I Got Stuck In School At 3AM!

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we are going to an academy today ooh fancy I can't wait to learn I'm kidding I heard the cafeteria's fancy and they serve a buffet there come on guys hurry up get on the bus a buffet what's up yeah what's a buffet I've never heard of a buffet it's like a buffet but fancy and extra okay did you just oh this is the academy Buffet welcome to school [Music] can I hide in these I found chicken because we're going to a fancy school doesn't mean Drago get to make up fancy word draco did you hear that gold said you're not allowed to make up random words oh an apple I'm not making it around coffee school's awesome wait aren't we just stealing from the lockers I'm not saying no no it's our locker room to see if there's snacks for us because you know we get hungry throughout class Ah that's true and you do need nutritious brain food you know haven't you heard the saying an apple a day keeps are they keeping me away from my Buffet hello most of the gym give me your lunch money it's 20 bucks to pass what what I'm a rich kid I got money give us some knockout so I can eat the buffet give us um Jacob you better go math classes I found this chicken you want it instead I don't have that twenty dollars come on guys we're gonna be late for math class I've never heard you so excited to go to Matt oh no Draco I hate math I'm just eager because we're in Academy this is where the buffet is open up we have to be on our best behavior you know [Music] I love the teacher's hair it kind of looks similar gold it's math class welcome to math class take a seat at one of your desks to learn learning will improve your mental health what oh you know what will improve my mental health more eating at a buffet do your math equations okay five times 125 hi Draco I don't know why would I know that rainbow we have calculators for that who cares um teacher why do you have a small bat in your name what what the let me see oh are you framing the teeth guys there's a baseball bat back here yeah it's not this isn't like gym class or something what the wait I can open these oh another drumstick yay Mass over I'm out that was tiring class is dismissed the cafeteria has been open for the seasons the buffet [Music] [Music] school is weird there's why is why are there mallets in places I don't know you know what that's weird I'll enjoy it yeah I'm gonna eat this too this is the best we got is that weird that no one's at this school oh yeah wow I eat I just ate the peel too reading class has started where's Draco is the mascot here bunny there's a lot of rabbits around here where'd you go I was at the gym dude I got this crowbar can you share us some money how do you get money you have to be a rich kid oh oh I didn't spend Robux for that Draco guys meeting class is over here [Music] it's kind of horrible we we're new we're new to this yeah yeah yeah we just drink some coffees like they just shut the door wait go to use the door hey let us know I guess we don't get to learn uh wait just like 20 seconds late could you let us in wait what yeah what was that noise yeah what was that noise are we not supposed to be outside [Music] oh I guess we missed reading class there's the Bell um we we totally went to class okay oh there's a hamster in here wait what this is puppy come with us you want an apple puffy come with us happy you can leave leave the door open for puffy there we go yeah oh a coffee classes and important we have very good mental health um well our mental health bar is going down I don't think we need to go to this class um do you know where money is it's true it's true I don't want to be trapped in here you could actually go outside yeah oh hurry hurry free there's no Buffet I want to de-enroll from this Academy how much money does everyone have I got zero dollars have you forgotten about your detention like what um rainbow [Music] yeah this is our fault where's the tension anyway s are you sure you still want to send me to detention oh no okay it's not good for my men welcome to detention sit down be quiet think about what you've done oh come on it was Luna's ideas wait hold off detention so I am in detention for dress code violation what do you mean rainbow is in trouble for fighting with lunar Draco thought it was funny to shoot spitballs in class okay um gold do you want to take a guess what yours was drawing on death oh and lunar get bored you're in trouble for fighting rainbow and Luna get in here right now wait it looks like there's a strange book left on the teacher's desk what's this the tale of the psycho mascot Luna you better be careful out there you're gonna retail because the psycho mascot might get you oh I'm so scared here let's read it m Once Upon a Time Mo the mascot loves to play now school is over it's the end of the day hurry it's time for the students to head home [Applause] but Moe the mascot will stay and roam to misbehave students stay after school this is when Mo becomes most cruel story silly the students run be sure not to trip but in the end nobody can escape his grip oh my gosh wait is that gonna be us um um I mean there we're mascots that you know it says there have been rumors going around about the school mascot being evil lunar I know we were fighting I know we were imaginary fighting earlier but you got to come back in okay I don't want you to die come on yeah there's like one thing can we open these still got some bananas why are they giving us so much health food I have a bad feeling about this what what who said something I said because we're gonna die what do you guys hear that Luna why'd she say that I heard chains oh I think the mascot locked the door I think we need three keys the main doors have been mysteriously locked shut all right so I'm a blue key just gotta yep what what's that sound what uh oh Mo has hidden three keys in the lockers throughout the school find them to open the main doors and Escape well that's easy yeah that's easy oh they're right there oh mo has also taken control of the school security system they put more budget into this good luck and be careful you're not alone ah hi MO Draco can you stop talking about the stinking Buffet okay I have a problem Mo took my two copies what was it one of the lockers no he's not he was he was no he's not out he just attacked me well that wasn't very bunny rabbit of you it's okay I eat I eat guys come on I think you found Moe yeah Luna sounds wait why don't we stepfather like this oh okay Moe still hurts us oh ow Rocky let's go to the exit rainbow did you just stand there uh excuse you no I was watching Keeping guard for Mo whatever I'm getting out of here without you guys need me oh Luna healed me thank you lunard I got you I got you oh wait who's gonna die looter there you go go go go get out guys hurry up I mean that was that was easy that was super easy too easy wait what hey are we back here good morning and welcome back to school your first class will begin shortly what I don't want to go back to sleep just pretending yesterday didn't happen yeah yeah pretty much well you must go to school this is why you can't you can't skip even if there's a murderous mascot uh no no if there's a crazy killer bunny rabbit you're allowed to skip school but who's gonna believe us we're just kids nothing in this Locker I think we emptied everything yeah we did computers class is starting let's not miss this class this time before it's too late all right is there anything in the shelf that we need fine oh finally six dollars all right what's this welcome to musical lockers memorize the order blue green blue uh-huh blue green red blue green blue oh lunar wait this gives money red green blue green red can you please stop saying it out loud blue green yellow I can't actually get a lot to remember green blue yellow blue red Blues Guys yellow yellow red yellow green blue blue red yellow orange guys look yellow teacher they are failing [Music] blue yellow blue yellow red red yellow blue yellow blue yellow blue red yellow Rainbow Six yellow blue yellow come on see did you see Draco I need five more dollars should I play the game again no I'm losing my mental health you should you should oh buddy what you only play yeah this is all your fault I could have gotten money but no you mean I got 18 and you already rich you already have money Draco I needed it to go to the gym hey rainbow what what's that book you're holding stop studying hello what's that book stop being wasteful it's my book it's like a book forever this election yesterday was quite uh um lacking it's expensive now they're using coffee this is way too expensive can I go out of the trash I guess yeah you guys share okay sorry I ran out I read it for my mental health sorry Draco today we eat tomatoes uh-oh who's this now is that Mel hey cafeteria is closed please are you guys oh no it's the football team the captain looks angry why well why is there so many of them whatever you're angry at we did it hey somebody stole something from my locker now you're all gonna pay the price I told you those weren't normal at all oh my gosh funny straight I told you oh I'm sorry we kind of gave clown Behavior we went to this Academy not knowing what's up [Music] um there's a lot of them 360 space you can't get me uh yeah they're really strong ouch I don't think we can beat football I need to buy food okay I am so sorry that I took your bitten drumstick but it didn't look like you wanted to eat it anyway yeah um I didn't mean to her face rainbow are you okay rainbow rainbow yo quarterback guy you should have messed with rainbow rainbows how dare you push a little lamb huh you got him get him in the knees to the knees good job good job that was nice how dare you all right he's almost done I need more mental health uh apples so that's right um yeah take more stuff from your life that was close we should probably get out of one for good ladder yeah it was us while we're eating nothing for lunch yeah now we're gonna go look in the lockers again because there was no rules history classes we have to study our mental health is low oh yeah this is not good okay do you know what history class go this way over here oh golden Knight always getting lost with that free coffee the reason why we went through lockers is because every game you're allowed to go through lockers yeah and we didn't think this game yeah there was no rules teacher I hope you don't miss your fruit back here because I took usually there's no consequences okay um let's get our mental health up because it's really low all right everyone flip your pages to page 267 of your history notebook that book I think she's a quick learner yeah I'm a quick learner I'm here to learn you stop if you're here to learn why'd you get in a fight with lunar yeah teacher's class over yet you're gonna get detention funny I already instantly got detention if I brought this to school all right um our mental health is barely up can someone go to the gym together with everyone but the bully's gone hey hey we don't have detention right I don't think you guys we were pretty good today we didn't do anything yeah I agreed like what are you talking about we had to fight in the cafeteria well then I'm Gonna Leave You all I don't recall that fight yeah Luna they started with us we were just chilling and doing nothing try to wait up hey it says sorry but your detentions are not finished yet huh yep the text on the screen says what Draco just said back here once again and what are we in trouble for this time and there's no book this time same thing welcome back to detention tomorrow will be your last one detention for three days why don't we just go to school clearly rainbow and I forgave each other for hitting each other yeah I can give you okay okay that's good really I stopped drawing on the desk Moe is probably roaming the Halls right now maybe we can avoid him by finding an alternative way out of here now guys tomorrow we just skip school and then we don't have to go to detention that's why I think the windows open I can smash them yeah good job welcome to the playground it may be a good idea to have some fun decompress and especially after the fight guys the slide helps a lot with your mental health oh because it's fine how about this I love the park school should just be part of the time only the big slide helps rainbow you might want to go on the big slide higher you guys uh well you can get out of here on the swings oh the fence how do we go backwards yeah try going on backwards nope all right mental health uh this was gonna make me puke rainbow I'm gonna go on this little you don't think Moe's watching us right someone keep an eye out on the window nah I'm looking scared of no bunny rabbit wow so much fun um what someone's giggling Mo yeah hi Mel what um are you hungry Moe leave us alone while we're just at the house hello students I'm glad you enjoyed the scavenger hunt yesterday was that what that was how about we play hide and seek tonight I'll even give you a head start you can talk Mo so cool oh wait for me run this way guys come on hurry up hurry up here oh this is so cool I'm drinking coffee to run faster this map is yeah me too let's go let's go oh no by the ankles nope nope nope nope I'm out right behind us slide slide slide rainbow come on bunny Don't Look Back wait did you lose ghouls oh my God that's so funny um [Music] uh I got caught don't worry I can press continue for 30 Robux gold are you okay um but mobile contest it said MO is gonna haunt us Moe's so close really close too um everyone alive rainbow hair rainbow I believe that you can get out of that tube oh I see her rainbow Mo you wait wait for rainbow but look look at all of them no why am I stuck like this can I get up yet they said we're haunted forever wake up oh come on we said we skip welcome back to school be careful it seems like there's a lot of bullies roaming the Halls that even do something about it princess I just dealt with Mo I don't care yeah wait fully we're anti-bully why do you just go into school every day having your way get out of here no bullying bad no bullying bad a better one and I need some coins I need to look through the lockers yeah Draco you do that I need to find something I'm gonna just be stealing stuff I want to go to the gym though I will be going to the gym because I paid for it no money anywhere nope back to math class why can't we go rude reading because we missed I gotta go to the computer room again I know the computer has good stuff okay is there any money in here I just need five more butts [Music] no I just need money I guess Draco and rainbow are skipping school today I'm just checking out a lot he just shut the door it's over shut the door rainbow still out there again uh I'm coming please teacher shut the door shut the door shut down oh [Music] don't worry teacher I was always meant to be here on time I would never miss math class for anything looks like your exams from last week have been graded flip viewers to see your grade pick someone else wait honey rainbow change seats rainbow wait can I change I think Rainbow's a bad student guys and how did gold get an a gold I don't think this is yours it is mine funny I did not use a marker and I have I'm getting bullied um [Music] no bullies No Bully where'd you get started from hold up wait they're coming from the cafeteria hey you're making my mental health go down take this there okay I can eat the police fighting because last time you're gonna spend my money I'll never be able to go to that um yeah you know what yum I agree with lunar yeah I'm gonna spend ten dollars on cheese ah cheese was the cheese worth it no ten dollars for cheese is kind of expensive oh chemistry hello can we learn about the periodontic periodic table periodic table yeah oh we're mixing oh what we're like saying you're supposed to make a check mark If you make explosion no money okay um green pink blue one chance at this never mind I did it blue yellow pink five equals check mark three equal blue yellow blue all right guy I don't understand oh is it odd numbers you have to just keep trying red yellow blue what equals five rainbow how did you figure this out I didn't do it yet oh it's the last it's the last on five what it's the last bottles just do the last bottles I'm talking about explosions I think it's different for everyone random oh it's random just okay so one just keep randomizing two three uh oh I just keep losing Health three oh one two three four yeah and then nope nope one I just got it three purple oh no come on I'm not touching it please I want to three yeah I got it yellow I mean sorry sign no no don't don't kick us out one two three oh don't tell me it's just four one two three five you just gotta keep guessing five don't put the explosion ones once you can put five in you're good one two three four five okay guys I'm almost done almost done please don't kick me out of school I got this it's just like my eighth try okay so it has to be the the regular blue right there you go I did it after 100 tries it's yellow okay yay gold nope it's not working for me I give up okay it's okay we all got potions do we drink it ah they threw us back in yeah and this time we actually learned in school [Music] welcome to your final day of detention please avoid breaking the school rules in the future who's talking almost getting smarter okay all right detentioners today and this is a yellow bottle it seems Moe has boarded up the windows to prevent us from escaping again we have no choice but to leave detention through the hallway hey hey why hey you what stop I'm trying to break open the thing there's no point be careful MO is lurking if you see him hide do you think Moe wants some Powerade juice I am Mo do you want something do you want something I know we're hiding a bottle but I want to open these lockers very loudly can we hide it out right there hide and Locker three two one oh oh that's so easy that was really easy and oh you're so silly you left the donuts get out run he's in gym class come on come on that was too easy ah the exit is here for us let's go bye now bye now that was pretty bad so easy too easy what's that noise what the hey oh it's more coming back most angry yeah no want to be friends hello students did you think you could really Escape me yes we did I just realized you look like a blueberry bunny you look like Bonnie I've decided we should play one last game together before you finish your detentions what is it this one is called fight to the death pay attention because I was fighting with rainbow why would I do that yeah um we pledge not to do it again oh oh you're gonna fight now we cannot fight [Applause] a tomato is my tomato literally not do anything a potion get up oh my gosh gold Chinese ah um o how are you doing today are you feeling hoppy owl's not feeling very happy get up guys out I like how we fall back in this game though jump jump [Music] feeling happy look at look at MoGo Mochi Crystal so we could kill that's cheap I just respawned MO oh my God Mo I still have a potion throw it on him take this hopefully this uh you missed no hopefully the slingshot gets him yeah I'll just stay back here pick this mouth we're almost there wait mostly almost dead okay let's go come on let's get out of here Mo CK your face so it's more like a real like robloxian looks like it's finally over yeah it's not a good time to eat yeah have some healing thank you the gates opened well you creepy little bunny yeah hopefully you do not stand up when we leave no it was not nice to meet you yeah bye-bye Moe let's hop out of here this Academy is haunted and let's never turn back nope [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,857,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox game, roblox mo's academy, roblox mo's academy itsfunneh, roblox mo's academy funneh, roblox mo's academy krew, roblox mo's academy story, roblox story, roblox story itsfunneh
Id: TTll1Ho1zJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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