Kobe Bryant shares BRUTAL & HILARIOUS Stories on Shaquille O'Neal

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[Music] he's this funny jovial guy but in between those lines i mean he's not playing around shaquille fade away we played with such a viciousness i watched them put centers to shame we brought that belief back to los angeles that we're playing for titles and nothing else shaq the man most dominant player in the world most people don't know is our story goes back when i met you um in orlando in orlando you guys said we're playing the pacers in the playoffs and i remember that yeah and i came to you i had to take a picture you were like yeah come here young fella yeah where you from you know i remember and uh that's when the first time i met you i don't know if you know this but i was in atlanta still with the orlando magic uh we get a call from from jerry west on my agent 2am me and jerome we out of the club jerry west says i got what you want at that time i was asked for 150. i know it wasn't gonna get 150 but jerry got me 120. so he called me up to the room and he put the piece of paper one day and before arkansas he stopped me he said let me tell you something i just acquired this kid from charlotte you and him gonna get about three or four championships i had the opportunity you know to play against guys like shaq and uh corey byron scott eddie jones zabalos and it's been a great training camp so far i'm really enjoying it and i'm enjoying it to the fullest my first year we were playing and he kept posting up but they kept fouling them so he kept going to the free-throw line and kept missing him and so he throw the ball out to me i'm not throwing that [ __ ] back in there right so i kept shooting him right so we're getting the timeout he's like hey hey uh hey i'm open i'm like okay and so we go out the same thing coming hey i'm open okay there you go come back in hey dude you gotta throw me the ball i said man [ __ ] that get it off the rebound if i miss bro you told him this first year 18 years old man 18 years old and i must have been out of my damn mind the lakers if you had your work ethic he'd be the greatest of all time if shaq had your work he'd be the greatest of all traders of all time sure he'd be the first to tell you that for sure i mean this guy was a a force like i have never seen it was crazy you know a guy at that size generally guys at that size or a little timid and they don't want to be tall they don't want to be big man this dude was he did not care he was mean he was nasty he was competitive he was vindictive i mean he was yeah i wish he was in a job would have had [ __ ] 12 rings there was so much conversation during the shack years were you guys friends no well [Music] well you know i'm obsessive and i believe we need to work night and day figure out how to get to where we need to go and he wanted to do it a different way do you think if he would have had the same level of commitment to the game as you did you guys would have fewer feuds between each other yeah because i listen i don't i don't deal with people that don't commit at that level but then act as if they do i don't deal with that i don't it's real [ __ ] i mean i listen so like we we used to get into stuff all the time because it was like you know he would say okay kobe's not throwing me the ball and you know media would take it and run with it and all sort of stuff and i'm like well bro if you were in shape by the time i run down on a fast break and run back and then run down you're still coming down the first time bruh like what the hell do you want me to do you know he felt i should play a certain way give the ball into him i said i'll give the ball into you if you work you don't work you don't get the ball he said throw me the ball no work i never pulled any punches what you see is what you get man neither one of us are going to go you know smile in your face and then go over here and we never did that we'd say right to each other man and be done with it now let's go out and win right so a lot of our contention came from that came from that and even though he was older you were still confronting him you know you didn't care i didn't care man they won bro from day one i i knew for sure rick fox my teammates they all thought i was absolutely crazy the day me and shaq got in the fistfight after that they were like okay kobe you're certifiable uh let's fight oh yeah fist fight i'm not backing down listen either you want to whip my ass or i'm we're gonna have a night but you know you know there's a there's a level of respect and and for shaq too by the way that i know he he's told me that that day was a big turning point for him because it was like you know he's generally used to talking trash and saying what he wants and nobody really stepping up and challenging him on that and when he saw me challenge him on that he was like this kid's crazy all right i can win with that you know and so that was kind of the beginning of our relationship i think one thing that i noticed about you from the jump was that you didn't respect people that you could bully and respect them and you test them and you'd see what they let you get away with and you'd see if they would fold to that and that was the first thing i observed about you and that competitive fire that you had and then it all started making sense that's how i see him play with that rage when it comes out that's how i see guys when he plays they back away from because they're fatal they're afraid of that that confrontation that physicality it's funny when we sat down we did the interview together um he finally copped to the fact that after we won championships she was like okay i can just relax and coast over the summer because i know i got a teammate who's going to be training eight ten hours a day and i was like see that's the bs yes yes that would piss that's it yeah that's the issue right that's the issue um but also it became a um you know it's not something that we couldn't have worked out either because right we've been doing it right but i got to a point in my career where was the rumblings um and some of it created by him that you know kobe can't win without me and it was like hold up hold up no it's not true right it's not true right and i'm not going to retire and have people hold that over my head i said no let's find out yeah it was just time to go separate well it's we shaq and i now have a great time together and uh his son by the way was going to be a phenomenal player um and uh i'm looking forward to getting the gym and working with him a little bit but shaq and his relationship has always been a good one man always been a good one we've had our moments right right but through that friction we managed to win three championships in a row you speak to that friction a little bit but say it was never about us the media made it about us what did you mean well i mean when you're playing in a market like los angeles everything becomes magnified right and so it's never really the issue between two people because those things can be solved with the conversation but when things get hyped up a lot all of a sudden you have other people intermingling in between and we weren't mature enough to tell everybody else shut up shut up i know what to do i know the right thing to do we're going to do it um but still in all man was a hell of a journey when you broke the record in the second quarter of the night's game against the philadelphia 76ers about five minutes later got a call from mr shaquille o'neal oh you did yes i did who wanted to extend a congratulations to you for being the greatest laker of all time those were his exact words how does that make you feel it feels great because of you know our history and everything we've accomplished i mean that's the first thing i always think of is the positive things that we've accomplished because we accomplished so many of them as a tandem and um so to hear those words coming from him you know means a little bit more than you know them coming from another player and i think in our career um you know it should be remembered that we were a bad tandem and you know i think you'd be hard-pressed to find another tandem that was that had two alpha males on one team that just doesn't happen and i remember you taking me down to jerry's deli back in the day we had the big big flip phones you know what i mean i didn't have one though you have one you put out i said man i ain't getting one of those man that's pretty damn cool you know the big joint and just hanging out with you man and uh you showing me the ropes from day one he's fond of saying it's the greatest tandem ever created never to be duplicated do you agree with that that it's never to be complicated i think jordan and pippen were a little bit you know they they won significantly more than we did but those two pieces also also fit better i think you know shaq and i were the more explosive uh tandem you know it would be like pairing you know jordan up with wilt i mean that's probably not going to work for too long and so in this situation that's kind of what you wound up having and you know we wanted to win in three championships with it there was a year there in 03 where i had 40 points in nine straight games right shaq was out it was a toad thing so phil comes to me before the stresses kobe we need you to take over the offense i'm like all right cool so that's no more i got it i'm fine i got it so that literally started the streak a 40 straight game you know 40 points in nine straight games shaq comes back from injury and phil goes you know i still continue to do it right and then phil calls me to his office goes hey you know we're starting to lose the big fellow what do you mean well he's not getting the attention you know this this 40-point streak is starting to kind of take away his fire to prove something right so i need you to start dialing it back i'm like what he says we're gonna lose him and we need him in june okay all right you have a game against the clippers i got like 38 or something like that and i had a chance to score 40 and get 40 again it's a blowout game like dump the ball in the shack instead of shooting a wide open shot the 40 point streak ended that night wow that was it and that's inside stuff that people don't know right and just some of you when people go off and say are you happy yes yeah because phil was like hey we gotta dial it back we gotta dial it back we're starting to lose the big phone perfect kobe too you're like he's like you gotta dial it back you're like i'll score 38 instead of 40. well i mean it's the street thing i wouldn't it would have been 10 in a row we broke a record right right right i would have broke the record but instead you know it's amazing how time flies just gotta say congratulations to you the most gifted physical specimen i've ever seen play this game size and agility and uh just natural talent so i just have to say congratulations and um you know what you've done to the city which you have meant to this city has been absolutely historical you know the run that we've had together and i know you've played for other organizations but you always truly be remembered by playing for one and that's here with the l.a lakers man congratulations your number has officially been immortalized and you deserve it man enjoy
Channel: Piotrekz Productions
Views: 285,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kobe bryant, mamba mentality, kobe motivation, motivation, nba championship, kobe bryant interview, kobe bryant obsession, kobe, bryant, black mamba, kobe bryant working out, kobe bryant hard work, kobe bryant motivation, kobe bryant motivational, kobe highlights, mamba day, shaq, shaq kobe, nba duo, shaq kobe interview, shaq talks kobe, shaq kobe tears, kobe shaq alley opp, shaq kobe feud
Id: o5nXQFTApa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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