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[Music] [Applause] meet professor mill hi I'm Mel Rosenberg and I fix bad breath Mel is a smart man he's a microbiology professor at Tel Aviv University who's serving years ago wanted to fix a problem everybody had but nobody could fix bad after smelling 10,000 people dread and after 30 years of research he came up with a conclusion it's possible to fix bad breath so he went to his lab played around with bacteria and came up with a unique invention that magically solves the problem you shake you gargle his academic invention became a worldwide hit and it's sold in the millions now tens of millions are using my invention this is the guy that's the reason your friends don't have bad breath and if they still do then they need to talk to professor's milk that's one minute see you tomorrow [Music] this video is a true story yesterday I was walking with my friends Jay this is Jay accidentally I dropped one point on the ground and to be honest I had no interest in picking it up I hate carrying these Cohen's and it was only like 10 cents then I look back only to see Jay on the floor picking it up and saying thank you and putting it in his pocket I was surprised not because he did that but because Jay is a multi-millionaire with a 40 million dollar company yet he cared to pick up my coins because according to him it's not about the money it's about the attitude toward the money and his attitude is that not a single coin should go to waste and this millionaire is not cheap he spends money on his family he spends money on his friends and a lot of money on his business but he doesn't waste any money not even the annoying coins and maybe just maybe his attitude is right he's the millionaire and I am NOT that's what it is see you tomorrow [Music] meet whoo tah dah dah dah loo loo what Geneva Lumia woo is a simple guy he didn't go to college high school or middle school he doesn't read books or use the Internet he is just a simple old farmer at a village in China his appearance and lack of education might fool you but they shouldn't because this simple man is China's iron Menace over 20 years he taught himself how to build actual robots from scratch this farmer builds robots that can carry him around robots that can walk in pour water robots that can write Chinese and a hundred other robots that do a hundred other things yeah oh this he built for really basic objects like ping-pong balls and without using the Internet nah nah now he sells the robots and teaches students how to build them at a university this simple carver is why we shouldn't judge books by their cover that one minute sale tomorrow [Music] the following video will change your mind on the term disabled because this is steam and this is cooler and they are twins during pregnancy they had the same heartbeat and doctors thought they were one baby but they were two and one was born with a CP disorder even if they're twins people treated them differently and we wanted to change that so they chose sports instead of burning alone they ran together as one they ran this when they bike and the R and Ironman in 15 hours together all of that inspired hundreds to join their movement and run together to send a message that disabled people and able people are equal and they should be treated equally and these twins with the same heartbeat are the best example of that that's one minute see you tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 4,378,345
Rating: 4.9234729 out of 5
Id: LSw8yW1rkMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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