Momentum Mastery: Secrets Revealed by the Ultimate Master's of Motivation | Mulligan Brothers

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if this was your last day on this Earth you're if you're sitting there in the in the morning and you're embracing what is beautiful and you ask yourself in a moment of death you say this is my last day on this Earth will you not Savor that [Music] morning all the things that bother you in life would would it just not go away so the samurai they keep death nearer you you know so these three practices Alone um I I wrote them down because I reflected on these my journey right so basically when I became Ronin there was a certain process of rebirth where I shut down the world and I could myself and and I worked on myself I shut down all my teammates I shut down every external voice and I heard only myself the morning [Music] rebirth so how does one do it right like I could say to you hey man don't you want to live a life that's like happy don't you want to be grateful and let's just say you go outside like I'm grateful for everything you really think that sticks in there's a practice and that dwes off the discipline if you win that morning you hit it with intensity as in combat like your life dependent on it then you would hit it with intelligence would you if your life depended on what you do would you be smarter in how you do it so why not live life like that why not waiting that morning so I did I won that morning and I won it through positive mind listening to positive people people listening to success stories fulfillment listening to what is important Reign is needed to wash away the [Music] old you know to make room for growth but yet here we are in this beautiful day thinking about other things the externals that we can't even change I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most inspir ational motivational and philosophical teachers and today I wanted to take my favorite episodes and deliver them in a video in one place today's video was sponsored by hu a quick affordable nutritionally complete source of food with everything that your body needs head to the link in the description for exclusive offers I really do recommend their Daily Greens now available in the UK let's dive in to this amazing video with some of my favorite speakers of all time so it was about to renew one mind to accept what is Life's a choice if you're totally aware within the moments of what you're thinking you have a choice you can be more than this success in life to me is the imprint that you leave you know like we're not going to live forever so you can't take your wealth with you what did I give to this world you know as an Artist as an artist what what art did I paint in this world who did I lift up when they were down you know and the thing is that I I think that we don't think like that we think about oh if I if I achieve this amount of wealth success and my house is this big if I have drive this car that's successful then when they die can you take all that with you does it even matter in your final moments in this lifetime when you have to trade away this physical life can you take all this materialistic things with you no but what you can take away is knowing that you helped so many people and that you lived your life yeah maybe you made a lot of mistakes in your life but you you ended up being the person that you wanted to be because you work every day at being that person not business not just business you can be a yeah you that that's a goal but who was the person you wanted to be first a leader needs to lead by example he needs to be a man of action not a man of talk I realized that we it's our duty to help the innocent so that's fulfilling that's what I'm leaving it's like as in Garden right and then you have the stones and you have the beautiful plants and you had the ripples around it you know you ever see Japanese garden so beautiful it represents in one lifetime how many ripples how many people can you touch what is your legacy that you're going to leave behind that would better this world right and that to me is being an entrepreneur it allows me to to do that it allows me to be this person I want to be because being successful being successful wealthwise it allows me the freedom I need to do what is really important to me and that's helping [Music] others if you look out in the world right [Music] now it's easy to get dissatisfied it's easy to get frightened it's easy to become fearful it's easy to lose hope it's easy to lose perspective it's easy to get lost we are at the moment in a in a cycle of life where everybody if you're just a little bit aware you can feel something is shifting [Music] some people are not willing to maybe adapt to the change some people are not strong enough to adapt to the change some people don't know how to put it into practice in order to go with the change there will come the time and it's not going to take long where a natural separation is going to take place a natural separation the ones that are able to read the signs that are able to go with what is happening to adapt to the changes this world is bringing to us they will move on to another world they will move on to another area to another cycle of us humans being right now here on the earth and other people that are unwilling unable maybe incapable of adapting to the coming changes it is simple like this they will stay with the old world which is about to end that's the message that's all what what this is [Music] about feeling that it's time for a new something old an old an old era is about to come to an end a new era is about to come this is worldwide happening it's happening inside our Monastery it's happening inside of [Music] me what is it essentially that keeps the fire going either you have an iron will then then you just then then then the then the amount of fire that you can produce is super super high if you by yourself have a iron will then you can just keep going like a machine okay if you don't have a iron will you need something that is giving you that is like substituting for example this Iron Will I have things that give me Iron Will for me it's a vision I have vision for something greater yeah I all you would might say is hope or it can also be you can think about a person sometimes you meet person you just need to call them up in the mind they give you they give you fire you know so this is the way what keeps the fire going what keeps you yourself what what what is it that keeps you make you push on harder harder trust hope Vision purpose and this is where the things come together and this is the type of fire where I say when you know about these things even angriness suffering loneliness a feeling used feeling [Music] betrayed all of these things create fire the question is now in which direction I you allowing this fire to develop to burn you on the inside or are you able to channel but it's exactly the same type of fire to channel it and use it for something that is not eating you to do it in order for you to grow in order for you to keep going so and in the past 100% a great source of my fire has been frustration anger loneliness that was my this was my inspiration of the fire that's why many many times I've spent alone doing what training and this is the reason maybe why today things just look different things have not always been in harmony yeah the question is how good are you able to regulate the fire inside of [Music] you if you draw if you draw your Force if you draw your motivation if you draw the fire from love let's say like this for me when I think about this word it's an expanding it's an expanding Force so love by Nature it's it's an energy which which anyway it's expanding it's expanding Beyond yourself yeah which means it's automatically embracing more so embracing more meaning it's easier the energy is there which makes it easier to bring something new into your life this is how I see it that is like the energy and when you combine this now with your training literally means if you have this type of energy is easier it becomes easier to bring something new into your life now the problem with anger is or with hate or this other type of energy is that the nature of this energy it's not to integrate someone to integrate something the nature of that force is now you're going to fight against the world now now you're going to mess up everything now it's like you are the hurt one and now you're going to show them all this is the nature of the anger energy yeah it is the energy that makes you like okay that mountain won't move I'm going to make it move it's this type it it gives you energy but the energy if you just use it without this disciplining yourself without properly thinking about it what you going to create is separation you will have the power to do it but what the consequence is going to be you're going to separate something so and there it is the hard part how do you transform now this anger which carries a huge potential but still transform it in such a way that it becomes an expensive and integrating [Music] force and there's only one thing that can help with [Music] this the connection The Compassion seriously this is the only thing that's why you have brotherhoods that's why you have Sisterhood forget about words forget about Shaolin forget about any specific style or teaching or anything like this look at yourself you are just like a puzzle brings things slowly together and and this complete attitude this attitude of doing so seeing your weakness finding a way how to improve it improving it this is the core this is the essence of shaolan it is the essence inside that you figure out for yourself uplift yourself and base on this uplifting based on compassion you help others to cultivate the same state of [Music] being that is it what do you want how badly do you want it and how much are you willing to suffer you can't be perfect you can't plan everything but it's like you're you're trying to navigate something that's constantly moving so when you step into it you'll take your L's and you know grab your lessons But ultimately down the road you're a different person than when you started and I think that's what it's about the courage to sort of step into that moving uh Dynamic there's nothing more important in life as a warrior to be stronger than the conditions and circumstances that are presented to us you know nii the philosopher once said that chaos is needed in oneself to give way to a dancing star without chaos there will be no armies to fight no mountains to climb or dragons to slay without chaos there would be no realization to one's actual truth I don't know your situation I I couldn't place myself in your shoes but what I can tell you is that there's no value ever in pointing out and blaming it the world it's it's what can I do to fix the situation you can't control where you started but you can always control where you go from from here uh ambition personal responsibility personal agency will change your life I mean the issue is is that it's harder so I think the two most compelling things that shape a person are failure and shame um I'm not saying you have to rush to failure but people are so scared of failure now and you you you hear all these same things like M Michael Jordan would have scored so many points had he not taken all those shots or Babe Ruth wouldn't have hit all those home runs unless he stepped up the plate and they're all so irritating because they're all so cliche but they were there right they did strike out they did fail they they were like not even considered to come on and play for their high school team because they weren't good enough right it's it's not your boss it's not you know this person that person this person it's it's you failing to navigate around what's in front of you so Eddie how can you step up and and and build something with these pieces you know and so when I think of ambition in today's day and age I just think a lack of understanding if you were to look at this as going right cool there's there's someone up there playing a big game and it's like these guys are good it's like yeah but how good are they it's like let's let's put it to the test and they put this thing in front of you and then you decide then to give it give it up and try something else and then the the people up there go told you versus putting that obstacle in your way and that only do you learn from it you become better and like they deserve it and you know whatever thing you think of if you can mentally visualize that when you go through a tough time you're like no I know your game let's let's see let's see what you made up and that's what I want people to understand there's no one on the planet like you no one they got they ain't got your DNA they ain't got your fingerprints they can't they haven't got your tone the way you do things they're not like you so you can't decide to throw in the tow wall and and and get out get out the game of life you can't do that you're robbing us of what you've been given what's hidden inside you there's a hidden leader in all of us there's gifts in all of us why don't we tap into it if you're living a life that is just so numb and so monotonous every day is the same you feel the same you wake up the same time and that's fine for some people don't get me wrong that is that is fine for some people but if people are saying they're depressed by that life and you're not willing to try anything else like you're a maniac it's not me that a maniac for trying well we con see we make concessions you know we we stay in relationships we're not happy with cuz we don't think about it or we stay in situations we're not content with cuz we don't think about it I always say like um you know I was very blessed I was very very lucky in my childhood but um I didn't ask Eddie what do you want out of life until what 23 24 um I just never I don't even know how to Artic I just never thought about that I I saw I saw that freedom is a luxury not something that's obtainable that I could and should go after and and you know it got to the point where you know I was with one of my my buddies were driving to work and uh you know we're joking around about a flat tire like God it be awesome if you know if if we got a flat tire and pulled us off the road here we could be 2 hours late to work and it's like light bulb moment what are you doing this is not the way to live your want and need and desire to achieve your goal has to be stronger than everything else that comes against you that said this is better than what you've currently got and to get what you want you're going to have to go through this pain these feelings of disgust and giving up you have to be naive to start and stubborn to finish and anything that you go into you knew how much work was involved and how much sacrifice you had to make if someone went down and go here's here's what's going to happen to you in the next 10 years if you decide to take this journey you'd probably take one look at that book and go and it's and it's so true and that's why when I think about obstacles when I think about things that you need to build up you've just got to go into it with a level of navity but when these things do come you've just got to have a mindset about it to go okay cool how bad you want this and I always think that when this is difficult I remind myself if this is difficult then it's worth doing because you know most people at this stage would have given up so if you don't you're going to get rewarded eventually by this anything that you're going to do if it's hard if it's difficult if it if if there's going to be a lot of resistance in doing it if your goal isn't as substantial as the resistance that you're going to meet it's going to be hard to persevere through that resistance without a really good reason without a really good um goal that means a lot to you it's going to be hard to do that cuz you're you're really for longterm you're really changing your life what do you want how badly do you want it and how much are you willing to suffer and very often everything revolves around the first question what do you want because a lot of people are unclear what they want from Life they don't sit down and think through we we are writing our own life story every day and yet we don't think about it what what who do we want to be where do we want to live what life do we want to lead when we fin finished our life come to the end of our life and look back what do we want to say that we've done so what do you want is a very powerful question if I have a thought and the thought is that's really hard I I would shut down before and now I'm way more apt to say no no you had the thought you then thought it was going to be really hard go do that go try it fail uh you know Samuel Becket had has my favorite quote ever tried ever failed no matter try again fail again fail better so just this idea like it's okay to not be great at something like when we go through a situation and Circumstance it's easy to step back and think man I just went through this and it's just my experience I firmly believe when we go through things it's for us to deal with it get over it and reach back over the hill to help another person and a lot of times like you said when you're trying to work through it you think man how can I help somebody and I'm trying to get through it myself right and that's a great perspective right but when you get through it right maybe you can't help them when you're in the midst of it because you're processing it but when you get over the hill I think is important and I think it's vital that you reach back over the hill and help somebody that may be going through a similar situation and you can share your values and principles with them because that experience that we go through and we deal with it's not just for us I consume so much right and it's awesome audiobooks podcast all the time all the time um to the point where I'm in the shower I have an audiobook going um you know I'm I'm waking up I'm listening to a speech uh and it's very easy to just forget to be alone with yourself and so I started to make a point to go on these walks where uh it's just you and your thoughts right not even music and it's the best time you can have it really is one cuz it trains you to just remove yourself from the digital space that we're ENT trapped in in a lot of ways but um there's this Clarity that uh we don't find in our day-to-day uh you can ask yourself you know some of the questions that we were just discussing you can think about strategically what you're doing where you're going maybe why you're going there uh it's funny how some of the most fundamental important questions are just not asked and uh they're not asked because we're doing other things and it's like you know we're we're in the engine room you know uh on this ship having no idea where in the Horizon it's pointed to understanding that always the obstacles the way you always have to lean into your fears lean into your weaknesses lean into the things that make you uncomfortable if you want to overcome them if you want to get better there's no other way know most people just numb their minds pretend it's not there but it's like yeah that might provide you with a with a temporary relief for short period of time but it's not really going to help you long term the next time that you have you know a major life event that that is a trigger if this was your last day on this Earth you're if you're sitting there in the in the morning and you're embracing what is beautiful and you ask yourself in a moment of death you say this is my last day on this Earth will you not Savor that morning all the things that bother you in life would would it just not go away waking up and first of all going for a run going for a run for the purpose of cleaning out your lungs and getting a lot of fresh air right in the beginning of the day into the body we also regard the morning meaning until until noon we are regarding that this is a certain time frame that is dominated let's say by Rising young energy by Rising energy which means that is exactly the point of time where you are supposed to to come out to do the the work that takes a lot of effort from you let's say until noon so and this is why after the morning training after the morning run first of all we have also our breakfast because after the breakfast starts the first high-intensity training high-intensity training can mean that the exercises I showed you with the practicing of the Rings that would be one of them so you make several rep itions from this type of exercise or also I have my personal regimen at the moment of having the hardening exercises also in the morning so around 11 12:00 we are normally finished with the first [Music] section then we're starting with preparing the lunch 1:00 it's lunch time and followed up by a short break and afterwards we have the afternoon training where I either practice again my forms do some stretching or do also some standing exercises the more methods you are starting to discover you are gaining more knowledge you are gaining more methods but at the same time you feel like you don't have enough time to even practice all of this and this is where now my understanding goes that there is the saying it is impossible to master Kung Fu in one lifetime I can understand somehow where this idea is coming from and what does it mean mastering Kung Fu and there one one teacher used to say practicing kung fu is life and life is kung fu so if you master Kung Fu it means it's mastering life it means you're mastering to take life into your own hands in the Kung Fu you are responsible to build up yourself as a Kung Fu Master Kung Fu master master of Life mastering your own life this is what all of this is about and sometimes one lifetime is not enough to get all the tools in order for you to know how to fix everything that this life is throwing at you and this is again where then the idea comes from that every lifetime we need to use in order to make us grow in order for us to learn something new within this lifetime because if you believe in it or not just assuming it would be like this the knowledge you are gaining in this life period you're going to get as a new new nice package for the next time you come back which means you don't want to waste that Lifetime right now doing unnecessary stuff that does not bring you forward why not because in case you come back you're going to face the same issues again that you did not solve in this lifetime the first first Arrow always hits that first Arrow always hits means there are certain things like sometimes words or an insult somebody's insulting you it's going to hurt you're going to feel that it's like just hit your ego for example the same goes for the physical exercise in the moment I hit whatever material that is I feel feel the pain it's not like it's important to understand it's not that something is nump it's not that like uh I don't feel any any sensation anymore I feel the pain I feel the insult but what now the Buddhist teaching say is make sure the second Arrow doesn't hit and the second arrow is the one that often times you you are shooting at yourself because after the first one hit you are crying about being hit and that means if I feel the pain and I try to let's say avoid that pain or I suffer because of this pain that is something that directly with my mind I try to avoid so instead what I do is I realize I observe I observe what is this sensation what is it that I call that human call pain what is that sensation how does it really feel so so what is it is it sharp is it dump where exactly is it where is the starting point from it how much does it radiate and so by observing this I can detect I can feel that there is something collecting let's say around that area or even trying to collect and condensate in the mind and then you learn to release even if this is loud but during the exercises I feel the pain I release it what starts to tense up I use my mind to do the opposite what what starts to cut into the ego I directly make the opposite of releasing it and it is this inter interplay something comes you rele it more of it comes you need to learn to release deeper so that means the more you practice the deeper your level of relaxation the deeper the level of your ability of Letting Go becomes and then it will always be just like it's like an interplay the pain is there and you release pain level number one you can release then comes pain level number two in the beginning it's still difficult it's still difficult but you learn you learn you repeat your your releasing and then suddenly you realize okay now my ability has become um good enough that even pain level two is released then comes number three why because you start to hit harder or you start to hit more often and so this is also like in that process the step by step approach let's say to get used to it and like I said once you went over a certain limitation that limit is done that same pain doesn't come anymore you went over it you have overcome it and if people are insulting you for this type of translation now you learn to not let it attack or even move your ego in the beginning it's h but future insults you will just feel they don't move you because you already have the ability to release and why would you ever let somebody else take away your life quality just by insulting you that is exactly what what this is about if you do not take charge about your own internal way of cultivation there is too much out there that can feel like an insult but none of that is worse that you are like wasting your lifetime for it feeling bad devoted I hope you're enjoying this episode so far today's video was sponsored by hu a quick affordable nutritionally complete source of food with everything that your body needs hula has been the sponsor now for the start of the year and I've been using hu for over two years now and the reason for that is because when I fly around the world making these documentaries trying to be an athlete and having a busy life to know that I can reach in my bag and have everything that my body needs in a bottle has been an ABS absolute GameChanger it means that sometimes if I need to save the time but also get the nutrition the protein the calories the energy on the go I know that I can they also have the new product the greens The Daily Greens which are absolutely amazing are now part of my daily routine if you want to find out more with the exclusive offers head to the link in the description let's dive back into the video wa wait when you try to achieve something in life it's inevitable there would be setbacks if it was easy everybody would do it healthy life is restlessness that's a healthy life there's going to be ups and downs every heart that beats is Contracting and expanding all the time the Journey of life is up and down over the years I've been able to fly around the world to speak to some of the wisest men in the world and all of that was made possible by our sponsors today's video is sponsored by hu a quick affordable nutritionally complete source of food with everything that your body needs use C 10 Mulligan with a link down [Music] below I would never give up on somebody never anybody can change at any stage of their life we are writing Our Own Story our own life story but there's no reason why we can't stop and go what do I really want and start from that moment on rewriting your story facing the challenge achieving for yourself and putting your fears and anxieties to one side so I think it's important to understand that we all need a certain element of longing seeking reaching yearning if you don't have that you're not human the soul of a human being is a Divine flame it's a flame of God look at a flame a flame never rests it's always flickering it's always Restless that's what a soul is like a restlessness when face P sh the Mind skips into the future and says what if I fail what if I embarrassed what if I get injured what if I and I have to give them a different way of thinking the thinking is I may get fail I may get embarrassed I may get injured but I can deal with it because I'm strong but the flame is always that spirit and when you see somebody who's stop flickering it's not a good sign if they they like the sparkle in the eye whatever reason there's something [Music] missing there were children playing on a ladder and all the children were afraid to climb to the top except one child he climbed all the way to the top so his grandfather who was watching said to his grandson and said tell me why were you the only one that was had the courage to climb to the top of the ladder he said because when the other children were climbing they kept looking down so they saw how high they were they were afraid to climb higher when I was climbing I kept looking up I saw how low I was so it motivated me to climb higher so a healthy growing human being is always looking up when you look up you always see Horizons you haven't conquered yet so it's a motivator so it's always a important to look up and then try to gain and internalize it and then continue climbing what do you want and now figure out how to get it standing on the ground we know how to do you know how to swim in the water but that Split Second you're not in the water and not on the ground is the fear a certain unknown what it was it's like a suspension and I realized that we are all concerned the transition of change is fearful cuz you're not used to it it's something new and we always gravitate to that which was comfortable for us that which is easy we're secure with it but on the other hand all growth comes only when you change if nothing changes nothing changes or I like to put it if you think what you thought and you say what you said and you do what you did you know what you're going to have what you had it's a mathematical certainty because nothing's changed insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results growth is always going to come with some discomfort and that's where the path of least resistance comes in I say it always to people I said if you're more comfortable in this painful situation you're going to stay there it'll only be when it's less comfortable to stay there than to move path of least resistance is what you will choose even if it's a terrible choice so you have to realize that there is that fear but all growth is going to come from that prefer to be the kind of person who steps up and faces the challenge than the kind of person who stays below the line and avoids challenge what kind of person do you want to be what do you want how badly do you want it how much are you willing to suffer those three questions our high performers face every day am I going to be a fighter today or am I going to be a victim is a battle of you versus you we we think the opposition's over there in the other dressing room but actually it's in here who am I going to be today am I going to be my best self or my weaker self you need to shed one layer of skin to assume a new layer of skin there's no other way and that's always like creativity is always going to be followed by frustration cuz you're and the big and the more creative the more novel is the new energy the more the discomfort is going to preced it you're in control you're in control of your mind it's your mind there's a thousand excuses but not a single reason disruption have has to be seen as a stepping stone toward higher states of growth toward a paradigm shift when you step into the challenge Zone the number of excuses for getting out backed into your comfort zone from there multiplies I'm too tired it's too difficult I'm having a bad day nobody likes me unfortunately in many cases it comes through something we finally hit rock bottom as they say something really shows you this is not [Music] acceptable who you are should Define what you do but often our jobs our work our responsibilities expectations of others shape and Define us this is the work I do I try to help people free themselves from those forces you have something unique to contribute you have your unique song [Music] there 8 billion people on this planet yes but not two are alike I would teach them to face up to those excuses and refuse to be a victim and teach them a fighter mentality about all those things may be there but I'm still going to do it I'm going to deal with it so a thousand excuses but not one reason to [Music] achieve awful lot of players playing in the Premier League football in this country who and beef for talent not quite as genetically superior but a for attitude and attitude is something anybody can have anybody Talent is something that may be a little bit god-given but attitude is is anybody's you can decide to improve your attitude any [Music] day when when you try to achieve something in life it's inevitable there would be setbacks if it was easy everybody would do it so it's it's tough it's tough raise rising to the top of your career it's top it's tough holding a relationship together it's tough buying a house it's tough being a champion so there will be [Music] setbacks there's a great story of Kobe Bryant the basketball player in his first year as a professional his team reached the playoffs and he was the Superstar The Young Superstar and in the last minute of the game he had three shots to win the game for his team and missed all three and at the end of the game the interview the commentators were astounded this great talent missed all three shots and he was sat down on the bench and his head was in his hands and they were talking about how he must feel he must feel Dreadful and when he got up to come off the court they managed to get an interview with him and said Kobe you were sat on the bench with your head in your hands you must have felt terrible and he looked at me and said what's feeling got to do with it I was working out why I missed those shots I now know why I miss those shots and I can do something about it setbacks knock you emotionally off balance but you've got to you got to work beyond the emotion to get to why did I have that setback what can I learn from it How am I'm going to avoid it in the future and go on if if an athlete says I want to be the best Bill fine how badly do you want it because it's going to you've got to pay a price to be the best the best pay a big price you've got to work harder you've got to commit more got to take more responsibility you got to deal with more ups and downs why are you limiting yourself to that level of achievement we have to go back to the mission you need to have a mission in life and then you use the tools to fulfill that mission if you don't have a mission your smartphone and all the different browsing and all the chats and all the notices are going to control your life so it comes down to who's in control of your life you or the circumstances around you so that you get athletes who just turn up it's training tonight I just I'll just turn up you get athletes who turn up to train they'll turn up they'll do the requisite amount of work but that's it athletes will turn up to compete they put a bit more effort in they try they try to be the best amongst their group then there's the athletes who train to win they train every day every session so they win on Match night and then there are just those very few players who train to dominate they train so hard that winning is inevitable on Race night okay so how do you stand out in a crowd and how do you uh become a non-conformist because the tendency for all of us is to be conformist that's how it is we don't like to stand out I mean Everyone likes to say I have a unique flare or unique style but not too much you don't want to be a pariah you don't want to be laughed at and mocked at from our childhood we've been trained you conform you have to do this to inform to fit in um so I the tendency and the temptation to do that is understandable it comes down to fear as well fear of being different fear of being laughed at fear of being dismissed but at the same time you don't want to lose your individuality so it comes down to if that individual uh unique you has been cultivated or not but we live in a society and I think again through industrialization and technology has only contributing to the conforming you have to fit in a certain [Music] way maximizing on yourself it's about dealing with your own doubts fears and anxieties about letting the positive you defeat the negative you because what they don't see the people in the arena don't see is you on your own at :00 in the morning working out sweating struggling and that's what makes Champions the ability to motivate themselves to do the work on their own that leads to success in the arena today I will train Like A Champion it looks like an everyday commitment where you wake up every day and say just like Clint Eastwood you say today I'm going to be a champion you know they say when Mozart presented his composition of Music one of his masterpieces to the arch Duke of Austria so the the the aruk thought he was a connoisseur of music so he says to Mozart beautiful but far too many notes you see he's telling him far too many notes and moad reportedly responded he says yes your majesty but not one more than necessary every note is necessary and I think it's important to realize that every human being doesn't matter how many people out there that's you have to know that you are unique and there's something you can contribute that only you can contribute but you love them for their attitude fight us fighter mentality through and through never let you down battle to the end they're the ones who win what do you want how badly do you want it and how much are you willing to suffer and very often everything revolves around the first question what do you want because a lot of people are unclear what they want from Life they don't sit down and think through we we are writing our own life story every day and yet we don't think about it what what who do we want to be where do we want to live what life do we want to lead when we finished our life come to the end of our life and look back what do we want to say that we've done so what do you want is a very powerful question and what do you want how badly do you want it how much you willing to suffer it starts with a dream if you if you don't have the dream then you're not really going to go anywhere but you you have a dream and then I have to help them translate the dream into commitment and then trans translate the commitment into belief into action into challenge into resilience into fight of it fight mentality so it's a process but what there are many exercises many exercises but they're all the same they're reframing your thinking from negative to positive they're all saying but the only way you can fulfill that dream is what you do today you can't just hope it's going to happen you've got to make it happen so you have a dream in 3 months time you're going to pass your examinations for University so what you have to do because you have to be excellent on that day you have to be excellent today you have to study hard today and then you have to study hard tomorrow and then you have to study hard the next day and you know what that dream is coming to you you're not chasing it it's coming to you and if you're excellent every day I guarantee you'll be excellent on examination day and you've achieved your dream healthy life is restlessness that's a healthy life there's going to be ups and downs every heart that beats is Contracting and expanding all the time the Journey of life is up and down it's okay if it ends in defeat it's it's it's not as nice as winning but it's okay because what you understand is it's the process not the outcome it's the process of sport that makes it so meaningful and valuable in life it's the things you learn on the journey that are the key things in your life that help you'd be a better husband father friend Granddad some people will go all the way and win and fantastic brilliant but many people 90% of people in the challenge Zone will only go part way but it's still rewarding because it's the process that gives you the benefits the outcome is just cake on the end of the meal being able to witness someone going through the same suffering right now knowing we all suffer but at least I don't suffer alone and he manage to do it I will manage to do it observing the actions nobody needs to tell you keep going keep going no it sometimes it's enough to just watch somebody see the suffering but at the same time also see what he still keeps on [Music] going today's video was sponsored by hu a quick affordable nutritionally complete source of food that has everything that your body needs so if you want to find out more about hu head the link in the description either it's inside or it's not inside either you sense it or you don't sense it either you have the spirit or you cultivate it if you want to have it okay this type of energy just doesn't lie so and just like now talking about all of these pictures when I train together with my brothers I can feel when their weakness comes I can feel when they are about to give [Music] up and vice versa and we all feel it about ourself and this is now the point where sometimes people know what to [Music] do but it's still better to sometimes be reminded by someone or even being able to witness someone going through the same suffering right now knowing we all suffer but at least I don't suffer alone and he managed to do it I will manage to do it [Music] so it it is sometimes just by observing the actions nobody needs to tell you keep going keep going no it sometimes it's enough to just watch somebody see the suffering but at the same time also see but he still keeps on going so this is then suddenly opening up also your ability to to to have that own trust and hope is possible and so it just opens the mind and if many people on a constant basis are confronted with these things and doing this type of training then this group dynamic is simply a really strong one yeah and thises and now this all also do doesn't just apply to the field of martial arts like I said there are many individuals who have their own things going on so maybe the suffering doesn't come from the field of martial arts maybe the suffering comes from something else that happened in their private life but same story here why do you why do you sense a person because you have a connection and so it's out of question for me does the suffering come because you're doing the martial art or does the suffering come because you have problems in your relationship it doesn't matter I can feel he's not feeling well she's not feeling well something must be done and if I can do something I do it the closer the deeper the more intimate the stronger the connection is the feeling is that you have towards another person then something very very naturally as a consequence will arise and that one is called [Music] compassion with a closed Circle it's easy to sense it yeah if they are from your flesh and blood chances are high is naturally already existent but it's also possible with let's say like in our place as a community a brother and Sisterhood from different families even there it's it's possible to create it and the goal jumping now really really back into Buddhist teachings is that this type of internal uh this type of perspective if you can help you help why because you can sense the suffering of the other people this is what we refer to as being compassion as being compassionate or learning to cultivate this type of [Music] belongingness so actively training yourself towards the direction of [Music] belongingness if there's no connection that can't be compassion very simple compassion is the natural consequence of very deep connection why because you are regarding the the other person as part of your existence and life so there is no alternative than just trying continuously the best to pull either we grow together or nobody grows because you want to develop your body and your mind in comparison to other people you want to become over average average is not enough there is something as a martial artist that you want to optimize about yourself something is supposed to be better in comparison to other people this better can mean you can hit harder you can take more pain you can lift your leg up higher than the average person you can have more kicks within a certain period of time so flexibility is over aage strength is over aage hardness of your body is over aage body coordination is over aage ability to focus is over aage ability to connect your body is over average so there is something about you want more performance out of your body this is martial arts [Music] if you want to have two cars or two bikes and you want one of them to be faster what what you essentially want is one is supposed to be more performing than the other one what do you do you need an engine with more performance how do you literally what are the ways for example with an engine to increase the performance air intake air intake why more oxygen more fire more combustion same like with an oven right now the bigger the house becomes the more the oven needs to work the more heat it needs to generate how you do it besides the fact of adding more wood you need more air we need more capacity what do I do when I want to start increasing the performance level of myself number one for example eat more but I need to have better capacity and better refined breathing mechanisms and this is where it simply comes into the practices that are for example known as chiong some people nowadays say chigong energy practice yes it's correct but sometimes you get lost with your energy I don't know which type of energy so breathing okay for me Chong is simply the part of increasing the capacity of your lungs which means once you inhale you try you try to inhale as much as you can this is the first level and the second level is increasing your ability in adjusting also the the oxygen the air level inside of you the more I start to sweat the more different my breast has become very naturally when you start running why suddenly the body naturally draws in wants to draw in more air because you are asking something from your body performance and in order for your body to deliver it he needs f fire now to burn so this is the moment where also the air the inhalation the exhalation starts to increase and because it's getting tiring you know there sometimes it's good to have there is good to have like the Buddhist teachings you know as a place of when you are out of question or when when you don't know what to do anymore there it's good to have the old teachings from the old teachers you know to to remind you a little bit you read more about compassion and these things so that means this is where I think and also mentioned before the force is the same the power is the same the methods how to create fire you know increasing your breathing Rhythm the capacity regulating for example the methods are the same so the energy is available but the the the the big difference is what is the foundation in which this fire is being used and if the foundation is not based on virtues is not based on value then the same Force the same energy is getting into a a dark Direction it's getting into a destructive Direction the force is the same the values the principles are different okay and this is why I think it is such a important aspect that within this field where we are finding ourself you need virtues you need a guideline and optimally based on compassion CU that's the breaker for everything without that one know because it's either it's Compassion or you are separated individual separated individual has a very high sense of self centeredness and self-centeredness is what is causing problem com in this [Music] world the sense of belongingness is not the root for causing conflicts it's this one I wish that was a message that the whole world could hear that's fantastic you're going to make the world hear it I hope so I hope so alas alas to those that die with their song Still inside them in other words we all have a song inside us and many of us are afraid to let sink either because our parents or Educators or Society has pressured us to fit into their mold instead of our own so you can live your whole life and never sing your song that's the greatest risk of all you've never been who you should have been you never actualize your potential there's no such thing as success without the possibility for failure when your child begins to walk that child will fall any parent that says I don't want my child to fall I'm not going to let that child walk or I'll hold the child when they start walking will never allow their child to walk you have to let them walk you're there for them you say I'm here to pick you up I'm here to support you but every every walk has to begin with falling at least once or twice or three times sometimes the challenges of life that we think we're struggling through are actually the things that give us the strength to fly pressure in life is critical if you're comfortable what's going to motivate you to move I meet people and I say you're too comfortable if you're very comfortable God bless [Music] you I would love to say that a person is in a painful situation should have an epiphany or something they suddenly see the light and they say this is not acceptable but if someone's been breathing toxic air for years they get used to it to the point they'll say it's not so bad you know they're living in darkness I got used to it it's not so [Music] [Music] bad unfortunately in many cases it comes through something where you finally hit rock bottom as they say something really shows you this is not acceptable but are there exceptions of course there are I've seen people a moment of Grace or someone they met or something they saw and they realize what am I doing to my life it's critical to always bring in someone that's been there someone with experience cuz that helps build confidence I mean you see this in every area of life because a lot of times it's lack of confidence is due to lack of experience so you speak to good to have a mentor whether it's a business Mentor or or relationship coach that can help you say you know what this resistance you're having is healthy it's good to or no this resistance is just fear and inexperienced and it's time to take a leap so I think one simple piece of advice that people don't usually follow is find someone you can talk to that's more objective than you because our subjectivity blinds us sometimes causes too many fears or sometimes causes us to be Reckless and move too quickly sometimes you need someone to tell you you know what this needs more due diligence a little more time do a little more research or sometimes no you're waiting too long and it's time to make a move so having someone you can run it by is a vital vital piece it's also acknowledging that you don't have it all figured out you can't always know that's part of what risk is about you know you can't always know is the time right or not also to get rid of the concept of perfection there is no such thing as perfect there's no such thing as a perfect time that's just an illusion it's usually an excuse to procrastinate you know perfect time what does perfect time me I'm not going to do it until it's perfect so then you're never going to do what's good either so anyone that successful knows that they do not wait for Perfection it's an illusion it's immature actually you do everything you can get objective advice and then take the leap and then learn from it and you know what if a mistake was made you learn from the mistake and you'll become better next time I don't try to uh read them the riot act and tell them how bad this is I try to wake them up the other way around showing them there's a better alternative but unfortunately sometimes recognizing how bad it is is what wakes people up I'll start with a story with myself when I was a child I remember I was in summer bungalow colge my parents my family friends and I had learned to swim I was a pretty good swimmer in the swimming pool I would go swimming every day but then I wanted to dive I wanted to learn how to dive and for some strange reason I would go up on the diving board and I was afraid to jump I just had this this irrational fear and uh and it wasn't because I was afraid of water I I I swam I knew how to swim I remember I used to think to about why am I afraid to die okay I said maybe the diving board's too high up let me dive from the edge of the pool so I stood that also wouldn't dive and then you start playing all these games with yourself you know okay I'm going to count down from 10 to one and I count then you have some excuse I'll count again okay I'll count from 100 to one count from a thousand to one a whole summer passed and I never dived I was afraid to dive and it was the strangest thing because again I I what are you afraid of what's going to your stomach will split up you know that this thing any the next summer same story I did the same thing and uh and then I decided you know what I'll try a new trick instead of standing on the edge of the pool I'll sit and I'll just drop myself in you know it's not such a big drop and even that for some I just had this crazy fear and finally a friend of mine snuck up behind me without me knowing and he just pushed me in when I was trying this thing and I and that was it I got over my fear he pushed me in and I swam and then I went back and I dived and I dive from the edge of the pool and now from the diving board I got over the fear simply because someone pushed me but I always as an adult tried to analyze what was this I stood on the ground that was not a problem I have no problem being in the water what was the concern the fear is my theory the fear of change which means standing on the ground we know how to do you know how to swim in the water but that Split Second you're not in the water and not on the ground is the fear a certain unknown what was like a suspension and I realize that we are all concerned the transition of change is fearful because you're not used to it it's something new and we always gravitate to that which was comfortable for us that which is easy we're secure with it but on the other hand all growth comes only when you change because if you stay like they say if nothing changes nothing changes or I like to put it if you think what you thought and you say what you said and you do what you did you know what you're going to have what you had it's a mathematical certainty because nothing's changed insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results but there's a a fear because there is a change a change of climate a change of environment of atmosphere and that was what I it's my own psychological theory and I think it's critical that people realize that growth is always going to come with some discomfort and that's where the path of least resistance comes in I say it always to people I said if you're more comfortable in this painful situation you're going to stay there it'll only be when it's less comfortable to stay there than to move so you have to realize that there is that fear but all growth is going to come from that I mean who doesn't have that element you know people think I'm going to stay on the fence and that way I play safe yeah but you could also end up never accomplishing anything in life so that's why it's the biggest risk you end up not go going anywhere so of course if you start using your mind there many reasons not to do things and if you get stuck in your head you could end up doing your whole life and never really fulfilling what you need to [Music] fulfill the big question of course is the The Matrix are we living in a matrix that has programmed Us and how do we escape that I think it's up to us and my response would be very straightforward if you see yourself as a machine then a better machine is going to replace you if you see yourself as a soul with something Transcendent about you something that's Sublime that can be Quantified and and in in the mechanics of a machine the machines will be our tools so I think it's up to us you have something unique to contribute you have your unique song This doesn't mean you have to stand out in the way that that uh disrupts others but how could you compromise yourself so it's really helping people build a confidence in what they can do unique as 8 billion people on this planet yes but not two are alike life is not quantifiable by numbers it's not a numbers game any person you help that person has been changed forever doesn't matter if there's another billion people or thousands of people and we have to not lose sight of that look the fact is we live in a world of numbers in a world of crunching numbers statistics analytics love is not like a a birthday cake you can only divide it into so many parts love is infinite and my grandmother gave a beautiful example she said love is like the sun and it's reflected in every drop of water just like in the Pacific Ocean every drop has the whole sun in it my whole love goes to each child it's not a numbers game my full the Sun the T sun is reflected in every drop of water so my full love is in every child in its own way so that's something that needs to be I guess emphasized in our commoditized fetishized world I realize you go higher you go even more alone because nobody is willing anymore to invest their energy in going higher because it's becoming more difficult they say oh it's it's already okay here why you still want to move up there it's getting more dangerous whatever so that means along this way the higher you want to go the more likely you're going to walk alone this is the next thing along the way to Mastery you walk the way alone repetition repetition repetition waking up and thinking too much about what to do today you don't even reach the state of being able to immerse into your daily [Music] life because you're still in figuring out 24 hours a day what to do you're still thinking about your life yeah but thinking is something different than experiencing than sensing than feeling life itself this is why all these methods stop thinking meditate discipline your thoughts stop thinking too much don't go into the past don't go into the future be in the present why because only then it's possible that the mind is free the the capacity is free and now you can completely immerse into whatever you are doing and this means you have arrived you have arrived that's [Music] it so you want to achieve something serious you need to be serious you can't achieve something seriously impactful if you're joking around and if you're losing your focus all the [Music] time so that means setting priorities knowing when is the time to invest the energy when it is the time to release energy when is it good now to recover when are you really feeling this is now starting to be the limit these are all very very fine aspects that only you know only you know about yourself when you lift the weights only you know people outside watching they don't know if you're going through a struggle if you're just warming up they don't know so that means to continuously integrating an internal dialogue into your practices the awareness is with myself I can feel the changes throughout the practice that are happening inside of my body I can feel if something is blocked I can feel if there is potential to release some energy somewhere and invest it somewhere else this is like this whole idea of an internal practice a quiet practice and at the end it is inside you gain more insight into yourself what is the result more performance more being able to tickle the potential out that is let's say sleeping inside of you but you need to realize what is sleeping the fact is you wake up in the morning I would easily say many many people first thing they do is directly look either on the phone or whatever it's a common thing it's not about good or bad it's about consequence and if the morning is already starting with your awareness being drawn out to something which is pretty irrelevant on the long term then of course the way of how you're living your life is also going to display upon that it doesn't matter what type of practice is you're doing it is the way that whatever it is be aware of what's going on on the inside use this outside movements in order to get inside use all of this because of the repetition because of the consistency that it is happening every day this is why it's possible for you to watch deep if if circumstances are changing every day too quickly it's difficult to find something stable about it self-mastery mastering something is always about yourself and if you want to master yourself well you're going to challenge and face yourself and this is happening alone somebody told me uh yeah in case I feel like in dark times you are not alone if this room is completely dark I am alone even if somewhere behind there I see a spark of light I see a spark of hope which is behind there yeah but for me experiencing here there is still the gap of darkness in between me and the spark of hope so around me for me it's dark and I don't have anybody left and right for me so and in this picture meanwhile I really think that to build yourself up to have a certain amount of let's say responsibility for yourself this is why I'm emphasizing all the time in all of these Make Yourself Strong make yourself strong we all want peace yes but here in our place we not just want to have peace peace full and strong this combination I prefer better listen if from the 24 hours day you are like sleeping 8 hours and you still have then the rest of 16 hours to invest in something if from these 16 hours you are spending 10 hours sitting there thinking about what how nice everything was a few days ago well is it's it's just blocking you from investing these 10 hours in now starting to do something now or planning something that you want to put into place later emptying the cup is so helpful because it also applies to information flow at the end flow of if you want to learn something new it's just not appropriate to go to a teacher visit any seminar or any Workshop when you already have like a preconditioned mindset or pre occupied mind while entering into new territory to understand new territory you have to become part of the territory along the way to Mastery you walk the way alone you can't bring your own ideas and values what you think into a new territory because this is in a way limiting what is possible to penetrate into you it's constant filling up emptying the cup filling up empty in cup doesn't mean you are not learning or that you're not growing along the way because this is what the cup is doing the cup is growing by doing so but it is the content it is like you read the book and after some time you get the content of the book latest after reading the book 10 times you have the you understood the message from the book but now it's possible you put away the book The Container is not necessary anymore because the message has also went into let's say your syst yeah so it's not necessary to carry the book still in your backpack wherever you are going it has become part of you already unless you are collecting knowledge without putting this knowledge into practice thank you so much for watching as always thank you to hu for sponsoring the video you can find out more with the link in the description and get exclusive offers from hu and uh free product actually you can get a free Shaker and T-shirt with some of your orders and the daily greens as well you can get the clear bottle as well on your first order I absolutely recommend the Daily Greens thank you for watching guys I I'm so excited how the year has started but we have a big big big project planned and I'm so thankful for having you guys around and sharing something that I really do think could have a huge impact directly on people's lives stay tuned I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 33,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech
Id: XOsVw5UgiQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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