The MOST Luxurious Home The UK's Ever Seen... Exclusive Tour

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of the luxury home show I'm Jazz we've got Tom behind the camera and today we're going to be taking you inside one of the most incredible homes that we've ever seen on the channel we're in the historic coastal town of lythm which is within an hour's drive from Liverpool Manchester and the Lake District and only five minutes away from a private Airport now this unique modern architectural Masterpiece behind me is worth over 10 million pounds it's four bed nine barf and wc and it has over 12 600 square feet of interior space and it's sat on a very private one acre plot it truly is one of a kind here in the UK an architect benjarin has spent the last three and a half years watching his Blueprints and ideas come to life he's designed this home to the highest of specifications and has made no compromises so if you want a luxury home built to this incredible standard we're going to leave his details down in the description below for you guys to check out and if you're fortunate enough to have over 10 million pounds and are interested in buying this one-of-kind home drop us a direct email and we can make it happen but we're going to get started and show you the front of the property in a bit more detail how incredible is this Tom tons of room absolutely huge so starting off where Tom is we've got the electric sliding gate which really makes this home feel super private if we make our way this way we've got two charging points for your electric cars adding to that really eco-friendly feel this house has you'll see more of that as we go inside down there we have a double car garage we've also got loads of room for another one you could have like a glass box yeah we spoke we spoke to Ben and he was saying it'd be a great addition to the property to have a glass box garage extension so that you can see your classic car from outside oh that would just fit in with the house so well as well with all the glass I like all the plants and the trees we've got outside kind of contrast that really modern striking look at that yeah great big fence around the edge of the plot as well front of the property is absolutely crazy we've got this Constantino decked on cladding with the shadow joints it's not your typical render or red brick absolutely spot on one of a kind and one of a kind we've got the sky frame glass windows all around and then if you come here we actually have this incredible Sky frame door it's four meters high the largest they've ever built and put your hands up so we can see how big it is but yeah we're gonna head on take you in we're in the property now going to second to pop a quick floor plan up so you guys can understand the layout as we make our way through the house how insane is this we've got huge ceiling Heights this Venetian Plastering all over the house which you're going to see more of and is absolutely gorgeous we've got the porcelain tiles on the floor and you can see how symmetrical this is but now we're coming into the open plan living area and I'm going to show you this Lounge area first so it's sunken down and we've got a 100 inch TV Shameless plug go subscribe if you haven't already guys but yeah just to put it in perspective it's huge we've got gorgeous seating area here feels really cozy in this part don't you think definitely and then we've got three windows up the top here which actually allows kind of a natural airflow into the property just to get that ventilation we've got the feature Venetian Plastering on the wall as well and looks gorgeous and then we've got room here for a nice pool table with ambient lighting I think it's personalized because it matches the kitchen too and we're going to show you that shortly but I'm just going to take you out here I'm going to pop my shoes on quickly wow so those porcelain tiles carry on out through into this outdoor space we've got shelter above me with two lounge spaces and then yeah we come out into this insane fire pit so it's sunken down you could easily fit about 20 people down here we have the fireplace that would come on here water feature all around and the most awesome part is that in these Hedges you actually have speakers that go all the way around so party life here is it's pretty good yeah definitely but if I come on back up to get a bit of a look of how awesome the architecture really is in this home but we're gonna head on through this way the garden's really pristine as well we've got nice lawn space we've got that composite fence that kind of runs all the way around the property so you know it's not easily worn down like wood would be and we've got a lot of security systems such as a laser beam out here as well so pretty high tech absolutely but here we have the outdoor kitchen space we've got two dining tables and we've got an awesome barbecue set up here as well it's a whole outdoor kitchen right that's pretty hefty yeah yeah come on I'll show you the actual kitchens so I'm just gonna pop my shoes off and head in it's worth noting that the sky frame doors actually run all along here so they open up their electric as well so what we have to do is push a little button and they open up anyway here we have a nice dining table we've got the double aspect which really helps frame this big table in the middle once again we've got the plastering above and yeah it's worth noting that the guy who actually designed this and did it actually went into Shake Muhammad's house and did all of his Plastering which is really cool and he designed all himself freehand just straight from his brain yeah it's pretty cool now this is probably my favorite thing in this house yeah jazz is loving this foreign fitted by Val cucini and I'm going to show you my best part the best part I should say your favorite yeah glass fairly warm we have a nitrogen oxide glass cooler feel that oh that's freezing yeah nice we've got champagne sink in here normal sink and yeah it's just a great little addition I think we've got storage under here as well as a dishwasher soft touch opening but yeah pretty cool that's pretty cool I'm gonna close up again nice yeah touchless closed anyway so we're gonna come over here now into the kitchen as you can probably see we have two islands we're gonna start this one so we have a breakfast bar here you'll notice the rose gold so we've got it on the cooker Taps the breakfast bar we've got these lips all along which have it as well and on the gagging out appliances so this is all personalized I think it looks incredible sniffle yeah absolutely we've got two wine coolers on this side and I like the different textures in here so here we've got the frosted glass countertops this one here the breakfast is a bit more metallic and then we've got the more glossy units over here we've got the fridge just here which is actually a kind of you just tap it and it opens up wow and then tap it again and it closes like that gizmos yeah yeah and then we've got another wine cooler here but there's so much storage in here we've got the bore venting hob as well meaning all that is just sucked through there there's no eyesore extract fan above and then check that out yeah because that is so cool so we have these four meter high bubble walls yeah and they've got the lights in them they look really cool at night time don't they and they also make such a satisfying sound go really close with your mic the bubbles bubbles nice but yeah anyway we're gonna now switch over and Tom is gonna take you guys to the pool I'm gonna walk you through this a lot to cover right next to Jazz we have a changing room facilities shower and toilet as well as some benches for changing we've got this 25 meter long swimming pool it's absolutely incredible we've got the stretched ceiling above it actually had to be heated up and then as it got colder it sort of contracted and got really tight above and yeah it gives it that kind of Illusion of a wobble which looks really cool right yeah we've got these niches here with the ambient lighting which looks amazing going all the way down and we have these drains because the water level is completely flush with the side of the pool so when you hop in and the water comes out into these drains it's actually redistributed so if your whole family was in the pool we've sort of store the water until you got out put it all back in again so you didn't have to keep refilling which is very very clever and then we have a little plant room in here a walk-in shower in this one and we've got this steam room in here now this steam room actually has a translucent ceiling so semi-translucent there's LEDs above it shining the light through and it creates a really nice ambient ceiling yeah we've got a glass window this side looking out into the garden and yeah just loads and loads of seating with speakers in here as well this would be my nighttime and morning routine if I lived here to come straight in little workout in the pool in the steam room okay so now we're gonna head on round we've got some more to show you including this Jacuzzi hot tub so the coolest thing about this hot tub is actually sort of starts at a lukewarm temperature but when you press one of these buttons just here it starts to heat up so if you're doing some some lengths in the pool you can press that button before you finish and by the time it's there it's ready and it'll be super warm for you but it sort of saves energy you don't have to heat it all the time and you don't need a cover which is great now we're going to walk along and go inside this gym space so it's an incredibly well equipped gym in here we've got the rubber flooring just like you'd expect in a gym we've got the mirrored walls that side as well glass on two aspects well kind of three aspects of this room so you've got a great view of the pool and also the garden we've got the TV here sort of set into the wall looking nice and seamless and we've also got this sort of coffered ceiling above with the ambient lighting which really matches that pool Vibe with the blue lighting great thing to mention actually these doors here they're electronic but I'm just going to push them so I can show you if you can operate them manually too for their pocket doors and they actually slide all the way behind this wall where the TV is yeah it's a really seamless look double pocket doors they are because both the doors sit behind yeah how cool is that so seamless you can open all of this out get some air in while you're having a workout but yeah awesome Jim we've also got Tyson Fury trunks in there too this is pretty cool I know I'm a fan now we've got loads and loads of seating areas towards the back of the property you're going to kind of run through all of them so yeah loads of lounges here sort of hit the Evening Sun yeah and speaking of sun we also have loads of solar panels on the roof as well yes we do so creates a lot of energy you can actually charge your vehicles out the front from the energy used and stored yeah from the solar panels which is awesome worth noting that the property is fully self-sufficient yes Aeros heat pumps a lot I've got underfloor heating throughout as well so it powers that we're going to head in through principal Suite though so we're going to head into this ensuite now the color color in here I'm personally a massive fan of really dark Moody bathroom got a standalone bath here and loads of incredible tiling now the tiling here actually took about three and a half weeks for a team to finish because it was just so meticulously crafted you can notice that this grout line I'm pointing out up here is actually the same all the way around so there's war drain set into the wall this whole tile here was actually dropped down below the wall and so the same amount of millimeters had to be cut off the bottom of all the other tiles to keep it all in line so that grout line did match up we've got this insane bubble behind me jazz is like going mental with her eyes yeah insane just like in the other room but how could it be right you're in a having a shower and you've got this to just sort of look at very very relaxing I think but yeah insane really impressed we're gonna head on through into the principal sweetener so slightly different color palette in here but again with that Venetian plaster we've got sort of more desert tones almost like a Sandy feel which looks great the double aspect windows that go all the way out into the garden you can open those out and you can do the same with these blinds you can imagine waking up in the morning then opening up to that beautiful garden insane this Niche behind the bed too is another crazy detail handcrafted hand cut massive Niche section and it looks so seamless so well done got the coffee tearing again with the ambient lighting this is such a nice move throughout all the rooms even this circular Mirror Has the ambient lighting all the way around it incredible we've got aircon in here too I'm gonna head down this Corridor it's actually a skylight above bringing in loads of light through here too but now we're going to go back through into the entry tool and show you the other Wing where some of the bedrooms are so see you there okay yeah keep coming along I'm going to go through this doorway we haven't seen this bit yet it's a whole separate wing get so excited in this house it's crazy okay so through here first room we've got like a utility space it's like a different access point to the property as well so if you wanted to kind of bring your shopping back through this way rather than having to go in through the kitchen that would be idea we can just open that door up yeah it's another Sky frame door as well with the frosted glass exactly so it opens all the way up and this is where your double card garages and also Side Access loads and loads of parking there yeah awesome hip height washing machines as well really really useful this house looks incredible but the thing that struck me is struck me as being quite insane is how functional it is you know now I think it's worth showing you this normally we might not show you things like this in the tours but this is essentially The house's brain so this is where all of the Lutron and control 4 Lighting systems heating everything like that is controlled from and it's all wired up to do exactly what the clients wanted very very neat kind of Overboard really there's apparently over 40 kilometers worth of wires and stuff I've picture that that's mental okay now we've got another guest bedroom in here the large guest bedroom with again the Venetian plaster this one's kind of polished a little bit darker looks really nice got the silent gliss blinds again in here porcelain tiles that go all the way throughout and interesting thing about this bed so heavy but I actually had to get a custom carpet fitted and cut all the way around because they couldn't lift the bed up now you're wondering why it's heavy let me show you how insane this house has got all of the gadgets it's so so cool let's just have a look at that from what it'd be like from the bed yeah so you're chilling in your bed start watching how cool yeah how convenient what movie would you watch on there guys leave in the comments below yes sure right now into the bathroom again with that skyframe window frosted sort of giving you some more privacy in the bathroom again with the black theme interesting thing about this bathroom this this is one whole tile yeah from the ground all the way up there at one hotel same as here Jazz if you sort of poke your head in you can see in these niches here there's no cuts there's no it's not half at all this is one well two tiles here lots of arm movements going on but yeah insane you couldn't have cut this on a bench so they had to actually put it up and they'd cut it all in place along with the drawings just to make sure everything is millimeter perfect the attention to detail oh insane okay now I've got another bedroom in here so another great sized bedroom now this is really interesting in this bedroom here you almost have this illusion of a double aspect window but this side here as you can probably see is a mirror right so how insane but this Venetian plaster is actually carried on through the walls of the Skylight which is a really really nice touch TV embedded into the wall sort of floating style bed here yeah even the bedside tables are floating and the dresser in front of Ambience around giving it that glow works perfectly with the plaster at night time all the Shadows cast it amazing now we've got bathroom in here similar style to the other ones with the sort of white marble theme in here yeah massive amounts of tiling sort of recessed ceiling so the ambient lighting comes down we've got those igazini lights up above keeping it nice and bright in here we've also got these Jesse tap units and the push plates on the toilet in here we've got like a brushed steel look we've had some dark black looks and rose gold as well so it's kind of like a similar material palette different colors very nice use of that so let's head through and show you that last bedroom yeah Jazz just went like that yeah this this is crazy it's pretty funky isn't it so many cool pieces throughout this property but we're going to keep on moving on and show you some of the rooms that we went past in the entrance hall Okay so first one being this guest bathroom again with that dark sort of Marvel theme this is such a moody room this is the uh the rose gold sort of push plates and yeah Taps I was talking about we've also got this incredible almost false false ceiling above which creates a great ambience yeah looks incredible okay the Next Room across the whole way we have a study we're not going to show you that some personal bits in there so we're going to head straight through into the next bedroom so this is what I was mentioning before it's essentially it is a mirror of the room that we just showed you in there and we have this mirror here as well behind the blinds thank you very much so from outside the property as you sort of walk past it looks like you're peering in through to the other room through this window but it's actually just a reflection so it's a really cool optical illusion it's very clever yeah and then we've got the same finish and plaster again and it's up in the Skylight above and yeah we've got the sort of Lutron control panels so you can turn all the lighting that's what Jazz and myself have been pressing all the blinds with around this property it's really convenient means that you can access all the lights from one room or even in the house without having to sort of press every one of them which is great similar sort of um marble theme in here that we saw in the other bathroom with the niches cut as well super seamless love how the grout lines really match up with the edge of this Niche so we've got one nice long cut rather than loads of little bits it's just those little things that just you know show the difference between that premium price and the standard finish but yeah this place is far from standard now we're going to go across the hallway I'm gonna check out this lounge space now this is more of an informal Lounge I'd say it feels a lot more cozy in here than it did in the main open plan room got these awesome new place sofas right in front of that humongous TV and they even recline like so this is definitely the room that you'd sort of sit and watch the game in I think get a bit of privacy you've got little charging points in there as well yeah inside the sofa mental right now one of the coolest things about this room is what's behind this wall now you can't see it but we've actually got an insane amount of speakers behind here that just the sound system is incredible yeah a really cool idea we've also got this gas fire under here super high tech you know with the control4 system you could literally access all of these bits from wherever you are you don't even need to be in the property so you can turn on lights heating whatever and not be at home which is really really convenient we've got a great ambient lighting around the skirting in here as well with LEDs aircon in here too and an incredible View all the way down to the end of the pool so you can sit in here watching TV and see all the way through there at night time when it's all lit up again even better yeah it's absolutely incredible so I think we should head back through into the garden and have a look at the back of the property one last time should we meet in there yeah let's do it see you there guys we've let the sun go down a little bit so that you guys can see this property at its best I think it truly comes to life at night with all of these lights on yeah it just looks absolutely stunning but that does wrap up the tour for today hope you guys have enjoyed this video the area is great too we've got the beach super close to the property also restaurants shops and there's theaters as well always showing great acts in the local area but yeah I think if I lived here I'd spend all my time inside the property and I'd probably never leave so it's not about you guys but yeah this is probably one of the favorite houses I've toured incredible so make sure to hit up Ben's details in the description if you guys fancy getting a build like this for yourselves yeah go check them out incredible work but yeah we'll see you guys in the next video like And subscribe and peace foreign [Music]
Channel: The Luxury Home Show
Views: 1,094,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxury real estate, luxury houses, house tours, house tour, real estate, mansion tour, London real estate, London apartment, uk real estate, uk property, property investment, property investing, real estate investing, uk house tours, matt and summer, investing, real estate investment, property income, rental properties, property development, luxury homes, modern homes, interior design, property, architecture, London house tour, home inspiration
Id: yEHuI89PuS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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