The Most Unfair Dinner

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[Music] hi please try this at home I'm going to host a dinner party for my friends but this dinner party is a little bit different see each one of my friends has to pay $50 to enter and when they pay me $50 they'll be randomly given a meal one of them will get a very fancy meal with a drink utensils on a table with a chair others will only get a fast food meal and they will be seated on the ground and the unlucky ones will get a handful of rice and be seated outside on the grass to eat it each one of these people will have paid the same for their meal now I know the first thing to come to your mind this is unfair it is they all paid the same but some got better meals than others as unfair as this process looks it's an accurate representation of the world we are all born as equal human beings but we are not born in people circumstances this meal represents your life if you are born in Madagascar a country that is one of the poorest in the world where you won't have access to much food internet or security this meal represents your life if you are born in Mexico a country that is richer than Madagascar with middle-class income but far from being rich and this meal represents your life if you are born here in Utah United States where everyone makes an average of 65 thousand dollars lives in nice homes with no fear of war famine or civil war no one can choose where they are born or how much money they are born with it's called printless and everyone is born with it some more than others including me the point of this dinner is not to attack or punish the lucky ones or look down and pity the unlucky ones it is to open your eyes to the idea that your meal came to you by no choice of yours that some of your success and some of my success came to us by no choice of ours and that is the game of life from a simple dinner table simulation that you can have at your home so let us all work for a future where everyone can have this type of meal for dinner
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 4,522,245
Rating: 4.9122272 out of 5
Id: PruC9rhLG0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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