The Most Powerful Popular Commanders of All Time | Power Tier List | EDH | Commander | MTG

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to the commander quarter Studio I'm your host Eddie and with you uh with me today I have my guest Mitch work we reversed it I see fun probably really through some of you off yeah exactly like wait Eddie Eddie's the the commander now what also some people like call like the comments like oh the commander like feel like like no my name is not the commander cuz Commander quarters no I guess it's fair fine it's like I'm not not offended to be called the commander but you know like Eddie is not you can start you can start calling Eddie the commander now there you go there you go that's a lofty title blame Eddie the commander today we are discussing probably one that's a little overdue yeah yeah so I don't know why I didn't think of this one until like this week yeah yeah so uh we're going to do a tier list perennially fun thing to it's just fun and we're just going to take the top 20 most popular commanders according to EDH Rex's last two years of data gathered gathered yesterday uh February 8th uh I'm timing the episode there you go so that that was Data then so if you're watching two years don't be like well what about zibble flp like zibble flp is taken over he's way up there yeah he's a problem sounds like a card out of onset maybe fibble thip's cousin yeah exact but it's evil oh and like the master of the universe oh I love that there we go Wizards make it five color please yeah new rock do Commander Z Thorp there you go all right anyway uh so we're going to just go down and do a tier list yep um of the top 20 most popular commanders we've done it uh kind of like how Mitch and I have co-opted episodes before where like I did my own tier list Mitch did his own so we're going to agree on some things and be amazed at each other's ignorance on other things and you all get to be collectively uh surprised at our reactions down below I will say ahead of time neither of us are cedh players and I you I've got a Ken and deck you do you do you do you do I'd say like technically we're not usually CDH play yeah most of these decks will be assuming that I'm assuming a seven to eight is that fair like an eight I guess eight maybe cuz it's like nine is cedh technically I mean power levels are weird power levels weird there's no real actual it's just all also in the in the interest of kind of going off of EDH re like if you were to click average deck for of these like we're going to go for like your more typical popular deck um some of these are popular CDH Commander so there may or may not be some overlap I even got some interesting stats to uh connect the I did not mean when you sent that spreadsheet I was like you are an excellent excellent excellent Star right here num num literally going in just like oh extra extra effort just for that just so get that extra data in for all of you there you go that's why I'm the main host that's why Edd's the commander all right so uh typical tiers s all the way down to F and the thing is like d oh I you already messed it up you can't host anymore take I'll adjust on the Fly um anyway so we are going to go through some of these and um I think the the other caveat with this is like these are all really good commanders like none of these got to be top 20 commanders by being we are nitpicking essentially if you're saying like oh this one's a d it is still incredibly powerful or would not be up here like I mean players still play commanders obviously that are not powerful like I love my Felder gri deck it is nowhere near a commander that's as powerful as these but like the top commanders are all very powerful yeah yeah so all right let's get to it okay um so I don't know if you've looked at the data lately but the most popular commander of the last two years no longer golos that one's gotten banned it is a traxa poor golos what did golos ever do after golos got banned for a while kenrith had the crown a lot of Goos players just shifted to kenrith and kenrith is still on the list yep top 10 spoilers spoilers but he's like fallen from Grace a little little bit um but yeah traxa she is is a reigning Supreme OG attracts and not any of the new attracts the nonsense um she's got 30,000 decks on absolutely that's a lot it's a lot of attra it's a lot of infect players they're all just playing infect well and that's the thing like she can do so many so many things so many things so many things oh can you read can you read attractor real quick uh actually oh I got you got it okay attract PR's voice you don't have it just memorized I mean I do you proba all right four four Angel for four Mana I assume she's been red modified to a fexi an angel horror as oh probably yes flying vigilance death touch LifeLink at the beginning of your endep proliferate and maybe she hasn't been because she has been she has been it was in two times Masters though was that that recent could fit was after this printing next time it's printed there's going to be a really tiny text I mean yeah they do that sometimes but yeah no she is a all aside from what the card actually does reian tribal I guess technically yes that would affect txian tribal okay so lots of powerful effect effect I mean the most I mean effect I guess it's just if it was just a 44 for four Mana that had flying Vis and set that' be nice would not be a commander that people would really build around too much I mean Voltron maybe but like you know so that proliferate part is obviously huge yeah yeah no I mean it can do so many different things absur about things why don't you name one thing I'll name one thing we'll see we see who loses see who runs out of things yeah you go ahead o uh I mean poison uh Super Friends Super Friends yeah that's good that's good uh plus and plus one minus one minus one oh touche um ooh uh I think um Let's Go slumber counters oh no mymy players out there gosh I've had that happen I've encounters I played Ormy and I had an attracta player who just proliferated my Slumber counter every turn it was great oh yeah that's hilarious I was like I thought that you like use attrax to proliferate I'm like why would you do that okay uh I will we'll end it after this one it's going to get boring for just doing 30 minutes of this uh charge counters you I have a charge counter you can do charge counters okay so yeah atraxa has the most versatility over every Commander which probably why atraxa is the number one Commander out there right because there just if you just said like otrax was just a Super Friends Commander we would see a decent amount of play but nowhere near this much yeah but since you can do all these things it's up there okay very powerful effect oh as the guest on my show I got to let you go first okay I'll go first I think that ATT tracks compared to all these commanders is either a oh gosh this one's going to be already controversial cuz there's so many of them out there players exactly it's like what's the most powerful tracks to build and like and I'm not even like considering the most powerful build of any of these decks like back CD I'm going to say like I'm going to say C or B I'm going to say a C+ yeah I'm going go C I had I had her in C as well there we go they look one for one yeah well to be honest I did in my sheet I have them from s all the way I do have a couple Fs in here so I'm like some of them I'm nudging a little bit as we go here I think it tracks it's been too long since we did our last tier list you're throwing off a little well some of these I think are yeah you can be a little more you're F you're just you're can just really hurt people's feelings like well that's my favorite command wor F if there's Comm to see like all of these strategies are good yeah people love poison especially but I mean but just having a it takes a while it does take a while and also again just having like okay like you get one proliferate from your commander like and your Commander's doing other things like right it's a really good blocker really good attacker you could also just I've a tracks to just take players out obviously with like you know a KO Essen you get one counter on you can play for a lot of other things you can you know just one shot or two shot people eventually so yeah and a kind of an interesting thing about all of these commanders since they are the 20 more popular is like um people love the term like kill onsite commanders like she's one of them I mean I think any of these 20 any of these 20 really are really like I think all of them technically are I'm trying to look through it I I don't think there's one that really isn't maybe maybe okay maybe one maybe one yeah okay all right so we're agreeing on that one I guess yeah okay we'll put it at see next up the IR Dragon I'll let you read this one since this is a got an Dragon I say you have an IR Dragon deck and actually my my initial gut would have been a lot different had I not played against your dragon deck so I'll say that I'll say that go ahead the IR Dragon for wubber legendary creature Dragon Avatar 1010 it has everybody's bability Eminence um as long as or dragon is in the command zone or on the battlefield other Dragon spells you cast cost one less to cast it has flying as it should and whenever one or more dragons you control attack draw that many cards and you may put a permanent from your hand onto the battlefield in that order um does a good amount that is a good amount of things uh I mean unlike at traxa people who build the IR Dragon deck are doing one thing play dragons we're playing durgens guys but is kind of funny like it's a dichotomy between the first two the first one's like do everything this like little ju position do one thing yeah no so I mean it's kind of a onetick pony yep um but it's a pony that keeps getting more ponies yeah it's a flying pony that breath fire that keeps getting more ponies every single year yeah so um yeah that's honestly like when I was building the deck I was like do I want to build gft shaft and build dinosaur tribal or I was satisfying like my inner like is it Timmy it's I'd say tribal is more Timmy yeah yeah I was satisfying my inner Timmy in building either dinosaur or Dragons I'm like I like Exelon and gishath and everything like that but like who knows how many dinosaurs they're going to print term so I built specific since there's like new dragons every other month yeah yeah um month you are insulting Hasbro on how much they are printing things every day what's that new cards already all right we're gonna we're going to cut this right now we're going to go to a spoiler episode okay yeah yeah no um so I have the Earth Dragon like as much as I love him and as many I think the thing is like there's thousands of dragons out there at this point um even shaving the Mana value by one off of every one of those you're still limited by being Dragon tribal yep and it's telegraphed yep in my experience erience like you can have crazy play What's the one that like brings your commander in from the command Zone immediately yeah um I can picture six you you pay for five whatever like hell kite corser or something like that Hite corser it kind of has you're better than you anyways uh no but it is great literally you like got that down and then like you just hit that and then you swung and then you also put in like that one that literally just uh what's the one that like whenever you hit I'm just messing up all the names when like you hit opponent you get that many Treasures based on the damage like like turn like before you had like 25 Treasures like oh yeah you can absolutely steam roll people but at the same point like again kill on site people are aware of what is happening they see a 10 10 in the command Zone they're kind of scared like my experience like it's better to slow play the IR Dragon don't be the threat because if you are the threat people will never let go of you 100% um and for that reason like I love him I love the deck I'll keep playing it but I think it's probably a hair below a traa I think it is too because again you are limited you're very specific it is and this is kind of like again my gut feeling with anything Tri When comparing to just other commanders that can be built in a multitude of ways that are specific in what they do tribal is just inherently slightly weaker because you are just limited to the card pool that is specific to that tribe whether it's the creature or whether it's cards that affect that tribe essentially so I have it in D I have it in D as well um well so again like my my gut like if we were in like an actual set and it wasn't just the top 20 or Dragon compared to like the other commanders in that set or whatever would be up there it still be pretty powerful oh yeah but like I not that I downplay like the power of tribal X because it can be very powerful but like I just didn't realize how powerful it could be so again compared to it's not weak definitely not weak but compared to these other ones just the potential for them they're a lot higher they have got a lower ceiling very high floor though 100% 100% okay next up speaking of high ceilings uh potentially I don't want to spoil my pick uh isan to Heavens is one a three for human Samurai for three mana and mardu if a creature attacking caus a triggered ability permanent you control to trigger that triggers initial time which Wizards loves doubling things yeah and this guy just put wolfgar in the grave do you remember wolfgar wolfgar came out and everyone's like Yay attack her yeah oh gosh oh my god what have we done yeah wolfg is specific to your own things and this is like now and anything attacks cool yeah like you can just double up like taxing effects yeah well taxing effects or like also what's the um oh it's the curse of the no what's that's the crow one whatever that is yeah the crows oh uh yeah the Ravens yeah Ravens Revenge Ravens thank you gosh thank you for getting me there and not crows at all I'm very sorry out there crows Ravens uh but yeah basically an attack harmonicon a pure attack harmonicon Commander Mana okay yeah very good do you want me to go first on this where I put it yeah it's your turn okay there are a surprising number again like when this Comm first came out it's like oh okay that's going to be powerful but then you just like look up like how many things this doubles and like what it can double it's absurd and also there's just like you have an absurd amount of extra combat spells as well too so it's just like you can very easily do that there's also creatures that trigger and give you extra combats essentially while swinging so it's just like you get double that yeah I okay I mean I'm maybe do it too early on this one but I think that's up oh gosh I think I'm going to go with a with that one my gut says a all right what you got what you got you know I think I honestly just haven't played against it enough so I don't have an as much respect for is as I probably should fair if you have the D I'm going to be upset no I don't have d i I put him in C as well right along a track so I think um I was thinking of an A minus B plus he's very good I can settle for a b if you're willing to go with that you know I think that's fine I I'm going to admit some ignorance here it's fine I've played against a couple isan decks and they have very quickly done things yeah I think like if you allow them to snowball they will snowball but they're like well little glass Canon but not that some it does take just like one extra combat like okay this game's over like just yeah if you allow it to get rolling it will be inevitable um so I think yeah very good uh I think like it's also so some of the other stats I pulled were like the average cost of each deck and the percentage of the built Decks that include manac Crypt is kind of like getting an idea of like okay if you're playing manry you're probably more of a CDH Commander than just purely casual and there's so I'll kind of mention some of the highest yeah I will I will all at some point in the episode Mitch editing remember to put this in there I'll just like clip your yeah screenshot of that to show kind of which commanders maybe at the end we can just like cover that and just show like which ones do it but what what so what spoiler what is it to is's credit he's one of the cheapest commanders I would assume that actually because like well man's not going to help number one yeah one of the lowest on manac Crypts too only just under 7 guess it helps with other spells it's not going to help you get it's always a good card yeah it doesn't help you get out is but yeah but yes also there's a lot of things out there that can double up yeah so for example IR Dragon was at $900 well IR Dragon itself like used to be like 80 bucks itself yeah plus the Mana base for five color you'll notice that on budget you can do five color but most people are not Mitch whereas ishid uh comes in at 287 for the average deck so like still like pretty penny but not Prett any deck I've ever built yes yes so isan a very strong card let's keep it moving moving on Lil all right d tier got it ouch tribal it's Tribal Lil blade of elves two green I'll move it back until we discuss go ahead legendary creature elf Noble A Min 23 when it attacks when it excuse me when it deals Min Min it's got Menace I love it uh uh create that many elf Warrior creature tokens equal the amount of damage that last rolls deal tap her and tap 10 untapped elves you control each opponent loses 10 life you gain 10 life um it is tribal yep but I mean elves are such a a deep well to draw from I agree dragons are getting to that point too where they've got I mean not I don't think they've got the elf resources but they've got they're up there and I think another thing is as decks get tuned their Mana value tends to lower and elves are inow they're inherently low like once you optimize and get all those incredibly efficient elves priest of Titania two mana and you're like there's a reason it's called elfball yeah yeah yeah um is you just create this this Snowball elfball Effect that just crushes opponents and I think lals like very good like oh yeah if I didn't already have my Reese deck I probably would have built Lal um I put her at a B I think she's stronger in general all right my my just inherent like you know just like trib decks I guess I here's my thing I've only played against one lro deck I've not played against multiple um and it did not perform in that way it was not built in that way uh so yeah maybe I'm just being again just uh you know I'm just downranking it because it is tribal I would say that I would think that elves yes do have more potential because of the lower Mana value y than dragons so I would say c personally but I mean I the ceiling on lals pretty high like you can like a seedborne m like you can do that 10 LIF loss thing every single round 10 elves takes a long time to get no it doesn't no it doesn't at all Forge all right Eddie I will you I'll let you take this one we we're just going to say whoever whoever just starts the discussion on the card gets to pick the final spot for it okay so you have said is that okay and she's not going to be on the top for very long I don't think the next card's pretty brutal oh yeah okay my sentin worm so this oh that just destroyed my entire like tribal thing on that guess whoops okay y kind of forgot about that all right so here we go uh a 66 Dragon Spirit for six Mana oh goodness here we go and um teamer I don't know why I just just messed up on teamer flying Ward to cuz Wizards throws Ward on everything whenever another non-token Dragon enters battle under your control create a token that's copy of it except the token isn't leg if that dragon is legendary this is an absurd card what are they doing what are they doing I uh basically produced an episode a month or two ago about the craziest card of 2023 roming Throne yep roaming throne and Miriam are like best best buds like yeah it's great everything everything everything everything has war in a billion and makes some zillion dragons y cuz it's a dragon so you get a double dragon and then oh D remember Double Dragon you watch that show I've heard of it I haven't watched it okay it was it was a cartoon from a long time ago I don't know if it was good or not I don't remember I was a kid um yeah this is good okay I take back my tribal statements but I mean forgot about is an absurd card yes this is an absurd card this is a card that says you know what everything you do you double it and you know those things that are legendary that you shouldn't be able to double you double them too oh then by the way just like populate things and then you just get even more of them like have 15 ni Ms in play yeah it's I would say stronger than the IR Dragon like as an ER Dragon player like I recognize it if I deck stronger I should change it to mirium deck I just don't because of sentimental value yep and I like which is kind of funny because you're literally cutting out you're cutting out two colors and you're also cutting out a free basic like lay line that you get start the game off with essentially with cost reduction but this yet is still power more powerful because it's absurd I have Miriam in the 99 am my no way way mind blown um it's only but it takes up so much of that $900 budget of do so like Miriam is let's see is this is it my my turn to deposit aore it it is no it's mine you picked Lal I did okay you will I'll take it I take you're the dragon exert you're the dragon expert I will take into account your your Pi okay uh my tier for Miriam is a I think it's very strong I it's so close to S but it is it's it's at least a it's definitely up there I mean again you are limited to to dragons though like that that is the thing you are limited to dragons there's some crazy power things that you can do with it again you talked about maniker for elves and you gave them the bump up for that did you got to give this the bump down I think for the Mana curve that you have to have to get those big dragons in play okay okay I that that'll be my argument to keep it in B in B but I mean again like I I personally would have had L Ral probably C minus D essentially sure and this is kind of where it's kind of fun with these kind of discussions right like Eddie's perception on this is is different than mine yours is going be you're going to be like my favorite deck is this one and how dare you say it's a d like it's fine it's completely fine like you know like and we all have different experiences like I know some people that have an isan deck that's totally like not harmless but it's like totally not overpowered and like I've seen isan Decks that are like super overpowered so it depends on your personal experience um I think give me the argument for give me the argument to put it in a I think no I'm fine with A or B I think Miriam if allowed to do the thing that Deus wants to do it's a bit like um it's a it's snowballs there's no there's no stopping on you it's a bit like isan where like if it's allowed to do the thing like the game over yeah if once that player has five n in play and then all of a sudden you try to cast any kind of inser sorcery they draw five cards five damage anything if you remove is a couple times cost eight cost 10 like yeah then the de it's an odd numbered Commander is you said is oh I meant I me sorry I me mam I meant Miriam I was like that other Commander that has two letters in a row that don't need to be in a row oh true anyway um yeah no I think um it's it's a bit of a glass Cannon deck in that way so like totally like if I I I will accept it does have lowering on that yeah the W but there but there are wraths out there you know so okay are you okay with the B fine I mean I'm the one moving it so can't stop me I could put it in D right now you wouldn't know the over that's true all right next up this is your pick yuo the tiger shadow that is the card one blue black 13 human ninja with Commander ninju which is totally a thing totally a thing totally a thing not a mistake nope um whenever a ninja you control deals kind of damage to player May reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand each opponent loses life equal to that card's Mana value um I think like even Gavin maybe went on record you know saying that Commander Ninja 2 maybe not such a good idea anything that cheats on manaa on Commander Mana cost is a mistake just inherently it is in the same way they've learned these things and then they keep doing them they keep doing like like Eminence bad Eminence and they're like you know what back to Eminence with knights yeah I'm not granted that one hasn't de problem no it's not it's not a problem I always joke about when I'm saying that I just I hate it I just can't stand it I don't like I don't like for but it was popular and so like they try to you know increment like we'll do rather than just plain Partners will do partner well it's one of those things that's popular but also other people just dislike like many people dislike like oh this person get free value for nothing essentially and because of that yuo is s yes no really yuo is absurdly power is so good again Mana value like the curve well the curb on this one is you know like there's a standard bell curve for most decks Yuro is like the opposite I'm completely forgetting like I don't but I'm just like completely forgetting like IR Dragon for some reason it's like okay that is a tribal Commander I don't know why I don't consider like yuo a tribal Commander like even though it is it kind of is yeah there's some changelings but yeah you need like enough ninj doesn't need it doesn't need to be full ninja though like no you need like a couple ninjas some changing temporal trespass and absurdly expensive things yeah um but yeah when it I mean Yuro is also for the Ninja 2 thing like very hard to remove and keep down well and you're getting it out turn two essentially every single turn one you've got like one of your little the flying men or whatever you know one one evasive creatures cool it's getting through at least one opponent all right awesome turn two this is coming down oh I just drew into a 13 Mana card okay cool drain you all 13 yeah and you put the card into your hand like it is card Advantage too not just like if it was the bottom of the library this would be completely different discuss or you just reveal it and then put it back yeah yeah yeah sure or like you have to tear it up like you literally have to just like take it out of the sleeve and tear it up yeah that would probably be worse I'm going to go on the record that be a c that would be worse that' be a c tier Commander still playable yeah very expensive this is my fifth temporal trespass this week yep yep that's that's a statement you're making at that point I agree though I would have yurio up there yeah that's it's it's an absurdly powerful Commander yeah if you haven't played against it well and again like the thing is like it's hard to stop because like you can't make it so the commander can't come back there is nothing you can do I mean you I guess like dark notation like you need other ways you like bounce it back to players hand doesn't me I mean actually does the hand work from hand or the command Zone yeah it does work so yeah it gives you both yeah yeah you get both I mean it's in deir which is a pretty good color combination for this type of effect You' got top of deck tutors you know you can do like a vamp tutor before the trigger resolves things like that to kind of affect you can do sensei's divining top you can do Rin storm to like ensure the card you want 100% is on top to just to drain so quickly and I mean like it's it's amazing like if you keep track during a EIG EO game like how much damage this little three Mana value human Ninja can do like oh I just de you know 30 damage at the table it's crazy yeah literally like it's only hitting for one it's fine it's fine all right next up Kenny kenrith return King a five5 human noé and Ma I'm going to say noé now uh for four and a white pay a red I got all the texts all creatures gain trample and haste to have turn pay one and a green counter Target creature pay two and a white Target player gains five life pay three and a blue Target player draws card pay four and a black put tar creature card from a graveyard on the battlefield Arm Control so this is just a group hug commander and it's fine right yeah that's what people do yeah no I thought about building it that way for like 5 Seconds yeah I didn't build it that way uh so this is a commander that has every ability in the book essentially none of them you have to tap for like you make infinite Mana you get to do all the things if you make infinite Mana you win you because all you have to do is just you can just dra you don't have to draw your deck you just make youron you make draw Your Bon De you don't even have to draw your own deck to win yeah also there's just combos that work with that getting creatures of the graveyard whatever that one ah crap I can't remember what do side extortionist that I guess was to sacrifice I was going to say there's like that Golem or whatever that you can sacrifice for there's a couple there some there's some weird things you can do with it yeah there there's absolutely a lot of power potential with this one and again literally if you just get infin Mana you just win this is five color yeah in I guess and this is where kind of the debate is I guess like I have it an S tier I do too okay good because like again like I do say like oh infinite Mana but some people are like oh but like infinite combos aren't casual it's like it depends on the group it depends on I'd say like again like a kri deck that is playing in say our group might have an infinite Mana combo in it but it's not like turn two like yeah and I mean like I think the other stats that I I pulled for this episode speak to that this is the most expensive deck at 12200 makes sense well it's also probably CDH deck I would and it is 23% of the decks on trck include manac cryt W well if you're already spending that much you might as well just drop $140 right so that is very telling that yes number one um people are spending a lot of money on Mana bases a lot of money on like Primo pieces of interaction removal combos all those things manac Crypt like kenrith skews towards higher power um yes which is why it's going to get an s from me for sure 100% yeah and again being five color it just has an inherent benefit or inherent benefit inherent um got all the cards available to you yes all the cards available the world is your oyster I don't know where that phrase came from but you know just that's a phrase yep why is the world o oysters don't know okay anyways next up will help the rock Le this is yours yeah it will help um you got another D tier it's a tribal so two blue Black 3 three Zombie Warrior whenever another zombie you control dies if it didn't have decayed create a two2 black zombie creature token with decayed at the beginning of your end step you may sacrifice a zombie if you do draw a card um yeah I mean like I had zombie tribal built for a while um and then I disassembled it and then they printed will help and just despite Wizards of the Coast I never rebuilt zombie tribal but I respect will hel he's he's definitely kind of become the the standard Bearer for zombie tribal yep um and I mean I think like it's a again all of these are strong commanders um but is limited by the trappings of being a zombie tribal deck doesn't have the same payoffs that like eureko is going to have access to to end the game yep um I had in my old system but we'll bump him up to yeah I I would have it in D as well very built very strong but technically yeah so technically when I was doing these I did have most of these that were tribal like in my in my head again I think will held is a tribal Commander I don't know why I don't think uo is you know like it's because it's kind of like it's trying to do other things yeah it's trying to do other things like in mirium I also think that I don't know why I don't think tribal is like a means to an end and the end is what's killing you the means I don't know why so again earlier I was like all the tribs are these and I'm like I completely forgot that like a lot of these are tribal and many of them are very good but like again Yuro is like kind of like ninja adjacent it's like the secondary theme primary but yeah Will is also notable in that along with lolers are there the two cheapest decks of them all just over 200 and also yeah very low rates of Mana Crypts so that's why we brought the Commander in here for the stats y y so I I think that will just corroborate and um improve our rating for D tier for will sorry buddy sorry bud just if there was a space lower will help you be going there be failing dude next up Edgar marov yet another Commander like oh yeah I forgot that's vampire tribal oh yeah 44 Vampire Knight for six mana and mardu regretting my earlier thoughts on tribal uh evidence whenever you cast a vampire spell if it's in the command Zone on the battlefield cred one-1 black vampire cre toen First Strike haste whenever attacks you get a counter on each vampire you control Eminence Eminence good ability good gross um yeah I mean it is limited tribal this actually a very very very powerful Commander because again vampires are load of the ground you get a free vampire every single time you do anything with one of the best like ago decks it's one of the best AG which is a weak archetype weaker kind of archetype I would say that this is above to me and maybe we'll disagree on this I would say this is a c tier this is a above like an Earth Dragon and it's power potential because it is lower curve it can get up there quicker it can take out a couple opponents it might not finish up the game though but yeah it might it might I agree with that assessment I don't think I need to to be too uh to here um I I tend to agree um I think he was the preeminent like uh Combat Commander for a long time I think is rise to the rise to fame has kind of shouldered that that mantle for a while and I don't think it's isan level no but I think it's very good it's very good um and like yeah he's just he's just classic people like their vampires y so I I think he's very strong I think C's the right place for him okay yeah out out of the f scale too good down f okay good yeah we're good okay next up Shai you got itai yeah I have Shai built I play the deck uh two aorus 88 for a legendary artifact vehicle not even a creature not a creature uh one tap shorai to draw two cards then discard a card create a one- One Pilot token with this creatures uh can crew Vehicles as though its power were two greater and to crew Shai you have to crew eight power of things and it can be your commander huzzah which is why it's on this list and if it was be um as a Shai player I think there's really two Shai players that exist in the world the first one are the people like me who are like I like Vehicles y I'm going to you know pilot vehicles and run over people and then there's other people who are like I like isocon scepter and I like dramatic reversal uhhuh yeah I uh and sometimes over I'm over here yeah I built that one on and I didn't build that in person I built that one for the episode yeah there's really two kinds and like some you want draw your deck or do you want to smack with vehicles um and I mean honestly they're both good clearly the dramatic reversal ice CR scepter build is stronger there's even like some cedh potential there um as is evidenced by its 16% inclusion rate for manac cryp that I mean that makes sense um also you know obviously just gets the commander out quick but yeah no it's it's amazing if you haven't played against a shorai deck like how consistently a well-built Shai deck never runs out of cards well they're not going to they're not going to Fumble like ever they're not going to Fumble game well like is if you keep a reasonable hand with like at least two lands and some ramp or three lands preferably and and like some two Mana ramp like you're going to be good yeah like your game's going to be fine you're never going to stumble on land drops um it's just an Uber consistent 100% um deck uh and I think it's very strong um it might decide to close the game out in different ways depending on the build that you see you can just finish it off with this like it is an 88 still and also you're incentivized to just wrath the the last time I played it I you know just had Wonder in the graveyard cuz it lets you discard things for Wonder makes all your creatures fly sh Kai flew over and just ran someone over um even though that's not probably the most optimal way wi it just for that game it was yeah yeah anyway um B tier is where I've got Shai I think that's pretty fair wow I'm amazed normally we are more normally we are more I think I had it I had it right there and I was like oh mir's up there though yeah it's probably around there yeah a really a really tune version of this is very so like you get control elements like you there's also there's also tutors too that can help you go get those pieces that you need like again dramatic versal kind of pieces essentially we should have ER here for this next one cranco my bus take away all right here we go a 33 Goblin Warrior for four mana and monor red tap create X11 goblins where X the number of goblins you control double up your gobos so this is a commander that is well kind of the definition of tribal in my mind again like this is L just when I picture a tribal cter I picture cranco so so I'm sorry to then say that because again that is the typical travel Commander it is a d tier commander in my opinion it is is that is that what you G I have it at D this is amazing it wasn't in your f it wasn't in my f okay the next one might have been anyways anyway um no I love cranco um I think even just placing it next to shakai is so telling because cranco has this single ability that is so elegant yep just like you tap him you double your goblins and place that against chai that has 80 words yes exactly simple I love this design it's just so elegant it's so evocative it does the thing it does it well and it's stayed up there in the most popular commanders for such a long time and and sorry spoiler alert it is the only monocolored commander in the 20 only one and yep good congratulations cranco for that I'm very sorry that you are a d tier committer still very powerful like you know it went built right and that kind of stuff still compared to the other ones though just like not quite there again like you get peros out and you're like okay cool tap take 20 damage cast a threaten spell untap 20 more damage that's that's the key to cranco decks by the way threaten spells is threaten your own cranco so cranco you do this there's also I think one of the Lord of the Rings cards I want to say it's sting that untaps the equipped creature at every untap step so pseudo seedb Muse but anything that just untaps no is that a budget friendly it might be it's close it's like is it if it is I'm adding that to my G deck right now I'll I'll look it up while you take was one I like last time maybe it was maybe I missed it okay moving on we've got go shintai of life's origin a 34 Ledger in Champion creature Shrine for four Mana in green right NOP uh wubber because it has pay wubber tap return Target enchantment card from your grave of the battlefield whenever it or another non- token Shrine enters battle under control create a one one color Shrine enchantment creature token this is Shrine tribal it can also be built in other ways too I I mean you could build technically Eddie this would be like a omniscience build you could just literally just you know inom omn do that essentially cool that could be a way to go about it it's not typically how it's built so that yeah its power potential isn't that good it's limited to Shrine tribal it it's Shrine tribal basically yeah no it's good I mean it's five colors so like you could optimize it but then you're going to be shying away from the what the card is trying to get you to do in pursuit of you know and again even with my omnicient build right you could literally just you have to still get it into play either give it haste and activate it right away or hope you survive a turn to then activate I guess your just because I had put it in F and now D um doesn't mean I don't love it I like think ginai is great I just think in comparison to the other ones it's lacking so did you did you have an e as well or did you went like School scale you went School scale okay so School scale your school had an S though like I got an A+ of my fa I got an S uh by the way uh to rewind Sting the glinting dger for crco players there um it is 90 cents yes yeah so at the beginning of combat un equipped creatur so crink and players around Rejoice rejoice and and Sh can't use it though actually because it would just fall off every time not great not good that wait unless you get like speed equip we're fine don't worry don't feel bad for sure we got unwinding clock feel bad for go goit is a fun deck it's a very fun deck but yeah you're limited shrines there's not that many shrines out there maybe like as the years go on like wow we've got a thousand shres to pick from now then maybe okay moving on uh why don't you read this one if yeah g son's Avatar the other one I was going to build but didn't the the one that what what path would your life would have taken exactly uh always the always the brides may never the bride gu nope never been a bride yet uh five and Nia eight Mana for this fella uh 76 vigilance trample haste and when it deals damage reveal that many cards and put any of the dinosaurs revealed that way onto the battlefield and the rest on the bottom in a random order knows what it wants to do and it wants to do it wants to hit you it does um I almost built it I think it's lovely I think it's a great card Jurassic Park blah blah blah Exelon love love dinosaurs senior F year isn't it yeah it is yeah it's m h yeah it's D tier yeah no it's it again and there are it can snowball it can I've played against a gisha deck where it's like oh my gosh they hit once and they hit so many things off the top and the game was just like they got Apex alur yeah turned on its access completely right there and yeah it's no B after that but again it does cost eight Mana you can also whiff you can whiff you're limited to Dinosaur tribal have to get through on the opponent it has no built-in Ward like Miriam does although if it was printed again it probably would no yeah it would it be like Ward eight yeah but uh yeah it doesn't have any of those things therefore like it's it's wonderful again yeah love it but yeah it's fun it's fun but again it is limited again if you if you're stacking this up against IR Dragon it's even less than ER Dragon because like I mean what are the dinosaurs going to do like you got the tulpa to block things but that's about it they're flying over US mean they went extinct for a reason exactly there are there are dragons that don't fly too actually magic not many yeah there's not many true and there's dinosaurs that do fly that's true exactly bone draas another one there you go all right moving on joder the unifier yes a five five human wizard for wuber Ledger creature Control Plus X Plus X the number of lger creatures you control whenever you cast a lger spell from your hand eggs off the top of your library to Exile non sorry lerate not land card less man of value you may cast that card without paying it Mana cost but the rest bomb your library random order basically legendary Cascade it's stupid it's stupid so good when Wizards printed this just like yeah throw that on there too like even if they just had that first part that still be it' be great be a good Commander like hey but they're like no no no no that's not enough you need value this is Joda we're talking about blah blah um honestly like I would even prefer like let's get rid of the anthem effect let's just do the legary Cascade thing like we don't need that plus but anyway they printed it that way so it is what it is it is what it is um I don't think it's quite s tier but I have an a it's not Kenny yeah 100% it's not exactly why are we on the same annoying right now um we need to disag this next one we need more dissonance we dis this we prival disag this well okay and then Joda is interesting because I have an ESS deck yep um it's legendary tribal it's not about the ptic bridge side at all so like it's been on one of our old gameplay episodes and it is it's pretty strong yeah it hits hard like when Joda was printed it's like I was so tempted to just shift the entire deck I just couldn't like I think like right so Joda is again J's more broad just powerful put you just grab a handful of ledgers Chuck them in the deck it'll work it's it's like ERS with artifacts it's like gr a hand grab a handful of artifacts Chuck them in the deck it's going to work yeah it's one also like one of those amongst a few others in this list that are kind of kind of like ey roll commanders yes like people play J like oh another Joda deck well it's just like cuz you know what it does it's again it's one of those that okay this I don't mean aend any when I say this but it is a Comm that is too easy it they made the commander that just like it does all the things for you there's no real thought there's thought process to building around it but like just inherently again you can just grab miscellaneous legendary cards Chuck them in the deck and it works like you don't need to have all the biger thought process to actually make your deck function very well because you can't you can't optimize I'm not saying there aren't optimized ones out there my issue with Joda to is like it is such a time sync to like resolve those cascy types of so my Cody decks a Time sync to with that maybe yes Mitch that one took a little more thought though there's a limitation on Cody but yeah no Joda is a great card very powerful card gets a tier for sure yeah okay love moving on another five color near De to my heart uh why don't you take this this is your c yeah I I've got an deck too mine's different very different one green green for the front half legendary creature god with vigilance adds one man of any color gives your other creature basically what essica does also vigilance Al also tap for one minute any okay so this is a monog green Commander it's terrible deter right except for oh wait Prismatic Bridge little button here there we go flip yep wber legendary enchantment at the beginning of your upkeep reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature or Plaines Walker card put that card onto the battlefield and the rest onto the bottom of your library in a random order um I mean essica again clearly can be built one do you want to go for the front first and just have the discussion there or have the discussion bisic Bridge first I just want to make sure I'm on the right side I mean I I think we have to take them holistically I know holistically but like I got to I got to where we start in this discussion I got to flip it for the people for the lovely people watching at home or wherever they're watching yeah I mean like I it's one of my favorite decks to play Let's Start if you build it somewhat like you would build they will come um like uh like in uh what's the movie Field of Dreams there we go yeah your friends will come and watch you destroy people I love my build of it this way like you build it legendary TR oh it's really cool and I have predominantly focused on Legends that have activated abilities and so you are free to like fill up the board with Legends they're not quite as scary as if you were playing Joda as your commander so you don't get targeted as much and then you can get a little attacks in since they all have vigilance you're going to be doing it pretty consistently since you have access to plenty of Mana y um and then like just before your turn starts you can be like okay this seems the most advantageous to me I'm going to use this activated ability over here with all like the 20 Mana that I have and it's just so fun cuz you got untap effects and yeah it's a toolbox e type of Commander uh you really haven't uh you know something for every scenario or you could be a Mitch and build a prismatic Bridge yeah uh to follow up on this real quick though you're also guaranteed because Commander is still a thing currently and you're playing compter obviously uh year over year you get at least like 500 cards that you have new access to you have yeah with legendary traval decks now you literally are guaranteed year after year after year after year to get like 500 plus new cards be like oh okay okay cool that could work in here that could work in here I bu sorry I built ESS right when it came out in cim and it felt like you know Commander obviously being built for by that point but not to the same degree and like every single release I'm like someone in Wizards I see you there someone in there has an ESS deck and is printing cards for my Essa deck cuz like they print Joda which is just phenomenal in the 99 or like all these other sorts of things like relic of Legends which is basically like backup ESS to like tap all your Legends things there's all sorts of things um but yeah every set there's 60 New Legends we see you Steve in in testing yeah we see you I I appreciate you but slow down just a little bit just a little bit little bit Prismatic Bridge side though okay so there's a couple different ways you can just build this most people and I think actually this is probably the most common build I would assume for an Esa build is just get big creatures and Chuck this in to play essentially and just or you can go one of the two or you can do a mix of both and it's kind of like where this is kind of like attracts is cuz like there's multiple ways that you can build this which is why it's pretty popular but like also just hey you just get free value off the top of your library that's how most of them are built my Prismatic Bridge builds are always like I've got one thing in the deck the deck is built around it and here comes ink treer Nephilim yeah and you all lose CU inim is in play it's a great Commander to have like a hidden Commander yeah for that one that is not legendary which should be legendary tech it would be ban if it was legendary probably it probably would be should be ink treer is absurd I didn't realize how bad that was going to be well yeah I literally built the deck once and I was like I took it apart okay now I built a fair version of it because it's actually legal this time with this is the commander Prismatic Bridge not I played it once I remember that game a great game I loved it you should have it's I still have it I still have it I just don't play it like yeah we should play it again I'll play it again but but like if it gets out there's no stopping it there's literally no stopping it so there's there's a couple different ways you can build it okay we're kind of getting off the point yeah where are you at actually my pick I think it's my pick actually for what do you got I think it's not Joda level no I think I'm going to go B I'm gonna go B okay I put it at C okay yeah are you I guess you don't you don't have to be okay with the B because I don't know like our distribution level so far so maybe let's just you know I'm going to go with B because again like I think I think the LA you're just throwing with the lro LA is throwing me off right now that's fine that's fine because like you know how many legendaries there are there's more legendaries at lower Mana actually maybe there AR more legendar lower Mana levels than elves probably not it's getting close but no not quite not no okay maybe at two at like two but not at one okay I do run a lot of two Mana value legendaries yeah okay moving on Call of the vast call of the vast go ahead uh one and mardu white black red tutu human cleric flying whenever she attacks an opponent you may put an angel demon or dragon card from your hand onto the battlefield tapped and attacking that opponent Kalia probably like I'm I'm browsing the list here but is she the oldest card she might be oh NE necos probably I don't know they're CL they both came out the same time didn't they yeah they were around the same were they both I think they were both in the very initial both in the first both in the first one face yeah I think they were yeah with um witho and I don't know y other other people mop plasm or is that second one man but anyway old old one of the Old Guard still up here uh I mean people love Angels y people love Dr dragons people have demons they put them all together um I think Kalia is one of those cards that five to 10 years ago was like one of those again like The Kill on like you can't let her get a trigger she'll put an aison into play but if I see this and then there's an isian player over there I'm like isan player needs to go hey k a player let's go get that guy yeah now col is your friend yeah yeah yeah oh how the turns you like chea in like I don't know just put a Grizzle brand in your deck who cares do it yeah cheat in oh man um anyway no uh kie is still very good there's plenty of things you can do with it uh needs to be respected y but again you disrespect it with an F I put her in the F tier knew it yeah I was I was a yeah yeah I mean I think like again coming back to the glass Cannon argument if allowed to do her thing she can do it strong she can snowball blah BL turn five you're going to see a pop out you could pop out an N Dragon like you you really did no you can't cuz IR dragon is five color oh yeah you can't I forg that but you can do a lot of other very big things just not her Dragon Iona oh wait no that's banned ah I mean you could do vill you could do AIS over over game over yeah yeah um but I think like just the design has progressed to the point where like one thing a turn like you can even do some extra turn stuff in here for more triggers you could put add in here for more triggers you need to get is out versus just having it in your command Zone although yeah yeah so I mean but um yeah I don't don't think she's kept up no and again like here's the thing people are like oh it's better that it's more tribes it's like it's better but it's worse because like if you supporting cards exactly if you split your tribes up then you're like okay I'm just doing a bunch of miscellaneous stuff versus a lot of things that cross over you could focus yeah you can focus one but then it's like okay like is this better than the other one yeah no if you choose dragons are you're just not going to play aison like yeah exactly so yeah and I think like again coming back to the glass Canon thing if she gets removed once twice Thrice like then you're having to pay full Mana value for these chunky angels and demons that you are not planning on paying anything for yep so okay this next one I do need some help on I am very conflict on where to put it okay okay a one 14 tling War like with death touch for four Mana in Rose at the beginning of your endep Exile top C your library next turn play a card impulse draw whenever you play a card from Exile create a treasure token any single time you see the words create treasure token that is inherently good yeah um here's the thing most Prosper decks I've played against have been basically the pregon so like really okay mostly PR maybe some adjustments so like that I think that my initial thought for prosper was like lower on the power rankings just because of that but like when it comes to how many impulse draw cards Wizards is putting out these days and just what you can do ASAS space that they are continuing to expand they they just made that Goblin for whatever reason that gives you extra man why the novelist oh it's an uncommon what are you doing wizard A4 you're insane like no we know what you're doing um yeah I think that again my just my initial thought with Prosper I was put this together like oh it's a DTI Commander cuz like it's not no but no I didn't I didn't keep it there okay say that maybe maybe did I did not keep it there because again I've only played against like the pre- conversion and if you're playing a pre- conversion against all these other commanders with like their best B time yeah you're have a bad time yeah B I'd say is my gut now all right yeah know I think some of the data Bears out your your judgment um on the cheaper side under 300 at 290 um expensive precon it's an expensive precon but like compared to I mean like for example kalia's $600 yep um ess's $900 was like 1.2 Kenny was 1.2 y million million million million dollar uh does run manac Crypt more than some at 133% yep um because I think again like given that most decks are in the 200 to 300 range um you're going to see a lot of that precon type of Prosper but you can optimize it to be very good like it's not a a meta CD card but it had like a little flash in the pan in the you have black you've got tutors do this is also just basically like a ritual effect for your cards too in a way yeah and like you said they're continually expanding on what Prosper does prosper was like one of the Vanguard of like treasure tokens let's play around with this design space so they don't really know what the balancing was appropriate on that yet these days too which is still nice but yeah um so I think he's good I had him at a I think B is acceptable it's your pick it is oh no it's my pick is it my it is my pick it's my pick you get to decide you think Prosper is up to I will I will let you have you played against like a tuned Prosper deck I have it's very good it was very good is like up to and you'd say it's up to like Joda man see it's it's tough way you get to like the we need that F tier we do we do should on there yeah no I think I mean okay is it above so deck dependent there is such a spectrum of of deck is it above ishen Lil myam uh Shai you say it that way no and yours yeah I think I think then it's a b like I think if J's above those I think I think J's above prospers still I think I don't know I tend to agree it's up it's up to oh actually no this is my pick it's not up to you no it's not up to me I will put in the B the discussion BL blame Mitch blame Mitch the non- commander all right uh let's see cor F cursed King yeah I built corval for you get to handle this one too it's kind of funny how it's actually matched up every other and you've gotten some of your Commanders two black red green jundy boy dragon noé noé four four flyer uh he looks like he can fly but he prefers sitting um hey why would if you're if you could fly why would you have a castle that has a roof I mean just a FL you can't fly out yeah he doesn't need what's he going to be afraid of he's why don't you have like and he attacks back like a door up like you could just have a if you could fly would you have a door in the ceiling to get out that'd be pretty cool yeah would you just have like a big door up there like a yeah maybe there you go you it's like a garage door button just opens wait a second part of Coral's thing is he'll sacrifice it he'll just break the ceiling yeah just break the he'll draw a card and counter on himself for um whenever he enters a battlefield or attacks oh because it needs both yes sacrifice another permanent whenever this I mean that's pretty good yeah because it enables itself yeah yeah but this last sentence says whenever you sacrifice a permanent put a plus one plus one in cor and draw a card it doesn't need both and it doesn't need one of them I mean like again like I well but this again is just one of those where like wizard just like they went too far they needed to sell the brawl decks yeah oh that's a good point that's a good point this and chain Yep this and chain and Arcane signant man yep um but no I mean like what triggers that last thing Treasures what also triggers that last thing lands it could have said whenever you sacrificed a nonland non- token permanent it might be a reasonable card it would have been it would have been a lower power it would still be pretty powerful I don't think anyone would have been surprised that it would been like yeah it makes sense yeah sure but they took off either of those things and like I built it as a lands matter deck it's gross and it I took it apart like it was very strong won lots of games very strong it took so much game time to like search my library for lands draw the cards you can't shortcut because you need to shuffle before you can draw the card yep and it's it's obnoxiously powerful it's obnoxious well and again literally just like again the windc con is just also built on the commander you can just one shot players you can just one shot players so easily and it's like it didn't need the counters on like even if you it would be a it wouldn't wouldn't be a lot less powerful but it would be less powerful if it wasn't just also just a wi condition in the command Zone and it is yeah there's very little holding this back no um I mean I could see an argument for a or S I don't think anything below a is going to fly I I I had s yeah I had s too this is this is I'm going to be honest this is the one that immediately when it came to my mind for like most popular commanders out there that are s TI this that was the first one I think yeah yeah that's fair um I guess Kenny up there too but yeah I Kenny and eure are probably the top you think they're slightly above that yeah corval can do cor's above Joda though I think right it's got to be it can do like food chain Shenanigans yep um so yeah yeah it's it's very when you're get up there you're you're you're splitting hair I think another thing is again somewhat like um uh other cards that we mentioned is like this one is a little bit agnostic of budget and and play group oh corval you can build on a budget you bu a super budget and soup it up and like bring it to C tables and not embarrass yourself like there's like you can't build a low power cor it is like hard unless you literally built in no sacrifice elements in the entire deck if you're just like no I just built corval bore tribal B there there you go you solved it but like most of these commanders like if you build them like on a lower budget like they're going to suffer a little bit like Coral's just no no you just you're just you're cooking with you're cooking with uh gasoline no that's not right with uranium uranium there you go you cook with uranium okay next up would do that don't do it if you have access to uranium don't try to cook with it first of all you have a very interesting job that you have access to uranium but you don't know how to use it properly all right uh a 66 Elemental Avatar mro of the Grave tide I'm surprised to see this one actually down 19 cuz this one like was one I think for a long time long time yeah this one has had a little bit of a Fall From Grace I'm surprised too uh six minute and salty uh Sal time uh during each of your turns you may play up to one permanent card of each permanent type from your graveyard uh this got better with battles there you go it did hon technically right there you go an extra permanent type um yeah this is one that is very powerful you can build a lot of different ways it depends on how you're building it I would say MH cuz like you could go very staxy with this and you could go very stacky play Mr Kora turn after I would say that I'm not including the stacks buildt that's more CDH typically I don't know that mtha really has the chops for CDH no I wouldn't think it would but at the same point like it is a definition of an inevitable deck like if you go to the long long game mro will win the value game until someone just plays a a Juka bog and then you lose your secondary hand yeah but I mean there's like definitely ways that mro I mean can either protect against that or just built well like you'll just fill it up yeah you fill up by 20 more cards next turn yeah yeah um but yeah so very good card very resilient not very fast not very fast so I think this one to me is near same power level as like when I look at this list I think it's above the bottom I think it is above the bottom I think it's more like a tra level I think it's a c tier I it B um I think just because of that inevitability up to me I got to stop that yeah yeah no don't give me R here I think there is inevitability I don't think it's quite to like isan level though like and ishan is the B tier Esa is the B tier myam is the B tier I don't think it's quite there yeah I think like none of those all of these could make sense it's they going to depend on the deck but I would say in general like the speed is what's going to slow it down so like the stacks elements like the spor frogs of the world I love spor frogs spog I don't know why I'm okay with that but other things but I love frog because maybe because I played turbo fog that would explain it yeah you are a terrible person all right what ter excuse me who's more terrible I spent $20 for my deck I was playing against uh Jun like thousand plus dollars all right playing uh Liliana who's terrible all right come on not saying that's a terrible person I'm just saying that I think I'm just trying to compete with $1,000 Deck with my little fogs in a very annoying strategy mold comes in kind of middle of the pack $430 is the average uh build cost um so I would say yeah either b or a I'm not going to be offended you said a no b or c s like what you're the other way okay I did throw it in C because it was my pick this last one is your pick though you Canever you want one of the other old Vanguard yep uh two and grixis I think our first grixis Commander blue red and black for a zombie wizard 24 at the beginning of each player's draw step that player draws an additional card you're welcome it's Grog it's group hog when never an opponent draws a card nekusar the Mind Razer deals one damage to that player it's not group hog it's not group hog I don't like this anymore nasar is the preeminent Wheels Commander um so you're going to see Wheels of Fortune you're going to see Al all those types of effects more effects that you know stack on the damage for each card drawn like it's it's going to be group slug yep is the name of the game what's what's the three Mana black uh underworld dreams Bas basically underworld dreams in the command Zone you throw more of those in there and you say let's wheel yeah plus you're in grixis so you get counter spells you get tutors you get you know underworld breach tox extortionist like all the other red things um you could you could tainted uh tainted strike this and then uh and then wheel and then probably get your opponents down yep that would do it yeah poison them love T trick anyway umol yeah nasar is good I think it is a victim of the times similar toia very the staying power to be in the top uh but isn't top tier anymore I didn't have it f okay um but it wasn't D it was in D yep so I think I could see C or D I think again it I think it's right around there yeah it it's like a d plus C minus yeah it's a little glass Canon um it does give your opponent's card Advantage which even though you're hurting them is still card advantage to your opponent it's like Chaotic card Advantage though too because like you you have enough repetitive stuff in the deck that you're okay with just getting a random seven cards yeah there are times where your opponent like discards their hand and they get like miscellaneous stuff that's not working for them right now because they're not as you know focused on what they're doing I wonder how popular nekusar would be if Hull breacher never got banned thank goodness Hull breacher is banned by the way but yeah Nar I mean there's also cards though that can I guess it wouldn't really work um I mean I guess if you're playing against nekusar deck here's what you do ready you play obstinate familiar which is a one- one lizard that makes it so don't have to draw cards you can choose not to draw that is the tech that is I played that card legitimately in a dech once cuz I had Arjuna the shifting flame okay and Arin draws you cards like every time you cast a spell like just replaces your hand with the equivalent number of cards from your deck and then I had cards that say if you would draw another card draw an additional card so then every time you do double your hand size just eventually got to the point where like I was going to draw 80 cards if I obstinate familiar my tiny lizard friend go actually actually obstinate familiar was great so funny anyway that's not what we're here about uh I put nekusar at D I think I could see an argument for C defending I I think it's right there too I think it's a d plus C minus so I think we actually surprisingly with this list agreed a lot lot things which is interesting because I do think that I think that again when you're getting up to this level you're splitting hairs right for the most part like I don't think I would not you're splitting hairs but also like I would never accept an argument for someone to tell me that cranco is more powerful than like corval like yeah if we're to sitting at a table and there's a cranco player and there's a corval player I'm going after corval player first yeah and like any of the D tier commanders could spike a game and beat an S your command like that's just the nature of the game it's 100 card single except go shintai yeah that except for goai omnics then you can yeah but I mean like if you're going to play a 100 games with any of these STS the average would skew towards the S Commander is probably winning more often than not 100% um yeah so I'm pretty I'm I'm also surprised but I I guess like another thing that I had looking through this list I was surprised at how healthy the metag game looks like sure there's 30,000 attrax of decks but like all of these decks have over 10,000 like even nekusar has near 14,000 that's crazy a lot of times if you look at a trading card game or like standard or or whatever like you see like oh this one deck occupies like 30% of the metag game and like I mean even 30,000 decks for a track so like is a drop in the bucket 100% for like Commander as a whole which I think is great like there's no one Commander that's like clearly no one Commander to rule them all go not anymore golos yeah who what golos players are out there I still have a goo stck you can't take them away from me well your goo is upside down tribal which just got a lot better actually yeah I haven't gotten those cards yet anyway cool all right yeah I think overall I'm pretty happy with the list uh we end up with uh I don't know if you saw our final but you'll see it later but we have three in the S okay we have uh uro kenrith corval y one in the a which is Joda uh B has six looks like isan Lil myum shorai oh my goodness Prismatic bridge what's the front side called goodness gracious Prosper C tier we've got three with atraxa uh marov and mtha my brain is not working right now D tier we've got the ER Dragon we've got wiel we've got cranco we've got goai we've got gishath we've got Kalia and we've got nekusar so yeah looks like our D tier got fill up the most but your F tier also is probably why we push those a little bit yeah we a few up there yeah we got a little bit in the middle good amount of the bottom cou again we were doing all these rankings on like your average deck that you would see this type not like super optimized C so the average deck that you'd see at are tables that we're play yeah yeah yeah so there you go yeah we hope it's been insightful maybe if you're considering any of these commanders and wanted to know like where they stood my apologies for offending you if your commander is lower on the list and you think it should be higher and that's completely fine actually we'd love to hear from you and see what your takes are on these what did we get wrong what do you think like oh that's not a c tier that's an S tier Commander what are you doing yeah what what do you think we got wrong what do you think we got right uh what is your favorite Commander out there is it one of these top commanders yeah and be sure to blame Mitch in the comments below blame Eddie as well thanks for joining me on my show yeah it's blame it yeah yeah I'm on your show yes yes yes thank you so much Eddie for having me you're very welcome uh maybe I'll have a you on again sometime oh that'd be great that'd be great okay well thanks again for joining us say hi to your dog Bentley for me okay I'll do that all righty well go ahead you have close thanks for joining me Mitch yeah you're you're welcome thanks as well for joining us and have a good one this show and episodes like this one are possible thanks to viewers like you if you're looking for an easy way to help support this show make sure that you like share and subscribe also hit that Bell notification icon so you don't miss any new episodes you can also go check out our playmats and other merchandise atth commanders we also have a ton of brand new t-shirt designs in stock so make sure you check out those as well another easy way to support this show is with our TCG player affiliate links so whether you're buying a deck or individual cards you can use this General link right here or one in the description and the final way that you can support this show is by 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Channel: The Commander's Quarters
Views: 47,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: POPULAR commander Most Powerful, Overpowered commanders, Overpowered Commanders, EDH, Commander, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Commanders 2 Cents, magic the gathering, tier list mtg, power rankings mtg, mtg, commander tier list, powerful commander tier list, op commanders, op commander tiers, op commander mtg, atraxa, atraxa praetors' voice, ur dragon, the ur dragon, isshin, isshin commander, yuriko mtg, miirym sentinel wyrm edh, jodah, jodah commander, jodah the unifier, kenrith
Id: ZzOjs1JaT6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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