The Most ICONIC Satisfactory World Tour - Pioneer Becky

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hello guys and welcome back to another factory tour and today I'm feeling very lucky very privileged because I am in fact checking out the world of Becky now you should definitely if you don't know who Becky is check out spartacus's video series on Becky it is truly incredible the effort that has gone into that video series the story the recording the editing of the series is absolutely stunning and well worth checking and I highly recommend checking that out I'll put a link to spartacus's channel below before checking out the rest of this video because we are going to be looking at the magic behind the scenes how all of this was set up and how also Spartacus managed to build such an incredible Factory we're based on the architecture let's say because we'll get into that shortly but guys if you do like this video do hit the thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more of my content then make sure to subscribe let's have a look at this the story of Becky does Focus around this facility and more important Becky's day-to-day life I don't really want to spoil it for you but she is in charge of watching over all of the liquids here and all of the the pipes throughout the facility and she makes some quite incredible discoveries which may even coincide with what we covered in our recent video on satisfactory's story if you are interested in knowing my thoughts about what satisfactory story has to offer and what it might be then do check out the video I will put another card above so that you can check out that video as well well worth seeing but this is the facility that she works in and this is where all the magic really he takes place I should mention that you should consider this more as a movie set probably the best way of describing this because though there's a huge amount of detailing and decoration that has gone into developing the the set here and all of this is really just done for the storytelling if we go to the other side of the factory you'll notice that everything is hollowed out or just developed for us from facing so do bear that in mind this is more going to be about the architecture from one perspective it's also why we're not going to be sharing this save because Spartacus is still working on it uh he doesn't want you to see what's planned in the works other than what I'm going to be showing you here today along with this water facility today we're going to be checking out the rail system which you might recognize from a certain scene the HQ the industrial sections which look truly immense I really need to take some lessons from this build as well as the production flaws I guess you could say speaking of which inside one of the display errors is a selection of miniature Constructors and assemblers and oh how I wish these were real I could really see myself playing around with these I'm just a big kid really the buildings are definitely inspired by brutalism with the sheer amount of concrete used and the lack of color dare I say because everyone knows I like to use just the one color in my build and Spartacus has done the same with the orange this time but just using one color really makes the whole build stand out against the Grays the whites as well I should also bring our attention to the whites that are used because the whites are used very sporadically to really add some accent to the build such as the 31 here along with the black outer line as well and along with spartacus's previous Save which was the spaceship that you may have seen in our previous fan Factory if not I highly recommend checking that one out as well you'll notice that Spartacus has made use of micromanage to really play around with how various items are used various objects are used and used within the aesthetic take for example here we have the framed walls which are then like turned on an angle and then we also have the foundations which have been flipped in on our angle as well to really give this a particular style which couldn't be done with the walls that we currently have also if I change to night time you can see that Spartacus has flipped the lights around so they're up lighting the various areas this looks really cool although I would love to see the light expanded to flood up along the side or even showing off that little s there lighting that up but regardless it's a great use of light and also great use of the signs which you can see further up as well just giving a touch of detail to the edges of the build coming back to daytime another thing to really point out here is spartacus's use of space I find it's a fantastic way to build a factory without trying to force everything in a compact area which I quite often do giving it each its own space really makes the build look quite structured even Within These large sections is there a huge amount of detail with the corridors looking very much like professional Factory corridors or at least what I imagined they'd be like the same love and attention that was shown in the spaceship areas throughout that build has been done here with the signs I love how everything is clipped and merged together to give off this feel that they're going for one thing that I'm going to be taking into my saves is definitely the use of signs of above as you can see here to be used as lighting or like like window panels that are well not natural light obviously they look stunning though and it's never really occurred to me I always put my my panels on the outside of a build or to Accent a production line why not use them within the corridors next let's take the train back to the main HQ this is where another really interesting point is brought to my attention and that's the use of segments Spartacus has used area actions in order to do this I presume um they can correct me if I'm wrong they have created various blueprints that they have used in order to build this faster you can see this done here but also if we go back to the section that we've just looked at we have each of these arms that are coming out and the wall associated with it just to the top with this observation post being placed afterwards I believe but the subtle differences make it hard to notice notice how this section goes further out and has a dip underneath with the pipes this really does add just a huge amount of detail without it being that bigger thing it breaks up the monotony of the blueprint or the the copy and paste and something that I feel I need to take moving into my let's play which we've just started with the sole intention of building a factory based on modular sections this is perfect inspiration there's also elements within here that are just for decorational purposes and something that I'd love to implement into my saves such as here this vault door it's done by conveyor arms put on this side and then length out lengthened out enlarged using the micromanage mod and then added these warning signs just so simple but so cool once we emerge from the train line we find ourselves in a new section which actually shows off the tram stop itself this particular tram line has to be one of the most interesting pieces that have been built it's just so intricately built together using various pieces and using the signs as well I mean let's break this down for one we have the signs we have small metal pillars being used we have more small metal pillars being used the full frame window the square signs the conveyor lift floor Holes Road barriers the again the small metal pillars there's so much effort that's gone into developing these beam connectors as well for uses chairs the amount of patience Spartacus must have when building these is incredible and I love the little details the foundation sides here along with the tiny little lights it's incredible by the way do let me know your favorite section of the save in the comments below and dying to hear your thoughts you'll also find the odd store littered around which is where various shots have been done for this series and everywhere I look there is so much just going on this is a different style to how it would normally do my particular building when it comes to architecture but I have to admit there's something that really appeals to me the way everything is formed together I would love to try and mimic this but there's just so much work in doing this I don't know how Spartacus has the patience I've mentioned this before it's Incredible without spoiling the story and all of the the cool ideas behind it uh we even have a area where various parts have been destroyed and I find it very difficult when I'm trying to do something that looks like it's been ruined or destroyed to make it look like it's not been placed and I think Spartacus does an incredible job at this and this has obviously helped by the mods used but it just looks like something has hit it like it has been hit by an asteroid but hey as long as Fixit HQ is fine who cares and I just want to mention though a lot of this decoration is just for the architecture to to help portray the story there's no reason why we can't take elements of this and try to implement that into the vanilla game to give our factories those extra bits of umph the story itself definitely reminds me of a film that I very much loved which was Cloud Atlas in fact I need to see that again and there are definitely elements within Becky's story that mimicry the story and there's definitely a very dark feeling associated with the story one thing that my factory lacks is definitely these large corridors I tend to go straight into the production of things and I think it would be really nice to try and add this style to my factory although I think we're happy with just one Pioneer in my save this may be just a touch to Benny regardless of the story though I would love to know spartacus's inspiration for this architecture there are so many nuances to the build everything just seems to fit within the theme so well it's so well structured and that's not all if we head over to the Northern Forest we can actually find another building which is this massive bridge that spans the Titan Forest over to the Great Lake here you'll find great use of the structured large supports as well as the smaller ones that just support the base of the bridge and even that has a huge amount of detail again all of them seem to be built using a blueprint system thanks to error actions and in my opinion this is how the blueprint should be implemented into our save but will I be able to do anything quite like this I honestly don't know there's so much detail so much attention to detail within this save there are also so many elements that are just added that I would never have considered adding myself personally that really do push The Narrative of the story of Becky who I totally forgot to show off actual work area which is this Industrial Area I love the use of pipes all the different angles and you can see how Spartacus came up with the the various panning Shots by building these little cutout sections which remind me of oh what game is it an x-com the kind of ant farm build sections it just feels like the building's been cut in half to show off what's going on a lot of what I see here also can be easily done in vanilla or how it has been done in vanilla for your sample all of this just supporting the pipes and making sure that it's supported on bulk having everything running above it's just so smart just makes it look also industrial and engineered I I really need to to learn how to do something like this but as you all know pipes are definitely my weakness but enough of showing off these various little elements that uh I guess you could say picture frames of a workplace let's head back to the final section one of the most fascinating moments um both on the after effects that were used in this shot in the Becky series but also how it had developed and I really do not want to to spoil this for you so no spoilers guys if you've already seen it do just go and check out the series is this particular area and it feels quite odd having next to this all these tiny little Builders and Constructors the the assemblers refineries but I love it I love this showroom kind of feel and if that wasn't enough we have the foyer as well which really looks like it's some kind of Museum to me or a gallery of some kind with various pillars with the buildables on top of them most impressively we have this one itself which is the whole facility that was built earlier all in its micro form I feel like I'm a child again I just want to smash it to pieces with another I don't know Refinery or something it's just so cool that this has been added in not to mention the wool piece of art here and it makes me wonder whether it's actually possible to create something like this Mosaic The Reeling game just on a larger scale as part of one of my walls in my factory perhaps that's something we can try out and if that didn't blow your mind you should check out the lift look at all those buttons how much effort has gone into making that look like a real one but I must admit we are going to leave it there guys thank you so much for watching and if you do want to see more of Spartacus again do check out his spaceship Save which we toured last I'll put a link right here now in the box to the right special thanks disco to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solar eclipse patrons James Irwin fire flesh treble and Beowulf as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the Yemen wolf and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is Papa snoozy until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 45,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Most ICONIC Satisfactory World Tour - Pioneer Becky, Totalxclipse, Spardacas Pioneer Becky, Spardicus Pioneer becky, Pioneer Becky World Tour, Satisfactory fan factory, Satisfactory world tour, Satisfactory game, Satisfactory Base tour, Satisfactory Base design, Satisfactory gameplay, Satisfactory Game, Totalxclipse factory tour, Satisfactory update 7, Satisfactory Pioneer Becky, Satisfactory Pioneer Becky Film, Satisfactory factory Tour, Satisfactory, Satisfactory Spardacus
Id: qbecRhUjh5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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