Playing TALL Incan Empire with a CURSED START on a HEXAGON map - Civ 6 Inca

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hey budes potato biskey here and welcome to civilization 6 where we're going to do something a little bit different today we're going to be playing a nice old game now I did actually create a setup here using the gaunt Lakes mod if you want to see any of the mods that I use go ahead and check the description and if you're a patreon or a patron on patreon you can go ahead and just get my save files they're uploaded there after every series but if you are curious I will scroll through the options that I set here if you want to make the exact same game as me using the gaunt Lakes map mod um however it will require you to pause the video and write things down yourself now I did actually already make the game because I wanted to reveal the map to get a really nice thumbnail for YouTube but I have not studied this extensively all I know is this turn one okay domestic trade um so I I decided I wanted to play a little bit of patch of cutie today and the reason that I wanted to play patri of cutie is cuz you know just the Paris Farms are really fun to work around and also I kind of wanted to try out doing a sort of tall build and looking into what we could do there but starting off in a pretty interesting location if I had to guess um using you know camera rotation holding down alt uh let's see do I see any jungle no I can't see any jungle and I can't see the edges of the map so I would guess we're either towards the North or the south of the map but not particularly far this is a really big map with maxed out civilizations on it and to be specific on that front that is uh 12 civs so let's have a little bit of a think about how we want to open this game I definitely feel like there is potential here for a couple campuses although there is something to be said when you're playing patch of cutie um they can actually work Mountain tiles which does work really well with preserves because The Preserve building the Grove adds plus two food plus two faith and plus two culture to adjacent unimproved breathtaking tiles which includes Mountain Mountain so you can do a really cute Mountain Play and get a very very powerful load of tiles here I could get two tiles that make what two food two production uh two faith and two culture pretty early into the game which I mean preserves are pretty expensive All Things Considered because you have to pay for the district and then you have to get the Grove and it doesn't produce anything until you get the Grove but then it does produce like food faith and culture which I guess is kind of so what in line it doesn't make any great people which makes this maybe not ideal but I do like the idea of going for a great scientist here or an early campuses oh for some reason I don't have the real great people mod installed um let me quickly fix that okay so I should have the real great yeah here we go um and I was particularly looking for great scientists cuz if if we're going to try to do any sort of tall build there are a couple of like really cool great scientists for example ibben calun who gives you non food benefits of Happiness a big bonus which means if we focus on having a really high amenity Empire we can get some pretty good multipliers so I do think playing in a tall fashion opens with either religion or an early campus to get great scientists I do like the idea of opening what a campus and since I'm also going to be playing tall I need to consider carefully where I'm going to be placing my Capital now the thing about geothermal I believe I can't remember if settling can you even settle on a geothermal does it disappear all right we're we're going to do a little bit of science here I need to double check can you settle on a geothermal Fisher and does it disappear then afterwards okay you can settle on a geothermal fissure just like I do it so rarely that it's hard for me to remember and and the reason I needed that bit of information is because I need to make a decision about where I'm going to actually put my Capital sorry I know I've reloaded the first turn here a few times but sometimes what you got to do is you got to kind of explore the different angles now I haven't actually paid attention to the scouting info that I got there not trying to like you know cheat or whatever I am just trying to think about where exactly do I want to put my capital city do I want to actually put it on top of this which does mean I can't put The Preserve there I do feel like like in range of this capital city if I move over here I lose a plantation and especially important the plantation goes out to be a third ring tile if I stay in place I get a two2 production tile underneath my Capital if I move down here I get more two2 production tiles in range immediately but I think in terms of planning out this city I really like the idea of a campus on one of these two tiles and I don't think it matters in particular um one thing that would also be nice to get in the city if we are going to grow it tall is to get the aqueduct and also plan around the Terrace Farms because they get plus two production for each adjacent Aqueduct District they also get extra production if they're adjacent to a river um and to not an aqueduct I'm just doing a little bit of Intel Gathering here while we figure out exactly how we want to develop ourselves now these give you plus one food and plus one housing and plus one food for each adjacent Mountain tile so what if I were to move onto the geotherm what if I were to put an aqueduct here I settle my city here then adjacent to this Aqueduct I do two Terrace Farms because they get a bunch of extra food I'm going to scout this okay so I am committing to this decision I do like this decision and we could if we wanted to in fact surround this entire Aqueduct with Terrace farms and have extremely good growth and production in the very very early game because I'm pretty sure Terrace Farms are unlocked super early when are Terrace Farms unlocked are they unlocked from the from the GetGo I think they might actually be unlocked from the GetGo an early Builder could be good I do really want a campus now there is something to be said for the fact that I also want to get an industrial Zone well at some point this game it would be nice to get an industrial Zone here but how early we can get that is not clear but I think this is at least okay early opening and we can sort of start to develop our strategy based around this so I am going to go ahead and move on to this geotherm and settle it because that will end us up with an extra plus one signs per turn right off the bat which will hopefully get us to riding faster if you're wondering by the way why my pins have numbers on them it's because I'm using the mod called detailed map TX here which you can find in the link uh in the description of this video you'll find a link to the mod pack that I use um I I call it a mod pack it's just a collection on um steam of like other people's mods that I've put together into a single thing that I just my own personal list of mods now we are going to go ahead and work this two food two production tile because we want our Capital to grow and we also want the production and if we kind of compare let me let me press shift and S to hide these pins using this mod is if we look at the options of tiles that we have here to work we have either two food and one production tiles or one food and two production tiles and I think the opening move for us should actually be either a builder or a monument and the question is how quickly do we want to get to this settler card I actually think this could be a really strong Builder first game because the return on investment on this Builder is exceptionally High because if we look at the value of this tile let's get rid of the aqueduct so we're not getting false value here that would turn this into a 4 food 2 production tile and this into a 3ood 2 production tile which are some of the best tiles you can get at this phase of the game so I am going to go ahead and grab myself Builder first and try to get these three tiles improved immediately to try to Kickstart My economy we're going to open with Pottery as well we want to get granaries to get the extra housing to continue to pump our population up but more importantly we do want to get the early campus if we can so hopefully that's kind of covering my opening strategy when it comes to build now it is a bit of a cardinal sin not to get a scout but it's also not the end of the world if you don't get a scout and I'm hoping that I can clear this Barb camp with my warrior before you know that becomes an issue so the trick to clearing a Barb camp with a single unit is to attack it once as I did and then spend a little bit of time healing on your unit right to bring the combat strength of the unit back up we have met Poland we will send them a sample of our Hospitality now I don't know how they met me but that's fine I'm going to move my warrior back a tile and why I'm doing that is when this Barbarian Scout steps towards me I'll be able to get an extra attack in on him if slash when he he steps towards me he may step in a different direction so we do now have Pottery let's go ahead and get riding we met another civilization so we can get a really fast campus this game okay she's already denouncing me which is annoying this scout has lost sight of me so he should step into the land adjacent to me and I can attack him I can move this scout here to start getting is Farm online since Poland has denounced me I'm expecting an attack so I'm going to get started on a Slinger to defend myself that seems necessary this scout will step back to avoid me and then it should move into a tile adjacent to me because it forgets that I'm here it basically can't see me let's build the Terrace firm that's a plus four era score in the early game potentially guaranteeing us a golden age and we have a four food three production tile which is massively massively productive the Terrace Farm gives you plus one food and plus one food for each adjacent Mountain which is a total of plus three food over a normal uh PLS Hill and it gives you plus one production which is plus one production over a normal plane Sals that's why this tile is so much better and now to really talk about how much better this tile is compared to this tile I want you to imagine every citizen in your Empire right I have two citizens two population in the city of cusu okay and they eat two food each so you can see here I've got minus four food food consumption minus four that's CU two of my citizens are eating two food that means for every tile that you are working there is an invisible minus two food sitting in there the exception is always your capital city which is always two food and one production plus whatever Surplus resource was on the tile so I setled on a geothermal Fisher so I get plus one sides here it's really really nice so that means this tile right it's profit when you factor in the amount of food that this villager this this citizen eats is two production One Faith this tile profit is two production this tile's profit is one production this stone tile is twice as good as this regular grassland Hills tile this dies tile like in terms of a production profitability this di tile is so much better than the stone tile because it gets me Faith which can get me a Pantheon this tile here this four food three production like let's first of all let's try to compare this to a PL tail tile so not only this tile's profit is literally one production this tile's profit is two food three production that's insane of a comparison this is literally five yields better like it's insane it's a five yields better or four yields better four yields whatever it is it's five times better that's the important thing it's five times better if we compare this to this this has a profitability of minus one food plus two production which is you know interesting so this is literally one of the best tiles you can get in the game at this phase of the game I'm going to buy this tile as well because I want to place my worker on it next turn and get this Farm up I probably don't care too bad I mean getting a Pantheon is nice but I think the momentum of pachakuti is all about getting these early high quality Hill Terrace Farms out I do need to kill this scout I hate that I had to do it in that way I'm expecting a war deck in the next turn or two I think standing here in fortifying is the move and I think planting a Terrace Farm there fine yeah I was expecting the War deck so there's nothing I could do to prevent that guy from getting caught but that's fine I'm going to fortify my warrior here I have a Slinger and I'm going to get myself another Slinger I don't care too much about losing that Builder but this guy is fortified across a river in double defensive terrain double defensive terrain is a hill plus a forest or rainforest basically um Woods or rainforest rather basically fortification gives you plus three combat strength being across a river gives you plus five on the defense being in defensive terrain gives you plus three for each type so a hill plus Forest is plus six plus 11 plus 14 my guy right now has if you look at this ideal terrain River defense effectively plus just an absurd amount of Defense so he will take a little bit of damage here but I can then promote him with the tortoise promotion so he's extremely difficult to kill by ranged units meaning this Slinger does nothing to me and then I can just slowly burn this ER with my Slinger now we are also going to go ahead and take god king to guarantee well I think we're going to take urban planning cuz I don't care so much about getting my pany on this game I much more care about staying alive and so I'm going to slowly work on a Gog it's annoying that like the T this is the difficulty though when you're dealing with the a Ai and DED and you don't go a scout first build so we got the campus which is an important part of our play we do also need to get to engineering which will require mining plus a quar plus ancient walls and to m a resource so we'll need to get this Quarry online at some point in the future which means another Builder soon and I also need to get my Monument it's all difficult so look he attacked me but he did 11 damage which my warrior can easily heal through it's not even an issue now he will pillage this Farm which sucks but we did get to work it for a little while before he pillaged it and you can see this guy is just fortified in extremely defensive terrain and we get to get this kill not quite able to finish him off that's fine you stay fortified there your job is to absorb damage um I'm going to move the fresh Slinger to the right this Slinger can only be attacked by one tile which means they should you win any 1 V ons and in order to secure a kill I'm going to attack there so when they move into the Gap here they'll be moving into a danger zone I'm going to go ahead and get myself a third Slinger because one Warrior and three Slingers should be enough to defend against Poland all right let's kill this Slinger as well perfect we also have a promotion available on this Slinger now it's it's quite easy if you've got defensive terrain to defend against the AI as long as you see it early enough and haven't walked your guy too far away from your city let's take the Garrison promotion so he attacks my Slinger no big deal this Slinger moves out we get that kill you heal you stay fortified really want to build the campus right now kind of have to get the Builder cuz I need to rush this Aqueduct to build a nice big city also I need Scouts and stuff like that so I really hate that this Builder is escaping but this should be a fairly easy kill for us I'm going to look for the attack on you cuz that should promote you and now I'll move down to see if I can fight off this Barb camp but yeah I'm going to go build her into monument and then the campus so let's place the campus we're going to place the campus down even though we're not going to build it yet because every time you research a technology or Civic you make things more expensive I'm going to take the volley promotion on the Slingers that aren't staying inside the capital city and I'll chase this Builder home with this Slinger or chase the Builder home with this Slinger rather take a fortification turn step forward there I should have the advantage over the river I'm in defensive terrain and across a river so even if he attacks me it's not the end of the world I'm going to start sending my other Slinger too start doing a little bit of damage here because I know he wants to settle here and I'll fortify this Slinger on this tile cuz these guys coming at him should be no problem for him to handle while I move more units over here because I don't want Poland to settle this city because it puts them a little bit too close to my Capital so I want to to push them back just a smidge keep myself safe yeah keep the Slinger fortified on this tile to draw barbarians to attack the Slinger and that's working perfectly 38 damage I took 27 but I healed 10 let's move this Warrior this way you attack him move this Slinger this way unfortunately the Slinger is kind of up against the odds but as long as you stay fortified here you'll be fine there's the damage okay more barbs are spawning it's all right we can do a retreat we need to hold this Gap and that's going to involve doing serious damage to this Warrior another Builder is coming out excellent so I think we've driven Poland away from this location and now we just need to scoot this way ideally we would be building a campus right now I think I actually just need another Warrior to like fight my battles so I'm going to fortify for a turn with this unit to increase our defense against these two fighters and then I'll step back if I need to I do not feel safe moving this guy okay I was not expecting the kill did she get oligarchy I was fortified and across a river that was an amazing attack from her but this is the kind of early game chaos you got to learn to like just battle your way through when you're playing CV can I soften you up enough to guarantee the kill it's not quite a guaranteed kill but it is almost guaranteed okay the Slinger is honestly the biggest threat and looks like managed to get that City there so I'm just going to go into Retreat I wasn't able to prevent it but that's okay we can work on the campus now and start getting that online nice to meet you seong all right let's Counterattack actually it looks like they are not pushing forward right now so I might kind of try to shove back just a nudge just nudge back towards them and see what they do all right let's move you to here let's cancel masonry research and instead put some time into wheel you go ahead and shoot him I do have a Pantheon Plantation culture isn't terrible Quarry isn't bad either I do have 1 2 3 four quaries in range of my Capital if I'm looking at the mats correctly that's four quaries which could be a decent Faith income the other option is to go for River goddess if I do plan to go for Holy sights at some point this game I am going to be limited on tiles depending on how I play two amenities is sick though so I think I'll just grab this P perspectively I don't actually care about getting a religion so to speak everyone else can have it I just super don't care but I think having the option of getting two housing and three amenities um from a district is pretty good especially if that District also provides Faith okay we've got a huge Invasion here but that's exactly what my Empire is like designed to fight all right let's go take this stone quarry all right we got our campus and our goal was to play tall so we need to get the six population we can get that in five turns and then we can start cranking out settlers with colonization let's get started on we're going to need more units here I I think I think that's really just what it comes down to is like an extra Warrior here would make a difference actually I need an extra Slinger so I can actually pass I can use three of them to get Machinery which seems quite useful let's get the Quarry there we do want that we've also got amazing tiles in our Capital 14 production capital is kind of insane at this point in the game and the military that we build in these next few turns will actually stand to us for the rest of the game I'm hoping Poland will piece me out looks like they don't want to which is fine uh young lay is always insane I hate our or SE rather is always insane I hate playing against him he's a nightmare Warrior can attack here and if this guy attacks my warrior I should be able to counter and Dodge so he attacked the way that I thought he would so let's counter and Dodge this time I'm controlling the river you fortify there I'll step one Slinger out sideways to form a defensive line you never want to make an arc like this you never want to build an arc it's like um it's like go right this is like stepping into my enemy's power Zone I want him to step into a Zone where I'm more powerful let's grab another Warrior and it's it's honestly it's fine that we're doing all these things honestly I absolutely I would absolutely prefer a much more peaceful early game but it's fine let's take tortoise I do like tortoise as a promotion because it makes your units really really hard to kill um unfortunately I need to retreat this guy but that's okay because depending on which unit steps up here I should be able to get myself a promotion unfortunately this is my Garrison guy you'll take too much damage so I need to retreat can't let this scout attack this tile so I do need to attack in a certain particular way get rid of that Scout um because if my if my campus gets pillaged it's you know doesn't feel good I would have liked to have already had my library cuz that's great scientist points that are churning away from me that other people aren't getting there's an unmet player who's getting three per turn right like these things are really really nice nice to have can't get I can't quite get either of these things so I'm going to fortify cancel the fortification and then take the volley that allows me to get a turn of fortification while also getting the promotion in okay we got that kill let's take a turn for you to heal and you're going to push into that defensive tile you going to have to immediately push back out of it sadly but it's okay I think I would like to chop these tiles are going to become Hills uh Hill Farms anyway so I think chopping there is a completely hinged thing to do not unhinged just hinged so we can do some damage there now let's push okay there's Russia nice to meet you all right like this is like a bit of a Thunderdome start but there's a lot of battles going on and honestly we're super far behind although we are kind of on power of Poland but like if you compare to seong who's the guy we got to beat we're in bad shape I don't like that the Slinger is looping around the Edge Let's go and we'll take early Empire let me go ahead and chopped finish that library then we're going to take early Empire we're going to pop this out and we're immediately going to go into settlers now I'm going to have to kind of blind settle here because I haven't actually been able to see the cities I want but I do know that the cities I want are in this kind of red area I want cities well actually it's this kind of an area honestly it's even smaller I want I want to settle like a few cities in inside this kind of a Zone I want the cities to be close enough to benefit from industrial zones in the lake game I will absolutely buy a builder when I have the goal to do so I will sell my open borders for immediately cash to try and make that happen you're going to step here to fight him you're going to move this way you're going to move to make moves on this guy the Spearman should step out and try to attack my Slinger as I move the warrior in behind in theory that's how the a AI for those work sadly we did only get a normal age so no golden age for us it's not the end of the world we are going to go ahead and take free inquiry so we get plus one erros score for constructing a building that provides science as a base yield that is plus one error score right there and also every time we get a Eureka which is you know doing one of these Mission things we will also get an AOS score which is not so bad I should probably unlock Animal husbandry this turn which I will because it's a one turn unlock and I do need to build these ancient walls in order to boost the aqueduct so that will probably be happening very soon I don't have the lemes card yet do I no that's not unlocked until defensive tactics so I'll have to build without that that when you're going for a tall game pingala absolutely has to be the first guy you pick um there is no question no ifs answer buts you got to go for pingala and you got to immediately get connoisseur like with all of your resources you also got to plan your government Plaza which we have not yet done let's get a bit of damage on this Warrior see what we can do oh he's going for the kill delegation from seang I'll take that wouldn't even be against declared friendships this guy is double fortified and healing and this guy's now dead cuz there's nothing he can do to salvage this position in we can get this Barb camp at the very least that's going to be some error score secured for ourselves um and we have got a really nice science push in our capital city we definitely want a builder um so I'm going to immediately get one cuz we have if we see here we hover over the city we have a chop build build to make to prepare for the aqueduct right we want to pre-prepare for the aqueduct which we're going to immediately start making our way towards cuz the second we get this Aqueduct it's 10 plus 10 10 production in the capital but plus five based on the positioning of these around Rivers but still it's insanely good and I believe this Aqueduct will count as being adjacent to a geothermal um it provides an extra amenity which so like this all of these decisions are starting to link together I believe if you look at the text here it says um cities that already have an existing freshwat will instead get plus two housing if built adjacent to a geothermal Fisher plus one amenity so this is really really powerful let's get that kill there minor defeat what if I get that kill nice okay we killed him and we held the front line I could even settle a Bastion City here a fortress City designed to hold the line if I were to do that it would look like this this and this God I would love to put a campus there but this is where the encampment has to go dare I if if I I have no way to capture his borders I mean if I were to settle I guess this could be a campus if I settled a tile back then this could be the encampment but that would require me to buy two tiles to there whereas if I settle here and I encampment to here and I Aqueduct to here and get a bunch of ter Farm ter Terrace farms in here that provide me with production and Fortress and this will just be a defensive City designed to protect me from the advances of my enemies and then I can crank out Builders to send to improve the rest of my Empire yeah I like that plan it provides me with a measure of security and protection in the long term so that is the plan cuz I I just don't like the idea of them being able to pour out straight into my Capital I definitely want a government plan I think I'm going to put my Gman Plaza there because my diplomatic water is going to go there and now I need to think about where my Coliseum is going to go and it's probably going to go up here because I do absolutely want a Coliseum depends on what's to my North it's really what it comes down to okay let's clear the camp the Slinger took some damage let's Retreat him away heal up you see if you can't kill this all right I'd say I'd say things are stabilizing we're going to forward settle Poland oh all right we lost a warrior there it hurts when you lose a warrior but the sacrifice was to kill a camp and prevent more unit spawning in my face so I'm okay with that we're not going to chop this settler what we're going to do is we're going to queue up a second settler and chop that out so I'm going to chop right now get that settler done a lot faster okay what if I were to settle here see if we can't make that work I'll need more units pouring into the Gap that's okay step away from the volcano and then fortify cuz you don't want this guy hitting you underneath a volcano Ridge let's immediately grab connoisseur we need that to make up for the severe lack of culture that we have compared to the AI so now when I refresh it in my Capital I'm making 9.9 culture per turn which is starting to look really respectable we have State Workforce and early Empire I think military tradition is a pickup here just to give us the flanking and combat support bonuses but then we're going to move straight into political philosophy so we can get our uh higher tier government the Slinger is in rough shape that's fine can we settle this city I'm hoping we can I fortified this Warrior here in the face of this Barb I'm going to go ahead and place myself another terrorist Farm I'm going to prioritize food and production in here over the faith I already have a Pantheon so I don't need to work this Pantheon I would rather get the extra food to pump up growth let's swap these two Slingers you're going to keep retreating you're going to go here to build another one of these our goal is to just get the city settled if I can get the city down in here then this Garrison Slinger will be able to do serious work especially if I decide to divert to archery which I'm going to do right now okay we just need to get this city plonked which means you need to survive two attacks and you have support bonus plus two in defensive terrain there's a good chance he survives if he dies here the game is hard the game gets really really hard if he dies it is not over if he dies though okay he did survive you're going to go ahead and found this city SAA you're going to step in and become an Archer you're going to step back and become an Archer there so hopefully the city can survive let's continue on engineering what can I sell to the AI nothing right now cuz I don't have any luxury let's go ancient wall straight away and immediately research bronze working so we can slap down some kind of encampment and just start securing that border okay Retreat Retreat Advance you take that tortoise promotion Archer start blasting I need to exchange my gold for immediate gold to GPT you become an Archer you take battlecry so you can actually attack more effectively this might have been a terrible thing to do is to settle this city honestly she doesn't have oligarchy yet which means we're okay okay and this guy just promoted so if we can get him killed it's fine where do I want to settle this city I kind of want to settle on Pig but if I settle close this way I get a better encampment or better campus rather if I settle off the water it's tempting to settle it's tempting to settle Pig but I think settling here gets me into a better position if I settle right there I can Aqueduct to here can have myself a couple Terrace farms around that Aqueduct getting me really nice growth so that's what we're going to do okay looks like they're actually pushing deep into my ter which I'm kind of okay with we did just get bronze working meaning we can start the encampment when the time comes I just can't afford the tile right now let's make sure we get kills ah the iron here changes the decision Matrix a little bit what if I push the city one tile to the right and we move the aqueduct one tile to the right do we want to move it right or left I think here is still fine I want to have aqueducts surrounded in Hill Farms which means you fortify in place and we move you down there and this gets replaced with a mine I think this still works pretty well let's go ahead and finish engineering engineering move up this Warrior he'll take a hit for me as was his job fortify and make sure we damage the unit that's attacking him use my settler to settle my third City and now I've got a nice oh this is actually going a different continent believe it or not and it looks like we are to the north of Jungle which is kind of interesting but more importantly we now have a have a triangle of loyalty right a muscle of loyalty that is all protecting each other in this city more than anything we need builders my Empire right now just needs Builders so we're going to get those like culture is hard to come by for sure Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder is everything to me right now okay nice this guy's taking damage but we are going to be able to kill you and just shove you back slightly make sure we're damaging these chariots you're fortified get that promotion we have the ancient walls in Cusco which means we're one turn away from engineering Buffs we super need gold oh my [ __ ] that is devastating that's grim Jesus the temptation to reload is so high right now but we will persevere I can't believe I had it all set up and prepped and it went all petong well I guess this makes me make some new decisions over here because what I will do is an aqueduct to here with a Terrace farm and then a campus here and then if I if I fill these four tiles with crossbowmen or archers um on districts this becomes basically impenetrable cuz the this the sheer amount of damage like being crapped out into here is fine so I think this is how I will set it up make sure we lock down all these stuffs we are planning out our Empire a little bit here around things happening that I was hoping wouldn't happen I guess in theory it means one of these tiles can be a holy side at some point if I want to do the extra growth on amenities okay I know something in here wants a Watermill that's construction Capital has plenty of room for growth I'm going to put a turn into a builder cuz Builders right now are what I need to improve all my tiles okay SAA is now officially taking damage which I do not like so I can do damage or I can get the Garrison I think the Garrison will do me better in the long run there's the aqueduct I hate this but it's fine we'll Aqueduct it here as we planned we'll rework all this land G I'll go for monuments in my new city I think that actually makes more sense than a builder and I'll get the Builders out of my Capital to help develop those faster really um tall versus wide is like when and how you get your Builders early Builders equals tall basically all right may as well have astrology unlocked so that we can place holy sights if we choose um she is willing to make peace which I'm going to take right now because that's 10 turns that I don't have to deal with her attack and my [ __ ] I still haven't even dealt with all the barbs around my Empire and there is a catastrophic eruption down there which is something God I really hate this Sala city is there a way to make it better there is in theory if I can sell all of this and buy my way to this tile real quick Warrior there so we'll just def spend that with these for now okay I have Builders coming out of my Capital I do need to get the government plaz but I don't want to spend the money on that just yet we're not in a major rush to get that you stay fortified step into alen Tambo to defend it and this is what I would consider to be perfect defensive posture this guy can be attacked only from two tiles at least in melee the city can only be attacked by one I theoretically I can Circle this this guy back a tile this guy back a tile and then I have two tiles that can be attacked the city can be attacked from but one tile that can't be put under siege so the some upsides there plus one era score there's astrology excellent we're also getting political philosophy we can pick our government I do think tall favors either autocracy if you're going for wonders or classical Republic if you're going for districts I think classical Republic is the play here for me let's plug in the settler Builder and production card and we will also plug in charismatic leader so we can get passive influence points let's get that iron online because it is actually a boost here iron working and we want to get as many boosts as we can that is valuable to us right we'll get this kill on this Barb and we're starting to clean up and actually Poland is spreading their religion to me as long as it doesn't have Crusade okay no Crusade that's totally acceptable we do need to get to universities and education and all that stuff and it would have been nice to have built aidana but uh you know how it is let's get some more Builders let's stabilize and try to get some more scouting done with these units over here when the time comes we need to improve these tiles I need Plantation Tech so I'm going to grab irrigation because irrigation will give me access to plantations as well as the ability to clear Marsh and harvest bananas although it's not particularly relevant to me right now and I would really like to get construction the problem is I don't really have many flat tiles around here the closest flat tiles are up here to the North or to the South and if I do a rangefinder in theory in O and Tambo I could chop out a sick as hell Coliseum if I look at the city overlap here it would force me to settle more southernly but it would at least hit these three cities so I think I am going to do a builder based Coliseum play in Al and Tambo considering I have to chop out all these tiles anyway sending Builders down there to get that underway seems pretty reasonable and I'm going for a lot of Builders anyway but yeah um Coliseum is really nice for tall and wide play but really really really nice for tall because tall is really all about amenities of which I have negative SL too few of but we will get that fixed all right let's keep keep on getting Builders Builder Builder Builder Builder spam out builders for now okay I want to sell some more of my iron I love selling iron for cash because it means I can buy this tile and now I just need to buy this tile and I've basically secured this city a spot in the pantheon of gods cuz it's a plus six campus right there I may go encampment First for security I will go in Monument first too purely to get my Civics faster finally we can do some exploring although I really hope cyia isn't to my South SL East yeah we're finally getting a moment to breathe in this game it took took 69 n turns heyo for us to get to a point where I could go and take a breath I may also actually quickly get a Trader in this city and then next turn work on the on the government Plaza going to chop some stuff out in particular we want to be chopping out Builders CU we have production multipliers two Builders so we'll chop there we'll get that Builder out we'll remove this Quarry CU there is an aqueduct going there and we may as well chop out another Builder after this cuz this way I turned one build charge in into three build charges with a chop um which accelerates the rate of my build quite a bit there is somebody to my Nord so I am quite glad that I'm planning this Coliseum to the South cuz I can't settle North anymore who is that grand Columbia okay I'm just surrounded by warmongers and I don't love it Harvest get those down then grab the trader and Aqueduct as we had planned so everything inside this white area right now is actually extremely valuable for me to settle um which means a settlement over here is definitely on the cards I just haven't fully decided where and when and why um stat check I'm really behind the AI but I shouldn't have too hard of a time catching up over time oh good grief that is a lot of [ __ ] up there okay right you've too many Bill charges to be risked you do this you do this you move here and be turned into an Archer you move north to protect I don't have enough units for all I I still just like I love how these guys are like oh Grand Columbia never mind welcome to player Ville because I 100% believe with every ounce of my heart that barbarians love nothing more than to attack players I think Al and Tambo is going to be a very important city to me so I'm going to put a Trader in there to help it grow and in SAA I'm going to buy this final useful tile and then we're just going to let the city slowly churn out itself I could chop to get the aqueduct faster I don't think I need to at this point instead I'm going to chop to settle Builders just accelerate you so much they're so important I am going to put a single Envoy into antana Aral because the plus one culture in my capital is really nice that'll get multiplied by 15% thanks to pingala also the bonus from antana ARA was actually quite good now I do need to get my campuses up because I'm super behind in campus but that's just going to have to be a process that I work my way through so he killed himself upon my Slinger which is sort of Ideal all right where am I settling here I guess it would be nice to maybe settle slightly more northernly CU that leaves more room for cities to the South um so I'm thinking right right here on this tile although if I settle really it's going to depend on where I think my campus is going to go if I put my campus here and I settle here that's like this is a sick as hell Aqueduct we're talking Terrace farms for days around this but then where's the next city going here what if I moved my city what if I moved my Aqueduct down like this I want to get two industrial zones I think or at least one ideally two I think and so if we do this kind of an industrial zone now this is a lot less Terrace Farms but it is yeah honestly no dice I think the Terrace Farms are just way too good considering the amount of food and production they give you so we're just going to plant our Empire like this not a problem let's get that Plantation up we've already chopped it always chop your luxuries listen I I don't I don't think I need to tell you you chop your luxuries because stuff now is better than stuff later always okay provide why did you can turn that stuff into more stuff that is the that is the one caveat that I will add to that let's have a look at what tiles the capital is working I do think we should improve this tile or at least unlock it but I'm going to take the improve it option we're going to trade with the capital for two food one production and then with the next load of gold that I can scr up from anyone I'm going to buy the tile for the aqueduct at or rather the government Plaza but I think I'm going to go Aqueduct into government Plaza now and set myself up for those better trade routes also I just want the amenity from the aqueduct too all right but I feel like I've stabilized a little bit here once I get these once I get these two cities down I'll feel a lot better honestly I should really just I should focus on getting those cities out now the faster I get those cities out the better the more Dilly delaying I do the worse the worse it ends up for me all right so boom yeah I know I said that wrong okay I don't give a [ __ ] let's chop the truffles boom that will get us the monument we start the entertainment complex immediately although there's something to be said for getting this granery we need to just chop out this city to get it going honestly which means Builders Builders Builders Builders which is kind of the hard part we're in we're in a builder Crunch and Builder crunch is not a nice cereal okay it's not a tasty meal it's a it's a real problem that Empires experience okay okay we Cho to finish The Granary we get the camp up loving it how dare they choose such a generic phrase as their campaign slogan to Forever infest my mind let's go Aqueduct yeah go Plaza I actually prefer getting those online first it's a tall game classical era ends soon no he's settling me he's forward settling me well hopefully he doesn't go any further than this all right you get that entertainment complex going let me worry about the rest that's rough dude I'm glad I canceled that settler cuz Jesus the AI has boxed me in I'm glad I went for a tall game I may have to conquer my way out of this issue although you know might be fun to see what we can do with a small Empire it's not small okay it's just compact okay okay it's the angle makes it look so small all right we're going to harvest here boom but I do think getting the aqueduct first in this city is more important than the entertainment complex because this city really needs the production from it like really needs it and there is also something to be said for not going for that in this city instead going for just Hill Farms and using the mountains for production cuz yeah yeah I think this is just better for the city don't get the aqueduct in SAA it doesn't make logical sense but get the granery soon okay okay moving forward we need to start making our way towards education for science need to get everything need Builders defensive tactics classical era ends I think though once we get the city down we've got a pretty riveting game real talk no cap on a stack for real for real we're definitely going to take researcher with pangala we want that plus one science per turn for each citizen uh we are super boxed in as the Incan Empire but this is where I excel okay I was forged in the Thunder Dome of Civ we're going to settle the tea spiff would be proud and we got ourselves our national park shaped tiny this is like a tiny home but it's an Empire we might be able to squeeze a city in there maybe see what we can do but yeah that's going to be it for this episode I want to thank you guys very much for watching I love you all very much and I'll see you guys next time [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 158,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civ 6, civilization vi, civilization 6, civ vi, civ 6 guide, civ 6 inca, civ 6 tutorial, funny video, sid meiers civilization, civ 6 gathering storm, lets play civ 6, civ 5, civ 6 hungary, civilization vi hungary, civ 6 new frontier pass, civ 6 lets play, civilization vi lets play, civ 6 tier list, civ 6 tips, civ 6 potato, civ 6 potatomcwhiskey, inquisitive otter, civ 6 domination victory, civ 6 culture victory
Id: bkmJh26YTns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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