The Necessity of an Altar | Sam Emory

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[Music] praise the lord everybody what an honor is to be here with you and to our director of the world network of prayer sister flo shaw grateful for the invitation to be here to speak with you today your voluntary general superintendent bishop david menard and to the general conference committee for their kind invitation today uh truly we live in the extraordinary times that it said desperate times calls for desperate measures however i say desperate times demand a divine demonstration of the power of god in our life so if we ever needed a specific and clear word from the lord i'm thinking it is right now this time today so i want to talk to you on a simple subject uh and our text is going to be the day in the book of genesis chapter 8 and verse 20. and i'd like to talk to you today about the necessity of an altar the necessity of an altar amen so i'm pastor emery from the apostolic chapman apple church in merced california again what a privilege and honor is for me to be here today i hope you can glean something and get something about what we're right about to embark on let's pray father in the name of the lord and we thank you for your goodness your mercy your love and your kindness open our minds our hearts and our soul that the word of god may have free course give us revelation understanding right now dominion of authority and power right now in jesus name amen genesis chapter 8 verse 20 and noah built an altar unto the lord and took of every clean beast and every clean foul and offered burnt offerings on the altar the beginning of the in the beginning it was just the lord adam and eve in the garden it was a very controlled environment it was a pleasant place in the presence of the lord amen from the beginning god always has a desire to have communication with you and i it's very scriptural as we look in the altar he came at the cool of the day to conversate with them to uh just to be with them all right and uh right there is where we get the first glimpse of god wanted to communicate with you and i the cool of the day is set by some people to be about four or five o'clock three to five o'clock in the morning regardless of the hemisphere what you're in it's the most uh this is the quietest time in the day is to steal this time in the day and that's where uh they've met god in there and so we we see that this communication thing this relationship is beginning to be built and um then uh unfortunately for the man he he consorts with the serpent sin enters in and now we get the very first concept now very first uh uh like a failed uh shattery image of this altar coming to being because there was blood that was shed and there was animal skin that was apparel and so something had to die and for sin and something have to be offered on the altar it's not really clear there but the shadows of it are there all right so let's go on then there's cain and abel genesis chapter four and kept the theological and ideological foundation that that god and man has shared this common interest concerning the necessity of an altar we know that because kane offered and and and his brother offered they both offered on a offering on it they had to be something of an altar there cain brought fruit abel brought a fatling of the lamb and that this was not what they altered but how they all how they offered it on the altar as we move on it begins to take a greater shape in genesis chapter 8 and verse 2 20 and noah built an altar unto the lord and when noah builds the altar to the lord he induces he introduced the ulcer as more than a shallower concept now it becomes sort of like a custom a a part of life with those who believe in this jehovah this elohim god and so as we go these things became a little bit more entrenched within the the the custom and in the environment and the culture of man but it is abraham amen in chapter genesis chapter 12 verse 7 it says and the lord appeared unto abram and he appeared unto abram and said unto thy seed will i give this land and there built an altar to the lord who appeared unto him so from this point we have a connective line from the garden all the way down to abraham about for mediation there is the necessity of building an altar because god appeared unto him there it is apparent that the altar is now a place not of custom but now a place of change and covenant amen and if you read abraham if you read the genesis 17 abraham was changed to abram and joined in the covenant with abraham god joined in the covenant and he passed now it begins to be custom and passed all the way down from one generation to another we run into the altar in genesis chapter 22 and six of course where isaac and and abraham go up to mount moriah and there he he's got the fire and the wood and all of these things and and here we find that that isaac now has a a a workable knowledge of the altar there because the bible says that when they went up isaac is looking around and he he's toting the wood and there is the altar abraham has the rope he has the knife it has the fire but isaac is wondering where is the burnt offering you see isaac knew for them to worship at an altar something had to be put on that altar and from that i'm asking us have we really educated our kids how to worship have we educated them how to uh to build an altar and what to do with that altar and what it takes for that altar to be a place where god can meet them and then because we do have an altar according to paul in hebrews 13 and 10 we have an altar whereby they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle in other words our altar is a little bit different now when we get to the tabernacle and all of this we're going to talk briefly about that we know they had a ceremony alter right inside of the east gate all right go in the east gate there's an altar there to die altars are to die for us to sacrifice zone then there's a laverne a place to washington into the holy place and all this stuff you know all of that right but that was for the priests so what did the common man do the common man called what i had is a common altar the common altar the ceremonial altar i really uh equate to is the altar in our church okay it's a place to die it's a place to repent it's a place to heal we know what the altar is about but also as the altar in the tabernacle was not enough neither is the altar in the church not enough if we really want a powerful intimate relationship with god we have to have what i call the common altar now that common altar was an altar that anybody could erect and anybody could sacrifice on you didn't have to be a priest you didn't have to be a king you didn't have to be a notable personality all you had to do amen was to go and build that altar so i want to talk to you today about where we are okay since the middle of march to now we've been uh spreading or as uh or scattered as brother woodworkers say the church has been scattered amen not the building but the the church is out of the building scattered out of the building and so we we got to understand that for us now we don't have the ceremonial altar because the church doors are closed and out here in california we don't know when they're going to open and so it has now become a deal where we need to build altars in our homes which i think that god wants us to do anyway we have to have a place that we can die and so these common altars we can build in our house it's going to be a you know a coffee table or a dining table and somewhere amen that you meet to pray it's somewhere where you and your family meet we need not only do we need common altars but we need family altars and our family has to realize our kids need to realize that altars require amen worship and then alters also require a cost a cost of our time a cost of our consecration because are there all these things that we need to understand and we need to teach the next generation like abraham taught his son we need to take our son teach our sons and daughters how to build altars and how and what to sacrifice on the altars and what these altars mean and in this we must these days also realize the necessity of an altar in my personal life if i want a meaningful relationship with god it begins and it stays at the altar amen we never outgrow the altar that god has put in our life these altars these common altars uh was a little bit different from the ceremonial the ceremonial altars was fashioned and was tooed and was very ornate but could only be attended by the again the priests and stuff but the the common altar was just anybody can develop one anybody could make a common altar anywhere at any time and god would visit them there amen and so we must understand that these altars are a powerful deal and these altars are a necessity and we're going to be uh actually if we're going to be uh you know relevant in this world we need altars amen and again that altar at the church where we're on maybe maybe sunday morning maybe sunday morning sunday night as you know sunday nights have almost gone away from most churches so sunday morning and maybe on a wednesday night that's two times in a week that's not enough to visit an altar my flesh lives after i leave the church i need that altar for my flesh to die there i mean i need my i need that altar to keep my flesh in the check so all of us needs to take that that concept of the altar and put it in our home uh one of the things i noticed in the in the new testament is when jesus went into the synagogue that the synagogues didn't have altars and so there was a man there was sick man here there's a there's a man that had an unclean spirit right there in church but there was no office no place for flesh to die so i need to alter my home i need something in my house that i can visit every day of the week i have a we have a retreat room we have a prayer room amen in our house we call it retreat room for for when we have guests and visitors it's a prayer room for my wife and i she has her altar i have my altar we have the family altar there um these are just chairs you know she prays in this chair i pray in that chair um oftentimes i may let her pray alone so she get in there and get with god like she wants to do but we're that's where we are meeting with god that's i have a uh my bible there i have a notebook there i want to talk to god but i also want god to talk to me it's not about so much about what i'm saying to him in that altar i want to i want to have time for god to say something to me let him touch me let him minister to me in those deals also it's a place where my flesh has to die it's a place where uh this where my flesh has to be brought under subjection of the power of god and those places and so as we pray as we're at the altars as we're doing this you guys must understand my alter my prayer time is not just filled with me talking or just feel with me speaking in tongues at some point i have to have a reprieve at some point now i've got to be quiet if i want to hear from the lord oftentimes our prayer times are just filled with us talking and worshiping and all that's great but you're not going to hear from god if you're not silent there's a and silence means i give god a chance to speak god is a gentleman all right he's not going to rush in there and try to talk to you if you're just going hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sometimes we've got to stop and and be quiet and tune our ear to listen to see if there is a word from the lord and then the unction of the holy ghost will come and we'll talk about that in our next section i mean making that connection with god and and in that altar uh i am now becoming totally surrendered to the spirit of the lord because i'm stopping and um i'm squieting myself and i'm i'm focusing to hear from him and and in there amen is where god will speak to us and if as i said before if there's ever a time we needed a clear word from the lord and it's in this particular season that we're in but our prayer lives cannot be uh just stacked with words that we're saying at some time it demands me to davidson let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in other words i've got to sit there for a moment and listen to see or hear if i can hear god talk to me he may bring me some revelation he may bring me some reasonable understanding of things where i am so that means a total surrender of my will to him at that altar amen and when we're at the altar things begin to happen even if you if you build a crude altar it doesn't matter it's a place that you come to meet the lord all right in genesis 28 we read that whole section it's about jacob running from his brother and running from where he lives going to uh his relatives and there somewhere in the journey he stops at a place called loves that that actually became bethel and so he went to sleep that night and he he he laid down with some pillars the bible said i'm persuaded to believe that those that those stones that he used for pillows was probably stones that abraham used to build an altar there two generations before this kid ever got there his his grandfather had built an altar there amen and you got to understand yeah the reason why i can say this is because isaac now builds altars you got to understand isaac went behind abraham and rebuilt every altar that he built and re-dug every well that he dug and why is that because the ultra now becomes his connection with god the the the the well becomes what is called uh the part of him that is fruitful in the earth these altars are throughout the bible uh we there is a necessity that we have an altar in our life jacob sees the ladder goes up and down and back and forth and there he is there he is now there he is and he says god is at the top the letter is going up and down altars are places where god will speak to us these things are powerful deals are our we need we need altars in our home we need personal prayer in our home we need personal worship in our home these things should not be confined to the church house if we want to rise up and heaven come down we there is a necessity for us to build altars in our home uh i'm like you you're if you're like me i'm missing going to church i miss the fellowship i miss the doors being closed but the fact of the matter is i still have an altar in my home so i am still hearing from god i'm going to warn you now we must not let up on having more of god in our homes i believe that god god wants us to have more of us in our homes because our homes need to be filled with the presence of the lord just like the church is filled with the presence of the lord our homes need to be filled with the presence of the lord we need god in our homes our children need god our marriages need god our relationships need god we have left jesus in the church and gone home to know god we need to bring jesus from the church into our home and build an altar where he becomes the center of our home he becomes the center of my marriage it becomes the center of my family becomes the center of everything i do i take him with me he becomes the center of my life at my workplace i mean i pray at work you have yeah i used to pray when i worked full time i used to take time and pray at my job instead of going to eat at the cafeteria i would walk we had a little walk and i would walk and pray and then go back to my job because i needed god in my life more than i needed anything so building altars in our home and and building these things as we go along you must understand that these situations in our life they they demand they this desperation in our life demands us to have something that is in our house prayers must be offered in our homes supplications must be offered in our homes intercession must be offered in our home thanksgiving should be offered in our home we should start our kids out praying when they're very very very early and i'm not talking about just like now i lay me down to sleep teach them how to pray very early on they can learn if they can learn a song off a radio they can learn a prayer out of the word of the lord they can learn scriptures out of the words of the lord you need to understand there's something standing in front of us today that we're going to miss if we don't get a connection with god paul said in his day he there was a great door he said it was effectual that means it was working it was operated and it was open all right but there are many adversaries i think in our day that we're so focused on the adversarial compound of what's going on that we're missing the open door i'm telling you there's an opportunity for us to have revival there's an opportunity right here in our present circumstances we may not be able to see it now but if you open up your eyes we need to stop looking at the obstacles and the distractions and begin to find the opportunity that god wants us to have just don't be focused on the adversarial conflict we must look for that open door wherein the anointing begins to flow and you know like i know the anointing will destroy every host the prayers we pray on our altars will call god to open up the windows of heaven and and pour us out blessings it'll cause us to be faithful with our giving god you know god wants to rebuke the devourer that means corona amen this this corona thing that we're here that's a that's a viral situation and but the corona means crown amen and so what god wants to do is take that away god will i mean god if we will pray god will open up the windows of blessings if we will pray god will give us new opportunities if we will pray we will take over new territory because we have now begin to understand it's a necessity that i have an altar it's just not a convenience it has become a total necessity that we have an altar in our home god bless you for entertaining with me today um i want to impress on you again the power of an altar in your life the power will alter in your home the power of altar wherever you go church is not enough brothers and sisters we need to have an altar in our home it's your living room your prayer room whatever let's cut off the social media let's scale down on some of this other stuff let's start building an altar into the lord because god has some things for us that can only be birthed and they can only i mean remember abraham had this relationship with god that began at an altar setting so if we want a deeper relationship we want a deeper situation that for god to move in our life in a deeper way we need the altar it's a necessity that we have an altar in our life today father in the name of the lord we ask you to touch everyone that's here today thank you for this time to speak to them about something very simple which is the altar of god but we know it is a very powerful authority in dominion and might and all these things are wrapped up in that altar god right now there are places in the supernatural that happens in the altar that you're standing at the top and things are open angels are moving at the altar and god we pray to give them give us revelation and understanding that the necessity of the altar will set today in jesus name god bless you for being with us god bless you for the opportunity to come and talk to [Music] you
Channel: United Pentecostal Church International
Views: 2,416
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Id: qD1ojV2cuMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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