When A Crazy Girlfriend Finally Snaps

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you're possessed it says the way you act you know and he agrees like yeah I do feel like I have two horns coming now I feel like I have the devil in me he you know it's like he was growing like green and black and this is not red in the early hours of June 9th 2013 dispatchers received a chilling and nearly incomprehensible 911 [Music] hello okay you're gonna have to stop crying for or calm down so I can understand what you're saying your name yeah what did your boyfriend do [Music] um [Music] I need you here right now and I'm trying to get someone out to you ma'am are there any weapons involved no man it's just me and him he just drink a lot [Music] and he's about to die okay so is he beating you up or is he about to die the following never before seen footage has been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed attorney and former criminal prosecutor a licensed clinical psychologist and a former licensed professional counselor the Park Lane is a high-rise set of luxury apartments located in Houston Texas as officers arrived on the scene they could hear the sound of a woman weeping with an apartment 18b at their knock the door opened to reveal 44 year old Anna Trujillo as the doorways foyer faced a wall the officer didn't have an immediate view of what lay inside however upon entering he was greeted by an unforgettable scene ahead of him Beyond a set of luggage and suitcases was an adjoining hallway lying in that hallway was the body of a man the carpet by his head saturated a deep Crimson he didn't appear to be breathing Cuts bruises and other abrasions were evident on his neck torso and arms yet the most unusual detail may have been the single size 9 blue suede stiletto left shoe resting near his head adorned with blood and strands of Sandy hair the body matched the description on the man's identification card revealing that he was 59 year old Alf Stefan Anderson a highly skilled research professor in biochemist at the University of Houston Center for nuclear receptors and cell signaling when asked what had happened Anna seemed dazed but finally told officers he was holding me and wouldn't let go she claimed they had been arguing but how had a simple argument reached such a fatal conclusion investigators knew there must be more to the story the responding officers had Anna sit against the wall out of the way as they began to survey the scene what they discovered there tips the scales of the bazaar setting this case apart from others while sparking a media sensation the officers discovered a collage presumably an homage to the professor from friends and colleagues upon the occasion of his birthday ironically for reasons you'll find out later near the center of the frame is a page that reads Shoe Fetish with an arrow pointing to a picture of a woman's shoe other cutouts of women's shoes are prominent many featuring stiletto heels in the hallway within the general area of the body a men's pair of shoes had been placed against the wall and next to them was the stilettos clean twin moving to the living room detectives found a new set of mysteries on the floor in front of the sofa was a wad of hair seemingly a match to Stefan two additional clumps rested upon the couch itself on one end of the sofa was Anna's purse but then it was an ominous Omen a tarot card book open to the page describing the card representing death stuck to the corner of the book was a sugar packet possibly corresponding to the white granules sprinkled across the glass coffee table which was littered with a set of mysterious handwritten notes one of which was signed Anna one note reads May the shield of Truth protect you may The Sword of Justice judge let the pen be mightier than the sword another says I ask for you and your spirit and soul to be at peace your mind calm your heart pure strength detectives cuff Dana and led her outside to photograph her to create a visual account of evidence such as her clothing blood stains and any injuries she may have sustained while she exhibited bruising in places she didn't complain of any pain or injuries except for her knee but as this was under her clothing there was little that investigators could do to explore this issue at that time when this process was complete they loaded Anna into a police cruiser and set off for the station detectives had a lot of questions that needed answers was this a case of self-defense events or cold-blooded murder as she was the only witness able to provide a first-hand account of the events they knew that Anna's dazed mind held the knowledge that would prove key to understanding the tragic death of Stephen Anderson however they were rendered speechless by the Wild and twisted Narrative of Anna Trujillo aka Anna Fox this is 44 year old Anna Trujillo recognized by locals as the host of her own Community Access television show and now as a suspect in the death of Stephen Anderson as she awaits the detectives she sits in a slouched position with her head down hands resting between her legs and a protective gesture she begins to move her legs which is a release for nervous energy foreign barely looks up at the sergeant this is unusual behavior as most people make eye contact with people as they enter a room the sergeant leaves for a short time returning with Detective Evans to start the interrogation remember me I'm Brian Evans with HBO on the side the detectives have Anna's chair facing away from the table so there are no barriers to prevent them from observing her entire body non-verbal communication can be very useful in the absence of any barriers has the benefit of making a suspect feel exposed and Ill at ease the atmosphere is Stark with no distractions to enhance the feeling of an unwelcome environment the goal is to make the suspect feel uneasy as it makes them dependent on comforting factors only the interrogator can provide them such as food water cigarettes and compliments the interrogator wants as much leverage over the suspect as possible what we wanted to do is we with you in hopes of getting your side of what happened last night there and we need to try to uh for simply for our understanding if if you could and would explain your relationship to Stefan detective Evans leans forward to meet her at her level this may be an attempt to appear less intimidating he asks about her relationship with Stefan to get her talking but also to establish a baseline for her speech Cadence tone body language and mannerism so they have a basis for comparison when they reach more sensitive topics we went out and do you really like me first in the beginning he was very nice and he said he liked me and we started seeing each other and he asked me to move and then how was he asked me to marry him and a short span she has repeated he really liked me twice it may be important for Anna to make it known that she's well liked indicating that she enjoys being the center of attention and may exhibit narcissistic traits on the other hand Anna may want to make it known that Stefan really liked her in order to make herself appear innocent as she's trying to make it sound like there were no issues or hostility between them she wanted to marry me and I said I think that we should live together first so I can't breathe and ever since then I've been staying with him if this is true it had to be a recent development as the Park Lane Apartment registry only listed Anna as a guest for June 8th and 9th what this means is that they likely only recently moved in together or hadn't been living together long which is why she was still only listed as a guest this detail could cast some doubt on Anna's claims about the seriousness of their relationship for the next 30 minutes Anna talks Non-Stop about a whole series of relationships in which she paints herself as a hard-working blindsided victim who eventually decides to escape the abuse before going into a new relationship and beginning the cycle Anew he pushed me she hit me against the wall and I cried I begged them I tried everything and he took me foreign I met my boyfriend and then so he knew the story and everything and he said he would take care of me then he became physical because I wanted to leave and I need to stick six you know what can I do she portrays herself quite positively while depicting her Partners as being flawed I did it all I was alive I had a career took care of my girls like in the house I cooked I I did everything and it just seems like he is just wasn't enough incessant talking could be an indicator of Personality Disorder or a deliberate attempt to stall detectives from questions about why she's really here none of this information is relevant to Stefan's death and it seems Anna has a hard time staying on topic nonetheless this information could help investigators determine whether these men are abusing her or whether she follows a pattern of asserting potentially false accusations and finally click in my head [Music] he was he made love to me and I didn't want to and he's like your mind your Your Everything You Belong To Me and I said yes of course and it's like I want everything I want your spirit and then he's whispered in my ear feels I want your soul the detectives have exhibited seemingly unending patients as she goes through one dramatic story after another unprompted I went to the Bermuda tried I went to the Bermuda Triangle I've done everything for you to love me and you still don't love me like and I was like the officers are acquiring an incredibly detailed Baseline of how she chooses to present herself it's interesting that being in the situation that she's in she would rather talk about past boyfriends than provide any kind of explanation for what happened with Stefan it's important to note that this interrogation is unlike many others the main difference is that this isn't a case of who did it but a question of what really happened between Anna and Stefan that night for this reason the majority of the tactics the detectives usually use during interrogations aren't needed because she wasn't denying killing Stefan the detectives just wanted her to keep talking as the more she does the more they have to use to discredit her this is why they're so silent and don't ask her many questions anyone in my soul I said no no like not my soul you can have my body or me or whatever you want you cannot have my soul I belongs to God right and so I live with James that he became my friend he took care of me because I was afraid to go so you know I I love them as my friend and that was up that was uh yeah up until 2012. yeah okay and she cared for me and he loved me you know he started to care yeah oh of course yes more than friends yes yes yeah he loved me took care of me and you know he loved me and I I told him that I could not love him because I did not feel anything for him you know but he was there and then I didn't want to have sex with him but after a while he kept like on and on and on and on and on and then you know I I gave in enough for a while because and then I said well it's taking care of me or whatever you know he's always loved me like that but I had no love I couldn't love anyone right the friend Anna has been talking about is James Jimmy Wells investigators were able to reach out to him to learn more about the relationship any anything beyond that dating relationship talks of marriage talks to kids okay I'm just let me clear this up uh actually she did become with chow at one time we had a couple times but we weren't in series we were real good friends um but she became his child one time and uh but she suffered a miscarriage okay she never mentions the pregnancy in subsequent miscarriage that James discussed during his interview instead moving on to the story of her next relationship and a digression into her experimentations with holistic medicine before returning to the topic at hand and Stefan you know he was older beautiful I like intelligence he's respectable and he treated me very good and he liked my art I showed him the beauty of art the healing and everything and that's it okay before before we go into any depth and talking about Stefan I want I want to hear how this relationship developed with you and Stefan yeah that's it um before we do that though we have to we have to um take care of a formality in order for us to talk about that okay are you willing to talk to us about about your relationship with Stephon how it developed and how it basically unfolded how how are you asking me if I'm willing to are you saying well we have to we have to go through a formality where I have to read you a statement and make sure that you understand the statement before we can discuss anything about you and Stefan last night and and your relationship okay finally an hour into the interview Anna gets to the victim the detective needs to ensure that anything she says in relation to the crime is admissible in court so he wants to mirandize her the sergeant claims the procedure is just a formality so as not to alert her to the seriousness of waiving these rights is that something you're willing to do willing to agree so that we can continue to have the same Lord even the attorney are you saying well that's part of that he homicide he died despite his efforts this declaration sets off warning bells for Anna even though they told her from the beginning that they were homicide detectives Anna acts like she's just now learning that her actions led to his death the surprise she's trying to convey at this point is likely disingenuous yeah Stefan Stefan is dead yes I was given him up to mouth right I know her response to the news of Stefan's death is extremely suspicious as she has a little reaction and even gets a little defensive and yeah that was relayed on the uh to call to 9-1-1 the fact that you were performed so are you seeing no I'm what I'm telling you is I want to hear I want to I want to continue talking to you about you and your relationship with Stefan I want to know from the from the very beginning how it how it developed now would be a good time for a break if you would like to take a break I actually need to take a break myself do you need to go to the bathroom or anything no I'm good okay the interview has now reached the actual interrogation segment and since Anna is expressing an adverse reaction to the impending mirandization the detective calls for a break he likely wants to give her some time and distance from this negativity sorry about that okay it's uh 205. are you diabetic there's some candy bars in there there's like oatmeal cookies cinnamon rolls what do you um it's the same way yeah while waiting for sergeant triplet to return detective Evans asks a few questions unrelated to Stefan that may provide some more insight into their suspect have you ever been formally diagnosed with any uh psychological problems or psychiatric problems no it's just something that you know that has developed because of of abusive juice sustained in relationships throughout your life or at least throughout the latter part of the oh um yeah I know my my mom and my sister were concerned uh they didn't know so I yeah I did have an evaluation on buying someone and makeup um to put them at peace or whatever and yeah no no for no formal diagnosis here he likely wants to record any potential mental defects or Insanity defenses she might allege or lack thereof to help build his case Anna Begins to eat the candy as detective Evans catches his partner up on what he missed she seems rather unconcerned and at ease sitting there chewing her food and elaborating on her suspected thyroid issue but then she says this is making the second okay this could be another stalling tactic as it appears Anna is doing everything under her power to keep from talking about Stefan um we need to cover something and we might be able to get you a uh a uh become a like a white tie back too you know have you seen those before they almost look like a lab suit you know the the clean lab suits the white they're made by Dupont we have those in uh in our uh upstairs in our CSU offices yeah and it's just would you like for me to try to get you something like that okay she's been sitting in these pants for hours so it's peculiar that it's just now bothering her especially since she's been casually chatting and eating candy bars at times she was even resting her hands atop the blood stains with no appearance of disgust while the detective gets Anna something to cover her pants let's take a look at what we've learned about her from the interrogation so far throughout each of Anna's relationships there seems to be a Common Thread she locates a rescuer who's willing to take care of her says he's a good man but when he allegedly suddenly and unexpectedly develops problems such as instability abuse or obsessiveness she becomes a victim he became obsessed with me she became possessed or something because they were feeling really hard he just became obsessive compulsive when this happened she eventually finds the strength to get away into the arms of the next man the rescues her repeating the cycle I figure and a half later or something I made of my second husband and whatever very uh I am became friends with the man then I I met my boyfriend at this point the former rescuer in her mind Becomes Her persecutor This is classic thinking behavior of someone with borderline personality disorder although to our knowledge she's not been diagnosed with it left alone in the room with Sergeant Triplett Anna makes no attempt to speak to him as she has with Detective Evans she definitely seems to have triangulated which of the two will be her potential rescuer in this situation the pair sit in silence for a few long minutes before detective Evans returns I've got a suit coming down for you what's up but you can actually put the put it on or you can just drape it over here over your lap whatever you want to do the investigation comes to a temporary halt as detectives wait for Anna to dress when the medical examiners report from the autopsy of Stefan's body came back the official cause of death was reported to be blunt force head and facial trauma the coroner also reported incidents of blunt force trauma to his neck torso and extremities as there were many injuries along the arms and wrists needless to say Stefan's head suffered the most Grievous wounds there were 10 lacerations and additional abrasions and contusions bringing the tally to 25 separate injuries not counting those inflicted to the rest of the body in the interview room Anna is now dressed so detectives once again brooched the topic of Anna's Miranda rights we're not going to Blindside you here with anything okay we're here to try to understand things but in order for us to talk to you about certain things you have to understand your rights okay and this is just a formality that we have to go through okay all right I'm gonna read these to you one at a time and then after each statement I will ask you if you understand them the officers continue reading through each ensuring that she understands so that there can be no allegations of misconduct why would I speak to you or why should I wait and I'll say anything and have my attorney presents are supposedly but that's that's a that's more that's a personal choice yeah these statements show that Anna is not as out of it as she presented to be at the beginning of the interrogation the fact that she's considering the risks of speaking to the detectives without an attorney present shows that her thought process is intact this tells us that the one hour of stories and tangents could be a manipulation tactic why would you be stuck I suppose because from this point on whatever I say without counseled and yes it can am I being charged with anything no ma'am at this time you are not charged with anything when she asks this she reaches out with her hands Palms facing up generally a sign that someone is trying to appear open so if I I suppose that it was going to be more beneficial or okay so if I agree let me explain it you're not you are a very intelligent person okay well I can ascertain the fact that you're an intelligent person he's a very articulate person as well Anna clearly relishes in the detective's compliment even in these circumstances indicating she may be self-absorbed the detective could potentially use flattery as an effective method to appeal to her we're not here to deceive you in any way thank you okay I have been the whole thing I have been deceived a lot you know and it's I want to trust that's the whole thing I do trust so I suppose that this was what it is is if I openly talk to you because I did not want him to die you know if I be quiet and I'll say anything because I make me seem like I'm guilty or I'm hiding something because I'm not saying anything until my attorney gets here or or it doesn't make me seem like I have nothing to hide and my innocence and age doesn't matter who's here it was not if I open up or in general sense like it doesn't it doesn't do one or the other it's a it's a choice it's a right that you have that's why that's why that's why we review the rights so that we make certain that you understand and acclaim she didn't want Stefan to die but she's only expressed concern for herself thus far she also seems unable to make decisions about herself such as this one without guidance this can be a sign of dependent personality disorder someone suffering from this disorder has a constant need to be in a relationship and seeks out new ones as soon as a previous one ends constantly needing someone else to take care of them however to our knowledge she's never been diagnosed with this disorder oh it's really hard she intertwines her fingers in her lap here as if trying to appear Meek and small would it make you feel better to talk about it or not to talk about it I mean psychologically oh of course talk about it while seemingly ineffective technique the detective's question here is questionable and possibly manipulative as she's concerned with the legal aspects of speaking with them and he addresses the emotional benefits instead for the next five minutes Anna goes off on yet another tangent revisiting her past to continue painting the picture of herself as a constant victim I've been broken mentally physically spiritually emotionally because when I realized if I don't get up and I don't eat I'm gonna die finally the detective speaks speak and begins to play into her victim mentality with the intention of making her feel like he believes everything she's been telling them this approach appears to work it took you a while mentally and physically to get you to a point where you finally said enough's enough I've got to get up I have to do something I have to start living my life again okay we understand that hey what's up together what's up so you're saying that you you do want to talk to us about flashlight and step on your relationship with stuff online you want to wave your rights in order to talk to us she performs self-soothing gestures with her hands rubbing one Atop The other signs of elevated stress she likely realizes at this point she can't get around talking about it the detectives have done an excellent job guiding her to this point as she was clearly on the fence nonetheless the investigators spend nearly five more minutes trying to get a definitive answer to this question between your perspective okay so you do wish to talk to us so you're you're waiving your rights so that you can talk to us yes with official confirmation the detectives can now question Anna without representation just start from the beginning with of you and stuff on how how the two abuse began your relationship and it was simply producers and we were now I was interested in him because he's um a biochemist and that because of the work that I've been doing to myself and drinking natural self-interest all I did was study and you know because all the things that I've been through I was interested in him because of this knowledge and this wisdom I wanted to write a book or you know or a manual and you know do a lot I was my interest I am not interested in anyone like romantically I told him that I admired and I was interested in the work that he did and the reason that I was wanting to see wanting to see him or you know be with them he was because of his work okay Anna seems to view some of her relationships based on how the other person can help her they befriend me and they're good and they trust me everything and then they end up wanting to be romantic with me and I don't see them that way I'm too loving I'm too I cared too much you know and and I I don't want to hurt their feelings and I I'm an artist I I'm in love with love I love to create I want to create love and beauty and and things and I want to see you as a bean I don't want to see you as a man and I don't need a relationship as usual Anna seems to struggle with staying on topic choosing instead to talk about herself she's leaning in toward the detective as she speaks often it's the detective who's the one invading the suspect's space instead of the other way around her body language is conveying a level of closeness and intimacy that is unusual given the circumstances I my interest in them was not romantic I always want to work with them okay despite this she was not only sleeping with all of these men but often living with them indicating that she was likely using them based on what she says she may be incapable of Love or attachment to people suggesting that her behaviors align with a person who has anti-social personality disorder with strong narcissistic traits there's a lot of overlap between narcissism and anti-social personality but people with just pure narcissism narcissistic personality disorder typically do not commit it murder it's when antisocial personality traits are in the mix that the person often commits more serious violations of the safety and well-being of others first I told them I'm like you know what I'm very comfortable where I'm at I said and if you all you want to do is you know play around or like you know toy with me or whatever I'm not interested because I'm very comfortable where I am and I'm happy I'm uncomfortable I do not need to have someone romantically you know and if you just want a Pastime or something I'm not your girl but find somebody else because what I want is real I want a real relationship I want to have a man and I want to go to that man for everything and as losing a lot of credibility with her stories first she states that she has no interest in Stefan yet when he expresses interest in her she wants something serious as we started you know everything was good but then he did drink quite a bit but I didn't think anything yet oh you know he's accomplished he was about to retire he just wants to live his life you know he just you know it's like okay and I'm like okay that's fine I said but it's and from the beginning I'm like if I'm going to see you as my husband and I need for you to to do certain things right all right I wanted to he's going to start exercising I never told him it you know because he was out of shape completely out of shape he was red he was puffy he'd been drinking a lot and then uh through the course he also told me that he suffers from depression he gets very depressed right that took a long time for him to even say that to me it is interesting that rather than establishing herself as a battered woman as with the other relationships Anna presents herself more as Stefan's caretaker nonetheless the information she provides about his health may be important since Stefan was older and in poor health if he did in fact attack her it may have been possible for her to overpower him listing his numerous health issues Anna tells the investigators that Stefan had an infection in his eyes as well as an abscess in his back so I I worked on them and I found the offices in his back and it was huge and so I broke it and through the healing you know I did what I did it and like oh I took all that infection it was an infection and it was getting close to his spinal cord already and that's why he couldn't see he couldn't hear and it was already he was dying was dying in other words he was not taking care of himself right I started you know taking him out taking care of him going out you know trying to eat on a regular basis you know out and make them walk you know get him out of his his routine even if true Anna's detailed descriptions of all these negative features seems inappropriate for a loved one that has just died and begins to reveal more about how she really feels about him naturally Anna's story is just one perspective officers want to acquire buried points of view to determine the truth since Stefan is unable to speak for himself they seek out others who knew him and interacted with him to speak to his character while also learning more about Anna's reputation one such witness is one of Stefan's closest friends in the beginning I thought it was a perfectly normal relationship but then both my wife and I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable together with her be open be honest okay when you say uncomfortable explain to me what what do you mean by uncomfortable did she use bad language was she make rude gestures I think it was more like uh she said strange things okay such as and if there was a buffalo water or a glass of wine or something she could say you know they see that fish in there and we said no no I don't see any fish he knows okay after this peculiar Revelation the interviewing officer wants to further explore the dynamic between Anna and Stefan from my understanding from going through this entire case everybody has told me that I've interviewed that Stefan always took care of Anna he he paid for everything he took her everywhere he did every single thing for her yes is that correct but he was always the guy that paid for everything that's my understanding aspect while Anna does acknowledge that Stefan was good to her she doesn't sound particularly appreciative of this generosity he does not drive he doesn't like to drive and yet we need things we can run out of things and I my license is expired because I have my residency so I couldn't get my driver's license until I got my residency okay some stuff I don't drive he completely became obsessed with me he loved me and he was like every I was just everything and then I would look up and he would be staring at me or I wake up when I was sleeping and I wake up she wouldn't be there like staring at me then all of a sudden I would go to sleep and you wake up and he would wake up like a child infancy I was like oh weird to me because I don't like and I do not want to be with a child and he was like come on make love or he get like you know you want to make love and be like that he was acting like a little kid and psychologically was messing me off I was like in addition to contacting Stefan's friends investigators went to Park Lane Apartments Stephens condominium complex to learn more about both the victim and their suspect there they met with the apartment's night concierge who was present on the night of the murder would you uh say you know my sight Anna Trujillo or possibly Anna Fox yes I know her by Anna you know from Montana I remember when I first started working here she came in with him we were out uh get something at the apartments she said that they were out over at the park but anyway she um she came over and spoke with me was real you know uh real nice you know as Florence is familiar with each of them the officer wants to get her perspective on their personalities to determine if Stefan seems like the type of man who could carry out an assault while also gauging Anna's credibility what do you recall if anything that stuck out about Mr Anderson about his personality or his demeanor or the way that he treated you or other people all right Mr Anderson was very nice he was very quiet he seemed like a real shy type person real quiet I mean he always felt was very partial and just kept himself the thing that stuck out with me about her is she seemed like she was high on something all the time right she was just she just I don't know she just had this um when she would talk she would kind of be like a slur you know but she just seemed like she was high on something I couldn't quite put my finger on it but heard him just didn't seem like a match to me okay it was decide while Florence seems unsure of the root of Anna's slurring many witnesses including her friend James Wells stated that she was often highly intoxicated he of course alleged that this was primarily the result of her adaptation to Stefan's lifestyle meanwhile Anna continues to cast aspersions on Stefan's lifestyle and personality he wouldn't bathe for a long time he's old games without baby you know I was like you have to bathe so point he started getting better and made him some of us there started eating and I and then I finally break down and tell him step on I I'm not there yet I don't I don't feel I feel that you're you're an older man and I feel like I'm sleeping with my grandfather that's not cool I need for you to get healthy and to get good so I can be attracted to you so you can be my man and uh so I told someone look I need for you to go to the doctor because number one you're waking up you're either on some drugs because he would all of a sudden change how deeply as he I think he was using some type of drug like he didn't want to admit it to me but I don't know why because he has a whole Pharmacy in his apartment I don't know I said like you don't have to answer me but you're either taking some type of drug because you changed I can tell when somebody drinks and they act a certain way completely different I'm like you're either on something some type of job I'm gonna tell you or I'm sorry but I finally got to the point after a while I was thinking he was maybe getting Dementia or some mental thing was affecting the brain now that she's torn down Stefan's physical traits and attacks his mind as well you know I said or you're possessed just the way you act you know and he agreed like yeah I do feel like I have two horns coming out I do feel Twisted I feel like I have the Devil in Me and that's what he's saying I'm like I think I'm very serious because that's real she may be trying to paint Stefan as a monster to validate her accusation that he attacked her but her claims seem more and more outlandish it was when he went home is when he falls apart but I was there to see it nobody else died because he's never lived with anyone right while this could be true it may be a preemptive attempt to cover herself in case anyone contradicts all these behavioral issues she alleges about Stefan this third is to get so bad that uh he he would I would tell him these things I told him you need to go get an assistant to see if you get dementia oh it was like I was a messenger he hated me for telling him his weaknesses or the things that he would do he would get angry with me right and he hates me and I'm like I'm not gonna spend here and be you know like I'm trying to help you and so that's when I you know I went back and I went with my same things maybe Stefan was angry with Anna about her pointing out his flaws or maybe it was something else whatever the reason police found that in the Park Lane Apartments visitor permissions Stefan had granted Anna visitation rights two different times and each time he canceled those permissions however records showed that she was listed as a guest of the apartment on the nights of June 8th and 9th 2013. I mean it's definitely it was a January nice guy and I got the impression but I'm not 100 sure of course because I was not up in the apartment but that he uh regarded her as his ex-girlfriend okay and then the uh Saturday Sunday when he was killed she was supposed to go to Waco uh Stefan tried to arrange something with taxi and so on or whatever and then I got this message message on Sunday morning which was a disaster okay so even though she was planning on leaving going to Waco and he was still out of goodness that aren't helping her go see her children she did this anyway yes back in the interrogation room Anna has changed her tone it got too much for me I care for it so much for him you know and what do I do he has no family nobody watches after him nobody no he has nobody and he will tell me that enough to take care of me I want you to you know and I'm like I promise I will you know and that's how it kind of went and he's lovely and he's beautiful and I love him too these statements seem to contradict what she said prior about him as well as their relationship and then then he would do really good and then I'm like okay cool you know me too I get happy okay we're doing good you know you're taking care of yourself I'm I would have to make sure you know he was always eating and I was always worried about him you know and then also when he drinks he wanted to give me the card and go on Shopkins freeze and he bought me we went shopping one time and he bought me four thousand dollar shoes not a purse and shoes well he won his stilettos for summer 1500 for stilettos okay and then he bought a purse for four thousand dollars that's right the stilettos just one of many generous and expensive gifts that she claimed step and purchase for her I did not know how much those things cost until they gave him the bill and I was then we came home and I'm like I'm like it to me was a waste of money because here I am I can do so much money you know and I I don't I didn't want to touch I don't like touching money I just want I want to do the work and somebody pays a bill and right I I don't want to touch the money physically you do that yeah you do not want to touch it yeah what what is what what is it about the money you don't like because of the thought of where it's been you know or who's touched it or you know um well I suppose it was uh the detective may be trying to determine if she experiences obsessive-compulsive disorder here between this and his earlier questions about psychological assessment he seems to be seeking a mental health reason to explain her behavior because of what what it represents that's what people do to give them okay yeah it's a representation and how people buy people and they kill and they they do whatever they want just to give a dollar right so I'm like I do not want to be corrupted I never I believe in that I don't want to touch it so therefore I do the work you take care of you know the things that I need and I'm good it doesn't make sense how she can want to be taken care of but not want anyone's money the two concepts go hand in hand it's possible that Anna is trying to downplay the importance of money so that the detectives don't think she was using Stefan for financial reasons there's a cycle the history here where if you have become involved with people who have become confused because of the relationship and they confuse they may confuse your kindness towards them the way that you act towards them for what they want which sounds and oftentimes is now the detective begins to take a greater role in the interview I am pretty open pretty straightforward and they are green and and I want to be friends I say I want to be friends I don't know where in their mind or when I work together you know and I do take care of you and I love yeah I mean you're my friend or if you're my boyfriend then you're my boyfriend you know but that's it a lot of men look at it and go yeah we have things in common now but down the road the common thing that's going to bind us is going to be that that intimate or that romantic relationship is to where you've got a point where no it's not going to be that way because I'm not attracted to you that way but I am attracted to you because of your mind and the things that you do in your life anyway so I got to the point he got upset and whatever and then you know he would regress like I said and uh okay so okay so this is where okay so pointy and it's it's good so she seems confused and lost as she tries to pick up her story again repeating herself quite a bit the detectives provide a summary of where she was at up to the point where Anna had returned to staying with James she picks up the story once more I mean I went back with my friend and then I feel safe there and everything I guess one of his friends staying with him and he has a little girl Mr Hugh know about Shonda is that her name yes okay you're all friends yes okay we are roommates and her kids live with me are y'all in an intimate relationship or yes we're you and Shonda are are in a dating relationship or interim relationship this is how she ended up being back at my house uh because she hadn't been staying with me she had been staying with him but out of nowhere One Night in January she just showed up she was drunk a lady from Casey Jones the radio station she dropped off and she was like hey I was just making sure she told me to bring her over here and at that time I guess she wouldn't confide in me because I'm a man or whatever but she told Shonda later on that night that she had gotten in a fight with him and that's why she just showed up at our house James paints a different picture of Anna's arrival far less amicable with Stefan than she describes in her version of event events that night Anna got into a physical altercation with James's girlfriend Chanda Anna claims that Chanda pushed her first and knocked her down before she began hitting her she tells detectives that they made up and apologized but Janda still went behind her back and threw out all of her things her fight with Chanda demonstrates a propensity toward violence and it is not an isolated incident uh this particular day I picked her up I noticed that she was kind of something was wrong so she asked me to order her drink I gave I bought her wine I got me something to eat then we were about to leave but we stayed at the bar and I kind of asked her I'm like are you drunk because she was kind of acting kind of weird woozy but I couldn't play if something was wrong with her where she was actually drunk because I hadn't been there before how would you describe weird um she was just like kind of mumbling to herself and I'm like are you and she was kind of like laughing and giggling and I'm like are you drunk you know to the point are you drunk yeah but uh I never thought anything of it she drunk of wine we left I took her home uh when I got home we were standing sitting in my room and I'm sitting in my recliner chair watching TV and she comes over and says she's gonna kiss me and she leans down and she bites me on my head like you probably and then like where it pulls the skin away from my head so at that time I told her uh you know I know you have to leave my house because as a nine-year-old here she's a little girl I don't want her your drinking has become a problem so I don't want that kind of example for her to be here so I asked her she has to leave my house with nowhere else to go Anna appeals to Stefan for help just days before he would meet his end on the wrong side of an expensive stiletto unfortunately this isn't even the first time that Anna resorted to biting someone while drinking this time the victim of her assault was Stefan himself while they were dining at bodega's Taco Shop the couple were regulars there and police questioned Herbert Vargas Diaz the manager he explained that some customers told him that Anna had gotten into an argument with Stefan during one of their visits and had bitten him on the face while he admits he didn't see the actual assault take place he did get ice for the wound incidentally the customers in question were a couple that Anna and Stefan were dining with which included his good friend Anders she just arrived as I recorded from nowhere and was extremely aggressive and bites him in his cheek so there was I mean really a pint Mark in the cheek on the right side and then she just disappeared and left her bag with a computer and everything one do you know why did you hear Anna make any remarks to him before she bit him and number two did uh Mr Anderson say why she might have bit him after the incident no nothing at all no was he go ahead sir yeah the only thing I know is that Stefan and I uh we left her bag at the bodegas restaurant uh to the boat down there and walked away okay and went to place other place and the Stefan was crying okay but he was emotionally extremely touched okay because of the experience not that he was actually injured but the emotion of it nor is this the first time that Stefan allegedly suffered physically at Anna's hands in a very literal sense on another occasion she was trying to strangle him she was trying to strangle him yes and she he said to me she is so extremely strong okay outside of physical altercations investigators learned about other incidents involving unusual behavior from Anna Lil Brown the manager of Stefan's condominium complex provided an incident report which contained several reported situations involving Anna Fox the most significant was that on October 27 2012 while extremely intoxicated she reportedly sliced the hose on the back of Stephen's refrigerator Anders remembers his friend telling him about the incident the first thing I heard about was that she had pulled out the refrigerator from the bottom and tried with a sister to cut the water supply to the refrigerator and Stefan woke up said what are you doing there is an entity in there Anna's Behavior suggests that she may have significant issues with impulsivity thinking there was an entity in the fridge could suggest that she may have been suffering from some paranoid ideation both of these symptoms can be present in someone with borderline personality disorder nighttime concierge Florence McLean was also present at the time the back water thing on the um the refrigerator and we had to call maintenance to come and visit because water was going everywhere and she said it was making a lot of noise and so she cut the line with a knife so and she was like it's like why would she do something like that but you know Mr Sanderson was just real quiet about it when Sam went up there to check on him and he just told me he said I told Mr Anderson why in the world would she do that and he said he don't know she just went over the wire however as the incident Drew to a close the concierge on morning Duty made a prophetic statement I advise Mr Anderson to take the incident with this lady very serious or the situation could escalate into something major down the road a lot of people have warned him even one of the other concierge that working Sam he had even told him you know Mr Anderson you need to get away from that Navy she's crazy issues very aggressive the report also featured complaints about Anna's behavior from others on the property a manager on site from another company also commented on her unusual behavior toward his workers observing that she was pretty weird in light of these recurring issues manager little brown approached Stefan directly he defended Anna as a friendly person who he was helping out temporarily but agreed to discuss the incidents with her nonetheless she'd been staying with him a month at that point and the hotel staff wanted clarification manager Little Brown made a special note to keep an eye on Anna Fox investigators continue to learn about more examples of Anna's negative behavior describing the previous incidents reminded Anders of another situation that Stefan had to endure she took his car was driving around somewhere and it was destroyed and I had to repair it for quite a lot of money after learning of these events the investigator has a few relevant questions for Anders did he ever say he was inferior for his life or anything like that no no and he just even though these incidents happen he still stayed with her and right did he ever tell you that he loved her or anything like that yeah he did that in the beginning definitely so he was very happy and meeting her but then after this incident that she bites him in the cheek okay my wife and I said that we are not going to meet okay well you were together with her because we feel afraid yes sir so uh but but then I don't know I got the impression uh uh not long time before he was actually murdered that he felt threatened over her because he called me and asked for something talking about something and then he said to me several times I have to stop I have to stop she's coming she's coming okay this doesn't sound like the same Anna that she herself is describing back in the interview room and believe me I try to keep the peace you know but I anyways we're gonna talk about yesterday she hit me look at some of the bruises with us there she keeps she kept us thick she hit me with it and then uh and then James got into two you know and by then you know I was like I come down or whatever but then you know I was talking to him and he said that oh by the way so-and-so's coming what you know I was starting to learn the next turn and I hit him with my teeth on his head because we were sitting together like turning him at the same time he looked at things and so I hit a little piece on this forehead then he became angry he thought he did it on purpose and I didn't this explanation of the injury to James's head is not only peculiar but deviates from his version of the story especially since she's implying the situation was entirely accidental according to a police statement Chanda claimed that Anna started the fight and showed the officer her defensive wounds Anna went to the hospital for her injuries but the officer didn't file charges because he wasn't sure who was to blame when that happened of course I called Stefan and then you know I miss things yeah yeah I was saying it was different and Stefan and because Stefan and I were you know her open hand spread out in front of her is known as the rogatory display this body language usually indicates that the person wants the other person to believe what they're saying it is a low confidence position so it can be a a red flag if the person is stating a fact while their palms are open like this truthful individuals usually don't need to ask or plead that someone buys their story we're doing good and he's better and you know he he's he's bathing his skin is not you know he's looking better feels good uh uh now he's like he's spiritual he's spiritual he believes he likes it he says he was inspired and he said that I I he didn't think he could love again but I brought Love Again into his life so he's very grateful notably Anna Begins to describe her relationship with Stefan as idyllic in the days in which the murder took place it's common for people who are guilty of wrongdoing to lie or exaggerate about having a good relationship with the victim before the crime in an attempt to remove the motive for intentional harm in her case it also sets up the common pattern of a sudden and unexpected victimization and then of course James is devastated he keeps calling me back to go back that he will forgive him and you know and forgive him and he saw are they he loves me he never mentioned hurt me blah blah blah and I'm like no I finally went and got my things in her story James is constantly calling her and begging her to come back which is vastly different from what he said he does say that he eventually heard from Anna again however regarding her belongings Anna now directs the narration to the events of that night the last before Stefan's death hmm what's 15 50. it's a it's a club we go there we eat that's what we do we eat and you know it's very nice everybody last night yes we win we ate and you know we we were having them celebrating we're having a nice time you know um and it was good and and unnoticeably gets tripped up when discussing the evening at the club any change in speech patterns and demeanor compared to a suspect's well-established Baseline is something in which detectives will note it was good and people were talking to me you know it's okay you know and uh he got kind of seriously what's wrong it's like no nothing I'm right he changed right and like people come over here like we started to come and get like you know like broke chemical system and kind of bringing me in like you know the people you were talking to were they were they were in the club right in your group that you were with no it was just me and him with wings they are essentially they were strangers yeah so he's getting jealous you're talking to straight strangers yeah but I think well well he was right there he was right there with me as the atmosphere begins to change Anna Once More indicates that Stefan is the source of discontent and then somebody ordered like a drink I think it was like a gin and they put cranberry and I'm like well Bombay and I'm like and I or I heard him I'm like I said what was the drink they took a cranberry and you know in June it's like yeah he goes it's really good and I said okay because if you don't like this feels here he didn't tell me but he ordered a drink for me too and he said here what if it's okay he asked them if it's okay you know I want to try it and so you got me a drink but then that I felt he didn't like it he not I guess got jealous and so we finished drinking and everything you know he um we kept drinking and we were fine she said he was okay oh okay so we go home and everything's good despite Anna's explanation of step and seriousness and jealousy issues she claims that everything was fine and good implying they left and went home without incident however investigators learned that she'd skipped a few key elements in her story that took place in between Stephanie called a cab when he was ready to leave the 5015 bar and it arrived at 1 45 a.m Rosemary Gomez was the official cab driver we had noticed her in surveillance images that they had been this couple men or woman had been dropped off of the location by Yellow Cab and you were the driver of that Yellow Cab that night yes okay this is actually untrue investigators later learned that she was in fact the passenger she was actually in the passenger seat running the meter in GPS the actual driver was her common law husband Reagan Cannon she claimed that she occasionally brought her husband along so she would feel safer driving at night and she was afraid that if her come company learned that he was actually driving at the time she would lose her job when I pulled up a mail came out and uh older gentleman right hand and I asked him I said is your name his name was Esteban um anyway I forget Stefan Anderson and Mr Anderson okay because it's on the meter you know his name prints out so I asked him are you Mr Esteban and he said yes okay and he said I said did you call for Academy he says yes and he said can you wait just a minute I have a friend going with me and I said yes sir throughout her explanation she refers to herself as the driver leaving her husband out of the narrative completely so then he comes back because he was having trouble getting on the you know to come because that's what I figured because he kept talking to him Turner come on then he comes back and he said my friend is going to go with me and I said are you sure and he said yeah he said just please give me a minute give me away I said yes sir so then he goes back again and then he comes back and then I said Mr Estefan are you going to take this taxi and he said yeah turn the you know he said if you have to turn the meter on and I said okay so he said just just a minute my friend is coming so that when you know the doors open the whole time so I'm watching them to make sure he's going to get in the cabin who's coming with them so when I turned you know the third time he's going back to the same lady and I don't I can't hear exactly what he says but all I heard was the lady scream the lady said go get a cab a little loud like that I mean I could hear a plain and clear she said go get the [ __ ] cap later detectives were able to get in touch with Reagan Cannon to hear his side of the story as well so that girl Anna when she got in the cab what'd she say to you uh what did you say to me yeah was she cussing you or she cussing Rosemary she was cussing the man oh she was because she was just she was just cussing in general just being a butt head but at first whenever we stopped at the bar to pick him up he came out he he asked us to hold on that he needed to get his friend okay and he went to the door and she was standing right in the doorway okay it was a side entrance and she was standing right in the doorway talking to another man and and he walked up to the doorway to her and asked her to come get in the cab told her he had she started hollering at him telling him to go get a cab okay and he's telling her I've got a cab in the parking lot if there was any doubt all reports indicate that Anna was highly intoxicated and I'm like man she would find her another cap I've been in there I would have got in the cab and said lady you know however you at home get on the best way you can because I'm out of here okay the next thing I know he's walking with the helping her because she's having you know trouble walking and he's holding her hand and he brings her okay the doors open on the on the back door on the passenger side okay so he comes around to the my side the driver's side and opens the door and gets her in she gets in and sits down and then she as soon as she sits down he goes around and comes in and gets in and shuts the door and I said where are you going and it showed on the marina said is this the address he said yes right away when he said yes the lady proceeds to tell me how to go and how to drive she said we're going to so-and-so address and you're good up here and you she says something you know and I said ma'am I got this I'm gonna put it in the GPS she said I'm telling you how to go and this is the way you're gonna go and she starts telling directions and and and he's trying to give directions too and she's telling him to shut up that he don't know what he's talking about and this and that so as what's going along she she's you know trying to tell me to how to jogger how to get there she's still going on custom and stuff and I just thought in my mind oh this lady's had too much to drink I'm just going to ignored and so then when she she uh they went she was in the back and she tells us to my you know Mr Esteban she said Esteban what the [ __ ] you said aren't you gonna tell her anything and he says what do you want me to tell her she's not doing nothing wrong she'll get us there he says be quiet she'll get us there he says she's doing her job and she said what you know she was just well you can you can tell she was she was just going what the [ __ ] she said you're not gonna tell her nothing for telling me something and and he's like but she didn't do nothing wrong to you he said just be quiet we'll be home in a minute Rosemary then goes into a detailed description of Stefan's demeanor during the events which corresponds with what other Witnesses have said about his personality the gentleman Mr Esteban he was very calm Mom very patient very you know passive type of person he was just like attending to her helping her you know what I mean he was just he never got out of line he never cursed he never raised it he was just very calm very nice older gentleman then when we get to to the house you know the meter it said six something almost seven dollars and he said I don't have cash and I said you don't have cash he said no can I pay with the credit card and I said you want to pay with the credit card for seven dollars and he said is that okay and I'm like well if that's all you got okay and then she says then the lady gets butts in and she says why don't you come tomorrow she said just come back tomorrow and pick up your money and she proceeds to tell us don't worry about the cab fair come and get it tomorrow I said ma'am I said I'm talking to him and she said [ __ ] you she said I said come to my you know she was very um how do I say bossy and Progressive aggressive and bossy and pushy and she's she's like I told you you know she was talking to me like that she said I told you to come to Mario and get your money I said man we don't do that I said I'm I'm taking care of it and then that's the one told her he said be quiet and behave he said we'll be out in many so just wait so we would not you know you have to unlock the doors to let the customer out yeah he didn't unlock the doors that's when she got nasty with you or with uh Rosemary right right right she starts crying you know let me out of this cab and I thought we told her ma'am we can't let you out of the cab until you make arrangements for payment yeah you know she's less understandable yeah she proceeds to scream and cuss and holler you can say what you want too to me but you ain't gonna say a whole lot to my wife yeah you know and I looked at Mr Instagram I said Mr Instagram that's it I'm calling the police because she was you know to the point where she was too drunk she was cursing and she was starting to get mean and I don't take chances with customers like that inside The Complex Florence McLean is working the desk uh all the vote that well actually she came in first I saw the both of them pull up in the um in the taxi and she got out of the taxi she came in first she came straight to my my calendar and she said boy we had we had a really you know rough night tonight this taxi cab driver drove us all around um out of the way and he expects us to pay for it and she she said I'm trying to tell him he doesn't have to pay for this and it was likely still fuming that the cab driver wouldn't follow her personal directions to the hotel then she's she called out to Stefan she said Stefan come on here you know where was she when she said that she was standing here at the front desk and then then she said it again and then she walked to the door and she said Stefan Stefan come on you know just come on inside and she was real aggressive with it and he was out there trying to pay the taxicab driver and from in here I he indicated like you know going in you know but I couldn't tell what he was saying I just to me it looked like he was indicating just going in and that's when she went back to the door again and she said she opened the door and she said Stefan come on come on inside you know and then she just walked home and went on and took the elevator up and when the medium were in the car and not we were waiting for the authorization and I told him I said Mr Esteban I said um what were my exactly I said Mr one you need to be careful I said um I don't know the man I've never seen him or Madam but but the way she was acting I said Miss testimony I've been around a lot of jobs and I told Mr Esteban you need to be careful I said this lady's going to end up getting you you know getting you in trouble with the police or something bad's gonna happen because of the way she behaves when she's drinking and when he left you know he was recently I told him I said Mr one you said yeah I said please be careful I said because you know I said your friend he never said girlfriend wife or who's what he just kept mentioning her as friends okay and then I said please be careful and I said because she's had a lot to drink and she's not in her right mind this wasn't the first time that Stefan received a warning to stay away from Anna but it would be the last finally Anna prepares to explain the events that would ultimately lead to Stefan's untimely demise well okay so we go home and everything's good and then and you know I have my themes you know and I was as a matter of fact tomorrow I was uh I was gonna go to Waco to visit my family and I was going to leave to see my my daughter and and uh to see my mom and so when we got home I said okay I said well you know I said let me get my things because tomorrow you know when I leave I say it in let's make plans because it's Aaron's birthday it's on the 15th he changed she was like you know no that's wrong no nothing and I was like okay and so I let it go this could of course have something to do with the taxi events which she didn't reveal to investigators you know and I went to the restroom and I came back down and was just really serious enough this weird look on his face and I'm like okay what's wrong you know he's like you know I get jealous what you're talking to all those guys and you know and and if you're you know uh uh I'm sorry I know I'd get jealous fired like I can't help it I just want to keep it to myself and there's so few I know you know uh you can talk to whoever you want but he's hard to get mad and I'm like no Stefan you know it was you were there we didn't do anything you know you saw me and you know and it represents herself as the calm voice of reason here which is completely at odds with witness reports sorry to escalate right and then he started he goes oh and then now you're going to leave and you're going to leave a whole week and I was yeah you said I was okay you're supposed to come and we're supposed to go look for an apartment you know I'm spending this week with my mom and then because he has some uh he's working with a student writing a thesis or something that's my word mid-sent and Santa stops and requests more water this demonstrates how emotionally disconnected she is from the situation this also appears to be a stalling technique so she can think about what she's going to say about how Stefan died he started getting jealous like you know you're gonna go with your mom and you know I'm not going to see you and I was like it's okay if you don't want to I won't go at this point it would make sense for Anna to be mad or upset and her depiction of herself in this manner is difficult to believe he starts to get out of control and I'm he's yelling and he's put into a frenzy and I said you know what and just because what happened you know I'm already improved and everything believe me I'm the one that always moves because that's the only thing I can do right I wanted to leave and he didn't let me leave he wouldn't let me leave please let me leave tonight don't help me understand okay when he wouldn't let you leave did he just tell you you couldn't leave did he stand in front of you and wouldn't let you go to the door did he push you away from the door pull you away what was this this process of oh I'm not letting you leave how is he prohibiting you from leaving oh yeah because the suitcases were right there by the door he thought it was gonna grab him and leave right but to be honest I don't care I'm just gonna leave and I don't care what my turtle thieves were but he doesn't like it that I don't care because he can't stop him you know you see this seems like a critical component for her defense yet Anna doesn't actually answer the detective's questions this is a deflection and a huge red flag furthermore she contradicts herself by saying that Stefan wouldn't let her leave then telling detectives he can't stop me when they ask how he was preventing her I was crying because she was saying really mean things right and then he just started making fun of making fun of how old oh I'm not like your friend I'm not gonna beat you up I'm not gonna hurt you I would never hurt you and you know and like just you know like the grading me and telling me that I was basically stupid for allowing somebody to hit me the way she touches her head and shoulders while explaining this verbal assault or out of sync which is an indication of deception this movement is an illustrator which should sync up to Natural punctuation points but Anna's seemed to be slightly off this use of an illustrator may be just for show and an attempt to make the detectives think she's being truthful please stop talking please stop stop talking and you wouldn't stop he became infuriated that she uses exaggerated facial expressions as she claims he got red and infuriated which makes little sense if she's being as calm and agreeable as she claims on top of that she seems to enjoy telling the story and having the attention of the detectives and then I started to shake and I got me I became like you know because I saw him you know and and then he just came in towards me because you're not going to go anywhere you're not gonna leave me again ever and I'm like no are you still didn't grab me and and he was started uh I don't we started uh Anna deviates from her Baseline as she stutters and repeats over her words while trying to explain what happened when he allegedly grabbed her turning you know like he oh he's he's a weightlifter he he's he's too lift weights when he was young so he's very strong now that it's a benefit to her cause Stefan is strong a former weightlifter whereas before she described at length that he was old and sickly so when he grabbed you all start like wrestling were you at at that point when he grabbed you remember I think we were in the hall way this is where Stefan's body was later found we started Rippling around and I got away and he came after me and he grabbed me and he wouldn't let you go he started wrestling with me I was fighting when I'm fighting right and and I was begging him to let me go but I did grab by the hair and I was trying to get out you know and then he he wouldn't he thought I'm more on top of me and I [Music] whatever I could right to try to get from underneath them because I was suffocating I wasn't breathing in it the entire retelling of this story is problematic she states that she grabbed him but when acting it out she reaches her hands over her head behind her she also describes the details with no reference to her feeling scared or fearful people usually include their own emotions when telling a story like this if it's true in addition when a person that has experienced such trauma tells the story for the first time they rarely recall the story in sequential order as she's doing they usually jump around a lot and so I was like so the only thing you have to do is get this arm and I I don't know if I took myself and I was pleased them and I wasn't in this like I first shoot I started like please like whatever I could I was trying to grab whatever I couldn't I was just yeah I was heating up to please get away right based on how she just described their positioning it doesn't seem possible that she could grab a shoe that she was wearing and her reenactment of hitting him in the head with it seems improbable the reenactment itself is unusual as most people would feel guilt and shame for their actions and would refrain from reliving it in such a way furthermore crime scene photos indicate that the other shoe was still in place alongside Stefan's in the hallway as it seems unlikely she would return one shoe there after the confrontation it seems more probable they were both there on the floor and she grabbed one of them there in the hallway where he died and then he lost his balance well I was hitting him you know and then so then I got on top of him you know and I was like stay down instead fine but then he grabbed me he wouldn't let me go he kept me like you know and I was like let me go and this is another questionable part of her story if she were truly in flight or fight mode and was able to get out from beneath Stefan she likely would have fled and tried to escape and and then he like when he would grab me he was try to hit me and I was like please I like and I was just and then he grabbed me and I I was just hitting him with her she'll please stop stop and then that's when I I got it I was trying to get and he wouldn't let me you know like he had me and I was like please and I was like they're fun and then that's when I saw the blood and I was like Stephanie please listen you're believing it's utterly unbelievable that she would not notice that amount of blood immediately Anna's genes were soaked with it if I let you go can you are you can you can you not hurt me I was afraid if I got off of him he was gonna I know nah I wasn't I know he was gonna get up and and she you know he was gonna hurt me so I was having them and I was like please step on step one you know I was growing much you know please I said I want to count the ambulance okay I said I'm gonna I'm gonna cause hell because you're bleeding and he's like okay okay okay he still said okay you know and I'm like okay okay and then that's when I he said okay I didn't I I moved him and everything he was breathing and then he started going through like that and so that's I'm not like Stephanie I don't know I was her story is beginning to break down here but she makes special emphasis repetitively that Stefan was breathing I know what what to do first to go look for the phone or leave him so I started doing mouth to mouth and you know just because I he was like grasping for air given the state the police found Stefan if she had given mouth the mouth to him she would have had blood all around her mouth area yet she doesn't he was breathing and and I'm like okay okay you're breathing okay and that's when I I grabbed him and I was doing the you know yes and then I was breathing and then up and and stuff and you know and everything and then when he breathe when he started breathing and I heard his breath like okay okay good I said stay awake tonight I hit him right away like please stay awake and then that's when I went to look for the phone and that's when I called and thought that's it that's what happened and just like that Anna's narrative comes to a sudden end when someone is giving a truthful account of an event there are usually three parts an introduction main event and epilogue however when the epilogue is very brief such as Anna's this can be a red flag for deception for a long Moment The detective's Observer and she looks directly at them as though trying to ascertain whether they believe her story or not it seems pretty clear that they do not and a story seems to be the only source investigators have about what happened once Stefan arrived in his apartment complex as there were no other Witnesses or were there sometime early that morning of June the 9th uh you were asleep in your apartment and you heard a noise is that correct yes they described that noise that you heard so it was a noise loud enough to wake me I'm not sure exactly what the noise was that woke me but after I was awake it was a a noise that indicated a large object was being knocked against the wall or against the floor because I I felt the wall vibrate at one point um I don't know what the object was uh and I also heard door slam okay could you tell which direction it was coming from um yes I could tell initially I wasn't aware because I was still sleepy okay but once I Work It Up um I was aware it was coming from behind me which is uh the apartment that we're speaking of Mr Anderson's Department okay this could be a reference to Anna going into the bathroom and closing the door behind her however the loud slam would seem to indicate that she wasn't as calm as she made herself out to be and then he just kind of started facing around I went to the restroom and I came back to Alex and he was just really serious enough this weird look on his face and I'm like okay what's wrong um did you hear anybody yelling screaming uh I heard a man yelling you heard him I didn't hear screams but I didn't hear a yell it was a very loud yell like as if he was yelling at someone else or something else [Music] um and I heard a door slam and then I heard some muffled yelling at that point and a few more noises and then it got quiet quiet yeah do you remember about what time it was that you were woken up I know exactly it was 2 13 because I don't like being woken up in the mornings very early in the morning so I typically the first response is to look at the clock and I know I remember 2 13 a.m exactly so from what she has stated that 213 is when you heard the loud yes is when I first woke up okay this is interesting Carly seems very certain of the time stating that the argument between the two took place at 213 am the 9-1-1 call came in at 3 41 am even if she was off by an hour and it was actually 3 13 there's still a long gap between when the incident began and when Anna made the 9-1-1 call reports from the crime scene indicated that a bar stool was moved toward the body disturbing the blood on the carpet this is just speculation but could Anna have sat on this stool watching Stefan die perhaps she was contemplating what story she would tell the police before she called 9-1-1 the explanation remains a mystery but it seems unlikely that Anna rushed to his Aid as she claimed and that she was unaware that he was deceased when she entered the interrogation room how long did this yelling or this noise go on for only for a few minutes it wasn't very long at all okay uh few minutes two to three minutes five to seven minutes two to three oh two to three minutes okay then they got real quiet yes it got very quiet it was like very quiet after that okay a few minutes and then silence at that point had the atrocious act already been committed or was it yet to come if it took place later one would think that Carly would hear such a violent struggle especially as Anna depicted the scene if it did take place while she was awake why would she not have heard either of them scream Carly mentioned that the muffled voice she heard was a man perhaps Stefan was in fact the one who went into the bathroom did Anna perhaps catch him in a surprise attack when he came out before he had time to scream and as the only one who can tell for sure and her side of the story is now told the detectives depart leaving Anna alone in the room for over a half hour during which she remains mostly motionless her hands resting in her lap a somber look on her face based upon the evidence and blood spatter at the scene officials suggested that the Fatal argument had begun in the living room not the hallway crime scene evidence showed that recently the sofa and the coffee table had both been moved possibly during a struggle while in this vicinity they proposed that Anna had begun the assault ripping chunks of hair from Stefan's head which accounts for the Tufts of hair on the couch and floor that were unsullied by Blood from there Stefan likely backpedaled to the hallway where she may have then taken up the shoe from its place near the wall and begun to strike him with it injuries to Stefan's arms and hands were likely defensive wounds as he tried to fend her off taking several solid blows officials deduced that Stefan fell and Anna followed him down straddling him and continuing the assault evidence showed that the vast majority of injuries occurred while he was prone by the time the detectives re-enter the room Anna has fallen into a slump with her arms crossed tight under her chest both hands hidden from view with her head down this is a very passive and protective stance it's likely at this point she has realized that she didn't win anyone over and can expect to be charged when they leave a crew arrives and has her remove the cover-up so they can take photographs Anna is then asked to remove the pants as part of the evidence collection process notice that she seems to have no qualms about interacting with the bloody clothing now which she previously claimed made her sick she even checks all the pockets and neatly folds them before handing them over finally an officer turns to cover and they lead her away to be charged with Stefan's murder and arrested as Anna's defense team prepared their self-defense case for trial the media got wind of the unusual murder weapon and became intrigued the case blew up and the Press dubbed Anna the Stiletto killer the prosecution showed Torrid images of the crime scene indicating that Anna's actions went far beyond what would be necessary for self-defense her defense team put Anna on the stand where she began a six-hour testimony rehashing the story she told investigators much like the interview itself she constantly digressed and her lawyer who had besieged her to keep her story short and simple had to continually steer her back on topic after less than two hours deliberation the jury found Anna guilty of murder and she was handed the maximum punishment life in prison she will not be eligible for parole until she is 75 years old
Views: 3,117,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, psychology, law
Id: S7zSa5VAu7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 47sec (5567 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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