the MOST TALKED ABOUT books of 2021!

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everyone it's hailey and today is bookmas day 14 so i'm going to be talking about the most hyped up books of 2021. [Music] so before we get into the video don't forget to click that subscribe button and click the bell icon so you'll be notified whenever i post i'm posting a new video every single day for the entire month of december and i will also have the bookmas playlist linked down below for you guys just in case you have fallen behind or anything so i have done this like most hyped books of the year video for a few years in a row now but this year is particularly interesting because i have never felt so out of touch with what people are talking about in terms of books like i i mean in terms of life in general but like i a lot of the books that you guys send to me i have never even heard of and i think a big part of this is because of tick tock a lot of these books i would imagine are hyped up on book talk and i'm not on tick tock and like i don't watch tick tock at all and i'm also not on twitter so i don't see like all the books that are being tweeted about really my source is instagram and i haven't been on instagram all that much either so basically like a lot of these i just out of absolute left field that makes it a lot more interesting though so if you aren't familiar with this video essentially what i do is on instagram i'll ask you guys what book you heard about the most in 2021 and i feel like that gives me a good idea of what books have been hyped up and talked about the most because the thing is what you think is really hyped up is probably different than what i think is hyped up because you know like i said i'm not on tick tock so like we hang out in different centers of the like bookturnette sphere so you get like a really well-rounded book when you know i ask you guys i just said book i meant a really well-rounded look at things who would i ask you guys and i just find it fascinating so without further ado let's just get into this list so easily the most mentioned book when i asked you guys which were the most hyped up books of 2021 was the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood so i think that the hype for this one started on tick tock but i did actually pick it up because i'm planning on doing a reading vlog where i read a couple of tick tock recommended adult romances so if you have any other recommendations you can leave them down below but i think that this one seemed to be like the most hyped up i don't know like it just has been everywhere and all of you guys mentioned it so i definitely agree with that but this adult romance is about a phd candidate who her best friend wants her to get into dating so then she like kisses the first guy that she sees but he ends up being like not a good guy so then she's trying to get into a fake dating relationship to like get her friend off of her back so the lab tyrant agrees to it and they start a fake relationship it's very interesting like this is a combination of two tropes fake dating i really love but enemies to lovers not a huge fan of and it seems like it's going to be an interesting combination though but i think it's extra interesting because the second most mentioned book was the spanish love deception by elena armas i'd actually never heard of this book before but then when i was looking it up the cover does actually look familiar i think i just like i don't know for some reason it kind of flew under my radar but i think i'll also pick this one up for that reading vlog that i mentioned wanting to do but i think it's very interesting because this one also features fake dating and enemies to lovers it's about a girl who's going to spain for her sister's wedding and she is trying to find a guy to go with her to like be a part of this roof to get her family off of her back and say that she's dating someone but she couldn't really find anyone and the only guy that she can find is one that she doesn't really get along with i really haven't like seen this book so i don't know what the reviews are obviously if it's hyped up i would imagine that they're good but i'm gonna have to check it out next is song of achilles by madeline miller this actually was on my most hyped books of the year list last year because tick tock cannot get enough of this book and i actually have it so i will read it at one point but it is about achilles and it's a romance story a greek romance story i think it's also tragic i really don't know that much about it i just know i have heard amazing things about it and i have been seeing it for like the past two years now it has been so recommended i think i kind of have been hesitant to pick it up like actually read it myself because i wasn't the biggest fan of cersei so i don't really know how i feel about this one but i do know that everyone seems to really really love it and i guess there must be a reason for that next up is malibu rising by taylor jenkins reed so taylor jenkins read is the author of daisy jones in vi and evelyn hugo and i actually found it really interesting i mean she has a lot of other books apart from those those i would just say are her most popular but i found it really interesting a few of you quite a few of you responded with evelyn hugo as a book that you kept on hearing about this year but i didn't see daisy jones in the six as much so it seems to be that like evelyn hugo has the longevity and tic toc seems to really enjoy evelyn hugo but malibu rising is actually her latest release and i haven't picked it up myself yet just because i wasn't sure if i would like it so i'll kind of have to look more into the reviews and see if it will be something that i'm interested in because i just tend to enjoy historical more and i mean this is kind of historical because it's set in the 80s but i don't know for some reason this one just i didn't pick it up it is about famous siblings though who throw this epic party and it's 24 hours that is going to change everything i think that's why like i like the fact that it's siblings and throwing an epic party and they're that they're famous seems really interesting but other than that i'm kind of like i don't really know what to expect next is dune by frank herbert is it hebert or herbert i can't remember but this definitely has been talked about a lot because of the recent release of the movie it is a sci-fi epic and i haven't read it haven't seen the movie i'm not that into sci-fi so i don't really think this is one that i will personally go for but i do know that it's one of like the most famous traditional classic sci-fi also zendaya was in the movie but apparently she was only in it for a little bit and i can't remember who else was in the movie but it definitely has been talked about a lot next quite a few of you also mentioned acotar by sarah j maas so this book obviously was also on the list last year and i kind of thought it was just like a passing thing because i found that a lot of the books that tic-tac were recommending were like books that i had a lot of popularity on booktube a while ago which i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that it's just really interesting to see the trends and how they evolve there by aquitar seems to be one that like stands still throne of glass wasn't really mentioned as much although sarah j maas as an author as a whole has been mentioned quite a bit but aquature definitely is one that tick tock seems to not be able to get enough of so i feel like this is just going to be a most hyped book of every year i can't remember actually if a court of silver flames came out this past year i think it did but that probably has something to do with the series still being talked about so much next is the midnight library by matt haig and my sister actually read this book and i had seen it and just i don't know it was kind of like on my writer but not really but then when i was like taking notes for this video i thought it seemed so cool because i never actually looked into what the synopsis was but between life and death there's a library and every book in it has a chance to try another life that you could have lived so like essentially it has all the decisions that you've made and you can see how your life would end up if you had made a different decision i just think that seems so fascinating like i'm really intrigued by that and i think i might have to add this one to my wish list next is still the invisible life of addie larue by v.e schwab which i still haven't read but when this book came out last year it was like the most hyped up book of the year and in my opinion it's died down a little bit but it definitely is one that a lot of you guys still mentioned as being talked about a ton so i had to include it in this video if you don't know it's about this girl who she makes a deal with the devil to live forever but in exchange for that she will be forgotten by everyone she ever meets so it's definitely like a hook of a storyline it's just one i haven't gotten the chance to read yet because i've heard it's kind of slow and that has kind of kept me from reading it but i will next a lot of people just said the grisha verse in general which is the books by leigh bardugo which i definitely agree with grisha first books have been so hyped up and once again it's because of the adaptation that came out this last year but i am so excited that they're getting talked about more not that they were ever like not popular but they're becoming a little bit more mainstream and it's really nice to see leigh bardugo having such success like they're amazing stories and i'm so glad that more people are being exposed to that whole universe because it is so great next is lore olympus and i kept on seeing this book but like i didn't really know that it was a book i don't know if that really makes sense but it's actually a graphic novel that started as a webtoon comic and now i think it said like volumes 1 to 25 or i forget what the specific word is but it has been released as like an actual book and i think i'm gonna have to check it out because it does seem really interesting and there has been so much hype surrounding it obviously that's why it's included in this video but it is a story about hades and persephone falling in love so very classic and seems intriguing next is from blood and ash by jennifer l armentrout i think that this book was talked about quite a bit because of tick tock last year but i also like she has come out with the books for this series so unbelievably fast i think there's already like four and the first one was published in 2020 so i just am like so confused as to how she has been able to do that and it's made the timeline for everything very confusing so i don't know if this one was really hyped up last year and has also carried into this year or if i'm just like getting my time mixed up because i also my time this year has been very confusing in general but i do actually have this book because it's one of the ones that i wanted to read for a vlog where i try out tic toc reads so i will try and get to it it is a fantastical romance and that's all i really know about it so we'll see next is a book that i had not heard of at all until this like question box and a lot of you guys said it so i had to look into it but i literally have never heard of this book because a lot of times if i haven't really registered that i've seen the book i can at least when someone tells me the title i can picture the cover roughly so even like the spanish love deception i could picture the cover roughly because it kind of rang a bell but for this one absolutely nothing had not heard of it at all so the atlas 6 by olivia blake it is about this like alexandrian society so it's caretakers of the lost knowledge from the greatest civilizations of antiquity and it's this secret society of magical academics and you're following characters who are like competing to be a part of that it definitely seems really interesting like i am intrigued by that and might have to look more into it and pick it up myself next is under the whispering door by tj cloon this is a contemporary fantasy and it is about a ghost who refuses to cross over and also the fairy men that he falls in love with like that just sounds so cute oh my god i really love that concept and i know a lot of people really enjoyed what was his first book i mean not his first book necessarily but his other book that i can't think of the name right now but there was also a lot of controversy surrounding it although that one was really hyped up and talked about but he does have another book so we'll just we'll focus on that one next is once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber this of course is the latest release by stephanie garber who's the author of caraval and this is about a girl whose father owns a curio shop and she ends up like the love of her life is going to get married to someone else so she makes a deal and i mean those things always go so next is the four wins by kristin hannah so kristen hannah is the author of the nightingale of course and numerous other historical fiction reads i don't know if she really has anything contemporary but i think they're all historical the four wins is oh i don't i can't even remember i had the audiobook for this one but it's totally leaving my brain right now sorry okay i thought so but i wanted to make sure so it is actually set during the great depression and i have never read anything set during that time period i love the nightingale so i can understand why this is so hyped up because she is an incredible author but i think i'm gonna have to read this one soon i just i have so many books to read next is people we meet on vacation by emily henry emily henry is the author of beach read which came out with a splash last year and this is her next novel in the adult romance genre and i have read both of them and i think this one definitely lives up to the hype it was so good it's about a travel writer and it's a friends to lovers story and it's absolutely adorable but has a lot of substance to it too it's just a really enjoyable read so i see why people are talking about it so much next is ace of spades so this is a book that i'm planning on ordering soon because i just am super intrigued by it and it is a thriller it's like dark academia but it's with a shocking twist that offers some commentary on institutionalized racism so i think this is going to be really interesting next is defy the night by bridget kamermer this is one of those books where like i definitely have seen it around definitely have known of it but it hasn't really registered and it definitely has been hyped up but i just like i can't explain it but like i've seen it but it's just i don't know for some reason it hasn't stuck in my brain but bridgette kamer is the author of the curse so dark and lonely which i wasn't the biggest fan of however i would be willing to try something new by her so i might have to pick this one up as well this is a fantasy series that is about a kingdom that is divided by corruption and of course we have a prince who is risking everything to try and keep it together and a girl who is also risking everything to try and like bring it all down so that's intriguing and the last book i want to talk about today is actually one that i didn't see many of you mentioned but during the beginning of the year it was really hyped up and that is the last night at telegraph club by melinda lowe so i myself have read this book and really liked it but i had seen it floating around and the reason i know i was so hyped up is because everyone was talking about it and i was i like had seen that but i thought it was an adult book for some reason and just never really looked into it like there's nothing wrong with adult books it's just it's not what i really gravitate toward so i never looked into it but then i found out it was y a and historical fiction and such an interesting concept like i had to pick it up right away so it is set in san francisco and you're following a young girl who is discovering her identity as a queer woman and she is like learning more about queer culture during the 1950s it's at the time of the red scare so there are there's a lot going on but it is such an incredible story so i understand why it got so much hype okay so those are all of the most hyped books of 2021 i feel like this list is a little bit shorter than past years in a way but then at the same time it is kind of long but i don't know i just feel like i maybe it's because i'm so out of touch with everything that i haven't seen like so many books getting a ton of hype except for like the very first one that comes to mind is the love hypothesis so it's kind of interesting it's probably because i'm not hanging out where it's cool to hang out anymore like i'm not on tik tok so i miss a lot of things but thank you guys so much for watching today's video i hope you enjoyed tomorrow for bookmas day i think it's 15 i can't remember yes for bookmaster 15 tomorrow i'm going to be talking about books that i read this past year that surprised me and books that i read this past year that disappointed me so if you don't want to miss that don't forget to subscribe and i will see you guys tomorrow in another new video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hailey in Bookland
Views: 13,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, young adult, reading, book, hailsheartsnyc, haileyinbookland, hailey in wonderland, teen books, teen reads, ya books, ya reads, young adult books, Hailey LeBlanc, hailey in bookland, book recommendations, what to read, recommending books
Id: 5jRP-Cgd7lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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