Chuck's Harshest Lines | Better Call Saul

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going into the office really takes it out of you doesn't it if I stay too long yeah I guess it's hard not to stay so many important things for you to do there like you know stick it to Kim wechsler what did I do to Kim wechsler just back in the cornfield isn't she I didn't do anything to Kim I mean I was present yes but management of personnel those decisions are all Howard's that is Rich tell me when Howard was making his management decisions was he sitting on your knee with your arm up his ass hey can he talk will you drink a glass of water that's uncalled for and if Howard were my puppet he certainly wouldn't have recommended you to Davis and Maine actually I'm sure it was Kim wechsler who talked him into doing that hence his anger don't punish Kim if you're mad at me take it out on me I know you like to think the world revolves around you Jimmy but this has nothing to do with you Kim had a responsibility to Hamlin Hamlin McGill she should have been looking out for her firm's interests not letting us know what you were up to was her mistake oh come on you can't be pissed off at her about this I'm not Howard is why shouldn't he be because she didn't know she didn't know I was going to air the commercial she didn't know I hadn't gotten it approved she just she didn't know I see so she didn't know there was anything she was supposed to tell Howard as far as she was concerned cliff Maine was already looped in you told her he was I implied it so it's on me not her she didn't say anything to us about that well she wouldn't she wouldn't want to make me look bad you'll have to admit this Show's a lack of judgment on her part she knows you she should have known better you are such an why for pointing out that her one mistake was believing in you can we get some perspective here it was a simple little commercial it aired once that's all can I remind you it worked it worked like a dream see that's your problem Jimmy thinking the ends justify the means and you're forever shocked when it all blows up in your face what did I do that was so wrong you broke the rules you turned cam into your accessory you embarrassed Howard who God help him inexplicably vouched for you with cliff Maine you made cliff and his Partners look like Schmucks shall I go on how he hasn't fired you for this positively mystifies me perspective you want perspective I'll give you mine you're my brother and I love you but you're like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he's got a problem now someone's given you the keys to the school bus and I'm not going to let you drive it off a cliff Jimmy ever tell you anything about our father not much no my dad our dad he was well the personification of good I'm not sure he could even see sin in any form like he was born without the gene he ran a little corner store in Cicero cigarettes behind the counter Penny Candy nothing special but it kept food on the table and the neighborhood love Dad he knew everybody's name and what was going on in their lives this little corner who made it better that was named after him before that he worked for a lot of people over the years and his dream was to be his own boss but everything he had into that place I was away at College when he put Jimmy to work there Jimmy grew up in that store watching our father but Dad was not the world's greatest businessman and eventually he ran into money troubles I had a clerkship at the time but I came home to help him get his books in order set the ship straight now I'm no accountant but I discovered fourteen thousand dollars was just gone vanished over the years turns out Jimmy had pilfered it and drams and drives just took it out of the deal my dad wouldn't hear it nope not his chimney we ended up having to sell six months later he was dead at the funeral no one cried harder than Jimmy my brother is not a bad person he has a good heart he can't help himself and everyone's left picking up the pieces good evening uh Lance is it yeah okay it's I'm Charles McGill my associate spoke with you earlier and he showed you this photo um on or about the morning of the 18th this person was here in this shop is that correct honor about the 18th early morning no well I'm I believe you told my associate that he was here and he made copies yeah but sorry no all right the uh the night of Tuesday the 17th leading into early Wednesday the early hours of Wednesday the 18th were you in fact here can we establish that I mean I work graveyard so yeah stay strong was this man here making copies yeah it's like I said I don't think so well earlier you said that he was here now you're saying that he wasn't here which is it well when that guy showed me the picture I thought maybe but now that I'm singing again sorry don't know what to tell you guess I was wrong listen carefully I am an officer of the Court investigating a felony so you're a cop no no I'm not I'm I'm uh Mr McGill maybe we better get you home Ernesto do not speak to me as if I were a child I'm fine I am not a police officer I am an attorney and I have a moral and legal obligation to get to the bottom of this matter the bottom of what forgery fraud falsifying evidence breaking and entering this guy is he okay there's nothing wrong with me the deal maybe we could just take a break and shut up you think about the choice you're making I already told you he wasn't here what do you want me to say I want you to speak the truth I know he was here I know what he did tell me what you told Ernesto stop trying to change your story excuse me sorry how do we get this to do 11 by 14. no excuse me we are having a conversation here you gotta switch it to trade four it's easier if I show you look okay I I don't want any problems here so just get him out of here or I'm gonna call the cops okay not walk away from me we are not finished here done talking to you man [Music] what's up Chuck this has been going on for eight days now and really no indication that it's going to work it will work I think I've been very patient but the cost of these Around the Clock private investigators is really starting to add up Howard this is our duty as officers of the Court we have an ethical obligation yes my brother broke the law we can't just sit back and do nothing I'm not talking about doing nothing I just want to free up our minds and be open to alternate strategies please meet me halfway here I suppose I suppose we could limit the investigators to just nighttime hours nighttime yes Jimmy will most likely break in while he thinks I'm sleeping I mean I wouldn't put anything past him it just makes the most sense he'll try to steal the tape under cover of Darkness you really think he's going to do that I do indeed how can you be so sure Howard I know my brother open the damn door Chuck open the door damn it open it Chuck give me go open the door open it now I swear to God take me take me home Jimmy you pulled that heartstrings con job on me you piece of oh my pre used to work I'm sick I don't know what to do no wonder Rebecca left you what took her so long [Music] there it is expenses here we go here we go here we go is this it huh for this you destroyed our family you happy now for what for nothing is that all there is Chuck absolutely oh there is why don't you make copies huh Chuck huh you tell me or I'll burn this whole goddamn house to the ground Jimmy that's enough you need to step away Howard you were a witness to what happened here I was and you I'm a witness [Music] something happens and it made me think about what I went down between you and me and I wanted to say in hindsight I could have made different choices essential yeah I mean I'm not saying it's all on me it's not but if I had to do it all over again I would maybe do some things differently I just thought you should know that that you have regrets yeah I have regrets why why because you're my brother there aren't that many of us McGill's left and we think we should stick together no why have regrets at all what's the point what do you mean but look at you you're in so much pain why are you putting yourself through all this because I wanted to tell you that you have regrets and I'm telling you don't bother what's the point you're just going to keep hurting people that's not true Jimmy this is what you do you hurt people over and over and over and then there's this show of remorse it's not a show I know you don't think it's a show I don't doubt your emotions are real but what's the point of all the sad faces and the gnashing of teeth if you're not going to change your behavior and you won't I can why not just skip the whole exercise in the end you're going to hurt everyone around you you can't help it so stop apologizing and accept it embrace it frankly I'd have more respect for you if you did what about you Chuck you didn't do anything wrong you're just an innocent victim let me put your mind at ease Jimmy you don't have to make up with me we don't have to understand each other things are fine the way they are hey I don't want to hurt your feelings but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me
Channel: Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul
Views: 302,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Walter White, Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Jesse Pinkman, Official Trailer, Vince Gilligan, Breaking Bad full episodes, Breaking Bad clips, Breaking Bad funny moments, Breaking Bad bloopers, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad Season, Saul Goodman, Jimmy McGill, Kim Wexler, Gus Fring, Hector Salamanca, Lalo Salamanca, Rhea Seehorn, Howard Hamlin, Nacho Varga
Id: IaoeHb4duls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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