Neville Johnson (1/11) The coming move of God - Wednesday 7pm, 31 October 2012, Sheffield, UK

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I drew it and it's gonna start the Lord says granted there's something greater but John Wesley it's time it's great because he carries such authority this map was taken from our shores the age of 16 on the dream there's mother taking you Melanie you came across the inside world and you're he's come back he's been back a few times but from nineteen seventy four thousand last five levels came it was whisper wasn't he UK he's back its back with the purpose from God fever me so folks knowing the influx of returned Hungary Ireland wherever is chef Barton Johnson hello hello my voice is not usually this deep I need you to pray for my voice okay well it's great to be here you know this is God's time for the UK very first to win yeah I felt an emotion as we were driving to the hotel and I couldn't kind of clarify what that emotion was but I was able to pick it up from a scripture which is like I feel is the and mood of the church here in the UK or at least many people and it's found in proverbs chapter 13 and verse 12 it says Hope deferred makes the heart sick Hope deferred I could feel that as I flew in I was trying to kind of analyze it and pin it down first what to say but when the desire comes it is a tree of life in other to be many prophecies many words spoken over the UK but nothing really has happened right sometimes they're conflicting and confusing prophetic voices and time goes behind your wonder when it's all right and I felt that emotion but I want to tell you the Tree of Life is about to rise in this life that is a time and a purpose for every nation and your time has come I wanna share a few things with you if you don't believe in visions and dreams and visits to heaven you're in the wrong place you know God said he's gonna pour out his spirit on all flesh your daughters shall prophesy hallelujah see visions dream dreams yes hold up to the heavenly realm how many of you know we gotta have something better than we you know a number of years ago 22 years ago to human beings changed history by landing on the moon when that was happening my wife and I were working as missionaries we're in the Pacific Ocean very remote areas I know you were listening to this broadcast which was coming in in French we were listening to this broadcast step by step of what was happening you know the luminol I leaned over and so on and that I stopped there listening to this the Lord spoke to me he said this what you're listening to is prophetic don't miss it you know it's interesting most people don't realize that what happened there Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong you know but the fact that Buzz and they took chameleons on the murder and it wasn't broadcast at that time and some months after his return he wrote about it in the guidepost magazine Buzz Aldrin was an elder in a Presbyterian Church in Texas and knowing that he would be doing something that no human being had done before he wanted somehow to glorify the woman the ISIS minister to help on what should he do these ministers suggested that he would take wine and some bread with which he did he took communion they are only not so far off because or having legal problems with some Christians who was a Christian some atheist who was suing them for reference to God and so on and he took meaning on the moon there you know two hundred fifty thousand miles away from Earth he read the Gospel of John and I am the vine you are the branches whatever let's see whether abide Anthony shall bring forth much fruit read the whole passage of Scripture then he took communion we were way out in the Pacific three little children you say no but they were really little thing I was two years old we were working as missionaries listening to their sin is a prophetic sign and I kept saying Lord what is it he said it is so powerful profound prophetic signing and I meditated on this and I thought about it you know what is all this about there was the late 60s the Age of Aquarius I remember that you remember Aquarius the musical hair the beginning of rock music new crazy time Aquarius the constellation of Aquarius is a man with the world apart pouring water into the earth God spoke to me he said I'm speaking to you there is the Age of Aquarius I'm about to pour my spirit upon the church again I thought about that sometime after that 1972 I was pastoring a very small church 300 million people the Age of Aquarius it dawned there was the whole hippie scene the drug scene and everything else you know but God was saying something you know the New Age movement really picked it up but the church whose this week you know now if you know God's within the whole plan of salvation in the Stars you know the whole we have no time for that tonight it would make three weeks the whole plan is written in the stars your Bible says in Psalm 91 heavens declare the glory of the Lord the permanent and the word day and today they utter speech and night unto night they display knowledge there is no to speech or language where their voice is not have a voice their life is gone out throughout the whole earth and their words to the end of the world talking about the Stars they have a voice the knowledge is called out to the ends of the earth a new day was dawning in the late 60s and the early 70s it was the Age of Aquarius the man with the water park this is not astrology you know this is God sent him for signs and seasons the arc of astrology took them office just like the New Age took our rainbow and everything else whirring which was an incredible movie some of you might have been around who was around in the charismatic move right my church went from three hundred to three thousand maybe no we weren't prepared for that well at least a thousand demonized people sitting in children's manifesting in every service there was an exciting time God did some wonderful things they each had a new age had come on the church a little new agent come and new a new day and it had happened for the church God was pouring out his spirit some incredible things happen but you know what many of the old Pentecostal I have a Pentecostal background I was in the Philippines 1973 preaching in a monastery maybe it was a nunnery anyway 300 nuns gathered together where I preached the gospel and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and virtually I came back and shared what God was doing three of the pastors took me aside and said this is of the devil Catholics cannot be baptized in those who said so I was naive I didn't expect that you know a new agent or God was pouring out his Spirit upon all denominations everyone with a hungry heart God began to meet in those days but Mary in the Pentecostals didn't accept that I've had trouble believing that Catholics could be saved let alone baptized not in spirit anybody who seeks the Lord with all their heart can be saved no matter who they are coming to a new time now and God is going to pour out his spirit and we have to be careful that we don't reject it because we don't understand it God's gonna do some things which were way beyond the paradigm of which will be hallelujah we have to be very very careful that's gonna do a new thing you know in Britain is it has a reputation of being staid God's gonna break that wine and we've gotta be careful because you know like things will happen whereby we don't understand we're not fully understanding what is happening I had real trouble in the charismatic move not with the Baptist's know that the Catholics I trouble with the Pentecostals I could tell you some stories please I was in one meeting and I call this man at the lodge for me said that man and sitting in the front row as a spirit ease it is a demon of some source on song I wanted to cast it out and I said don't go and I said to this man and I cast that demon in manifest for me as the one I didn't know he was a pastor of a Pentecostal Church that got me into real trouble I love the Pentacles brought up with us but we have to be careful you know we have to be careful let's not miss you see what God is about to do don't mean a new thing so coming back to the oh he's doing a new thing hallelujah and he's gonna reach this generation of young people hallelujah a whole generation of young people you know who have not been brought up in the things of God whole generation where the enemy is had these hands into their life and the real death God is coming together remember we have to be very very careful because God is gonna do what he wants to do in his own way and I don't know what that's going to be but it'll be different than what we have seen before we have to have open hearts we mustn't miss the prophetic implications that you know that just put a vehicle on Tamar's right back SUV a big big military vehicle they have gone further than my kind is called before there's time to the moon but now mankind has gone further and he is gone before the church first in the natural saying in the spiritual the church is about to go those who want to go further than the church is ever gone in history before you know you're on the brink of it we're standing there you know this is not the story of a starship Voyager it's the story of the starship and Chris the church is going to go where the church is not gone before God is glad to take us into the realm of the powers of the age to come he has to do it before the end of this age if I were talks about those who touched the powers of the age to come that's the powers that we'll have in the Millennium having them now before the lamb millennium even Dawn's God is preparing the people she could go into a new dimension you know we've seen in the past moves of God right great news of God and we seen in present times moves of God we saw Taranto how many Pentecostal said oh that's of the devil didn't believe that you know then we saw you know other moves of the Pensacola million people went through that church over two units no manifestations there that we couldn't understand it was God I was in a meeting we're not in Pensacola but I was in a meeting where they the Toronto blessing was and I was trying to figure it all out you know I'm very careful because if you would tribute the manifestations of the Holy Spirit to the devil you are in really big trouble no forgiveness for it I'm very careful you know thank you this matter is on all forwards and I'm seeing all forwards because I don't understand I said Lord what is this not suppose we said that man is a pastor and he said the Lord said to me I'm very angry with my ministers because they are like dumb dogs you know that scripture there when they are not dealing with the issue of sin in the church and this is a prophetic manifestation of that fact often said Lord blessed to be very good because we're going to see some things we will not understand 1948 there was a major will of God Israel became a nation and the church in Israel I mean kinda we stood together and we had the 1948 rules of God fantastic move of God you know men of God will race out like Billy Graham Horowitz coming here t harv are many many you know were raised up they got my name and passed from the scene right things quite and dying again but really they haven't passed from the same because their death is seed waiting for the rain to germinate in the next generation you know what I'm saying God spoke to me just recently I had any kind of face to face with the Lord and he said this he said when Billy Graham and TL Osborn die I'm going to take their medicals divide them bringing them together and release them upon the church I said okay when there's two men died here I was born dear Lord along with an incredible amount of signs and wonders incredible ministry he had you know I saw a film of his ministry and it's in the late 70s it was somewhere in South America that is huge campaign anything he brought totally blind people up under the stage about 15 of them then he called all the witch doctors up to pray for them and said if your heart is right God he can heal them so all the witch doctors came up for 20 minutes did they say nothing happened the alarm goes along they all receive their side incredible things credible verticals then you had Billy Graham he preached for 20 minutes given all the calls and thousands who thought okay let him decide but God said to me when these two men die he's gonna combine their Michaels and he said you will have the integrity of the grain and the power of the gospel multiplied seven times that is about to happen those two men are about to die that's not fulfilling thing it's just invited those manacles will be released hallelujah see this - how is it going to be brought in can you imagine them they need the integrity in the ability of the mountain had Billy Graham had coupled with Taylor Scott magnified seven times greater seeds like Peronism their manuals will be passed on to this generation and they'll take the whole church to a huge nother level there are seeds that lie dormant in the UK many scenes out of the past godly man seems like spent we lose one my dad was saved at the Smith Wigglesworth significant weight loss would remember that Jeffrey Brothers Jordans theme Jeffrey my mother worked with them William Booth mighty man of God had many spiritual encounters which is not well known about Salvation Army wasn't like it is today with no blood and fire back there yeah the Bible revival in the Hebrides John Wesley the siege like Darwin in the earth waiting in the UK for the rain the rain and then ministries there man fells are going to be available in the United Kingdom seven times greater that you're happy or divert this generation in the UK is been in decline few weeks ago I was sitting in my land I got up I didn't wanna sit in my lines room when to make a cup of coffee at five in the morning and the Lord or your fire George a nice man and he said to me never want you to take this torch doing one I need you to take this torch to England I said what he said I want you to take it to England as a symbol of what God's going to do he's going to light a fire hallelujah and I said yes well do that and he handed me the torch now this is all happening five o'clock in the morning I'm trying to come fully awake and I love this this is kind of the torch that that I've read about it somewhere it was in Rick Joyner's for the torch and so on so I told his porch and I said okay Lord yes I'll take this torch in and then I'll take this torch when I go as he said do you know where do I put it now this isn't a spirit but I can see the torture employment he said just hold him home until you go to England I did that and then suddenly they came on television the Olympics and a torch we run through the streets of the world and I said don't get that the Lord said see see what I'm doing you know the the opening of the Illuminati stage is party morning can hide all kinds of stuff that's not the point is there prophetic sign and millions of people saw that on television the biggest gathering in London in its history was in this thick slicing and it gets people from all over the world came what's that torch remember how the torch went the flames came in for many people are going to come from all over the world to see this torturing we were going to dream something and then there was this fairytale wedding you know over 2 billion people were watching that wedding in the UK over 2 billion people now when 2 billion people of watching something God is about to say something when he does that many people watch him my wife and I was sitting in our lounge just watching this you know kind of wrapped in this whole genome and women all wrapped in that man but didn't he known as hopefully we were looking at that the Lord said watch carefully what you cannot believe I am saying something you know as I started watch it's a powerful anointing came upon me Lord said this wedding is a prophetic statement he said the bride is being prepared bride is being prepared whole world is watching quarter the not a third of the births population were watching not winning you know revelation 19 verse 7 let us be glad and rejoice and give honour for the bride behave yourself ready the product is not made ready in the rapture the bride makes herself ready before the rapture Pema let's get it straight if this talking going round you know when we're all cut up will be changed will be changed but the bride must make yourself ready before them two things this is other doctrine you know the Lord can come tomorrow the Lord can come at any time and tell you that he can't the bride is already and the harvest is not yet be border Babla stating to waited a long time for the precious fruit of the earth and so I don't want to upset your theology but if it the only thing is one that me maybe needs to be upset the bride has to make herself ready and if she doesn't she won't be ready okay now I was watching this on the phone with this whole wedding you know and then it was interesting you got a problem you know in this nation was radical by the FBI okay you want all that right-wing Kapoor's are the spirit on this gland many of those people are going to have personal encounters of the Lord Jesus Christ I mean they are going to have face-to-face encounters with Jesus and they're going to become the rest under what many brings what was their demise his God's master plan yes you know very kind of very interesting dr. peter Wagner shared by the situation in North Africa this town in North Africa American missionaries and had real trouble Richie just muscled time you know and the Michigan couldn't get in anywhere and so you know the missionaries would be treated and we're working somewhere else because they thought that's the place it was hopeless then in here that something had happened in that time what happened was they stood dr. Peter Wyman clearly documented and one night everyone in the terminal of visitation of Jesus from the image down like him either in a dream or personal encounter when the missionaries came in documented wideness so I had to dig into the history of that time we find the first Christian missionary the world was martyred in that and I say he'd fail many many many many years later the rain came a man one can do it God is set them up in your nation she's my supplies see we got see things from God's perspective hey man you know we're living in exciting times exciting times God is coming ready along coming your nation ready or not I saw aspects of this envision form how God was gonna move across your nation and it was wave after wave after wave hallelujah and that will be sustained and in the fire would never go out that's why it was so amazing prophetic song you know it will not collide with radicals of coming on this is not this is reclamation it's a different thing but it's going to do it Hope deferred makes the heart but when it comes it is a tree of life hallelujah I saw Ireland come alive in a new way because the gospel was being Irish I was watching this I had seen and ready or not he's coming hallelujah hallelujah so two billion people which witness Catherine little can glide down the aisle preparing a bride relation is watching this and this is my prophetic statement note said watch carefully if we should want to put what Kate what's going on here watch watch what's taking place you know so she came down the aisle to the song from Psalm 122 of a sign a time when Jesus would return and rule to the earth 2 billion people hurried westminister abbey resonated with the siren over 1900 guests singing a hymn written by a Welsh preacher guide me all that great dijo pilgrims will be foreign land I am with you you're mighty open the crystal finding that the healings beautiful they starting that strong and I was saying something to England and the rest of the world guide me o greenie ho he had the ears of the third of the population of the world and so it went on I don't think the archbishop be understood I think of what was going on there was a couple that was we've been married chose what would be sell Wow and the vows which were not has obtained a man and the woman and he read it out because doing something in this nation with the rest of the world are going to take note of these are prophetic signs you know England send out missionaries all over the world in the 1920s and 30s and 40s took the English language with preaching all over the world many of them died as martyrs I remember some of those missionaries used to come home on furlough and would stain my parents home Jimmy Salter how many it can be solved is this data home mission me into an Africa William Burton and others they died many of them were wounded James always marking the memory of them kind of faith but they see just waiting the rain oh it's exciting they still have an inheritance see in this nation the guys about the lighted torch here God is going to take the very best of those seeds I Smith Wigglesworth the Jeffrey brothers and healing William brilliant the wealthy but all of these things he's going to take the very best out of the fellas booze and combine them into one move he will honor the fathers of the faith in this patient and their manhoods will be dispersed across the nation isaiah 43:19 behold that doing new things now which is important you will know it and I will make rivers in the wilderness you see in Italian 49 verse 8 says that says the Lord in an acceptable time I've heard you one of the things I saw in vision for what mothers in this nation praying for their children children who had gone away from the Lord and what thousands of them in this vision God is hearing those prayers God is hearing those prayers and he's going to get your children he's gonna follow them into an army of the Lord he's going to bring them in and an acceptable time he said I have heard you and the day of salvation I have helped you when it comes I will encourage you you know I would encourage you tonight because something new is coming we have seen the prophetic movement the rise of the prophets in the prophetic movement and all the good in the bad that's come with that you know everything perfect what we have to be like we have to make provision for people to make mistakes everybody makes mistakes you make mistakes I make mistakes let's not shoot the wounded hey mom come on a man's gotta stop yes the church we've seen the prophetic move no that's good things at all it's bad it's all right you can continue on with some things some people go by this wayside it can't be restored you know it can be nursed back to life yes but there's a new movement coming and it's an apostolic our Lord is a new apostolic reformation wait another revival it is a Reformation and it's coming we're living in now in the midst of the most significant changes in the church since the church was first at Pentecost so it's been a breakout of all the traditional families hallelujah this is much deeper this thing as much deeper than revival revivals peter out you know what revivals are for they're actually resuscitation because the church is dying so you have revival which is resuscitation just to keep them alive revive them it is getting revived a bit this is not what we're talking about Alleluia we're talking about a Reformation it changes the whole of society Alleluia it changes the governance of the nation yes it changes the way totally we do church it's much deeper than just revival complete reformation it's the dawning of something brand new the beginning of the final Apostolic age it was the Apostolic age which began the early Church it's the Apostolic age which was finishing charismatic Moosewood saw them only removing teaching it was good fantastic anoint of Revelation and teaching you know all these things are going to be combining that this last one and it's like interesting huge shifts are going to take place you see you know in 1521 on Martin Luther was cold before they died in the city of worlds - given that if the man she loved what he was doing right I think it was very upset with her because he said you could be saved by faith in Jesus Christ that was you know no can't be saved by faith in Jesus you have to be saved by the priest right so that put cat among the pigeons so the column in Olivia stood up and he said my conscience is found by the Word of God unless I am convinced by the sacred scriptures that I am in her own I can't and I will not recant here I stand I cannot do otherwise so help me God the contract was put out on his life but God preserved him he was branded a heretic but the Reformation was under way that Reformation took the church out of the Dark Ages very month how many of you know you are back in the dark ages across the nations look at the nation over time leading the nation we're in the dark ages there are Wars and atrocities like and riots the spirit of lawlessness is everywhere this is gonna take us out just this Reformation that's coming on the scene you know much is being lost over the last twenty thirty years the early Pentecostals really had something which we lost because we didn't even have it in the charismatic movement did as that was you know many of the old foundations have been eroded such things like holiness the bridge is holding is anymore fashionable very few holiness is not just a doctrine it's an experience a lot of changing experience baptism of fire early church and the early Pentecostals in this nation had a baptism of fire that came with the baptism of the Holy Spirit charismatic move did not have the baptism of fire it had a baptism of the Holy Spirit the year it wasn't quite company we lost that element which the early church had our baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire when you're baptized in fire there is a absolute dramatic change in the person's life the old is burnt right out things we live we live in among a demonized generation many of our young people are demonized from many reasons now the lovely this video games but they're demonized it drug did all this that the other they're going to get saved right they will need a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fine to get the demons out demons cannot stand the fire and there will be salvation in the baptism of the Holy Spirit one head and a massive cleaner what I'm saying there is a burning the servant came down to Isaiah : touch these tiny things it has not done good man I came across and said hey buddy he said I'm unclear I've got anybody nervous - I need that for that they're coming how's it coming spirits are burning this will mean for sir it is the spirit of burning praise they're gonna stand in our midst it's just taken one or two of them in a church and all hell is gonna break loose coming race the Lord guys trying to restore holiness back to the church my grandfather was a preacher in the most revival he used to tell stories which were passed down you know a lot of things happen which is happening that Welsh revival if they happened today most Pentecostals would reject it don't look at me like that things happen there we wouldn't call the cultish but there were it was God no way of doing things I don't know if those preachers they would go home at night kneel down before the Lord and then we'd be gone traveling in the spirit to hospitals around this nation I started to pray and I can't describe what happened to me whether I fell into a trance what was happening but suddenly there were people couldn't came to hurry to my room you know Transfiguration from James and the Lord talked about necromancy silent near the Lord - right next to me and he said the day has not come him when he will begin to say great anointings breaking out across the earth you must a lot of these anointing - to strengthen your spirit the time has come to stand and not fall and I want you he said to reveal the father to this generation and I looked at the Lord and they said this to me tell of my people he said they are the same ones to this generation if they are alive in this generation they are the sent once to this generation he said I'm about to release my true apostolic anointing this enforce all of us he said to me many angels have now prepared to come to earth they will carry and defuse the anointing you know Kathryn Kuhlman we'd never pray for the sick until this particular angel came who stood next to her I was in her meetings we waited three hours and she kept apologizing because the angel at the time he did come I saw people leaving a wheelchair my kids were saying isn't that cool you know he said this many angels are prepared to come being trained to come he said will be revealed like never before he was sent to reveal the heart of the father pointed to a man and he said listen to Elijah I was in my room or in my trance whatever wherever we were he was there and I just said it's the spirit that was upon me in the earth will be seen in the earth again I will turn the generation he coded a scripture you know from my economy although I send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming and great and dreadful day of the Lord he sought ended the true hearts of the father's to the children are the children to the father's father is going to make himself known that anointing that Elijah carried the spirit of Elijah will be in the earth again and the purpose of it is to reveal he said in my day there were droughts rain and deluge is a brain fire wind and earthquakes confrontations with the powers of darkness these were redemptive judgments to turn the nation back to God and he said you are beginning to see them now in your generation we just seen what happened in New York but what is coming we have no idea people say well why we're looking to God judge the earth why would he cause this kind of thing to happen the Bible tells us that when his judgments are in the earth that people will learn righteousness hallelujah one thing you must understand everything that God does is redemptive everything they wrote had any exception god is love yes so he cannot be anything else he doesn't have the love he is love that's who he is so everything he does or allows it has to be out of a motivation of love and it is redemptive you must understand that otherwise you doctors gonna go any while you gotta say these are this is the devil causing all these different omens not God is allowing this to happen and the other aspect is of course what one of the world scholar will reap as that's a law which God cannot change God is love that never changes you know God will allow us to bang our heads against the wall until we come to the truth terrible things are going to happen in the earth I've seen some of them you would not believe some of the stuff that's coming in with nature and other things herbal stuff's coming one in the hearts of the people to get the people to a point where their only hope is God hallelujah it's redemptive yes we must be these judgments that are coming on the earth we must be there to tell the people why they have to be from if you can all the people from Adam down to nineteen I think it was last time I checked 1989 all the people that have been born and have died from Adam 1989 there are more people in the life any other alive today than there were all that period think about it and Stitch to why his bird determined to have the greatest outpouring in the world when the in the world there are almost 7 billion people because government is going to scoop the proof at the time when there are more people in the earth than I've ever been before he could have planned he's planned the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit let me tell you something and the final analysis when the final count is done there will be more people in heaven than there is in him if not God is failed and the devil is one but in the time worth he said you must preach the truth and warn the people of the coming redemptive judgments then Moses took me by the hand and he said the spirit that was upon me in my days in the earth will be upon many in your day the apostolic anointing is to be released in the earth in great power the true endtime apostles are coming to function and all of the fivefold ministry kissed and they will lead my people through the deep waters into the promised land and looked in him and he said you know he said in my day he said we saw great plagues in Egypt but he said there was a place called Goshen my people in cause she never had any of the planes falling around that would in the same region yes but in a place called ocean no not the Flies came maybe you know we can have our Goshen in these last days a place in the midst of this world that everything is going haywire however there's a place of safety to walk with God yes and so I listen to him you know I go well he said the new Reformation is about to begin and he said to me it's not what you call revival its Reformation in a way this this went on and when I came out of this I was lying on the floor and I thought did I dream man did I fall asleep I'm sure I wasn't asleep however I don't know whether you can give it up believe me or not it's not here nor there and to me hallelujah I thought about it for a long long time you know God's gonna cast a net across the holder Bible tells us you know Matthew but the Senators the Purple's it might be the last parable because tomato the early gathered in the one good and the bad evil is maturing and good is maturing no you know Charles Dickens wrote the story a tale of two cities well this is the tale of two kingdoms and he opened that book by this witness word it was the best of times it was the worst of times we're living in the best of times and we're living in the worst of times because there's two kingdoms now which are clashing we've read the last chapter and we know who wins - no question it's going to be exciting man I know just before Luther came on the scene the printing press was invented in England and in Europe God has a greater plan each time you know better the printing press any like the Reformation come their whole Reformation was praying through that printing presses Yeah right in England all of the world they printed everything at charismatic move came I think you said Tate my cherry was sending out 20,000 tapes a week we had a full-time Department all over the world look what we've got today we've got a unit you you're going to see the most profound miracles we enacted on YouTube you're gonna see arms go out you're gonna see people without eyeballs suddenly grow back and the whole world will see it you're gonna see the miracles that you could not have between them because God this gospel of the kingdom has to be preached in the entire world the science following yes no excuses you're going to see on youtube people raised from the dead and they're going to give their testimonies not I went to hell another one or I went ahead one there'll be no excuse times those shut the internet down to try to stop it it's an Apostolic Reformation nothing in history to reference this deal of comparative we'll have nothing to compare it that's why we have to be open discerning you know tea please twelve world game whose voice then shook the earth but now it promised you one more time the earth and I'll see the heavens we're gonna see asteroids we're gonna see stuff coming into the earth like we have never seen before small ones bigger ones you're gonna shake the heavens it's gonna shake the earth they're gonna be signs in the heavens Jesus said there would be signs enhance stars it's gonna be interesting best of times the worst of times nothing to reference it to he went on the saying you please 1227 in this world you have one more signifying the remove me not those things which can be shaken as those things which are made that those things which cannot be shaken shall remain wherefore we receive the purpose of this shaking we receive a kingdom that can never ever hallelujah yes this shaking is to produce another world order the kingdom of God we opposed to it the most people think this clash with the Antichrist the only comments of the world that's that's what it's all about you know people say oh we record away before the Antichrist comes on the scene sorry to tell you you won't why are you.why appreciative warned not to take the bark if you love them to be here gotta beat this generations gotta be tried that one is gonna have to be tried exciting times yeah never be the day like this help me quick okay I was in a in church in and in 97 96 I think it was sitting on the stairs and it just looked at me it was a vision of a tidal wave sweeping through some of the islands of the east coast of Australia not much dissing what is sweep through some of those houses one island that didn't when I had that was completely wiped out and the church so this don't cheat on the other was keeping my dad I just saw this happen and the Lord turned to me and he said this is a prophetic sign don't miss it so he just when he talked to him he wasn't there anymore so okay think about then I couldn't wait a meeting to get over where they don't think about it what is this what is this nothing but a year later there was an earthquake of the northeastern coast of Australia and created a tsunami and it swept over the islands in the New Hebrides and up through that whole region but just one island was white Island and the name of that Island was Pentecost Island literally that's the name of the island and I thought wow some of the Australian churches working with a medical suppliers along with the Armed Forces and so on and I said what is this about I love the Pentecostals that's my heritage you know I'm ashamed in some way what they do in the way they speak about other people all the judges but I love that was my heritage what was this about the Lord look at me nice polished good did to me I would have read it to you have a good one five and behold among the nations and watch and be astounded for I would work a work in your day which you will not believe if I told you about it honey because unattracted to illustrate for the vision but the vision is yet for the point in time but at the end it will come and it's the end of an age and it will come it will not learn and it will speak wait for it for it will surely come and when it comes God said I will raise up a new kind of church in there won't be Pentecostal it won't be bad and you don't lose me looked at me said it will be my change see maybe possibly with her or born again we run with the Baptist baptized in water we went further cuz we baptized in the Holy Spirit the Baptist didn't go further we went further with it we go to war we haven't gone at all no you know when they came out of Egypt they celebrated Passover which was salvation right they might meet you Passover lamb slain they're waiting for 50 days into the wilderness what is 50 speak up come on any cost fifty day the waited 50 days you know after Jesus rose were dead for the Holy Spirit to come in for 50 days came to sign the I never station to the power of God and Pentecost they had water either the rock they had prophecy they had healings not one people person but if you can get into the promised land that's where we are in the wilderness look at me like that the whole idea was to get into the Promised Land economize I'll be briefs chapter 12 we have all of those things in Pentecostals we haven't reached the fullness of the purposes of God no the fact is when the Holy Spirit is not the end the feast of Pentecost is not the end the feast the Feast of Tabernacles oh that's a very different face you see God's gonna take his own he said if I told you what was coming he said I would cook he said I'm gonna do thinking that is so great he said if I told you about it you wouldn't believe some things are coming if God told us about them now we wouldn't believe him and all this came out of a board braving the church will release Kingdom powered Kingdom love in a way that has never been seen before in either you know now from then the years went by and we've not seen moves of God going on and things like that you know what happened in Pensacola was incredible but God no matter people say although our excesses no princesses in the world should be viable come on you always going to have some excesses you're gonna have some loony people in the middle of it but the truth there is were those kids will be transforming Pensacola in under incredible manifestations of the Holy Spirit and it was lost because the Assemblies of God wanted to rein it in yeah yeah absolutely you know you kind of bring in the mood of God no you're killing yeah wind would blow away the will have a cookie dough he was crying out to God saying Lord Allah we were like crying do you not hate me does that sound familiar this thing yeah oh it's he around me is violence and heartache once you hear us he said in verse 3 why do you show me iniquity you know and all of these things are even some spoilers and violent contention he said and strike their law is scrapped and while the judgment is given in the courts herself million and how are you saying you know he was he was he was talking this way to the Lord day the violence increased iniquity strife contention told day when the lawmakers kind of handle what's going on you know in some 1994 verse 20 says shallow throne of iniquity have fellowship with you which Freimuth mischeif by the Lord's seen our governments beam all kinds of Wars homosexuality it all kinda stuff and it says here the throne shadow throne of iniquity have fellowship with us who frame of the wars evil wars they gathered themselves together against the soul of the righteous seed now governments are doing 90 day in the earth it's the same day as have a girl as you think about how long how long he's in what you know crying out to God for change and then he sitting here in chapter 2 verse 14 for the earth chopping but with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord waters cover the sea he was copying the scripted to cut good numbers numbers it's 40 21 that's good he said you who said that the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth Lord where is it how long and if bring to pass his promises leaving with blood to fulfill his word and then suddenly he sees something which blows him away and what God shows him it doesn't make it clear but you see something you know and he's so taken back by what he sees he says I'm gonna stand up on my watch I'm gonna go up to my power tower and I'm going to watch to see well the Lord will say to me interesting the covers begins now I'm going to watch what the Lord would say to me he said I were going to watch what the Lord would say to me but he said I shall answer him when I would prove how you will see he says I will see what the world will say - he's got cuz God spoke to them in visions he said I've seen what the world will say to me what is it show me you know you wouldn't believe it the vision is yet from the point in time in our dairymaid end of the age it shall come wait for it for a child surely come shall be played at the end he said look to the nation's tell you what I will do is coming an apostolic reformation I'm closing them but I was telling Reformation and if God showed us the fullness of but we wouldn't believe God's going to do a work and leader that's gonna be incredible lose this battle Iran it's gonna use the kingdom I mean you use the places the United Kingdom will become a showcase see what's doing here it divides the church yes be very much aware yes there will be those who will say this is God I will go with it yes the others will say actually this is the devil and we won't go with it saying that not know about us even pretty customers are saying oh yeah it will divert the church don't say that okay that's what God does yeah he wants unity that's what the Apostolic Reformation proper and he'll bring churches together God moved in my church we had so many people getting saved I couldn't stop them getting said every Monday morning I'd gather half a dozen ministers from that city to say here you've got 50 people take care of them Salvation Army down the road and there was beautiful you've got 50 people to take care of we had fantastic fellowship one button Minister needed a car or a vehicle or something we don't plug together take it now with the church down the road get so more people say that we do it is your time come next week the next month what is coming and it's we're not talking years away this thing is on the way this thing's gonna start I'm just going to grow this god smaller places you know these two files fire to stop there and the fires will join together yes if I was tied up they will join together uh-huh and they'll be unity and it doesn't care whose church is growing bigger than the other it would be impossible in the end to have churches because she will not have a building big enough you have in football state yes you see in the New Testament they had a temple and I had the synagogue they came up to the temple to worship within the synagogue they told the people he what I'm saying God's gonna raise up an army of people who are able to teach in college and bring them through it and everything that's ascending up but we'll all come to worship together in the in an exciting I tell you hallelujah they come to the kingdom for such a time as this at your time yes what you must do you know you must streamline your lives to prepare your hearts and be ready for it's coming you know it can be so long without God doing anything we fall into a rut of habitual habit you know it's gonna change you know you're gonna have to teach others all of you must rise so you know the word sent you are sent into this generation for such a time as this all of you I'm closing in two minutes and I said listen to me where did you come from where did your spirit come from right from why weren't you born in the middle of the Dark Ages then what were you born in this generation why were you sent apostolic why were you sent from heaven to be on the earth at this time yes there's men your own apostles just like you can prophesy that that is making all prophets you were send you didn't originate on this planet it's not where you came from you existed in heaven hundreds of years before you ever came here don't look at me like that you your spirit wasn't just created in conception you know there are spirits in heaven which are spirits they'll never become sons of God angels in other kinds of spirit but you had the opportunity to come here Wow being around a long time over than you think you qualify listen to me you qualified to be able to be sent you are the same ones Wow they've been sent into the earth for such a time and you are going to be involved yes Daisy coming in city and then appearing and going home and doing nothing but coming to an end yes Chara's days where there's just one man ministry up front is coming to them there always be a positive profits which will bring the weight at the bottom but I can't be the ones who do the teaching and the decide get ready when we had this group of gardening as my teammate the entire country right out of Bibles Wow interesting don't make sure that I didn't have the game such a time is this but we just get to dig glimpse what and how is a day for you to be part you've been sent with a purpose and a destiny for this time you're not just send here to plant you know come to church eventually time end up in heaven we said here with a purpose which you must fulfill in a plan you have a destiny and God will anoint you for it you've come to the kingdom for such a time oh Jesus this is stuck together just change our position a little bit you know every person here and you know all of that they're here because you chose for them and sent them into this world and into this nation with a purpose and a destiny Lord many people wait years and time goes by it's difficult but they're still alive here right now and it's coming it's time to seek the Lord with all of your heart yes it's time to keep presenting yourself to him over and over again it's time to seek Him it's time to seek to know him this is your hour this is the hour of the UK and it's your personal power now you come for such a time lord I just pray for every person here tonight a pray Lord first that you give up a real sense of destiny yes an acute sense of destiny would in Jesus name let them realize they qualified to be sent here that's a privilege there's a good reason to be here father I pray that that sense of destiny will begin to grow within them that every one of them to get a sense no matter how old or how young God means every age group how old are you you here alive now on this planet Earth in this country in this city for such a time I pray Lord that you will awaken and within there would you mean this time together you would awaken within them a profound sense of destiny because you're back to equipment for that destiny to fulfill it thank you thank you Lord Jesus see many angels here tonight saying there's been much opposition against us gathering here this week but God has that in control it's an important time not because I'm here but it's an important time because the time has come to set a zero for you hallelujah yes I pray Lord that during these meetings together there was such an impartation into their lives that we start to bring about a transformation that revelation will come to them but reason their destiny revelation will come with that revelation will come the giftings in power that which is necessary to fulfill it impartation Lord implantation in Jesus name the garage drew it and it's gonna start it written the Lord says keep your eyes on pretend there's something
Channel: Csaba N Eva Gegeny
Views: 16,072
Rating: 4.8080001 out of 5
Keywords: Wed, 7pm
Id: djbqleTuvz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 21sec (5901 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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