The Most OUT OF CONTROL Moments On Storage Wars!

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today we're gonna be going over 10 storage wars moments that were insane if you're a fan of storage wars let us know in the comments below also make sure to leave a like on the video make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you can be notified every day when we release new videos now let's get started number one Elvis Presley newspapers in mint condition [Music] the infamous dave Hester is well known on the show for being lucky with his storage finds often paying a small price for the storage unit well worth the amount he paid for it often times dave Hester ranks up the prices earning himself hate from many of the cast members on the show in the first season the cast had been presented with a storage unit full of old newspapers and while it initially wasn't a hopeful fine dave Hester thought otherwise he made a seven hundred and fifty dollar bid on a hopeful storage unit finding himself with a pile of what seemed to be just piles of newspapers with rapping over them what he discovered next what amazed him stacks of mint-condition Elvis Presley newspapers dating to the day of his death filled the storage unit dave Hester was amazed by the find and when he had them appraised they were worth about ninety thousand dollars he really scored big for only putting $750 on the table [Music] number two pirate treasure at the bottom of the storage unit one lucky buyer in California finding this pirate's gold was a whole lot easier an auction of unclaimed storage units led to have normally treasure chests are found at the bottom of the ocean and fairy tales but for this lucky bidder he struck gold literally as unreal as it sounds there were even news reports on the subject of how insane the finding was Dan and laura dotson were interviewed about the unit on fox news discussing the wild finding while the bidder would remain anonymous for obvious personal reasons they found the valuable gold coins in the most unsuspecting place when they discovered the coins they were placed inside of a blue Rubbermaid tote normally used to store household items toys are clothing with this wonderful find the anonymous bidder only spent six hundred and eleven hundred dollars on two units that day where he would come across the coins in the end the bidder walked away with a whopping five hundred thousand dollars to his name funnily enough it took three people to move the tote with how much those coins added up to it's unsurprising that the rubber tote would be so heavy a pirate's treasure chest though a Rubbermaid blue tote doesn't say yeah you know box number three storage wars confrontations it's not uncommon for many heated arguments to happen on storage wars especially with dave Hester on the show but dave was at fault for this one while there had been a few fights this one stuck out quite a bit to the audience entertaining to some while difficult to watch for others while the married couple Dan and Laura were taking bits for one of the many units they were selling Mary was left without having her bit accounted for while she didn't have much of an issue with this situation Dave had another he believed he needed to voice his opinion and this ended in a violent altercation between the couple and Dave shortly after the fight had been broken up the filming for that day had been ceased why sure number four brandy and Jared's Tooth Fairy discovery [Music] okay Bozak will see as suggested teeth really took this storage unit to a whole new level not the most shocking discovery in a storage wars but definitely a surprising an oddly intriguing one Jarrod's bid for this locker only came up to $50 but finding the teeth brought the value of the storage unit from 50 to 300 dollars alone at first brandi seemed off-putting but after bringing the teeth to the osc Dental Academy they find the teeth date back to the 20s when they were used for dentures they were a bit disappointed when they found the teeth were only worth about $300 but took it which brought the overall value of the unit to a total of $1,400 1350 more than the original bidding price our we see these 12 months are out here and the right one moves around to tell the minute and the school prom number 5 Frank Gutierrez art hall who would have imagined finding over a hundred paintings from the famous Frank Gutierrez not Daryl normally bidders pay anywhere between 300 to a little under $2,000 but for Daryl he really went in for the kill he gambled $3,600 on the storage unit it seems like quite a bit of money to risk in a storage unit that could be a flaw but the payoff was far greater than the risk he took calling in an art curator he had the paintings inspected and luckily enough there were authentic paintings from the artists themselves leaving Daryl astonished by the findings dollars being a gambler isn't just about winning it's not number six ranae's Museum find 150 for this one five hundred for that one oh my goodness is so beautiful even if it's a remake it's at least 200 dollars when you're looking through storage units finding useless things are often very common as most units are used to store old household items but when Rene scored this unit he finds tens of thousands of dollars worth of kitchenware museum collectibles in even a grandfather clock most of the items range from Chinese artifacts to pure silver dining table sets he quickly names prices for each item as he goes through each finding and as he goes through each finding the price starts to go into the thousands near the end of it all Rene estimates that the grand total for his newly found Hall earned him about fifty thousand dollars we're like sitting in a pile of cash right now unbelievable by the time we price everything into a researcher I'm telling you right now we're gonna make fifty thousand dollars off number seven jarred crashing Brandy's car [Music] trusting people with your car can be a rather difficult task but when they crash your car into a pole trust is immediately thrown out the window not paying attention Jared made the horrible mistake of crashing Brandis car causing brandy to gasp in shock while Jared checks the damage well not before turning off the car first it's no help that Dave is laughing about it in the background and their storage unit that day barely making them any money I'm sure $500 will barely be able to fix the dent that was left in their back bumper going little for it now go back back number eight Berry's $6,000 head [Music] now as wild as it may seem this unit had a head with a full set of teeth in it no it wasn't a real head but a wooden sculpture made by Mike meadow the wooden sculpture was quite a valuable item in the hall amongst a couch and a table barely worth a dime Barry was intrigued by the head as it had a full set of dentures and a window in the back of its head when he got it appraised he found he had scored about six thousand dollars for the wooden head gaining more than when he thought he had paid for it but while it was worth quite a bit of money he couldn't bring himself to sell it during the show Barry is known for buying unique items and when he laid his eyes on this he couldn't help but keep the wooden head and walked away earning nothing on the unit $6,000 and maybe number nine creepy doll freakiest looking dog ever seen there's weird clothes and everything a manufacturer in many horror movies dolls are used as a staple creep factor for brandy she wished she hadn't been the one to find this doll for most viewers creepy old dolls are a nightmare and with how old the doll was brandy was no exception to the fear gave her while she handled it carefully Jaron was ready to get it looked at by a doll collector even gave it a voice creeping out brandy even more when they had it appraised they found it to be a bust with all the cracks and chipping in the head of the doll the condition of it being poor in the wiring in the doll loose they found the doll was only worth about $50 compared to the 175 they spent on the unit in the end it was a better dog toy than a collector's doll I still want to throw it away number 10 voodoo doll she's get started back at the locker that I bought I sign the paychecks so I'm taking one of the guys to help me get this stuff back to Orange ending the list the most insane and creepy finds starts and ends with ritualistic bindings what looked to be African ritualistic items plagued the storage locker being riddled with animal bones two staffs brandy was the least satisfied with her pie she carefully goes through the locker horrified to find bird bones and bags beaks attached to a stick and a sculpture crafted to look like a man with a chicken on its head she can barely even hold some of the items and at the end of looking through the locker is disgusted and fearful of the locker it's very apparent she doesn't want any part of selling any of the objects inside the dreadful locker and that's more than understandable that's even worse what is Bozak happening it's a dude with the chicken on his head he's seen as better years which one of these was the most shocking to you let us know in the comments below thanks for watching and we'll see you again tomorrow
Channel: Film Trip
Views: 521,536
Rating: 4.2626839 out of 5
Keywords: movie, tv show, education, entertainment, list, most amazing, storage wars, storage wars finds, storage unit, buy and sell, profit, money, business, finance, auction, storage rooms, auctioneer, aetv, storage wars full episodes, luxury, most expensive, most insane, funny, crazy, storage wars cast, brandi passante, dave hester, darrell sheets, jarrod schulz, laura dotson
Id: gAeqPWSbUgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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