Having The Best - Part 8 (Hebrews 2:1-4)

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in hebrews chapter 2 verse 4 we were touching on that last time together and it's an amazing thing because right there in chapter 2 verse 4 there's this reference that the author of the book mentions and i'll read it to you if you have your bible open you can grab it it's it says there god also bearing witness god also bearing witness both with signs and wonders and various miracles and here it is and gifts of the holy spirit according to his own will so the argument of the book of hebrews up into this point is the fact that jesus christ and everything that he is is better the author and i believe it's paul i mean it doesn't matter you might believe it somebody else the author whoever wrote hebrews doesn't announce himself but so forgive me in advance if i use the if i attribute it to paul i have strong reasons to believe it's paul whoever the author is he himself is hebrew he knows everything about the hebrew scriptures and the hebrew traditions and everything about the jewish people and he speaks to that with authority but whoever he is he's born again and that's not the only reason why i think it's paul but he's articulating that jesus christ is so much better than moses the message of the gospel is so much better than the law that everything that you have done outwardly has been by your own religious act or practice now listen let's be careful when i say this he's announcing to them that your ordinances that you followed though commendable translate zero into your salvation he tells them that you and your attempt to keep the law have really become frustrated because you know that the law is perfect but you're imperfect and he tells them about this jesus whose ministry is greater than angels that his ministry is greater than any and all priests of all of man's religions that it's this jesus whom the entire bible has written about is better is the best and in that he gives the best so when he says here at the ladder into verse 4 that he has shown these powers and these wonders these miracles and gifts of the holy spirit according to his own will this is a remarkable statement because the jewish people the jewish scriptures never never taught from genesis to malachi the old testament scriptures never taught that there would be an outpouring of the holy spirit regarding gifts the book of joel old testament says that in the last days before messiah set up his kingdom that there's going to be an outpouring of miraculous acts of god but nobody saw that it would come through god's people directly they assumed up until the giving of this word that god would supernaturally reveal and manifest himself like he did in the wilderness he would be a pillar of fire in a cloud that he would open up the ground or he would send lightning bolts out of nowhere out of nothing that he would cause these things and these miraculous things and there's no doubt god not only did those things we know from the book of revelation he's going to do them again but there's this thing right here that for me at this time of where we're at as a church we cannot let that go without spending time on it and that is the gifts of the holy spirit verse four incredible so church let's look at this together and let's be uh i'm not in the i'm not in the preachy mood tonight have you noticed that i wanna that worship touched my heart this uh this is maybe a night that uh just doesn't go beyond us how's that you know because what if uh what if tonight god wants to do a work in your life that hasn't yet been done and he has a plan to do it what if tonight you're here and um you're you're you are happily happily uh what's the word is dissatisfied the right word happily uh not content that you're that you're happily desiring more that you're when i say happy you're you're glad to be a believer but you're fed up with where you're at in your walk with god that there's you know down deep inside there's got to be more there's got to be more so i'm going to ask you guys to consider the first passage of scripture let's kind of walk through a few things together it's acts chapter 1 verses 4 through 8. if you'd like to write that down we'll have it on the screen but let's just take a special night to do a special thing tonight so scripture says in the book of acts chapter 1 verses 4 through 8 and being assembled together with them so that is the apostles are with all of the disciples meaning the apostles the 12 are with all of the followers of jesus okay if you were a follower of jesus in those days and not one of the 12 you were a disciple and it's a precious thing a disciple i think today we would mostly relate to the word uh or the relationship between a journeyman anybody in contracting or that kind of a world right so you have the journeyman and you have the what apprentice and the apprentice this this is actually what it means the apprentice takes his hands and it's his hand is here watch and the journeyman takes his hand now the journeyman is the one that is the skilled expert at the craft the journeyman puts his hand on the let's just say wood or the stone and the apprentice puts his hand on top of the journeyman's hand and the journeyman's hand goes through the motions of his his craftsmanship okay and then the journeyman takes the apprentice hand and puts it on the same work but now the journeyman's hand is on the top and they go through the same motions until both of them are in concert together in what they're doing this is what a disciple this is what we strive to be as followers of jesus okay so being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father so jesus is speaking to the twelve and all those gathered together which he said you have heard from me for john truly baptized with water john the baptist but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now therefore when they had all come together when they had come together they asked him saying and i love this lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel makes total sense to me jesus is resurrected from the dead everything's going perfect let's beat the snot out of rome send them back to italy and let's get this kingdom life underway great great idea just 2 000 years too early and he said to them it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the father has put in his own authority but it's like okay but i've got some good news for you guys you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in old judea in samaria and to the end of the earth all the way out okay so jesus makes this statement go wait in jerusalem the holy spirit of power is going to come upon you why it's not for you to know the times and the seasons now look you and i know a lot we can comment on that a lot translation modern day 21st century hey guys i have got a mission for you that will completely transform the world for both time and eternity it is going to be the most successful venture that the world will ever know but we're not selling anything there'll be no marketing group there'll be no strategist but there'll be no branding and this is how it's going to come down i want you guys to go wait in jerusalem i'm leaving i'm going back to heaven where i came from you guys wait there and i'm gonna send you all the power you need to accomplish something you have no idea what you're getting yourselves into and when that power comes you will be transformed in such way that you will do things that are beyond human abilities but all the while you'll know that you're not the one doing it amen and so look at acts chapter 2. acts chapter 2 beginning at verse 1. when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord and in one place that's sweet one accord they were all with the same mindset and then this mindset was simple here we are we've been waiting it's been 50 days he told us to wait we're waiting do we all agree that we're waiting yes we all agree that we're waiting we're in one accord and we've all been here i love that but what happened when you had to go get something to eat or did they send somebody out to bring food in no no hub grubhub no no uber eats they're waiting jesus said go to jerusalem and wait the power's going to come i wouldn't even want to leave the room where's the bathroom from this room can i it's amazing to be thinking what they might be thinking at that time notice what happens suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind it wasn't so it wasn't mighty wind it was like we talked about this last week a bit and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues of fire it's it's kind of a weird that tongues of fire it's just simply means that the way that a flame uh flickers don't think for a moment that there was some manifestation of some tongue on fire over their head like cooked tongue that's not what's happening these it's a manifest it's like fire that flickers this is over them and sat upon each of them so it's extremely supernatural and they were all filled with the holy spirit by the way that's how we know jesus made it to heaven do you ever think about that what's the proof that jesus christ made it to heaven he says i'm leaving i'm going to go back to heaven and they saw him disappear up into the clouds the proof that he made it is that the holy spirit came down right and so they're all filled with the holy spirit and they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit holy spirit gave them utterance now watch this and they were all dwelt the and there were dwelling in jerusalem jews devout men from every nation under heaven why because it's the holy days they've migrated they've immigrated for the holy days josephus tells us this is an estimated two to three million people in jerusalem surrounding in the hills that have made encampments they've tabernacled there and so verse 6 says and when this sound occurred the multitude came together wow and were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language think of this then they were all amazed and marveled saying to one another look are not all these who speak galileans so pause right here for a moment yeah i mean keep that up everybody listen um how many of you come from pentecostal backgrounds don't be shy raise your hand pentecostal backgrounds foursquare church anybody you know that okay pentecostal church assembly of god anybody assembly of god okay um presbyterian raise your hand presbyterian background catholic background wow oh wow that makes me feel so good [Applause] oh man that's awesome because listen if you guys go tell your friends because the catholic church is a sleeping giant man if it gets a hold of the truth baptist raise your hands brethren raise your hands anything else am i missing anything i probably am lutherans raise your hand one loot there you go i'm kidding am i missing something methodists well mormonism's occult but no but it's a different jesus it's but listen this is cool because this is my point these doors are open for you to come in here and learn and listen and glean from the bible by the way when i say cult i mean this i don't mean to say it in a in a hurtful way a cult is a belief system that takes away from the unique deity of jesus christ in other words it's it takes away from the deity of jesus by either saying he is not deity or he's one of many deities okay so i just want to make sure so here's what's going on and this is interesting because this is this is peculiar to say the least and i might shock some of you how many of your calvary chapel origins raise your hands so we have more wow so we've got more catholic background in this room than so on my cup is overflowing right now so watch this you're going to see something in a moment that maybe you've never seen before but let's let the bible speak to us so whoever these people are from all over the place we're going to find out exactly where in a moment they were all amazed and they marveled and they said to each other look are not all these who speak galileans translation all of these people speaking in languages that we understand in our own tongue these are a bunch of uneducated people that's what that means if you were called a galilean 21 centuries ago that's not a good thing uh and how is it that we hear each in our own language okay you see this watch this the galileans are speaking and whatever they're saying the audience can hear what's being said in their own language look at the look at the bible so these people are wondering this is bizarre these guys are speaking perfect latin for example but they don't know latin but it's perfect and i understand exactly what that guy's saying and he's a galilean in our own language in which we were born parthians and medes elamites those from the region of persia those dwelling in mesopotamia this is a huge area the cradle of civilization region judea cappadocia pontus asia these galileans are speaking languages that are from asia and we understand exactly what they say because we're from asia how can this possibly be phrygia and pamphilia egypt watch how specific and the parts of libya adjoining cyrene they knew that in perfect clarity visitors from rome both jews and proselytes or those who have converted to judaism cretans and arabs we hear them speaking in our own tongues our own languages watch the wonderful works of god so these galileans spoke and perfectly articulated known world languages these were not languages of angels this is these are all earthly languages that you hear verse 12. so they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another whatever could this mean translation the holy spirit is starting to move for the first time in this manner and he's using the church the believers and the first thing on pentecost is that the holy spirit uses these followers of jesus to speak known earthly languages to those who knew those earthly languages and the conclusion was these men are speaking about the wonderful works of god glorifying god okay next is acts chapter 2 verse 38. then peter said to them by the way you can read that later peter peter between these two portions i'm showing you is this incredible ministry message from peter which is shocking because up until now peter has faithfully made a mistake every chance he had but now something happened friends the holy spirit came down and peter is no longer the big cuddly bumbling well-intended goofball peter becomes a powerhouse then peter said to them repent change your minds and let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins this translation you confess jesus christ as lord and accept them as lord and savior yes then be baptized the remission of sins is water doesn't take away your sins the fact that you ask christ to take away your sins is displayed in the outward ministry of baptism because you put the guy listen you put the guy in the grave and then he comes up out of the grave it's a display of newness of life that was first done internally in the heart water baptism saves no one you cannot be saved by getting wet you must first be born again before you can be dunked you need to know that people have been told well i'm okay i can live any way i want i got baptized as a baby no you got wet and you probably hated it too and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off as many as our lord god will call and with many other words he testified and exhorted them saying be saved from this perverse generation hey can i say that tonight be safe from this perverse generation oh my goodness watch this then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about 3 000 souls were added to them and they continued steadfast in the apostles doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and in prayers then fear aw reverential awe came upon every soul and many wonders and signs it takes us right back to hebrews 2 4 huh many wonders and science were done through the apostles absolutely awesome now watch this it's god's desire in your life christian that miraculous works happen in your life but see when i mention the word miraculous works some of you might go oh boy let's let the good times roll let's start the show no some of you say oh no no not that when we talk about miraculous works we're talking about yielding ourselves to god to have him use us any way he wants and when you make that determination god wants you to know that he has given you a gift or gifts of the holy spirit to accomplish what he wants to do in your life your life should be experiencing unique things let me give you an example this is exactly what i'm talking about yesterday i thought i was invited to speak at a group in orange county i mean i was and i went i thought that's why i was going that it turned out that's not why i went after i got done speaking what happened for an hour and a half almost two hours after i was done was the reason why you see the room cleared out because it was a it was a business it was a business uh what am i trying to say i spoke during this business luncheon for all these big business people as soon as it was done they went back to their empires walking out there's nobody else left in the room one young man says to me with an accent pastor jack i'd like you i want to meet you uh my name and i won't say his name but i if you're watching i do have your name memorized now i got it he was from persia and he was telling me how he met jesus christ he was a muslim and then he became a believer a follower in jesus and he was sharing and there was another young man i'm not going to name his name either because i and i do remember his name i've got his name in fact we all exchanged phone numbers and for an hour hour and a half both this persian and this portuguese engaged in witnessing to this man from india and the spirit of god was moving the two of us could tell the two of us were witnessing to him we'd we'd never known each other before never met each other before and it was obvious the spirit of god was moving because it's obvious that the spirit of god was wanting salvation for this young man and it became very clear to me in a moment ah me being here had nothing to do with with what i just got done doing this is why i'm here but the interesting thing is is i don't have the gift of evangelism i can tell people about jesus so can you and by the way the bible tells us that all believers are supposed to do the work of an evangelist evangelism evangelist is a gift of the holy spirit but i'll show you something in a moment that i hope uh kind of puts this vividly in your mind the point being is as soon as this event was over not the event with all the people the event with the three of us that's where the event was at as soon as i got in my truck i called home and said you won't believe what just happened both the believers knew god was moving i want to ask you something don't answer but listen what i just articulated to you just now that happens all the time it's just with different faces different names why for this reason i don't really care much about living my life any longer haven't for years for or about myself because listen that's a that's kind of a depressing way to live when you think about you a lot it ain't good but when the holy spirit gets a hold of you and it's easy you can make that determination tonight holy spirit take over my life i want whatever he's talking about i want that to happen that's all he's waiting to hear from you something happens and so watch this this is god's will for your life this i'm going to show you a passage it's god's will for you isn't that a huge statement i mean look i'm not like let me see um you you right there i'm not no this is god's will for our lives here it comes so next passage of scripture first corinthians first corinthians 12. so as i read this don't listen what i read you in the book of acts a moment ago when they spoke in those lanes and the known languages of the world it was a miracle it was a witness and it brought glory to christ right you got that first corinthians 12 verse 1. now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i do not want you to be ignorant or uninformed you know that you were gentiles carried away to these dumb idols however you were led therefore i make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of god calls jesus accursed that was an issue that was going on in corinth where people were having words from god and they were saying jesus is not the messiah the saviors they were saying that they had a word from god and they were undermining the very word and the very will of god there were false manifestations i'm glad the bible tells you about that so we're on guard about it okay so and no one can say that jesus is lord except by the holy spirit what does that mean so i've heard a lot of people say jesus is lord yeah that's not what it means to say that jesus is lord and mean it every the whole world can say jesus is lord it doesn't mean that jesus is lord in their life right okay next uh their id this is so cool there there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit watch there are differences of ministries but the same lord and there are diversities of activities but it is the same god who works all in all by the way the trinity's mentioned in there if you saw it i want you guys to see we'll come back to this verse seven in a moment you guys put that image up there what is that it's a rainbow so you can sitting there looking at a real rainbow this is a real rainbow a real rainbow it's not easy to to count or to identify the colors of the rainbow so easily this is a real one it's not a cartoon that would be easy because the lines are really clear right see how in a real rainbow do you see how it's blended so hypothetically now before we read any further how many of you know what your gift of the holy spirit is in your life raise your hand you know what your gift is that's wonderful that's wonderful but watch this you guys if all of you were able i'm not kidding if all of you were able to first i guess i should back up how many of you are born again believers raise your hands okay those of us who are born again believers in jesus every one of us should know what our gift is that's why we're pausing right now to flesh this out um in the size of this uh gathering tonight few few of you know your gift but many of you are believers if all of you of believers knew what your gift was it is an understatement to say that california would shake by virtue of the of the move of the holy spirit in your lives collectively so i'm thrilled and you should be too because just this wednesday night church 12 of them full of the holy spirit and with the gifts change the entire world so watch this you see what i know my gift so somebody give me a gift what's a gift that you have someone exhortation that's a real gift perfect got it okay watch exhortation let's say exhortation is in the it's in the blue zone over here are you with me let's just follow along she's got the gift of exhortation and that falls in the in the blue spectrum of the rainbow but to which direction this is key a lot of people listen i know this is a boring time tonight and it's not normal but we need to have this and and here's the deal find out or when you find out or if you know i have the gift of evangelism i have the gift of exhortation i have the gift of helps there's well we're going to get to that in a few weeks but okay exhortation you're making me get ahead of the the game the someone who has the gift of exhortation has the ability that is not human to speak to you in such a way that when they're done telling you what you need to do it's a divine they know it's they know it's loving they know that it's caring and it's crystal clear what was said to you and it's kind of like a little you are exhorted to take courage you're exhorted to get back in the game you are exhorted to stay in the fight you are exhorted to stay in your marriage and make it work you're exhorted to sign up for that and you hear what i'm saying the gift of ex every church must have people that have the gift of exhortation which they would come up and speak something to you that kind of grabs you by the throat and says yikes you're right that needs to happen but here's what's amazing about every single one of us every single one of us have a primary calling so let's say hypothetically her primary calling is exhortation and it falls into the center of the blue on the rainbow but listen she may have also a manifestation at times she could say i have at times been overcome with compassion for people to wear i mean i just i almost feel like i'm losing control of myself where i feel like i mean i feel like i'm hurting for them more than they're hurting for themselves but i have the gift of exhortation ah you have a secondary gift that is coming away from the bright blue and it's coming more toward the magenta or the purple see what are you saying we've got primary callings and each of us also will at times dependent upon listen dependent upon you letting yourself be used by god secondary gifts will appear when needed or called upon i have the gift of teaching i know that it's my primary gift but yesterday i got to be a little bit of an evangelist do you see what i'm saying i knew not to push it too far i didn't call for the buses will wait just come down if you're in the upper deck uh make your way on tonight that's that's for the evangelist to say i can't do that but you hear what i'm saying every single one of us and for us as a church to move forward we need to know these things so back to verse 7 but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one raise your hands every single one of you are believers residents each one so look the bible says the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all all of us in other words the gift of the holy spirit that you have it ain't for you to strut around and and pump it up and verse 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the holy spirit or through the spirit to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit next verse or is that it sorry oh yeah to another faith by the same spirit notice the repetition to another gifts of healings by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another different kinds of tongues this is interesting now remember what we just read in acts to another different kinds uh to another the interpretation of tongues but one in the same spirit holy spirit works all all these things distributing them i love this think of the think of a somebody throwing out things to you distributing each one individually as he wills so this is awesome church watch this i want to get something off and out of the way number one what you saw in the book of acts once what you saw in the book of acts was something that happened on the day of pentecost and as far as we know biblically it never happened again galileans spoke perfect known global languages so perfectly that those who were of those languages understood them and they knew what was being said they spoke about the wonderful works of god you with me on that you got that but here we mention just for tonight we mention and we just move on we'll talk about it some other time gift of the spirit is tongues and another gift of the holy spirit is the interpretation of tongues that's not listen many of you i hope the light comes on this here is not acts chapter 2 stuff they didn't need interpreters in acts chapter 2. every single one of them saw peter's mouth moving and they saw peter speaking perfect elamite or parthian and they couldn't believe it this guy's from galilee and i hear him perfectly that's never again repeated in scripture anywhere what is repeated in scripture is the gift of tongues and the gift of interpreting the tongue notice it's not translating the tongue it's interpreting the tongue so some of you in life boy don't write honestly just don't write me about this some of you have come from pentecostal backgrounds have been told oh you know what um the last church i went to there was a message in tongues and that message was told to me that um i'm gonna marry batman so i'm waiting for batman to walk through the door any day let me i got news for you you're not going to marry batman you want to know why that's an abuse of the gift of the holy spirit you want to know why so do you know because you can't get a message in tongues listen that's not how the verbal gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues works tongues is not for delivering messages every time a tongue is given and a translation or interpretation excuse me is given first corinthians chapter 14 tells you it will always be saying the same thing and the same thing will is this it will always give glory to god and will always thank or praise him for his works it's never a message you get a message through teaching but a lot of people have been abused by wrong theology in the gifts i don't want to end yet well okay but hang on because there's next next next scriptures you guys with the time that we do have left uh ephesians 4. so you saw a list of gifts there by the way right some will say and i understand it some will say there's nine gifts there's nine nine primary gifts i understand why people say that but there's more than nine gifts you should know that and people by the way i like the fact that there's a debate over how many gifts there are because some denominations that you came from they say nope there's nine another denomination will say nope there's 17. some will say there's 13. some will say there's 21. you know what i like about it nobody can pin it down it's kind of fun ephesians chapter 4 verse 7. but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of christ's gift and that's sweet beautiful therefore he says watch this when he ascended on high this is when when jesus ascended upward he led captivity captives stop right there um i need all of your attention because i don't have the verbal skills to teach it i have to use my hands so jesus is resurrected from the dead remember and on that sunday morning remember when the women came and mary was it mary or was it mary or the women tackled him remember they grabbed onto his feet and he said don't cling to me i've not yet ascended very interesting so jesus post-resurrection is appearing and disappearing throughout the neighborhood remember that at one point the disciples are hiding out because they're scared and the door's locked and the bible says and jesus appeared i love that we're safe in here nobody can get in and then there's jesus hey you guys remember that that's when thomas freaks but listen the scripture teaches that once christ was glorified or resurrected from the dead that he took captivity captive you ever wonder what that meant or means who what is he led captivity captive yeah prior to jesus rising from the dead as a believer when you died as a believer you went to what the jews call abraham's bosom that's what they call it when abraham died or noah died they went to this place called paradise you can read about it in scripture you can start in luke 15 and read luke 16. there's an account there and jesus is talking about it when people died before christ rose from the dead nobody went to heaven nobody there had to be the first man that was qualified to go to heaven to break the glass ceiling so to speak right because no man could go unless you have a prototype and our prototype is jesus but watch this noah abraham david they were all together in what the jews would say in your old testament for example daniel the angel told him you've lived the long life and you will die and you will be gathered to your fathers when jesus rose again from the dead one of the things that he did was he went to this place called paradise you already know this actually what did he say to the thief on the cross jesus didn't say heaven he said today you'll be with me in paradise why because when that thief died he went to paradise because he had faith in christ but he wasn't there very long when jesus christ went to paradise when it says he led captivity captive it means that he it's an old term in our filthy age today we've changed the whole world around it's when a when a when a military conquered an enemy or when the king came in to take the uh the spoils it's called booty when the conqueror conquered he would take all the booty of the victory and it was known as taking captive what you conquered jesus went to paradise and took abraham and noah and isaiah and jeremiah and ruth and boaz scooped them all up and led captivity cap captive meaning that he deposited that they followed him just like we're gonna follow jesus in revelation chapter 19 down at the end of the tribulation period at the second coming he took them they followed him into heaven he took them out of paradise paradise listen paradise now is empty read luke 15 and 16 tonight it's empty when a believer dies now you go straight to heaven okay so that's the meaning of that led captivity captive and gave gifts to men the giving gifts to men watch this so jesus ascends he takes those who believed in him in the old testament era deposits them in heaven and sends the holy spirit on the day of pentecost he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men now this he ascended what does it mean but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth paradise that's what we're talking about he who descended is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things and he himself gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers verse 12. what for for the equipping of the saints for the working of ministry and thirdly for the edifying of the body of christ that awesome till watch this this this is amazing till hang on to your seats till or until we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to the perfect or complete man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ paul's right there for a moment we have one minute you know listen there are denominations who say oh yeah yeah we believe that all the gifts of the holy spirit existed back then not now some do some don't we only believe in some of the gifts look there's some very famous pastors you know their names they don't believe in all of the gifts they don't understand they they don't believe in them the list that we've been reading well they have a problem because i got to tell you have we all come has the entire church and the entire globe have we all come to the complete man that we're supposed to be have we come to the fullness of the measure the statue of christ have we have we arrived no look at that see the word till we all come we have not yet all come the gifts are given until we are all complete and the day that we are complete is the day that you blink and you see jesus and you will not need any of the gifts of the holy spirit you own adam verse 14 that we should no longer be look how important this is that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine man that's what's happening today because people don't know what we're talking about right now oh god told me to tell you everybody's got a dream everybody's got a vision everybody's got a word and and we're being tossed to and fro look what he says the gifts are given so that we might grow up so that we're not tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine but by the trickery of men and the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting wow that's why we need the gifts of the holy spirit in our lives one more nine seconds over this is the last one though so there's hope because there's no more that's it romans 12 romans 12. verses 5 through 9. i've just given you i will have given you all the sections of the scriptures that give mention to gifts verse 5 romans 12 5 so we being many are one body in christ you can meditate on that for the rest of your life that's deep an individual individually members of one another i would say i think it's safe to say that verse 5 should be the vision statement mission statement of every new testament church do you realize that if we're members of one another look the last thing i want to do is hurt myself um you name it if i'm hungry guess what i'm going to do to me i'm going to feed me just like you do but if i'm growing up in jesus i'm going to be more concerned about your hunger pain than i am about my hunger pain you understand that do you understand right now if we started doing this because this is god's will for your life that you actually start to care more about the people around you than you than yourself as a church family listen people say all the time oh oh yeah you go to that church i don't i don't tell people but people say if i'm somewhere and they don't know me it's fun because they say go to church yeah i go to church where do you go to church i'll go i go to cover chapel channels oh i i would never go there it's too big and and that it's too big and how can you know people if it's so big and my i just say well you know what you can't i went to a big church in costa mesa but the cool thing is it doesn't matter how small or big a church is because people are people what's really cool about it is in a big church you usually get to know about 10 or 20 people in your area because people kind of sit in the same area and you start getting each other's names and it really works great a big church feels real small when you do that oh i never thought about that i never at least is always going tell them you're the pastor tell them and i won't do it i won't do it [Applause] i won't do it but this this is pretty awesome if art if we realize we're the body of christ that means if if i'm rude to you according to god if i'm rude to you i'm being rude to jesus just full just full-on full-face frontal route if i if if i insult you if i insult you i'm in i i'm insulting jesus the jesus i'm insulting we're at one and nobody who's one cuts their hand off verse six having them gifts differing according to the grace of god that's a biblical assumption paul is saying and you know you christians there you guys all having different gifts it's assumed that is given to us let us use them if prophesy prophecy proclaim heralding forth let us prophesy in proportion to our faith or ministry let us use it in our ministering he who teaches in teaching he who exhorts there you go in exhortation this is i'll come back to this in a second he who gives with liberality which is very cute a person has the gift of giving they may be rich they may not be rich they may be middle class doesn't matter the thing is uh they're just so because they're always looking for the opportunity to give what they have away just like what do you need yeah tire i have a i have a tire 10 bucks i've got 10 bucks and they'll just give it and it's and they love it that's why it says with liberality they're like which is really cute because you know so it's like what you need 10 bucks here you go oh keep it it's going to kill you right if that's you you don't have the gift of giving he who leads have him do it with diligence right he who shows mercy with cheerfulness oh isn't that beautiful someone who's merciful they do that with cheerfulness that's pretty that's encouraging let love be without hypocrisy abhor what is evil cling to what's good is that beautiful let's pray precious father lord tonight i pray that the one who is saying to you right now i want to know my gift i pray father that for that child of yours that brother or sister of ours you would reveal lord your calling upon them god we pray like with paul regarding timothy we pray that they would experience the stirring up of the gifts that you have called them to and father i pray that you'd mitigate this moment where the scripture announces to us that by the laying on of hands i know that this big wednesday service like this it's not conducive to that but lord would you accept this please that as you holy spirit would come upon each believer tonight that is asking lord i want to be used by you and i know that there's more to christianity and i know there's a bigger reason why i'm alive and i want to know it and i want to serve you in it and i want to i want to be free [Music] from myself i want to be free from me i want to be done with me i i i want to be all about you jesus and so lord if you want me to have the gift of healing i'll use that to your glory if it's tongues or the interpretation of tongues they'll use that to your glory lord if it's the gift of pastor i'll use it to your glory or teaching mercy exhortation god i'll use it to your i'll do anything you want jesus just just please do it in such a way that that i know it's not me that i know it's you that you get all the glory and that if others are blessed that i would know more than anyone else that this was the hand of god in my life as we end tonight i'm going to ask you if we would just pause for a moment of silence actually for you to just talk to god right now in your own silence ask him for what gift it is that he would have for you to discover i'll tell you something that should i hope warm your heart about what you just asked him for the scripture says that when you delight yourself in the lord he gives you the desires of your heart so you know how you just asked him a moment ago to show you he was in all that you have been pursuing him and so he brought you to this moment tonight and you asking him he has been waiting and he knew that tonight you would ask and the scriptures teach that he has always known what it is that you should have james put it this way we don't have because we don't ask wow so my friend listen tonight expect god to start stirring that up in your life and in the next few weeks ahead we're going to unpack and define these gifts you are going to recognize your gift and we need to be so grateful in our closing song tonight so happy that he is a good good god and he wants good things for his children and yep of course listen there's a lot of hurting people a lot of broken people there's gonna be a lot more and so he is calling us to the need right every single one of us my prayer is this that over the course of the next two to three weeks on wednesday nights every single hand will be able to go up and say i got it i got it and um you'll never be the same well hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Keywords: book of hebrews explained, jack hibbs hebrews, jack hibbs sermons, hebrews audio bible, hebrews bible project, hebrews bible study, jack hibbs calvary chapel, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills live, jack hibbs calvary chapel chino hills sermons, gifts of the spirit, gifts of the spirit explained, where are the gifts of the spirit in the bible, spiritual gifts sermon, spiritual gifts of the holy spirit, hebrews, christianity, bible
Id: 7Hocb-uvuOc
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Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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