The Most Profound Moment in Gaming History | Asmongold Reacts

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the most profound moment in gaming history yeah I'll look at this I don't know what this is for the past four years on this channel I have made videos on various topics but by far the most popular form of video I have done centers on video game analysis what I think made them so popular is that instead of being your usual video game review I have focused primarily on narrative specifically I have focused on what I believe are the best stories in the video game canon for 20 odd years video game narratives have been demonstrating a capacity to confuse entice and emotionally manipulate Their audience in the most positive of ways most recently in fact I've been putting forth the argument that video game narratives have demonstrated such sufficient profundity that they sometimes have matched the greatest stories told in other mediums to continue our collection I think video games can be really great stories I mean there's good examples of that I thought Dark Souls had a great story and uh you know Final Fantasy A lot of people love that one there's a lot of examples of this Warcraft 3 yeah celebration of our Modern Day digital mythology I would finally like to give full attention to a game which I would argue has the most profound moment in gaming history I refer to the final codec conversation from Metal Gear Solid 2. while I have done several videos on Metal Gear Solid 2 in the past I have never given full analytic attention to this specific moment the main reason why is because somebody has already done so my all-time favorite YouTube video is titled the most profound moment in gaming mgs2 AI conversation analysis though it was released almost nine years ago by its creator logo Steve I pondered for a while how I might do a better job than he did however given our current cultural context I believe I have a few other worthwhile things to contribute the Advent of subjects like fake news and Resurgence of rampant political correctness and our tendency towards online tribalism has imbued this conversation with a much denser sense of meaning bro I love this picture these like cute little birds and one of them has a sign that says die oh man this is great to those who consider themselves Gamers but have never played a metal gear solid game you are obligated to at least listen to this final conversation enlightened by its philosophical commentary but you will be terrified by its implications okay as I have been for my entire life that's exciting Ryden are you receiving we're still here how's that possible the AI was destroyed only GW who are you to begin with we're not what you'd call human you look lost over the past 200 years a kind of Consciousness formed layer by layer in The Crucible of the White House it's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago the White House was our primordial soup a base of evolution we are formless we are the very disciplined and morality that Americans invoke so often how can anyone hope to eliminate us as long as this nation exists so will we up until the end of the game the main character Ryden believed he was receiving orders from a man named Colonel Roy Campbell a man who is also solid snakes Commander throughout Metal Gear Solid one right at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 Ryden learned that his kernel was in fact an artificial intelligence manipulating Ryden to perform its political bidding the bidding in question refers to the ai's desire to control the human race by controlling the spread of information via the press and the internet but that sounds pretty uh I I could see I could see how something like that could happen yeah I mean yeah I could yeah I could see about that 2001. we also have to contextualize this this is like um like I mean serial experiments Lane like explored something that's like kind of similar to this and like didn't Lane come out in like 2000 like 1998 or like 99 or something like that yeah we'll back with the uh I I feel like yeah uh and like there's no way like let's go ahead and just assume right now like uh wubbock I think about 20 subs thank you very much let's assume right now there is no way Kojima did not watch Lane literally no possible outcome like he a hundred percent watched it we'll focus on that more in a moment during the first part of this conversation the audience learns how this AI the point that I'm making is that there are a lot of other examples like uh movies things like War Games stuff like that that came out around this same era that explored the same idea is that the idea of like Ai and at that point people didn't really have a lot of technologically like Matrix yeah look at the Matrix that's a great example um a lot of the the people didn't really understand like what AI really could be or would be so you had a lot of uh basically science fiction about it and it's kind of weird that a lot of the science fiction ended up being true came to be and surprisingly it is similar to the way human beings as a species came to be unlike the origin of human life in the oceans the AIS quote unquote life had its basis in American idealism hence the ai's referencing of the White House as a symbol in the mind of the AI their purpose is to push forward American values things like Freedom equality and healthy competition however Ryden points out what should be an obvious contradiction in the ai's thought process that the AI wants to take away those freedoms via censorship cut the crap if you're Immortal why would you take away individual freedoms and censor the net Jack don't be silly don't you know that our plans have your interests not ours in mind what Jack let's hear fully like like only are the AI wow damn that is crazy about to argue for the ethics of controlling information but they are going to do so in a very condescending manner as we move on Twitter you The Listener pay attention to how the AI demeans Ryden their pomposity is intrinsic to the effectiveness of their future argument the mapping of the human genome was completed early this Century as a result The evolutionary log of the human race lay opened to us this started with genetic engineering and in the end we succeeded in digitizing life itself but there are things not covered by genetic information what do you mean human memories ideas culture history genes don't contain any record of human history is it something that should not be passed on should that information be left at the mercy of nature we've always kept records of our lives through words pictures symbols from tablets to books but not all the information was inherited by later generations a small percentage of the whole was selected and processed then passed on not unlike genes really that's what history is Jack what the AI is trying to do here is illustrate how genes function similar to how memes function if genes are quote a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of The Offspring then a meme is something like an ethic a fact or an opinion that later generations inherit like genes memes are also subject to a process called natural selection if certain organisms are better so true man like I hate it whenever you have somebody that tries to make something that's not funny into a meme oh my God because they try to do it they try so [ __ ] hard it's like it doesn't matter how many [ __ ] reservations they put pandas on they still don't want to eat and have sex they just sit around and [ __ ] die that's natural selection man apparently I have heard that pandas are now on the come up again though which is you know after Mr Pandaria oh [ __ ] adapted to their environment than others then their genes are passed on to the next Generation While others have the potential to die off similarly if certain memes seemingly hold enough meaning or logic then supposedly they survive better than memes that do not but oh there's a lot of memes that everybody knows it's like also you have the thing is memes were not created by the internet memes were just like uh they were coined on the internet and referred to as memes because memes got invented uh [ __ ] Richard Dawkins invented the word Meme and I think his book 19 it was in 1979 uh called The Selfish Gene and uh yeah that like you remember like the [ __ ] atheist guy well anyway yeah the selfish yeah this is a way way way long time ago and that's basically how he described what memes were but people didn't really use the idea of memes until the internet came out and uh anyway memes or jeans memes are you okay like I don't want to get into the metaphors of it but point is that there are a lot of memes that happened before the internet you know things like uh you know putting the sunglasses on and being able to see you know the real truth and [ __ ] like that uh like the Matrix like the red pill like all that stuff like this was like kind of whenever the internet was coming out but it was still used as a turn of phrase and like many memes were created with like a popular culture and like media and [ __ ] like that Jumping the Shark yeah they live there you go a lot of these even in like the 60s like for example I think of like all the memes that probably were happening in the 60s that people had in their mind of Like Clockwork Orange was it 70s I forgot which one but [ __ ] like that pushes memes from genes is the nature of the selection process genes are more or less subject to the amoral discretion of nature but memes can be analyzed and weeded out via moral discretion however the AI will now illustrate how the natural selection of memes Bears a unique problem in the internet age compared to the past few centuries but in the current digitized world trivial information is accumulating every second preserved in all its triteness that's tweets never fading always accessible Reddit quotes about Petty issues misinterpretation slander all this junk data preserved in an unfiltered State growing at an alarming rate it will only slow down social progress reduce the rate of evolution prior to the internet age information was curated we read about the news in newspapers watched the news on TV it was all funneled to us after passing through hopefully professional body granted there was a greater potential for curators such as journalists editors and academics to manipulate information to fit their various political biases but at least there was some form of selection process going on in the age of the internet however information is released so fast that it is impossible to control the discussion instead of listening exclusively to reporters we are left to our own devices to derive what is valuable except unlike the curators in the pre-digitally which I think is a good thing I I think that the internet version of media is better than the previous version of media I absolutely think so and that yeah thank God for that age the general population does not know how to separate the wheat from the chaff we will focus on small trivial issues like a celebrity's love life rather than macro issues such as the cumula relative monetary debt of the western well because people don't know what that is the people don't understand math like it's not complicated yeah they just don't understand math and world we will only listen to news sources that confirm our pre-existing political leanings and ignore any challenging voices if it sounds like I'm engaging in apologetics for censorship I am not I would never censor information under any circumstances but what does one do and respect to the destructive influence of human bias the AI goes on to propose a solution okay right you seem to think that our plan is one of censorship are you telling me it's not you're being silly what we propose to do is not to control content but to create context fact Checkers create context the AI argues that because they are not prone to human error and have inner CPUs with greater processing power than the human brain they would know how to curate information and present it to the human race in a way that doesn't slow human evolution unlike your average political body which might censor information that is inconvenient to their cause the AI would simply present information in the most factual way possible so that political bias would not intervene thus cooling political tensions across the political spectrum of course if something like the AI censorship program came into place ethical questions would arise regarding whether or not this compromises human Freedom specifically our quote-unquote Free Will ideally human beings should have the autonomy to make their own decisions no matter what mistakes may follow in response the AI argues it's crazy like there's a bunch of 12 year olds that played this game or probably yeah yeah okay all right what's the next mission like okay next next next all right uh next mission let's go yeah I need next mission like yeah people had no idea what any of this [ __ ] was made the problems that arise from that freedom supposedly necessitate censorship the Digital Society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half truth that's true just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims although there are people suffering in poverty huge donations are made to protect endangered species true everyone grows up being told the same thing be nice to other people but beat out the competition you're special believe in yourself and you will succeed but it's obvious from the start that only a few can succeed oh [ __ ] you exercise your right to freedom and this is the result all rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt here the AI illustrates the various ways in which human error corrupts truth that human error arises from an instinctual drive to protect ourselves emotionally and physically which truth tends to threaten for instance let's say a religious fundamentalist is confronted with various scientific truths that challenge their worldview let's say the fundamentalism yeah if that happens you just I mean they're lying I mean it again like God put those uh those dinosaur bones in the earth to test us to test our faith to make sure that we'd still believe the Bible even whenever there's uh dinosaur bones in the Earth Yep Satan yeah Satan put those but Satan put those dinosaurs in Earth to make us think that uh [ __ ] like it was older than 6 000 years old but you read the Bible you know what it is loses faith when confronted by those truths what happens psychologically is that because the fundamentalist no longer has a belief system to make sense of the world they are thrown into a mental confusion and resentment that loss of structure and certainty is so painful to the ideologue that it seems it would be better to avoid that feeling at all costs this instinct is endemic to almost all human beings this is why we separate ourselves into Political tribes and won't consider the ethical implications of our positions for instance is it right to be pro-choice or pro-life instead of considering the validity of either side's argument the pro-life crowd will chastise the pro-choice crowd as being on par with murderers and the pro-choice crowd will chastise the pro-life crowd as being misogynist religious zealots that want to control women these low-resolution assumptions exacerbate tensions between political well here's the reason why all this stuff happens it's because most of the people that are talking about it are [ __ ] dumb like that's the reason why it happens it this is not like a super hard to understand thing like if you read what a lot of these people are talking about they don't even know what they're talking about like and this happens all the time whenever there's a person that gets challenged on what they actually think they're out there at some [ __ ] convention and they're screaming and yelling and you ask them what do you think about this like how do you feel about it and the more you ask them questions the less they know they're just dumb as [ __ ] man it's people are stupid the thing is you've got to remember it was not that long ago that all the boys were getting together like you know what they used to do my dad told me about this this apparently like was a little bit before his time they would bring out even the families this would be a family affair and you know what it would be for lynching that's right be a good old-family Affair and then before that yep hanging somebody absolutely and then before that throwing witches in the water before that the church was executing people they set Jonah arc on fire it's because people are [ __ ] stupid like that's the reason why all this stuff always happens how is it that these things keep happening because people are [ __ ] stupid called parties and can potentially Jonah art uh he's the guy I remember when um [ __ ] uh uh uh Wolf of Wall Street yeah that [ __ ] his cousin yeah it's a violent conflict most people will avoid these difficult conversations to preserve order but if you ignore them long enough political positions become cemented and people will kill each other before they admit that they're wrong about something the AI then present a future where human bias corrupts the flow of information I I my opinion on all of this this is like a very like kind of like a philosophical Viewpoint is that I don't even think that people really care about being right or not they just care about winning so like being right is only like a it's an afterthought that makes you feel better about winning but it doesn't really matter like people like at the end of the day look at every animal why do animals kill each other because they want food that was not the right thing to do for the lion to kill the gazelle it's not the right thing to do for a lizard to eat a fly it's just what they do because they want the food that person is food that thing is food so they eat the food that's it everything else outside of that is all like a [ __ ] intellectualization of that Primal desire that's what I think the untested truth spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value system uh-oh everyone withdraws into their own small gated community afraid of a larger forum damn damn what the [ __ ] Kojima what the [ __ ] God Dad this is 2001 oh my God they stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever truth suits them into the growing Cesspool of society at large the difference neither Clash nor mesh no one is invalidated but nobody is right not even natural selection can take place here the world is being engulfed in truth and this is the way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper yup as we saw in the 20th century whether it is with Hitler's fascism or Stalin and Mao's communism the ideologically possessed would rather kill millions in the name of their ideology rather than consider the arguments of their political opponents we see I disagree on that completely I think that the reason why Stalin and Mao killed all those people was because they put them in danger you kill those people because those people disagree with you and and they serve to put you at risk yeah that's why they went to go kill them it had nothing to do with an ideology the ideology is the intellectualization of the power struggle this type of attitude in its Mason stages in the digital age whether it's calling everybody who disagrees with you a racist sexist homophobic Nazi or a west-hating communist this attitude is pervasive throughout social media forums and comment sections this type of inflammatory language has further polarized our political climate and has resulted in violent clashes in the mind of the AI oh by the way this is a this video was three years ago it was made um it's gotten even worse now I've read studies and statistics about this due to the fact that we insulate ourselves by staying inside our little ponds and casting all Outsiders and dissidents as bad people if this continues to happen who knows what violent oppressive future might manifest unlike the reality of mgs2 where a supposedly benevolent AI can make the hard decisions for us our reality might become a sort of orwellian nightmare which we talked about this forever I mean the reason why 1984 and Animal Farm are so popular is because there is like an element of Truth in what they do there's a very big element of Truth in the way that they're that they're formed everything like that yeah it's already and I I will I will say that there are some there are some people that are mad about this uh this video I'll read some of these people in the South equals racists unpatriotic and want to control women this is going to be long or just boring it's not boring for you you're mad because you're disagreeing with this you're not bored you're mad lynching into South another fine search we need to Nuke the whole South we found the idiot well at least he's got an accurate name dark bulb there's no light on anywhere here absolutely right followed 37 minutes ago what an idiot okay let's see here the AI wants to prevent we're trying to stop that from happening it's our responsibility as rulers just as in genetics unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species and you think you're qualified to decide what's necessary and not absolutely who else could Wade through the Sea of garbage you people produce retrieve valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations there it is that's what it means to create context I want to remind you all that Metal Gear Solid 2 came out in 2001. this game was warning us about the Advent of fake news misinformation and half truths roughly two decades before the issue captured our Collective attention just yet not only do the AIS describe a potentially dystopian future for both our reality and the reality of the game but they also make us inadvertently realize that we currently have no constructive solution to the problem the only tactic available at the moment is for individuals to strengthen their moral compass and call out misinformation where possible however given Humanity's inherent imperfection even the best of us the problem with misinformation is that misinformation is often referred to as if things are often referred to as misinformation whenever it is inconvenient it's like oh well this this part is misinformation like oh this isn't really true or oh saying it this way or interpreting it this way is oh this is not really true yeah I don't think so guys it's a buzzword yeah it's a hundred percent it's a buzzword that makes people feel like they're Justified to censor things prone to mistakes worse yet instead of bolstering the best Among Us despite their mistakes we will feverishly exacerbate the mistakes of our opponents for political gain we see this quite vividly in what has been aptly termed call out culture for instance it is thanks to this culture that there is no host for the Oscars this year it is thanks to Kevin culture that people will be fired from their job over a tweet they made 10 years ago a person yeah well the call out culture and stuff like that I think the real problem is not really call out culture the problem is doxing and people going after each other in real life that's really what the issue is there because like calling out a tweet and saying that a tweet is bad is totally okay it's the fact that people use the platforms to attack people in real life that's where the issue is so like in my opinion I think anybody who uh promotes this kind of stuff or engages in this kind of stuff this should just be like an auto band like there's no way like any time that you try to like attack somebody in real life because of something they did online I think this is very bad thing might even be fired for a tweet that was taken out of God by attacking your life you mean physical or getting them fired I think both yeah I I think that both like it's just better for social media and it's better for everybody if people can't do that text when said person did nothing wrong whatsoever first of all it is thanks to this culture that we will elect politicians not based on their ethics or policies but on how effectively they can punch the other side and let me well it's also the reason why it's I think people usually vote for politicians based off of how much they don't like the other side that's it yo restaurant thanks to the ten thousand bets I know you don't need this if you've inspired somebody small experience like me I just want to say thank you have a good stream well thanks man I appreciate it I'm glad to help thank you very much and I try to I try to be I don't know about inspiring it's odd for me to hear that it's kind of humbling in a bit thank you so much thank you thank you thank you and uh yeah I hate voting exactly that's what it is if it's a game Kojima didn't put this game just because he thought it was something he thought of yeah I mean I'm so glad you watched this yeah I mean I think this is a big issue I think the reason why people vote for other people is they like them or the accessibility of their ideas is very very easy to understand that's why by somebody like um I think that the problem a lot of people were mad at Donald Trump not because he called people lion Ted crooked Hillary and [ __ ] sloppy Steve they didn't get mad at Donald Trump because he did that I think the real reason why they were mad is because it worked it [ __ ] worked he'd went there and he used these [ __ ] these third grade insults and he was calling people stupid talking about how big his dick was on a national debate stage and it worked and that is a [ __ ] reality check for a lot of people who don't think that that's what it really is because yeah it was entertaining it was the truest from out there that's why it worked how worked by making him the president he won the election he did not win the popular vote keep in mind but he did win the election yeah so I think that's really what it is emphasize we have no solution to this problem and the reality of Metal Gear Solid 2 however a hypothetical solution is presented because people abuse the responsibility that comes along with freedom of speech and expression and would rather attack people than their ideas A system that controls information must be set up supposedly for our own good the AI go into more detail regarding this solution as the conversation goes on we do have a system for that it's called the law the problem is whenever people think that they are beyond the law and they can enforce their own Justice that extends beyond that however that analysis that's what happens whenever somebody goes out of their way to get somebody fired and I know that some people might think oh it's good that people that are racist they're getting fired and it's like yeah I can see why you say that but you have to keep in mind that like the only thing you have to do whenever you create a system to oppress people and to [ __ ] [ __ ] on them and hurt them the only thing you have to do for that system to be used on you is weight things always change things are always different than they were before and the people that were in power will not be in power and the people that are in power will not be in power in the future that's what always happens don't open that door have to be saved for the second part of this video thank you so much for watching ladies and gentlemen if you liked this video and understand the importance of the money you're trying to convey please share it around also I implore you to check out our local Steve's original video the most profound moment in gaming nine years later it is still my favorite YouTube video of all time and I think you will get a lot of value out of it if you want to see my other Metal Gear related content please click on one of the videos you see on the screen so good hey if you like to have it maybe consider subscribing it is lit you see here I'm gonna link a few guys part two is there a part two okay all right we can watch the part two for it yeah please give this guy a sub give him a like this is such a well-designed video I think that again it's just it's so incred it is incredible and at the same time it is not quite as insane as you might imagine because back in like the early 2000s again there was so much popular media and social media not social media the way that we know it but social media discussing the idea and the implications of like what really is uh AI what is like the information age where people can just like go on the internet and say whatever they want like it was very popular whether it's serial experiments Lane uh The Matrix uh [ __ ] like I think those are the two of them that just pop right into my head that explore that idea and then also you add things like uh you know like Logan's Run things like Clockwork Orange that had happened before then uh Blade Runner uh let's see uh Soylent Green uh a lot of these a lot of these movies all kind of explore different shades of the same idea Terminator 12 Monkeys uh 12 Monkeys Bruce Willis going back in time uh kind of yeah I think so Minority Report yeah but that was like way later I'm talking about things that happened in the 2000s Ghost in the Shell yeah that's why I said ghost in the show is probably my favorite anime I used to watch that all the time every day it came out let's see back over here dystopian Society movies yeah there you go and uh there's a great video game adaptation of I have no mouth and I'm a scream Truman Show no different all right we'll watch the second part of it this is really good I like it before we continue allow me to summarize the main arguments from part one the Patriot AI argues that in the internet age the flow of information has become far too complex in grandiose the natural outcome of this overabundance of information is that human beings on account of their natural fallibility are unable to separate factual and valuable information from information that is at best incomplete and at worst filled without right lies on account of art it is so funny that this literally [ __ ] happened yeah this actually happened on Twitter tribal instincts our political biases our emotional fragility and flawed intellect we will potentially Embrace information that conforms to our worldview best rather than information that is true in the era of fake news this has undoubtedly been demonstrated as fact as we build up Echo Chambers to confirm our political leanings and demonize those who Express dissent in response to the inherent truth of this argument the AIS propose a frightening solution create a system that controls human will and Consciousness A system that compromises a human being's quote unquote free will to come to their own conclusions though such a system is repulsive to myself and hopefully many of you the AIS will demonstrate how human beings might abuse their freedom so much that such a system might be inevitable worse yet it's so exciting I I love this stuff because I feel like we are going to have the craziest next 30 Years probably than ever before it will be the most ridiculous [ __ ] that's gonna happen yeah they demonstrate how easily a system it's gonna be so fun protest as the main character Ryden so clearly proves I'll decide for myself what to believe and what to pass on but is that even your own idea or something snake told you that's the proof of your incompetence right there you lack the qualifications to exercise free will never in my life have I heard an insult as cutting and condescending put aside just for a second whether or not yeah Free Will is a valid concept to say that somebody lacks the quality ego destroys your size Free Will suggests that their personality is entirely constructed by outside forces for example if you believe that abortion is an unethical practice or an ethical practice that you come to that conclusion yourself did you put together a bunch of arguments from opposing sides and decide for yourself with them no you just read the headline where it says abortion's bad and then you know it was written by your favorite multi-billion dollar Corporation so I mean they'd never do you wrong I mean [ __ ] I mean of course they're right how do you think they made all that money I mean I mean it's just that simple guys best answer was or did you hear one person's argument and close yourself off to opposing arguments much like an ideologue tends to do in regards to Ryden the AI goes on to demonstrate that he like billions of people on the planet tend to embrace ideas and actions not necessarily based on their adherence to truth but rather based on how effectively they promote a certain way of being this goes back to Nietzsche's famous I think a lot of people just have a Viewpoint that is it is just reinforcing their life Mike that's it a lot of people that are rich think that they are rich because they deserve it a lot of people that are poor who think that they're they think they're poor because the system's out to get them why because it makes them feel better about where they're at it's just that simple criticism of philosophers and Beyond Good and Evil while philosophers might proclaim a desire for objective truth they are more than likely trying to justify their worldview and way of life this is why fake news exists this is why Echo Chambers crop up all over the internet I I don't like I usually am not a big fan of that type of argumentation because I feel like this is like onion argumentation where like you can always pull like you can always find more layers to it and it can also be applied to even the person who is applying the logic themselves so it's like you're going into these like meta levels of biases without actually engaging in the ideas despite the wealth of information available to us that should allow us to live in accordance it is because living in accordance with truth and developing a sense of Free Will can be life-threatening so people choose to embrace falsehoods in order to protect their sanity Ryden then desperately protests that he is not a product of the Mindless masses that's not true I have the right does something like a self-exist inside of you that would you call Self serves as nothing more than a mass to cover your own being in this era of ready-made truths self is just something used to preserve those positive emotions that you occasionally feel another possibility is that self is a concept you conveniently borrowed under the logic that would endow you with some sense of strength crap is it would you prefer that someone else tell you all right then explain it to him jack You're simply the best all by yourself yep there you go up until this point in the game Ryden and the player believed that their successes were achieved entirely by their own Merit however the AI revealed that the entire mission was structured in a way so that Ryden would succeed as long as he obeyed orders for Ryden to find out that he was not in fact a legendary mercenary but rather a clueless puppet that helped enslave the world is bad enough however it is when the AI offers the more ideal fiction to ride in that he is Simply the Best that the insult has its greatest effect Ryden cringes and holds back a scream because he sees the truth inherent in the ai's argument that argument being that Ryden is not his own person his actions and emotions are all controlled by a higher power he's not Ryden he's not even Jack he's something else's creation the AI then go on to show how Ryan's Lack of self is endemic to billions of people oh what happened I think this is something that's generally true with a lot of a lot of things like for example again and you have a lot of people that are rich who think that it's because they worked really hard people that are poor think it's because they're lucky like that's just what happens and this is like the eternal struggle of people trying to justify what they have and I think this is a it's a huge problem that people have this is I think a big issue that like people have to find a way to justify why they are in a place they are Eon was not lucky what what I think people don't understand with the word lucky is that lucky is not something that just refers to somebody's uh you know the consequences that they have at Birth you know things that are obvious I think there's a lot of other things like you never really think about like you have spawn RNG if you're born in Nigeria you've got a worse chance at things than if you're born in like let's say Switzerland okay like that's just the way things go um if you're born in China you're probably gonna have a much harder time being able to express yourself and be a political activist then if if you're born in Portland Oregon that's the way things go also like there are people like I think that in general there are different dispositions that people have some people are better at reading than others some people are better at math than others they're just brain thinks and works a different way so whenever you you narrow down somebody's advantages to like oh their parents or something like that I think this is a very narrow way of looking at it because like for example I got very lucky with a lot of things like for example um you know I I am not I'm not massively overweight I'm not sick my parents were both you know college educated I'm relatively decent at talking all of these things are not things that every single other person has access to there are things that I have access to because I seem to get lucky also I got the internet very early on I was on the internet very very early on these are all things that made me lucky there's a billion people in the world right now that don't have the internet every single one of you guys is luckier than they are are but there's always a conversation of like how much of somebody how much of somebody's success or how much of who they are is actually them and how much of who they are is actually the reflection of something else you see what I'm saying I feel lost why not try a bit of soul searching don't think you'll find anything though ironic that although self is something that you Yourself fashion every time something goes wrong you turn around and place the blame on something else it's not my fault it's not your fault it is what it is you simply resort to looking for another more convenient truth in order to make yourself feel better leaving this is yeah that's why I sound like this is what I thought with the uh [ __ ] all that Kanye West [ __ ] like oh it's the Jews oh it's the Jews the Jews are doing this because it's very easy to go and blame another group of people because you know your life isn't in a good position it's so dumb the so-called trees you once embraced once again the AI demonstrate how people will gravitate to quote-unquote truths not because they are based entirely on empirical fact but because they satisfy the instinctual need for structure and stability for argument's sake let's imagine somebody who has spent half their life advocating a belief that the Earth was flat that the government wants people to believe it is round for territorial reasons let's say the flat earther is presented conclusive information that proves the Earth is round if they accept that they were wrong that would mean they spent over half their life advocating falsehoods and manipulating impressionable Minds that's right what toll would that realization take upon their soul if they don't accept that they were wrong they will accept a more convenient truth to protect their emotional Persona such a truth might be that the evidence presented to them was doctored and that the person presenting the information is a government shill this yeah it actually stands not just to conspiracy yeah it's actually the government wants you to think that it's flat but it's actually round because they actually have a space space on the moon that controls your brain but they want you to think it's flat so you don't think the Moon is real yeah there's like again more layers to this Mercy theorists but anybody with the political position this is the reason why millions of people continue to advocate for political systems despite the proven track record of killing millions of people this is why people still uphold certain I would argue that every political system kills millions of people because the political system doesn't kill millions of people people kill millions of people they've done it all the all ever for all of history people have killed millions of people superstitious beliefs despite their scientific invalidity this behavior is not relegated to a few irrational individuals it's something that everybody does regardless of their political position I do it and you do it and worst of all in a democracy the emotionally fragile have a say in what is truth which the AI shall now criticize well this is absolutely true yeah people that get upset about something are offended over something and now everybody has to walk around with [ __ ] padded rooms or padded suits around them because we don't want to accidentally offend them no I think that the problem really is that too many people in the world live their life uh at like the biggest fear that they have is shame or guilt like that's what they're really afraid of is getting embarrassed or being shamed or feeling guilt for doing something bad and I think that's why people hold on to stupid ideas is that it makes them feel guilty or shame or something like that uh that's one of the worst things that I think that's how people control themselves it's not because they have like it's not an emotional thing it's that they don't want to feel shame or guilt because if you don't feel those things it doesn't matter to you it's fine should someone like that be able to decide what is truth should someone like you even have the right to decide you've done nothing but abuse your freedom you don't deserve to be free we're not the ones smothering the world you are because the AIS grew out of the White House's quote-unquote primordial soup they recognize the inherent value of freedom and the responsibility that comes along with it in their mind Ryden and billions like him take all the benefits of freedom without accepting any of the responsibility that comes along with it instead of using their freedom to seek out it's like people that go around they eat a bunch of food they're 600 pounds and then they die yep you can do that wouldn't recommend it but you could do that yeah I mean not now there's plenty of people that do that it's same with people that do drugs and [ __ ] like that they get really into like they drink alcohol they become alcoholic [ __ ] like this that's the way it goes absolutely people don't know what to do whenever they they have decisions whenever they can choose to do something good or bad they'll just do something bad that fostered the human race they resort to partisanship and ideology to make sense of the world instead of being introspective and considering the potential faults in one's position they will cast the blame elsewhere the result of this is stagnation and soon afterwards violence this extends not just to our leaders but to ourselves the individual is supposed to be weak but far from powerless a single person has the potential to ruin the world in the age of digitized communication has given even more power to the individual too much power for an immature species building a legacy involves figuring out what is wanted and what needs to be done for that goal all this you used to struggle with now we think for you that's we are your Guardians after all you want to control human thought human behavior of course anything can be Quantified nowadays at this juncture I feel the need to repeat something I said in the first video that's so good for censorship or controlling information whatsoever I think the ultimate conclusion that the AIS come to is wrong even if they were right I'm certainly not giving up the ability to control my own life and make my own decisions but put aside their conclusion and consider whether or not their arguments are wrong do human beings consume fake news and accept it as true stupid billions of people hold beliefs that are objectively wrong can ideologues and fundamentalists negatively influence our societies if the 20th century I love how like you know what a really great example of this is is astrology there are so many people who unironically believe in astrology I can't even bull I I I can't even believe that they believe in it but they're out there like oh my God and it's like in my opinion if you believe something that has no evidence and there's no there's no like [ __ ] proof of this it's not you know quantifiable through the scientific method nobody should be under any obligation to respect it at all absolutely not it's [ __ ] stupid is any indication it only takes one bad idea and maybe even one bad place to ruin the world in the social media age this ruination becomes all the more likely as almost anybody can build up a large enough following to influence millions of minds they don't even need a large following they could just covertly produce a system like the one the AIS are proposing and when Ai and the body comes to be maybe our reality could see Its Reflection In the reality of Metal Gear Solid 2. for the sake of time in brevity I will skip over the next few minutes of this conversation they are basically a retread of what has already been discussed before I play the final clip I wish to summarize with the AI accomplished they created a scenario where Ryden and by extension the player had to obey several different orders from their commanding officer it did not matter if many of those orders seemed unjustifiable What mattered to Ryden and the gamer was being able to live out a fantasy as a legendary mercenary that emotional desire was so strong that it prevented any form of rationality this emotional desire overcoming rationality is reflective of many different situations in our everyday lives we see it in our news I actually think this is something that's true with video games and themselves I think that this is like a meta level because the individual player like there's a lot of people that get satisfaction out of beating video games I used to get a lot of satisfaction out of beating video games now I don't anymore uh I I I it's good that I did it like yeah it's good but every video game is programmed to lose the game is programmed for you to Beat It and whenever you beat somebody in a game or you beat the game you've been you were programmed to win like that's it so it's sound that feeling goes it's not sad because what it means is that there's a like the only thing a way to put it like you don't have your identity built up based off of your success and things that were programmed for you to succeed in I think this is a very weak identity on our social media and even in our own actions unlike human beings AI are not prone to emotion for this reason the AIS feel they are the saviors of humankind they will control thought so human beings may live in Blissful ignorance and the AIS no longer have to tolerate Mass stupidity in their Victory the AI mocks Ryden for his various faults so you see you're a perfect representative of the masses we need to protect this is why we chose you you accepted the fiction we've provided obeyed our orders and get everything you were told to the exercise is a resounding success didn't I tell you that GW was still incomplete but not anymore thanks to you your persona experiences triumphs and defeats are nothing but byproducts the real objective was ensuring that we could generate and manipulate them it's taken a lot again you can apply this exact same language to the video game itself I think that's what's really cool about this too time and money but it was well worth it considering the results yeah think about that is this our very future if we have no systemic solution to the problem of fake news and we continue to drown in overflowing information what will our society become this video game not a book not a movie a video game so eloquently explained the impossibility of this problem roughly two decades before it reached public Consciousness the fact that it was all done within this 15-minute conversation makes it truly the most profound moment in gaming history it is a moment that has haunted me for decades specifically because of how it makes a pessimistic future seem so certain I figured that any solution no no matter how ineffective it may seem would be better than to let kojima's nightmare come to pass as I briefly referenced in the first video there is one thing that can be done we must ReDiscover the power that an individual holds oh if a single person has the potential to ruin the world a single person has the potential to save it I hold no delusions of grandeur for myself but I know that there is strength in numbers if enough people wake up to the complex problem of misinformation half truths and fake news and do everything in their power to live in accordance with fact rather than tribalistic Instinct we will never gonna happen most certainly survive but even better than that we will be able to preserve our freedom for the coming Generations the power is in your hands yep not gonna happen not gonna happen not not a chance oh not a chance I gotta go ahead and link to you guys this video this is such a good video I love it man it is so well done it's so well put together and I I think it's like I love watching videos like this because I think that they are genuinely interesting yeah these are so good we're [ __ ] no people have gone people have lost their [ __ ] minds man with like the internet covid like now everybody's at home they're constantly like like getting bombarded with news that are making them angry they're getting mad at everybody the planet's becoming more unhabitable yeah you're right uh you know corporations are just making more and more money the wealth inequality is growing more and more than the only thing that they can think about is like football or like this like wedge social issue that's being uh you know like pushed at them to keep them focused on it so they're misdirected from actual problems this is what happens yeah and it will never change because people are animals and animals are [ __ ] stupid like that's just the truth like that doesn't happen it's always going to be like this and whenever whenever the people get up and there's a big problem and all the people are mad what do the rich people do well they pay half of the stupid people to kill the other half of the stupid people and then the problem solved yeah it's happened many times that's the way it goes yeah you just you just pay half the suit people because the other half a problem solved yeah and then you have the remaining ones and then you you know just [ __ ] big deal with them and then it's done can we eventually change if we try um no I don't think so uh I think that um there is a there is a limit so think about it like this right um so this is how I see things and I'm going to do this and I want to watch that nixium video and then after that I um I I think we'll actually just play some games because I want to get that dungeon achievement thing done uh give me one second before I do this though uh so basically view look at this as for example the uh this is the amount of I I guess like okay I'm gonna make two of these and I hope you guys can see kind of where I'm coming from uh this right here and I'm gonna make a bunch of different colors here and okay so this right here is the wavelengths of uh like seeable uh colors right like how many colors can a person see uh it with their eyes right this is how many colors that an average individual can see with their eyes you see what I'm saying right this is the visible light spectrum and then there are some people it's like uh one percent of like people can see like slightly more and usually it's more often than like women so we'll we'll have this little tiny one be pink right but that's all it is all of this other stuff everything here you can't see any of this it doesn't matter how hard you try it doesn't matter what you believe in it doesn't matter what you think it doesn't matter like how much you train your eyes it doesn't matter how much you read about it talk about it think about it there's nothing that you can do that's going to make you see right here right here right here or right here and I think the same thing is true with IQ I think the truth is that in order to reach a place of actual like Enlightenment and to understand how like existence exists we have to be here but the spectrum of human IQs is only right here I think that we are actually too stupid to ever do it you will I I don't think nobody will ever pierce the veil of existence with a 140 or a 180 IQ that's what I think the truth is and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how hard you try how much you explained it to people or anything like that it will just never happen unless we somehow evolved yeah can you use AI for it and that is the question right right that that's the questions because this is the it's basically like a normal human IQ is from 50 to 200 somewhere around there with like a few exceptions like people that have like mental disorders and then people that are like really smart but there's only like you know a small handful on each side so uh yeah Singularity um yeah raise the level of human consciousness and and that is something that's very interesting I don't really know if that'll ever happen I think that it will though um I'm not sure exactly what what form it will take and uh senior movie Lucy no I haven't uh because we're able to detect and explore all those are the light frequencies uh so the other region of IQ should be accessible in some way I think that it will be accessible in some way in the same way that the other light frequencies will be accessible in some way but we can't see what those lights are just because we can detect that they exist it's the same as like you can say I think that there is a world where everybody is happy and there are no problems just because you can say that and you can detect that it could exist doesn't mean that you can create it just because you can detect it so yeah I understand like what you're trying to say but I don't I don't think that's true she's been unlocking potential in the mind what can happen pretty cool movie yeah I'm not sure yet transhumanism yes I think this is a yeah you will need transhumanism to uh actually reach any sort of point there but obviously that is you know full of its own problems that's the problem well we we try and use AI since we're stupid it will scare and frighten us so we'll kill it or it will kill us the gray area in between is highly unlikely yeah I think that's true too am I religious or spiritual at all well here's what I really think I think that I am a hyper-intelligent monkey that has no understanding of the universe or the way that it functions and my understanding of it is comparable to a dog I'm not even remotely close [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,111,395
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: CR3ahQf6fKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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