The most insane and unplayable map in Civ 6

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hey spotties potato mcwhiskey here and welcome to civilization six now i recently went on a hunt for a really powerful start location as pound maker because i've just been i've just been kind of somebody suggested that i should play the cree and i kind of got hungry for it and i thought it would be kind of fun if we also tried out a new map script like this got lakes map script here now i've never used it before so what is actually oh my god [Laughter] okay i'm gonna have to go like look up how to actually use this this is too many options i'm scared i'll be honest with you guys i have absolutely no idea what any of this means so i'm just gonna set everything to random close my eyes okay listen i'm gonna i'm gonna close my eyes and uh let jesus take the wheel here i'll be honest with you i have no idea what's gonna happen we're gonna play without game modes here because this is already a little bit too chaotic for me um let's make sure we set it to deity yeah the goal here is to play an abundant legendary start location and i wanted to i thought this was just like a map script but apparently it's like a totally insane like i i don't even know what to say i need to go look at a tutorial properly on how to use this map script so we're just going to load it to a map randomly and hope that it works [Laughter] what what what is this this is like the weirdest start location i've ever seen in the history of playing civ like i have no idea how to interpret this um we we have dives it's a two two one face tile this is incredible actually um now the big problem we have is our meat claps can't go on flood plains but do we even care um i feel like settling in place here is pretty reasonable we'll get a 2-2 tile to work we'll we're settling on a weak tile it's far from ideal but we do get at least right there is a farm triangle over here you know if we kind of plan things out a little bit there's a farm triangle here at the very least and we've also got a plantation potentially we could go plantation pantheon there are two more plantations within range of the city which is a really good early game gold so this is starting to maybe kind of appeal to me like a little bit in that sense and i think i think settling in place here is the move um i'm kind of thinking about our opening move here perhaps hear me out some kind of pottery into irrigation play could follow which would potentially be like early builder uh maybe not builder first because pottery into irrigation is kind of like a weird opener but definitely maybe like build their second or third maybe like instead of but the thing about the cree is you definitely want to get like two to three scouts as the cree because their scouts are just so good but i mean but all these rivers do scouts really make that much of a difference i guess they're slightly more efficient this is a lot of rivers like i mean a lot of rivers let's let let's get some kichita and we'll see where we go from there and we will open with pottery because that does give us access to the me crap you definitely want to be looking for a golden age as the cree uh the meek web is our unique building we should also talk a little bit about like the craze bonuses the first thing is favorable terms outgoing trade routes grant plus one food pound maker per cap or pasture at the destination and trade routes sent two my cities grant plus one gold per cap or pasture at the destination so we definitely want to settle a city near lots of camps and pastures and then send trade routes to them we also get a free trade route and trader uh when we unlock pottery which is the first thing that we're going to be researching which also unlocks the meek map and uh traders will claim tiles that they walk over within three tiles of a cree city which is quite handy we also yeah the the meek wap is a pretty powerful basic building it allows you to turn flat land tiles into highly productive tiles it also gives you lots of housing generally the cree is a very flexible civilization they're kind of a sim city very strong gold generating sieve they have a lot of flexibility when it comes to what they can do they can generate a lot of gold they can generate a lot of growth they can generate a lot of production i'm already seeing uh-huh [Laughter] everything can flood excuse me uh i guess this is a science game specifically because we need to get flood barriers uh okay um all right we did meet yerevan first that's an extra plus one faith per turn oh no what is happening i think this might be my favorite my new favorite map script in the entire game uh i don't think we're ever going to play a different map script perfect so we got the kichita i think i might go like settler builder monument settler builder monument seems like a fun opener that's kind of where my head is at we could also go okachita builder settler settler monument which is this would be like a little bit more of a standard opener it's a risky opener i'm going to go double scout into builder into double settler into monument i think that's like that's kind of like a slightly riskier opener but the cree scouts have some power in the sense that they tend to be able to move through the terrain a little bit easier um i'm not joking by the way literally every tile on this map is flooding uh we are in a water world i did not know that this was possible i'm actually scared to trigger i am scared to trigger it or we do we can't get an envoy from training with yerevan here i'm scared to trigger the flood because i'm worried that like it will actually break my game when it happens like global warming will end like this is literal water world apocalypse here like break out the kevin kevin costner was in that movie water world you know you know the movie i'm talking about where like everything was wet sounds like friday night at your mom's house oh yeah baby i apologize your mom is a special lady and i shouldn't be uh i shouldn't be saying untoward things about her yeah i do want to clear this camp but i gotta wait for the the plus five combat spread with fighting barbs in order to make it happen i'll take this and i already have the fate to get a pantheon so we'll take production now i think we don't need the god king i mean we're already cranking out can i buy a builder actually no i won't be able to buy a builder for quite a while i think i will try to fight this scout a little try and push him away from my borders because i think getting scouted here would be super bad for me because i'm going fast builder and i have a trader out on the board too so i definitely need to suppress uh barbarians in terms of my next civic i have code of laws i feel like this build lends itself towards going towards state workforce early because we are building a builder and we plan to improve three tiles i want to step away from irrigation once my well i guess it might line up a little bit closer it depends can i get this kill not quite we'll take one turn to heal although i could attack and promote but the problem is if i attack and promote and then a barb spawns and he attacks me then i'm in trouble in terms of pantheon uh lady of the reads and march let me just let me just do a quick search here if i type in marsh uh that's a lot of martial [Laughter] perhaps etimonkey could have been in our radar here lady the reason marsh feels really strong on this map i'm gonna be straight up here uh yeah you ink uh that's mine now thanks [Laughter] uh necessary purchases uh in terms of pantheon bro like look at these tiles it's turned 17 and i have a 3-2 tile in my capital you're not even working it why aren't you working it thank you i could buy more of these tiles do i buy more three-two tiles no i think well i already have my pantheon so this tile is kind of redundant so focus on food and production baby i'm not even sure this is not i'm like we're off script now because i this is not what i was expecting from this game we did get plus one envoy so we could immediately get suzerainty of yerevan which kind of maybe points in a religious direction although i don't know i think in order to survive the incoming flood uh we're gonna have to do some shenanigans i really hope that she settles like on one of these two titles i hope she doesn't keep coming towards me that would be upsetting can i levy yerevan no i would need 200 gold i was thinking of levying aravind and like attacking her units to make her life harder i think i can attack safely here now as long as that barb doesn't spawn i'm good i'll take the battlecry promotion which will give it just general combat abilities and i'll be able to clear that bad cap next turn unfortunately our kitchen are not very good at clearing barb camps they can kind of do it in pairs um but they're not really amazing at it there's a barb camp clear feeling good about that okay we found the i i really love how crazy this map is i've never seen anything like this have you oh my god my mind is a little bit blown right now oh how long bae ooh i wish i'd found that sooner that does point me towards settling towards this i need to think about i need to think about what i'm gonna do now here's the interesting thing i do believe that zoos give science to rainforests and marshes so i'm thinking um i'm thinking of a build in my capital that maybe kind of revolves around like jungles and marshes because there is a little bit of jungle around you know what we need we need a map mode okay i want make a clip of this and send it to the guy who makes these these map modes we need like an another map mode and it's like the district map mode where we can click it and it'll show you like if you put a campus here it would be a plus two and like i would just like color code each tile rather than having to scan but i'm very very intrigued by this by this map uh okay how long bay is definitely something i would like to have control over it's one of my favorite natural wonders i have to kind of pick and choose where i want to settle this though there is like theoretically like a really good holy site right there plus three theoretically higher um there's a couple of fish i think the best spot for this city center would be on this plains hill and then work the two how long bay tiles would be good and then also we have a little bit of marsh around now the downside is i mean there's good campuses let's kind of de-mark some good campus locations and then a harbor there works with that campus pretty well so what we want to look for is like trade route then victory condition district which is like campus i know i've been doing a lot of science games recently but i i need science to survive this apocalypse okay don't act me okay don't at me about playing another science game you tell me you would play this any other way now there is something i hadn't considered right so we placed this farm boom that boosts irrigation perfect we do want to delete map tax we boost irrigation so now we can do plantation and we have a tile a respectable tile it's a two two one two tile um not not the greatest thing ever am i going harbors or commercial hubs this game it's gonna look like i need to do both actually maybe be settled the how long bay city later we've already kind of gone in the direction of currency so i'm thinking maybe pottery into riding into currency is a reasonable choice um i would like to get like a block of city so one two three so i could settle a city in here two cities in here would be ideal then maybe some kind of i don't know government plaza play i'm not saying here's where it's going but it's going in this area the government plaza if i was thinking about where the city would settle for like best defense and also in range it needs to be one two three it needs to be like on the edge both of these cities need to be within three tiles of this government plaza so that i can do the uh the omega the omega formation again so if i'm thinking about the omega formation what needs to happen is all the commercial hubs need to be on river tiles okay so the only place a commercial hub can't go is here and then the campuses go in between i mean there is like hold on if we get rid of this city we could do something weird right hear me out hear me out i know this is like a weird formation but it does guarantee really high adjacency and it essentially forms a muscle out of these three cities that is really hard to beat it blocks off settling towards me potentially there's stuff to the north of me that i could take control of i don't know if i like this as much as i like the coastal settle that we had going there i think i think i prefer the coastal settle this feels like it makes a little bit better use of the land um you do need to be within i think on dies here is okay it'll get me truffles within range yeah on dies here that's an okay city one two three and then this city needs to scooch to the right one so in terms of this configuration this is static to look okay i would probably the only problem i don't like about this is it's killing a lot of marsh like a lot of marsh let me see here is there can i like shift this whole configuration if i shift it down to the left i cover i don't cover a master then i cover another mesh if i move it one to the right i if i move one to the left i guess i get a closer this city which doesn't really work yeah yeah i think i might just have to give up a few marsh here i this is so many marsh to give up though i mean it's most of my marshes right like realistically if we look if we look at the marsh map mode okay i'm hitting five marsh with this there has to be another place to put this and there just isn't do i give up the dream are marsh is really that important for me i think if we shift this whole configuration down to the left one tile i think this works slightly better i do want to get rid of a campus here this one so this will be my capitals campus and then this will be this city's campus where is your commercial hub going one two three it's probably going there this preserves more marshes it still kills three but it leaves two more alive it kills one less marsh to do this but is that really worth it ah man that's a tough tough choice i mean i can eventually put an aqueduct here and get like really high adjacency here's the thing here's the thing about marsh tiles is they do have a little bit of a time limit do they they kind of fall off in the late game so covering them up over the course of the game isn't the end of the world so i think i think i will go back to the original configuration but it was i think it was worthwhile to make the consideration sometimes you have to just kind of go through things in your head figure out what you want is it going to work um does it fit into your game plan and sometimes the answer to that is no it just just is straight up nope it's not going to work but this is a really good starting point for our empire's plans and i like settling down to the left and to the down right early here i think that i think this this is a good early game plan i'm feeling you know i'm walking into this with my eyes wide open and i'm feeling confident all right there's our third kill getting us bronze working i killed a couple of barbarians over here i'm a little worried about this scout being in my way but i should be able to kind of control where he goes he's still trying to escape to his barb camp but i have him under control now and there he is he's dead plantation online i just need to get one more tile improved and then we have craftsmanship oh sweden you son of a swede how dare you ford settle me i was really hoping against getting forward settled this kind of completely cripples well well well well well two three it doesn't completely my plans it kind of ruins them a little i think they still work if i shift this city one tile to the left here and then keep the city here it'll still be in range the problem is the city needs to go both harbor and commercial hub although the city will be like uber growth on the coast so maybe we can make that work i don't know we're kind of we're playing it by ear here i really also wanted to get some truffles under control so a little bit of sadness over the that outcome there it is to be expected though when you're playing on dd the ai gets a bunch of really early settlers you you you're just not going to get the pick of all the city locations you want especially when you spawn this close to people even if it is i don't remember what size map is this it's like standard what is it like yeah it's an eight player map so there's there is good room all right we do have actually turtles over here that's something worth considering drop the farm there thank you very much that's craftsmanship boosted we have two farm tiles in here giving the city an extra housing i'm a little bit concerned about sweden's opinion of me but i am hopeful that we will be able to make good tidings happen and this might actually be a kind of weird enforced tall game because we just simply do not have the room to do anything but build a very small number of cities now interestingly norcoping nor copying um is flipping independent ooh i should have gotten a builder i need to pick up i need to pick up mining so that i can place a um place a meek web now where am i putting my meek web that's the question where is my wap going if i well i could gold purchase a builder actually and not have to change i could gold purchase a builder and if i play the meek web that would get me up to 22 error score if i capture this tribal village that's 23 and a free recon unit maybe we can get more value from that hmm so i would need two more error scores somehow so finding like a natural wonder or clearing a barb clap camp within six tiles we say one two three four five so okay planning plan of action uh get all of my kick it off up to the northwest here to clear this barb camp if i clear it in range of this settler that goes on this city that will be within six tiles that will get me the error score in conjunction with the meek web and that i i think that should should um trigger my um my golden age and getting an era one golden age that's big pogers okay okay we're taking a little bit of damage on this guy but that's good that's his job his job is to tank and heal you're in position now to settle my warrior is well out of position how long do we have we have 10 to 28 turns the spear been in here so i settled this oh actually error score from settling near halong bay i don't even need to clear this broadcamp anymore we're fine we're actually totally fine we just need the meek wap now and i can purchase a builder and get the meek wap that's perfect i'm thinking in terms of like the best position for meek webs here's a miku app and here's a meek map these eventually become good they're not good right now but they do eventually become good uh and then there's also i don't know there's like a few meek waps around here these are like pretty reasonable whaps you know what i'm saying now in this fresh city the very first thing i need to go for is monuments i need that culture growth make sure you're working these tiles focus focus on the how long betas also i need to buy this other halong bay oil which means i think this meek web thing here won't go where it's going to go well i think we can maybe make it work it depends on how much time i have that's the big thing question can i sell my dies for upfront money never mind we're good i i sell my dice for the money i can now buy the ha long bay tile boom yoink it's mine and then we can buy the meat reptile and our plan is secured we will hit our golden age easily hitting our golden age by the way so now we can return to writing and getting currency so our goal here is to hit currency and get those commercial hubs going real early now unfortunately dido has denounced me so i'm a little bit scared about her contribution to the game here but i can quickly chop out this and then pop it down here with this warrior ideally linked actually just to like simplify micro and then we can start on the monument in my capital here and now we're like now we're cooking with diesel now we're well on our way to our era one golden age which is honestly this is more than you could really ask for is getting the era one golden age i think if i attack here i survive the counter-attack i think i survive the counter-attack right i do survive the counter attack he doesn't even counter attack we take ranger and then we wipe him ooh actually not a kill interesting so i'm going to hold off on the meek wap until i clear this barb camp because if i secure the golden age boom golden age secured without having to place the meek web i could just hold on to this builder for a little bit longer um so that's like that's perfect that's best case scenario we're doing amazing right now i'm shocked with how weird this map is how well we're doing it's kind of mind-blowing actually so i think our first governor is going to be magnus because a lot of these districts we have are like the first two are on forests so i want to chop these forests to get as much production value as possible so i think magnus first is going to be the play here let's drop another settler boom so she's a little bit happier that i'm dropping cities kind of technically on the coast i you could have made an argument that i should have put it one tile to the right so i'm actually coastal but these are inland cities um they're kind of coastal only in name uh monument first of course we'll keep this builder here to keep the city safe because there are a few kind of dido units and there's also a few swedish units floating around in the area um and i'll get these our kitchens back to garrison my cities now we have a problem houston we need to get galleys we have seven turns to get galleys or the city is dead if yeah that's what i was worried about i was worried about the war deck and it came i literally i literally predicted this so what's our best course of action well in this city it's a slinger a single slinger can hold the city against this warrior slaughter because they only have one tile they can attack the city and they'll be able to level up relatively quickly this city is a little bit harder to defend but i think i can do it with my scouts now that galley is a game changer unfortunately that makes my life way harder than it ever should have been because it's going to absolutely crack my city wide open and now i'm sad that i spent my money i needed to hold off on this chop until later but maybe i just need to chop out units here um let's switch to a gog so i can chop out units faster if i chop here i lose a builder charge because he'll be able to step forward unless he pillages the scout it really depends on what he decides to do but it does get me a warrior a turn earlier than i otherwise would have it so i'm gonna go ahead and chop here so i can be ready to respond if i move this guy up to the left he'll actually provide zone control which will buy me time i think this city might be dead i'm kind of sad if it is because this is just like really unfortunate like aggro from the ai um the ai does not need to be this aggro so i'm gonna spam warriors here for a while to try and get myself to be safe this is this is so defendable if i have a galley that's the really annoying thing here but the question is is there enough loyalty here for them to consider keeping it the problem is if they take it i can't get a galley to defend it oh this is so frustrating i knew the attack was coming and i had there was nothing i could do about it i started preparing like the turn i started preparing for the attack she attacked me do i just get the kill on the warrior or do i yeah i think i just try to get the kill on the warrior maybe we can use archers to retake the city maybe loyalty will retake the city for me unlikely because she has a couple cities in the area um maybe grievances will help i think i go for military tradition here now so i get flanking and support combat bonuses so that's annoying right this is going to be an incredibly difficult city to retake without archery so now there's no point in having galleys i immediately switched to archery and this is like an enforced early game war which is one of the worst case scenarios for me it's like my least favorite way to play the early game is like just being dragged into a war that i wanted nothing to do with she even has positive loyalty in here it's not very positive that's the one thing going in my favor and i will be heading into a golden age and she will not be i presume on that front so i'm hoping to bait this warrior forward into this marsh tile so if i position my troops correctly i hopefully he sees this slinger and wants to come around these units to try and attack it so the slinger can like fight from across a river on a hill more slingers are coming let's get into pp pieces to defend it we're gonna need an archer garrison here popping that city every single turn not exactly the fight i was looking for but everything is looking okay we're holding we have slingers coming so i think this is just like a hold formation order right now for me yeah i hate this i hate this early war stuff that i always get dragged into it feels like every game now i get dragged into an early war i mean i can turn it to my favor yeah i need archery to take this in my capital how fast can i get a campus it would be seven turns it's not nearly fast enough it could be worth it to place it at least or how badly do i want those trade routes early um i was just just played a little bit too greedy and now i'm being punished for it i didn't even get to finish my monument in this city this is really frustrating this is a really really frustrating position to find yourself in although again it's it's not game over right it's just it's annoying yerevan though is doing work to defend i think getting the suspension of yerevan is giving me room i need this galley out of the city in order to retake it i need to push archers into very particular positions i need like an archer here an actor here an archer here so that's three archers i need and i've got two of them built well quote-unquote built already they're slingers right now so i'm gonna have to figure out how to get more gold nobody has gold nobody wants my diplo favor right now so the plays that we're gonna be making are gonna be a little bit slow um but that's okay we can level up these slingers and get some damage in did my trade route die yeah my trade route was murdered which is annoying there's a lot happening here that's really like just kind of obnoxious it looks like dido's setting up for an attack as well which makes no sense because i'm very obviously prepared um more settlers i guess is the move here i mean more military units aren't going to make a difference here that's the thing so i could go campus yeah i'll go campus try to build up my economy a little bit while at war animal husbandry perfect and military tradition so now we're a little bit better defended because our units will give each other adjacency combat strength adjacency ah god he's coming for me isn't he it's gotta be dido's gotta be coming for me let's pick up the state workforce for the government plaza she wants me to give that city i'm not giving you the city i want you to return it if i can get her to give me the city back by like threatening and doing damage i think we can make this war work for us we absolutely need to close the gap here to prevent any more dido units getting through there's way too many dotto units around my capital already like one two three um no thank you you are not welcome get out that is the truth of the matter okay perfect we're fortified on the front line well defended ancient era ends in two turns and that will be when i will get the i will likely get the gold to advance my slingers into operation recapture this city um at the end of this era so it's just a matter of fortifying and preventing any more troops getting into my borders there's a promotion that's good yerevan's doing work too battlecry this era ends next turn yeah this is a painful uh i will not seed my city you must give the city back to me i don't think i'll be able to kill sweden i might be able to take norcoping though nor copium okay there's archery and state workforce perfect so this is all kind of lining up where roughly we want to go this is not the plan that i wanted to execute but i do have my government plaza place and i will finish that campus i'd wanted to go free inquiry here but i need to think about can i sell diplo favor is not yet worth anything i don't have that much faith but i could use money mentality no there's no real luxuries i can improve i think i'm gonna go free inquiry because my plan was commercial hubs and i think my plan still is commercial hubs so let's go free inquiry then we'll go foreign trade early empire into political philosophy that's the pathway i need 180 gold i can give away all of my gold per turn to make that work i can also trade away like diplomatic favor at one gold per turn or like one gold thing i think i can safely give up three gold here even two would actually do it and then i if i if i give away two gpt to get raw gold and then i just sell off my diplo favor one point at a time to the ai i think that'll let me get the 180 gold that i need to upgrade all three of my slingers and sort of take the fight to the cr to uh to sweden right boom boom boom all three are upgraded that's good keep those fortifications going we got our monument and pee pee kisses now is not the time to place campuses but we can place campuses and i will because i can because i have nothing else to do with my production if i look at what tiles are being worked well i can't look at what that that city is working um so i don't need i don't need builders i don't need things i think settlers honestly an extra archer here i think would make me feel very safe uh let's grab well i wanted to go magnus first now i'm not so sure i might still go magnus surplus logistics first for internal trade and i think that's an okay build i'm gonna go internal logistics magnus first so the archers have arrived my warriors are gonna start taking damage um look at that plus four signs on my commercial hubs that that was the dream let's start moving the archers into position to siege this city we have a unit in position to capture it all right there's foreign trade we have access to another trader ideally i would have two traders out right now and we can begin the siege it's a very slow and steady thing let's get the government plaza do not you're not getting the city i'm not ceding the city to you i'm sorry this is not happening there is actually barbarian galleys arriving there we go now we're leveling up archers and we're damaging the city the city is under siege in the sense well it's not literally under siege but it's under attack we need to do like a rotation well you can actually take one more hit and then you'll promote and in this instance i think a battle cry promotion is appropriate let's keep hammering the city okay slowly but surely we're whittling it down uh you will be taking the garrison promotion i want incendiary so i can do more damage to cities promotion available so we'll be doing promotions on a rotation rotational basis i'm a little bit worried about this but i think staying fortified is like kind of keeping me safe a little no i will not cede i refuse i refuse to give up this city i refuse to have my bills completely torpedoed by the ai attacking me land surveyors so we do have access to colonization we can settle better now and we have our government plaza that's helpful i can now go to surplus logistics and magnus and grab myself a trader to send to pee pee kisses to feed that city and grow it much faster i could also change my government i don't have a reason to change my government right now in terms of promotions i could also go provision on magnus that doesn't seem very useful try to think about what i would do here um pingala is always just like a good out pingala is just always always always like a good if you're not sure where to get pingala is like a good choice usually i think you can tank one more turn and so you shall continue to hammer the city and we're continuing to pro promote our archers on a rotational basis now that you have your archer it's two turns until you can start the work on your commercial hub so we will give you a a couple of turns of investment into that campus it doesn't really do a huge amount for us now but over the long course of the game it will be useful i want you to fall back into a healing position continue to bombard the city we get another garrison promotion yes it's slow and steady um but the steady part is the important thing right it is steady so we can blast this back ooh that archer there is actually really badly positioned for me i didn't see it until i'd already fired that's gonna kind of ruin my plan here a little she's not building walls in there we do have access to commercial hubs now the city needs to get this higher population you need to build your commercial hub which commercial home are we building first your build like so this city is building this one you're building this one and you're building this one so i need to swap this tile come in here place this commercial hub and then immediately begin construction of that commercial hub and the goal here by building commercial hubs first was with the free inquiry golden age to get a bunch of gold early and also use trade routes to build up our cities um so you know it was kind of like the opening build that i was going for and it got kind of you know the ai is a master manipulator in the sense that they're just really really annoying so i want to do a rotation here like this so that they step up to here and i can step here this city needs to come down and combat strength like fast however i am getting like th this is like a permanently ticking time bomb right every turn i'm getting closer and closer to that second promotion which gives me an extra seven damage to cities the city's health is also ticking down over time there's the dido attack we were expecting this and yet it is still a surprise just how silly the ai is to attack me here um this dido warrior is spooky so i will avoid it i don't want anything to do with it somehow i was able to move here and shoot okay the city is now down to half health and vulnerable potentially some melee attacks this trade route wants to go to pp kisses i would like another trader but i don't know if i'll finish it too early or too late and i really wanted the edm and nike this game but trying to make that happen does this too but too much happens in the early game that's the problem that you run into i do think a granary in my capital here is critical in order to get the seven population if i get the seven population i can place my commerci uh commercial hub which kind of puts puts me along the pathway that we've been going along this entire game the spawning of an archer in this city is like oh mega bat a game ruining the bat and i don't have enough warriors in position to change it look at that 5 food 2 production from this trade route dude why are my why are my early games getting completely torpedoed by the ai every single time could you please just like find a way can i i'll give you literally everything if you just let me have my city back i will give you literally literally you can have it all like what what do you want what do you want all right we're we're attacking we're killing how do i get how do i get her to give me the city how do i get her to give me the city hold on i got a big chunk of money then i talk to her and i'm like hey listen this this isn't working for you i'm not seeding the city i refu i will never see the city this is like a point of contention here at this point i'm never giving you the city you're never getting it i will give you anything else but the city all right all right it's gonna be one of those games it's gonna be one of those games we know we knew we knew we knew we knew one of these games was coming one of these games is always on its way it's always it's always on the way you know the ai is just going to colossally mess you up and it was really like it wasn't like i didn't know it was coming this is i didn't have time to prepare for it that was the only problem here is uh as i noticed too late i was a little too greedy so we'll just take our time to heal up a little bit now that's not a hill tile is it no but i can't get a melee attack in here which is quite good need to retreat as do you because you're about to get shot if you scooch out on this archer steps out of the city i'm in a position to double hit him and potentially kill it all depends on what this archer here does how is my city taking this much damage no i will not give you this city it's not happening i will lose this game i would rather lose this game than give you that city that is where i'm at right now okay don't f with me right now spearman fully protects the city galley completely protects the city but it doesn't actually contribute to the war is the problem archer i think also protects the city you step here you step here we kill this archer with three shots there you go i look for more money oh this ai they have found a way to trigger me i am triggered i am really angry i will not be beaten though i will not be beaten no this warrior needs to die okay we're killing we've killed so many units this is so annoying i am sorry oh you won't beat me ai not today baby not today oh yeah kill a unit that's okay that's okay we can lose a unit i'm fine i'm fine with losing a unit are you fine with losing a unit you really need to think about that one let's shoot you attack here you might get a kill that's okay i'm willing to live with that i'm willing to live with that maybe unless i shoot here and i shoot here and i shoot here and then i get you to continue to chase and then what do i do i come here and i kill you aha you fortify you're gonna get hit by three units but that's okay because we have massive archery batteries ready to counter attack one two three yeah like we expected no i will not give you the city no you don't you know what okay listen forever i was built for forever war okay i was born in the forever war i will i will burn my empire to a cinder just to make sure you get nothing from me i that is that is the level of anger that i have reached right now okay all right let's grab incendiaries we want to take promotions where they make sense we also need to be careful though we can't just like promote willy-nilly we need to like reclaim tiles to prevent multiple attacks on this city so like reclaiming tiles is important as is increasing the combat strength of our cities that was expected it's okay you have a promotion in the bank and i will take that promotion let us shoot the galley okay guys you you guys need to go home like stop stop like this is too much this is too much effort to try and kill me this early into the game this is too much too much too early okay maybe maybe later on in the game this would have made sense for them to do i don't even know what i researched now i think we just go straight crossbows and pray so you know i'm gonna get started on some settlers to try and rebuild my empire okay look you want a forever war you can have a forever war it's going to happen all right i'm going to go for autocracy here well no oligarchy i think it's necessary for me to go oligarchy as upsetting as that is i need to take inscription for the extra gold and then i need to get the great great general points if i can generate a great general you know what it's pretty good it's pretty good if i can get a great general take me 30 turns you guys thought you could pull a faspin on me eh you thought you could do some cheeky things i try to ruin my day well let me tell you okay i am the master at ruining my own day okay i will think myself into a depression faster than you could blink if you think you had a chance of taking me on at my own game all right you there was never a chance for you hold on okay no give me give me my city back i will give you literally everything just give me my city back this is this is honestly this is like star this is like when you're playing a board game with your friend and you know if you keep attacking him you'll lose but it's not about winning anymore it's about the principle of the fact that he like surprised ward you or whatever it's like i don't even care about winning i'm beyond that now my problem is here i need i need you to like crit this guy and like kill him okay we didn't get the crit can i get the kill on this archer here i may have to accept a dead archer here i can't retreat to the left with this guy let me explain what's going on in my mind there is nowhere that i can move this archer to keep them safe okay because this archer needs to die this archer can shoot here i need to shoot this archer twice well this this attack here makes sense right i attack here that just makes sense but the problem is i don't have enough damage anywhere else on the map to make sure this archer here dies i can kill this archer with two shots but then this guy is left with a warrior to attack them i can kill this warrior but then this guy then i can't kill that archer so i think the best thing i do is i step you back with a promotion garrison and then i step you to the right because you do have garrison so there's like a very very small probability that you live based on your positioning um and then i get this cree uh a kitchen to lower the health of this unit enough for them to consider retreating it i think that is the best way to navigate this battle and in fact it actually kind of worked out my favorite because they attacked the kitchen so you know this is this is a pointless war nothing is being achieved here okay this is this is like when you're like look look at norway look at look at eleanor okay this is the most pointless war i've ever fought in my entire life nothing is going to be achieved from this like dido can be peace just like dido is not willing to trade me peace even though we have equal military and i i'm like outstripping her in terms of units killed uh this is this is like the ai just irrelevant warring me straight from the start of the game um which is not a vibe by the way this is like the anti-vibe no matter how much they throw at me i think i'll be able to defend this uh it's interesting that this pig has a little bit of science on it uh scientific pigs you heard it here first folks why won't you do this why won't you just why won't you refuse i don't know why she won't give me my city back um you need to promote in order to survive in case this actually steps forward and shoots you i also i think i need to shoot this guy in order to kill him and then we uh we definitely want to take the promotions here if we can we want to shoot their archer first this guy's probably dead if i don't step him back and so i will step him back and my front line is just very very clogged at the moment and i'm hoping that i'll be able to unclog it i mean i keep getting distracted by the gameplay but of course that's half the fun you know of course there's a second archer there there's always a second archer yeah well you know there's always a second archer maybe you'll survive you won't survive you're dead that's unfortunate i thought there was only one archer they must be the spamming archers out of the city i refuse to give this city up i i guess we're playing the can we settle my way out of this problem game now at this point like can i escape the fate that i have like found myself in i should really just give the city up but it's about the principle of the matter now i can't just let the ai take a city from me for free like i just i refuse to allow it to happen yeah okay that was a kill that i was expecting there's catapults and everything coming for me now um so i don't want to deal with the catapult do a little we do a little trolling i am getting like a monumental and absurd amount of kills but i'm in a position to to survive here no i want my city back that this you must give me my city back you are not getting my city this war will last forever i will drown you in war weariness before i let you take that city okay let me just explain things something to you you're not getting that city for free i don't i don't think i should have to give up my city that is my city i built it i earned it ah man i'm so sad i'm so sad that my greed was punished uh so let's go ahead and link this settler up now thinking about how i survived this game um with this gig of war i think i could either go for two cities over here or one city over here let's see we've got fish fish crab we've got one fresh water tile if i were to settle on the stone that's pretty good like let's kind of like think about maybe planning this city right like if i settled on stone we've got a couple of meat maps i've got an okay harbour the problem with this saddle is like what's the follow-up you know where's my campus going i don't see a reef nearby well there's a couple of turtles over there that's a little bit far away i think this is the city regardless yeah i think this is what we'll do here we want to space our cities out try to get maximum value i think i just need to get these settlers out into the world so i'm not going to try and do any audience chamber shenanigans okay we're killing more enemies i'm continuing to shoot here like i'm farming i'm farming experience let me tell you about my experience farm right now it is going well there are chariots coming i think i can kill this this archer can die well probably won't die but i can i can start start the pathway to killing dude i am actually like the farm god when it comes to experience you've heard of rap god welcome to farm god okay i lost souzante of yerevan which hurts because it's been levied against me how dare you use my own city-state against me i think what i would like to do is to wait until i can plug in diplomatic league how close am i to getting a great general we're not too far it might require a little bit of finagling of course there's a scout over there i'm so glad i escorted this the settler normally i don't but i decided to not be greedy today like sometimes i wake up and like you know the same way that you choose violence when you wake up i woke up and i chose greed today and i was punished for my greed and now i have i've i've stepped away from the greed the greed is no longer the pathway that i wish to follow ooh i could take in placement and that would get me one step closer to expert marksman i think i will take in place but that gets me a step closer to the marksman the step closer to double shots early game double shots very very difficult to stop also very very difficult to stop uh double shots when you're on a night out be careful with the double shots guys okay know your limits don't over drink it is possible to over drink uh yeah we're heading to a dark age which is like criminally painful um because this was a crisis that was forced upon me that i you know i shouldn't have had to suffer but that is okay i will accept my fate dude i have actually murdered all of dido's units could i attack dido pog i just want my city back that's all i want i just i just want my city back it's all i want i just want my city i uh i accidentally attacked the scout whoops whoopsies my bad yeah a little uh little little poggers oh this is very not pog i don't now hmm this warrior needs to die so that means as many attacks as possible need to hit him and then the spearman needs to be punished for you know existing in my general vicinity of course like is there any other way to live but punishing everyone who like gets remotely close to you uh hashtag too real no i will not give you my city peace me out take take everything i have just take every i don't like wait just give my city back she's building the kilwa in my face in my city in my city she's building the killer this is not a vibe this is not okay and it never will be spearman welcome to hell okay good step we have managed to kill the spearmen uh we did get the market in here let's get the traitor traitor my empire is in shambles how did i don't know how you teleported over there but i will accept oh there you oh there's multiple scouts wandering the streets i the second somebody gets caramels this game is a re-roll i'll be real with you the second and the second i see a caramel i'm all deaf foreign uh emplacement yes we must fight cities okay there's a catapult catapult's in like an awkward spot it can't really do much to us we can continue to farm xp off of this uh boat though i'm getting five xp a pop which is pretty poggers trade routes to the capital five food two production get that city growing we can finally settle down this bad boy you go ahead and take commando for plus one movement i really want walls in here but i don't think i need walls come on refuse deal how dare you we gotta shoot this gentle eruption uh okay catapult can i kill the catapult this turn yes but it will take all of my shots i mean this is great i'm like severely hindering the two players around me while i'm still getting settlements out so it's not like the worst thing in the universe for me it's just that this is like really pointless like there's no benefit for me killing this many units i i get very very very little out of this i mean i have like the the most advanced military in human history in terms of like experience like i have like the omega delta super soldiers the super saiyan soldiers what whatever you know phrase you want to use here can we finally have games and recreation not that matters um let's swap thrap thwap swap swap step swap okay we did a bunch of damage we're fine i don't know where these scouts keep going they're like so fast thinking about tomorrow uh city harbour and then a campus in that order painfully painfully and painstakingly we trudge our way towards victory i do you know what's that incredibly depressing is i didn't even really get to take advantage of my my golden age yeah god there's so there's there's a part of me that just wants to reload back to just go back in time and to the to the part where this was this game had potential you're gonna get two shot if you stay there link up with you and then we'll go settle this bad boy keep getting settlers settlers the most important thing i can get right now okay the dark age i hate the dark age i hate it i hate i hate well we do have harbors now um and we will place the harbour in this city this all of these are like plus threes i guess this one here this one here sure promote incendiaries like we are ready to take on cities if we can get if we can get crossbows we are ready and i am going to like try to be quote unquote beeline i'm i'm quote unquote b-lining crossbows here this catapult 100 needs to die and if i get enough damage on it it is dead uh my dedication will be a dedication to your mom thanks bro you're defending this trade route that i'm eventually going to be putting there your delegation is welcome and archer stepped up oh he stepped out and he's going to get stepped on i would like the trade route you know what how hadld can have my trade route and i would like 50 fewer grievances for me i want i want to be able to make my enemies suffer okay so harold got it and the chosen player it didn't i didn't win both basically this is the important piece of information there um you stepped your step steppy step here i'm scared to look forward in case there's bad guys okay there's the trade route we'll put that one over here i'm gonna want another trade route for my next city so we're continuing to just try to develop an empire that's capable of like doing literally anything no the city the city isn't up for it it's not up for debate i will literally stay at war with you for the entire game sweden you are not getting my city it's not happening i i will sit here and fight every single turn of this game i i am that guy i will be that guy it's no problem to me in fact i enjoy it because i know you hate it i i know the ai doesn't have like emotions but still this would actually be a great map to be norway it's been a long time since i've been norway and i'm kind of i feel like i'm due i'm due okay there's no there's no archer in the city that's big poggers that's huge progress so we want to trade with the capital five food two production now this city is on fresh water actually so the extra growth will help a lot another city state declares warn me my favorite thing these are all my favorite things i'm never getting a great general so we're coming in here and we're unlocking this and we're getting uh urban planning for production that extra tiny choker production will help you know what i'm gonna step back a tile i'm gonna let that i'm gonna let that guy come a little closer we have an enemy catapult at the gates and it must die now my military is way better prepared for an advancement here if i so choose i have two envoys in the bank i would like to take suzanti of mogadishu dido how do you feel about peace for some reason dido just will not piece me out even though i have killed every single unit that she's thrown at me ah she has crossbuzz now okay well that changes things okay yeah crossbows change things but they don't really change things like we we're still we're still the same guy so what we'll do here is we'll step you back across this river both of these archers are going to advance on the city this archer is going to advance and shoot this guy you're going to shoot this guy that's him dealt with the catapult here's a little bit worrying if he steps into the city and then doesn't like or if she doesn't if she decides to just keep shooting at me with it it's not good um let's go ahead and found a city boom feels good man let's drop that fat harbor in here boom then go straight for the monument because we need that culture she still wants peace i just i want my city back i'm not giving you the city for free it's not happening uh so really ah i can choose to target the catapult here ah no i can only choose the galley that's unfortunate i need to take out the catapult behind me because it will do damage to me if i let it live the archer needs to reclaim the city so that i can twap these crossbowmen that are advancing on me you need to stay fortified to tank and you need to step up and start attacking the city i think i don't know if i would say we're stabilized but at least the crisis the crisis has lessened slightly the crisis has reinvigorated she has crossbows now jesus christ how long am i from crossbows eight turns i'm 20 turns from crossbows here's the thing if i keep my archers alive i win this war that's the thing if i keep my archers alive i win this war easily because my archers will eventually become crossbowmen and my crossbowman will eventually like just break the world okay so we're gonna have to do a little bit of finagle and a little bit of switching around a little bit of careful navigation you know you got to be a nimble navigator like a centipede a glorious centipede why do i i don't remember what is that even a reference from that's like that's from the depths dude i don't even remember what i was referencing there that's an old old meme like that feels like it was eight years old oh my god that was like that's like a meme i dredged from the depths of my own psyche so let's let's be a nimble navigator like i said we'll kind of step around do this there you go all right you've got things under control you know but just it's a forever war you just you gotta keep playing the game you're in a forever war get a little bit of extra science from pingala shave a few turns off of machinery what are we down to now if i kind of switch it around there we go five turns and nine turns now we gotta save cash we need cash money uh normally i would go for feudalism but how fast can i get mercenaries it's gonna take me a while to get mercenaries let's just go let's go feudalism i guess no let's go military training no no no no remember remember when i played this game for fun does anyone remember those times remember when civ was a fun game that you played with friends i remember i i remember okay i am i am killing everyone on my continent you know what even you france i know you didn't do anything wrong you're getting killed this is this is the war game now i have i am pissed off my people have been pushed around for i count the turns okay count them now if we're looking at the city of athca coupe i need let's see the granary will come in use very very quickly however we don't have enough tiles to justify working at granary i don't think well you know what we actually do if i get the granary it'll allow the city to not only grow faster but also work more tiles which means more production which means i get my harbor faster i get everything that comes after the harbor faster so i'm going to go ahead and work on a granary it's rare that i do this but i think this is a situation in which going for the granary at this point in the game is a reasonable thing to do you're not getting the city you're not you're just you're not getting the city it's not happening i don't care how many crossbows you throw at me now i do have to be very very careful here i need all of my archers standing on defensive terrain and my weak archers need to be like super far back this trade route can go to my new city to give it an extra little boost you're in a scary spot but if you stand here no one can step to you and shoot you i think or actually i can take volley on you and then you're protected you're safe because you're standing on a you're standing on a district which gives you plus 10 combat strength you're you're fine you're basically a crossbowman on the defense uh we got our trader in here this city also could use a granary like the minus five oh my god the minus five amenities from war exhaustion i do think that i could justify an extra archer or two they're relatively cheap yet cost effective or well actually what i really need in here is gold i need as much gold as possible let me think about this i'm pretty sure a crossbowman upgrade is like 250 gold there's a crossbow upgrade i just got there okay um let's work on the campus let's go for long-term returns on investment crossbow stepping up okay i'm feeling like pretty safe right now these are just things i say in order for the universe to like turn it around on me and murder me i hope you appreciate that that i say things that are like oh i'm feeling confident and safe just just to try to encourage the world to like screw me over that's the and i do that for my audience okay i suffer for you guys that is that is the number one objective here now this crossbowman depending on where he walks can be done serious damage nice for killing the scouts now she thinks she has like a tech advantage and she does but you have to be smart enough to capitalize upon a tech advantage it's not enough to just have a tech advantage because if i roll high here roll low but she either has to retreat or promote and then i'll get the kill you go there you go there you go there that was not the order of operations that i meant to do but that's okay we'll make it work so there's one more city over here let's go let's get our library up no point getting my government plaza buildings because i'm not getting much value out of them make peace no you give me my city back and i will make peace with you that is literally the only line in the sand that i'm drawing now here we get to do something fun okay we get to kill this crossbow we get to advance heavily upon this crossbow no matter where that crossbow goes we're going to be in position to do some serious hurting to it and we need to be in position to do some serious hurting to it we're positioning ourselves for glorious combat here on the left dude this is this is like a survival game it's not even a normal a normal game is save okay so things have developed in a very interesting way i think what we will do is step you here you step into the city provide a combat strength we want to kill this guy also i want to promote him so that's a little bit difficult to not be able to do both best case scenario here is a retreat but it's a very particular type of retreat i have to do so you absolutely have to step forward and shoot this archer you absolutely have to step this way like so and then you absolutely have to step here so that you get the district defense and now my units are protected from crossbow aggression so there's like there's like a basically this crossbowman was going to step forward and kill some of my archers and so i had to kill this archer to make sure that neither of these units could be killed by a catapult plus crossbowman shot this guy is still under threat because he's pretty low on health but he does have the garrison promotion so he's like he's relatively safe it's not perfect but he might survive there's like a lot that goes on too yeah there's a step forward ah damn i was really hoping that that wouldn't happen however this crossbow has stepped forward into the danger zone and i can do a doom cycle like this and like this and get the kill okay kill acquired major defeat so losing an archer hurt speaking of let's get let's see if we could squeeze out an extra archer before before we go to crossbars i think we'll get an extra two archers it's just it'll be good to have spare units okay there's the damage but we survive perfect we're refusing i know she looks confused and that is the objective is to leave her dazed and confused you can step back and take the garrison promotion you step down we need to kill this spearman because he's putting this archer under threat and then the quadrim is a problem however we do have now a unit with double shots so that's this is like incredibly important unit to keep alive because it has double shot you need to step away in case there's a crossbow in the fog of war being coastal would be ideal here there's a nice harbour and a decent campus in this city so all in all we've managed to survive i mean the the science the the game-winning situation is getting worse over time um i would really like to get a galley to explore the world i need more info more info will give allow me to make better strategic decisions like if there's land over here to my north maybe there's some islands out here there could be like a whole continent over here i mean like i'm seeing city state so continent implications are kind of you know going through my mind now the great thing about archer double shots is the fact that they shoot twice which means they get twice as much experience i know i'm essentially repeating myself now this is a scary moment this guy right here he could step forward and shoot this archer who's not on a district and kill him so i'll step the warrior forward to prevent that and i'll try to get an extra chunk of damage in with my okichita this catapult needs to go down but i have another expert marksman actually so that's two expert marksman crossbows potentially under my control in five turns that is a big development for my empire so we got the granary in here so the city is going to grow quite well i do think it would make sense to go for a builder too however we are close to feudalism but i mean we're 30 turns from feudalism i think i'll go for a quick builder although here's the thing about a quick builder yeah those dies i'll be able to sell the dies to the ai now we need to be careful uh this is a double shot archer however we need to move this scout here we need to move you down this way we need to move you this way all three of these guys need to shoot this crossbowman and then this guy needs to also shoot the crossbowman and then also the catapult you have a double shot so let's move you to the front line where you're ready to fight we're very very close to having the sort of crossbowman military power to actually like completely change the canvas of the game right now this is this is a this is a gameplay style i haven't done since like the launch of the game where you just you just go crossball grind and it's because it's like an incredibly it's an incredibly demanding gameplay style like mentally you need to you need to be like moving units efficiently you need to be doing things carefully you need to be considering all sorts of different data and so there's military training we cannot make it to mercenaries in time unfortunately we just didn't get enough cities out before like the war came um i will take this great merchant though i'll be able to get an extra copy of a luxury to sell to the ai if i could get truffles that would be ideal so i'm gonna move in that direction take a turn to heal up we're three turns from our next uh for the crossbow upgrade so that's gonna be good i've got three envoys i could take seriously of mogadishu i will i'm susan right right uh you wanna you wanna give me info there bud what about what i'm gonna levy your military catastrophic eruption it's nothing got to do with me let's let's clean up our map here right we gotta double shot these guys because we do want even more promotions on these guys god if i was the ai right now i'd be feeling pretty spooked seeing what's coming in what's coming in down the down the pipeline for me um in terms of military units so i'm thinking double crossbowman's push this way and then you push to the north with backup of a fresh archer a fracture one might say get that kill right there this just feels like i've made a very efficient and unhappy defense like i'm i'm pretty satisfied with how this game has gone oh yeah i gotta remember always be placing your harbors uh asap look at those trade routes though they're key especially when you're playing decree i want those truffles actually so i'll kind of position accordingly this quadra rim dies this turn which i'm happy about oh my god the end of turnbug that's my favorite one all right you know sometimes you gotta redo a turn sometimes you gotta redo a turn that's your life um if you're if you're a civ youtuber that's your life a lot of the time okay i have come to accept that my place in the world is to make content okay you know that the butter robot from rick and morty that's me except i make sieve videos i have one purpose in this world and it is to entertain you guys through my own suffering i accept it i i know my like there is something freeing about knowing your place in the world like i'll be i'll be real with you now of course like you know because you know there's a quadri room that we can take care of a little bit of a map vote oh an aid request for catherine let's vote that up the reason we're voting it up is because just so in chaos at this point in the game winning is of secondary purpose to me my win condition is obliterating every ai on my continent uh so that's that's my personal win condition right now um if i can achieve that goal i'm happy so let's go ahead and duplicate some pigs and then we'll go ahead and sell those pigs for big fat stacks of cash no one has any money okay we'll take a little cash everyone is broke i it feels like i'm i'm in college again [Laughter] all right let's go ahead and clear this out okay geez stop giving me trade deals i don't want them and there we go it's crossbowmen time what's that oh they're 250 gold each i can almost afford many uh i can almost afford many crossbows in fact i can afford three crossbow upgrades which does line up pretty well with the fact that i have this crossbow this crossbow and then what's my most experienced crossbow that's an important question to answer here that's a hundred 104. i don't think it makes a huge amount of difference so i'm gonna go ahead and do this guy here he's pretty experienced and now this city is looking like it's in trouble can i garrison this for loyalty what's the loyalty like minus five oh that's bad i'll need a governor title where's my closest governor title there that's not fast enough i will have to try and get myself i think an audience chamber to get another good another governor title i don't know i don't even know where i go technologically after this like i it's just it's baffling uh the fact that i've been forced into this like cripplingly painful war game when i shouldn't have been this should have been a peaceful beautiful wonderful session of love well no that's what i spend my time with your mom doing this should have been just a fun game to save okay uh we got our we got our basics in here campus i don't even have bronze working i can't wait i do have bronze working oh i can get rid of campuses okay uh okay i definitely want the granary because the city is growing and it can work getting the granary works more tiles and then we'll go harbor into lighthouse um so my economy is starting to build up okay now look at this crossbow damage i do need to take a little bit of time to heal on some of these guys the question is do i do this i do do this and then you will hit this archer and leave this crossbowman alone and then i can double shot you perfect catapult needs to die mission critical spearman needs to die mission critical you need to heal at least one more turn we got a builder in here and i think our objective is to get another dies online and a meek map this is the better meek map so we'll go there we can place our campus do we even have a good campus here probably not do we go for a different district then i mean we have our harbour placed um i think we need our campuses so i mean this isn't a very good meek map it's not a very good meek wrap but it's also a chop it's a chop i can't afford to do i'll place it later harbor first we're sitting on an envoy can i take season 3 of mogadishu like i don't know i don't understand i have broken my game somehow very confusing ah strange little desert oasis island thing you're not getting the city you just you're not in fact i'm taking your entire civilization to task for what you've done to me okay i am on 17 signs per turn and so help me god i will burn your entire civilization to the ground okay now this is where the double shot we're cracked we're absolutely cracked you move you shoot you shoot you move we're in position i have a kichita's in position to retake the city now there's walls open nor coping so we're gonna have to hoof on some norcopium but don't you worry about that okay i've got plants uh random single you can't i don't even think you can settle on oasis this is like so pointless what is this island okay there's actually nothing it's all like there's no there's no ocean on this map it's very confusing i love this this reminds me of playing um age of empires mega random there is a crossbowman entering the city now there's already a warrior in the city so maybe we can use our positioning and cleverness against them so let's kind of like set up for uh for a good fight here uh i think a friendship with her could work for his short term the very least i could get like a delegation with her get more favorable trade deals dido how about peace title dido just doesn't want peace for some reason every game i play dido just chooses violence and declares war on me and then will never ever piece me out i can't explain it okay the crossbowman went into the city which is exactly what i didn't want to happen because now it can shoot out of the city at my troops 12 turns on that and there's a crossbowman here as well so we're gonna have to play the gentle retreat game so how are we gonna do this you step here you step here you step here you step here you step here you step here you're fully out-ish is that a hill it's not a hill unfortunate you get killed so you're dead that's that's unlucky unlucky mathematics is on the way we got our campus loyalty is dipping here it's not good it's not good at all why is the production so bad focus on food and production get a granary production is so bad because i have wavering loyalty and bad amenities ah i wish someone would piece me out man i feel like this game has been torpedoed she really wants peace but she won't give me my city back so i think i might have to just take peace soon i don't know how much longer i can actually sustain this war because it's crippling me i mean i can sustain it for a little bit longer wavering loyalty i can't take wavering loyalty i hate having to reassign magnus here but it has to be done the loyalty in this city is also terrible these are all really bad and now there's mounted arms coming and i don't have i don't have like proper defensive units in position the problem is like i'm super powerful i'm just like i'm powerful at the wrong moment i should have moved towards there i didn't think of the quad quadra room you unfortunately will have to step like this you can kill there at least you're gonna have to try and tank that it's not gonna work internal trade this was like a really interesting map but at the very least i might get more with like stitch the two episodes here together as a like intriguing single video and then call this a dead run because a i'm not having fun and b i'm not getting anywhere like i don't i don't like i could maybe like turtle this out and get somewhere it would require me to find actual landmass though that's the big problem i'm having like i need mass i need landmass retreat to survive shoot to kill shoot the kill seriously where's my mask dude got a little got no landmass i think you can give up that tile in exchange for good positioning on units get a plantation sell a luxury maybe get another crossbow white piece refuse and just on principle i'm not taking that white piece i've created my own disaster save maybe i should put this out into the community like with this video like hey can anyone win this game let's see if anyone can win it that would kind of be a fun idea actually you know what that's what we're gonna do i'm giving it i'm giving out the disaster save this time i am the disaster which is kind of appropriate considering how the rest of my life goes bazinga yeah yeah bro where is the land i you i need to when i when i first made the save file i uh i revealed the map i didn't look around or anything like i had i had a little peep but i but i just i peeped around a little um but i took a screenshot of it and posted it on twitter so i know this map is crazy but i'm i'm officially checked out of this game we're gonna we're gonna try again we're gonna try again what in tarnation cree 2 um is what we'll save this as and i'll post this like on my discord or something um but before we go by the way if you had planned to attempt to salvage this game do not and i repeat do not keep watching the video because i'm about to spoil the whole map okay let's let's let's use the developer tools activate we get the other the great barrier reef galapagos a lot of my favorite wonders actually and uluru um okay oh what actually bro if i had kept playing and found this continent with my pantheon this is a settleable island for me bro look at this land though she should have spawned like another two tiles to the southeast she's on two cities actually sweden's a problem but i could kill dido maybe nah she's got 69 signs on two cities which is a ridiculous and b impossible for me to overcome bro like how do i break this there's three tiles i can attack the city from she has like easy access to the fan from two angles she effortlessly outmasses my army despite the fact that i have built and maintain like i don't like i wish i could look at the graphs right now dude there's so much empty desert land bro what happened to this map dude this is like may actually be the greatest campus like plus seven for free there's a plus six right here that's crazy i love this map i love this map i just wish i had a little bit more room like why couldn't there be like why couldn't france be like a few tiles to the left why couldn't sweden i mean sweden did start over here i guess why couldn't dido be a few like i don't understand dido won't go to peace with me like no matter what i offer i'm gonna chalk this game up to being just weird like here's money no she won't take it you want a city i give you literally all of my cities and you might take peace like her hunger is this is way beyond the scope of what she can actually achieve considering how many units she's lost against me i want to hit the retire button but i also want to hit the restart button let's hit retire uh i'm going to look at these graphs bro like look at this number of combats where is it um look at this literally every turn my number of combats was skyrocketing where where's units killed units killed look i'm killing units on a turn-by-turn basis and it's still not stopping the ai this is why i'm always baffled when people like oh the ai it's easy there are situations that you can be put in through no full well maybe i was a little greedy through no fault of your own where it's actually like you actually just cannot stop the ai look how few units i lost i think in total this game i lost maybe like four or five units maybe six at worst like literally i have killed a greek a uh a swedish unit every single turn of this game for the last 80 turns and it hasn't even put a dent like a dent in her army look how little science i'm dealing with this is why this is why i'm always baffled when people are like oh deity is really easy yeah it's really easy if you don't get any pressure or if you have really good luck but dd can be like really really challenging so i'm gonna go ahead and upload this save file to the discord and see what people think of it i love you all very much i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 737,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civ 6, civilization vi, civ vi, civilization 6, Civ 6 map, civ 6 meme, civ 6 funny, civ 6 potato, civ 6 potato mc, civ 6 potato whiskey, civ 6 cree, civ 6 gameplay, civ 6 cool map, civ 6 tips, civ 6 potato mcwhiskey, civ 6 poato
Id: dH0UQtU-9fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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