Neville Johnson (3/11) The Sent Ones - Thursday 12pm, 1 November 2012, Sheffield, UK

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when did this next move are you going to move two terminals right we're going to move into another dimension Pentecost was not the last experience for us you might think it was it was for the early church the early church did not complete it went into decline before it reached its fullness but the endtime Church will there's another experience say we experience Passover that was an experience born again we experience Pentecost feast of Pentecost the Holy Spirit these were experiences I've changed this is the more to come and in the feast of tabernacles there's much much more to come and in Hebrews 12 and all the Apostle was talking about you know going on removing going on and in verse 18 it says you have not come to the mount that might be touched with fire and he talking to the early Jewish New Testament church and darkness and the sign of the trumpet and so on he was talking about when Israel came I to Passover they came fifty days - man that's tiny I and I didn't called a banana cold Pentecost 50 days fennekin but he said policy you mustn't stop there there's more more to it forest there's more coming said they could not endure you know the madman called fire there was earthquake speaking of Pentecost and he said you must go on to another experience and that experience was my desire they open heaven David's Tabitha and he said that when you come there you come to mind sign the city of the Living God today heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels this is the need to maintain the to the General Assembly of the Church of the first one I just didn't like because I they say how many territorial control angels but the judge changes the meditation the mediator of the New Covenant he come and st. just perfect he's talking about a linear element whole new experience a whole intent of open evidence he said back when this takes place we come to this place at my side and open him whole thing is open to us he said it would be a time when I'm finally shaking that's this day and age of between living and he said I was shaking I was and I was shaking here and bringing in killed me all right there now nobody could see the Ark of the Covenant or maybe Old Testament except this one earring prophetic interlude the Ark of the Covenant was placed on that sign and everybody can see Wow I mean the priests could only in high-pitched could only go in once you know what is this can you show me what is they and I played for the Lord for three months morning the Lord is telling me in my living room he said come and I was standing back of the dais now that's what I usually we all could be taken back how do you think Moses wrote all about the Garden of Eden I didn't think he'd get all the details I will take you back and I was standing away on the man Stein - I was I spend about half way up I could see this tendon I can see the glory a little they didn't even know about was coming off that place lit up a hole of Judaism and it speaks about the Stars David writes many songs about this it was coming in different colors and then we're bringing sick people Christmas carrying them up getting to the radius of that emanation when they cut certain said the coastal and I said blue and that's not written in the Bible and he said well I was seen again God was shining for my son bring healing bring light bring blessings and it was an incredible display the color and glory and brilliance openness this praises and glory of the Lord that's the next experience we have to move on for Pentecost we keep it we have a penny class but with one as well yes there's something more that's been reserved for this generation the new mobile company of angels is head of mites I know in Isaiah chapter 11 you know I'm just new things as like history and it talks about the Lord Jesus there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse a branch shall grow out of his roots Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might the spirit of the fear of the Lord the seven spirits of the Lord and not at just pointing there are seven angels which time before the throne of God and they each of these seven angels are others under with that same 90 different anointing and it's when those angels turn up that anointing is manifest this was happening with angels one the Spirit of the Lord and this tangling decision is important because each of one of these has a color the color of the rainbow and you can tell who is in the mix by the color of the shoe it's it's like you know the spirit of wisdom rest upon that's been Crayola no idea that didn't credible the impartation of the wisdom of God in partition spirit of knowledge as other word of knowledge I once had that an angel come to me and just touch me and instantly I understood way beyond my capacity to just touch it the spirit of understand spirit of cancel this is not just canceling you know this is a different level of counsel government's are gonna call upon us they said we listen to you you do not know what is going on I got a call for me anyway Mike got a call from us Admiral on a warship it means nothing where the warship was because of his reasons he said I'm coming into the port where you live and there is a change of command I am leaving another command is taking over do you facilitate this change of commands in Chains and I said okay I'll do it so gave me the date the worship comes in he didn't give me an important call to introduce this to this PI and this year I said you know I said I'm furious I said I said what do you really want me to do he said I want you to pray for the new captain of this warship how do you know about me he said you're taking place you said well my wife is a Christian and gets me and make sure that they get out you know so I pray I pray to the captain frames for the outgoing captain and you know like you know they are a-changin these spirits upon to be released like never before experienced understanding council spirit of knowledge the spirit of the fear of the Lord oh yeah that's a big 19 angel when he turns up in your midst or they'll break loose that's what I'll call me Charles me even get into a child not say a word the whole time Kyle would come on the conviction of saying everybody in it why he never opened his mouth that's that angel was a spirit of the fear of the Lord grip though these are the seven spirits of the Lord fantastic one of those touch me to good toes in the field so wherever he went people came under conviction god save you engine today spirits released into the church when we go out on the streets seven spirits of the Lord there are angelic spirits that accompany us and defuse that anointing hallelujah we have Pentecost the gifts of the Spirit will always have that neighborhood you know but fruit is more than one of the gifts but we also go into another level to stop moving into the seven spirits counsel counsel oh jesus said he that endures to the end shall be saved you know there wasn't much point of saying that for his change his generation because he was talking about the end times in the coming of the Lord but I didn't choose to the end shall be saved he stood out my all of cities talking about when Jesus was going to return we won't meet you know how the church is waiting to be rescued and ranching when we're supposed to be doing the rescue this whole mentality waning he's coming before it's too bad we all gonna be caught away the devil that is not God no it's not our words no I believe in the rapture I do but it's another place to escape no escape we are on the earth to do the rescuing in this knot we already know when this world gets really bad and it's going to get really bad they're gonna turn to you because you're gonna be serene you're not gonna be freaked out he's gonna be happy you know see power outages for months some of the major cities of the world that's easy you say that but what that really made is scary and and we need to do the rescuing when everything gets bad the other chick just gotta put together his accident response teams there's an earthquake he said we don't need that wakes in the UK we're a disaster chains of the church can go in and heal the people will be alert to the disasters give them the water of life taking water taking food given the gospel s on health and virginal back a few years ago and when you know that great disaster in st. Louis one of the quadlings yeah the US come up a very slow to respond work with United to containment meeting and they took fully in the two generators and they took a big teaming to help the people at the moment pray for them I think the one hurt in the disaster and so on and they were so affected they saw were fishing the what they were doing the president said don't give any more money to FEMA give it to these people well it's going to look to the church finally dignity as people of God axis it's an exciting day in existence I mean our we have to stay alive and enjoy to the end we gonna do this how are you send me I'm into this interactive vision and I'm walking across this cloud and I can't reach you and I was thinking I stood back and I watched and then watch these people would come out and they're going minister to people that come back there that was watching demons come after them and these people we just work through this storm and the demons I said what is that what's that stuff made of he said that's made with a lot of Jesus you know the Jesus not all would read lives in the body of the mind how it makes money won't have red blooded he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow she's afraid of the arrows that fly at night one of those besides no for the plague some of the plagues that are coming on the face of the earth today there'll be no and so far we know any politics Common Pleas they will not come near you but you will see this with our eyes and he's headed I shall fall at your right hand but it shall not come me you think you're gonna get ahead but there is a place of refuge was to walk in the midst of it it's going to be very exciting and gonna be very tough but if we know the Lord and we were walking with him and we learn how to live in his conscious presence we abide it will not come hallelujah joint elated was a huge plague plague and actually people were dying of this plague I mean I wasn't to be dying it was no answer to it Georgie link in there praying for people they said if you can come and needle he said this is deadly and this man was dying he took all of the man's just because it touched him and they said how did you do that and I found should be granted with this disease he simply said the world the spirit of life is made me free from the law of sin touch me started waiting waiting amongst the players should come with each other to me a little hard to explain but you have innate light all the time from your spirit there is an emanation that that emanation when not every nation is strong enough to be external to your body I used the word aura we had it before the new way so don't freak out yes and it I think you pass me that all eyes all the way the place should be at everybody chill not to me people who got caught in Peters aura or instantly healed that shadow wasn't a shadow from the Sun in the shadow what is the aura the latter thought was coming off him so great people passing through a video we have to come to the place where the lioness is so great yes negative becomes external to generation what is the last enemy okay that means one generation has to overcome it well does it mean that the last enemy to be old Thomas curtis's is dead in the midst of all what's happening in the world great darkness completely coward I need to be stretched thank you you need your mindset changed this generation is so much already God you know people say we don't mean you have to have a problem to over class you can't be overcome as well you're facing some major problems right so when it all goes wrong before you don't complain you know one of the changes to the right five things happened because people here we we the mystery of suffering really is a mystery you know bad things do happen but we must overcome my daughter died when she was 26 in the car she came to me and she said that all prophesy over my life is being fulfilled she's you know it's also said you know and she showed you what is happening I said did you believe that a protein has a destiny when it's over it's time to take them home I said yes but she's young I said he said to me do you believe we need seed good young people I seed for the coming hours that's him maybe having this encounter with the Lord on this this whole thing see some of you are lost children missing one before every great move of God there has always been Marcus there's always been this has always been the massive tool well documented why because God means seed some of you've lost children you say what did we do wrong you know such ways you know that's fine I think seed I've seen from thousands of others the two armies is one of that time there's one than this sign in the same time and going to work together they're very active on the other side I would pray one day I turned around there was my daughter standing next to me I said what she said in plain an aircraft is going to be shortened of the east coast of America and he said I'm Ted I'm sent there to take the children off just as that happens my son you know they said no we don't understand she said to me Misha I will go through them that that had a craft but it would explode because the exercises you know by the naming practices and that this I won't miss I would go straight go right through that jet airline who bring it down see you should I told my church this and she said and she was come the next day they craft in town off the east coast America they could not find any expose of residue and then cut the aircraft off the bottom but they find a hole just people on the other side of very busy and I know care people say that native plants I don't care anymore this thing is real it's real he has so many assignments with children in the world so many assignment with another disastrous kaneki occur with Muslim children and she was involved in that getting them off and getting them into heaven don't sing come on is not good there's a place in heaven where Muslim children arrive they've died and the place where they are taught place where they're introduced to Jesus and their accountability age is much higher than us in the West because we've heard about the Lord our children of hers like Jesus they haven't so there are some of these were late in their late teens never heard the name of Jesus straining meaning to him I mean constantly streaming being taught in educated because you know said you know when I was a child I was fired when the war came in my understanding came and I was in big trouble what is always accountable we don't know the age where tangibility starts in God is very saying God is very just but we didn't see everything God does allows is retentive every College raising up an army on that side and then on the other side it makes that a little much on the earth what's the Angels Yogi's good bad times but he trusts him yeah be interested we don't have to feel anything we do our building undefeatable no mass the amount you'll be very careful about this survival thing in the end times but we are operating out of fear claps yes survival is about helping others he that endureth to the end some things we don't understand I would never understand so to get the other side see me mean bad things happen it could be but from God's point of view is great most of the evangelists in the 1948 all almost died before they came into ministry it was time everyone loved the Lord and Ryan will you tell me yes he had to overcome it over let's hope you going to once you get through it you're gonna have the power to redeem others see everywhere it place the devil as I strive over you nothing is healed a lot of things that happen to us in order to overcome them so that we have power and authority in that area because we have overcome it's going to be like difficult time five times I've been to the point of death many times things happen - it was kind a lot of them to happen to it so that we overcome we've overcome you know you can see that what's gonna happen but come out of that with the right yeah you know I think things which we say me did not understand I've held little babies in oxygen tents with the parents can be entirely crying when they finally stop still in my hand I use this little baby well the other cartels is good if you don't believe that you will not survive yes whatever God does is retentive God always does the highest thing possible for us under every city yes and through the years I've seen so many people die young friends seem nice but if we see from God's point of view if we believe that all things work together for good to them that love a car and a cold according to these purposes nothing will faze you that doesn't mean you don't have any sorrow would you get through it yes but not motivation nothing God is in the trouble he loves us he's completed the very best detail for us whatever he does is redemptive its disables one side the situation of a teenager and he said we'll go back to the point way hasn't died okay I saw that young man blow up a train go away from the way to the world and never return then they would look at me look at me standing he said what would you give it a craft full of Muslim children went down in the Mediterranean say a few years ago all young people who say that visited God Monica College now that you know know this thing was running so come follow me I say I don't have all the answers he comes from the mean he said okay see all of these children they will grow up wasn't fine they lost I can allow this child is a craft to go down you know I do all I know is God is good a lot of things we don't understand but God is good because it's a purpose for you in this last generation there's a reason why you idea you know the reason why you're alive today send home sending the missile you say well I don't know my destiny no do you see God so he didn't get to what makes you come alive okay you want you to move means something a mission these that touch to me that's crazy my second song touches your destiny what makes you come alive what makes you come alive is touching your disk and you can see perfectly in this it's the angels demons or the human spirit clearly is anything so why can't see that stuff when it's to menu because he's on the inside the words way through did you clean the mind yes spirit can see right now your spirit can see only Angels in visual yeah but your natural mind won't let you see it there's not computed I just said did we need to talk about this because this is the problem of natural mind shuts down providers that they want you to see what it can see how many of you have had dreams and in your dream you see what happens when you're asleep Disco's did sit the first page you know I used to dream is the first stage the most dangerous the literary describes in minutes before the few years before that he'll describe the peoples of the wall I just feel rewarding across his fast plane I'll be back to tell them about Jesus I'm speaking English I spoke to them for about an hour and talk to them about Jesus that was so attentive I knew I shouldn't be didn't know how I got there but we're attentive then finally I said others will come to this area can teach you more about Jesus and I said I have to leave but others will come when I came out of and I was still walking towards the kitchen you came in right you know there's got to be something better than this there's what we've got and good is what we have in the past this generation of kids you know kind of set off any thickness and the real deal they ran to grab the whole generation of young people parents used economy say yeah that's alright they might keep that I said well is it occasion or they introduced me to witchcraft Christians are so naive that woman introduced a whole generation of witchcraft watching that movies generations of kid got demon-possessed this generation of but you can't give them some kind of wishy-washy religion that doesn't work when they come in they were talking about be very very young and then we say remember what it was like before we came here before we came I remember and the cows were so different you'll hear my grandson was saying to the younger one tell me again what is like because I tell me my but now tell me individual likes getting using the originated here don't last be what you were doing before you came here but you were doing something and you agreed and some of us agree to meet each other this is not New Age no it is not you mean it's New Testament no boy you really click with some people oh yeah see I asked questions Wow the last capacity right about Genesis yeah we had the time I couldn't I was living it where it was a graveyard of preachers nobody's it turns like that I don't tell when you do start a church in that place I wouldn't stand it but don't worry I was stupid you know that place is dead nobody survives in there I don't know what goes on but nobody survives nice titties do not so far try to start church day so in the room already so I said I will make it trip to that time I don't worry I'll go to that time but can do a hotel room they are saying lord I don't want to be here and anyway it's a graveyard for preachers I heard is it longer in that motel but I was walking down the street I knew fifty years previous the spirit realm there's no time or space so I'm walking down the street looking at these people and they're looking at me the river was running ragged and there's not a wide width 681 but I was in that time at same time so I said to someone why is the river amazing say well because of Lee they Delta to spring a huge battle between the Mary's in the Europeans and and it's the month which one and the cannibalized all the Europeans that's the blood in the river and you're gonna deal with it what just you know can we see your use of the pens we label they get together the Maori elders speak to them about this incident and I got the Europeans with Europeans together saying you know PM's their colors forgive these bodies is it you - I couldn't repent of what you did still we shoot with this thing love tears a lot of problems eventually it all came together they say we forgive you we saw this happen through that whole thing you take send this man and you go in with it will take some crusade in this town put him in a nice pasta and the change flourished in the realm of the Spirit is no past and there's no future to one there's no time as we know it the only thing we have time in this world it's just help everything in a Vanina once then in the realm of the spirit time was laid and you can cross those layers as president that's why John when he was in heaven sort of the people and yet be borne anything these people father that was with him says these are those who came out of the Great Tribulation time and I'm saying God knows everything this is the realm of the Spirit these are the powers of the age to come and if our mindset is not geared to the possibility of these things we can never move into them yes but we come into a new day a new year new I'm pouring of the Holy Spirit which is going to take us to a whole nother level God knows how to get the job done it's gonna transport people all over the world to preach the gospel can we find fascinating so I never being dull and your kids will take to this like duck but the devil thought of initiating them all into witchcraft just condition them to the point that nothing is impossible love the last day bring them into the ring sling and then flow into it just like times I really had been trained and together lord I pray that you give us ears to hear and I hope to pursue yes what I've shared some of these things with people these people some of it it'll be hard for them to understand and I understand that law at least what it's souls in their hearts the possibility there's something better the best whining is gonna be reserved for this generation I pray Lord that you lead your people in godliness maybe purity of heart that it might be found candidates for what is applied to and followed across the face of the earth conditional or conditional prepare them Lord we establish hope so long a time when nothing seemingly happens and everything goes going the wrong way but I just praise reestablished we cannot live let it build within faith in Jesus you know hope hope is eternal hope he's not I hope something is going to happen that's not people to all people until hope is definitely absolutely going to happen but it's still yet little future that's all the garage drew top it and it's gonna start it the Lord says keep your eyes up granted there's something greater than John Wesley it's getting bigger
Channel: Csaba N Eva Gegeny
Views: 10,508
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: +Thursday, 12pm
Id: deh4LS4Gay8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2012
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