new releases i still need to read!

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everyone it's hailey welcome not welcome but it's supposed to stay what even ugh i'm stressed because the sun is setting okay it's only four o'clock and it's getting so dark and i want to film one more video before it gets dark out but today is bookmas day eight and i am going to be talking about the books that came out this past year that i really wish i had gotten the chance to get to but you know it was a crazy year and also i'm me so i didn't get to them [Music] as i mentioned i am like racing to get this video done before the sun sets so we're gonna have to be quick we're gonna have to be on top of our words and guess what that's probably not gonna happen so i'm sorry if it gets dark by the end of this but like i'm trying my best here i tried to start filming so early but i have to start so early because the sun sets so early and i'm not used to that like the sun sets way earlier i mean it's only like an hour but it sets earlier here than it did in windsor and i'm still trying to get used to that but like it's real depressing it's four o'clock and it's getting dark like what anyways there are truly so many books that came out this past year that i didn't get to get to like literally i just grabbed three more because i saw them as i was talking uh but i really hope that you know next year i'll be able to get to them but also next year there's gonna be new ones coming out so like it's a never-ending cycle of just not being able to read all the books and it's so sad there's also a couple that like i can't even remember if it came out this past year like did the new sarah j maas the court of thorns and roses one come out last year by the way i was just itching my leg so don't make it dirty there's so much happening already in this video because i'm panicked before we get into the list don't forget to click that subscribe button so you guys won't miss any of the bookmas videos i'm going to be putting out a new video every single day for the entire month of december and i will also have the playlist linked down below so then you won't miss any of the previous ones that i have done already so without further ado let's get into it the first book that i have here is firekeeper's daughter by angeline bully i was so excited for this book i'm gonna say that so many times i already know i'm gonna try and diversify what i'm saying but this seemed really intriguing because it is a murder mystery and it features a main character who is teaming up with the fbi and using her ojibwe heritage and her knowledge of traditional ojibwe medicine to try and like figure out this new drug that has been going around and has been involved in this murder so it just seems unlike anything else i have ever read before this cover is absolutely beautiful and i was really hoping to be able to squeeze this one in before the year was over but unfortunately it didn't end up happening so it's definitely one that i'm going to try that i'm going to try and prioritize going into next year because i really want to read it and it seems super cool next is yolk by mary h k choi so i have actually read a mary hk toy book before and i really didn't like it so i haven't read anything else by her but this one was actually sent to me unsolicited and i'm very intrigued by the concept of it it follows two sisters and the one sister ends up being diagnosed with leukemia and these sisters have been estranged for years but she turns to her sister to try and help her commit insurance fraud so then she can get treatment for her illness so like i just was like what like that is such a concept if that isn't a hook i don't know what is it definitely hooked me and made me so interested in what the story is going to be and what is going to happen because i have no clue so i received this book and really had wanted to read it and just i didn't end up being able to squeeze it in i'm so sad about it but i'm going to try and get to it another book that i didn't get the chance to get to is vesper teen by margaret rogerson so this one did come out later in the year so i don't feel so bad about it i've been very busy preparing for bookmas and stuff like that so it's kind of understandable that i didn't get to read it yet but this is about a girl who she's working to become a gray sister she's trying to be one of the nuns who cleanses bodies from the evil spirit so then they won't like come back again but then their convent ends up actually being attacked by some like risen soldiers and she ends up awakening this thing to save them so i have read two of margaret rogerson's books before i've read actually she only has two others and i've read them and really enjoyed them as fantasies and this one seems like a very dark and different fantasy so it's for sure one that i have been really interested in next is kingdom of the curse by carrie maniscalco i did really try to squeeze this one in before the end of the year but it just didn't end up happening but like vesper team this is one that came out near the end of the year so it's kind of understandable so this one is the sequel to kingdom of the wicked which i read last year and i really enjoyed it actually i think it was on my favorites list of the year but carrie manscalco is the author of stalking jack the ripper and she just writes really fun gothic fantasies that have very steamy romances in this case it's twin witches and the one twin is murdered and the other twin ends up awakening this demon prince to try and like find out how she was murdered and exactly what happened the audiobooks for the series are fantastic so when i do get around to this one i'm for sure going to be listening to the audiobook next is beasts of prey by ayanna gray i was so excited to get this arc so excited because the concept is very intriguing to me it kind of reminds me of the night circus in a way but i mean also not it's just because it's like this night uh what's it called zoo i couldn't think of the word so the main character she is working to she's working at this zoo which like has all of these really strange creatures but she's working to try and like pay for her family she's basically kind of like an indentured servant so she's caring for these really fearsome weird creatures to try and pay off her family's debt and she's also working for this really bad zookeeper i am so intrigued by like the creatures and everything like i've just got a lot of questions i don't like this cover right now though because i had a dream the other day about snakes being in the backyard and my mom's terrified of snakes and now i'm kind of creeped out by them at the moment i'm not like usually afraid of those things at all but it's just the dream was very unsettling okay it was like my backyard was filled with like these giant ones and oh i don't like it i don't like thinking about it let's move on anyways next up is once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber so this is one that came out later in the year but i've had the arc for quite a while i i can't exactly pinpoint when i got it but it's definitely been a little bit and this is the latest by stephanie garber who is the author of the caraval series which i still need to finish but we're not going to talk about that right now this is a completely new series and it deals with a character who her father has a curio shop so it's kind of like the same sort of idea i don't know how to describe that it just kind of has like the whimsy of caraval i feel like where it's a mystery and there's this curio shop i think it seems very interesting but the main character ends up learning that the love of her life is about to marry someone else so she ends up like making a deal with the notorious prince of hearts i feel like stephanie garber for some reason kind of reminds me of carrie menescalco i can't really explain why i feel like they write like sort of i don't know i don't know why but they kind of remind me of each other a little bit that doesn't really mean anything but yeah i really am excited for a new like set of characters a new world from stephanie garber so hopefully early 2022 i can read this i have so many books here it's ridiculous next up is angel of greenwood by randy pink i was really excited when i saw this book because i have really been looking to diversify the historical fiction that i've been reading because a lot of why a historical fiction is predominantly centered around western like hemisphere and focusing on white characters so i've been trying to find some new ones so if you guys have any recommendations i am always open to those but this one in particular is dealing with a black wall street which i have read one other book focusing on that topic and it's something like it was really hard to read i think i've read two actually i know dreamland burning is the one and then i can't think of the other maybe i haven't read two i don't know but the point is it was like this absolute massacre on black people and it happened in oklahoma and it was just like heartbreaking and horrible and this book is focusing on that and i think it's going to be a really important read very impactful and it's definitely the kind of thing that i tend to find fascinating and always makes it to my favorites list so i'm hoping that i will really love this one when i read it next up is the lucky list by rachel lippingkod so this is actually one of the authors of five feet apart and i haven't read anything by her before but i think that this book seems like it could be really impactful so it follows a girl who has been really struggling since the loss of her mother she lost her mother to cancer and she ends up finding a bucket list that her mother wrote for her senior year that her mother was doing during her senior year so as she is in her senior year she decides to do this bucket list too i just think that seems like a really like sweet but also such a sad concept i think it's going to be a really emotional story but one that i'm obviously very intrigued by like the bucket list is on the back and i definitely i tend to really like bucket list stories next is rise to the sun by leah johnson this is the latest book by the author of you should see me in a crown which i read earlier in the year and i really enjoyed that one now rise to the sun is set at a music festival actually and it features two strangers who end up coming together over this music festival and it's just the story of them at a music festival so it seems like the perfect summer read which i unfortunately i tried to get to it this summer but it didn't end up happening but i definitely like i enjoyed you should see me in a crown a lot so i think that i'll like this one a lot too next up is unfortunately rule of wolves by leigh bardugo i have been waiting to read this because i've wanted to be able to like give it my full attention and full focus and i just haven't gotten the opportunity yet this is the sequel to king of scars and that is the story of nikolai and i love him so much so i'm so excited when he got his own series and the sequel it's been a couple of years since the first one came out so i will have to refresh my memory but i remember it like it was very risky there were a lot of things that were changed from the original series but i did really like it now i've been avoiding reviews of this one but i have heard that people have really liked this one as well i'm just so eager to like be back in the grisha verse leigh bardugo is one of my favorite authors so this is one for sure i'm going to be trying to get to in early 2022 probably in january but i don't know how the month is gonna go so we'll see next up is six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim i read spin the dawn by elizabeth lim earlier this year and loved it so since then i've wanted to read this one which is her latest release this is it's a retelling of a fairy tale i'm not exactly sure which one i can't remember but it follows a main character who's a princess and she has the ability to perform magic but she's not supposed to so her stepmother ends up catching her and uses that as blackmail so she turns her brothers into cranes and she's not allowed to speak of it at all so after just like spin the dawn was so beautiful it was such an amazing world and a really great and easy fantasy to read so since then i have been wanting to pick this one up and would like to do that very soon next is sister of the bollywood bride by nandini bhajpai i got an arc of this and was like immediately super pumped to read it and i just haven't gotten to it yet it makes me so sad that i can't read all of the books but this one is about a sister who is planning well it's about a girl who's planning her sister's wedding and she's trying to plan the perfect bollywood wedding because they lost their mother and she's trying to plan the wedding that her mother would have planned for her so i think this is going to be a really emotional one but also it seems like it could be a lot of fun and have a very strong family relationship and specifically sisterhood so that's definitely something that i usually really love it's already getting so dark and i still have like so many more books to talk about i'm sorry the lighting is going to get so bad i tried next is kate and waiting by becky albertalli so i actually saw this book was coming out and it kind of like it didn't really catch my attention that much i don't know if it was the cover or whatever but i just kind of like kept on scrolling past it and then i realized that it was written by becky albertalli and i don't know why i hadn't realized that before but i was like oh so this is the latest release by becky albertalli and i haven't read anything by her recently i think the most recent one that i read was her book with adam silvera and i wasn't a big fan of that one i think a sequel is either coming out or came out this past year but this one is a completely new story by her so i definitely would like to read more becky albertalli i love her writing so i would love to know more about this one i believe it deals with broadway and that's all i really know but i don't really need to know anything else next is we can't keep meeting like this by rachel lynn solomon i read my first rachel lynn solomon book this year and spoiler alert if you haven't watched my favorites of the year list it definitely made it on there so since then i've been wanting to read more by her and i tried to read this one this summer because it deals with weddings and like for me i just want to read all the wedding books in the summer my sister's actually getting married this coming summer so maybe i should save it for that uh but this in particular is following the daughter of a k is she the daughter of a kid or is she the musician no there's no musician i don't know wait no there is a musician okay i wasn't i wasn't just making that up but quinn's parents are wedding planners and tariq's parents own a catering company so they see each other over the summer at all these different weddings all these different events and you see them having like this kind of enemies to lovers relationship over the course of that i think it's enemies delivered anyways we shall see it seems super cute either way next up is one last stop by casey mcquisten this is the latest book by the author of red white and royal blue which obviously i'm sure you've heard of i loved that book it was on my favorites list of the year when i read it maybe it was last year i can't remember but this is kind of different for them because it is it has a magical element to it so this girl finds out that her subway crush is actually stuck from the 1970s so i don't really know what's gonna happen there but i'm definitely very intrigued i also realized that i have a box of books that i still need to haul in the corner and some of them are 20 21 releases so like some of them i should include in here but we're just going to pretend that they're not there it's fine next is bloodlike magic by lacelle samberry i've been super intrigued by this book because it's a fantasy where it kind of reminds me of like the original concept for the raven boys where it's about a girl who like she she has to kill her first love but the thing is she's never fallen in love before so she like has to fall in love with someone and then kill her her first love so like that that seems like not a recipe for a really great relationship but definitely for an intriguing story we are almost at the end of the list i mean i say that there's still quite a few books in the sun she's gone i mean i can still kind of see the sky but she went behind the earth or whatever what anyways next is lore by alexander bracken this came out really early in 2021 it must have been january and i just you know it never made its way to my tbr i mean that's why it did make its way to my tbr i saw i'm sorry i'm sorry i got creeped out because i heard a noise and i'm home alone and now it's dark and i don't like it it's definitely the cat though but it's fine the dog didn't react so we are fine so many things are happening now i have not filmed this many videos in a row in a while this is my fifth one and as you can see my uh sanity is quickly deteriorating but this is a greek story and it is following medusa i believe no it's not medusa i'm just making that up from looking at the cover it's i remember now they like the gods have to go to earth for like every so many years and this is about the gods on earth next is of course rises by bethany c morrow this i actually had started reading and i just i don't know there was too much going on with the move so i didn't end up continuing with it but this is the companion to a song below water and it is like a siren story but in this case we are focusing on the youtuber that the girls in the first book really love and are obsessed with so i'm so excited for the youtuber to get her own story because like she reveals herself as a siren and that's a major catalyst for the first book and she seems very intriguing next is the heart principle by helen wang this is the latest book in the kiss quotient companion novel series and i really need to get caught up on it i have heard though that this one is a little bit more emotional and intense than the other books in the series so just do be aware of that but this follows a violinist and then it is quan's love story and i'm really excited for quant to get his own love story and the violinist she ends up going viral unexpectedly so it seems like it could be really fun next is the bones of rune by sarah rawley i've talked about this book quite a bit i haven't had it for like a long time but since i've heard of it i've just been dying to read it it is about a tightrope walker in victorian london and she's used to like being the cl the like uh spectacle of colonial gays because she's an african tightrope walker in victorian london so everyone's like oh but she also has a secret where she actually can't die so that's super intriguing okay we're finally on the last book here so the final book is which is steeped in gold by cnn no someone told me it's shannon and i've been pronouncing it incorrectly this whole time so i'm sorry but thank you for correcting me if i am pronouncing anything wrong please do correct me in the comments nicely i do try and like google how authors say their names beforehand but i this one i just i thought i had it but i didn't so which is steeped in gold by shannon smart this i was so excited leading up to its release it is a nigerian inspired fantasy what is happening to me and it seems really cool it's about witches who are very like they're from opposite sides of the world and they end up having to team up together okay so that is all for bookmas day eight those are the 2021 book releases that i didn't get the chance to get to uh thank you so much for watching today's video i'm sorry that it was kind of a mess the sun goes down and apparently so does my mental capacity but tomorrow for bookmas day nine i think i just asked you guys on instagram but i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be sharing my almost favorite books of 2021 so the books that i did like really enjoy but i just didn't love them enough to include them on my favorites list but i still want to share the love for them with you guys so don't forget to subscribe and click that notification icon so then the little bell thing so then you'll be notified whenever a new video goes up because there will be a new one every single day for the entire month of december so thank you so much for watching this one and i will see you tomorrow in a new video bye [Music] you
Channel: Hailey in Bookland
Views: 16,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, young adult, reading, book, hailsheartsnyc, haileyinbookland, hailey in wonderland, teen books, teen reads, ya books, ya reads, young adult books, Hailey LeBlanc, hailey in bookland, book recommendations, what to read, recommending books
Id: Zz3LOph14nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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