The MOST INSANE and ICONIC Kobe Bryant Stories

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[Music] people think those stories are like not real like those stories are real like i remember watching one game we got we were getting ready to play the lakers and i remember just you know i'm i'm a kobe fan i'm watching him warm up and he literally entire warm up he did he did one shot he was in the mid post he just kept turning over the left shoulder over and over and over so i go into the game like okay he bout to turn over the left shoulder over and over and i couldn't stop it but like he i just watched him by himself they just kept giving the ball for the entire 15 20 however long you're out there he kept doing the same thing over and over and over and i was just amazed that and then once the game started i still couldn't stop it and i knew what he was about to do over and over and over again you know and that's just that's a part of his greatness man when you played against kobe did you wear his shoes did you wear a different shoe vince was like you know i was supposed to wear my yo opponent's shoe about blocks i'm like all right so the next time i play code i wore some jordans the wrong [ __ ] bang i should have did as soon as i walked on the court as soon as i walked down the court cole was like oh that's what we're doing [ __ ] and didn't say nothing to me the rest of the game hey hey you just sounded so much like him right there when he said that that's what we're doing you sounded just like kobe right there dude that's crazy yeah his last game he dropped 60 on the jazz yeah you guys weren't gonna be in the playoffs everybody knew it was his last game right i looked up the box score earlier today he got 50 jacks up that game could you imagine oh my god he shots it again if i could i would love to get 30 shots in a game actually at this point i'd love to get 10 shots in a game but that's a whole other conversation [Laughter] i'm trying to imagine like the conversation like was it unspoken or did you guys say to him like kobe kobe go for it or did he say yo i'm shooting every time tonight like or did it happen organically he didn't have to he didn't have to say it he didn't have to say it was spoken between us as players who was like yo he's getting every shot like we knew that like we said you know we passed him on the ball every time so it it started off rough like you watch the game like he i don't know he probably first 15 shots he probably made two like so we're we were worried uh but man he flipped that switch bro and it was like really like it was like one of the few times all season i seen like the real black mama come out it was crazy bro like he he just had a certain energy and presence about him he was you know doing that with his teeth and all that like i'm like yo like dude is going crazy so yeah it was definitely unspoken it was actually a funny a funny home he took the ball out he inbounded to me and i was like yo i'm about to come out i'm shooting this time or whatever and he was like yo mf like he was like if you want everybody in this arena to boo you yeah go ahead what you better throw me down i was like yeah you know you're right and uh you know i was just a funny moment from that game but yeah it was definitely it was definitely unspoken and then after he was like yo he was like y'all lucky i'm retiring because he was like if i was in my prime road this is how it would be every night you want to throw me a ball like this every every single night so because i would always like to test kobe's temperature you ain't gonna do nothing tonight so i'll get you ain't gonna do nothing go out and get 50. so his last game was like hey man i need you to get 50. he's like man i'm too old for that i was like you know what you are old you can't get 50. he went out and hit 60. and look he's been doing that since 17 18 years old and that's why you know he's one of the greatest but uh he was definitely happy um beautiful family beautiful wife beautiful kids you know he was doing well in business and you know everybody you know was happy for him no but i i was you guys got into it so what i'm saying was so how did that end because you ended up with him the next year yeah my brother how did that happen so check it so me and cole covers you know cope is nice you know he's elbowing me yeah yeah yeah same thing and jill's [ __ ] me up he hit me right here one time knocked the wind out the though i almost tried to fight him that game but we've done the same thing right right to people right so at this point i get it but i went to the ref man that's my coach my boy but i go to the ref i'm like yo did you not just see him do that you know i was like he said no i didn't see it right so i go to kobe i'm like my brother i don't like yo don't you ever do that again my guy blah blah blah blah blah blah right and then kobe don't care kobe focus on the gang all right colby's like kobe is a killer a different kind he different right and that's i look up to kobe but we're on the quarterly is what it is right so um like i never thought i'd be having an opportunity to win a title after all [ __ ] i've done league so it was just crazy i'm just trying to do the right thing you know i am doing the right thing at this point i'm 29 years old so practice was very competitive right away you know what kobe is you know what i mean and um we was drawing we had it gone sometimes you know which i missed those moments with kobe and him just playing very well and working hard at 5 30 in the morning seeing them and first year we got a ring you know and that was it it was so hard one ring stack got one mm-hmm you got two well you know i got one because so i came the next year so the next year remember when the orlando should happen with the ball figure i come the following year but i just remember excited about playing with co but excited about playing with you too because i thought between us three we're three of the top five ten percent perimeter defenders in the game so it was just like yeah yeah so i remember when me and ron would be out there oh yeah kind of doing our thing and someone might get a bucket or two kobe would i want to [ __ ] take him and then we would always trying to argue we're trying to argue who was going to take houston and uh in the finals indiana i was killing got into foul trouble and it was one of those games that if we lose indiana may get the momentum they can win the championship but kobe during the timeline he's like big dog i got you just sit back and enjoy the show it was the most impressive five six seven one minutes i've ever seen that's when i got to press go and say this guy is you know the best player in the world i've only seen one other guy say what he was going to do and go out and do it and that was michael jordan so you know at that point look i already had respect for him but when he did that during the finals i was like he's ready my favorite cold moment was when both of us was in new york [Music] and i think i'm if i'm 20 then he's 19 18 something like that and i think this is his first start in madison square garden i remember how nervous we both was and i had obviously played in one uh all-star game before then and we were both pretty nervous you know he was making a real big deal about it you know he and mj's match up and it was just classic and epic i'm glad i was front row and center to be able to not only experience that moment but to say that i was there and um the two of us kind of you know i just formed a little bond man i'll never forget i threw him alley alley-oop i always call it the alley-oop from god to garnett back to colby kobe and garnett cause i threw it too high but i thought it was too high and he went up and caught him not one hand but two hands but i can remember both of us having a really cool time a really fun time there not just because it was madison square garden but because of the two that was involved i always like to say cope and i've always shared a special relationship and you know it's nothing but love on the side that's real because you've been a blessing to all of us man not just to the game but to the sport i guarded kobe in the garden which i can't remember how much he had but i knew i had multiple steals against them to where in the game in my head all i'm thinking of is when i have this conversation with my brother after the game i'm gonna tell him how i stole the ball from kobe i stripped kobe before he was gonna take a shot how i drove by kovy and got a dunk i'm thinking about all these things in my head i'm like soggy fourth quarter starts and kobe said you had a great game oh my god but i'm looking like it's 12 minutes what you talking about like what was that what i'm saying like you ain't said nothing the whole game i've been talking [ __ ] i don't stole the ball i'm hyped as hell it's kobe bryant he said not one word to me the man come down you remember he came shot fake shot fake threw it off the glass caught it threw it to the corner i'm like bro what you are drawing upon tebow the way he's living his life is the way he wants to live his here's bryant off the board to himself back to powell scores what a play kobe bryant like bro you've been regular all game shot get to the spot shot fake spin pivot over here spin back on the foot drop it off the glass i'm like bro what's going on then he pulled up from like 35 feet on some steph curry [ __ ] before steph was doing that he pulled up and laced it i'm like they called the timeout dan tony looking at me i'm like bro i we're in portland we're playing dane i think i think dame had the start of the game i'm guarding them they're like you're gonna guard dame except the challenge i'm like oh cool let's do it so we're out there and i'm just like in all like staying here literally wow so i i'm spilling all through maybe the whole first quarter i'm in all this dude pulls up deep ball three come down follow me and one look up deep ball three another one another one just back it just it look it felt like it was just all out and i was on this island by myself like no one no one was there to help cole they called timeout code looks at me it's like what you want the [ __ ] to have 50 and i'm like i don't even know what i was just like you know one of those code goes out and guards them this is when i saw first of all that was my welcome to nba moment just dame [ __ ] heaven i don't know what he had but then seeing code guard him and just beat him up basically like they weren't letting code foul out of that game one and he just beat him up he probably had 50 on me and his game was probably 50. you know like just coke just he shut it down but i watched the rest kind of let cole beat the [ __ ] out of him to do it and i was just like man that's that's just reputation one and then two like damn rest really control the game i hope i'm fine from saying that but they control the game you know so it was just that was that was just cool to see that that was my first year for sure no it was we teamed up and became friends on odd circumstances you know the uh the the infamous ball fake in orlando uh where everyone you know we were about to fight and whatever happened happened right that summer and free agency i get a call from him like hey you want to be a laker and i'm a lifelong group maddie johnson's my favorite player you know i'm from northern california but socal has adopted me i've been here half my life so to get a call from kobe like hey you want to come be my teammate anyone's creating enough to f with me is crazy enough to play with me and i'm just like i earned that dude's respect and we became you know more than teammates we became brothers after that [ __ ] too was our [ __ ] was a little bit of back and forth talking that situation in orlando with the ball fake but it was more the grabbing the elbow and i caught a tip dunk that he tried to block the white shot and he left me open and i went and tip jumped and i was coming off the rim and [ __ ] tried to elbow me in my nuts so it just came to a point like you said where he fouled you right in front of the refs and the refs act like they were [ __ ] ray charles at the time like [ __ ] you know your mother [ __ ] saw that exactly right so it came to a point in orlando where he was doing all this dirty [ __ ] and i would get caught retaliating so i got a big foul i got one t uh but it's [ __ ] like you said cause you gotta do everything you can to stop him knowing god damn well i know in my situation he took like 30 shots that game you know what i mean like [ __ ] takes me six games to get 30 shots you know i mean so it was tough but badly him was always fun but i used to tell people guarding him he tries to mentally [ __ ] you too because physically you know it there's nothing much you could do with him but he tries to get that mental battle too whether it's talking [ __ ] elbowing you getting grabbing you you know the pump faking you 18 times and then you jump and he barely slid you know slides against you and the ref calls a foul so it was a [ __ ] battle just like i said but that was my favorite whenever i played i was just like hell yeah i get to play code tonight you know i mean and my whole thing is you're not going to start great offense with good defense regardless you just want to make them work for everything make it difficult make them work you know no easy no no easy layups you go to the basket i'm a father [ __ ] i'm not giving you no easy layups um i'm gonna make you work for everything and if you make if you make if you even know having 30 points i want you to take 30 shots you know me personally i got some two stories that i would like to tell about kobe is that one i remember when i uh we had beat them in the finals and i'm in las vegas i don't never go to vegas but i'm feeling myself as a champ as you should be and uh i go to vegas and i'm sitting outside this spot i'm getting ready to go to the nightlife and you know i see like three guys walk by me with suits and you know the earplugs or whatever and they walking fast and i'm like they have secret services president in here then i feel somebody come from behind and bad hug me and i'm like hold on man what's going on you know i'm thinking you know i'm about to go sit down in the county or something for a little bit but it was kobe bryant man and it was colby man he like perk what's up boy and and mine i tell you this is my first time ever having a conversation with kobe and he's like man i just want to tell you man hey man it's all respect and i tell people this all the time man you're one of the best post defenders that i ever played against and i'm like what i'm sitting back like dang kobe gave me a compliment i walked up in the club like you know what i'm saying hey [Music] another situation where it goes to show you how great of a guy he was off the court to the competitive nature he he had on the court so i'm in oklahoma city i'm in oklahoma city i switch out on them on the pick and roll it's five seconds you know we're on the defensive end so you know i'm feeling my let me see it then code right i clapped my hands he hit me with a boom i stumbled in and out about something he hit me with stumble he hit the three we running back down corey like all right don't make me tell that other acl but you had to respect it man you had to respect it it's probably my third year i was in san antonio uh and i'll never forget uh coach becky it was her scouting report and i remember she called me i was at the house she told me i was gonna start tony parker was hurt and uh she told me that uh i was gonna start i hadn't played in a while and then i remember all she could say was make sure you stay down on the pump and stay down and pump two times i could not stay down on a pump like his pump fake is so it's so like pure so natural it looked like a it looked like getting into the motion of his shot there's a picture actually on my instagram i come down foul or hit him in the head and one uh then again next time i stay down there's another picture on my instagram uh he drives shot fake i stay down he just he just rises up over me i can i can test hand on the face you see my elbow hit him in the nose without him no call cash right then and there just like being in his presence um was special um you know i think there's two guys kobe and lebron be on the court with those guys it's just a it's a different feel but it was something magical about being out there with kogi man it was just it was a unique and unique experience i got the opportunity to play against him i want to say three or four times um it was towards the tail end of his career he always put on the show and it was just a blessing and honor to be out there playing against him at home meaning i was in philly explaining step center and i'm guarding him and he hit me with a fun face and i jumped and he come through and helping me give me six stitches six stitches when they see when he tell you not to reach or to jump you really mean yeah ray said that the coaches uh becky told him not to uh jump on the pump is it impossible not to jump on the pump fake i mean not now when you're young and anxious and you're trying to really guard code you're gonna have to right you're gonna have to i'm gonna get this now you're gonna jump for sure on the second one it ain't like there's just one pump fake i went on first you know i went in the first two second one well after i got it it was a lesson you go down first possession you don't jump on the pump fake right then the next time he might come over the top and then shoot off the first off of no jump honestly you don't know because he might not he might be thinking well he didn't jump on the first one he might jump for this one because he didn't jump on the first one he gonna pump fake and then do whatever like you really don't know what he'd be thinking another thing that i learned about kobe is it really don't even matter like whether you jump or not it don't matter he gonna make a shot you're not gonna block a shot if he wants to pump fake or do whatever if he misses it it's because he missed him and ain't because of any distraction that you did i got i got evidence for you man look at it man so it was it was it was coming right this is right there they're yelling on the bench stay down look at his eyes he's selling it he looking like getting into the shot look at me what do you say young and anxious i'm thinking i'm right there i got more look saying spin he gonna spin here set me up i'm thinking i got ah i think i got him look cash bro i'm fouling him and everything i told you bro it don't matter if you can test it here he just saying young fella just he ain't got no chance what can you do drew i mean you can't do nothing i'm right there that's a bucket that's a bucket [ __ ] it ain't i'm fouling him that's a buddy it don't matter if he's gentleman i'm fouling him i don't know what else i could have done i'm right there nothing else that's a great defense to the point where you kind of found it and nothing else you could do when you played the knicks i was the person i've ever seen somebody do that pump fake spin throw it off the backboard get it back to yourself later man he was a guy that wanted it right away and we all understand pecking order my team that ain't about to happen right but i saw that he had something in him and he wanted it right away a lot of guys don't have that when they come in a lot of guys just like to go through the road but he wanted he wanted it he wanted it he wanted he wanted it so it's rookie here we let him do what he do make his mistakes but the defining moment and his greatness was we were playing utah nobody wanted to take the last shots i'm not taking the last shot shooting 40 from the free-throw line y'all ain't gonna be talking about me this [ __ ] lost the game so he takes three shots to arrow boss if you can remember and i hope you can show this clip i was the one that grabbed me don't worry about it one day people are going to fear you and the next year he come in and we come in a little more he wanted it he wanted it he wanted it he wanted it he wanted it and this is where i wish i was a little bit more tactful egos get in the way that word my team will mess you up yeah right especially from big guy giving up to a little guy i don't play that [ __ ] so instead of but fortunately it still worked out we still won three out of four but a lot of necessary stuff that shouldn't have happened happened because of the ego and it was probably my fault but one thing i never do is i never disrespect nobody right i ain't got to like you and you got to do what you do but if you open in the corner matt even if we had a fight the other day i know you're gonna knock that down for her yeah i'm kidding so you know even though we didn't hang out or do anything like that i'm always looking for him first and he's always looking for me when he go into the hole to get doublet and he's dropping off so i think that'll help us kobe stopped talking to his teammates they say kobe didn't talk to the team for two weeks yeah for two weeks literally would not say anything to anybody but he just went inside silent but he was he was on one million and when they they talked to phil jackson the teammates like what's going on what's going on so they said phil what's up with cole he mad at us it was like nah he ain't mad at you well jordan told him that comment and it upset him in washington it's like what two weeks ago he's like yeah he told him um he can copy him all he won't and do all that but he'll never fulfill those shoes so they already knew what was what was coming so then the wizards came to los angeles to play hey it was like yeah i feel sorry for uh next time we played jordan kobe scored 42 points in the first half wearing that distinctive headband out for kobe five on the shot kobe looking in the corner instead stops the baseline squares up 23 consecutive points scored by trophy 30 points in the game that was a nice looking shot against over pull up good again they said they already knew that that's what was about to happen against mj when mj came to l.a and they said sure enough kobe went up and that [ __ ] said i like it it wasn't what's right he didn't even have to tell the team once they heard they knew what happened is what kobe decided to do i just remember the first time not the first time but i felt like i felt like i i gained his respect because we we playing i'm at denver he's in la and obviously but i'm playing and i come on the course so you know you come on the court that's i don't sp that's why it's like it's hard to speak to people that come to court because you don't know what they mentality is they might they might dub you right they might not even say nothing to you they might shake and might not shake your hand so right gold comes on the court gives me dab again damn so throughout the game he's like saying little [ __ ] to me like oh yeah now we're gonna let you we're gonna let you go off right now until the fourth quarter i'ma guard you in the fourth quarter i'm like the [ __ ] what get out get out of you gonna guard me with you why don't guard me now you're like no no no no no i'm not here to stop you we here to stop you so when you young and hear that you'd be like oh like what what is it what does he talk about so the game went on the game goes on and fourth quarter comes i mean he's getting every call he's fouling they're not calling [ __ ] and he's just like i told you i told you what's about to happen i'm like what's what's happening like let's go let's let's give the world what they want to see i offensive rebound he fouled me grabbing me he come down i foul him hard he i come back down he found me hard we just talking we talking trash i have my braids then the most disrespectful [ __ ] anybody can do is touch your braids [Laughter] if somebody got a tech i don't know if it was me or somebody like got a technique we at half court he like hit the like hit the bottom of my braids like like on purpose like just smack like yeah just like calm down look like calm down little bro like that like like he little bro me like he's sunny right there i'm just like i'm ready to kill this like you don't touch my brace so then from that point on it was just like after the game it came to me he was just like you got my respect and i'm like what did i what are you talking about like what we got to play for your respect like at this time i don't know like i gotta i gotta play for your respect no i'm trying to come on here and go and tear you apart right and he's like he's like now like you know you didn't back down like you went hard like i'm even hurting right now like oh my chest hurt my body hurt boom like i i wasn't you know i wanted to see if you was gonna stand the test of time i said oh this is this [ __ ] or some some good coleon [ __ ] over here like the godfather over here i gotta kiss the ring that's what i was that's what i was thinking like that's but for him to for him to like almost crown me at that point in time like you know i mean like he dawned me like okay here you go you're good in the book in the in the book of you know he was eight at the time you're good you're good in the book of eight right so ever since then we became close close close talking and then similar to us it was just more it was at first it was just all basketball then over the years it became about friendship then it became about family then it just became about just life in general right so that's like that's that's my story of like didn't know i was being tested by him but being tested and like passing it passing a test without you even knowing it playing against kobe man kobe's to talk trash but it's hard to kind of go back and forth with him not only because he shoot a lot but he making the [ __ ] he's a bad [ __ ] and you don't get that many attempts no i'm not even close so i got i finally got a post up on him you know i got the ball on the post i'm backing him down you know i'm looking at him like a little little [ __ ] you know that's how i'm looking at him hit him with the shoulder i turn around and shoot it he just wow whole arm off right the referee i'm on the baseline the referee right there so i turn look at the referee kobe takes off with the ball i'm like what the [ __ ] so i'm talking to the referee arguing with him and um as i'm talking to the ref i'm kobe is saying something to me like you better pay attention like you know what i'm saying [ __ ] all that because i started saying something to kobe too about hacking ass you know what i'm saying so as i'm talking to the referee kobe shoots like 10 feet from the three-point line net and gives me a little smurf like look at me and then the referee looking like like he on kobe's side you know what i'm saying kobe is running down the court just talking to me like i'm a kid and next thing you know pop this sub me out the game so i'm on the sideline looking like i'm just a bump you know what i mean and arne called me up and was like you know do you want do you mind talking to this young kid and show them what the nba is all about and how to conduct yourself i'm like okay yeah sure i'll talk to this this kid we were set to play a game of basketball versus the world the real world cast it was shot in hollywood and all i remember is gail continuing to say to me look when you guys get there you're going to get there before the cast of real world all kobe wants to do is play you one on one he just wants to play you 101 101 101. i'm like i'm like all right i'll play a soft game of one-on-one versus them but our focus should be going against the real world cast you know i'm doing my step back jumper i know you've alluded to this before and he's like how do you do that move and are you know kind of strong because i was trying to take things from him as well he had this killer crossover i'm like wow how do you do that so we're exchanging our go-to moves well a conversation turned into text messages and phone calls every day because like you said he was gathering information we reached the bulls in the conference finals and he was like so what was it like going to get jordan he wanted to be bigger than life and at that time that person bigger than life and still is is michael jordan and i didn't have a very strong relationship with mj but kobe wanted to know what was all the intricate talking and trash talking and moves that were going on between mj and i kobe bryant is guarded by michael jordan and they fall away by kobe bryant that's the future and even michael george
Channel: piotrekzprod
Views: 155,775
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: kobe bryant, mamba mentality, kobe bryant motivation, kobe bryant obsession, kobe bryant quotes, kobe bryant career, kobe bryant interview, the mind of kobe bryant, the mind of black mamba, kobe bryant last game, kobe bryant motivational speech, basketball motivation, kobe bryant muse, kobe bryant stories, kobe bryant story, all the smoke kobe, jj reddick kobe story
Id: Y0eo0BOOwuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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