The Need to Learn to Walk in Peace in this Next Tumultuous Season Neville Johnson Oct. 2014

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rest you know number seven is a number of race right seven is the number of rest now we are now living in the beginning of the seventh day all right or the third beginning of the third day from Jesus seven is the number of rest and it's used that word rest of peace and rest is used fifty four times in the book of Revelation the end time thing and there are two major spirits that will stop you entering into rest one is unbelief and the other is fear the Bible talks about men's hearts fearing because of the things that are coming on the face of the earth right talked about that but we are a people of God who have to walk an absolute rest and in peace we're a thousand shall fall out your right hand but it shall not come near you and I can I kind of protection it's only accomplished by walking in complete rest and peace and God it's a beginning of tabernacles it goes right through to the end of Tabernacles and it says you know fear and unbelief the children of Israel could not trust God to get them into the Promised Land they said it's too hard out there that enemies too strong it was fear and it was unbelief and they went back into the wilderness and died there we're right at that point you know the churches at that point some dreadful things are going to be happening if the Ebola outbreak which came out of Nigeria is tiny tiny small thing to what's going to hit this planet and if we are not walking in absolute rest and absolute peace we won't make it through peace is an incredible weapon the enemy doesn't know what to do with it and so we have to come to this place Hebrews chapter three and verse eighteen and to whom he swore that they would not enter into his rest but to them that believe not because it couldn't believe that God would take care of them do you believe no matter what's happening in the world for you your children your household you believe that God's going to take care of you and if you die it's okay come on some of you will die you're older than me if you're going to die have a good death go out praising God and thanking him for a great life but you know fear and unbelief fear destroys the covering of God over us unbelief does the same thing it destroys the covering that God can keep his in and that's what happened they couldn't enter into their promised rest because of fear and because of unbelief hebrews 3:19 so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief and that unbelief was rooted in fear that did not believe God could or would protect them and take care of them coming to this place is really not easy you know you know we say well I can come into rest if God would change my circumstances wrong [Music] God cannot change your circumstances until being able to change you and then your circumstances will change he cannot overlook the fact that this rest was the major objective for the children of Israel that was their promised land a rest in God and so it is for us Joshua 1:13 remember the word which Moses the servant of the lord commanded you saying the Lord your God had given you rest and had given you this land now let me say something that land is inside of you it's not some geographical place it's inside you and that's where the Giants are for you are not yet coming to rest and to the inheritance Deuteronomy 12 nine you are not yet coming to rest and to your inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you now Hebrews chapter 4 tells us that most of them did not make it did not enter into rest because of unbelief rest was the first stage of the feast of tabernacles and continued on right through to the end you know to enter in the rest you must die know when you're dead you're at rest right come on okay spiritually you cannot end in you to rest until you die to what you want your own self you want all of these things it's a state it's a condition rest and peace has to dominate our lives no matter what's going on in your family your circumstances in the world we have to come into this place of rest it's the first thing of the Feast of Tabernacles where there's no more fear and it's going to require a different level of consecration of our lives to reach this see every salvation required a certain level of consecration baptism of the Holy Spirit that required a certain level of consecration the Feast of Tabernacles and coming into rest requires another level of surrender and consecration to the law we have to absolutely surrender to hears and trust in his love and purpose for us whether we live or die is not the issue we trust God and entering into this RESP puts a barrier over us to the outside and it's really important that we grasp this a new level of consecration is needed in order to enter the Feast of Tabernacles see Paul said this in the Philippians 1 and in verse 20 and 21 he said according to my earnest expectations and my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but that with boldness as always so now with also Christ shall my be magnified in my body whether it be by life or whether it be I death look if you're going to go out before the Lord returns let Christ be magnified in your body go out magnifying the Lord some of you won't wake her because she's your guy you're old and it's getting old and you know what I mean let's be realistic go out that God is magnified in your body I've seen a lot of people die and I've seen some rotten deaths and I've seen some glorious deaths it's what he was talking about he said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain we should never be afraid of dying never no matter how old or how young we are dying is a promotion hallelujah you've gone up a peg you know being promoted it's an inner state we've got to make a level of consecration before the Lord that it does not matter what happens to us or our family or our kids that doesn't mean we don't pray for them but that we were in the Lord's hands whether it's life or death we have to come to the place where there's no fear in death some terrible things are going to happen across this world you know that typhoon hitting hitting Japan that moment is on a very high scale God spoke to me about Japan just a few weeks ago life now we're talking about it the other day the Lord spoke to me and he said Tappan is going to receive some devastation that will have ripples around the world and the Japanese stock exchange will can't be completely taken out in an earthquake that will form a ripple right around the world they were living in these days and we need to walk through them without fear and incomplete rest God is in control of your life that requires another level of dedication consecration laying your life down to the Lord no matter what happens I'm in your hands I will serve you I'll do my very best to to do what you require of me and I'll follow you whatever happens I'm in your hands that you walk in peace and you're walking rest in the midst of it credible things that are happening across the world this interstate you Sea of Tranquility it opens the heavens around you we have to learn to lay our life down now you know the millennia H will soon be upon us and Solomon's reign the reign of Solomon was a picture of the endtime Church but particularly for the Millennium you know reign of Christ Solomon wasn't perfect but his reign was a foreshadow the coming kingdom age and it was an age of peace you know there were no wars during a time of Solon it was Native rest and it was an age of peace David couldn't build this temple because he lived in a time when there were Wars all around and Israel was fighting and as much bloodshed he couldn't build it because it was a picture Solomon's Temple was a picture of the endtime Church and the Millennium reign of Christ and it was an age of peace when Solomon dedicated the temple guess what it was on the Feast of Tabernacles entering into rest an age of race Indesit then the glory of the Lord came down then the priests couldn't stay on their feet the minister such was the impact but it is a great significance that he dedicated the temple during the Feast of Tabernacles now we're here we're right at that stage again rim into the Feast of Tabernacles you see how can I explain this we're coming into the Millennium which is an age of peace and rest but it can only be inhabited by Christians who have already learned to walk in that peace and rest he listened to me Enoch told me this he said you will not get in unless you're walking in peace and rest because that's the nature of the millennium reign of Christ and everything that will be built the architecture everything will be a reflection of the interstate in life of the people in the millennium see not everybody is going to be in the millennium God's not going to empty out of heaven and bring them all to earth for the Millennium you go qualify for the control of millennium reign of christ you will never get into it without your walking in peace and rest cassettes the initial qualification for the millennium it's an age of peace and rest the seventh day see we're talking about internally you have to come in to rest very hard figure when things are going wrong but we have to come into this point we're handing over the reins to the Lord because he is in charge we'll do what he asks us to do but he's not initially and finally in charge and learning to walk in that there's not as easy as it sounds you see we have this inner battle going on all the time this thing goes wrong why did this happen there's a wish things were better here with whoa that's the Giants on the inside that's the Giants keeping you out of the Promised Land you've got to kill them you're going to stop and say no no no I'm going to be responsible for what God requires of me but I'm not going to fear and I'm going to walk it rest trust him with my life my circumstances my kids my career everything until it inner battle comes to an end see there's a battle on the inside it goes on all the time what is this what is that what if I don't get married what if I don't find someone mining whether it is what if I'm gonna die what the end of battle if you can come into risk the heavens will open above you but it takes that the heavens are going to open in the Feast of Tabernacles like never before but the first thing we have to come into is rest let go and let God take the control and it's a certain level of commitment now that God requires of us that you have to make before the Lord you have to go before the Lord and have this out with him lay it all down a new age of glory and rest and peace is coming but it will be built in governed by people who've learned to enter into that rest in peace within their own hearts first to qualify for the Millennium you first have to in this life coming to a state of rest because the Millennium is a thousand years of race seven-day your mind has to come into rest oh man your mind the things that run over in your mind right you think about them what can you do about it work individually well you probably can't do anything so stop with it shut it down and say God I trust you and you're gonna have to do this a dozen times or more before you finally settle into it and say yes okay I'm gonna walk in this rest and in this peace and God your life will change it really will change you know Solomon's reign was characterized by wisdom and revelation and knowledge right the wisdom it wisest man that ever lived he built an incredible reign of Christ a kind of sorry incredible reign of peace which extended a great when you look at what Solomon did and the chariots he had the horses they had the wealthy had all of this he had it was an incredible time but it only could be achieved that they were walking in rest and peace and he dedicated the temple on the Feast of Tabernacles oh if we learn to walk in this we come into rest striving stops the mind battles cease and we come into rest then revelation starts to flow wisdom starts to come like in the reign of Solomon great wisdom will start to come show you what to do how to do where you are but it kind of be achieved unless you at rest this is really really important that we understand this you know very important Satan you know is given great wisdom but he fell the reason we felt was ambition pride and fear all that ambition that pride is going to be laid to rest give it away it's not worth it you know it says of excessive of Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 verse 3 at least a picture of Lisa behold you're out wiser than daniel says and there is no secret that they can hide from you but because of his fear his ambition and fear he fell you see that inner peace and rest is the inner promised land Oh hallelujah see the earth will become a paradise again because of the hearts of God's people who enter the Millennium is already become a paradise your heart of paradise sees the inner person the inner you coming in to rest you know Daniel 12 this forces but thou Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the end times many shall run to and fro in the end times and knowledge shall increase you know God's got a flock more to tell us he's got a lot more understanding to give us we know if just a tiny little piece of God's purposes tiny tiny we know we see salvation getting to heaven and maybe the Millennium a tiny piece of God's purposes he said shut up the words but in the end times knowledge I'll increase understanding shall calm the book shall be open to us you know this Word of God Bible says that the Word of God is washed seven times there are seven layers to the Word of God seven levels of understanding to the Word of God we see just a tiny bit but layer after layer this further life further understanding further revelation hallelujah you seen says in Hebrews 1:2 I can leave God has in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he had anointed pointed heir of all things by whom he made the world's plural whom he made the world the caught it's worth is cosmos which means ordered society not just one world world's it through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God he spoke them into being and it says in Luke chapter 133 and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end to it you see we've always thought getting to heaven at the end getting into the Millennium then it's the end no it is just the beginning not the end it's the beginning God hasn't finished we all live happily ever after he's going to extend his kingdom to the far reaches of this universe hey a goldfish bowl getting a bit bigger so you can grow into it fasion 3:21 under him glory in the church by Jesus Christ listen throughout all ages worlds without end insight into God's plans and purposes into the millennium and beyond we need to enter into rest to access that these kinds of levels of Revelation and understanding and the kind of anointing that God wants to bring in the Feast of Tabernacles because it is greater than Pentecost we have to enter into a whole new level of race just for that anointing to work through us it's no longer us you know it's a total rest you see I'm standing here today and people say do you get you know how did preach do you you know do get nervous no I'm not nervous I'm completely at rest now I'm enjoying talking to you I've learned that granted I remember when I was we came out a Bible School and we had to preach at different places and go to different churches for an examination you know and the first thing I did doing this when it was my test in this church I leaned on the pump the pulpit and pushed it right off the off the stage under the ground I flopped on the first try we can't achieve anything unless we come with a rest you can't flow in Revelation see as I'm standing here more and more understanding of Revelation company be but simply I'm it relaxed now at rest and that's how it works Oh hallelujah we're going to build a new world at rest and peace the tears are only 12 nine says but you have not yet as you had come into your rest which means we can't fully come into our inheritance see it's the enemy within that's the problem all those giants in the promised land are in here and they're in here they're in our mind they're in our fears they're in our emotions they're in our mindsets the Giants will have to be knocked off dealt with one of the biggest Giants is fear fear of failure fear of what people think of us fear of mine if just that one barrier came down we'll be totally different people just the fear of man what people think of us it would open up a whole new rebel realm of God for us entering into rest the enemy within oh you know the Bible tells us about being the branch we are though you know Jesus is the vine we are the branch right making a way back in Isaiah's day in Isaiah 4 verse 5 it says the Lord will create in every dwelling place on Mount Zion and a poor Assemblies a cloud and smoke by day a shiny fly by night and for all the glory the glory shall be for a defence then in Zion for - in that day what day that day the branch of the Lord will be beautiful now you know Jesus walked this earth and he was the branch the father was the vine he never had was never hurried I mean we live in an age you know where everything is hurried unless you walk yes bless you in Manila traffic it's then it's very slow but you know everybody's in a hurry everybody wants to get things done Jesus never hurried he refused to hurry because that's gonna wreck something on the inside of us we were gonna lose our rest and we're gonna lose a piece so he said Jesus was a branch of his father just the branch he wasn't the vine and he said I only do those things we shall see the father doing that's a rest I tell you he's just the branch took bearing the fruit he wasn't in charge the vine was a but later Jesus said I am the vine and guess who are the branches you are the branch really doesn't do much but bear fruit you know the main structure of that tree is the trunk and the roots which is Jesus he says if you abide in me my words abide in you you'll ask what you're willing that shall be given how many of you know how hard it is to abide in the Lord maybe for few times during the day but then something goes wrong at work or something goes wrong at home and our abiding is just disappeared our awareness and consciousness of the Lord it's gone where did he go no he didn't go you went he said I am the vine you are the branches you know Jesus didn't move in the gifts of the Spirit that might shock you he moved in the seven spirits of the Lord which were a permanent operation not a fleeting here there this there that it says in Isaiah 11 a verse 1 and they shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse a branch shall grow out of his roots talking about Jesus coming forth other stem of Jesse and it said of this person who is just the branch using complete rest it says in Isaiah 11:2 and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord etc 7 different anointings would rest upon him now see we got a candlestick here represents the seven spirits of the Lord you know and he said these seven spirits rested upon Jesus it wasn't hard work for him the seven spirits of the Lord rested upon him not ceased he had a word of knowledge now and again by the word of prophet it was permanent as the permanent with him the seven spirits will rest upon this branch see if you're going to have those seven spirits of the Lord you've got to be at rest the branches at rest it's not doing the work not supplying the food it's not applying anything just a rest revelation the revelation 1 verse 4 John to the seven churches which rnase it grace be unto you and peace unto him from which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne there are seven spirits of the Lord before the throne of God they sit there Revelation chapter 4 verse 5 and out of the throne proceeded lightnings thundering voice 'as and there were seven lamps burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of the Lord seven lamps they give off light they give off different color ok revelation 4 - and immediately I was in spirit of my whole the throne was set in heaven and one sat upon the throne and he that sat was to look upon like Jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow of seven colours above the throne the rainbow about the throne vii seven colours seven spirits of the Lord those seven spirits were given names way back in Isaiah's time he said you know he said and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him that's one of the annoyance the Spirit of the Lord that's a prophetic anointing and the spirit of wisdom understanding counsel might spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord and these things are making quick to understand things in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge anything people by what he sees with the side of his eyes neither reprove with the hearing of his own ears he was completely connected than the Lord he saw things as they were because of these seven spirits seventh surrounded by a rainbow seven colors now there are literally seven spirits before the throne I have seen them there are seven spirits before the throne seven colours each carrying a specific anointing now they don't leave there but under them there are spirits within the same nature there are spiritual wisdoms they're not as high ranking as the ones before the throne but under those spirits before the throne these angelic beings there are spirits under them with that same nature spirits of the fear of the Lord and feel knowledge wisdom all those things and it says the eyes of the Lord these eyes of the Lord seven eyes of the Lord running throughout the whole to find those on whom they can rest this is feast of tabernacles you see this is what it's all about they discerned by color you see there's a color tear today just it is red in color that bread is though the Spirit of the Lord Jesus said it's upon me because he has anointed me prophetically to preach and the Spirit of the Lord is red it's a red color through here is more than one color and there's also orange which is spirit wisdom but you know the spirit of wisdom when that is in manifestation there's a color in the realm of the spirit over the place that's what these angels emanate that wisdom has a color spirit of understanding that's the next color of the rainbow down yellow maybe these are spirits which emanate light in color and the spirit of counsel which is green color green of the rainbow the spirit of might which is blue you know Samson restoration in the Old Testament the spirit of might rested upon Samson incredible powerful thing and the spirit of might also rested upon David's mighty man here you get one guy who can kill a thousand men in one day that's the spirit of might David's mighty man that spirit rested upon them we got to have the spirit of might come upon us in times when there are earthquakes and you're going to lift stones off people as if you were the biggest crane in the universe he'll pull these people out and then heal them these are seven anointings of the spirit they said beyond Pentecost this is the Feast of Tabernacles the spirit council green the spirit of might which is blue the spirit of indigo which is the spirit of knowledge spirit of the fear of the Lord which is violet you can discern what's happening in a meeting with the by discerning the color of what is present you remember a guy by the name of Charles Finney he had one of these angels the spirit of the fear of the Lord that went with him everywhere he went and it made him so easy for him he gets on a tram car and everybody starts repenting he hadn't opened his mouth what happened well his angels here with him the spirit of fear of the Lord you repent two goes into a factory with his friend and whole factory stops because his angels with him this mighty spirit fear of the Lord is with him and the fear of the Lord come upon the people and the factory-installed getting saved see Oh hallelujah this is our heritage in the Feast of Tabernacles it says in Zechariah three in verse eight it says hero Joshua the high priest and thou and your fellows that sit before you they are men to be wondered at why for oil bring forth my servant the branch you see if we can become the branch and come under the seven spirits of the Lord anything's possible but you've got to be at rest for this to happen the agitation you know some of our lives it's like living in a goldfish bowl with all the sand in the bowl stood up you can't see anywhere you can't discern anything all the sand is stirred up you'll stop on that the sand settle coming to rest coming to peace then you can see and you can understand the spirits of the Lord you said breasts you know was remarkable when Jesus because he did only what he saw the father doing and in order to do that he had to be able to see what the father was doing and if we're going to come into that place of seeing what the Lord is doing we have to be in absolute rest the sound as it's dropped to the bottom so we can see the turmoil has to see the fear has to be dealt with you see Jesus went on to say you know we can walk the way he walked he said in John 14 22 verse 12 rather verily I sent you that he that believeth on me the works that shall he do also and greater works than I did because I go to the Father see now we become the branch and when we become a branch anything's possible because it's not us anymore you see oh if you abide in me as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you do this until you the striving stops the battle on the inside stops we come into rest and we abide in him you know the word in here if you abide in me in the Greek there are 13 different words for the English word in now that makes it confusing you know the English word in but the Greek word that's used here if you abide in me is a Greek word which means to remain in at rest that's literally what it means never flustered if you abide in me remain in him at risk what I see the father do see spiritual awareness must be developed you know and if we're going to see him moving what God is saying and doing spiritual awareness must be developed you know I had this experience in 2008 and I find myself standing on the sea of glass right at the back well to me it was the back but it was a lot behind me but his Maria's stuff going on they were angels they were Saints singing and dancing they were angels everywhere was the sea of glass you know and it was like and I just found myself standing there and I could see the throng way way down in the distance but I had missed just three days of not being with the Lord mainly because I've been busy with other things and all kinds of things and I felt guilty now wait in the presence of the Lord and I so I was quite happy to stand it right at the back and just enjoy this you know I thought well this is good and I was just enjoying this and I heard this Nevel not gone No then I heard come I thought that's worse so I knew it was the father and I made my way through the saints and angels slowly trying to figure out what I was going to say slowly clogged up right down to the front and they stood before the Father and I said what is it Lord he said never I've missed you I saw oh no that's the worst thing I I was trying to comprehend how the father could miss me it only been three days I thought it's a lord and I was trying to take all of this in still feeling awkward and guilty and he suddenly picked me up and pulled me inside himself and I thought I thought I'm in God I was overwhelmed because the main thing for God is his great love you know then the thought came to me I mean the secret place of the Most High and I thought yes and then I thought this I thought oh the tabernacle was not just a picture of us body soul and spirit but it's a picture of God in heaven paradise is the his outer court I'm in a secret place then I had the strangest feeling I felt that effort could move back a few hundred miles above from the throne room in the heaven that the whole of heaven would be in the shape of a man I mean it was the weirdest perspective I thought wow Jesus in God heaven is his likeness in human form heaven is Christ in God that was a vast place I thought paradise was huge but then it took me further out way out and I was looking beyond the universe I was being other side of the universe the known universe decree and I was looking down and the whole of the universe was in the shape of a man it could only see it because I was so far away from it God does fill heaven on earth having an earth the hole of hell is also in the shape of a man their arms people in the head heart depending I thought wow this is the power of Revelation I thought you know then I became aware of John chapter 14 verse 23 jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come into him or he will come into us I will make our abode with him I became then aware of Jesus and I became aware the father and I a one it's a reality then I heard the Lord look at me and he said he said when you were dead to self you can live in me I thought that's enough for now you know the scriptures were running through my mind at the same time scriptures like for you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God all this was going on at the same time I began to feel something of the heart of God I became aware of God's incredible love for every human being not just Christians for every human being I sensed also it's hard to explain this but I sensed there was a loneliness with God he missed his family there was a loneliness a sense I sensed his great desire for a family I sensed the agony that way his that that when Jesus was cut off from the Father came bearing the sin of the world I sensed the agony of God all this happened very quickly and I sensed then his anticipation of receiving many sons and a great family he's seen and Jesus looked at me he said revelation and awareness turns the shadow into reality and the reflection becomes a reality he said what you were seeing and experiencing is real but you must learn to walk in it at that point I saw the earth and it was a small globe I was looking down on the earth from where I was and the thought went through my mind I could have a there and here at the same time you know you think these things you know as the moment I thought that the scripture went through my mind John 3:13 and know- ended up into heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven I thought that is we did so you know no man has ascended to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son which is in heaven Caesars walked in two rounds at the same time it was an earth and he was in heaven that's what this scripture is saying then I was back in my room see there are places where God wants to take us all we can come into rest you know revelation which changes knowledge into truth and experience and it's important you know that we learn to flow in these things how do we enter into rest well the Bible talks about ceasing from our own works hand over the reins of your life you see you say well I've done this before yes but that was at Pentecost there's another level than now consecration which God requires of us all another depth of laying down our life and handing over the reins and if we start to make these in the days that we we have left and before the next blood moons in 215 the Grace and God will be with us to begin to walk in this you know it's a process and we need the rest is a process ceasing from your own works it's one test after another to overcome fear and unbelief and walk and rest things God will allow things to happen in your life which is going to test you in the realm of fear if they let it happen to you so that you learn to say no I'm not going to feel this God is in control I don't care what happens I trust you lord and I come into rest because I know you love me and all things work together for good to them that love God you pass the test and it's established in your heart you'll go through this many times and eventually the battle on the inside stops and there's no more freer we will be test after test after test and it's his way of bringing us into this whole thing passing the tests you'll face face circumstances completely out of your control and so your only thing you can do is come into rest and hang it all over the God that establishes little bit further in your life you have to overcome these things different level of surrender to God entering into rest we've got time you know to make between now and the end of these the next set of blood moons to get before the Lord and say Lord I want to make my consecration on another level now I want it to be adequate enough to enter into the Feast of Tabernacles I want to take it to another level you go through some things you know to test you on this you know but but but that's alright if you walk in peace the devil kind of do anything with it doesn't know what to do with peace it baffles him he can touch you because you're walking in peace think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which since you know is if some strange thing is happening to you you're going to have trials listen to me if you're going to be an overcomer you have to have something to overcome so be prepared for trials you know I Joe and I never made really never made it here two weeks ago I was on the verge of sending a email you can send it and known I didn't dare send it about the dance that we can't come because we were so sick so sick I'm really sick and usually I'm pretty good at fighting through you know stuff like that but this we both of us were really sick and I thought Lord I cannot I've got to give him at least two weeks notice I can't give them notice the two days before the conference that I'm not coming noticed in this thing nothing oh we got coming to rest you know but it was a test you know I said might send mark you know this is the situation he said I'm going to pray so he came back Khomeini said marks my son he said I think you should go even if you're off dad you should go I felt worse than our dead tests we go through them all the time but it establishes us in these things in God that's the way it works you know once you've passed the test a few charge because we don't get it right the first time you know so you get to take it again you know until the nature of that aspect of the nature of God is established within you you don't pass the test and if they get out they keep failing and keep failing and keep failing you know you go around the mountain another time you said me you know but God might apply some discipline but if that doesn't work he'll just leave you where you are we have to determined to go on in God and then you live your life out in the lower plane if he takes his hand off it you must learn to become sensitive all right we've got five minutes becoming sensitive to the Holy Spirit is really really important now really important we're going to be rest in the Lord we've got to become sensitive to him you know and it's we have the law learn to walk you know with the Lord and there are seven sensations of the Spirit Man which are very very important and I'll run through them very quickly with you but you have to learn them I covered some of these in on how to walk with God but the first sensation is to sigh have you get up in the morning for no reason you're like there's a side coming from deep within it may take you for awhile think what am I doing that for what is that what's taking place within you it says when Jesus prayed for a blind man just before he probably he sighed and he looked up in heavens and he sighed marks 734 and said unto Him be opened Jesus side the greek word for that word sigh is the greek word stenos Oh ste n a0 and it which means to pray there's a burden and it's a call as a prayer burden your sigh is an indication of your spirit that's coming under a burden to pray but for that to reach the mind in order for us to do it we have to recognize it it's a sensation that appears in your spirit generated by the holy spirit and usually it's a signal you need to go in somewhere and pray and your prayer a burden to pray often comes when you find yourself saying they need a there's no reason for you think why am i doing that you know mark 8:12 it says and he sighed deeply in his spirit Jesus - same word Stanners oh he sighed deeply in his spirit we need to learn to recognize that when it is happening when it's easy to pray it's because this sten is oh this sensation of in our spirit has been triggered by the Holy Spirit we need to recognize that and deal with it go and pray did you ever wake in the night with Arjuna a day with his sensation you know oversee God's knocking on your door he said hey wake up I talked to you you need to pray there's a prayer burden in your spirit now let it ate your consciousness and your emotions as a pray their mayor work with me Stennis oh there's a Hebrew equivalent to that in Ezekiel 26 where it says sigh therefore no son of mine with the breaking of your loins and it told about prayer it's a spirit sensation but you have to learn to recognize there is another spirit sensation which is to groan you know different to the sigh it says in Jesus in John 11 33 when Jesus therefore saw her weeping and the Jews also we've been which came to her he groaned and his spirit not in his mind or his emotions or his physical he groaned in his spirit eventually made his way through his emotions and his consciousness but he groaned in spirit and again in John 11:30 Jesus therefore groaning in himself came to the grave the cave with a stone laid upon it the Greek word here is at the word Embry Mayo why it's a Greek word which means to be how can I put this infused with authority and a sense of indignation for what the devil is doing even though there's a sensation to be infused with indignation and authority comes with it for what did you see the devil doing or what something's happening in a present life to mix of anger and authority the good anger and I'm sure some of you have experienced that at times but you'd haven't recognized you know that again it's a call to deal with this it can trigger off the gift of faith great miracles in this case when he sighed he raised the person from the dead as this grown within him could be now thirdly to be troubled in spirit when Jesus has in John 13 21 when Jesus had thus said he was troubled in his spirit and testified saying verily verily I say to you that one of you shall betray me it was troubled in his spirit the Greek word for trouble here trouble is a Greek word terrazzo ta double r ASO it means to be stirred to agitate because something is wrong you know this sensation can be so strong that it impacts you physically you feel sick these do--it because it works its way from your spirit throw into your emotions in your physical body but it's a sensation it's traveled in spirit something's not right it's a sensation feeling it's like an inbuilt early warning system you know it operates ahead of time giving you time to pray very important sensation to learn and it can save you a lot of trouble let me cough bless you it operates ahead of time giving you time to pray the many difficulties in your life can be avoided if you respond to this terrazzo is troubled in your spirit and go and pray you remember it's too late you know you closed the stable door once the horse is bolded too late to close a stable door once something's happened it's too late but you give time to pray to stop her from harming you troubled in your spirit he Jesus said you know in Luke 22 31 and 32 the Lord said to Simon Simon behold Satan have desired to have you that he might sift you with meat but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and when you are converted you will strengthen many of your brethren jesus had this terrazzo troubled in spirit about Peter something not right Peter he said I've prayed for you that's a sensation fourthly to be provoked in your spirit acts 1716 now why poor waited for them at Athens his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the whole city given to idolatry this word stirred is the Greek word perhaps perhaps you know and it means that peace to be stirred and to be provoked in a spirit it's a spirit sensation it's kind of bordering on zeal you know it's important to recognize that when you start to get provoked in your spirit in this it's a as a sensation it's not a word it's not a voice after feeling it's a sensation which originates in your spirit and registers with your emotions and your physical being provoked in spirit godly zeal v to be pressed in your spirit says in acts 18 verse 5 when Silas and Timothy will come from method Macedonia poor was pressed in his spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ this word pressed in it to see it's in his spirit not in his soul he was pressed in his spirit it's a sensation of the Spirit and the Greek word is for pressed here is an echo and it means to hold or press together to become one with Preston spirit is a spiritual sensation I cannot hardly to explain that's becoming consciously one with the Holy Spirit and his purpose and feeling it carries the thought of being pressed into the Holy Spirit and it's a very powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your spirit see in 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 14 Paul said for the love of Christ constrains me now that's the same word it's an echo the love of Christ has pressed me into the Holy Spirit the words constraineth you know it's you become so one with the Holy Spirit that you become invincible you know in the in the spirit when Paul said in acts I go bound in spirit 20:22 Acts 2022 he said I go bound in spirits the same word I'm pressed into the Holy Spirit I've become one with him you know we Came invincible without fear acts 20:20 to Caesar and I go bound in spirit to Jerusalem he said I know what's going to happen to me they are go bond in spirit say the Holy Spirit who's witnessed in every city that bonds and afflictions are going to come he excited I go bound in spirit the same word cynical he was pressed into this became one with the Holy Spirit he said I don't care if I live or I die I go bound in spirit he had no fear at all the martyrs testify of this it's a sensation it's a feeling sixth the other one sixth is the joy of the Lord that's not happiness it's a joy that's spiritual that's a Hebrew word which means a calm delight it goes deeper than the emotions something that originates in your spirit it says the joy of the Lord is our strength it's his joy within our spirit it's a sensation coefficient 111 strengthened with all might according to the glorious power under all patience with joyfulness and finally the witness of the spirit Romans 8:16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God the Greek word for witness here is a Greek word summer - some are to Rio and it means to co-op to bear witness to the truth it operates as a check on your spirit or an affirmative in your spirit you know when we I was a really young Christian in my teens people would say do you get the witness of the spirit and I thought well dumbest I don't know so I just said yes I thought what's up of the spirit this is something to do with the judge in you to witness Oh what is this thing I had no idea what they were talking about I went along with them but I had no idea you know it's a sensation in your spirit the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit to green light or a red light you know you bear witnesses this is right or wrong but it's a feeling not a word it's a feeling and you have to learn very quickly and how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this it's time to walk in the spirit it's time to learn how to flow with him it's time to become more mature and sensing the realm of the Spirit with God we're moving into a new level in the Feast of Tabernacles now you cannot walk in this until your coming to rest and then you begin to sense these things very quickly let's just pray showing father I just pray for every person here today Lord we all face new levels now or consecration and commitment to you it's a new day it's a new experience it's entering into a new level into the feast of tabernacles and everything every other thing in the feast of tabernacles hinges upon us first entering into rest so I pray for every person here today that they'll recognize when things go wrong and things are seemingly out of control that it's an opportunity to finally stop they say Lord I trust you help me to trust you I know you love me all things work together for good for those who love God I'm not going to let my rest and my peace disappear on this I'm going to take a step back and I'm gonna coming to rest on this you pass the test I pray for the moon every person here on the point of entering into a new and level of experience in God just as Passover was an experience of salvation just as Pentecost was an experience baptism of the Holy Spirit we're entering into a new length experience now in the Feast of Tabernacles and there are many things in the Feast of Tabernacles which you've detained that we walk in that the seven spirits of the Lord will rest upon us lord I pray for every one give him a heart to follow after you lord I pray that grace grace grace be upon them to help them into this grace grace grace let there be a willing and an open heart Lord to follow you cannot be left behind Jesus name now let your hand in your peace be upon them today or ask them in the name of Jesus amen hallelujah peace of God be with you god bless you
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Id: RS3NzOL99Yc
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Length: 70min 41sec (4241 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 13 2015
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