The Naruto Mysteries Iceberg Explained

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for those that don't already know an iceberg video is a video where you take an iceberg tears image and explain each caption on it an iceberg tier image is an edited image that takes a certain subject and tears information about that subject from least to most obscure so for a normal Naruto Iceberg the top tier would be something like Kakashi got the Sharingan from Obito while something on the lowest here would be something like Hitachi can use water style but I'm not interested in just listening off a bunch of facts about the series because there's not much to be done with that information I also haven't found any Naruto icebergs in that style that I like I'm more interested in the mysteries of the series when it comes to an iceberg video so that's why I've made my own Naruto Iceberg of fan theories about the instances of Naruto that we don't know fully about typically icebreak videos the theories about the Mysteries as the captions so I did the same here to keep the same Spirit I'll still be starting each caption by explaining the mystery before I explain the fan Theory though the way I've teared my iceberg is by how often the mystery is discussed the first year is what I consider to be a commonly talked about it's a mystery and the fourth tier is what I consider to be very rarely discussed the fifth year is reserved for odd occurrences that either I've seen no one other than me bring up or I have only seen discussed a handful of times so as I go from Theory to Theory my confidence in them will probably vary wildly as it's not tiered by confidence but instead by obscurity that's about all the context I think I need to get for the video so I'll go ahead and start with the first here if there is [Music] hashirama died from natural causes as you can tell this Theory tries to explain something we know almost nothing concrete about I'm of course referring to how did hashirama die little we know about the end of hashirama's life is that he died sometime right before or during the first great Shinobi War this was a significant amount of time after he defeated moderate 2 as he did distribute the tailed beasts of the other great Nations presumably after he took the nine tails away from matarov after that kage Summit we know nothing about the rest of his life other than that Toby Robin became Hokage and still ended up dying in the frustration of the war with moderate out of the picture by that kage Summit hashurama can easily be argued to be stronger than the entire world at this point when Madara was reanimated he constantly reiterated that only hosturama could stop him and he went on to destroy an entire army with a little difficulty and then made the five kage look like children and Hashim drama's case he defeated the Ninetales with a perfect susano protecting it for reference Naruto's half of the nine tails keyword half overpowered the two through seven-tailed bees hashirama also showed that while heavily weakened by being an adult Sensei he permanently restrained the ten tails the ten Tails never broke out of this gracious day to Gates and only Escape them because Obito became its host for comparison the Shinobi Alliance were getting decimated by the details and were about to be completely blown up by it before made it to teleported it's juby Bob away I could go further but I think I've demonstrated that it doesn't seem conceivable that any group of people on Earth soon after Modera went into hiding could have defeated hashirona the most common I think most plausible explanation for his death is that his constant regeneration shortened his lifespan when Tsunade first showed in the Sony Showdown that she could regenerate entire organs shizunae warns that doing that will shorten soon out his lifespan Modera said that tsunade's ability to regenerate was just like hashirama's so it makes sense that he was at the same risk as Tsunade it's even worse for him though because he grew up during the Warring States period where he was quite literally always at War when he was younger and weaker he could have taken countless fatal blows on the chin at the time even when he became the head of his clan and he still had to fight his rival in Madara we don't know how dramatically this will shorten your lifespan in Naruto but shizunae was very concerned by Tsunade doing this just once it has been theorized that ourselves can only divide so many times before they accumulate so many harmful mutations that your body just no longer is able to function properly and hashirama's case this is very likely what causes premature death is the god that Hidan worships in return he becomes Immortal this is another thing that we know next to nothing about for sure all we really know is that joshing is some kind of God whose religion centers around killing other people he also can turn himself into a voodoo doll if he and just another person's blood and then stands in a religious symbol there's been some filler exploring this more but in terms of the manga that's literally all we know many have speculated that since joshing is said to be a God he must be an odd zutsuki and that's because the only Godlike characters that we know come from their Clan even the sage of the sixth pass who was only half oddzewski apparently crafted the world with the sword of nunaboko for example there are also some other Godlike abilities we see from the oddsuski and boruto but I won't list them because they're potential spoilers but you really just need to know that oddsutsuki basically equals God and boruto the problem with this though is that hidad was introduced far before there was any mention about too ski at all so it's unlikely that Kishimoto would have planned that out that far ahead personally I don't think boruto will ever give any evidence for this Theory as I don't think the writers are worried about Hidan at all going forward I more so believe in jaw Sheen just being just another God in Norwich that gives you power for example the reaper death seal is only possible by using the god of death and in return you have to sacrifice your own life that's similar to how immortality is only possible by using joshing and in return you have to give sacrifices potentially Naruto is heavily influenced by the Japanese religion Shintoism which is polytheistic while I do know very little about Shintoism I have read that there is said to be an infinite or near infinite amount of Kami or Gods so that could explain why only Hidan seems to know about joshing joshing could also just be so obscure that not even someone like orochimoro knows about it while the Kami used for the reaper does still is well known because the Uzumaki Clan made him popular for example personally I think it makes more sense that joshing is some obscure deity rather than anatsutsuki all full-blooded oddzewski seem to only want humans for the chakra anyway so it wouldn't really make sense that he would Grant one immortality for worshiping it this ministry is probably one we'll never get closure on due to heat on not being that significant or popular of a character Ramen guy was minato's teammates this is an old Theory that's pretty simple we've seen a flashback scene one image of team jariah and the other boy in the group looked suspiciously like the ramen guy now I wouldn't say it's a perfect match because the kid has a lot darker skin and the facial structure is noticeably different however that could be explained by him just being really young for example if we compare Jiraiya's gaining face with his part 1 or part two phase the gaining phase is much rounder and less developed what really sells me on this Theory though are the same type of eyes both are permanently squinting and I don't recall any other Canon characters having the same Eye Design choza often has his eyes squinted as well but we've seen him with open eyes a few times and he has red hair anyway these two being the same people also would explain why Ramen guy was the only non-ninja adult to not shun Naruto it's been often portrayed that all the civilians hated Naruto for being a host with the exception of ramen guy so that's another nice little tie-in that would explain why Ramen guy was always friendly with Naruto since he was me just teammates that's really all there is to that theory I think it's pretty plausible personally mainly because of the eyes and I might as well bring up the joke theory that Ramen guy never opens his eyes because he has the Rinnegan or his soul Sharingan like Kakashi I guess since he's never opened his eyes I'll say this is neither debunked or confirmed last thing I want to bring up about team jirai is that the girl is theorized to be Makoto which is Sasuke's mom there's not much to go off of this except the girl has black hair and the ages match up as well we do see Kushina chat with Makoto in a friendly manner right before giving birth so that supports the idea that Minato Kushina and Makoto were all in the same class I actually think this is pretty likely to do the one thing no one else has seemed to bring up on the page where we see teams are wire we also see Orochimaru with the student akko but we don't see her other teammates if minato's teammates were just nobody why would they just be drawn when Anka's teammates were nods it's too intentional for me to ignore and the two most likely match matches based on age and appearance or Roman guy in mikozo Itachi had AIDS this one's referring to the multitude of explanations for hitachi's illness I'll get to why I chose AIDS here after I explained the background so what we know about hitachi's death on the surface is that he had been ill for a while and prolonged his life just to fight Sasuke the main symptom we see from him is coughing up blood and I suppose just generally being lethargic some people have suggested that he had tuberculosis but a real popular one is that he had an autoimmune disease called microscopic polyangiitis symptoms for this include coughing up blood and bleeding from your eyes I debunked this though as Itachi doesn't show most of its symptoms and this is a really rare disorder he isn't bleeding from his eyes until he uses the mangeko which is normal and then he also doesn't have red spots all over his skin which is expected when you have this disease so I see that explanation just being false and way too specific of a disease for Kishimoto to choose now the joke explanation for this though is that Hitachi had ninja AIDS but on a serious note I actually made my own theory that Itachi actually did have AIDS I had to dive very deep for my evidence for that video so if you want a quality explanation I'll leave a link to that in the description for an unabridged Iceberg video explanation I'll say this age is an autoimmune disease that weakens your immune system to the point that you are highly susceptible to catching anything oftentimes it's AIDS patients die from something they catch rather than AIDS itself at the beginning of the Ark where he fights Sasuke we see him standing in the rain kisume tells him to get out of the rain or he'll get sick and he does and he appears healthy here Flash Forward a few days and Itachi's got word Sasuke is hunting him they're in the rain again and Itachi willingly walks out of shelter into the rain while kisume once again says he'll catch something and then the next time we see him after this he's violently ill while he's fighting Sasuke my theory is that he had AIDS and purposely got sick so he could sell the fight against Sasuke opito said Hitachi used all kinds of medicines to keep himself alive which could mean he was catching many different illnesses he needed to treat once he knows he can't run from Sasuke he stops taking his medicine and purposely weakens his immune system by standing in a cold rain he then catches something like pneumonia probably which causes you to cough blood and can even cause major cardiac issues another fact about AIDS that supports this theory is that cardiovascular diseases are very common in AIDS patients and very common ways for them to die I am also very sold on this Theory mainly due to the rain scenes showing hitachi's attitudes towards catching something changes once he knows that Sasuke is hunting him explains why Itachi's Health flip-flops that fast if you're intrigued by this I really would suggest watching that video because that is an extremely shortened explanation to this Theory the infinite tsukiyama never ended this one is more of a meme theory but I do see some people talk about it in a serious manner it would be a crazy Twist of course this refers to the idea that the ending of Naruto and all of boruto is just Naruto's infinite tsukiyomi Dream It's captivated so many people that even the English voice actor from matara has put some fuel into this fire so this was your dream Naruto Uzumaki what we see in this story is Sasuke's Rinnegan is somehow able to block infinite tsukiyomi for the rest of Team seven by shielding them with his susano this Theory instead proposed that all of Team seven except maybe Sasuke fell under the genjutsu and that's why Naruto kind of has a fairy tale ending in fairy cell beginnings of boruto most people don't take this seriously but I'll explain why it doesn't make sense matara said the dream world was where anything you wanted would happen but that wasn't quite the case for Naruto he didn't want Obito to Die For example nor did he want to have to fight Sasuke it totally contradicts what Modera wanted the infinite dream to be it's a cool concept but now plausible at all hashirama was killed this one also addresses the mystery surrounding hashirama's death I already explained the background for that but this Theory brings up a very subtle but very interesting observation when hashirama is reanimated a piece of his arm armors missing off of his left arm this could imply that he was defeated in battle since his armor is damaged when he's brought back into the physical world the last time we see hashirama in armor while alive is when he fought matara he starts the fight looking like normal but the left arm piece of his arm is fully gone by the end of that battle that's the same arm with a damaged arm for when he's reanimated this is even the case for both times he was reanimated so that shows that Kishimoto had the opportunity to wreck on this for the work but now hashirama's power levels were retconned based on how much weaker he was in part one and then we start seeing the narrative switch to him being a god of Shinobi in early part 2. so it's possible Kishimoto originally had a hashirama dying in battle retconned his power which means that he couldn't be killed in battle and then didn't want to wreck on the and armor piece to keep the design consistent there's also some other flaws with this theory that make me heavily doubted heroes in the Minato had both their tops torn off in their final battle but neither of them have that when they're reanimated none of the other reanimated clothes reflected their death either and like I said at the beginning of the video there's no way hashrama could be killed by any group of humans based off of what Modera did in the Warwick and how he could do things like restrain the tin Tails so I'm not going to totally discount the idea of it but personally I think it was a retcon and Kishimoto just wanted to keep that Edo design consistence there's too many flaws in this theory for me to embrace it and he might have just not been able to fully Savage his left arm Armor after the final Valley and as a result he was short of Peace that's a long shot for an explanation but it is true that the last time we see that left arm armor being used by a life hashirama it gets fully blown off I'm personally choosing the Regeneration Theory over this one Akatsuki rings are for sealing Bijou this can be an overlooked detail if someone doesn't bring it to your attention but there are some moments that indicate that these strings were used for more than just cosmetic purposes we first see their significance when reishi Mario shows that he still has his Akatsuki ring lying around in part one then in the kazakage rescue Arc we see that data goes back to look for his arm and he also notes that he needs to find his ring as well zetsu and Obito do a similar thing when they go back to where cesare died solely to retrieve his ring after that no other akovski rings are recovered because there was no opportunity to recover them the akowski presumably don't know where hidon was buried kakuzu's body was taken by the leaf and dadira's ring likely did not survive his self-dead Nation so on and so forth we only ever see 10 rings in total and the fact that dater and Obito would go through such great links to get those Rings suggest they're not replicable and very some have theorized that they're used in the akoski zoom meetings but there's no evidence supporting that really the only time we see the Rings do anything is when the Akatsuki seals the one Tails we see each member stand on the same finger of the ghetto statue as the finger they wore their ring on so we see cesare standing on the left thumb because he wears his ring on the left thumb even further than that we see orochimara wore his on his left pinky and we never see anyone stand on that left pinky of the ghetto statue when they sealed Bijou we also see the symbols of the Akatsuki Rings light up when they start sealing the one tails and this is the only time we see the Rings actually do anything so based off of all of this it seems like the Rings are somehow connected to the ghetto satchio and they can't be replicated that explains why dater went back to get his ring and why the symbols light up during the ceiling ritual I have no idea why the Rings would be connected to the ghetto statue considering that it's just the husk of the ten tails the only explanation for the creation would be that either nagato made them somehow or they just somehow naturally come with the getters statue we'll probably never know how they were made but this Theory makes perfect sense otherwise is the only time we see the Rings do anything is when Bijou are sealed Lee Exempted his final exam this one refers to the final exam for the Academy that you need to pass for Naruto's class we saw you needed to do the Clone technique not to be confused with Shadow cleanse clone technique is basically just making another image of yourself but they can't do anything so veninjutsu was needed to pass the academy how on Earth did Lee pass this theory proposes that he simply just didn't do it and said just got passed as an exception remember Naruto originally failed but aruka ended up passing him after he summoned Shadow clones you can argue Naruto passed because he did a way more advanced Jutsu though in Lee's case you would think he would have had flunked out before even getting to that exam anyway we saw in Sasuke's report card before the massacre that he was already being graded on Ninjutsu year before graduating however there is some evidence that Lee could tread water and eventually exempt his final exam assuming it was the same as Naruto's class firstly we see on comedos ninja info card that Lee has some app to both Ninjutsu and genjutsu for genjutsu it's possible that he knows how to resist genjutsu by disturbing his chakra in Ninjutsu I have no idea how he would have any aptitude for it other than just knowing about It ultimately this shows that he had some type of aptitude for Jutsu and that could explain why he didn't just flunk out early as for how he passed I think guy pulled some strings to allow Lee to we saw a guy watching leave during the academy and he seems pretty infatuated with him he also ended up on guy's team which didn't seem like a coincidence at all it's very possible that guy asked for Lee to be passed and maybe Eureka agreed since Lee had so much potential in Tai dootsu I think this theory is very likely because there's quite literally no way that Lee could have passed the final exam pertaining to jusu it also seems pretty intentional that guy already wanted to train him years before he graduated so it seems likely that he pulled some strings for him Obito's hashirama cells healed his eyes a lot of people like to bring up how Obito never went blind as a result of using his mon Gekko it's a very valid question considering that we see Obito liberally use it while Sasuke went near blind after using it in only three fights the only real possible explanation for this is that Obito's hachirama Souls would just heal the damage he did to his eye it gets a little bit forgotten but the sight of Obito they had crushed under that rock was completely replaced with hashirama cells by matara Obito is the only uchiya we've seen Naga blind from onyeko ever use and he's only one to have hashirama cells excluding matara after his final fight with hashirama we also see Itachi note that in shisui's case that is Koto machikami would take 10 years to reactivate unless you have the power of hashirama cells and during the kage summit we see Danza was planning on using kotzo matsukami a second time on Obito after using it on the phone in the same day so that's direct proof that hashirama cells makes it easier to there's not much of this Theory other than that but it seems like the only good explanation for Obito not going blind in that eye hashirama is a slug Sage this is kind of a newer theory that was overlooked for a very long time the background to it is that hashirama is the only Sage we see not have a summoning to go along with it we also never see hashirama summon a single animal the reason why people guess he's using a slug Sage Mode is that his granddaughter tsunade's only summon is a slug named katsuyu you might think this is a stretch since hashirama died early in tsunami's life likely long before she learned how to summon gutsuyu but as we see with all the toad sages you seem to often need to know a guy to get the chance to learn it Minato Naruto became sages through jaraya kabusa became a sage through Orochimaru but Orochimaru seemed to be able to find ryuichi cave by himself so you can see how it's very possible that Tsunade got cuts to you thanks to either hashirama or the senju clan in general what really solidifies his theory is two very subtle statements by Kabuto and Orochimaru when kapito says he went to ryuichi Cave to learn Sage Mode he says it was just as legendary as Mount miyaboku and the shikotsu so that confirms those are the three places where you can become a sage ads later on in the war we see Orochimaru say that katsuyu came from the Chicago woods and that confirms that slug sages are an actual thing and not just speculation So based off of the fact that the only summoning we see a senju do as a slug and we know that the Slugs can teach you Sage Mode the only possible Sage animal hashirama could have learned sage mode from was slugs his Sage design doesn't look like a toad or a snake Sage either so on the surface level this seems like a good estimation but if you dig deeper it seems like the only possible explanation wow akoski members represent reasons for war this is a self-explanatory fan theory that originated on Reddit and what I can tell there's no direct basis for it in the manga so this theory is solely built on speculation before I talk about what each member represents I'll say that it's a very cool idea but I think it's too flawed to be aetheria I fully accept it works for some of the members but not all of them also some of the akoski motivations are just common motivations that don't always result in war either so because of that and because this Theory doesn't work for every member I don't fully believe in it but as for the motivation starting with the dawn his is religion the Crusades come to mind when thinking about Holy Wars caucus's motivation is money and the Opium Wars and the American Revolutionary War come to mind although those were technically about trade pain and codons motivations is peace which may seem contradictory but that was their ultimate goal the famous phrase if you want peace prepared for war originates from Rome after all and one of Rome's motivations for war was to stop future invasions I won't get too philosophical about if this ideal makes sense but it is common for Nations to try to conquer and instill peace Obito is somewhat about peace but also ideological he wanted everyone to live in a certain way whereas nagada just wanted everyone to chill out after a nuclear apocalypse with its entails many Civil Wars are like this it's the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution which were both about ending monarchies after those members though it starts to become a reach Itachi is to protect your own Nation but Hitachi was a pacifist who killed his clan to avoid war and you don't incite War to protect your Nations that's a far more reactive reason than any of the other members who are supposed to have proactive reasons he's amazes to expose lies but I think that can only work for a coup and even that's a bit extreme Kisame was a believer in the infinite tsukume which is why he actually willingly chose to be in the Koski in the first place so it would work better if you just called him an ideologist like abbutel zetsu is supposed to protect land in nature but I don't think zetsu cares about nature at all dater is supposed to be a terrorist because of his explosions but his motivations for that is 100 intrinsic so sorry isn't supposed to be wanting to have a public government but that doesn't make any sense either orochimura also doesn't make any sense either because his motivations were also 100 intrinsic so that's three akoski members that don't fit the theory and another two are who are Rachel's it's a cool Theory but I don't think Kishimoto had this in mind when he thought of the Akatsuki Hidan died from malnutrition this one addresses the fate of Hidan after Shikamaru buries his decapitated body we see in the Warwick that Hidan is the only costume member to not be revived and kakuzu takes as as evidence that Hidan is still alive according to a quote from Kishimoto while he was still writing part two he said that he Don was still alive but dying from Malaga nutrition so that confirms most of the theory and we can estimate that he's dead by boruto if he was already starting to die 15 years prior as for why his immortality stopped working many people speculate that he needs to do his rituals Stay immortal and he couldn't do that anymore after he got buried it's a good explanation but we know so little about joshing that there's no evidence confirming or debunking this idea the malnutrition theory is solid though considering that Kishimoto himself confirmed it Itachi buried shisway it's often mentioned that shisui's body was never found the Uchiha police force searched for him but found nothing kalboto found every corpse he wanted to for added Sensei except for jarias he was too deep at Sea and shisui who he said he could not find anywhere this makes sense because no one even knows where Itachi saw shishui die nor would anyone know where they went so I see only two scenarios for what happened to shishui's corpse Heather was eaten by scavenger animals or he was buried by Hitachi since he was the only one who knew where he died I personally believe he would have buried him in an unmarked grave as a sign of respect and to ensure that no one would find him this was also the moment where Itachi gained his mongeko Sharingan so he may even have used Amaterasu to completely ensure that there was no evidence of his death either way I think the answer to why shishu was never found is quite simply that no one but he thought she would have known there's no direct evidence for Hitachi burying him though so that's just my head Cannon because I think it would be in character for him that Kimmy Mara had cancer give me Mara's mystery illness is not brought up as much as Itachi's but you still see it disgust on rare occasion his illness is a lot more impactful than most people realize as capito and Orochimaru said after Conan Crush that had Kimmy Maro been there Harrison would have been smoothly assassinated and if Orochimaru didn't have his arms sealed he would have taken Sasuke's body at the end of part one instead of having to take some random prisoners right before Sasuke arrived due to the reaper death seal almost killing him but as for the illness we know it had to be somewhat sudden since kimimura was part of the Kona Crush plan by the Sasuke retrieval Arc we see his bedren but as for one last favorite orochimore he has a short recovery he shows no symptoms whatsoever though we only see him say that his body was moving through will alone when he sees tayuya and then he dies suddenly while fighting garia so that barely limits our possible options at all based on that information there is one subtle Moment by Kavita that indicates that kimimara had cancer though when talking about the illness mentioned that there was too little information on Kimmy maru's body and had he known Kimmy Morrow's Clan's medical history things would have been a lot different so this could indicate that he had some type of rare genetic disorder but what was special about this clan was their bone Jutsu if this was some illness that was special to the kagya clan it must have had to do something with their bones that was what distinguished them from other clans I've researched this and the only common deadly bone-based illness is bone cancer and this would make sense that Kimmy Moore would have this if he was always creating new bones in battle if cancer is a harmful mutation that causes your cells to divide uncontrollably then constantly creating new bone cells would dramatically increase their chances for getting bone cancer on the other hand constantly creating new bones could generally shorten your lifespan the same way the tsunade's Regeneration does personally I prefer the bone cancer Theory though because Kavita said his illness was specific to the clan that is known for their bones I think that's the best theory but the Regeneration one is also not that bad the senju clan bred out this of course refers the fact that by the events of part one and part two the only living send you that is even named as Tsunade which is odd considering that the Sinju and the uchiya were the founding clans of the leaf Village the uchiya even seemingly outlasted the Synergy despite losing a war to the century right before they made peace so you would think that the sinji would have unsizable numbers advantage on the Uchiha at that point yet by the end of the third grade Shinobi War we see you Shia are thriving while the senju are nearing Extinction I don't think this is the case of their existence just not being important enough to mention either the Sorrows shall be clan for 90 of the series only consisted of Heroes and awesome and konahamaru but in the fourth grade Shinobi War we see many sarutobi clan members use fire style in unison against the ten Tails we saw many other clans of the leaf also fight in the Unison during the war but we never saw the senji do that and that's about all we know about the Sinjin when it comes to their state by the end of the series I don't support any theories that say they were wiped out their Wars as the Uchiha weren't and that was the only claim they could rival them so if they weren't killed the only logical conclusion would simply be that they brought out and there's some evidence to basis on we know that the Uchiha was a pretty homogeneous clan that likely married within the clan Autumn they're a little bit more diverse than someone gives them credit based on the how the background characters look but if you look at every name do chia they have dark hair dark eyes and dark skin based off of Sasuke's mom's appearance she certainly seems like she was born in Uchiha instead of becoming uchiya through marriage like Sakura so they must have kept their bloodline pure through marrying within the clan often the senji were the exact opposite they have no distinct share features in their appearance and that goes for both names and background characters this was the case before the leaf Village was created too we do know that hashirama married into the Uzumaki clan for diplomatic reasons and we also know that his granddaughter Tsunade had blonde hair despite her grandparents having red and black hair so hashirama's trial likely did not marry into the Uzumaki Clan if that's the case that's the only marriage we know about it when it comes to the senjio so this is all we can basis theory on if the head of the clan was marrying for diplomatic reasons it's very likely that other prominent members like tobirama would have too remember this is all during the dawn of the leaf village where clans were still joining as it was growing the Uchiha Clan were far more Clan oriented than the senju so they likely did not do many arranged diplomatic marriages if at all they were ready to launch a coup against the village after all hashirama made it clear he was Village oriented so when he married out of his clan it likely set a precedent for the senju there's not too much direct evidence that fuels this Theory but if you really read between the lines and do some rationalizations it seems like the only plausible explanation for this unsolved mystery kakazu killed the gold and silver Brothers King Hyun genkeku are one of the least talked about characters considering how important they are to the story they kind of have a wild but mysterious backstory with Tobi Rama's death in their hands being their most talked about Feats the circumstances of their death are a complete mystery though we know that there was an attempted cue during the peace summer with tubirama so they must have had some support in their cause if they weren't exiled or killed afterwards perhaps peace with the leaf at the time was unpopular but their supporters turned on them the last thing we know they did was killed Second Hokage they somehow were killed after this but they weren't killed with their special ninja tools as they still had them inside them when they were reanimated you would think that a simple explanation would be that they died in war like many other characters did but these two were too strong to go out that easily beyond their hacks their version 2 Chalker modes require an army of Joni to take on when King went into version 2 while reanimated he decimated the division at the beach front so badly that the entire reinforcement needed to take him on but then we see him lose the team 10 while genkaku lost a dollar away so there's some conflicting Feats going on there because personally I don't think darawi and team 10 would be able to take down an army of thousands for Shinobi like you're dead I talk this up to them being written out quickly like many of the reanimations on the first day of the war I mean data and sasuri lost to conqueror and sigh of all people Hanzo lost to a damn Samurai it just makes no sense so I just highball the golden Silver brothers because it keeps the lore more consistent so if one of these brothers could take out an army of thousands how on Earth did they die them no Cloud Shinobi killed them as their headbands were not crossed out and the cloud ninja that fought them in the war refer to them as just a dark spot in the Cloud's history I'll get more into other possible explanations for death scenarios for them later because there's another theory about this at the bottom of the tier list as for kakuzu he most likely saw these two die when kigugu entered version 2 because ginku was sealed kakuzu remarks his only happens when Genki was done for him so that clearly implies that he saw genghiku die and maybe even King goo too but why would he even be in that situation based off of Canon materials we don't really know what kakuzu was doing after going rogue and before the akats game presumably he was the mercenary and or Bounty Hunter since he said he was constantly finding new Hearts despite having no allegiance to Any Nation at the time so this theory states that kakuzu worked as a mercenary for some huge Army that ended up killing the golden silver Brothers I don't think cogsu personally did this I just wrote that on the iceberg because that was the only way I could shorten its offense he would have mentioned if he had killed him to kind of similar to how he said he only more than likely this Army would have been from the leaf as they did Kill tub your homo I'll get more into this idea later when I cover the other Theory so I'll leave it at that for now I'm confident caucus who fought against the golden server brothers when they died but as for who else was there I'm not very confident in any potential answers kurma was tortured like the last one this title is heavily Abridged so it could build the iceberg the full title for this Theory would be more like kirima hated humans because he was tortured for almost 100 years the background for this is that we see that most of the other tailed beasts hate humans but not to the extent that Karma did a lot of that can be chalked up to his personality and he was likely the most sought after tail beast what no one ever seems to bring up is that while Kushina was his host he was crucified against a ball of lava inside of her we see that the other tail beasts are usually just behind a gate while inside their house but not this time around for some reason the Uzumaki thought that was not enough and literally crucified Karma into a giant ball of lava it would make sense for Mito would have had the same type of seals kushino which means that Kira must win about a hundred years literally crucified against the ball of lava so no wonder he was constantly pissed off for the first 17 years of Naruto's life so while the other tell bees hated humans for imprisoning them karima's hate Ransom to all of them because the Uzumaki felt the need to literally Cruise climb against the wall of lava that's really all there is to this Theory such a small one but I think it's a very valid one considering how pissed off it would be if someone literally crucified you against a giant ball of lava foreign Rock Lee has autism this is my own personal theory that addresses the mystery as to why Rockley can't perform jutsio once again if you want to see a less Abridged version I'll link my video about it in the description it's always bothered me that very few people have questioned why Lee can't use Jutsu most people will just say that he had no aptitude for it or he was just born without the ability but if that's true how on Earth would you learn an s-ring technique like the eight inner gates we know he can manipulate his own shocker fine as we have seen him stand on water during the cosika rescue Arc he can even open up to five gates by part one which prompted Kakashi to call him a genius so why can't he transform shocker into Jutsu the difference between manipulating it your own chakra and using your chakra to make a Jutsu is imagining we saw Naruto's training for the resting gun that after he learned how to properly manipulate his tracker to his hand The Next Step was envisioning his Chalker violently rotating this isn't subtle either the manga makes it clear you have to Envision the resting on in your hand and Naruto doesn't achieve this until he intensely focuses and imagines a wrestling gone so the step before learning the Rasengan is walking on water the next step of envisioning the Jutsu is the one Lee can't do he can open Gates fine because that's never been shown to be a Jutsu it was explained as manipulating her chakra in a certain way that would nullify the chakra Inhibitors inside your body Lee must have trouble imagining jutsus a disorder called aphantasia is when you have trouble imagining things or even imagining anything this disorder is highly common in people with Autism the autism theory has more to do with his extreme personality I won't go over every symptom but a main symptom would be having restricted and repetitive interest Lee's entire character revolves around him training to get better and guys Sensei that's not an exaggeration he cares about his comrades but other than that that's quite literally all there is to this character autism also affects how you communicate socially and I think someone can agree that Lee Acts differently than everyone else he's always dead serious and only talks in formal language this is very common in those with autism as well I don't have time to point out all my pieces of evidence for this series but the last thing I want to bring up is his eyes other than Kisame short guys Lee is the only character with perfect circles for eyes he's also the only character who can't use Jutsu seems like more than a coincidence to me I know death note and Naruto have no relation but I do find it very interesting the two characters widely thought to be autistic and that anime also have circular eyes too but overall this is my own theory that no one else would come up with when I first uploaded it I do a better job arguing for it in that video but this is the head Canon that I fully Embrace based off of the comments of that video the theory was well received and several people who said they were autistic said I was spot on with my theory Uzumaki Clan lived in the Land of Waves this is a very obscure but very undertalked about theory that I've traced back to internet article in 2015 I'll link it in the comments something odd about the Land of Waves that it's never pointed out on a map despite us seeing a world map in that very Arc there's only one Island next to the land of fire too but this was confirmed by kishina to be the land of whirlpools which is where the Uzumaki Clan lives we know that the Uzumaki Clan left the land of Eddie's and spread out through the world due to their Nation being destroyed in the second grade Soviet War after the Uzumaki leave we have zero information on what happened to the island so this theory proposed that the land of whirlpools began the Land of Waves there's a lot of evidence supporting this actually we know that the Land of Waves have no shinobis and we know that the clan that Ruled the Land of whirlpools fled their country both of these nations were also close to the land of fire too if you compare the land of whirlpools on a map and the Land of Waves in a close-up map they are shaped very similar they both have the same general shape and their both a slope the same as well the resemblance is uncanny honestly but the Land of Waves is shown to be an archipelago while the land of whirlpools looks to be contiguous it would be fair to chalk this out to being the land of whirlpools just being simplified on the world map as it would look weird if you drew like 10 small Islands in a world map it would just wouldn't show up very well the societal collapse of the land of whirlpools would also explain why the Land of Waves was constantly referred as a small and poor island nation in this Theory the land of ways would have just had to restart their society after the ruling Clan left it I have two major problems with this Theory though one is one piece of evidence being that we know that the great Naruto Bridge extends west from the Land of Waves so it must be on the east coast and land of fire this doesn't necessarily work because the east coast is massive and even the southwestern part of the land of fire juts out in the into the ocean enough there could be a bridge going west there too the other discrepancy I have are the names why wouldn't Kishimoto just use the same name for both Nations or even say that the name was changed the Land of Waves however this can be countered by this just being a retcon as the two maps I compared earlier are almost 500 chapters apart overall I think this theory has a lot of validity to it there's only one Island shown to be next to the land of fire and considering how both countries are shaped almost the exact same I think that would have to be intentional even better is that the Land of Waves have no Shinobi in it which would be explained by the land of whirlpools having all their Shinobi flee decades earlier I'd also like to point out how poetic it would be if an Uzumaki was the one who got this nation back on his feet again Orochimaru stole his outfits I find this one to be hilarious I searched for this and I could only find like three times this has been mentioned on the internet I swear I watched a YouTube video on it too but I couldn't find it when Orochimaru was fighting team seven in the force of death he was disguised as another Guinea in the entire fight it was not a transformation dudsu either he literally stole a girl's face right before the force of death but here's the weird thing the corpse of the woman was wearing the same outfit as orochimore's normal outfits so he didn't literally steal her outfits but could have just had a different outfit that looked the exact same but after he leaves the forest of death he never changes from that outfit despite no longer needing to be disguised so it's a really funny idea that orochibor loved this outfit so much that he's decided to wear it for several years afterwards but this is sadly debunked as in coptos flashback orochimore is wearing this outfit long before the junior exams so more than likely he told this woman to borrow his drip and then just killed her so he could still look fresh while being disguised as her Sasuke destroyed Obito's sharing owns this refers to the stash of sharingans we see Obito have in one of the Akatsuki hideouts he presumably got them during the Uchiha Massacre we saw them on one page when Obito gave Sasuke as he touch his eyes but after that we never see them again the fate of The Hideout is also not known for sure we know that anko did find where it was so presumably after the war the place was investigated if that's the case then the leaf would have been able to choose whatever they want to do with them which would likely be destroy them this theory proposes that Sasuke destroyed them when he left The Hideout after recovering from eye surgery we saw a bunch of white zetsu try to stop Sasuke from leaving and he quite literally busted out of The Hideout with Asus known as in we see the entire outside of The Hideout crack and shake when he bust out so if The Hideout collapsed because of this their sharingans would have been destroyed as a result if they weren't destroyed it's possible that Sasuke went back to The Hideout after the war and personally destroyed it or when the leaf went back there he was consulted on the matter and chose to have them destroyed I personally think they were destroyed when Sasuke bust out of the mountain graveyard considering that the entire Hideout was violently shaking when he did so moderate copied at otensei this refers to the moment where moderate broke out of edotensei right after compete released Itachi forced Kavita to do the hand signs to release edotensei but mother accounted by doing the signs of editensei to cancel the edotensei being canceled it's kind of dumb but moderate needed to stay in the plot at this point how he learned these signs as a mystery we know it was developed by Toby Rama and it became a forbidden Jutsu at least by part one so why would matara know this because there's no way Toby Ram would have shared it with him zetsu likely didn't tell Madura either because Madara expected to be brought back with Renae rebirth instead of Edo tensei he was however familiar with erotensei as he did remark while dropping a meteor on the Shinobi Alliance the original purpose of tensei was to take others Downs with you if zetsu and Toby Rama didn't tell matara then the only option is he possible is that mother copied the hand sides from Toby Rama and some type of battle against the decision he may have copied them hoping it could lead to him learning how to do it himself I doubt kishima don't care to think of a reason why he knew these signs though because it would have just been explaining in one panel if there was one way the only realistic way I see him learning is through copying the signs with his Sharingan from tobirama Sasuke destroyed murderous corpse this is another mystery that I've seen only brought up a handful of times in the Norwich Community at the end of the war we see moderate spit out by kagya when she's being sealed and even makes it back to the real world of Team seven he has a talk with hashirama dies and that's the last time we see the body considering the Havoc that was wrecked because there was corpse to be used righto tensei I don't think anyone wanted there to be any trace of moderate left so I doubt he was buried instead his body was destroyed Sasuke may have been asked to you how much Ross to it as that would have been the most effective form of cremation but even further than that I think Sasuke would have wanted to personally destroy it when mother was talking to hashirama Sasuke wanted to kill moderate at that moment after all it's a toss-up on if Sasuke was the one to dispose modera's body but all in all I'm certain it was completely destroyed out of fear of him being revived again [Music] Itachi stole the tootska blade this also refers to the yada mirror I just didn't have room to add it something I never see anyone bring up is how Itachi got both of these Spirit weapons all susano users have unique weapons for their susano whether that be Sasuke's bow an arrow or Kakashi's comedy shurikens Itachi's weapons are different though as there's some background to them mainly the toteska blade which was said to be related to orochimo's kuchunagi Blade Orochimaru himself said he had been looking for it and zetsu remarked that he now realized when no one could find it so how did Hitachi find it and where could it have been unfortunately we know nothing directly about his backstory at all we can presume it's not a new Chia weapon since no other uchiya including matara ever had it Orochimaru also was looking for it so might have been able to be used without a susano or alternatively Orochimaru just didn't have much Intel on it because I'm not sure how to get have wielded such a large blade perhaps the constraints become handheld it's weird that Itachi could find it and Richie Mark and not considering that a rich tomorrow left the village before Itachi did you would think a red shimar would be better at finding something like that but I will say that Itachi's general knowledge is very underrated still though if this wasn't a weapon possessed by previous Uchi I have no idea how he thought she could have found it before anyone else did this theory is almost a complete shot in the dark but it guesses that the blade was hidden by someone somewhere in Itachi took it if I had to bet who it was I would say the sage of the sixth pass was the one who hit it since it's so mysterious I don't have much faith in this Theory though but it's the best one I could come up for this mystery Jiraiya was scared of Orochimaru and Kona crush this one refers to the Head scratching Behavior we see from Jiraiya during coming out a crush we see him come back to the Village to train Naruto and is told by ebisu that a roached tomorrow is back but he is hardly present during Canal Crush he doesn't join the fight until here's the defeats the first two okage when he takes on a snake Summoner on the outskirts of the village so he's a bit late to say the least all the joning and leaf had been told by heroism to expect an attack by the final exams so why would Jiraiya not be in the village for this even knows that heroism would be targeted by Orochimaru because the first thing he did was ask where heroism was there's no evidence showing that he was ever debriefed on the expectation for the attack during the finals but if he wasn't that's on him for not staying in the Dell so the whole situation just makes Shariah look very dumb or very apprehensive this theory speculates that dry did not want to fight Orochimaru because that would be the only explanation for why he was late to the assault the only other piece of evidence for this would be that the little known fact that joy and Orochimaru actually fought when a rochimar left the village we see them have a final valley-like situation where Jiraiya is way more damaged than roshimaru presumably orochimara Beach right here because Uriah says he failed that day and the very next Arc we see jariah and Tsunade fight a red shibaru and he's not scared at one bit and that fights this is another long shot Theory since we're at the bottom of the iceberg so more than likely I think kishimota just didn't want jariah interfering with the rest of Marvel versus Harrison and didn't think it would be weird if Jiraiya showed up that late here's and kill the gold and silver Brothers I'm not going to spend much time in the background of their death for this series since I already did that earlier to add on to what I said we have a very rough timeline of when these two could have died we know that they are alive by the time of the third by Kanye takes everyone because they recognize Darwin's identical Black Lightning tattoo they should not be alive by the third grade Shinobi War because by then Mario was basically bedridden and hashirama's wife mitsu Uzumaki had also grown quite old before that work too they also are reanimated young so if they were old they would have looked like heroism good it's unlikely that a cloud Shinobi did it as based off their headbands they did not go Rogue and none of the clouds Shinobi that fought them said that their country turned on them it's unlikely they died during the second Rich nobody War because there's no evidence that the cloud participated in it for that war we only know that the fighting occurred in the rain Village which is sandwiched in between the stone leaf and sand Villages as I said earlier just some normal Army could not take one of the brothers down so either a giant army or a very powerful person or group did this this theory that proposes that during the first great Shinobi war heroes enlightened army or a group to avenge Toby Rama this likely didn't happen in the Second Great War because there's no evidence that Calgary's fought during that whereas with the first Shinobi world we know about Chicago's died at Battle now the fact that kakazi was at the fair signaled that there was probably an army assembled because he would have had to have been a mercenary although there is a small chance that caucus was part of the king of young girls Squad of 20 Ben 2. however I think it's less likely because he survived the encounter unlike the last you I'm a little more confident in this one it's possible some other kage did it like onokiambu or even Getsu but I just chose heroism because we know the leap and the cloud fought in this war Kissimmee calls an economic collapse this refers to the fact that Kisame was said to have been suspected for assassining several daimyo when he was introduced in part one the daimyo themselves are also another mystery it doesn't really make sense why they have any control over the land since they aren't Chevy it seemed that they are the supreme leader and also in charge of the jobs you know we do we know this because the wind damio stopped Outsourcing jobs at the Sand Village as much and that's what led to them allying with the richimore every Kona Crush personally I don't see why kage just doesn't do this if they roll the capital of the country as for case of ice since he assassinated several daimyo I would think that this would cause some type of Economic and political turmoil for example when JFK was assassinated there was a flash crash in the stock market that lasted for several months all of Memphis is not that important and the theory is a shot in the dark but I really just want to bring up the daimyo because we know very little about them despite how important they are [Music] this one is a meme that is shared here and there but I think it has a lot of validity to it when jariah said goodbye to his Reign Village students he has an individual message for each student he tells yahiko not to cry because people will think he's a coward he tells nagato that it seemed like they had all grown up now and then he tells Conan that she will grow up to be beautiful and they should meet again one day I've seen a few times where people have brought this up as a concern but it has been overwhelmingly met with people defending Joya now I don't know about you but if I thought I met The Reincarnation of ninja Jesus I think I would rather meet him again than Conan I know you can call something or someone beautiful platonically but do you really think Jiraiya of all people has the capability of doing that I mean when he first met Naruto he asked him to permanently be in sexy Jutsu while they were training he also immediately folded the second he saw the woman Hitachi was controlling lower Jiraiya away from Naruto I mean come on it seems very intentional that he said Conan specifically that she was going to be a good-looking adult and he wanted to meet only her in the future not ninja Jesus but some little girl that could do origami I'm pretty confident in this one based off jariah's past quick note about Hitachi though when dry comes back to the hotel room the girl is knocked out for some reason Jiraiya realizes that again Jutsu but why would she be unconscious after being released from it when rain was broken out of the enjutsu by her teammates she stayed conscious and so did Naruto when she and Sakura are broken out of hitachi's own genjutsu so I guess for another meme theory you could say Jiraiya roofied the girl and then tried to play it off a more serious Theory would be that Hitachi bossed the genjutsu on purpose and either she fell asleep as part of the genjutsu or just fell asleep after being broken out of bed and then Jiraiya took her back to the hotel room to question her it's really odd that she went unconscious I'm going to bet this was Itachi's doing to set up a reason for them to flee Gold and Silver brothers are related to kagya this refers to the subtle moment where a estimates that the reason why they could eat nine-tailed chakras because they were related to the sage of the sixth pass I don't think this makes too much sense though as hagarama's descendants Indra and Asura were the founders the Chia and senju Clan they're definitely not uchiya and probably not send you since to send you went to the leaf it would help explain how they got hagarombo's treasure tools though they also have horns which all utzutsukis seem to have I propose they aren't directly related to hagaromo but instead are members of the kagya clan hamura's descendants became the hyuga clan but the akagya clan was said to come straight from kagya which actually makes it seem like Hagia had another child that we just didn't know anything about they also seemed like warmonger since they assassinated the second raikage for a peace deal with a leaf Orochimaru said the kage clan were Savages that only enjoyed fighting and that's why they disappeared because they bought an Extinction there are some counterpoints to this though kaguan band members are shown to have red dots on their forehead but we don't see this because they wear forehead protector no other kage Clan member are shown to have horns either so their appearance doesn't match some of the lore that would make sense of their Cog is this one's a toss-up for me on if it's true but with this I've covered the entire Iceberg now this is a video I especially want to see your opinions on I talked about a lot of ambiguous subjects here and I love talking about Mysteries and fan theories about Naruto I'd also like for people to comment any other theories I didn't bring up just in general I just really want to see some discussions going on and I'm going to join some discussions the comments if they seem very interesting anyway if you enjoyed this video please do like and subscribe if you want to see more videos in the future comment something you have something to say and thank y'all for watching I guess I'll see y'all next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: New Horizons
Views: 265,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, iceberg explained reaction, iceberg explained, iceberg theory anime, iceberg explained anime, iceberg explained naruto, naruto explained, naruto iceberg, naruto iceberg reddit, naruto iceberg explained, iceberg naruto storm 4, naruto theory, naruto theory iceberg, naruto theories that might be true, naruto theories, naruto theory reddit, naruto mysteries, how did hashirama die, what illness did itachi have, who is lord jashin, why can't lee use jutsu
Id: t9gzApOJPJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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