Ephrayim Arise

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well are you ready to get into yah's word today i am as well i want to invite you to open your bibles with me to numbers chapter one we're going to pick up with verse one in just a moment and we are tracking along with the portion of the torah for this week and my message title is this ephraim arise the frame arise it is a prophetic message and it's going out to awaken all of those who are part of ephraim in the nations they're coming out of mitzrayim they're coming out of egypt they're coming out of the sinful lifestyle they're coming out of babylon they're coming out of mixed up religion and they are returning to the master they are returning to torah they want to walk in the ways of yah and this is a very exciting time to be alive so let's get right into the verses it says and yah spoke to moshe in the wilderness of sinai in the tent of appointment on the first day to the second new moon in the second year after they had come out of the land of mitzrayim so this is on the first day of the second month of the second year after they left mitzrayim or egypt saying take his senses of all the congregation of the children of israel by their clans by their father's houses according to the number of names every male head by head from 20 years old and above everyone going out to the army in israel number them by their divisions you and aharon and so you can continue reading all about the tribes and their heads and the number of men who are battle ready in each tribe the point that i want to make here is that the nation of israel consisted of 12 tribes plus the tribe of lewis and the tribe of lewis was not to be counted in the nation of israel as it relates to those that would go to battle but instead they were to serve at the dwelling place and so the clan of yosef the family of joseph was divided into two into ephraim and menesha and so we have 12 tribes of the nation of israel along with the tribe of lewie and so yah has a plan for all of the house the whole house of israel and that's what this message is all about so go with me over to first kings chapter 12 and we'll pick up with verse 16. and this is going to talk about the departure of the 10 tribes of israel so the united reign of the united kingdom was divided shortly after solomon shalomo died his son was king after him and the people the tribes of israel the ten tribes often called the ten northern tribes came and presented themselves before rehab and asked for a little relief in the service that they were doing and rehab instead of being wise and giving them a little relief so that they would continue to serve he was harsh with them and said you haven't seen anything yet the service that i'm going to require of you is going to be even greater than what my father required of you and so they departed there was a division in the reign of israel and the 10 tribes of israel went off and started their own nation let's read in first kings chapter 12 verse 16. and all israel saw that the sovereign request did not listen to them when they ask for relief then the people answered the sovereign saying what portion do we have in thy weed and there is no inheritance in the son of yashai to your mighty ones o israel now see to your own house o dawid so israel went to their tents they divided they broke away and the ten tribes of israel they went off and started their own nation and they started up their own false religion and they had their own feast days and they erected two golden calves and they fell into idolatry and abominations and yahweh was very very displeased with them and so let's go to second kings chapter 17 we'll pick up with verse 1. and this is going to tell us that yah allowed the king of assyria or assure to come in and defeat islam and to take them off into captivity it says in the 12th year of ahaz sovereign of yehuda hoshea son of elah began to reign of israel in shomeron for nine years now look at verse five and the sovereign of ashur went through all the land and went up to shomeron and besieged it for three years in the ninth year of hoshea the sovereign of assure captured shomarone and exiled israel to assure now we'll go to verse seven now this came to be because the children of israel had sinned against yah their elohim who had brought them up out of the land of misraim from under the hand of paro sovereign of misraim and feared other mighty ones and walked in the laws of the nations whom yah had dispossessed from before the children of israel and of the sovereigns of israel that they had made and the children of israel secretly did against yah their elohim matters that were not right and they built for themselves high places in all their cities from watchtower unto the walled city and set up for themselves pillars and asharim on every high hill and under every green tree and burned incense thereon all the high places like the nations whom yah had removed from their presence and they did evil matters to provoke yah and served the idols of which yah had said to them do not do this yah warned israel and yehudah through all of his prophets in every seer saying turn back from your evil ways and guard my commands and my laws according to all the torah which i commanded your fathers and which i sent to you by my servants the prophets but they did not listen and harden their necks like the necks of their fathers who did not put their trust in yah their elohim and rejected his laws and his covenant that he had made with their fathers and his witnesses which he had witnessed against them and went after worthlessness and became worthless and after the nations who were all around them of whom yah had commanded them not to do like them and they left all the commands of yah their elohim and made for themselves a molded image two calves and made an asherah and bowed themselves to all the hosts of the heavens and served bao and caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire and practice divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of yah to provoke him so yahweh is very enraged with israel and removed them from his presence he removed them all he got them out of the land none was left but the tribe of yehuda alone yahudah also did not guard the commands of yah their elohim but walked in the laws or in the ways of israel which they made and so yah removed the ten tribes of israel from the land and they were taken off into assure and they were assimilated into the nations of the assyrian empire and while they were there they lost their identity they forgot who they were they had already given themselves over to idolatry and false religion and so it was just sort of a an extension of what they were already doing to adopt the ways of the pagans and they forgot who they were look at verse 20 and yah rejected all the seed of israel and afflicted them and gave them into the hand of plunderers until he had cast them out from his presence for he tore israel from the house of dawid and they made yarabam son of nebat sovereign and yarabam drove israel from following yah and made them commit a great sin and the children of israel walked in all the sins of yarbam which he did they did not turn away from them until yah removed israel from his presence as he spoke by all his servants the prophets so israel was exiled from their land to assure as it is to this day and so they were removed from the land the point i want you to really get is that they forgot who they were they were assimilated into the nations they married the nations they had children the children were mixed and they completely forgot that they had the dna of avraham but they do and the frying ephraim is the name that is the banner over those ten tribes ephraim is still in the nations and if frying doesn't know who they are but they have the dna of avraham and yah has a special plan for ephraim hallelujah now go with me over to hosea we're going to pick up with verse 2 of chapter 1. and we're going to get a little deeper into this it says the beginning of the word of yah with hoshea and yah said to hoshea go take yourself a woman of whoring and children of whoring for the land has utterly hoared away from me speaking of israel the house of israel the house of israel had completely horde away from elohim and was going after false deities as i mentioned before they were making up their own false religion they had their own feast days that were not in line with the torah they had abandoned the torah altogether and yah is telling hoshaya i want you to go and marry a woman of whoredom and have children of holdem verse 3 so he went and took gomer daughter of ibrahim and she conceived and bore him a son verse 4 and yah said to him call his name israel for in a little while i shall revenge the blood of israel on the house of yehu and put an end to the reign of the house of israel that's the main point he's going to put an end to the reign or to the kingdom of israel we're talking about the 10 tribes and it shall be in that day that i shall break the bow of israel in the valley of israel and she conceived again and bore a daughter and he said to him call her name lo ruhama for no longer do i have compassion on the house of israel so as to forgive them at all so yah was at that place he was no longer going to have compassion on the house of israel to forgive them at all he was going to drive them out of the land and the scripture says he even gave them a certificate of divorce verse 7 but i shall have compassion on the house of yahudah and save them by ya their elohim and not save them by bow or by sword or battle by horses or horsemen verse eight and she weaned lo and conceived and bore a son then he said call his name loa me for you are not my people and i am not for you so this is yah speaking to the house of israel you are not my people and i am not for you i have rejected you i have sent you away i have removed you from my land from my house i have divorced you you are not my people and i am not for you verse 10 yet the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea keep that in mind which is not measured nor counted and it shall be in the place where it was said to them you are not my people they shall be called you are the sons of the living el something's going to happen something's going to change yah is going to do a new work and ephraim is going to be regathered ephraim is coming home ephraim is going to be forgiven ephraim is going to be transformed and the frying is going to be included in the blessings of yah verse 11 and the children of yahudah and the children of israel shall be gathered together remember we talked about the fact that they were divided they separated they're going to come back together keep that in mind and a point for themselves one head and that head is yeshua yeshua is the head over the house of israel and the house of yahudah the house of israel and the house of yehuda are coming back together and yeshua is going to be the head over the whole house of israel and shall come up out of the earth for great is the day of israel notice it says that israel is going to come up out of the dirt we're going to read here in a moment where israel is going to come alive after being dead and their bones being dry in the valley of dry bones hallelujah well let's let's go over there ezekiel chapter 36 we'll begin with verse 17. says son of man when the house of israel dwelt in their own land remember they were thrown out of the land they defiled it by their own ways and deeds to me their way was like the uncleanness of a woman in her monthly period so i poured out my wrath on them for the blood they had shed on the land and for their idols they defiled it and i scattered them among the nations they were assimilated amongst the nations they forgot who they were they forgot they had the dna of avraham they forgot they were yah's own people they intermarried in the nations they continued in their idolatrous ways and they are still there today and i scattered them among the nations and they were dispersed throughout the lands like a farmer will sow seed and the seed will be dispersed all across the land so the house of israel was dispersed through the nations and throughout the lands i have judged them according to their ways and their deeds and when they came to the nations wherever they went they profaned my set apart name for it was said of them these are the people of yah and yet they have gone out of his land they were thrown out of his land but over time even the nations forgot that they were the people of yah but i had compassion on my set apart name which the house of israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went therefore say to the house of isaiah thus said the master yah i do not do this for your sake o house of israel but for my set apart names sake which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went and i shall set apart my great name which has been profaned among the nations which you have profaned in their midst and the nations shall know that i am yah declares the master yah when i am set apart in you before their eyes in other words what i'm about to do in you what i will do in and through the house of isaiah in the midst of the nations will cause the nations to know that i am yah and i want you to know by the spirit of yah that that work is ongoing it's happening now and it is increasing because ephraim is waking up ephraim is hearing the prophetic word and when they hear the prophetic word it resonates in their spirits and they must respond they are compelled to respond to come out of mitzrayim to come out of a sinful lifestyle to come out of babylon out of mixed up religion to believe upon yeshua and to walk in his ways in his lifestyle of torah to walk in the ways of yah and to show great esteem to yah their elohim and what's happening in the nations today is causing the nations to see a wonder and marvel at what yah is doing hallelujah now go with me over to ezekiel chapter 37 and we'll pick up with verse 1. it says the hand of yah was upon me and took me out by the spirit of yah and set me down in the midst of the valley and it was filled with bones and he made me pass among them all around and see there were very many very many on the surface of the valley and see they were very dry so dry bones represents death but for there to be bones then people had to have been alive before that and so this represents the house of israel amongst the nations they died to their knowledge of who they were they died to their respect of torah they died to the ways of yah and they're in the nations and they're performing abominations and they have dry bones lifeless bones verse 3 and he said to me son of man would these bones live can new life come to these bones is it possible for yah to have a plan for a valley of dry bones for people who have forgotten who they are does y'all have a plan and i said oh master yah you know again he said to me prophesy or proclaim proclaim the word the prophetic word prophesy to these bones that's what's happening in the hour that we're living in that's what's happening every week when we send out these messages on video and people can watch them wherever they are in the world they go on social media they go on youtube they get on their phone app and the prophetic word is being proclaimed and dry bones are hearing the prophetic word of yah and things are beginning to happen because the message is resonating in the hearts and the spirits of people around the world hallelujah prophesy to these bones that's what we're doing prophesying to dry bones we're prophesying they're frying to live and to rise and to come out and to return to the master in obedience prophesy to these bones and you shall say to them o dry bones hear the word of yah thus said the master yah to these bones see i am bringing into you a spirit and you shall live i'm going to do a work in you by my spirit and you are going to come alive hallelujah and i shall put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put a spirit in you and you shall live and you shall know that i am yah the house of isaiah is being resurrected hallelujah and i prophesied as i was commanded and as i prophesied there was a noise i tell you what we're putting out a great good news noise these messages are going all over the world and there's a noise of the word as the word is being prophesied and proclaimed there's a noise and there was a rattling there's a stirring things are happening people are moving people are rising up and they're willing to cast off mixed up religion even if they're ostracized by their friends and their families they want the truth they're hungry for the word and for the truth they're ready to be transformed they're ready to come alive hallelujah there's a rattling going on and the bones came together bone to bone and i looked and saw sinews and flesh came upon them and skin covered them but there was no spirit in them he then said to me prophesy to the spirit prophesy son of man and you shall say to the spirit thus said the master yah come from the four winds o spirit and breathe on these killed ones so that they live i tell you when people begin to believe upon yeshua when ephraim believes upon yeshua things begin to change within them and then they pray that the father will pour out his indwelling set apart spirit the spirit of yah upon them and they get filled with the spirit of yah then life comes to them hallelujah transformation takes place they become new creations in messiah hallelujah breathe on these killed ones so that they live first did and i prophesied as he commanded me and the spirit came into them we're counting the days to shavuot hallelujah it's all about yah pouring out his spirit and yah is coming through these cameras by his spirit and he's convicting the hearts of ephraim he's convicting the hearts of those who have yet to believe upon yeshua and they're crying out what must i do to be saved hallelujah believe upon the master yeshua believe and then turn to yah in obedience to his word and then pray and ask yah to fill you with the spirit of yah and receive that infilling of the spirit of yah be transformed and then rise up with a boldness and begin to declare what yah is doing in your life tell your family tell your friends tell those that you work with i tell you there's a mighty movement of the spirit of yah taking place today and ephraim is being restored if frying is being resurrected if frying is rising up and returning to elohim and to his torah believing upon yeshua and being filled with the spirit of yah hallelujah verse 10 and i prophesied as he commanded me and the spirit came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet a very great army there's millions of them there's millions of them more than the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore there's millions of them and they're coming alive they're rising up on their feet a very great army and he said to me son of man these bones are all the house of israel i'm resurrecting the house of israel yes they turned their back on me and yes they abandoned my ways and my torah and yes they performed abominations and yes they went after idols and they after false deities but i am doing a work in these days and i am resurrecting them where they are in the nations scattered all over the world and they are believing upon yeshua hallelujah being filled with the spirit of yah coming alive standing up on their feet with a bold witness hallelujah this is so exciting verse 11 and he said to me son of man these bones are all the house of israel see they say our bones are dry our expectancy has perished in other words we don't have any hope and we ourselves have been cut off yah has cut us off therefore prophesy and you shall say to them thus said the master yah see o my people this is yah speaking see o my people i am opening your burial sites that means i'm raising you up i'm resurrecting you and shall bring you up from your burial sites and shall bring you into the land of israel many are even today flooding into the land of islam hell many have a deep passion for the land i certainly do but i tell you what we are all going to go to the land when yeshua returns hallelujah every believer praise yah yah says i'm going to bring you into the land of israel verse 13 you shall know that i am yah when i open your burial sites my people and bring you up from your burial sites and i shall put my spirit in you hallelujah and you shall live and i shall settle you in your own land it's coming it's coming and you shall know that i ya have spoken and i have done it declares yah and the word of yah came to me saying and you son of man take a stick for yourself and write on it for yehudah and for the children of israel his companions then take another stick and write on it for joseph the stick of ephraim and for all the house of israel his companions then bring them together for yourself into one stick the rain is going to be reunited it's going to be one kingdom again one reign under one sovereign yeshua and they shall become one in your hand and when the children of your people speak to you saying won't you show us what you mean by these say to them thus said the master yah see i am taking the stick of yosef which is in the hand of ephraim the stick of yosef is in the hand of ephraim ephraim represents all of those 10 tribes that yah drove out of the land and they were assimilated into the nations so they're out there in the nations but yah says i'm going to bring them back to life and i'm going to restore them and he's saying take the stick that's in the hand of the frying and put it together with the stick of yehuda and they're going to become one stick there's that reunification there's that unity making the 2-1 hallelujah see i am taking the stick of joseph which is in the hand of ephraim and the tribes of israel his companions and i shall give them unto him with the stick of yehuda and make them one stick and they shall be one in my hand yah says they're going to be one in my hand and the sticks on which you write shall be in your hand before their eyes and speak to them thus said the master yah see i am taking the children of israel from among the nations there it is wherever they have gone and shall gather them from all around and i shall bring them into their land and i shall make them one nation in the land on the mountains of israel and one sovereign shall be sovereign over them all we're speaking of yeshua hallelujah and let them no longer be two nations gonna bring them together and let them no longer be divided into two reigns and they shall no longer defile themselves with their idols nor with their disgusting matters nor with any of their transgressions and i shall save them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned and i shall cleanse them hallelujah and they shall be my people and i be their elohim while thy weed my servant is sovereign over them that's picturing yeshua and they shall all have one shepherd and walk in my right rulings and guard my laws and shall do them hallelujah and they shall dwell in the land that i have given to yaakov my servant where your fathers dwelt and they shall dwell in it they and their children and their children's children forever and my servant thou weed be their prince forever again this is talking about yeshua and i shall make a covenant of peace with them an everlasting covenant it is with them and i shall place them and increase them and shall place my set apart place in their midst forever and my dwelling place shall be over them and i shall be their elohim and they shall be my people and the nations shall know that i yah am setting israel apart when my set apart place is in their midst for ever hallelujah hallelujah this is so powerful now as i proclaim this message and read the word if you've never heard this message before but your spirit is resonating with this message you're on fire with this message you you sent something deep in your spirit hallelujah i'm telling you yah is doing a work of restoration in the house of ephraim and people say well how do i know if i'm a part of ephraim you know when the prophetic word is proclaimed over you and your spirit leaps and something takes place inside of you by the spirit and you feel life you feel restoration you feel transformation those things are your evidence hallelujah now go with me over to romans chapter nine we'll pick up with verse 22 and this is going to tell us that yah called the whole house of israel israel and yehudah to receive his compassion it says and if elohim desiring to show wrath and to make his power known with much patience tolerated the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction and that he might make known the riches of his esteem on vessels of compassion again the whole house of israel yah is going to demonstrate his compassion and give both ephraim and yahudah the opportunity to believe upon his son and to receive the indwelling set of part spirit and to come alive and be transformed and be born again hallelujah verse 23 and that he might make known the riches of his esteem on vessels of compassion which he had prepared beforehand for esteem even whom he called well he called the whole house of israel not only us of the yehudim the jews but also of the nations where is ephraim he's in the nations so it's not only the jews but it's those that yah calls out of the nations now you don't have to have the dna of avraham to believe and there will be those who believe because they hear the truth and they believe they don't have the dna of avraham but when you hear this message and your spirit is on fire and you are shaken to the core and there's a rattling going on in you and you are deeply moved these are the evidences that yah is touching the frying and the frying is his people and he shows compassion on those that he has called verse 25 as he says in hoshea 2 i shall call them my people talking about those in the nations who forgot who they were who had adopted idolatry and abominations and false religion as he says in hoshea too i shall call them my people who were not my people because i rejected them and her beloved who was not beloved and it shall be in the place where it was said to them you are not my people there they shall be called sons of the living elohim and yah is doing that work even as we speak yah is doing that work even as i proclaim this message it's happening i'm speaking to you through these cameras and you're watching the video whenever you receive it and push play but when you do and you begin to have that stirring within you and you are deeply touched yah is doing the work of restoring ephraim hallelujah and yeshua or isaiah cries out on behalf of israel though the number of the children of israel be as the sand of the sea the remnant shall be saved hallelujah and if your spirit is resonating with this message then you're part of the remnant verse 28 for he is bringing matter to an end and is cutting it short in righteousness he's doing the work right now because yah shall cut short a matter on the earth and as yeshua yahoo said before if yah of hosts had not left us a seed we would have become like said dom we would have been made like amara what shall we say then that nations not following after righteousness where is ephraim in the nations have obtained righteousness even the righteousness of belief they have believed upon yeshua and they have received the set of part spirit of yah yes but not isaiah those who know that they are isaiah the yehudim the jews yehudah and his companions but israel following after the torah of righteousness has not arrived at the torah of righteousness why because it was not of belief because they refused to believe in yeshua but as by works of torah they were trying to be justified through works of torah without belief in yeshua when you believe in yeshua you receive the set apart spirit of yah and yah gives you the want to be obedient to the torah and the power to be obedient to the torah hallelujah for they stumbled at the stone of stumbling speaking of yeshua as it has been written see i lay in sion a stone of stumbling and a rock that makes for falling and everyone who is believing on him shall not be put to shame ephraim is coming out of his shame he's in the nations but he's believing upon yeshua he's receiving the set apart spirit of yah he's receiving from yah the want to obey and the power to be obedient he's casting off mixed up religion and he's obeying the torah of yah hallelujah that's what's happening in the world today hallelujah now go with me over to jeremiah chapter 16 and we're going to read verse 19 and this is going to tell us that the nations will come to know that they have inherited falsehood and futility there's so much falsehood and futility in religion today yeshua never said follow religion he said follow me and he obeyed the torah perfectly and through belief in him we receive the set apart spirit of yah and yah gives us the want to obey and the power to be obedient people say oh you're just teaching people you know that they need to obey the bible that's just dragging them off into bondage and my answer to that is it's not bondage when you want to see when you truly believe and receive the set apart spirit of yah yah gives you the want to i want to obey and yah gives you the power to be obedient by his spirit and so i have the want to and the power to be obedient but i can tell you this i have discovered that religion is filled with falsehood and futility that's why believing and frying is shaking off religion and the futility and falsehood of religion and religious traditions and the paganism that religion is steeped in pagan ways and pagan days ephraim is coming out hallelujah to walk in the ways of yah jeremiah chapter 16 verse 19 o yah my strength and my stronghold and my refuge in the day of distress the nations shall come to you from the ends of the earth and say our fathers have inherited only falsehood futility and there is no value in them there was a lot of religion in practice and existence when i was born and i inherited a lot of religion and i had very wonderful and sincere parents but you can be sincere about things and sincerely wrong about some things and i know that when i came to the truth of the torah that i began my journey of discarding the pagan ways and the pagan days and all of the worthlessnesses and the futility and the falsehood that i inherited and there is a pure form of worship that yah desires and that pure form of worship is defined by the torah yeshua obeyed perfectly and said follow me people say why do you obey the torah well because yeshua did and yeshua said follow me hallelujah second corinthians chapter 6 beginning with verse 14 says do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers in other words don't follow in their lifestyle don't practice what they do for what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness righteousness is obedience to the torah lawlessness is disobedience to the torah and there is no partnership between righteousness and lawlessness that's why you need to come out ephraim come out come out of mitzrayim come out of your sinful lifestyle believe upon yeshua be filled with the indwelling set apart spirit of yah receive the want to and the power to be obedient hallelujah there is no partnership between obedience and disobedience and what fellowship has light with darkness none and what agreement has messiah well none no agreement whatsoever or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever i mean what do you have in common we're supposed to impact unbelievers we're supposed to share the good news with unbelievers we're supposed to show kindness and concern to unbelievers we're supposed to develop influence with unbelievers but we're not supposed to engage in the practices of unbelievers come out and what union has the dwelling place of elohim do you not know that your body is the dwelling place of the set apart spirit and you're not your own you've been bought with a price you are the dwelling place of elohim what union has the dwelling place of elohim with idols with idolatry with idol worship none for you are a dwelling place of the living elohim as elohim has said i shall dwell in them and walk among them and i shall be their elohim and they shall be my people look at verse 17. therefore come out from among them and be separate says yah come out from among unbelievers and their sinful lifestyle come out from among those who are entangled in mixed-up religion those who observe pagan ways and pagan days come out rid yourself of all of that come out of babylon it says and do not touch what is unclean don't touch those unclean practices and i shall receive you and i shall be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me says yah the almighty so the word today has come out ephraim come out that's what yah is doing by his spirit today the prophetic word is going forth and ephraim is hearing and the companions of their frying they are hearing and there's a rattling and a stirring and a shaking and a transformation and bones are coming together and life is coming to frying and the spirit is being poured out hallelujah and ephraim is receiving the want to and the power to be obedient and so it's time to come out you say well if i start walking with yeshua in torah my family is going to ostracize me come out love your family but come out well my friends are gonna think evil of me come out do your best to love your friends and impact them positively share the good news of yeshua and his lifestyle of torah but come out come out from among them and be separate do not touch what is unclean do not touch their unclean lifestyle and then go with me over to romans chapter 11. we'll pick up with verse 25. and this is going to tell us that the completeness of the nations must come in and i'm going to tell you it is coming in and i'm part of that i'm part of the fruit of that hallelujah and i'm being used by yah to send out this message so that there would be more fruit born hallelujah verse 25 says for i do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret brothers lest you should be wise in your own estimation that hardening in part has come over israel part of israel has been hardened yehuda has been hardened but not all of israel has been hardened that's why we're saying tonight that if frying is coming in i'm talking about the 10 tribes that assimilated into the nations they're hearing the word they're coming in that hardening in part has come over israel until the completeness of the nations has come in hallelujah ephraim is coming in and so all israel shall be saved both houses the house of israel and the house of yahudah all of isaiah shall be saved there will be a remnant of both houses that are saved as it has been written the deliverer shall come out of sea on and he shall turn away wickedness from yaakov and this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins truly as regards to the good news they are enemies for your sake but concerning the choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers talking about yehuda and his companions unbelieving yehudim unbelieving jews for the gifts and the calling of elohim are not to be repented of for as you also at one time disobeyed elohim you and the nations ephraim and the nations you at one time disobeyed elohim but now have obtained compassion through their disobedience because yah wanted to cause them to be jealous that's one of the reasons why he did what he did with the frying so also these have now disobeyed the unbelieving yehudim that through the compassion shown you they also might obtain compassion for elohim has shut them all up to disobedience in order to have compassion on all oh the depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of elohim how unsearchable his judgments and untraceable his ways hallelujah for who has known the mind of yah or who has become his counselor or who first gave to him and it shall be given back to him nobody's loaned him anything that he needs to give back because of him and through him and to him are all to whom be esteemed forever amen hallelujah and so the completeness of the nations must come in and the yahudim are hardened in part in this season while ephraim is coming in but remember that the stick of yosef is in the hand of ephraim and the stick of yehuda are coming together to become one stick in the hand of yah a unification they're coming back together again hallelujah and the head will be yeshua hallelujah over them both and they will be one nation again and then i want to end with genesis chapter 48 beginning with verse 17. and this correlates with what we just talked about the completeness of the nations coming in it says and when joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of the frying because ephraim was the younger and so he was not supposed to receive the blessing of the firstborn it says and when joseph saw that his father laid his hand his right hand on the head of ephraim it was evil in his eyes and he took hold of his father's hand to remove it from the head of the frying to the head of menesha and joseph said to his father not so my father for this one is the firstborn menache put your right hand on his head but his father refused and said i know my son i know he also becomes a people and he also is great and yet his younger brother is greater than he notice and his seed the seed of ephraim is to become the completeness of the nations hallelujah and the completeness of the nations must come in and is coming in and so my question to you is as this prophetic message has been delivered and proclaimed are you resonating with it is there a rattling in your spirit is there a shaking is there new life coming to you bone upon bone sinew and flesh is the spirit of yah touching you and beginning the work of transformation and restoration hallelujah believe upon yeshua believe that he is the son of the living elohim and then pray to the father that he would pour out his indwelling set apart spirit upon you to be on you and to be in you to give you the want to and the power to be obedient and then rise up ephraim rise up and return to the father in obedience return to the torah return to the ways of elohim rise up and be a witness to your family and to your friends and to your co-workers and to those in your sphere of influence because ephraim is coming in the completeness of the nations is coming in and if these things are happening in your spirit then you have the evidence that you also are ephraim hallelujah but again even if you don't have the dna of avraham and you hear this message and you believe you too are included hallelujah what a wonderful wonderful truth this is and i know that i was transformed and changed and my prayer is that you are hearing and that yah is moving upon you and your spirit is rising and you believe upon yeshua and you receive the spirit of yah and you have the want to and the power to be obedient and you come home hallelujah
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 5,030
Rating: 4.9350648 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh
Id: 8toYo_WWnnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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