NBA Players on Kevin Garnett (Kobe, Durant, Curry..)

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what fuels you after 17 years in this league what fuels you kevin the competition then they say us the owners who talk too much you know the people who don't think a 36 35 yo can do what i do [Music] all right thank you right back to you spectacular hammer during the lockout year we had a chance to have a nice little trash talking session and one of the players means it was paul and kg and ray and they felt like they could gang up on me and corner me and talk trash to me a little bit that was awesome now i'm a pretty creative trash talker that says let's just put it that way although kg is louder it's crazy how times crowds don't know man you're gonna blink and it's gonna be another five years and this whole room will be totally different but i think i played with the most competitive player i think i could put his competitors up this on the same level as jordan that's kevin garnett man i mean he practiced every day like it was a game and like some of the stuff i saw in the last dance like how he pushed his teammates and talked late talked to him and team talked on their practice kevin was pretty much the same way uh them they're ready to fight if you didn't practice hard and uh and it kind of showed in the game so you know i appreciate that i even had that you know somebody to push help push me to another level what's it like playing against a player like kevin garnett it's a great man's probably one of the greatest powerpoints of all time somebody you always looked up to and uh just intensity that he plays but not already god didn't give 110 every night he's a fierce fierce competitor you know he's one of those guys that you hate playing against but you'll love to have him on your team he always you know brings out the best in whoever he plays i always look forward to that competition and the energy he brings every night and we want to do the same he's the most intense player i've ever seen there's no room for soft there's no room for them for a person who's going to give give ground [Music] so you can see already he's frustrating him hell yeah i'm trying to gain an advantage out here if you're not then you're in some trouble you can't help get off the court he changes the culture just with his actions every day i've never seen a superstar that holds himself so accountable to the team and every day you know me and him have some mf days uh because i would try to take him out of practice and he didn't want to come out of practice no he used to mumble you know crazy stuff like warriors don't come out of practice warriors don't come out of practice i was like all right well you're well you just got to sit down right now [Laughter] from afar you're like there's no way this energy is real come on man nobody's got this much energy and then after two days of practice i was like this dude is real it's for real and it was every day uh i loved how he held everybody accountable uh don't mess up and shoot around matt not with kg oh man hey out of the people you named you know uh kg duncan weber rasheed dirk who was your toughest personal battle okg by far it's not even close because like i he was my idol and so early on i want to say in my second year i had a good game against him the very next game he would grab me and i had never experienced someone so strong before and he's gonna talk big to you too i had to get over it man i had to i had to get over it i had to like you know go to the temple and like do some meditation bro he got me one time so good bro in the game and i had a terrible game too he called me a mama's boy [Laughter] oh my god and this is on top of forget all the curse words you know mf and back and forth he said wait wait i mean yo man you a mama's boy and i was like oh my mom bro my mind was gone he didn't score in that four here it is again look at look at look at garnett up under him and and i let him i mean who man who you talking to that woke him up and shut me down i probably i probably scored five points i got dominated and embarrassed i was just like bro i'm in my seat i'm in my bed just can't sleep just like me mama's boy i i'm not no trash talk i can't even i'm trying to think of comebacks and the game's still going you know what i mean i'm like yeah i'm gonna say this to we were so bad the year before we won 18 we lost 18 games in a row it's just like when he got there you felt the presence he changed the whole culture it was just like all right this is serious now it's like we we went in the games the year before expecting to lose now we going from expecting a loser look we got kevin garnett over here this guy's been mvp all nba we talking about winning the championship now so the whole culture changes and it was just like a breath of fresh air because now you know it was like this is serious now i mean this guy's in the building you expect you have to be at your best with him around because i remember guys in practice it was no more fooling around in practice there was no more uh lollygagging or or not going hard it was like the intensity just went up around the whole franchise and i credited that to him because we know what type of intense competitor he is and he just he didn't have to say it all the time but just when you know when he walked into the room you're gonna have to play as hard as he did absolutely didn't he say once he got to boston he said i shouldn't have been so loyal yeah because he didn't he never wanted to leave he really didn't yeah i mean i'm telling you he he never wanted to leave minnesota um actually myself and tyron lou talked them off the cliff and said you got to go really um and he thanks us every single day that we encouraged him to do tell me more about that conversation well it was a long conversation that we had at his house he never wanted to leave and we were always just like bro if you want to win you deserve to win right you want the greatest to ever lace them up you deserve the opportunity to win i had won a championship i knew what it felt like obviously t liu had won um and i knew that he was probably not going to win it there at the present time in his prime he still had a couple more years left at the end of his prime to play so pairing him up with the truth ray allen great coaching doc rondo that's going to be your best opportunity i told him that and i was still a piston at the time but that's how you know how much how how i feel about him um and just winning the championship and how i knew how different that was and i thought kg set the tone of like sacrificing like from the jump he took the bet the back seat like because in my opinion kg obviously was the best player on that team that's just my opinion but he put himself third to paul lynn ray doctor remember we used to it came to a point where we used to have to tell kg hey if you pass the ball out of the post again it's going to be a problem go to work like he was that unselfish to the point where it was like he set the tone so it was like if you got kg doing this then everybody else pretty much got to fall in line i agree with that like i i i felt that getting back there uh and that is so true with kg though like i don't know how many me and kg's arguments were over him not shooting uh most of the time if you remember per i would call the timeout and said and yell at kg say i said move the ball uh and he said yeah that's what i'm doing i said no no we're saying move it to you so you can shoot it not so you can pass it uh but kevin was so unselfish uh as a player you you there were many times that uh i have to give them a number before the game as far as you have to take this many shots before the cleveland game won i kept saying the word 20. i said so 20 and the word is 20 and i kept saying 20 and everybody was looking at me kevin garnett has to take 20 shots 20 shots 20. i said it like 19 times and finally the whole team started joining in 20 20 and kevin was pissed because he was such a team player uh that he wanted to keep the ball moving and play the right way and i used to tell him you know kevin sometimes we're moving the ball to you right that's the point what is your most memorable trash talk moment well not mine but my most memorable is my big brother my teammate kevin garnett so i remember it's game six when the uh no actually it's game seven we playing against the cleveland cavaliers and lebron james in 2008 jay-z and beyonce sitting on the sideline and kg gets a rebound he goes to the free throw line he gets i mean he gets fouled he goes to the free-throw line he's huffing and puffing he's talking noise to brawn he telling braun it's no ain't no rock in the building tonight i'm the only rocking here today and i'm like what did you come up with did you rehearse that last night like i i i just didn't understand like he had the best punch lines i'm like oh you had the crib rehearsing that dog kevin is a warrior a fighter and will never give anybody anything but i guarantee you kevin garnett thinks lebron is one of the greatest players to ever lace it up having said that he wants to beat his brains out every time he sees him and he'll never give in an inch and so you appreciate both of those there's nothing wrong with that um you know it's always fun going against that type of player player that i grew up watching you know idolizing you know the hard work that he puts in and you know it's evident it makes your competition level go up and makes your energy go up is no it shows you have to match his energy and intensity level every single night it's always fun to play against competitors in this league and touch yourself kg is one of the great competitors this league scene we look up i think we're down like six at the half and and kevin has matt bonner matt bonner has 20 points at the half and so i'm walking down the hallway going to the locker room halftime and i'm like who the hell got matt barner knowing that kg has right and i'm yelling that i'm yelling out and i'm like i'm doing all this work to stop ginobili matt barner got 20. he gave me like three f-bombs you know matt barney you know why he got 20 because i'm out here helping out y'all [Laughter] and we went face to face right and i was like all right then what garden did yeah but what i remember is in the second or in the second half coming out at halftime i i check into the game and kg's eyes light up he starts like foaming at the mouth i that we inbound the i inbound the side inbound the ball and i start running up the court and he picks me up full court me picks me up full court does the old like camp a champion slap the ground defense he's like right in my face like snarling and i'm like oh my god i did the third quarter i just checked in don't he cares about winning only which uh you know that's the thing that i respect the most just somebody i looked up to as a kid and i still do now i don't take for granted having him as my vet because all these other guys everybody at west kg like i wish he was my vet i wish i could spend a season with him and it really is invaluable there's no better teammate to start your career off than kevin he's one got it that i could say that i've seen no matter what the circumstances were he never put himself before the team it didn't matter what it was he's just a hall of famer a first class guy that goes to work and plays with so much aggression passion and intensity you know you got to love a guy like that with you and kg the big ticket store i'm a rookie and it's kind of like the first day everybody's coming back and they're getting acclimated and you know they're playing pick up everybody's working now and stuff like that so we have a pickup game you know he's the four i'm the fourth so i get the ball at the wing and i shoot it like i shoot it i tell myself i tell myself i'm talking to myself though get up get it up he he turned look like a little you talking [Laughter] first you know what i'm saying cause i'm really aware with crazy stuff like that like so i'm like i ain't talking to you i'm talking to myself big fella like i ain't at you he was like and then i was like i'm just trying to get my little swag bro yeah they say your swag a piece of video comes up and it's always this one uh of you guys as teammates in boston and kg you're getting on big baby and you're not liking it so what's the real story on that story i'm i'm gonna clear this up for the world right here you know funk was just frustrated and he was in a moment to where we all felt he needed a second so you know he went to the end of the bench and you know he cried and had a moment with himself but i'm gonna roll with a guy who's gonna show me his heart and wear his heart on his sleeve and gonna play with passion over anything i was a rookie and you don't get to play so when you mess up and you know you you about to come out the game right and we we're up and i'm upset because my bills need to be paid i need to you know that can't be taking me out of the game it's it's it's jump missing minutes right now so you know i'm i'm really passionate about you know and that's why i played with them because i took every possession serious and you know i wanted to go out there and to do you know deliver for the guy well people ticket walk right by me i'm like what's up he just walked like he ain't even see me like he ain't gonna talk to me you know what i mean don't acknowledge me what's up that crushed me i gotta make this right like so you know i walked up to him and i was like bro did i do something wrong to you you know yesterday i thought that stayed on the court if i did i apologize and he looked at me and he was like you know what young and i with you and after that we was locked in cause you have famous beef with chocolate can you tell us your first interaction with joe kim no no no no no no no we don't have interaction we have an interaction i'll handle this kevin he does not need to let's go that's the end of the interview definitely uh somebody that i looked up to growing up i used to have this poster in my room had his jersey just a big fan of his growing up when i was growing up i used to have his poster in my room i used to wear his jersey and the truth is you know my rookie year you know i was you know an admiration of this guy and and you know he kind of shut me down and you know he was very mean to me my rookie year first of all i just don't understand how i don't think he remembers because i think the story meant a lot more to me than it did to him right pg gave him uh he he kind of backed him and backed him turned around a pump fake step side he shot the ball from the baseline and it was a it was a move i've seen kev work on a lot and next time down the floor joaquin noah said he's a big fella that was that was you know that was a great move how did you how did you get i need you to teach me that and he was like kg was like man get off my dick i was like you were my idol growing up and kevin just turned to him and said you noah real he asked me he asked me the move i just gave him now figure it out get out of here him look like how the i look like get that out of you it's getting easier and you've got a bull's ring place for everything you don't ask someone during the game or during competition to no no not not me you don't ask me anything during competition i'm not i can't you can't focus right yeah we're here competing i'm not going to give you anything yeah i had kg posters in my wall i had a kg uh jersey growing up so the this is the story this is what happened the first time i play kg i'm hype as hell like we're playing the celtics i'm on the bulls and i think they're up like 30 points and i'm in the game like it's it's like the last seconds like nobody gives a so we're at the free throw line and uh he used to work out with this guy called joe abunasar and i was working out with him for pre-draft so i was always excited i was always hoping like kg would walk in the gym and you know i was i would be able to like work out with him and i remember asking him a question about yo you like you know you're gonna work out with joe i was just trying to be cool like i was just wanted to be i just wanted to say something to my idol and he just like looked over and he was like yo like who who the you talking to like who the you think you're talking to and then like when he said that i was like oh i shouldn't have and then like i kind of fell back knowing that i shouldn't i shouldn't have said that like not not during the game right you know and then i didn't say anything and then when i didn't say anything i guess he thought i was the i guess he thought i was or something because he was like he kept like getting like louder and louder and then i was like and then from that from that moment on i swear to god i was like yo i'm going at him every single time we play we are going at it and he's only mean to the young guys and the euros for some reason you know i don't know why but he's that's who he doesn't like i have great respect for him you know just the way he plays the game the intensity that he comes with i actually learned a lot coming into the league and losing that kind of fan feeling and now just more looking at him as like an enemy kg used to like he had more antics dog tim i don't know like maybe because you guys were about the same size like he didn't do that to you i don't know but like he talked the most and like i remember one time he hit me with like a bow like to see what i was gonna do like you know i mean just trying to kind of like punk you a little bit and so the next time i came down i fired one right in his ribs and he looked at me like he left me alone after that but like for that yeah that's who he is right like that's what he tried to do like he said that you he said that you it would frustrate him the most that he would talk all his but she would smile and say like good job and stuff like that would piss him off the most people would not see him verbally saying stuff because he went talking sentences to me would hit you in phrases got you almost this the worst right here nice try like subtle no gangster no real hardcore just to subtly just back your ass up and put you back in like this over here my going into my rookie season um i didn't you know it was my first time being on nba charter flight you know i got on the plane early didn't want to be late the stewardess asked me if i wanted crab cakes i said for sure you know who who doesn't like a good crab cake so i started eating then the older guys came on after uh kg didn't like that i ordered my food before those guys so he he grabbed my cab crab cake gave it to reggie evans and then he asked me to well he didn't ask me he told me to serve the rest of the team until we were ready to take off so you know the stewardess got it got a day off that day but i learned to let the vets eat first i was the only guy on my team under 25 i didn't have anybody backing me up sometimes you got to know their strength and numbers and those vests stick together you know and y'all know that's all kg is he gonna try to get in your head you know he's gonna do everything he got to do before the game to get you psyched out because that's half of the battle right there and and it's just his whole presence like he gets up for it and that's like all right you know when at first i got there i'm like man this dude crazy but then just just being there knowing him i'm like all right that's like man it's going to be a great year right here yeah my first few practices it was that starting fire rondo paul ray perk kg versus me big bang tony ta eddie house and who was our other one i wanted to pose he's still on this thing posey no no i didn't play with pose poses i want to say it might have been marquise james my man and dawg so we in practice and you know kgs kg oh yeah yeah y'all know [Music] oh hold up dog i talked too back and forth and at the end of practice you know we all just sitting around and big babies like man i ain't never seen nobody go back and talk junk to kg like that before he's like i'm glad you're here right oh man and we just all started cracking up somehow in 2010 we were going around and everyone was having arm wrestling contests and glenn big baby davis was crushing everybody i mean big baby davis is incredibly strong and so he was crushing everybody in the middle of the card game kg stands up and like hey phone sit down we got the arm wrestled and one by one whoever uh took on big baby davis they lost until we got on the plane 35 000 feet up in the air big baby kg they sit down we're all thinking kg's done there's no way and on the go no one moves so you know what i'm thinking right away i just thought big baby bow down the whole team like it was easy so i'm thinking this is going to be the moment this is going to be the one moment where kevin garnett loses this is going to be a moment where like we're going to see his ego hurt i mean i i i was like convinced and big baby's trying his hardest and kevin to i'm not moving and there's a little bit of profanity in there but i'm not moving i'm not moving i just start sweating and about a minute and 30 goes by big baby his shoulder starts to fatigue out and garnett starts going going and slams big baby down he won then he stood up he turned around white beater on sweat don't you guys ever forget it now there was some profanity yeah he didn't say in his thing you probably say in this there was sweat coming down but the thing is what it proves is garnett against all odds because big baby should have won that arm wrestling contest against all odds he's going to compete at the highest level and figure out a way who would have ever thought that a high school player would come in and change everything but here was kevin garnett who came from nothing and all of a sudden has become as great a player as there is his all-around game is just blossoming as far as him shooting three-pointers him getting the steals and blocking shots we were playing seattle it was a close game somehow kevin got switched out on gary payton who obviously is one of the best penetrating guards in our league gary didn't get to the basket because kevin got down got in the stands you have probably the most totally prehensile player since michael jordan it's like the next stage of evolution after michael jordan tim dunk is moving faster because of him chris webber is moving faster because of him you look at this whole influx of the new power forward in the league and that's really kevin's impact because they've changed their game to keep up with him
Channel: piotrekzprod
Views: 13,375
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: kevin garnett, kevin garnett stories, kevin garnett interview, kevin garnett trashtalk, kevin garnett trash talk stories, michale jordan kobe bryant, nba greatness, nba players talks kevin garnett, kevin garnett mixtape, big ticket mixtape, kevin garnett boston celtics, kevin garnett kobe bryant, intensity kevin garnett, kevin garnett nba, kevin garnett highlights, kevin garnett hoodie, kevin garnett anything is possible, nba trash talk, nba trashtalk stories
Id: 8MD-v2bU9H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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