The Most Expensive Indian Wedding Ever! | My Big Fat Desi Wedding | Episode 3 | OMG

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it's midsummer for saffron events it's the busiest time of the year i think today we've got four weddings it is busy because today today we're sitting up for 500 guests and maybe the smallest is i think 300. so that's a lot of people were catering for when it's high season sometimes it can be you're working straight through because it's not something that you can well i didn't finish it today i'll come back and pick up tomorrow and finish off then you're constantly against the clock [Music] and at the company's warehouse just south of glasgow the madness of wedding season is starting to show this is organized chaos so you might think everything's lost but it's not everything has its place spread over 10 000 square feet row upon row of props and paraphernalia to fit every occasion these are the olympic rings or our version of them how many items of stock do we have in the warehouse no it's like counting the blades of grass on a lawn i'm not sure i don't know i don't think we've ever attempted to count [Music] i guess crazy around here [Music] so when people say a tablecloth is just a tablecloth then a tablecloth is not just a tablecloth here we have white polyester around six foot here we have our white cotton around six foot here we have champagne damask then we have silver damask we have dark golden mask we have white damask we have ivory damask we have black damask gold sequins rose gold sequins champagne sequins red sequins most of my staff and my family class me as a hoarder i do kind of over the years i've collected a collection of items which hard to let go i'm always one for recycling so i stitched this piece 11 years ago will i ever come into use again probably not we do try and persuade him to clear out or you know try and get rid of some of this stuff but i think his solution is just to keep moving to a bigger premises so we moved into this place about five six years ago and now we're moving to an even bigger place and i think i think we're taking everything with us one of the many nuptials the wedding planners have on this week is that of 25 year old sales rep shakira [Music] hello hi zach mario hi hi shakira we are up to 500 yes 500 is probably the best thing to go for saffron is arranging the wedding reception for shakira and husband-to-be naheed the wedding reception usually is organised by the bride's family she's got a big family very much so as asians do and they're all very very involved um most of them are coming tomorrow so my uncles are coming from australia and qatar oh god you're going to have a really busy house yes we are yeah so shikira's family urban galleys aim and they're from bangladesh so their weddings do differ slightly from pakistani weddings and they obviously have like their cultural differences as well as one of seven siblings shakira has a tight-knit family but the wedding means a big change this is my youngest daughter she's getting married and they yes she's going to be moving and we're going to miss her badly especially i would be so sad for her once married shakira will move out of her parents house in edinburgh and in with her husband's family 400 miles away in london it's actually still very common for the bride to stay with the grimm's family and for the groom to actually still stay at home as opposed to getting their own place straight away i think a lot of bride and grooms maybe prefer to stay in that family environment um after the wedding and then think about moving into their own place in a couple of years time i'm sad to be leaving my parents behind because i do everything for them and they do everything for me it's quite daunting moving into a new family and getting a new set of parents or if i do things wrong and not traditional enough even though like i am traditionally very traditional my parents taught me well i'm also scared about being lonely because i have such a huge family here and i'm moving into such a small home so i i now have my new family have i have two sisters and a little brother and obviously my husband and his mum and dad in terms of my actual wedding i'm not nervous because saffron i've got that start like sorted so i don't need to worry about that i've got one more to do give me the bed and anything the wedding planners aren't doing shakira's family has covered today her older sister monsoon is round helping give the house a marital makeover see if this was india bangladesh pakistan or you would know from miles decorating the family home it's such a lovely part of the wedding not all families do it and but a lot of families do and they'll get maybe lights flowers and you know different colored cloths and things usually because they'll be like um functions that they do in the house beforehand can't have an asian wedding without decoration it's not a proper asian wedding otherwise so our theme here is red white and green so red and green is the bangladesh flag colors and then we put a bit of white in it for the scottish because we are scottish so then we're just running that all the way up to the attic over the wedding week the newly adorned house will welcome up to a hundred well-wishers really the aunties that make the party all the aunties get together and then they start singing and they start singing and talk about the old days how they got married and they'll start telling you stories about when they got married and what happened and they were like okay now are these we didn't have this and we didn't have decoration and no i didn't even look at my husband's face and i yeah and mama marvel was listed on the day or some stuff like that well that doesn't happen now and it's nice because then you get to hear about like the cultural things that you don't know and you always learn something new and then it's cool because you see the difference between their culture and the scottish culture as well does that even look nice no that one should be in the corner of the last red one all the talk of weddings has got shakira's dad is reminiscing about his own that it was 1979 when i got married and that's my wife that was arranged married by my father i was here and he looked a girl for me and then he telegraphed me to go then i went there and then my father said your marriage has been arranged and only up two weeks so get ready i said dad can i see her for a minute i looked at her and she see me and i saw her and we were talking the uh you know we're just saying each other i'm saying her what is your name i want to see how she talk yeah so she said yes my name amina and then i said to then she said i said to her can you write english she said yes i can write english then she said can you write my name and then she write my name and i was so happy i said my my father chosen was she was the right girl fast forward almost 40 years and it's her youngest daughter's turn to tie the knot and how excited are you mike for the wedding i'm excited here also i'm i feel sad okay she's she's going somewhere else i'm going to miss that so it's i have to be that way because i came from far away so my mom going to miss me here she was missing me a lot that's the way that's the way it's life see that's why yeah as one family comes to terms with the youngest daughter leaving [Music] 50 miles away on the south side of glasgow i'm feeling so happy and so excited another is preparing to welcome a new daughter-in-law into the fold we are having guests about 70 guests because we have a musical night tonight this week the tarek's middle son 28 year old optician hamza is marrying 25 year old lawyer hummer [Music] and tonight's party is just one of many to celebrate a typical asian wedding consists of four events the first one being the mendy the second one being the nikah the third being the actual wedding day itself the naga can take place on this day and finishing off the events with avalima reception which is given by the grimm's family once the wedding is over hummer who lives in london will move to glasgow and live with the tariks it's beautiful we're welcoming another member of our family i would say we i'm actually gaining another daughter but traditionally what happens is the girl leaves her family home her family and moves in with us and she stays with us basically and we're we're quite open-minded minded that if she wants to have her own home in the future they can both uh uh have that we we we don't have a problem with that we're willing to help yeah we're willing to help them of course that's it okay anything will be the second daughter-in-law the pair has welcomed with open arms 33 year old sadia is married to their eldest son habil and she also moved in after her wedding oh she's helping me all the time she's helping me all the time honestly she's wonderful i'm lucky to have her i'm lucky to have her obviously all the mothers gonna be feel sad because it's not your daughter it's your heart is going somewhere it's part of your body basically obviously and that's exactly i felt when whom was coming to my house her mother's feeling i can understand her mother's feeling and i try to say to huma's mom which is no sheen and i said don't worry i know the feeling and don't worry about it she's in a safe hand it's a joyous time as well as obviously is is heartbreaking that you will be leaving your own family but if you've got good good mother-in-law and father-in-law it just makes it more perfect we actually are lucky um because we've got such lovely parents um she's more like my my own mom and he's like my dad and he's made us feel more welcome and like for ourselves love you too within the community many couples opt for an arranged marriage i think arranging marriages are still very common but i wouldn't call them arranged marriages i would just call them introductions because for me when i think about an arranged marriage it's a case of like you're such and such you're such and such and you have a wedding but that's not the case anymore i think they're more introductions you they get you get given that time to see you know what your chemistry is like how you know how you get on with each other and then further steps are taken from there in the case of hamza and huma the pairing was made by mrs tariq who happens to be a matchmaker the rishtanti can be either a blessing or a curse it just depends what way you see it usually it's somebody who's like an affluential member of the community you know they're quite outgoing and they know a lot of people so it's kind of like an informal matchmaker huma's granny she knew because a matchmaker she called me and she said can you find me a boy for my granddaughter huma next week i saw the photographs because we're looking for hamza as well and they're looking for their daughter so and i speak to my husband i said look this is such a nice family why don't we meet them we'll go and take hamza over there and see if they get on and that's it that's very nice because we know the family if we know the background that's much easier more confident and more easy to say yes to each other because we know the family very well you were showing a picture of me no one showed me a picture of him and he said no to my picture and then his mum said no you're getting on a flight and then i met him and i didn't like him we came back to glasgow and ask him i said what do you think about her he said uh i know her a little bit i cannot uh know very well so i need to move he didn't give an answer straight he wanted to you want to know her he wanted to know her more again so then just start talking over the phone three weeks four weeks and then i came here to say no to him but then he took me to dinner and we went to an escape room and then we bonded it was really nice yeah would be awesome you missed it oh yeah i know my auntie sent him a challenge and to come up with my what my dream date would be um and once upon a time during one of our phone conversations i'd mentioned that i like horse riding and he took me horse riding as part of the surprise so it was really nice but unbeknownst to the new love birds cupid had fired his arrow many moons ago huma started digging pictures she start getting the looking for the old pictures and suddenly she find out huma's birthday she was two years old and we were over there i'm just four years old and this is a picture for it this is hamza and this is huma look at the way they're looking at each other look look at the eye contact my goodness so this is basically um from the quran this is from the quran a verse this is and we treated you in pairs and this is they say in this case 1994 this is huma two years old and hamza looking at her i don't believe that to be honest like sometimes dream come true was wonderful um very nice girl and when i look at that picture i feel like everything's come to like a complete circle like we started when we were younger and then we kind of went apart and then we basically just met now i just feel like everything's complete [Music] and the whole family is set on celebrating this great love story with the grandest of weddings [Music] it's going to be a good event it's going to be uh well we're hoping it's going to be quite quite a lavish event glasgow born and bred mr tariq is the fifth generation of a family of jewellers i'll tell you the comparison is that when i got married literally my my mother cooked a big pot of rice and we celebrated in the house or a small hall maybe 30 or 40 people around the table quite quite a contrast to what our new generation is one thing and on our first trip was uh six months after our marriage and we went down to blackpool for a couple of nights and that was it you know come back to work and that was it we had nothing like this to ensure his son's wedding has the 21st century wow factor mr tariq is calling on the expertise of the wedding planners oh there's a big one mr tariq i've kind of known through my mother my parents we've done a few weddings in their family we've uh used us in uh this is the third time we're coming back to him and he's fantastic he's done it for my son and then we hired him for my daughter and now we've come back for the third time [Music] this time round hassan and his team are putting on two huge events a vibrant mende party to kickstart celebrations and a lavish velima reception to formally welcome the bride into their family which will take place on the west coast of scotland bigger and better and we look forward to laying on this reception for our guests i think it it brings all of us together and we all have a kind of an input more so the parents because of course at the end of the day we want the best for our child we've laid down some nice parties in the past as well so in fact some of my my my friends have literally asked us for for invitation cards you know so no that's very nice of them which is very nice [Music] tonight it's mendy time and the wedding planners are busy setting up so the mendy's very informal so it's usually that one event where everyone that's there their close friends their family they're people that you know on a very very personal level so you're you're free to be you essentially is that one night where you can have as much fun and singing dance to your heart's content is an excuse for everyone just to get together and kind of let their hair down the theme for this evening's event is bollywood and the team is making sure the room is full of authentic touches a lot of the stuff comes from um back home back to india so this is all uh made handmade there you've brought that kind of culture back to the uk these have been sourced from bali um and these are again handmade this this this is handmade in sawat in pakistan we're adding flowers to it flowers are from china so it's a global kind of um source it's hard to get stuff from from the uk everything is outsourced from a broader native abroad it's a fun part always that the business is to go out and source the different items if you've given enough time like sometimes you need a year six months to get things manufactured produced but someone comes in with a few weeks notice it's hard to source new items and then they would have to just choose what we have installed for scottish bengali bride shakira her upcoming marriage means a big move to london to live with her husband's family so that's gonna be your next day bag at home in edinburgh her older sister monsoon is giving her a few sage words of advice okay that's what you're going to wear when you wake up first days first day as a wife sorry yeah that's your first year when you wake up you're gonna put that sari on you're gonna put your gold on and that's gonna be like the night before right the night before you're gonna do your prayer okay you do that pray with your husband that's my goal i should go put the golden egg with the golden and then i have so that's that done why don't we just get the stuff you want to wear tomorrow out then so they get that out of the way and so this is for my guy loot ceremony so this is the dress that my in-laws provided me with so this is what i'll be wearing tomorrow the guy hallud is a bangladeshi pre-wedding ritual where turmeric paste is robbed on the bride-to-be so i went for the traditional luke so i went for yellows pinks and greens that's gorgeous i love this oh my god look at the detail on that i designed that i bought everything separately you signed it yeah you serious and then my mother-in-law put it together oh my god your mother-in-law made this for you yeah oh my gosh she's so lovely it's so pretty this ceremony is um the ceremony where the haldi um which is a holiday piece will be applied to the bride usually by the female members of the family um and it will get applied to like her legs her arms her face sometimes and and the general belief behind it and from the kind of older generation is that it brightens your complexion and makes your skin um nice and bright i guess for the wedding so you're going to sit nicely i'm going to put holiday on you arms and face and legs my arms and yeah not my face you're not gonna put in your face no what do you mean you're not gonna do a traditional thing i'm gonna pay for my makeup and then put it on my face no seriously you're not gonna put hold on your face no put on my neck we'll make them bow we had like the henna paste and then the oil so that can get like rubbed on your head again it's supposed to be good for your hair but i didn't want it rubbed on my head so they just kind of touched it a little bit i don't have one greasy hair in my picture which is the case with a lot of lights [Music] that's not on right that's not i'm not gonna no you have to walk in head down but yeah your headscarf will be here i'm gonna do that mark no what do you mean you have to do that once you're not gonna do it forever you have to take small steps because you know your delicate little thing your delicate flower oh my god are you gonna wear that thing that goes from here to there it's not as big as the other ones oh my god you look so cute well i look like two-pack now no i take this side off you can laugh like that tomorrow see when people come in you need to be sitting in like in a corner and just sort of be like i'm almost in the corner of my own wedding yes oh my god what's wrong with you i wear jeans for months you're a rubbish bride this is irritating and the wedding runs massive no you can't say that this is irritating i can't wear this on the wedding day no no she got you have to keep it on pain no pain no gain and those those sari is gonna make you sweat and it's gonna be heavy but you're still gonna smile little delicate smiles through that none of this teeth rubbish no chewing gum either oh my teeth wine for no reason no i don't care if you've got your teeth white and you're still not going to show your teeth tonight's party is the first wedding event [Music] for monsoon the reality of shakira leaving is beginning to hit home shakira's got a good relationship with everyone she does everything for everyone she's a one woman machine that does everything [Music] a girl always leaves home monday so it's hard to watch them go just thinking about my parents losing another daughter is quite sad as well i just think about how my parents are gonna cope without her my brothers they love her so much my brothers she does so much for my brothers she's like the heart of the family here and uh they're gonna feel it on the wedding day on the wedding then they're going to feel it [Music] that's her god and then it's really hard [Music] asian weddings are like organized but never organized [Laughter] in glasgow it's hamza and hummus mende the most festive of wedding events which often marks the start of celebrations it's the party before like kind of the serious part kicks in and you have to give the bride away but um yeah it's just um it's a great time for the family members to get together bond dance have good food and just have a really nice laugh with each other and and i think that's always the best part to look back and when you get the films that's the video that everyone wants to see first with the couple formerly married at the mosque today tonight it's time to party bollywood style but newbie husband hamza is suffering from a spot of stage fright very nervous i stole my question why is that the dancing not the dancing oh [Music] mendy dancing kind of varies from event to event i think sometimes it can turn into like a mini bollywood production you've got choreographers and months and months of dance practice [Music] and other times people just generally let loose and don't really care and just kind of dance like nobody's watching with the dance off in full flow nobody puts mr mrs tariq in the corner [Music] me and my husband we are we had a kind of a surprise we danced as well this was a kind of a a surprise that we had laid on really joyous occasion for us you know this is the part of the tradition that our son is getting married we're helping welcoming the the girls side as well with the men they hit and hamza and hummer officially man and wife at home mrs tariq performs her own personal ritual to welcome her new daughter-in-law this is habil my elder son this is sadia my my daughter-in-law married to habil and this is my daughter madiha this is my son hamza who just newly she's a wonderful girl she's going to live with us to make my home more lively jolly and full of fun but mrs tariq also knows the hardship of leaving your own family when i was 17 i left pakistan i came here after a couple of months i feel bored honestly i feel bored because that time is no life here so that's not prepared no enjoyment no cinema no nothing it's only whenever we go for uh outing just glasgow airport that's it my husband took me there for a coffee tea and that's it i said this is not life because i'm part of the lahore which is very joyful city and me sitting in glasgow alone sitting in glasgow airport having a coffee or no i feel sometimes cry then i start loving glasgow because then i'm going after madiha madiya then hamza alhamdulillah and hussain that now this is my family this is everything for me and my world this is my world a small world this afternoon mr and mrs tariq and the eldest son habil have a meeting with hassan to finalize arrangements for the valima a lavish reception they're hosting as the grand finale to the sun hamza's wedding yeah looking forward to seeing it all come together especially timbre is one of my favorite venues timbre resort is probably one of the most prestigious venues in the uk the view is amazing and the setting is amazing you can do a lot in the room and it's probably um yeah it's probably one of the best that we've worked in [Music] it's quite warm i think it's a lovely day today yeah it's been very warm yesterday today's the same i think are we doing seating plan are we going to do no no just reserved for the never never they don't want to do it before and then it was it was hopeless the aim of today's meeting is to nail down the wedding banquet the dhaka chicken is okay or you could go for chicken satay chicken that he's got peanuts but then maybe some people's allergy to peanuts we'll just go with the dhaka chicken then okay this is the fish and chips yeah like small piece of finger fish fish finger it's not a fish finger but it's it's a small one it's a finger so i know but that's not the fish from them i want to clear myself right now okay then we have the tandoori chicken steaks and perry sauce the starters lamps and then peppercorn sauce so we can serve that on a sizzler mm-hmm then you might chili king prawns that's served in a grand martini what about lamborghini the lamborghini is perfectly fine you wanted to go with some salmon yes i think that's everything that's everything thank god it's organized i'm so excited i'm very excited the sun's getting married and she's excited thank you very much hussain okay thank you we'll see you again all right thank you okay all right thanks okay [Music] for the majority of hassan's clients food can make or break a wedding and responsible for delivering delectable feast after delectable feast is in-house head chef abdul rasheed it's a traditional punjab style you know all the spices from punjab it's called horry fish for this 550 people over the summer he and his team have rustled up mouth-watering meals for around twenty thousand wedding guests the mostly every wedding is go very well you know everybody like to fish caught fish specially so i prepare for them so this is my story i try to make good food for people and this is my passion as well i love the food and if i like the food i knew the people will like it in this kitchen it's a family affair as working alongside abdul rasheed is his wife susan my job is their chair just now i have to make about 100 short cake and i have a fruit try i feel about 400 one day she have a day off i miss her i really i feel like i'm lonely here in edinburgh it's the morning of shakira's big day at the corn exchange to the west of the city the wedding planners are busy making her fairytale vision reality right okay and we started setting tables in did you show the guys okay being the busiest weekend of the summer so far saffron has had to draft in an extra army of phlegm we've got a two-place setting okay for this wedding okay one thumb print away from the from the plate and the cutlery must be sat small fork on the side small knife on the side yeah and then you're working yourself out okay we've got quite a few new starts and so we're just trying to train them and get them up to par because as you can see everything's really fast paced around here i'm actually just looking to see that they're set out properly because we've got a few new starts sometimes they've been in the opposite direction or we've got two big knives or two big forks so when that happens it's like you're redoing the whole thing and so that that is a bit stressful you've got too many that you can't store them all here some of them will have to go in the van these are the ones yeah so you need the glasses there yet but for the center pieces all of them down at the bottom please do you know what i like it when the pressure is on because i feel like then i push the staff i'd rather just get it done as soon as possible then these lot can have a break you know before like before the wedding starts because that's when it gets crazy when all the guests arrive but i do get a kick out of my job because i enjoy it i like you know having nothing in the room and then all of a sudden a few hours later it's like wow and you know you've helped create that so you know it's a good feeling i hope when she comes in she'll be really happy um i think when you when you choose ideas from like a computer screen and then you imagine them in your head it doesn't really ever reflect the real thing when you see it here [Music] with just a few hours until guests arrive blushing bride shakira and her entourages siblings have come to check the venue is up to scratch hi how are you you look lovely how are you feeling hi you're very good okay [Laughter] yeah it looks so lovely doesn't it [Music] i'm relaxed because i grew up with five brothers and they're crazy so sometimes you need to like stay relaxed just sit by them because they're crazy we need someone that's staying in the house and i think that's why i'm chilled out all the time it looks awesome yeah when the lights are on the candles on this kind of look magnificent not seeing a big long walkway actually any recent weddings anyway just looks like a proper like a fairy tale type wedding doesn't it i feel alright i just want it over and done with but my siblings are amazing like they've done everything for me so i've not had to like worry about anything it's the day of hamza and huma tarik's valima the final hurrah to the elaborate wedding at saffron's warehouse head chef abdul rasheed is loading up a convoy of vans to transport the most sumptuous of wedding banquets to the venue yeah it's quite busy sunday almost busy you know because there's a one or two function going on we're going to pack all the van now we just leaving to tanbury and we'll probably see you over [Music] there 50 miles away at a grand golfing resort perched high in the ayrshire coast hassan usman and their team are already busy setting up so the turnberry golf resort is probably the most luxurious venue that we've ever worked at and it's just as stunning they've got these massive crystal chandeliers these huge windows that overlook the sea and probably the only thing that's a downside is they're a ban on item pro you know they're scared that we might stain their 500 000 pound carpet in there today's staging is one of the most extravagant the team has ever attempted planning it for about three four months um and been preparing for it for a couple of weeks now with most of the preparation getting done just within this past week it is hectic with weddings right now we've got about 430 guests for today so they'll be having a drinks reception with canopies in the crystal ballroom and then they'll come into the main ballroom for the actual main meal itself having safely made the 50-mile trip from glasgow the mountain of food is making its way into the hotel kitchen we're ready to get service about in six hour time and i'm get prepared for my other food and then we'll be ready for six so we're gonna start service about six o'clock and you're in schedule yeah on a shuttle always [Music] the flower wall that we're setting up today is probably the biggest one that we do we've done it a couple of times before this but not with as many flowers as we were using today how do you handle the like the pressure are you pretty calm i would say i'm quite a cam person yeah um there you go i think over the years this job teaches you to be cam because it's usually the guests or the family that are losing their heads so obviously somebody needs to kind of keep it together and what about the rest of your team no commenting you don't know what the you're doing what what are you doing so uh men are times that i maybe uh lose my cool probably at least once a week maybe more than that why are you taking the effort you just want things to run smoothly and when you're up against the time and you know that okay the family about to come in or the guests are about to arrive and you need to get the ice buckets out or the drinks out or something just kind of silly uh something quite straightforward and you just needed them like five minutes ago and sometimes you just have to shout to get it done quicker fix your color first then your time fix your color fix your color yeah wants everybody to be husson that's that's the best way to put it um he wants everything to be seen through his eyes and for everything to be delivered the way that he's he's imagined it in his head so after about seven hours we finally managed to finish the flower roll off and looks pretty good if i say so myself and still got time to spare as well guests are still in the reception area still another 15-20 minutes before they come in so managed to do in good time i'm going to try and hide from husson before he gives us something else to do sneak in a wee break in edinburgh is shakira's wedding day family and friends from near and far have come to celebrate but it's a day tinged with sadness i've been in tears all night yes you don't you know you can see you're gonna need lots of tissues and it's gonna be even more tears when the bride departures you know from the family is really touching for us my daughter shakira's weddings and it's been five days going like that and kudo will be the last day and she will be going to her husband i feel so sad today because i'm going to miss her a lot out front the groom's arrived at the venue but he's not exactly getting a warm welcome we can't let the bride go away without no the groom's going to take them away so uh they're going to put up about a fight because they don't want her sister to leave so we're going to ask him i don't know maybe for 5-10 grand before he can get in so there is like a like a kind of cultural thing that some families do where they will stand at the door of the venue usually so the bride's family will some of them will maybe put like a tape across the door or a ribbon and they won't let the groom and the groom's family in until he pays like the bride's sisters or the bride's cousins some money hopefully it's real money as well i've been i've been to a few weddings where they actually gave you like monopoly money there's got to be scottish currency you know him coming from england as well that's gonna be another problem we'll see what happens wedding pranks are just another word for extortion we've been doing events for 20 years and we don't know if people are joking or not like we we've seen some real fights over this kind of stuff like where has got nasty an army here man he has to battle through an army out here so it's going to be good fun excited let's see how much he's got his wallet yeah see how much he's got no money no money no money no money no money no money that's what we're going with today but now you have to feel all of us as well not just my sisters [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes they want some money for this for the bride let us in so we gave them some money for the gun and sponsored them and they got our city strings all over us but we're going in we're going in let's go you know what they actually done all right i have to say there's a dollar in the floor as well but yeah i'm happy we'll see if they actually inside the couple first separately perform their nikah the official and religious part of the wedding so at nagas enemies typically they will be um bride will be in a separate room first of all groom will usually be on the stage and he'll be in the main hall and so the imam and the person that's going to perform the naga ceremony will come with two witnesses so usually one from the bright side and one from the grim side um they'll go into the bride gym first and um ask permission from the bride um to if you would take um you know the groom's name his hand and marriage so once the bride's agreed the man to the person from the mosque that will be performing the naga will go through um into the the main hall where um all of the guests will be and he will then ask on stage the grim aim so in this case it will be in the head whether he accepts shakira as his wife and if he agrees that's it and they're officially married at that point so it's usually a really joyous occasion in the hall and everyone will get up start hugging and you know make their way to the stage to congratulate the family and the grim um but at the same time it can be emotional for the bride's family and you always find that um the bride's family will get emotional at that point as that is they're married and you know than an official couple now and you'd be getting for her yeah she can start her life now wait it's gonna be more emotional later when the groom takes her away sorry i wasn't expecting so much um but they're gonna bring her out just now and everyone can see them together [Music] i'm feeling really happy now my sister is officially married now the wedding has been sealed the prayers have been done it is overwhelming but we're happy we're happy she's very brave she's very brave and very strong we're going to miss her for a lot even though my one of the youngest son he so sad she he couldn't stop crying [Music] to list spirits before the final send-off it's time for an age-old and much-loved bengali tradition can we get the bride's brother-in-law's over here please it's time to feed the groom on the wedding day on begali weddings usually and there's like a tile they call it which is like a big kind of dish that's brought out with either a leg a lamb decorated really nicely or even a field chicken so in shakira's case she's got a legal lamb that she's asked for um and that will get brought out and placed in front of the groom and then all the members of the bride's family will come up and feed him and like make the males in it and like the extended members and we'll just kind of put a bit of meat in his mouth and stuff and just um feed him i don't know if it's maybe like almost like a kind of welcoming into the family as well it's a lovely tradition and it's so nice to watch like everybody get really really involved and it makes great photos another wedding staple most deserving of a photo is the pan display this is something that is a must and compulsory in a bangladeshi wedding it is called a pandan and it's made with a beetle nut and sapari and it's known as a sort of a mouth refresher after a meal and it's quite important and it's getting quite competitive at the moment on how to illustrate and display the product so i have carved a watermelon with a bride and groom coming out from it this is shakira on this side and i've also done naheed on the other side as well i've been quite creative and made it a bit magical because i just think this wedding is really big and magical and i was wanting to give a bit of a gift so i put in a horse and carriage just so everyone could come look at it and eat it as well [Music] the last of the barn finished and the party winding down the time has come for shakira to say her goodbyes [Music] so obviously at the end of the wedding usually as the rug city you would call it and that is when the bride is officially given away to her new family to her husband and typically the dad or the mum and extended family members will walk out the bride along with the groom i know in my own experience it was emotional because you're like officially leaving your mom's and dad's house so it can be a hard time for both the bride and for the bride's family [Music] for mom it's very hard to give away daughters girl are married and going somewhere else living their life with her husband and partner so she will start a new life with her husband this is the way it's life [Music] on the west coast at one of the most exclusive venues in scotland guests are arriving for the valima of hamza and huma tariq the valima is usually organized by the groom and the groom's family and it's a nice way to welcome the bride and introduce her to extended friends and family but stressed uh i hope everything goes okay you know you're always like that in an event like this especially managing about four five four hundred five hundred people you know it's it's quite stressful everybody's kind of trickling in you know uh there's another friend of mine who's coming how are you looking looking very scottish i thought you were you're supposed to be english outside the grand ballroom the bride and groom are preparing to meet their big entrance we're actually hiding at the moment because we're not supposed to be seen by anyone but um i'm just waved at everyone as they've walked past so they won't be allowed in now hello are you going to make a dramatic engine entrance yes we are we are well i think well i'm going to walk and he he's going to trip up and he's going to fall and then i'm going to leave him and then we're going to continue to the stage it's awesome that's exactly what's supposed to happen could you walk forward and i'll do this yeah sorry okay good but i can't fall no no absolutely not i'll take the ball for you that's fine okay okay okay can both of you come and stand here please [Music] um husband [Music] once inside the couple had to take their place on a stage thoroughly fit for royalty [Music] gliding along their own mirrored walkway complete with pyrotechnic display a spectacle not lost on the guests [Music] stunning beautiful everything is [Music] but there's another very special guest at today's wedding who saffron owner hasan is particularly keen to impress his mom pohida so uh yeah a special relationship with my mom quite close to her um and as you are and she was probably one of the major contributors to the company to saffron from the start yes the very first order we had was for 40 people and it was a birthday party and he came to me he said mom someone has asked for a birthday party for 40 people would you cook something for me and that is cry ghost meat and i said what i i can't do that we don't have all the facilities or anything and he said mom you'll have to because i've already said yes to them and i i cooked that for 40 people the meat outside in the garden thankfully for his mum hassan's catering strategy has come a long way since then the main meal out back abdul rasheed and his catering team plate up a formidable feast for 450. everybody surpassed now you know quickly it's my responsibility because if i don't give them a good rule their husband will come to me what's happening so that's why i'm trying to give them food a good service so people enjoy that this is a heartbeat i've done 400 people and i'm serving uh four starters three main course and dessert and there's quite a lot you know yeah the food's been amazing the starters were very very nice looking forward to the desserts now the food firmly hitting the spot is compliments to the chef i think they have pulled off an amazing event today the food was brilliant the salmon was absolutely mouth-watering yeah it melted literally melted in my mouth i'll try my best yeah you know a good friend of mine for a long time but i said i will do my best so i did it yeah if we got the food wrong we would go from here to down here overnight that's enough to kill any business there's one bad wedding you're only as good as your last event and if this event is anything to go by the wedding planners can rest easy but the groom is not off the hook yet you know that we have a very strong passive accent and there are quite a few people here from england and you know you have some difficulties so if you can't if you can't understand us put your hand up and you'll do absolutely nothing about it so you can just put it right back down [Applause] i have known hamza for at least 15 years and i can honestly say that he will never change i mean he's been the same height ever since i've known him he just refuses to grow i mean they just changed his crib to a double bed last week because he was getting married they didn't need them any step ladder though they already had that from before all jokes aside let me tell you about hamza what he lacks in hate he makes up for with his big heart now let me tell you he's a beautiful guy inside and out he had two loving parents who would do anything for him everyone in his family are very loving and caring one thing i promise you huma is that you will be very well looked after in that family i've only spoken to a few times and i can already see that you and him are going to get on really well you both are perfect for each other hey i'm really glad he's getting married to you you've gained a husband and loads of brothers welcome to the family [Applause] [Music] as the new family dance their way into the night we're all having a great time we're all having a brilliant time enjoying ourselves everybody is feeling the love [Music] people say that you should be aware of your in-laws but my in-laws are my family and i love them [Music] yeah another one in the game it's nice to have another sister another addition to our growing family i'm totally out number nine [Music] i'm so happy and i'm so proud to have her and the tarex aren't the only proud parents in the house i feel very proud of my son he has done very well over the years it's a hard work and he had put his full efforts in it [Music] i think with everyone's support it becomes something it's not doesn't take one person to to make it happen so a lot of team effort from our team suffering team and family support as well that's so nice [Music] see by the end of it and the family are happy it's so rewarding and that way because like it's a satisfaction of seeing something come from the beginning from when they first came in to the end and then seeing them happy for a lot of families it's like a dream at you know the actual wedding day is and to see them happy at like their dreams come true is it's lovely it's such a nice feeling
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 666,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc uk, wedding town, bridal, marriage, wedding video, big fat gypsy wedding, gypsy marriage, indian wedding dance, indian wedding, indian wedding video, big fat desi, big fat desi wedding series, desi wedding tik tok, big fat desi wedding full episode, traditional wedding, indian weddings, sikh wedding, desi american, what are indian weddings like, indian american wedding, sikh wedding 2022, desi, desi wedding dress, desi bride entrance, my big fat desi wedding tv show
Id: cmb8rZs2cPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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