Staying on a Haunted Roblox Cruise Ship...

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guys look through the window everyone hold on to your scrunchies because we are going on a cruise today who is excited for this magnificent story we're so happy lunar don't put your water gun what you say I will have to point back coupie what your water gun that me why would bring you water guns to the cruise anyway why not who cares I brought a cookie I also have giant enormous cookie we're gonna save these so when we get hungry later we can add them I already took a bite hey there welcome to cruise story sup Jack what uh walk through this room and pick a dock in order to play the game yes we know how to play game okay bon voyage traveler let's go before the cruise leaves bridge ABCD Oh blue do you feel the Blues ah the purple purple bridge no lunar don't you'll get another secret no one's gonna follow you Bridge a for a treat yes let's go Shirley plus treatment here we come let us in this is the emergency rafts hmm do you think we're gonna have to use them I don't know they're kind of suspiciously stuck that's why they just have hanging out of the window it's to show that they have it so we feel safe guys that's true I feel like five hundred percent more safe aha splish Splash splish splash there's a party on this cruise with just potted people yeah yeah they took my clothes [Laughter] hey there welcome to Carnival Cruise took my clothes my name is Jack I will be your host on this floating partay yes just money so why don't you go and explore yeah explore let the money first don't forget to check every corner you can be surprised by the amount of secrets there is in this place hehehe also make sure to pick a room on the second floor you will need it later there's a dog we're too happy oh we got a guy there's so many things to do we're really know I should put on the slide first slide there's guys no funny oh you miss something the buffet is down right there whoa what there's a buffet okay let me go on this yeah hey what I'm talking about I already love this cruise I'm giving it like 10 stars we need money you Perfetti be suspicious that they're giving us free money oh it's for food block seas soda look at this pizza yeah oh my god hey I bought this cookie nobody Hey I'll show them that we bought food on the cruise is this in arcade there's more money okay we good you got to pick a room first though no it's just 105 Debs she's 105 too much what you guys did steps it doesn't work I don't think I'm gonna go to arcades you choose rooms upstairs that's why but I want to explore I don't care about we should go to the arcade guys we should see what it is what clothes shopping dude all this money is ours wait what does that say reserves for captain's dinner later oh my god you look exactly guys really pass it gives you a random phase welcome back did you have fun exploring course now yeah more time man that any more time Jack now it's time to play a game pay attention to the rules alright alright Jack I can't take track of smart boys for a random item that is hidden somewhere around the cruise okay once you find it bring it to me okay scavenger hunt time what do you want Jack whoever finds it first gets 15 cruise lot are you ready yeah yes let's do that we're so ready let's go bring me a shouldn't we go downstairs and check out the shopping area not distracting me Jack I gotta give the fork the jaw drop I take my fork here you go come on please it was me right round it first big brave funny time to pick another item what for our second item bring me a toilet paper I'm gonna make myself pretty I want I want a poem make about Luda you don't even care for the prize money now [Music] [Laughter] smash like and I'll give you this toilet paper jack I will give you extra toilet paper lunar found it first Jack we love all these activities but can we go eat yet you guys are great finding people now for our last item I'm just gonna go wait um by the stairs bring me a golden ticket I don't care anymore I'm actually gonna make therefore okay fine guys can we make a truce first can we just go get our accessories all of us really want to see what this makeup palette does let's go oh I'm so cute I like this fun oh I was alone we're kind of getting distracted but Oh eyes okay by the way guys if you keep shaking this plant pot you get a lot of money it's weird you know what yeah I'm gonna shake all the plants see it like what's the point of doing the objective when we could just say extra side things I got a dog we won't get 50 bucks and we can get flashlights what's this a dog dog treats I think this is for the dog upstairs what that's not the third floor the arcade I'm out of here all Lunars in the lead it's going the wrong way as bad a direction all right this money over here don't you want to pick the saloon er don't lie to me go left lunar you're going the wrong way Jack I have the golden ticket sadness I think I'll let gold go no lunar we have to give it to gold that's a lunar your cloud literally now it's time for us to play a game with you guys did you know that you might not be subscribed to this channel right now so go down below click the subscribe button and we will give you a delicious cooked only if you can find it you guys are too good for this Thank You work very good let's take another game we're game okay this time we are playing dodgeball how is Jack partying all the times party party blue team on my left side it seemed instantly red team on my right side I beat you blue team for life which the objective is to eliminate everyone on the other side of the track the winners take 15 cruise bucks each Gold if you go in our team we can just eliminate funny and you get more bucks don't do that no gold don't do that yeah the first person dodge I don't what's my dodge funny these things bad wait it's called the Dodge balls are going I don't know how I hit me Oh Ramon you light up 6l6 talk about rainbow is the dodgeball master cannot defeat her hey red team winner yeah that was really fun it's nighttime already after all that running you must be starving yes you can buy food from the buffet anytime you want as a welcoming gift we have a free slice of pizza for everyone I love this sure - take a seat for one hey doggie get a batch for feeding the dog Oh pizza I will take this whole slice for myself no one come to this table who's my pizza yeah no can't you see the slices for me eat this all wow I love how we eat pizza in the play rabid so make sure you have a bed by now it's getting late Pizza no cold calls it's time to go to sleep what it is Jack go to sleep who can we take his hat and wonder who hat is this wait I sleeping five five five five bunk dibs on top is chosen and next door this room's too wavy isn't anyone gonna shut the door it's kind of weird leaving it'll no balls we should close the blinds - any clothes no but I like looking at the ocean look ominous a lot no it's cool I'm pretty sure my guys lunar can you stop opening our door extremely rude I always forgot tomorrow we have dinner with the captain make sure to get a good rest what is this this is so creepy I can see the next room good night everyone Jack Jack night right guys good night yawn hey hey are you guys awake I can't sleep I'm scared let us sleep new Jack oh wait guys he is right I have a strange feeling about this there's a girl did you did you guys get a free ticket for this cruise cuz I almost got it for free yeah I was free yes free money this good is actually ever free lunar stop being a debbie downer why is it like green what oh that what is what is what green there's a good evening guys look through the window it's a ghost ship its Davy Jones is that a ghost ship no maybe white impossible whoa Yoshi oh no it's getting way darker there's no power in this cruise we need to go to the power room and find help yeah let's do that buy a flashlight who's rich I have a flashlight we're all rich come on funny right there's what's so creepy Oh Jack Jack come on oh you guys are awake yeah obviously it was probably that dumb power outage I'm so sorry jack we are scared you were very scared there was a scary ship in the window and we think something got inside what no one thought that truck oh hi Rex are you guys sure it was not just a nightmare positive who's that go ship someone else anyways I trust you guys we need to restore the power so we can search for whatever got in the cruise you just doubted us I was trying to open the electric room door but I lost the key card would you help me find the key card I think the last time I saw it was in the bathroom now go how it's just fine and give it back what card gold don't use it right now I had to use it in order to get this whoever wrote this this is called vandalism and it is not it's not cool so don't do that client toilet how does toilet here turn on water in them Go Go [ __ ] oh my what are you doing stop that no I'm giving the key card to Jack your scratches on the mirror he's okay you go Jeff and I will find it this time ah thank you for finding the key dracco oh come on can you make me one more favor no may no not really a food I can't go in there would you help me finding the power-generating in there generator great thank you the door is our box but be careful there's high voltage in there why are you letting your customers go in there speed riding money where does it faster gets the money ah great okay don't die I was almost there my clothes is back at least you got your clothes back that's a good thing I got it OOP easy see great now you have to leave it out ha well I'm picking up these cruise dollars hey you restored the power yeah yeah we saw something in the walls of the bathroom no hmm let's check it out I don't think there is anything in here no close the washroom doors but but it was just here did you clean it funny yeah I told her I liked the walls I think some guy should have some rest it has been a rough night it's true maybe we just think I will inform the captain about what happened where is the captain anyways the captain in the morning remember we have dinner with the captain tomorrow get back to bed ok maybe we need some sleep guys we've been traveling for a very long time you know we just got on the ship and then we're all like woozy so we might be just seasick be convinced why going to sleep and I'm closing this door and locking it no go to sleep look not lunar out oh and then close there you go we have 7 seconds to go to sleep good night good night let me go to sleep good morning everyone today is the day we have dinner with the captain we go oh oh we got a tooth you like your outfit but you must change hey wake up tracker does change for rainbow I love red are you trying to show off to the captain so you stick out don't yes I must be wearing the most fabulous stuff to tell you guys through the windows we look so good now let's go to the arcade and look for Jack what are you guys fighting or the belle of the ball yes we want the captain's in the hope none of your way in the same dress Oh oh this place looks so fun yes whoa all that you can believe particular tickets I have ten tickets but guys Jack is not here so yes so let's just play a little bit of games first he's probably a bit late let's play video games while we wait well we gotta do is shake these machines and get enough tickets for that baseball bat come on water chicky taking over here wait for real at work yeah oh it does where do those get your tickets know it hey what happened to the machines we only have six tickets you guys you coming out to get Tim I don't think it's an old baseball game they wanted you to get this bat uh guys what's happening outside I don't know but I can't I don't have a bag why'd it get dark all of a sudden what's happening door oh yeah I said give it back get what yeah tell us what oh no no I mean I'll try shaking all the receipts for the tickets I want any more tickets but you need to water God yeah that's pretty bad okay I'm just me okay keep fighting them off I'm gonna beat oh I got it what bat oh all right II don't have enough tickets this is your last chance throw the golden necklace in the water or else I'm sinking this [ __ ] what necklace jack has anyone ever blamed on necklace I think Jack took it yeah what is happening um well there's a ghost pirate bearded person I'm so scared he said something about a golden necklace because I'm really salt are you wearing a golden necklace it's almost time for dinner with the captain we need to tell him what is happening as you know what she stole the gold I did not take even though it's shiny and tempting fair enough this is where dinner is whoa the Devon just opened by itself doors are open let's go hey captain oh you looked at her you look quite on this deck oh hi captain but a nice necklace welcome everyone you are all looking great yes of course we have to dress appropriate my name is Edward Smith I'm the captain of this ship I heard you already met Jack unfortunately we won't be able to join us right now he had a rough night and his feelings sick suspicious okay that's fine go ahead grab a piece of roast chicken before it gets cold wait wait wait this harissa wait wait wait why do I keep eating hate you captain but we believe there's the monster on the ship I see so delicious but it's so painful I want some more chicken over here it kinda hurts he's looking for some kind of golden necklace I'll stop eating that's like the one that's on your neck oh no that is terrible kind of like the one you have on your neck wait a second wait a little second bow don't say it Oh what is that on the captain's neck oh oh why I can't let you take it no jack back come on hey you are finally awake yeah yeah what are you doing here what is this place the night the power went out I found a golden necklace in the captain's cabin when the captain saw me finding it he went crazy last thing I remember is waking up here oh no man Jack so Jack's good we saw a monster some kind of ghost pirate he was looking for the golden necklace do you know anything about that Jack the captain probably poisoned the chicken and brought us here and we can't be eating the chicken and we ticket and now we're here - Jack did you fall for the chicken that is terrible we need to get out of here before the ghost pirate strikes again he might sink the ship if we don't give the golden necklace back but how we get out of here with the key Luna I say we rip it off the captain's neck actually I might have an idea you got Jack's cookies in the toilet I found a random stick in my cell but I can't reach the key another finding game with Jack luck the key is closer to yourself oh right there take the stick and try to grab the key with it okay oh thank you for this oh that was magical great we got the key oh it's a lock there you go just stick it in turn the key open the door and open the door open the door yes well now find the blue key to open my door this is not how doors work by the way I got it oh oh I just crawled through the vent come on hurry up let's get out an open crews jail yep come on let's get out of here you gonna walk Jack Jack come on we need time for the cat very slow walking don't eat the captain's chicken anymore knock knock knock Oh does that the ghost pirate we're sorry take it it's the bat the monster yeah I read ya the go no it's a booger jackets clearly the monster foolish humans furnish yeah I'm green beard captain of dark pearl and I'm a clown hey don't say that you store a piece of my cursed treasure Oh the end why do you want it we actually know who stole your greed is going to be your dad we're not the green eyes we can show you you had your chance but he poisoned us when I don't think there's excuses with Bentley now I am taking what is mine Oh Oh No he's trying to sink the ship the door gets locked when the pipes break guys we got a hurry um so now what we need to activate the four unlock buttons to open the door before we drown and die why don't you do it jack you seem very smart okay let's go let's click this got it yep one more I'll distract I'll try to kill these found it I found it okay well time to hide a knife in my inventory I'm so done oops door is open run to the exit hurry guys oh there he is lifeboats Oh what's the captain doing what's the captain doing is he trying to escape he's leaving without I almost drowned down there yeah the cruise is still sinking we need to get out of here we need the lifeboats how dare you captain you Jer is one problem we don't have the red key for the lifeboats door oh my gosh this is the camera room we can see what is going on in the captain's cabin as you can see there's a red key Oh No the captain is there with the red key boss battle the red key for the lifeboats is also there all right I ain't going down for you guys have to go up there and bring the red key down here all right gotta eat some cookies got ya bust I will stay down here and control the flooding how are you gonna crash we have actin is one fluffy person that tried to and I have to choke a sword that I wasn't using before yeah okay drew with a pirate sword we're gonna go yeah I totally forgot to use it get that key and all captain are you still in the dining room because I am want more chicken I don't think so oh wait we could just check the ghost part and give him this bling necklace now okay upstairs captain you messed up esence crew waiting for do you know what you read yeah how dare you poison us with delicious chicken why is it opened oh he's right there Oh Kate Smith hurry quick grab it funny I never wanted this to happen you were trying to steal it he's like not dialoguing dedicated my life to this ship and finding that treasure this is a cruise ship we are taking the red key and there's nothing you can do about it cuz I'm why would you take anything you want I'm staying with my ship and my treasure no the necklace leave the captain okay so we have a choice now we can leave the captain and take the key or we get it take the necklace from the captain captain there's no ever yeah and we're gonna take your key to two things you think things you think this is a joke today smells we're gonna take it on Captain we are taking the golden necklace aha got it yes he's afraid of water why can't you just leave you put us in jail dude yeah man yeah this is the boat you are going to have to kill me for it alright brain with Warren funny spray him bad use your ghost pirate sword oops captain's down you eat Rumsey ship huh yeah take to this he's down he's down do you miss your own necklace yeah I'm sorry we got taken away from you you're back sorry I never wanted to do this but you just said necklace consumed me aha what's one of those cursed things it's time to you throw it in the water someone grab the necklace what jackal just grab it pirate guy I got it don't let it do the same to you oh my buddy what I has the golden necklace yes funny better look at Jack's face you want to give back the necklace instead of escaping yes it's the right thing to do Jack hope we don't regret this what do you mean would you say that we have to give it back this jacket suspicious wait don't drop it don't drop it funny drop it why not we need to Saigon oh man but socially drop it's not let the narrator win you I can't I can't I can't stop no you need to drop it now but so pretty I didn't drop it I'm gonna put it on my neck let it go it's beautiful it's not beautiful I I can feel them ugly necklace now it's not beautiful I took it got the evil ending yes [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,752,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox cruise story, roblox cruise story itsfunneh, roblox cruise story funneh, roblox cruise krew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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