The MOST SATISFYING & FUN Rogue Build in Diablo 4?! || Full Build Guide

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hey how's it going Everybody by popular demand I'm finally putting together a build guide for my current rogue build which I have to say is not only the most fun and satisfying twisting blades build that I've ever played but it's probably the most versatile and Powerful as well and I've tried out the single and double trap builds a ton of different variations on the single and multi-impumement builds this build was designed around a ton of synergies that's going to leave massive groups of mobs and Elites stunned dazed and frozen solid before chain reactions of explosions take them all out one by one your early game progression is going to be super enjoyable and fairly carefree and once put together it's built to be constantly moving and attacking as fast as possible while also having comfortable end game survivability this guide is going to be split into five sections each with the timestamp chapter for easy reference first I'm going to be breaking down the skill tree then I'll be getting into the gear talking about what to look out for while leveling the legendary aspects you're going to need and considerations about stat priorities and even getting into what stats are most likely to be rolled into with the occultists to help you get the best in slot gear as fast as possible I'll then give a brief high level summary of the Paragon setup after that I'm going to be covering some of the strategies and tips and tricks to help you have as much fun as possible while running this build and then at the end I'm going to be including a run-through of a high level nightmare dungeon run with my current version of the build around level 85 comfortably facing enemies 23 levels higher than me I'll throw a link in the description and pinned comment to the Maxwell build planner that includes all the gear skill and Paragon info and I'm going to keep all of that up to date should anything change in the near future let's get started with the skill tree as with pretty much every twisting blades builds these days we're going to be running puncture as our basic attack enhanced puncture to gain energy when we hit crowd control enemies and then fundamental puncture to split our attack into three blades and if two of those hit the same Target it'll apply vulnerable for two seconds as we look through the rest of our skills there's a few common themes that you're going to notice other than General Buffs to damage and defenses we're going to be focusing on trying to increase our chances of critical strikes and lucky hit procs keeping enemies vulnerable as much as possible and focusing on incapacitating them in as many ways as possible obviously our core scale is going to be twisting blades Linda putting all five points in here enhanced twisting blades to increase the damage that they're going to do when they return and improve twisting blades which is going to Daze enemies for the two seconds that they're stuck into them after that we're going to be putting three points into sturdy giving us 12 damage reduction from enemies that are close next we're going to be putting one point in the shadow step which is effectively an instant teleport and backstab on enemies even quite far away enhanced Shadow step granting us an eight percent increase Critical Strike chance against enemies we hit with it for three seconds and then methodical Shadow step to stun enemies for two seconds next we're going to be putting three points into weapon Mastery which is going to increase our damage with soars by nine percent and our damage to healthy enemies with Daggers by 15 percent then we're going to put one point into Dash enhanced Dash granting us 15 increased Critical Strike damage against enemies that we hit with it for five seconds and discipline Dash which slows enemies it hits for three seconds unless they're already slowed at which point they're going to be days for two seconds we'll then be putting one point into rapid gambits which reduces our evade cooldown when we Daze enemies but we really care more about putting one point into trick attacks which briefly knocks down daised enemies we don't care that much about how long they're knocked down we care more about what we get from putting three points into concussive after knocking back or knocking down enemies we have a three second window where we have a 12 percent increase Critical Strike chance against them next we'll be putting one point into dark shroud which gives us five protective Shadows each granting us eight percent damage reduction until we're hit which is going to reduce the damage and remove a shadow then one point into enhanced dark shroud which gives us a small chance to not consume a shadow when we're hit and then one of my favorites subverting dark shroud granting us a four percent increase to movement speed for every shadow that we have we'll be tossing three points into exploit and three points into malice giving us an 18 increased damage to healthy and injured enemies and nine percent damage to vulnerable enemies finally here's a bit of an interesting addition that I recently added that's turned out quite well we'll put one point into smoke grenade which when used dazes enemies for 4 seconds and one point into enhanced smoke grenade which causes us to do 20 increased damage to enemies affected by smoke grenade moving on to imbuement skills we're going to be putting Five Points into Shadow imbuement which when used in views are next two in viewable attacks with a shadow infection which most importantly comes along with the Fantastic benefit of turning each infected enemy into a ticking Time Bomb if the enemy dies within the next 6 seconds they create a shadowy AOE explosion beginning a cascading chain reaction of death and destruction if they don't die within that six seconds they'll take that same damage but it's going to be contained only to them now enhanced Shadow and viewment increases our Critical Strike chances against infected enemies by 15 percent and Blended Shadow imbuement causes enemies hit by the AOE explosion from infected enemies to be vulnerable for two seconds one point into Shadow crash giving us 10 lucky hit for our shadow damage to stun enemies and one point into consuming Shadows giving us 10 energy every time we kill an enemy with Shadow damage now moving on we're going to be putting three points into frigid finesse giving us 15 increased damage to chilled enemies and a massive 30 boost to our damage against Frozen enemies finally we'll put three points into Precision imbuement increasing our Critical Strike chance nine percent on all imbued skills we'll then be putting one point into innervation so that we can put three points into second wind which grants us a 15 increased lucky hit chance for 5 seconds whenever we spend 100 energy now for our key passive I've tried both momentum and Close Quarters combat and there's pluses and minuses to both with momentum whenever we hit enemies with Cutthroat abilities which includes Shadow step Dash and twisting blades if we hit them from behind or we hit them while they're stunned dazed or frozen we get one stack of momentum at three stacks of momentum which as you can imagine isn't too difficult to get quite quickly we can get an additional 20 damage reduction 30 increased energy generation and 15 increased movement speed this is definitely really nice from a defensive and utility perspective on the other hand for most content that isn't fighting monsters like 20 levels above your character defenses won't really be much of an issue for this build so you may want to opt into using Close Quarters combat which after using puncture at least once and either Dash Shadow step or twisting blades once grants us 20 attack speed and 30 extra damage to crowd control enemies for a whopping 8 seconds I'm currently running Close Quarters combat and it's been really damn good finally for our specialization we're going to be using inner sight giving us burst of infinite energy whenever we fill up our inner sight meter by attacking specific marked enemies we're going to have Shadow step Dash dark shroud Shadow imbuement puncture and twisting blades on our hot bar I'll leave it up to you how you make that work with your setup now let's take a look at the gear that we're going to be wanting to use to put this all together starting with our helmet our must-have stat is going to be plus ranks to Shadow imbuement the nice to have stat to look out for is life on kill and otherwise we're going to be one of getting some combination of cooldown reduction Max life or percent total armor now while we're leveling up we'll be really happy to take anything remotely useful here life armor decks all stats cooldown reduction that's all fine I wouldn't really stress out about this until you start getting up into the 60s or 70s of course if the game wants to drop us a perfect helmet with all of our desired stats already we'll be happy to take it although as we all know that's exceedingly rare what's far more likely is finding a helmet with two or three out of the desired stats with the third or fourth being something random that we might not necessarily care about but of course we have the occultist available to re-roll a stat and for those that aren't aware every item type in the game has one or more stats that the game prioritizes when presenting you with options so counter-intuitively we want to find items that have three of those desired stats without the priority affixes as re-rolling the remaining stat is going to be far cheaper as our chances are massively increased or even guaranteed in the case of some items now I'm going to be referencing this website here which is a really useful utility for referencing reroll stats including telling us which stats are priority stats so that's what I'm going to be showing during these parts of the gear guide in the case of helmets they have four priority stats cooldown reduction basic skill attack speed total armor and crowd control duration so an example of an optimal drop for a helmet would be finding something with plus ranks to Shadow imbuement Max life and percent total armor with the force that being anything else as we're extremely likely to get the cooldown reduction stat as an option when we re-roll this tip alone is going to save you tens of millions of gold per item so make sure you always keep in mind when hunting for gear and even when trading Gear with others now for our legendary aspect on our helmet we're going to be wanting the aspect of quickening fog which drops a smoke grenade at the end of all of our dashes dazing enemies and reducing Dash's cooldown for each enemy dazed this is one of two primary reasons why we put those points into smoke grenade even though we don't have smoke grenade on our skill bar every time we Dash into a group we're going to be dropping the smoke grenades on the ground dazing all of the enemies and then we're going to be doing more damage to everybody because of that now this aspect isn't available in the Codex of power so if you're unable to find a copy of it there's a few useful Alternatives that you can use if you have copies of those lying around manglers is a great option to be an alternative way of dazing enemies and two options that I haven't used yet but might be worth taking a look at are uncanny treachery and siphon victuals the latter in particular for when we're pushing high-level nightmare dungeons where enemies are going to be 20 or 30 levels higher than us and we're taking lots of damage is basic the unavoidable now cheats and protector are both solid defensive aspects that you'll always have access to from the Codex of power if you're struggling to find any alternatives the finally we're going to want to socket our helmet with a topaz for damage reduction while control impaired helping to Keep Us Alive in any of those moments where we find ourselves stun locked or Frozen by enemies now for our chest armor we're going to be looking for some combination of damage reduction in all forms flat damage reduction of course being the best as well as percent to Total armor and maximum life and an acceptable backup stat for any point in the early game and leveling process would be plastic dexterity or maybe even all stats but in general you're going to want to be prioritizing the more defensive stats when it comes to re-rolling Stats on chest armor control impaired duration reduction thorns and percent total armor or the affixes that the occultists prioritize and given that we want percent total armor the optimal drop for chess pieces would be two or three damage reduction stats and or maximum life we're going to want to imprint our chest armor with the Disobedience aspect which is available in the Codex although in my experience it's not particularly rare so you should be able to find multiple copies that are upgraded roles at some point as is with the helmet cheats and protector are both viable options as well but it shouldn't be necessary unless you find great roles on either finally we're going to be putting in a pair of topazes now for our gloves the must-have stat is plus ranks to twisting blades and you're going to want to be looking out for attack speed lucky hit and crit chance a few acceptable alternative stats are lucky hit chance to slow and plus to dexterity when it comes to searching for the most optimal gloves attack speed and crit chance are both priority affixes so you're going to be looking for gloves that don't have both at the same time we're going to want to imprint our gloves with the aspect of accelerating which massively increases our attack speed when we crit with our core ability now this isn't in the Codex so my favorite fallback that I recommend is the aspect of Retribution which has a small chance to stun distant enemies when they hit us but more importantly it increases our damage to stunned enemies which as you know will have no shortage of and moving on to our pants we basically want the same stats as our chest damage reduction total armor max life with Dodge chance as an acceptable backup if you can't get at least three of those although pants have seven priority affixes so re-rolling into plus total armor is slightly less likely we're going to want to imprint our pants with the aspect of Might which gives us 20 damage reduction for six seconds after using our basic skill which is in the Codex so you should have no problem getting it basically whenever in worst case scenario the other defensive options I've mentioned should work just fine of course as you may have guessed we're going to want to put topaz in these now onto our Boots the Far and Away best option here are the unique penitent Greaves These Boots leave a trail of frost under us which chill enemies that come close which is massive for a number of different synergies with skills Paragon and gear because it effectively means that all nearby enemies become instantly crowd controlled as well as granting us increased damage to chilled enemies now lots of folks have a hard time finding these obviously your mileage may vary personally I found four pairs between level 70 and level 85. now the most important stat roles on these are going to be movement speed and the damage to chilled enemies so if you're like me and are lucky enough to get multiple copies you're going to want to prioritize the boots with the highest of these stats first now until you're able to find Penance and Greaves which includes basically all of the leveling process I'd recommend a nice base pair of boots with additional evade charges and the must-have stat here is Far and Away movement speed after that you're going to want to look for energy cost reduction damage reduction while injured and pretty much anything that's remotely useful as a force stat should be fine now as a first option you're going to want to put the ravagers aspect on the boots as the additional charge of Shadow step is insanely convenient at providing additional Mobility as well as another chance of gaining Unstoppable potentially getting us out of sticky situations these boots right here got me through most of the middle game in the beginning of the end game and I absolutely love them if you're not able to get ravagers I'd recommend the ghost walker aspect which is in the Codex now there's a couple of other important considerations that you'll want to keep in mind if you haven't yet found Penance and Greaves these are the only boots that are going to provide that Frost Trail and as we'll see shortly these are going to be invaluable when it comes to energy regen because of that so while leveling early on and until you get a pair of these you're going to want to put the three points from frigid finesse into consuming shadows and then innervation to help us with energy management concerns moving on to our two-handed slot we're going to be wanting a crossbow here over a normal bow 100 of the time as the implicit stat on crossbows is vulnerable damage one of the best stats in the game and on Bose it's damage to distant enemies which is effectively useless to us the desired stats on the crossbow are going to be vulnerable damage crit damage core damage and plus dexterity although dexterity is the only priority stat so any fourth stat will be just fine on a drop worst case scenario some acceptable backup stats include plus to all stats and damage to close enemies of course finding the perfect three vulnerable crit and core stats is going to take you quite a while unless you're extremely lucky so of course while leveling you'll end up with a ton of sub-optimal combinations something to keep in mind here is that early on in the game you're just simply going to have less ways of making enemies vulnerable and a lower overall crit chance so at that point those stats are just less important so as long as you can get any relevant damage modifiers even damage to stunned close dazed or healthy that should carry you into and through most of the middle game also keep in mind that because we're a Melee character we don't care at all about the DPS of the crossbow we'll never be shooting it or only using it as a stat stick so Min maxing the item power isn't important at all in the end game finding the right collection of stats on a 700 25 item power sacred crossbow is exactly as good as an ancestral 825 item power crossbow I didn't upgrade my crossbow until about level 82 or 83. because back around level 60 is when I picked up a sacred 702 item power crossbow that basically had the perfect stats on it if you don't immediately understand exactly what I'm talking about here you have to watch the last D4 video that I made on itemization I genuinely believe it'll be the most important Diablo video that you've ever seen and we're going to be imprinting our crossbow with arguably the most important aspect of the build the blade dancers aspect which causes twisting blades to orbit around our character after they return back to us creating a tornado of blades around us basically all the time now this aspect is available in the Codex and is non-negotiable for your build You're Gonna Want This imprinted on every crossbow you have all of the time as soon as you can as you progress with this build now finally we're going to want to socket our crossbow with emeralds for the additional crit damage to vulnerable enemies now for our Amulet the most important and useful stat we need is you guessed it movement speed and I feel very strongly about this because I just don't want to be slow when I'm playing my rogue I'll take a slight decrease in offensive or defensive capabilities just so I can move significantly faster now after this we're going to want plus ranks to a couple of our skills the first choice is being frigid finesse and all imbuements with malice and exploit being good backups energy cost reduction is another desirable stat and with any remaining slots being filled by plus percent to dexterity if you're feeling like adding more damage cooldown reduction for some convenience or damage reduction and percent total armor if you need more defense a cooldown reduction in armor are both priority affixes so I'm generally looking for an amulet to drop with movement speed and one or two of those plus ranks to skills we're going to be imprinting our amulet with the frostbitten aspect which is going to instantly freeze enemies damaged by our grenade skills a percentage of time equal to double our crit chance which is going to be 60 to 80 percent of the time in the late game so the majority of enemies we run into are going to be frozen solid if they happen to survive more than a second or two now this also grants us a massive boost to our crit damage against Frozen enemies made even larger by that 50 buff that amulets provide the aspects that they're imprinted with now this aspect isn't in the Codex so some other great backup options for this slot while leveling include the expectant inner calm and Corruption now for some reason you end up in the late game and don't have a copy of frostbitten you might want to consider putting ravagers on your amulet assuming that you have Penance Greaves and I also had really good luck with stolen Vigor on my amulet although in the case of that option you're going to want to be sure to use the momentive key passives to actually benefit from this and when it full stacks of momentum your Rogue is going to be healing over a thousand HP a second or even more basically all of combat which can be pretty insane now with the addition of the new malignant hearts in season one we have a bunch of options available for what we're going to want to socket in all of our jewelry but given that this is largely dependent on what color hearts you find and what color sockets happen to be in all of your jewelry there's a few different considerations here so let's talk about Hearts after we're done with all the jewelry and moving on to Rings we can talk about both at the same time as we pretty much have the same priorities for both rings when it comes to Stats with the optimal combination being crit chance crit damage vulnerable damage and lucky hit chance although crit chance is the only priority stat for rings so its best case scenario for you to find rings with everything except crit chance getting a ring with the other three stats together is going to be a little bit tough so some good fallback stats include maximum life and then resource gen and Max Energy the first aspect we're going to want on one of our Rings is the aspect of surprise which gives us even more stun grenades for when we evade and Shadow step which means that pretty much no matter where we go or how we get there there's going to be some kind of grenade dropping at our feet snap freezing everything nearby which is pretty sweet now for the other ring we're going to want to imprint it with the aspect of the umbral which provides us with energy every time we crowd control an enemy giving us a massive amount of constant energy because our penitent grieve's chilling effect is considered crowd control all you need to do is walk into a pack of enemies and your energy basically is instantly refilled especially when you get rolls of three or four now this aspect is in the Codex but to be honest you really get limited benefit from the minimum roll so until you find a higher umbral role and have Penance and Greaves I'd recommend using the ravenous aspect to help with energy management which is also in the Codex but it's much more effective even with the minimum roll all right now let's talk about the malignant hearts raffle hearts are of course harder to find but also can go in any color slot so put them wherever makes the most sense given the other slots that you have available your first choice for this build is going to be the Caged heart of the vile Apothecary which gives our attacks a chance to have all three imbuement skills applied to them massively increasing the uptime on our shadow damage adding to all of those infectious explosions as well as benefiting from the Buffs we've given ourselves related to chilling enemies this is definitely an underappreciated heart for sure the only real backup I would suggest here is the malignant pact primarily for the attack speed buff and the chance to restore energy the barber is not good at all for this particular build for reasons that I don't want to get into so I would avoid that and the creeping death heart as we aren't focusing on poison now to make this as quick as possible I'm only going to cover the hearts that I think are the best for each color and skip over any that I feel are less good for this build looking at the vicious hearts are the orange ones we have two real options the Caged heart of cluster Munitions which drops stun grenades on Lucky hit naturally working well with our freezing Synergy and the Caged heart of tempting fate which increases our Critical Strike damage considerably while marginally reducing our normal attack damage This Heart of course gets better the higher crit chance we have and looking at the brutal hearts or the blue ones the Far and Away best option is the Caged heart of Revenge which provides a ton of damage reduction and then converts that damage into an explosion that occurs whenever we use our dark shroud ability finally on to the devious hearts or the pink ones the Caged heart of determination and the Caged heart of the calculated are both great the former reduces resource draining effects and grants us increased energy generation and the latter makes our next attack stun enemies after we spend some amount of energy now moving on to our Primary Weapons let's first start with a recent addition that I've been really enjoying using the unique dagger ashira's kanjar which gives us increased damage to close enemies basic skill damage increased damage to crowd control enemies a movement speed boost after killing Elites and an increased lucky hit chance all quite useful for this build the unique ability is the real reason why I love this thing though as it'll ramp up our attack speed significantly with each hit which gives us a massive boost to our DPS and as long as we have the energy sustained from the other items and skills helps us consume more of that energy that we're gaining faster to give us increased lucky hit chance and more now if we don't end up finding one of those I'd recommend using two swords each with the same stat priorities as our crossbow vulnerable damage crit damage core and dexterity with the same options as fallback early on while leveling straight weapon damage is more likely to make a bigger impact on our overall DPS so try not to stress too much about the stat combinations until you're in World tier 3 or even four now in terms of legendary aspects we're going to want our primary sword to have Edge Masters which boosts our damage based on how much energy we have when we attack all the more reason to keep that energy bar topped off as much as we can which is why I love using inner sight now edgemasters is in the Codex of power but a couple of good Alternatives in case you end up running two swords or inner calm and vengeful now of course these guides always show you the perfect stat collections with the perfect roles all men maxed out so to give you an idea of what your Rogue could reasonably look like with decent luck around level 85 if you know what you're doing here's all of the gear that's on my character right now that you've seen in all of the gameplay alright now let's move on to a quick summary of our Paragon our starting board is going to end up looking like this and we're going to Sock It In The Closer glyph giving us a 92 boost to our Cutthroat skill damage and 10 reduced damage while wielding a melee weapon moving on to the second board we're using exploit weakness socketed with the combat glyph giving us 97 Critical Strike damage and restoring 12 percent of the energy cost of skills that critically strike we'll also be hitting a few clusters of magic and rare notes giving us boost to vulnerable damage and damage to Injured enemies as well as damage reduction from vulnerable enemies and a little bit of armor we'll also be pathing over to the legendary node giving us additional damage to vulnerable enemies after that we'll make our way over to our third board tricks of the trade where we'll socket in the turf glyph giving us 87 damage to close enemies and giving us 10 damage reduction against close enemies we'll make our way over to this cluster of rare and Magic nodes giving us boosts to our Critical Strike damage and physical damage then we'll make our way up to the fourth board no Witnesses where we'll put the exploit glyph giving us 42 vulnerable damage and one of the most important effects of this build whenever an enemy is damaged by us they become vulnerable for 3 seconds note that this can't happen more than once per 20 seconds for each enemy we're then going to make our way over to the fifth and final board cheap shot socketed with the control glyph giving us 130 damage to crowd control enemies 10 increased damage to slow to chilled enemies and 20 increased damage to stunned and Frozen enemies and finally we'll make our way over to the legendary node giving us up to 25 additional damage for each nearby enemy that's crowd controlled there are a few final things to keep in mind about how I designed this Paragon setup my first priority was getting all of the benefits within each glyph's radius as each of these nodes simply gives us more than any of the other alternatives second was to pretty heavily min max all of the pathing along the way maximizing the dexterity and therefore damage wherever possible but deviating only just to get enough points to receive additional bonuses from all of the rare nodes from the first four boards we don't require any stat bonuses to the other stats on any of our gear to get these bonuses giving us the most potential to maximize each affix on our items the only two rare node bonuses that we won't get would only give us six percent damage reduction from slowed enemies and 15 damage to crowd control enemies but would require us getting nearly 100 strength and intelligence elsewhere which is simply nowhere near worth it in order to get all of the most beneficial bonuses that we could we had to give up putting a point or two in a decent node here or there but the payoff is ultimately worth it be sure to check my build planner directly for any changes to the Paragon that I might have done after this video comes out now on to some tips and tricks I've gathered in my time theory crafting and playing this build in no particular order obviously you're going to want to keep dark shroud up as much as possible for that 20 increase to movement speed in between combat and our two charges of Dash can also help here just be sure to hold on to using your Shadow imbuement until you need it so you don't waste it on dashes in between enemy packs now in the end game you're going to be running around with something like 150 or 160 movement speed pretty much all the time but don't forget that with penitent Greaves you get a 75 movement speed bonus for a moment after you evade easily putting us at the 200 movement speed cap which can be super convenient especially as we run back and forth between our stash and vendors in town a shadow step is incredible for a couple of reasons but my favorite is that as long as you're able to Target an enemy it's basically an instantaneous teleport that works even through walls and up and down vertical levels so make sure to use it all the time to quickly get to those hard to reach places fast and when it comes to clearing mobs either from dungeons or Hell Tides or wherever there's a couple of little combinations of skills that can help you out a ton both when speed clearing going after those Elite packs primarily but paying less attention to the trash mobs in between as well as full clearing killing everything in a dungeon that you see and when speed clearing a fun little combo I use all the time is First a shadow and view run up to the first mob in the group and hit them with one hit of twisting blades and then Dash to the opposite side of the group the first guy you hit with the blades is going to be dazed and anybody towards the end of the pack is going to get hit with the smoke grenades at the end of your dash likely dazing them and maybe freezing them in place then you can use a combination of Dash and or evade to close the distance to the next group both abilities dropping stun and smoke grenades doing more freezing and stunning at which point I'll then use Shadow step to instantly lock onto the nearest Elite or damage reduction Aura enemy in the pack the shadow step is going to stun them automatically drop even more grenades and you get the picture now at around this time is when your original blades are going to return back to you still imbued with that original Shadow charge so between the dash damage and the blades damaged most of the things behind you are going to start exploding killing pretty much everything Left Alive and fun fact that many people don't know the blade dancers aspect scales the damage of the circling blades based on the distance that they traveled so as they start to orbit around you inside of this second pack they're going to shred Everything To Pieces very likely killing all of the Frozen mobs that remain then with all the attack speed and movement speed Buffs that you'll have up to this point you aren't going to want to go back for any random stragglers or stick around here for much longer so you might as well just keep cruising on to the next pack now when it comes to full clearing another useful combo I use all the time starts with an imbued Dash through the group trying to hit as many as I can with the shadow infection if there's any Elites or damage reduction ores nearby once again they'll get the shadow step and after taking them out with a few hits of twisting blades things are likely already dying or freezing solid around you so you'll generally want to use that second Dash and an evade charge to move back and forth between any stragglers around you stabbing them with twisting blades once or twice before changing Focus to someone else nearby now hitting all of these enemies in a kind of crisscross pattern is going to be most efficient as your blades are going to hit everything in between and all the different movement skills you're going to use to go back and forth are going to drop grenades and when it comes to boss fights a quick little trick I've been using has been quickly replacing dark shroud with smoke grenade right before the fight with all the different crowd control effects this build applies from the stabbing with twisting blades Chill from the boots all the different grenade effects they'll generally is stagger quite fast and as soon as they do best case scenario is I can time that with filling up inner sight hit them with a smoke grenade and they'll usually be dead by the time the infinite energy from inner sight runs out now if there's multiple targets during a boss fight you're going to want to focus on Whoever has the inner sight marker above them as you're not technically ccing bosses until they're staggered so you might run out of energy if you're focusing on The Wrong Enemy now the last tip I have when it comes to boss fights is to remember that our vulnerable procs don't last forever only two or three seconds so even if you have inner side up and have plenty of energy every few seconds you're going to want to hit them with puncture to reapply that vulnerable and that'll keep your damage output considerably higher over the course of the fight alright so what do you guys think how was my first build guide if you guys want me to make more build guides in the future when I'm playing something fun or unique please give the video a like leave a comment with your thoughts and drop me a subscription to the channel if you haven't already all of the feedback I get really motivates the content that I'll be making going forward so if you enjoyed this and want to see more let me know finally let's end with a nightmare dungeon run thank you all for watching we'll see you next time [Music] thank you thank you okay together foreign thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Veritas
Views: 353,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, rogue, twisting blades build, build guide, season 1, shadow imbue, imbuement, dark shroud, twisting blades, d4, meta, speed farming, pushing, nightmare dungeon
Id: S-CKS6po4VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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