The Most Heartbreaking Dialogues | Better Call Saul

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foreign hold on come with us foreign there we go hmm videos laughs I mean look at me I'll never be as moral as him I'll never be as smart I'll never be as respected will never be as good but I can try I can try if you decide and I get to be a lawyer I'll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill and if you decide I'm not a lawyer doesn't matter I'll still try to be the best man that I can be I'm lucky I got this letter I never had a chance to write him a letter and to tell him all the things that I should have and then I got to believe that somehow somehow he knows oh that's that'll have to do it for me sorry thank you I knew you could do it I knew you had it so I agree yes they have to reinstate you oh yeah did you see those suckers that one was crying he had actual tears Jesus Kim listen I started reading the letter and I just knew it wasn't I could tell by their faces it wasn't going to be enough right so I just went off on this flow you know I had this energy going through me it was like improv or Jasmine oh my sunk the hook in so lucky we have this letter God I can see the Matrix you know I was invincible I could Dodge bullets baby and you were right you were right it was all about Chuck the whole time oh Mr McGill you're still here there's some good news believe me I already know oh good and if you want to come with me to the office there's the work for you to sign absolutely let's do this thing oh and sweetheart I'm gonna need one more form uh DBA because I'm not going to be practicing under the name McGill so shouldn't be a problem just down the hall we have all the floors great great wait Jimmy Jimmy what it's all good man what have you got there put that down put that down Marion put it down do not do it Marion final warning oh I trusted you what allows you to do this to me because this isn't just a prank no this goes beyond throwing bowling balls on my car this took planning coordination I mean how many weeks or was it months it couldn't have been easy so tell me why go through this elaborate plot just burn me to the ground burn me to the ground Howard come on you you'll be fine you always land on your feet yeah sure the Sandpiper settlement hhm share will be substantial absolutely even though I humiliated myself and my clients and peers will whisper that Howard Hamlin's a drug addict you're right I've worked my way through worse dead depression my marriage falling apart oh yeah been sleeping in the guest house for the better part of a year just one more thing good old Howard has to work through but yes I will land on my feet I will be okay Lisa hello yeah do you oh do you mean this is auto oh yeah um that nine nine kind of had less than kind nine if I if I was known but hurt me a bit too it's been foreign a bit Margarita um yes you told him not to hire me it was always you right right back to when I passed the bar and tried to join the firm you didn't want me speak up tell me why it's the least you can do for me now I'm your brother I'm supposed to look out for each other why were you working against me Chuck a real lawyer I'm what you're not a real lawyer University of American Samoa for Christ's sake an online course what a joke I worked my ass off to get where I am and you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer you do what I do because you're funny and you can make people laugh I committed my life to this you know slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and then reap all the rewards proud of me I was when you straightened out and got a job in the mail room I was very proud so that's it then right keep old Jimmy down in the mail room because he's not good enough to be a lawyer I know you I know what you were what you are people don't change you're slipping Jimmy and slipping Jimmy I can handle just fine but slip and Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun the law is sacred if you abuse that power people get hurt this is not a game is you have to know on some level I know you know I'm right you know I'm right you're asked if you were bad for me that's not it we are bad for each other Kim don't do this again please touch me live with you but we are bad for everyone around us other people suffer because of us apart we're okay but together or poison no no I just tell me what I need to do to change okay just tell me what it is and I'll do it Jimmy no Kim you make me happy we make each other happy how can that be bad I love you I love you too so what I tried I tried but he wouldn't listen my boy was stubborn my boy was strong and he was gonna get himself killed and I told him I told him I did it too that I was like Hoffman getting by and that's what you heard that night me talking him down him Kicking and Screaming until the fight went out of him he put me up on a pedestal and I had to show him I was down in the gutter with the rest of them broke my boy I broke my boy they went to Hoffman he took the money but he hesitated even looking like you're doing the right thing to those two meant that he wasn't solid that he couldn't be trusted I got Maddie to take the money and they killed him two days later foreign [Music] not even to save himself and I was the only one I was the only one that could get him to debase himself like that it was for nothing I made him lesser I made him like me and the Bastards killed him anyway are you mad I'm not mad I'm just uh thinking about things for 10 minutes today Chuck didn't hate me I forgot what that felt like foreign could have made different choices essential yeah I mean I'm not saying it's all on me it's not but if I had to do it all over again maybe do some things differently I just thought you should know that that you have regrets yeah I have regrets why because you're my brother there aren't that many of us McGill's left and uh we think we should stick together no why have regrets at all what's the point what do you mean but look at you you're in so much pain why are you putting yourself through all this tell you that you have regrets and I'm telling you don't bother what's the point you're just going to keep hurting people that's not true Jimmy this is what you do you hurt people over and over and over and then there's this show of remorse it's not a show I know you don't think it's a show I don't doubt your emotions are real but what's the point of all the sad faces and the gnashing of teeth if you're not going to change your behavior and it won't why not just skip the whole exercise in the end you're going to hurt everyone around you you can't help it so stop apologizing and accept it embrace it frankly I'd have more respect for you if you did do anything wrong you're just an innocent victim let me put your mind at ease Jimmy you don't have to make up with me we don't have to understand each other things are fine the way they are hey I don't want to hurt your feelings but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me hey what's going on you okay don't do that mascara's gonna run all over I mean come on what's wrong they've all turned on me who has my friends Helen Rose Myrtle all of them what no yes they're so cold when I walk past them they stop talking I I hear them Whispering when when they think I'm not there it's just so cool and I don't even know why I think maybe I do you do he's a settlement I mean maybe they want the money you know to improve their lives I had no idea any of them needed money no one said anything to me maybe it's not about the money itself I mean hello who wouldn't want more money I mean maybe it's the idea that they don't think you're considering them you know thinking of their needs I didn't know I don't want to hurt them they're my friends never even started this lawsuit I just want everything to go back the way it was should I do what would you do you know I'm not a lawyer right now please should I settle green you listen to your heart
Channel: Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul
Views: 720,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Walter White, Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Jesse Pinkman, Official Trailer, Vince Gilligan, Breaking Bad full episodes, Breaking Bad clips, Breaking Bad funny moments, Breaking Bad bloopers, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad Season, the most heartbreaking dialogues, saddest scenes better, better call saul saddest scenes
Id: ySs3T3tc_bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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