a newsstand and they grab the National Enquirer and that was the source of truth there are a lot of people picking up the National Enquirer as if it's a source of truth there are a lot of people wandering around going well you know it could be aliens I might have been abducted so don't be surprised if sometime in the future there might be yet another time when after these times once again there were some ultra large beings on the face of the earth okay so we're gonna see next time as it was in the days of Noah so it shall be when the Son of Man comes amen except the next time they're gonna have a world leader his name's gonna be the Antichrist the next time they're gonna gather together for the purpose of trying to bring about an overthrow of God's kingdom and as not gonna work because the king of kings and the Lord of lords is gonna come and put it down himself hey man let's pray gonna bring the worship team back up and we'll close in song some pastors are gonna come forward be available for prayer you know maybe maybe you got something going on your life and you you just expect God to continue to strive and maybe you're concerned that that thing that's going on in your life needs to just be turned over to the Lord tonight's a good night to do that God have it just give it up it's not worth keeping I can tell you that and it surely isn't worth what's awaiting if you continue to go down that road because there is going to be a point in time where either you personally or us corporately the Lord's just gonna say no you've gone over so instead of going over once you just give it over and do it tonight Amen father thank you thank you for the power of your word and Lord we just ask that you would take from us anything that hinders our walk with you Lord let us never be rebellious never think that that were the one that's going to escape your watchful eye or those things in our lives which you know oh so well Lord we're not fooling you we might be fooling other people but we're not fooling you and so god we realize that there's coming a day and time when as it was in the days of Noah the times of Noah that time when you finally said enough those days are coming again and so lord help us to be ready help us to be people of truth or it help us to speak that truth and love of course always but let us not waver on the truth let us be strong in the truth let us be like Noah was willing to stand for a hundred and twenty years and build an ark even when no one had seen rain Lord let us proclaim you even if no one believes or let us live our lives in reckless abandon hopeful for the future because we know who holds it the people of truth we bless you we praise you we ask all this in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 54,286
Rating: 4.6540284 out of 5
Keywords: ccsb, ccsouthbay, Calvary Chapel South Bay, South Bay, Jesus Christ, Lord, God, Jeff Gill, Pastor Jeff Gill, Bible, Scriptures, Genesis
Id: tBzOcPFvZzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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