THE MOST EPIC Salad That You Won't Get Tired Of!!

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[Music] hey everyone so today i thought i would show you my favorite summer salad it's difficult to find salads that feel nourishing enough to have as a meal this one has everything it has a bit of your protein it has six veggies two leaves two herbs a dressing something crunchy and something creamy is that not what you want in all your salads okay so let's start with the leaves the best way they are eaten in my opinion are chopped so i love making sure everything is well chopped easier to put into your mouth get everything into one bite um with arugula though it's you know it's quite small in itself so i would usually just grab it and give it a rough chop like this we're gonna be making a salad for about two people um today sometimes just for one if it's me but for you guys maybe for two we're just gonna start layering in so i've chopped up the arugula we're gonna throw it in there next up we have our little baby gem lettuce these ones are actually have different colors which is so beautiful and with that just grab hold of your lettuce and again we're roughly chopping it throw that in and next we've got the radisho which i've just been told potentially is called radichio so whether it's radicchio or radicchio to yourself just use it it's great tastes delicious and we're just going to slice it up like this very thin ah the colors are already so beautiful um next up let's do the veggies so with carrots obviously you're gonna peel them raw food is already quite difficult to digest so the skin is there to protect the carrot and which means that it's got a harder exterior and so we don't need to digest that it's it's not got any beneficial qualities um so better to just take it off so it makes the carrot a little bit easier to digest gives your belly a bit of a break chop off the top and then let me show you a utensil i like to use you can just simply grate it or you can be extra this is probably like ten dollars or something you can get it for amazon but i just love the way that it makes the um that it grates the carrots it almost makes it into fine matchstick things it's a little bit thicker than grated um but i just like it gives a bit more of a crunch rather than getting soggy so chuck that in next up we have our cucumber and remember all of this is um something you can pre-cut chop them up keep them in airtight containers in the fridge all of these chopped up except for tomatoes will last at least a good three four days tomatoes once you chop them up they go a bit soggy so i wouldn't recommend doing that but the rest of them should do perfectly i'm gonna chop this in four i cut it in half and then in half again i'm using little baby cucumbers but you can use a long one too and we're just gonna next up what should we do let's do our peppers so i've got a red pepper you can use your yellow pepper you can use an orange pepper i'm actually just gonna use half a pepper and with this one i'm gonna do cut them in long lines and then just cut it in half once i like to cut things in different shapes for the salad i find the textures sometimes are different like with this if you chop them up really fine you don't really get a good crunch to it the same with the carrot so i actually like doing different shapes for different things it visually looks better and also the bigger you keep the veggies the more you're going to be able to taste them and so you can decide which ones you want to be more prominent in the salad depending on the size that you cut them next up let's do the fennel fresh fennel looks like this what you want to do is take off this part it's really hard and stringy so you don't want this part but it smells phenomenal and these bits you can actually still use this is the herb dill which actually grows off fennel so you can use this and put it into your salad garnish with it sometimes i throw them into soup so you just you don't really need to waste them and hey if you want to keep the stalks for your stock if you make your own vegetable stock at home then these stalks will be perfect for that because they contain a lot of flavor but for this oh cut it like that leave that aside cut the end off and then again we're just gonna thinly okay so i'm gonna transfer it into a bigger one now this looks a lot bigger but um i like to present my salads nicely i'll often doing this just for myself okay so i'm gonna pour it all into here again i said this is a salad for two people but i mean look that depends on how much salad you like eating i could eat this whole thing by myself okay don't judge me so that this just looks so much prettier when you can see all the colors so tip make sure you have a big plate larger than you expect extra large so you can also mix it all up together so let's throw in the fennel fennel by the way if you've not tasted it phenomenal flavor it's got a bit of sweetness to it it's super crunchy actually when you cook it it loses its flavor but still has this really wonderful juicy texture so sometimes i'll bake it and put it into my salad too which tastes so good next up we will do our radish we're just going to do thin slices it's round and we don't have anything round in there yet so oh actually let me show you something i'm not using it because i don't want you guys to feel like there's so many utensils you need for this but if you ever feel too lazy to slice these thinly or you find that it's a tricky thing for you to do this is a mandolin it's great for salad things like this but also if you ever want to make really thin like potato fries or it cuts everything it's got so many different functions and again it's not that expensive so worth an investment but look just does that no pressure perfect so then we have our radish oh so pretty and lastly out of all the veggies we have our tomatoes or tomatoes as i like to call them i feel like i get a lot of varied response about tomatoes some people really dislike them raw and will take them out of their burgers or their salads and some people like me really enjoy them so with the cherry tomatoes i'm using cherry tomatoes the sweet cherry tomatoes and we're just going to cut them in half and then half again that's all of our veggies cut and imagine you had already meal prep that would have been like next we are going to do our herbs herbs joining me today on this uh episode are going to be parsley and mint so i'm just going to roughly chop them yeah it looks like a lot of it but i'm telling you the flavor is necessary so i've just kind of folded it in half and then we're just going to finely chop them sprinkle that on next up we have our trusted mint ah the smell of it is just so lovely and we're going to take off the leaves from the stalk now the reason we do that is stalks one the texture isn't that great to eat as you can tell look it doesn't really chop very well but if you are making a chutney you can use the stalks i find that they tend to be a little bit more bitter than i would like so i just take the leaves off and then we're going to chop them up throw that in forgot about this veggie didn't forgot about this veggie didn't i um but i guess this could be added to the creaminess um category or the veggie but avocado so many healthy fats in there and just fantastic so for the avocado i just chop it in half oh that's a good one score it out like so and then across yay then we're going to chuck it in here the way that i like to know whether it's good enough is it should be firm enough where you when you press on it it doesn't go all the way in like you don't feel like it's squidgy but when you press it it almost leaves a bruise like you feel like you could bruise the avocado just as you press on it um the other way that i've been taught if you take this off and it's still green like this then it means that the avocado is most probably not ready but if you take it off and it's like a brownie color or a deeper yellow color that means it's probably ripe and ready for you to eat let me just show you how to chop up these dates dates and the spas so these are the pepperonci pepperoncinos you can get them whole like this or i think you can get them sliced too but if you get them whole that's exactly what you're going to do slice them up wonderful now what should i do i'm going to chop the dates up so i use dell gat dates deglat dates delegate dates one of those but they're not the major dates um these have a firmer texture they're not as gooey sweet i find that that can get a little bit sickly um if i have too much of it so these have the sweetness you need they're not too sweet and they have a great texture so with this again we're just gonna chop it up like so oh and get them pitted so you don't have to waste time taking the pits out of the dates perfect next up we have our quinoa so our protein um i have already pre-cooked this and again you can do it in batch cook one whole cup of quinoa and it's really easy you put a cup of quinoa to two cups of water i threw in some bay leaves too um just to give it a little bit of flavor and some salt and that's it then you can keep this in your fridge and just add it to your salad so we're gonna add that in so just throw your pumpkin seeds into a pan that's on low heat by the way and you don't really need to put any oil in because the seeds when they warm they actually release oil and you'll notice that as they get heated up these i actually keep as a snack as well once i made these i'll just keep them in a jar and i'll just snack on them during the day too so um you know you can make these way in advance these stay crispy and crunchy if you just keep them in an air tight container and you don't need to put them in the fridge just keep them out so what you'll start to notice is your hair popping sounds they go from being flat seeds to um little round ones that's when you know that they are getting crunchy so when they start popping keep mixing them around because we don't want them to burn and that's when you add in your nutritional yeast i add that in for flavor i really love the taste of it but also it's a good source of vitamin b12 so i say why not and actually to help the nutritional yeast stick i'll sometimes spray a little bit of oil and that's it then it sticks to the to the seeds and then sprinkle some salt i'm using flaky sea salt you can use normal sea salt if you want and that's it that is the crunchy part of your salad done so let's leave it aside while we make our dressing this makes me laugh right now because every time jay comes in he's like you've just made the salad how is there just so much mess like i don't understand what's happened but this is pretty much me every time i cook so we have strengths we have weaknesses so for our um dressing we're gonna grab a jar hold on for the dressing pour in your olive oil then add in a scoop of your mustard you've got agave to bring the sweetness and a lemon for the zesty zingy flavor that you need and then the salt and pepper and lastly your herbs oregano and basil and then give it a good old shake this dressing will keep for at least a week in the fridge so you can just keep it in your jar in the fridge and take out whenever you want it oh you could use this dressing on your salad but also if you make any vegetables and you want to marinate them like asparagus this would be delicious marinate your asparagus and put it into the oven um yeah any veggies salads good for all this salad has come to an end we finally created this beautiful masterpiece i feel like i've complicated it for you all but really it's very simple and i keep saying this you just have to be prepared so let's mix it all up together and add in our dressing and our crunchy bits one thing i will say is if you feel you're not going to be able to finish this whole salad i would recommend adding in the dressing on each individual portion because once you add the dressing in it's going to go soggy and you won't really want to eat it the next day but this should save till the next day too so if you want to make it for two days in advance you definitely can just leave the dressing till the moment you're about to eat it okay so who's ready to eat some delicious vibrant rainbow colored lunch i definitely am this looks so wonderful a lot of people have asked me about salad and ayurveda and naturally raw food is not recommended in ayurveda but there's a little um trick to if you want your body to be able to digest it properly and better then adding the oils which is the healthy fats and adding black pepper and lemon all these three things actually help to break down the raw food and help you digest it so much better and actually stimulate your digestive fire i'm sure you also saw i added in ricotta there's a cheesy aspect to this salad so you can add in your ricotta or your parmesan today it was ricotta for me but first of all let's do a prayer of gratitude there are just so many people that we can thank within this meal the amount of people that have gone into growing all these different ingredients just really go back to the people that have grown it the sun that's helped those people grow the crops and all the way back to god for providing us with every single thing and that we possibly need to nourish our bodies so let's take a couple of seconds just to feel that gratitude in our heart amazing and now let us dig in oh this is honestly like when i see fresh food in this way whoops when i see fresh food in this way i feel like it fills my heart so much more than any junk food any um even pizza and bread for me which is probably my favorite things there's just so much beauty in food in its natural state i got the flavor of everything in that one bite it was a big bite but it was worth it oh the sweetness of the day the creaminess of the avocado the crunchiness of the carrot and the radish the zestiness of the dressing everything together just beautiful when you think about a meal in this way where you're really thinking about every aspect of it the flavor the texture the visual it almost starts preparing your digestive system to eat it so your body is already ready and welcoming it by the time you sit down to eat and so that's why i think it's so important all of this that we've spoken about during this video is such a mindful way to prepare the food you're really putting so much thought into what's going into your body sending you all so much love and gratitude and i hope you have such a wonderful weekend hey have you subscribed to my channel yet you subscribe to my channel right now what are you doing there's no need to be scrolling on instagram right now the most important thing is to go and subscribe and leave a comment too so i can get to know you just like you're watching me right now okay thanks
Channel: Radhi Devlukia
Views: 847,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yyx5HpsNz0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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