The Hidden Details Of Arcane - Act 1

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so by now i have seen the first three episodes of arcane four times and i did it for one simple reason i wanted to cover every single hidden detail in this series and let me tell you there are a lot of details hidden all over the place so it will be impossible for me to catch absolutely everything and so if you notice something i didn't let me know in the comments of course this video will contain spoilers so go and watch the series before you head back here but now without further ado get ready to jump all over the place as we cover all the interesting details found in arcanes act 1. at the beginning jinx is singing about a dear friend across the river this is the river build which is going right through the city with zone mainly occupying one side and built over the other this is further hinted when the notes of this song start to play when the shot reveals built over we then see a civil war all we know is that one day the zonites tried to march onto piltover later we will see that this place got a memorial for these events you can notice that young vai wears a necklace with a gem she does not wear it later on during this civil war her parents died but jinx wasn't crying revealing that either jinx has some kind of other trauma or because she didn't share the same feelings because jinx and vai are not blood related sisters jinx said one day she would ride one of the airships in the get jinxed music video she shoots it down later during the parker section of course there are cupcakes on the balcony these cupcakes are the favorite snack of the caramel family which is caitlyn's family that's why she's using cupcakes in her traps it is revealed that the lab they break into belongs to jace and the reason why there were cupcakes there is because the caramel family were jace's patrons so even though he was in their workshop it was still his lab you can notice that there are magic runes drawn on the blackboard that's because he was trying to figure out how magic works related to the hex crystals jinx mentions that the music box may be a real valdiani but we have no idea who that is the horse she finds in jace's lap is from jinx's music video also jace has a nose hair trimmer that may be a problem for jace then it is revealed that vai got a tip for this place from little man who is later revealed to be echo in benzo's shop we can also find a withered flower in the lab because jace just didn't have the time to take care of it also jace can play a loot guitar jinx then found jace's favorite sandwich which riot actually sold during arcane's promotion the wall clock in the back references the old hungary which is a nickname for the main watchtower in built-over and zone while jinx's eyes are grey in the entire series after opening the hextech lockbox her eyes reflect blue for the first time notice that the main characters have their eyes grey because their character hasn't fully developed yet the color of the eyes is a big thing in this series the box reveals six hex crystals with six slots left empty you can hear the singing voice of the breckern when jinx picks up the crystal you can hear it more intensely right before it explodes killing an entire generation of the breaker and stored inside during their escape they run past zendello's incognito runeterra one of the most iconic landmarks in piltover after they get ambushed in the docks you may notice a pentacle logo on the wall it is covered with a puff cap next to it there is an injured on an airship poster featuring corporate mundo and between them there is an ad for the last drop jinx threw the hex crystals into the water which coincidentally may be where silko's base is i wonder if those hex crystals will be discovered in the future she jinxes every job he said it during their venturing to zone there is a homeless yordle on the right despite jordan's being able to live in bandle city the guy on the left carries a greenhouse on his back in zone people often build greenhouses to get some fresh air from the trees but rarely are they mobile we can also see some masked ionians with heads these may be related to a counselor later on but they don't necessarily have to be they seem massive here but that's the perspective of the kids in the background you can see that they are just as tall as normal humans there is a store with krug and puff caps i swear to god this guy who was dragged into the whorehouse has to be a reference to a real person they kinda stand out from the rest also her the guy was later thrown out without his pants once again i have no idea who this is in the bar you can see that the local currency are bronze cogs which were referenced many times in past stories vander is called the hound of the underground maybe hinting at the fact that vander could actually be warwick the two guys to his opposite are traders they seem to have built watery and tattoos and the woman even has a serpent isles accent in the background of the hideout there is seemingly a picture of vander with the kids there is also a blue vest hanging above them with a flag of milo's face one of the kids can play a saxophone since it is a bunker bed shared with jinx i assume the top bed belongs to vi there is a plushy fish on the couch a possible inspiration for future fish bones jinx finds metal jaws in the trash foreshadowing chompers benzel's shop has an insane amount of items in the background so it is very easy to miss things here but i noticed that there is tryndamere's helmet above the entrance benzo is inspecting heart of gold and there is a really cheap looking rabadon's death cap when mentioning that enemies can also be on their side van der touches his wrist later it is revealed that's where he got a cut from silko during an earlier civil war echo's ringrunner is parked in front of the shop little man or echo revealed he knew about the valuables in the lab because apparently a guy walked into the shop and bought all bunch of items with gold so ekko followed him home this means that jace went shopping into benzo's shop the reason why the wardens wear masks is because the air in zone is incredibly polluted if you don't live in zone you are not used to it and everything smells like a dumpster to you in the back there is a suspicious owl-like mask but also the andre's torment and a mask that is very close to akali's blood moon mask definitely related to ionia but some people thought this was jin's mask nope that's definitely not the case but right below them there is also the old remnant of the ascendit in the next scene jinx said her inventions never work and vai replies they will this was the last time she mentioned it need i say more i know it's not an easter egg but how does a pipe function as a telescope the final scene of vi and jinx in this episode mimics their first scene silco's hideout has bilge watery and sea monsters outside perhaps to keep people from looking for it looking at the creatures in the jars yes the purple chemicals may be related to the void hilariously enough the purple eye from the original trailer belongs to the red and yes twitch has purple eyes yes the red can be him moving on to episode 2. at the beginning jayce talks about his shopping in zone you can see the exact same items milo threw into the bag so milo technically stole things from benzo's shop in jace's flashback the hex crystal the mage used to teleport them to safety is the same one he gave him after it was depleted and yes jace's journal which you can find in the game revealed that it is a small hex crystal and that hex crystals can be depleted despite the mage being a mystery they wear what seems to be targonian clothing during the teleportation you first see the planet to indicate that they are shifting in place but the spell activates when the moon crosses over it that's because runeterra's moon has a deep and complicated connection to the magic realm if you are interested in that ophelio's story explains it well the moon stops right over piltover so that could be roughly where they were teleported jason's mother has a frost bite on two of her fingers remember that later heimerdinger reveals that he is 307 years old not only did this reveal that during the early days people weren't afraid of yordles and so he didn't have to use glamour to hide but also the rune wars happened more than 900 years ago so he shouldn't be able to remember those events however we know that in bandle city which is the home of yordles time moves at a different pace so it is possible for heimerdinger to only be 307 years old but also remember the rune wars at the same time it's funny to see vai punching milo even though he's not a bad guy what a misdirection this was in the trailers on the scoreboard the only one who was able to compete with vai was clagger they use bilgewater themed guns because the entire game is themed around bilgewater the game seems to be powered up by kemtech the targets actually have numbers on them if you hit them jinx then leaves to play a teemo themed arcade after the lights go off not only are the tags around them very reminiscent of jinx's theme when she grows up meaning that this place may be responsible for making her mentally snap but also at the shooting game you can find a massive chomper in mel's introduction scene her assistant reveals that she became rich because of the inventions of clan pharaohs the pharaohs family are not only the ones who first started harvesting the hex crystals but they also became rich because of intimidation and assassination yes camille is from house pharaohs so if glenn ferros decides to threaten mel that might become an issue mel also sneakily revealed that there is a difference between a clan and a house a house is smaller so while now the pharaoh's family is a clan in the past they wear butter house the assistant also reveals that jace's house the talis family became known for their collapsible pocket range this is a reference to the fact that jace is inventing transforming tools for the working class this includes his future hammer caitlyn's mother seems to be a native beltoven her father seems to be ionian you can see her holding a rifle in the family photo foreshadowing her future back in zone there is this guy with a really long top hat i think he might return because there was a similar character in the original reveal trailer silko's sidekick is in vendor's pub after they disagree with vander a few more leave this shot with the samurai poster on the side was used in the anime music video this counselor is interesting here we see mel giving him a present which is followed up by the other counselor trying to do the same we know that mel is medarda and we know that the medarda clan uses crimson red and gold coloring so it is highly likely that all three of these are from the medara clan the most powerful clan in piltover and the reason why the other medara would give him presence is because this may be young jago medarda the one who ends up leading the clan in the future how he gets to that position with his childish character i don't know the voice starting the trial was caitlyn's mother mrs kiraman you can also find her father in the crowd this council reveals that his race was nearly destroyed by magic we don't know what kind of a race he is but he looks very similar to the keeper of masks interestingly enough before speaking he has to fire up the device on his face teasing that perhaps it is translating his words before it starts translating his voice is actually similar to the two ionians from the beginning also the subtitles reveal that his name is bobok heimerdinger then remembers the rune wars once again even though he is younger than the wars it is possible the other counselor then reveals that just like demacia built over 2 was founded to escape the mages when his mother ximena speaks out you can see that she has two augmented fingers they were taken by the frostbite house talis has a lot of stones on the table from jace's journal we learned that these are likely the minerals related to magic sudarion to kumangium and targonite there is a picture of jace and his father with the talish hammer revealing that his father likely died when victor browses jace's journal he finds the same arcane runes he had on the blackboard back in silco's underwater base you can see the moving tentacles of a kraken in the background when the professor in the base speaks the subtitles reveal that it is in fact singed right before the blonde boy drinks the purple chemical everything goes silent once again revealing that it may be related to the void under jinx's bed there is a sprayed over rhino foreshadowing how jinx reeked mayhem in the zoo in the music video later vander refuses to fight and vai told him that if he won't she will vanda replied that he had that kind of talk before he is most likely referencing his conflict with silco in vice final talk with vendor they stand at a memorial which was built on the bridge from the very beginning of the series it was built in the memory of those events when vi looks at the memorial you can hear the faint melody of the song about the river victor revealed that he was a poor from the undercity this is interesting because in jace's journal he wanted to ask victor about what house he came from well victor didn't come from a beltoven house after all the shot of jinx sitting at the bar perfectly mimics the shot with the monkey in the music video vander was actually going to let vai get captured but after he saw how depressed jinx was he changed the plan in the very last scene there is an avarosan shield behind vi at benzos and this takes us to episode 3. after the massacre when silko paid marcus he paid with gold instead of the bronze ones that's why they look different they don't have the hole in the middle also the cogs got tainted by blood indicating that it is all blood money every time the blonde boy appears on camera you can hear other worldly voices once again hinting void victor talks about not dampening the oscillators when dealing with hextech jace references the exact same thing in his journal jace also suggests to crank it foreshadowing victor's future creation blitzcrank the next scene in zone seems to be sneakily preparing us for war they are crafting numerous weapons and they have an incredible amount of the purple chemicals ready the purple chemicals are being pumped through a living breathing organism once again this has to be related to the void vander reveals that silko was perhaps the leader of the lanes in zone before him and the two share the same vision silko called him a lap dog once again hinting at him being warwick silko then reveals the purple chemical is called shimmer also silco called van der brother but we are not sure if they are blood related back in built over literally every key on heimerdinger's key chain leads to his lab the place has four keyholes before vi left to save vander she gave jinx a torchlight she told her to light it up wherever she was and vai would find her you bet jinx is going to use it when they get older to bait vi out jace's machine to control hextech is surrounded by runes that's because in his journal jace theorized that these runic letters are related to the arcane before the mechanism was fired up once again victor got ready to crank it in jinx's packed suitcase you can see the rabbit has its ear signed by violet foreshadowing vice name reveal there is also a picture of what i believe to be vendor surrounded with hearts and wings referencing jinx's star guardian skin later you can see that the drawing really was vander and the kids and there is also a drawing of fish bones her future rocket launcher during jace's experiment it seems like they were able to briefly rewind time i wonder if that's somehow related to ekko later on when silko's gank is revealed you can see the woman from vander's pub vi's first proper punch of the series may be a reference to her encounter with ergot during warriors once again omnia's voices whispering when shimmer appears back in the lab when jason victor managed to get the crystal working you can see it drawing out runes after the magic erupted and the stars were revealed you can see how all the magic lines relate to the moon once again the moon is heavily tied to the magic on runeterra but i don't think this was actually drawn by the crystal i think it's a painting on the ceiling itself and back in the finale the monkey's head was nailed back in place because she ripped it off during her breakdown whenever clegger is in frame you can see the shot has a fuzzy filter over it that's how klegger saw the world through the goggles during those stressful times jinx got the idea to use her monkey as the detonator during her mental breakdown also the in-game ward suddenly makes so much more sense and finally it worked just like vi told her the last time which also means yeah those bits from the enemy music video were a pretty good misdirection it's all lies before the explosion goes off you can hear an insect-like sound that's the breaker during the explosion you can see the woman that sacrificed herself for silko lost her arm the shimmer supplies were destroyed singed's face got singed but i don't think he's supposed to be wearing the bandages just yet that should come after warwick scars him despite everything going down the drain jinx is actually happy her invention worked before marcus noticed the explosion in the distance he was holding the blood money thinking about his lost mentor during that scene you can perfectly hear the breaker and scream in the background to fight vanda ripped off the mid-hooks that were hanging above him in the flashbacks silko cut vendor's arm also they are fighting in the waters probably near the bridge where the civil war happened remember this shot vander's growling is very similar to warwick's also he briefly howls during his final scene when affected by shimmer vander's eye is purple when he dies it turns gray did you remember the shot vice and powder's encounter perfectly mimics vendors and silkos also vai called her a jinx here vai checks her hand remembering that vander told her that bruised knuckles wasn't the way to solve her problems jinx calls her violet as was signed on the rabbit when silko returns the woman is still alive with burnt arm and finally god damn it riot you got me well and that were all the details found in act 1 of arcane as you can see this show is full of it it is insane but again i'm pretty sure there is more it is really hard to notice everything so if you found something i didn't let me know below and with that let's take a break for 3 days before we get to do round 2 and we go back to this again [Music] you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 1,028,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Arcane, Easteregg, Easter, Egg, Breakdown, Secrets, Details
Id: cAol18VefIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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