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I’m super excited to try this. Btw I love you videos. You seem like an awesome dude and your recipes are creative and easy to follow/ you explain why you’re doing this very well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TronsMachine 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

This looks on point. Great video and recipe! Absolutely going to try this one. Is it also possible to just skip the meat and go all veggie?

Maybe add some crunchy mushrooms for extra depth

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dylanroo 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

ummm. I don't know about this one. Amazing video though. Very professional

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VictoriaForever 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh it is definitely chili season!... this one looks great! I never considered the chocolate before gonna have to give that a try Thanks for the share.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChristopherDT 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
so the Super Bowl is here and we've got to prepare for it started off the season with my buffalo wings so we got that down that's a staple for the Super Bowl so you know how to make those but chili is that other thing you think of at the Super Bowl that sort of has to be there and today I've got a chili recipe that's gonna impress people we're taking it back to another recipe from the food truck this recipe sort of meaningful to me because after learning how to make bolognese sauce which we learned last week I sort of applied those same mentalities to figure out a chili recipe that I really love there was this place by me that made the most amazing chili growing up it was very meaty it was spicy and it was also sweet and it was like had this like dark mahogany color to it so I had this idea in my head of what I wanted Chile to be but as I learned about cooking I realized there are all these other cool things to add that can make it special when I developed this recipe and I proposed it as something we would serve in the winter in the truck I had two people who were sort of better chefs than I was and so to get their validation having them be impressed by it sort of made me feel like I had a personality and a style of food that was starting to develop of my own this one has a lot of ingredients in it chili it's got a lot of spice it's got a lot of punch and I wanted my chili to be everything to have sweet to have spicy and to have sort of this complex flavor and there are a couple of things that are gonna make it special I've got some wheat beer which is just a nice allagash white beer blue moon works anything that is not too hoppy these beers have some citrus notes to them especially these wheat beers so that's gonna go well with this recipe and we've also got Mexican chocolate I got two so this is the one I've juiced this has cinnamon in it along with some sugar and some spices I just saw this one today and I think I'm gonna use this one today because I couldn't find Guaje oh and I have cinnamon so I can add a little bit of cinnamon to my spice mixture and then get my gokyo from this guy but this is the one we use traditionally so if you do see this feel free to use that you just don't have to add a little bit of cinnamon later because you've got it coming from this and these are kind of the things that are gonna make this special aside from the technique of kind of putting it all together you might see chili the hot sauce feature throughout this this video itself isn't a sponsored video but I am partnering with Cholula over on Instagram to do some stuff with them so full disclosure I do have a relationship with them but this video itself is not sponsored I've got a cubanelle pepper I've got poblano peppers I've got bell peppers and I've got some Fresno chilies which are basically jalapenos they're just at a different ripening stage than them makes them a different color but they're about the same spice level and so all these are gonna add flavor traditionally what we also used were whole dried guajillo and ancho chiles and I was going to add those to this recipe but I had trouble finding them and I sort of figured if I had trouble finding them going to multiple stores it might be difficult for you to find so I'm gonna leave that out but if you do find them Whole Foods has them a lot or if you're at a Mexican grocer experiment with some whole dried chilies tap the seeds out of them chop them up and just literally throw them in and as you cook it they will break down and become edible and add a lot of great flavor to the chili but we're gonna leave it out today and just kind of strip it down a little bit more for a regular kitchen and so what I'm gonna do is just chop these up like we did with all the vegetables in the bolognaise we're gonna post them through the blender just the same way I recommend you go watch my bolognaise video a lot of the technique is the same and you know learn a lot through the repetition of watching both of those videos but I'm gonna leave a link down to that we kind of have it just like a lot of steps to do so let's just get right into the recipe and get some of this stuff prepped so you have one carrot and roughly chop it and roughly chop all the vegetables but roughly chop them about the same size and if you ever want to roughly chop one of these guys you'll notice there are these lines that sort of run down the onion if you just take your knife and just make cuts along those lines sort of angled in and then I'll make your way around the onion and you'll just make nice easy vices now I'm just gonna blend all those vegetables just like I did in the Bolognese video we're gonna blend them into a coarse sort of grind we don't want them pureed we don't want them leaching lots of water we want them sort of just like almost the texture of rice basically something similar that's gonna mimic the texture of this ground beef so let's just get these guys in so chemic peppers carrots onions garlic and chili all finely ground you can cook all the moisture out of them Brown it develop flavor add the ground beef develop that flavor Brown it again look for that fond on the bottom of the pan now we're just gonna add a lot of spices just a ton a ton of spices but obviously the main spice is chili powder and so I've got two types of chili powders I've got this ancho chili powder and then I have this chili powder that also has cumin garlic and some oregano in it you can use one you can use both this is where like doesn't really matter just use this as a format you can make sure that the bulk of it is gonna be chili powder and then you can fortify it with all these other flavors a cumin coriander chili powder paprika red pepper flake cayenne onion powder all those things you can add in and you can sort of work with what you like but I'm going to show you how I make mine then this last ingredient is not what we used but this is my new favorite ingredient ground sumac and I think it's gonna be really nice in here I'm just gonna add a tablespoon or two it's just like this powder this purple kind of powder it resembles all the spices that's used but it has like a citrusy element to it alright so we have our spices I forgot to add it a little a little cinnamon just add a touch of cinnamon you can leave cinnamon out altogether just don't put too much in you don't want it to be a cinnamon tea flavor you just want to subtle hint in the background so oh no it's a cup of spices that are gonna go and season this meat and vegetables and all of that kind of stuff and then some brown sugar and then a Mexican chocolate we sold ours Chile with crispy tortilla strips some pickled jalapenos these are actually the ones we served my brother made them for Christmas there that's like the best there we pickled them with carrots which is like the traditional way Mexicans do it and they're just perfect so a few of these crispy tortilla strips some fresh cilantro and I'm just gonna add a little bit of sour cream mixed in with some Cholula hot sauce just to top it off so I'm just going to cut these guys into thin strips I'm just gonna make my little chili sour cream she's gonna head on over the stove cook this guy just like we would cook the bolognaise pay attention to a few different additions of flavor and a few deviations and I hope it just makes total sense to you about how the technique is what's important here and you can just play with it any way you want and you could see how different cultures use these same techniques to develop their own types of dishes and I hope it really just kind of all clicks for you so let's just get into it it's really good so it's spice mixture it was good I only used half of it we made big batches right so basically one cup worth of spice blend but the spice bund is right this was just too much so literally I use just half of it put this in a ziploc bag label it chili spice and then put it in your pantry and then you have it ready next time you want to use it because we cooked it the way we did there's deep flavor and there's depth Tomatoes come through so you have a nice tomato in this but it's balanced with like all these complicated spices and heat levels and sweetnesses you have that brown sugar in there so it's that all that heat we put in this balance right so it plays in your mouth and the fun way we added that wheat beer that gives it a nice different kind of flavor and body to it than like a wine or rum or anything like that and we added this Mexican chocolate that's really delicious in its own right you can almost see like the crystallization inside there's a little crystals of sugar in there so then what happens with that chocolate is it gives it this like mole a kind of flavor the little bit of cinnamon add this warmth to it cooked it down for about two-and-a-half three hours with Chile you kind of want it on the thicker side rather than a bolognaise where you want it to be more of a sauce seasoned it right it needs a good amount of salt the crispy tortillas at texture and crunch which is needed the cilantro has a nice like kind of bright punch to it and the pickled jalapenos they're not very spicy they've been pickling for a long time they had a vinegary aspect to it that is really kind of balances everything else so it really has all the flavors kind of combining to make this what it is and it's really just delicious I promise you you make this for the Superbowl people are gonna be knocking down your door and since nobody really wants to watch Tom Brady play football anymore you need to provide your guests with something else to look forward to you got to step it up with the food and this chili is how you do it thank you for watching as always we're gonna take this recipe next time and we're gonna make some dope nachos thanks to all my patrons scrolling down right now if you want to be a part of that community click the link down below or this little button right over here that's all I've got today I'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself
Views: 136,080
Rating: 4.9603429 out of 5
Keywords: WHEAT BEER CHILI WITH MEXICAN CHOCOLATE, how to make chili, super bowl party recipes 2019, super bowl 2019, chili recipe, unique chili recipe, mexican chocolate, chili, cholula hot sauce recipes, popular chili recipe, homemade chili, spicy chili, award winning chili recipe, best chili recipe, how to make the best chili, chili bowl 2019, chili recipe food wishes, chili recipe no beans, spicy chili recipe slow cooker, sweet and spicy chili recipe
Id: -1iOeqAywNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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