the NACHO grilled cheese from my old NYC FOOD TRUCK

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so today we're gonna continue our journey in recreating all of the sandwich menu items that were on my grilled cheese food truck we've done my three cheese grilled cheese we've done the chicken parm grilled cheese we've done the fried brussels sprouts we've done roasted tomato soup and of course we've done the short rib which is definitely a fan favorite and if you don't know about my food truck or any of these recipes i'm going to leave links down below so you can go check those out but this time of year in the fall is when we sort of would change our menu over to a fall version of the menu which is the same menu but we would add two editions one of them was a spiced apple cider which was basically just like drinking an apple pie we also launched our food freaks chili which we've covered on the show and i'll leave links down below as well but what i do is take that chili and make this nacho grilled cheese i'm going to show you how to make it right now [Music] first thing i like to do is get my cast iron pan preheating on a low heat so when i'm ready to use it it's nice and hot and ready to go and i can just bump up the heat so i get that on first we got our chili we gotta warm up the chili if we want it a little thicker then we're just gonna reduce it out until we know we can kind of spoon it over the sandwich and it's going to stay nice and contained this is my wheat beer mexican chili it's got great spice it's got sweetness so it's a nice balance it hits you sweet up front and then the heat kind of hits you from behind and that's how i like my chili so we're just going to get this on the stove and heat it up having the chili hot helps the cheese melt later on when we're making the sandwich so it's important to get it nice and hot now we're going to talk about the cheese and i wasn't going to use these cheeses but i actually did find two of the exact cheeses we used on the chuck and the main one we used in this sandwich was the fontanella it's sort of like a brand of fontina cheese and it melts really well and um this was like our kind of standard cheese that we would blend with a red wax gouda and a gruyere and that was our three cheese and that's the video that's linked below but today the gruyere can be a little bit on the expensive side since we only used fontanella i figured i'd use that and i try it with the gouda and see what that combination is like with the nacho grilled cheese but you can use fontina fontanella you could just use gouda you could use monterey jack you can kind of get crazy with whatever cheese you think is gonna go well with this but today i'm gonna use the fontanella and gouda sort of mix so we're just gonna grate it up and grate it as fine as you can it'll just melt easier and we're just gonna grate it up then we have our our nice cheese blend you want to add gruyere you can if you want to use one or you want to use both go ahead knock yourself out you can be flexible with this when i have my favorite italian bread from the farmer's market it's from rocklin bakery in new york i believe they might deliver or ship i'm not sure but i mean this is just some beautiful stuff when i get it it's still warm and fresh and it's some of the best bread i've ever had so we've got our ingredients we've got our chili nice and thick and warmed up we're ready to assemble the sandwich now just like in the truck everything is ready to go i got my pickled jalapenos with our carrots it's all good i'll leave a link down to these as well this is the sandwich we made on the food truck let's get it going so now like i said we have our sheet tray right if we have any cheese that falls along the edges we can kind of sprinkle that on top of the sandwich when it cooks i'm just gonna put a nice layer on each side of the bread you don't want too much knowing that each side is going to have a layer of cheese you kind of just want a nice even coating you don't want to go too too crazy on each side grilled cheeses are all about proportions i'm not going to put a lot of chili on i'm not going to put a lot of anything on everything's going to be the right proportion that's the distinguishing factor between a hot sandwich and a grilled cheese nice thin layer now next we have our chili it's hot because it's going to help melt the cheese [Music] you see the thickness of the chili and how it just kind of sits nicely in the sandwich that's what you're looking for then you go with a nice layer of the pickled jalapenos followed by torn up cilantro then some crispy tortillas the same ones we used in my mexican chili recipe linked down below now this is the most important part this was the art form this was the hardest thing about making the sandwiches and you kind of got to be confident with it and there it is now we're ready to cook now we have our cast iron pan preheating all i'm going to bring over is a spatula some mayo and this little guy to spread the mayo across the top we didn't use butter 12 years ago we were using mayo instead of butter to make the perfect crust it was a little trick we used back in the day but now that secrets out of the bag somebody leaked it to the public and now everybody uses it so people have been cooking steaks with mayo now it's gotten to be a whole thing so maybe we'll explore that world but this is what we use trust me you're not going to taste mayo at all let's go cook it by now the pan should be nice and hot so you can bump it up a bit get it to a nice medium temperature and just try to maintain it there and this is going to be the method we cooked every sandwich on our food truck back in the day get the sandwich into the pan and we start with a dry toast on each side of the bread give it some pressure on top if you have a sandwich weight or something like that feel free to use it here once that first side is nicely toasted using both hands and in one swift move flip the sandwich this will be the hardest flip it will get easier as the cheese melts and starts to act more like glue while the other side of the bread toasts now is the time to spread the thinnest layer of mayo on each side we don't use butter we use mayo this offset pastry spatula works really well for this and using the edge of this spatula you can kind of scrape off the excess once the other side is sufficiently toasted flip and repeat the whole process as you can see i'm constantly adjusting the position of the sandwich so that the flat edge of the bread faces me which i believe is an easier side to flip the sandwich rather than the curved edge once both sides are toasted now the goal is to ensure the cheese is fully melted you can clearly see here on the edges it still has a minute or two to go you can lower the heat and just keep flipping until it's melted making sure you don't burn any of the bread don't forget to use that excess cheese you can just sprinkle it in there and get a little bit of cheese crust on one side of the bread now take a peek to check the cheese is melted and your sandwich is ready to go [Music] it's like taking a trip down memory lane you see what i mean about proportions a grilled cheese should not be a thick sandwich in any scenario it is about proportions the right amount of cheese to the right amount of whatever else you're putting in there you want to taste everything and of course you gotta have hot sauces whenever you got grilled cheese you need hot sauce so it's chili season make yourself some chili leftovers go to make the grilled cheese another sandwich down in food freak history man the cheeses are actually perfect and the tortilla strips stay crispy in the sandwich it's a beautiful thing make sure to pick up your hate less cook more hoodies the season is now it's getting cold holidays are coming up makes a great gift thanks to all my patrons scrolling up on the screen supporting the show if you'd like to be a patron and help this show out get your name scrolling up on the screen right now to be a link down in the description there's lots of links in the description for different recipes for this guy um just go make sure you go down there check them all out give this video a like make sure you're subscribed to the channel much love to you all that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself
Views: 511,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uH45U_Yolx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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