The Music of the Prophecy of Isaiah Pt 3

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[Music] Isaiah at chapter 52 I don't blame you I'm sleepy too they are chapter 52 commencing in verse number 13 through verse 12 of Isaiah 53 I want to talk again about the music of the prophecy of Isaiah it's a lengthy reading but since I got to stand you might as well stand too Isaiah fact chapter 52 commencing in verse 13 behold my servant shall deal prudently he shall be exalted and extolled and be very high as many were astonished that the his visage was so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men so shall he sprinkle many nations the Kings shall shut their mouths at him for that which had not been told them shall they see and that which they had not heard shall they consider who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed for he shall come up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he had no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer's is dumb he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he has put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities Briss 12 reads therefore when I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he have poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever this this song is him this music that Isaiah sings to us from verse 13 of chapter 52 through verse 12 of chapter 53 this song stands out in the Old Testament as the simple greatest prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ and what Christ through his death would accomplish for sinners isaiah of course was written 700 years before the birth of Jesus and what Isaiah saw in prophecy you and I see in history as eya 53 is the most quoted Old Testament chapter in the New Testament nine books in the New Testament contained writings from Isaiah 53 we are given brothers and sisters a glimpse into the heart of God and we see that he loves sinners so much into such a marvelous degree that he was willing to put to pay any price to secure our redemption IMed I'm at the place in my in my Christian walk and in my preaching and in my morning and evening meditation that I don't need a whole lot to get me excited when I think about what God did for my Redemption if you are not the worst sinner you know you don't know yourself very well and so it ought not take the choir to get you motivated the Deacons are not have to lead you in devotion when you think about what God did to secure your salvation in spite of you he just chose you he redeemed you he he died for you that's enough to shout about that that's enough to give God glory for because the just for the unjust the righteous for the unrighteous when I think about how God went to illimitable extremes to save us that's enough for us to give God glory in this passage in Isaiah chapter 52 commencing at verse 18 through verse 12 of chapter 53 in this passage detailing the coming ministry of the Messiah Isaiah paints a portrait of Jesus that does not dry until Philippians chapter 2 verses five through verse number eight Isaiah starts painting in Chapter 52 but the painting doesn't dry until Philippians at chapter two verses 5 through verse number 8 his Old Testament revelation of Jesus conceals his heavenly Fame while his New Testament revelation of Jesus reveals his earthly frame we see in the Old Testament his fame but his fame is concealed in an earthly frame here me brothers and sisters in Genesis chapter 2 chapter 22 Isaac asks Abraham where is the lamb but in the Gospel of John chapter 1 John the Baptist says behold the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world Isaac is looking for him in Genesis John reveals him in the gospel Jesus Christ is concealed in the Old Testament but revealed in the New Testament Isaiah's thoughts painting in the Old Testament but it dries in the New Testament because Paul tells the Philippians that he thought it not robbery to be equal with God but took upon himself the form of a servant the form of a slave and became obedient even unto death even unto the death of the cross and and because he endured the shame because he endured the cross because he died in obedience to the father's command God has given him a name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ not was not shall be but Jesus Christ is Lord I think I need to share with those brothers and sisters whether or not you acknowledge him as Lord he's still Lord whether or not you believe he's the Christ he still the Christ I was thinking about it last night post-modern post modernity people in the postmodern crowd the Millennials in the postmodern crowd modernity was a reaction to the Enlightenment the Enlightenment followed the Renaissance and the Romantic periods and in the Enlightenment Bay they moved away from tradition and authority and thought that reason was the answer to everything and the modernity answers the Enlightenment period that the enlightened people believed that if you had enough sense if you had enough knowledge you could reason your way to a better life but post modernity gets rid of the reason of enlightenment and the postmoderns get rid of also authority and tradition they don't believe in anything they don't stand for anything truth is whatever truth is to you whatever feels good do it doesn't matter what any preacher says it doesn't matter what any church says the Bible is just a book written by a man I'm gonna live my life the way I want to live my life and nobody can tell me what to do even God himself but some of us have lived long enough to get away from that foolish thinking and realized that without God I can do nothing I don't how much education you have education just gives you more sophisticated ways to run away from God I don't care how much money you have money just gives you more expensive ways to go to hell you need a Savior you need a Christ you need somebody to die in your place because you're unworthy to even call on God's name and just keep on not believing one of these days every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess even for coudl calling his name now we'll call his name then when he came the first time he was born in a stable but when he comes the second time he's going to sit on the throne when he came the first time Pilate judge him but when he comes the second time he will judge Pilate when he came the first time all the Shepherd's saw him while they kept watch over their flocks by night but when he comes the second time the skies will brick wide open and the warrior-king Christ was stand up at his seat at the right hand of power and declare the time that has been shall be no more and every eye shall see him as he you you better meet him as Savior because if you don't know him this morning your Savior one day you're gonna have to meet him as your judge because soon he will take off his robes as a mediator and put on his robes as a judge and if you don't know Jesus Christ as Savior you are lost and on your way to hell but the good news of the gospel is you don't have to go to hell because he died for your sins and you are not ready to shout over the good news of the gospel till you've heard the bad news about your sin walk with me around the tape he is unnamed by the altar by the author unnamed by the author Isaiah uses pronouns without calling that name but those of us who know that name know that when Isaiah talks about he and him and his when you know that name no proper name is necessary when you know C and him and his he shall grow up as a tender plant and as a root opera out of a dry ground he have no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there's no beauty that we should desire him he is despised a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was on him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray and we have turned everyone to his own way but the Lord has laid on him he him is his him he he him his his him he that's the hill faster he that's the his you don't even have to know his name you just need to know him well let me see if I can make that mixing in in John chapter 9 that was a blind man that Jesus just happened to have compassion on and heal and the blind man came back seeing and the scribes and the Pharisees said who healed you and the blind man said him because he didn't really know who Jesus was somebody ought to help me preach it and so they call his parents and they ask the parents who healed him the parents say ask him he's old enough let him speak for himself and then the man left the temple precincts and went and found Jesus but he still didn't know his name I wish I had somebody who read the Bible and they bring him back before the council and they say don't give him any glory he's a sinner he is a blasphemer don't no longer give him any praise he is not the one he is a blasphemer don't give him any law praise he is a sinner and the blind man said I don't know what do you he might be a sin all I know is one day I was blind but right now I can see and you don't have to know any scriptures you don't have to carry a Bible you don't have to teach a Sunday School class just know him and when you know him that's enough to save you him he is a name Isaiah doesn't even have to call that name and brothers and sisters you may come to the place where you can't even call that me lose your memory and won't be able to call that name dying and and won't be able to call that name but if you know him if you know him for yourself that's why you got to know him for yourself because when life sees get rough the anchor is him when the doctor said I can't do anything else for you the strength comes from him when you've gone the last mile of the way the anchor is him when it looks like you're never gonna stop trying call out on him when life has gone and you are almost finished that's power in his name this this this new crowd that's coming to church now takes a while to get them cranked up it takes a minute or two to get them all juiced up but I noticed that there are some people who get here early and get in their seat and get situated in and get it warm because they got ready for they got here - just stop praising him you gotta learn how to praise him when it gets dark in your life you gotta learn how to call on him by yourself I wish I had one or two more witnesses it because when you know him and you give him the glory and he opens doors for you and he makes a way out of no way and he's company when you buy yourself and he cheers you when your heart is breaking when you know him such is not a place you come to play well some of you who were raised in church remember those old deacons used to pray the same prayer we could pray right along with him because we knew they were going to say the same prayer every Sunday morning and we'd go home and play church I was the preacher and and and Johnny was one of my Deacons and grinning winking with ashes and my other friends in the neighborhood would fall out I'll put some more glasses on my eyes and act like Reverend Wilkinson and Johnny would pray like brother Walker and Gwynn would run all over the church like Miss Devine or Oprah and then when he would catch her like the Russians have to do and we would play Church because we didn't know any better we had to had any experiences we were just acting like what we saw somebody ought to help me preach it we were just praying what we heard and preaching and shouting on what we saw because we hadn't been through anything but since I met Jesus my prayer now starts to sound like the prayers of those old Iike Lord Here I am once more and again knee bent come on you can help me said thank you for a reasonable portion of my health and strength I'm not shouting now coach because of what I saw I'm shouting because of what I know I'm not hollering now because I would I heard I holla now because I would I know he brought me from a mighty long way he opened doors that were closed in my faith he saved me from a burn in hell and because I know him I need somebody who was raised poor and God has given you more than you thought you would ever have come on help me praise Him I need somebody here who worried raised children by yourself and the Lord help you to do a good job on your own come on help me praise Him I need somebody who didn't know how you were gonna make it through but God opened the door come on help me thank him if God's been a mother for you a brother for you a sister for you a father for you everything for you help me praise yeah you don't even have to call that name if you know him he's unnamed Bobby awesome but I want you to see something else in the tape he's unnamed by the author but secondly he is unmasked by his activity we could get with him in here's and he and not know anything about it in Chapter 52 but when we get to chapter 53 it starts to become clear who he him and his probably is he shall grow up as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground that kind of sets him apart from Moses and David from Ezekiel and Elijah he's a little different from them he's despised and rejected a man of sorrows acquainted with grief we hid as it were our faces from him there's no there's there's no beauty that we should desire him you you have seen these iconic pictures of Jesus black and white Hispanic Indian pictures of Jesus where where he has European features he's light-skinned white long flowing hair attractive and and beautiful handsome to look on but but that's not the Jesus described by the scripture because when he walked on the earth you would pass by him because he was just as ordinary as anybody else he did not walk around with a halo around his head he did not have bright light white European features his heart was like lamb's wool his eyes were like flames of fire legs like marble stone feet like polished brass he lived in a region where it was hot and the Sun was always beating down he was not European in features he did not have fine beautiful tone so that when you saw him you would be immediately drawn to him he was not like soul who when they went to choose Israel's King Saul stood head and shoulders above everybody in the crowd hidden among the stuff you knew who saw walls by his gorgeous features you knew who David was by his pretty features matter of fact the Bible describes Jacob of having beautiful skin gorgeous handsome features but Jesus is despised rejected that there's no beauty that when you see him you just run up to him and grab him because if he was beautiful to look upon everybody would embrace him [Music] but what he does makes him who he is I wish I had somebody to help me preach we look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart we look at what people can look like on the outside but that's deceptive [Applause] you-you-you would you would think that Eve would know better than to listen to a snake talking you would think that Eve would have better sense than to listen to a snake talking but snakes still talk and Eve is still listening to if he ain't working he's a snake talk talk back to me if you can if he wants you to pick him up in your car he's a snake talking I wish I had one or two witnesses here check his credit report or he is a snake talking is he paying child support and it's not your child he's a snake talking and snakes talking you a saint Eve would have better sense but he was beautiful to look upon and my grandmother used to say what looks good to you it's not always good for you Jesus is not beautiful to look upon I'm not saying that Jesus was ugly in appearance that's that's not what I'm saying at all I'm saying that when you read chapter 52 starting at verse 13 it talks about he would be so bloody and beaten that nobody would even recognize his features he would be beat all night long bruised whipped until his features would become unrecognizable so bloody that he would repel the world and the world the culture is put off by Christ that bleeds the culture hates the religion of sacrifice the culture hates a religion of suffering and Jesus calls us in the suffering is right here in the text surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrow come stand before you too long but just let me say this that word he hath borne our grief and he have carried our sorrows the the tents of those verbs have a mood in them which means that something has been done in the past that has future implications he hath borne our griefs it's already done which means that I need just meets unmet potential let me say it one more time whenever you have a need your need is just potential that's been unmet God is waiting on you to admit that you have a need so he can read it with his provision you don't have to take my word for that when they were coming up on the side of Mount Moriah Isaac said daddy I see the wood I see the fire where is the lamb for the burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide you help me preach this won't you and God did provide because while Abraham and Isaac we're coming up on this side of the mountain a ram was coming up on the other side of the mountain and when need met potential Isaac was spared one Friday need met potential and our sins were forgiven he had borne our griefs and carried our sorry here is the shop he was wounded for my transgression he was bruised from my iniquity wounded for transgression transgressions is a sin that I know better but I do it anyway he was wounded for that every sin I will fully commit he was wounded every lie i wilfully tell he was wounded every strike against his righteousness I willingly undergo he was wounded for my choice but that's not the end of the story he was bruised for my iniquity transgression is a choice but iniquity is a nature every one of us have a sin nature you go help me preach this one there's something in us that's crooked that's bent that's out of shape but when he died on the cross what was crooked in me he's straight listen since I've been saved I get bent but when I confess he straightens me back up since I met Jesus I get bent but when I come to church he straightens me back up I wish I had one or two more witnesses here thank God that he was wounded for my choices and he was bruised for my nature Paul said the good that I would do I [Applause] find myself not doing and the evil that I don't want to do that's what I do for a wretched man that I am have I got a witness here he was unnamed by the offer he was unmasked by his activity but finally he's uncommon by any account anybody who's met Jesus knows he is uncommon by any account nobody like him nobody can save like him nobody can keep you like him nobody can deliver like him nobody can set you free like him nobody can loose your shackles like him nobody can get your offer drugs like him nobody can stop you from drinking alcohol like him nobody can pull you off the streets like him nobody can cheer you in your midnight hour like him nobody can open doors like him nobody answers players like him nobody dries your tears like him nobody can rehabilitate your reputation like him nobody can make your burdens lighter make your pathway brighter like him nobody can lift up a bow down head like him nobody can cheer you in your midnight hour just like him he's able to make a way out of no way he's able to be a mother for you he's able to be a doctor for you he's able to pick you up turn you around place your feet on slightly the ground is there anybody here know him if you know him and you're not ashamed to testify if he brought you out and you don't care who's a shipping buy if he made a way and you don't mind testify if he's been good to you and you don't mind sharing your witness why don't you help me talk about him I'm gonna help me praise Him he's Adams Redeemer he's able vindicated he's Abraham's sacrifice his Lois are his Moses Bush on fire he's Joshua's battle axe these Gideon's fleece he's Samson's power y'all know indulging these David's music he's Solomon's wisdom he's Jeremiah's balm in Gilead this Ezekiel's wheel in the middle of a wheel y'all know induction he's God's only Son he's Mary's baby boy he's James and Jude's older brother he's Matthew's King he's mark suffering servant he's Luke's Great Physician he's John's Word made flesh he's axe coming of the Holy Ghost he's the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth I haven't even called his name yet and you about to run all over this church he's a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendless bread when you're hungry water wynia fester y'all know him don't you I haven't even called that name yet and you bout to tear out of that pew right now these distinctive in supernatural capacity the superlative in sovereign Majesty is exclusive in spiritual beauty his radiant in eternal surrender his matchless in supernal deity he's the god of gods he's the Prince of princes he's the virus of ten thousand the bright and the morning star is a way out of no way he's a bridge over troubled water he's a friend when you're down do you know him come on help me call that name come on help me praise that name there is a name I love to hear I love to sing it's worth it sound like music in my head it's the sweetest name on earth I haven't even called a name yet and you pop the shout all over this oh how I love Jesus Jesus because he first loved me dearly and love it have you tried him won't it make away I don't know way why would you hurt somebody why don't you grab somebody tell him I'd know him for myself I know him he walks with me he talks with me he tell me I am his own and the John John John anybody here got real John Jesus is a sinner of Magellan now you try him Kevin thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I know he's all right [Applause] I tried him I tried him for myself I know him for myself if you know him and you're not ashamed to brag only if he kept you and you're not ashamed to testify I want you to grab somebody look your neighbor and I tell them I don't look like well I bring soup I don't look like Wow James yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I tried him in my midnight hour I tried him when the doctor said he couldn't do anything else I tried him when my wife walked up I tried him when my friends were talking about me I tried when I didn't have a dime I tried him when I couldn't see my way won't he fix it won't it fix it won't even fix it if you try to and you know him for yourself say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know he's alright [Music] [Music] we all we like sheep have gone astray but having loose God lead on him the iniquity of us Dwight Moody Dwight L Moody great evangelist Dwight Moody who influenced Billy Sunday and Billy Sunday who greatly influenced Billy Graham and Billy Graham who influenced countless millions to come to Christ Dwight L Moody was on a train getting ready to go to a preaching in place he went to the back of the Train where as was his custom to greet people and shake their hands and talk to them about God and about Jesus and a man running after the train on the outside said to him dr. moody dr. moody how can I be saved train was moving getting faster and dr. moody did not have time for a plan of salvation he said read Isaiah 53 verse 7 stop with all and come out at all and you will be saved man went home and read the scripture and the scripture said all we like sheep have gone astray and we've turned everyone to his own way but God has laid on him the iniquity of us you got started with all and he ended up at all and the good definition for all is all all we like sheep have gone astray but God put on him the iniquity of us [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 22,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wmYXPGkrBpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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