The Biggest Fattest Gypsy Wedding

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[Music] the dress is a closely guarded secret the preparations have been painstaking an ordinary girl is about to be transformed into a princess it will be a wedding like no other oh [Applause] gypsy and traveller girls are renowned for their extravagant weddings and the woman who makes their dreams come true is dressmaker thelma madine we've now given thelma her biggest challenge yet she wants it the best gypsy wedding that's ever been seen she has just three weeks to organize a traveler wedding that will rival william and kate's big day travels do only do it once it's got to be special if this gets pulled off she'll be every shocking girls wouldn't hannah velma has her work cut out in more ways than one ready or not [Music] what's the driver and what i want pink feathers and lights mixed with these ones but one either certainly cake oh god will it turn out to be a fairy tale happy ending i'm really tired a right royal disaster [Music] this is just ridiculous now [Music] [Applause] [Music] some girls are born in palaces some are born in caravans [Music] but they have one thing in common they all want the wedding of their dreams hey prizes a prize that's just how much 23 year old irish traveler mary will marry her prince charming in just three weeks time if i could have anything like a wedding like a prince actual princess it would be perfect that's just like literally like me dream just to have the perfect one can i graze my dresses do you want uncaring what to look like lungs i think mary was with her sister margaret when she met her fiance it was love at first sight yeah i was like that's one of my dreams you had a possibility she actually said it the first time she see him there's a man on my dreams i like he pulled up in the car and she looked good on him she was so embarrassed she just walked away he is the perfect man he really is brilliant while mary's husband-to-be is away traveling in search of work the two sisters are making the most of their time together with a boat ride near their site in peterborough give me a go now get lost mary please let me drive with you do you drive over let me drive would you get on that i can't hold this guy what's that do fast wow [Applause] [Applause] so imagine that when you got married we wanted to do this anymore i know so why won't you be able to do this anymore she'll have to play with her husband [Music] the aunt can just bring your girls i'm saying look just want to wear it with you [Music] mary has turned to the travelling community's dressmaker of choice thelma madine to design and make her wedding gown yeah coming off another word but for the first time thelma will also organize every other aspect of the big day apart from all the work what we've got on anyway right we've also got now a wedding what we've got to turn around in three weeks we're going to do the whole wedding so we've got to arrange the hotel the flowers even the party and the night it will be stressful you're going to be tired and probably a lot of people are going to be annoyed as well okay angry and things like that so you'll just have to get on with it you just focus on him around the world trip yeah bye he's getting me out mary wanted to be no not as big better than the royal wedding really that's what she wants to do with the wedding fast approaching mary has made her way to thelma's workshop to be measured for her dress hello gorgeous you know rice yeah yeah who's the lucky boy [Music] had it always has to be patty every traveler bride-to-be wants their wedding dress to be unique and mary is no exception i want my wedding dress to be white sticking out scattered diamonds backlists i haven't seen her traveling in a backless dress before even if we go in the church and you know drive it backwards it might look a bit too much do you know what i mean okay i'm not happy about that one so why can't you leave this one i can't you can't it's for church isn't it i think it's okay like that do yeah we are never surprised or shocked by anything that a traveler lasts for you know each girl tries to outdo the next scale and it just goes on and on from there yeah they're brilliant with the design approved it's time to try the underskirts on layer upon layer upon layer of netting that gives the dress that sticky out look mary craves [Music] the corset alone will be decorated with over 1500 crystal encrusted leaves handmade by head designer leanne and her team put this way i'm not really going to get much sleep [Laughter] how do you hope you'll be feeling on the day relieved everything is sorted and just prepared and ready to get married i think you'll feel like a princess yeah definitely my god i think you feel amazing i think you'll feel better than case yeah mary lives with her mum and seven siblings on a permanent caravan site [Applause] she left school aged 11 to support her mum with the housework i helped look after the children my mom gets a lot of help off me girls have their own trailer mommy's sister's living up with me it's just a girly crashing place we used to travel around all the time when i was growing up and then about five or six years ago you only settle down because of the children's education once she's married life will change for mary she will move into a caravan with her husband paddy and travel the country [Music] when you get married i'm pulling away yeah and you're camping no i'm traveling i've never been away from home for one night i was staying home like with my family i'm really scared of you leaving wait where are you going get away from you [Music] thelma and her assistant manager pauline are calling possible reception venues as they begin organizing the wedding with less than three weeks to go hi and just see if you've got any availability for a wedding for the day and the evening on the 15th of april this year this year yeah bit short notice oh no we've got a slide and booked already yeah no sorry i've got a large dinner booked in on the 15th of april this year yes oh my goodness we're running out of venues paul because we haven't even started japal haven't got a hotel oh god what if we can't get one with most of the wedding preparations in thomas hands mary has time to choose the right shade for her nails which one of those pinks would you recommend that's a really nice pink did you fancy having that all over yeah yeah tell me about your proposal then don just get down on one knee oh for definitely he must have asked you somehow not allowed to tell that probably killing me really yeah so who organises most of the wedding yourself dana's very good she's organizing all the dresses and she's like a fairy godmother she comes out she'll go and get everything organized do you have the 15th of april available for a wedding please it is available that's brilliant there's no problem parking you know if the trailers or the caravans are not on there now is that oh we've got one pool yeah that's good that's great yeah that's brilliant isn't it god i thought that was going to go on forever there thank you shortly after finding a venue there's more good news oh well i've got two then but just 30 minutes later the first venue cancels so that they're actually blocking the whole day out bye bye what a load of crap that was your excuse was that the wedding on the saturday um has now boot the hall for the friday as well so they can set it up now that room was available half an hour ago he said yeah it's just blatant discrimination isn't it yeah oh it's just so wrong cancellations are a common problem for travellers and it's not long before the second hotel calls back hello yeah the hotel is only shut down for that one particular evening for this group as they've took all the hotel over and you didn't know this before when you said the room was available no unfortunately not because i've been away on holiday till now it shows just not because the travellers no it's got nothing to do with that but normally we do accept bye-bye how pathetic is that it really is blatant the way they're treated like worse than second-class citizens they really are you're a traveler go away [Music] dressmaker thelma medine has been given just three weeks to plan and organize every last detail of one traveler girl's dream wedding she's on her way to north wales to pay the travelling community's favorite cake maker a visit mary wants this cake to be bigger and better than any other cake i can't repeat what jill said to me when i asked her about the cake and how long it was to go she swore at me mary has three simple requests the cake must be big pink and shaped like a horse and carriage [Music] so the stand as it is we'll put like six tears here and then here and there yeah we'll do do the flowers on the back yeah yeah and then once again thereafter either side yeah more cakes yeah irish traveler noreen works part-time to help produce perfect gypsy wedding cakes see i was actually thinking feathers there i don't know i'm gonna get feathers there so it's all fluffy there yeah i'll think about that you've got it as you go along you've got to do it that's it yeah yeah what looks nice yeah and then lots of glitter obviously yeah is that pink or is that white okay yeah most of the travelers i've been to they're about like the castle you know the castle came yeah or like i should i haven't seen one of these before it's from like princess cinderella it's all from cartoons obviously they want to be a princess for today so they want everything that's going to relate to being a princess [Music] like many irish travelers bride-to-be mary is also drawing inspiration from a real-life princess [Music] that was kind of sticking out here one of that dress yeah don't like sleeves she looked like a princess and acted like a princess they've done their vows and will's been very nervous his knees were supposed to be shaking down himself nerves are setting in for mary too but for entirely different reasons venue is cancelled once again um cake i haven't even got it's two weeks for me one what's your role going to be on the day on bridesmaids what what's your dress going to be like oh it's really nice it's pink it's not too sticky out but it's sticky out but it's really nice getting after waiting the day to see a bit more work has started on mary's wedding gown arthur could you do this well after you finish that one head designer leanne is in charge of decorating the corset this is the decoration room this is where we apply the diamonds and to the detailing this is where they come alive we make sure that nothing leaves this room until it's perfect [Music] [Applause] there is still some way to go on the dress but thelma's search for a venue finally appears to be over after calling nearly 50 hotels an animal shelter has come to the rescue for all dog-related inquiries press seven for all calculated inquiries press eight speaking i just wondered if you got anything together for me you know costumes wise obviously we can come to the agreement on on something to suit your budget yeah okay can you arrange anything at all and entertainment as well yeah uh we can only get ahold of anything oh he's a lovely man isn't he you can see that he takes dogs in and things he's just lovely he's not potatoed by them being travellers at all everybody else's paulie got one yeah we are what is it oh god it's the um you know the rescue center yeah the dog just imagine these little dogs you know what the menu looks amazing actually is it yeah that you can have chum win a lot no no it really does look good i think we could make it look lovely i think we could get like a nice dance flooring dress it all up and as they walk through it'll be all this open everything good yeah and a red carpet it's more difficult organizing a gypsy wedding or a royal wedding oh my god i'd say a gypsy wedding every time you know people will fall over themselves to a royal wedding you try and get anyone to do it you know for a travel app got no chance of it hello hi mary i've got brilliant news we've got a venue so where is the summer i'm not going to tell you seriously you're going to keep this from me i'm going to meet you on thursday i'm going to go and see it together oh god oh she's so happy she's really happy now and then you tell you the neighbor no so you just said oh no nothing you just know you have one as long as i know i have a venue i'm happy [Music] ten days to go until the wedding and work has begun in earnest on mary's cake it's all like competition i wasn't there i compete against each other which i'm gonna have the biggest vessel which one can add to more diamonds and which one can have the bigger cake jill and noreen will have to roll and need over 30 feet of icing to make mary's cake the longest they've made so far like what's the biggest one that you've done eighteen foot eighteen foot eighteen for this one the cake table itself what do you reckon it would be 24 from the sink to the window well i've sore thumbs tonight my wrist is already here i mean i have no wrists please no you haven't i have two little twigs there's a wrist twig's gonna snap any minute another 20 kilograms and we'll be there [Music] thelma and her team have been working day and night to finish the wedding dress in time and the strain is beginning to show hi can i have a private way please with palmer yeah everything okay no all right then um until the end that she wants to come down she wants to see it no no no no no no no no no you keep your voice down you come in having a guy before you start where well then girls come in early every single day to start working early they went through the bakes and everything but you wouldn't know that would you you i didn't do you want to go yeah [Music] we had a bit of an argument because we didn't start till half ten and then leanne's gonna need to speak to film now and she's watching came back right and got her she's got a cub on i'll tell you what it stems back to she'll like because this morning when i've had a word with the girls and told them to get on because we've got a lot on you know there's a lot of stress and it's on our heads isn't it really you know what i mean said they don't start till after so then i turned around which i shouldn't have done probably and said well you do [Music] and now we're stuck we don't know what we're doing we've got no teacher short staffed thelma now has to leave for peterborough to meet mary and visit the reception venue for the first time i'll see you later and i'll phone you when i know what what it's like all right just don't forget don't forget stacey love good luck thank you i know it's an animal rescue center but she doesn't i think it put anybody off [Applause] [Music] [Music] seems to be a lot going on here doesn't it i don't know i don't know what she's going to make of it really i hope she likes it because this is it this is there's no choice this is what she's got to have you've got to use your imagination i'm going to need it no you're not what i'm looking at see that there that's not there they have like a big awning there so it's just like a big entrance thing what they put up what do you want it's lovely come and see all inside you dress it all up with big dreams and everything good this one's mary this is martin how are you mary this is martin this is all done you have to you have to pick a chest and dogs come off the windows they have on and on there if you haven't it's like a big marquee in here all the drapes on the ceiling don't you all round tables all the chair covers and everything i've always done up as well it transforms into quite a nice video you have to think outside pop skeletons you've got to forget you've seen it like this you've got to imagine it all done 50 51 hotels we do found i mean at least you know they're not going to cancel them the day before yeah i thought we couldn't i couldn't put up with the stress of that people cancelling on you this is idylla really when that's all done out there and all that works gone and you're not gonna have all them cars there either there's a green panel on the front of it as well can like that be covered up i'm sure we can find something like a prop or something like that it'll look lovely when it's done back up dennis talk about decorating this place because we've got some serious work to do i want pink lights mixed with these ones with drapes hanging off in the light wrapped around the grapes yeah which one have you cake mary over here along this table i forgot about those sculptures yeah i want one either side of me cake yeah she wants big ones like a love heart but there are initials inside of it lit all up on us once fire works for the yeah confetti yeah i want the stage covered yeah it's not thanks for everything just happy and sausage yeah thank you thank you just like every other traveler they are demanding because they expect so much of the day they want it to be perfect travelers do only do it once it's got to be special but this gets pulled off she'll be every shopping girl's wedding planner after me i don't think she'll ever want to do another traveler again [Music] dressmaker thelma medine has just five days to finish planning the perfect traveler wedding the reason we're all in on a sunday is because all that see that's what we've got to do on this one we've got two little mini brides which is probably a lot more work because they have the same decoration on as what a wedding dress that have on it so it's like doing three wedding dresses this is where it all starts from the scare point of view just in the under skirts alone there must be a mile of fabric at least a mile of fabric marsh at the moment is working on a crown which is filled in completely does it feel heavy on your head or yeah yeah well mary wants a trail on her dress and she wants the most swarovski on anyone's ever had forty 000 crystals just one at a time i dream about them that's going to take 10 days yeah yeah and we've only got five days all the way i know in keeping with traveller tradition 23 year old bride-to-be mary has never spent a night away from her family you won't know if he snores or anything like that yet then i think it's true you don't know someone till you live with them you might be a really horrific snorer oh please god so do you know anybody that's um not from the traveling community that marry's in i don't know a lot of people but um i know i wouldn't you you know it wouldn't be accepted if you didn't my family now no that's me that would probably strangle me so he's very sort of sitting this way which is a good thing yeah i'm glad he's as strict as he is definitely teach the same things i was teached yeah to my children yeah what about paddy how does he compare to your dad um i think he just thinks he owns me already he's just about the same strictness as my dad because i'm very independent you see i can go down my local pub and play pool on the pool table with with the guys and you know you know just oh god i'm probably girly not as good as anything like that apart from football are you good at football are you i'm interested in football yeah well who do you support oh [Laughter] three days ago head designer leanne quit work following a row with thelma waiting to get mary's dress finished leanne has agreed to come back carrying on with these then are we yeah okay that's so much of begging i'm back save the day [Laughter] we're all stressed out over this wedding but she's back today his braces are buttoned and prepared to work which is good news for us she has a vital cog in the wheel with just days to go until the wedding there's still plenty to organize this is what i love yeah this is lovely isn't it mary wants the perfect princess carriage to take her to the church and i want to drive her in white i want pink feathers and blankets that go over their back yeah in pink yeah what you have to do is wave as you go along like kate does the thing that she's gonna do you think she'll have a carriage as well like this nah definitely not don't you worry because she's supposed to be allergic to horses mary's also looking for memorable acts to keep her guests entertained [Music] i think if you went to egypt's wedding to show you a bit how to do it maybe we shoved off the dance floor [Music] he's watching this guy isn't it my father you're the strength of me what are you doing no no [Music] this is where we have to audition imagine that on the night everyone's just been wearing three times three times oh [Music] [Applause] the violinist yeah for the church definitely it's definitely got to be her what was the other thing the flowers wasn't it and the drinks fountain if you can put that in the in the ice sculptures that'll be great having spent the day organizing the wedding thelma turns her attention to the most important item on her list the dress how we doing the team have now less than 24 hours before mary's all-important fitting this has got to be finished today definitely i've been on the trail for about three days now i go stiff and i get off dead slow because my legs don't work on your back don't wear have to be it's now just approaching midnight and we're just i'm making them nice strong coffee to keep them away for another couple of hours [Music] despite working until 4am thelma and her team have yet to finish if anyone says there's plenty on that we doubly [Music] and they only have an hour before mary arrives it's looking good trail's taking a while though i think paulie's been slacking over there snail trail we should call it what do you think a lot of hard way in that trail it's lovely this is longer than what princess diana at isn't it that's 17 volts [Music] it's not we're here yeah come on i know you're hiding behind that cracking two minutes look at her face she's pleading at the door [Music] ever the perfectionist thelma won't let mary see the dresses until they're completely finished if i don't see it i'm going to die come on go on you're going to like me okay you are cruel do you really want to try your dress off today you ready [Music] [Laughter] oh my dear girls how important is the is your dress this wasn't right there wouldn't be any wedding that's how important this is [Music] i'm in shock i thought something went wrong when you would knock my dog mini brides nikita and caitlin are first to try on their dresses [Music] they are too cute [Music] [Laughter] what do you think we should try your dress on now please [Music] hey are you talking to your prince charming party prince king party prince king party [Music] it's the day before the wedding yeah cross them two off what about this one but in peterborough at the animal shelter the reception is far from ready thermos martin what's it looking like he said wow this is amazing no i don't like that man i don't like that most people what about all the people there's still lots more to do don't you worry about this end all right and yeah yeah just a bit just we haven't even set off yet and it's ten past five we haven't even left to go to peterborough yet she'll be all right in a minute i'm just knackered i'm really tired who's driving down me looks like it's me doesn't it paulie might call you drive jimmy edin you've got to learn to drive [Music] your little one [Music] the dresses are packed up and ready to go as the team sets off for peterborough all that's left is for thelma to pull off the wedding of the year double yellow line yeah it's okay this needs must have got to be on a double yellow line i've got to be on the double yellow line i would rather get the wrath of a traffic ward and the wrath of a traveler believe me it's the morning of irish traveler mary and paddy's wedding day and preparations are in full swing [Music] can i just have more lipstick on her lips make her lips take her and fuller [Music] busy business as mary's wedding planner it's thelma's job to ensure everything runs smoothly two cans of red bull freezing cold yeah confetti glitter spray oasis 10 benson and hedges and 10 lambert and butler yeah daddy okay all right see you later [Music] with a 17-foot trail and well over a mile of fabric there's only one room big enough for mary's dress the manager of the hotel kindly has let us take over the dining room so we can dress her in here and she can go through the double doors save us squashing in and out this is the first time we've actually had the bride get dressed in the dining room in the hotel yeah she's running she'll have only dresses organized downstairs she's literally everything organized which is brilliant definitely trust her because look at this is she where was paddy last night he went out on his um what does he call it boys [Music] yeah you know what boys get up on their stuck okay outside mary's fairy tale horse-drawn carriage is attracting attention will you fix this hair [Music] margaret you look beautiful the bridesmaids mini brides and mary's mom set off for church in cars that can accommodate their dresses for mary the moment she's been waiting for has finally arrived [Music] i can't walk then i don't want to be shown to the whole world [Music] [Music] it's a big deal in a traveling girl's life to get married it's going to be perfect [Music] travelers weddings you never know what's going to happen and i think it's more fun more exciting people can just let loose in a traveler's wedding [Music] holy water the church has put its faith in father michael to conduct the ceremony this is only my third wedding because i've only been a priest since last summer so it's quite a baptismal fiery [Music] like a true princess mary's arrival is greeted by waiting crowds the horses the pink feathers you know really really feeling about it that's really good it's almost like their version [Music] [Music] religious services i would want you to respect god's house and to be respectful of mary and patrick who are celebrating such an important occasion in their life [Music] paddy the groom has asked not to be identified as a traveler as this could affect his ability to get work i call upon these persons here present i call on these persons here present to witness that i marry and witness do you take thee patrick take the patrick to be my lawful wedded husband to be my life and wanted husband to have and to hold to heaven for better for worse better for worse for richer for poorer for richer in sickness and in health sickness till death do us part that was i think they deserve a round of applause [Music] other than a few snags the wedding is going to plan very beautiful actually it's a shame she couldn't get down the aisle with quite as much dignity as i would have liked a bit too large the dress absolutely perfect she's really happy and she looks fantastic but thelma can't relax just yet [Music] pleased to meet you it's time to find out if the animal shelter has been transformed into a reception fit for a princess oh my god look at that oh it's lovely oh my god oh martin where's jill all right it's just you've exceeded yourself here again that's fantastic oh come here that's absolutely brilliant to turn that round in oh [Music] i just want to see her face i want to see a reaction margaret will you come and trying to help her no no you just all keep standing there [Music] is fantastic isn't it just pure shock she was i didn't think she expected it like that just keep saying thank you thank you thank you thank you can i just give you a hug is he an angel [Music] oh it's very good the best wedding i've ever seen no seriously no i'm sorry no it really is the best thing you've ever seen [Music] i ride a beat just sweating at the royal wedding you're gonna die billy [Music] how's this compared to the raw wedding it's better obviously i know it wouldn't be all dry you know drinking champagne it's rocking out the rich life really i hear you have a better i think i'm brilliant i really do think i'm brilliant i mean you know whoever's organized that must be fantastic and telling you [Music] we said sit in one people are asking for soup before everyone sat down i think the girls asked for their sweets before their main meal so the service meal to normally it's quite chaotic you enjoying yourself oh yeah i am um particularly in the mills over yeah with dinner out of the way the younger generation make their way to the dance floor uh i just don't know where the hell that came from for everywhere just seems to be check everyone's dancing [Music] travelers and gypsies [Music] [Music] are you ready [Music] the final dance is an opportunity for mary to say goodbye to her mum before she leaves home for the very first time [Music] art was beautiful really was it went lovely everything went lovely everything turned out the way i wanted it so it's really nice definitely miss her i won't she won't look [Music] as mary joins her husband paddy for a life on the road thelma's work is finally done all the effort that went into it on everyone's part has paid off today [Music] she was thrilled and mum was thrilled her dad was thrilled all the guests were amazed by here and the venue so we couldn't ask for a better day really it's really really good and what will you be doing tomorrow i'll be watching the royal wedding just how it compares to this one tonight i don't think it'll be as eventful as this one definitely haven't been to a wednesday you've been to a travellers one ask any of these [Music] [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 1,795,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: say yes to the dress, wedding town, bridal, wedding planning, wedding video, strangest wedding, big fat gypsy wedding, gypsy weddings, traveller girl, worst dress, best dress, big fat gypsy weddings, traveller community, irish traveller, traveller culture, irish traveler, gypsy wife, big fat gypsy wedding full episode, big fat gypsy wedding uk, big fat gypsy wedding episode, big fat gypsy wedding tlc, bigger fatter gypsy wedding, gypsy wedding, gypsy life, gypsy woman
Id: OAptcDllxe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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