स्वादिष्ट सलाद कैसे बनाएं | 3 Healthy & Easy Salad Recipes for Winter

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In this video, we'll learn 3 salads that you can prepare during winters We'll start with our most delicious cheesy salad, which can be prepared under 15 mins A cheesy salad that has no milk or cheese Then how did we make it? Just keep watching Then we'll make a tangy sweet potato salad You may have heard of a sweet potato chaat before but have you heard of a sweet potato salad before? It's just as tangy and delicious! And finally, we'll prepare a beetroot-spinach salad You may be thinking - "Spinach! How will I make a salad with that?" But with a sweet date chutney and the crunch of walnuts, you can make a veggie like spinach tasty too But before learning these 3 salads, we'll learn the formula for a good salad If you want to make any salad tasty, you'll need to prepare 3 layers for it 1st - your base - which includes all veggies like spinach, coriander, lettuce, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, tomato, capsicum broccoli, cauliflower, peas, green beans, or any other veggies These will make up the biggest part of the salad then come your healthy fats, which include coconuts or other nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or any other fats Nuts and seeds don't just bring fats, but also a crunch to your salads But don't add too many of them And the 3rd part is our dressing, which means our flavourful chutney This brings flavour to our salad Leaving store-bought dressings aside, you can make many different types of chutneys or dressings at home How? We'll show you how in this video 1 bonus ingredient that you can add to any salad is sprouts Sprouts are full of life, filled a lot of life energy! That's why, add a fistful of sprouts to your salad, not just sprinkle some You can use any sprouts that you want. The best are vegetable sprouts like fenugreek, radish, alfalfa, and clover sprouts When you add all 4 parts in your salad, you will get a very wholesome and nutritious salad and you can easily replace your lunch and dinner with salads So come let's start with our recipes Every recipe in this video serves up to 2 people We'll start with our cheesy salad You may be thinking - cheese in a Satvic salad? Yes and no! We will add cheese, but not the dairy-processed one but a homemade cashew cheese made with natural ingredients First take 1/2 cup cashews and soak them for at least 6 hours We must consume all nuts only after soaking them Soaking them makes them easier to digest Add soaked cashews to a blender, add 1/2 small green chilli and 1/4 cup coconut milk Now blend them all together until they form a smooth, paste-like consistency Coconut milk is really easy to make We have even made a special video on it on our channel We have shared the link for it in the description box below Now our tasty creamy cashew chutney is ready Now we'll prepare our veggies For this, take 1 cup chopped broccoli 1 cup finely and roundly chopped babycorn, If you don't have babycorn, you can use normal corn too First steam the broccoli and babycorn for 2-3 mins If you don't have a steamer, you can use a strainer and pot to create a steamer After 2-3 mins, add red and yellow capsicum too 1 cup chopped red capsicum and 1 cup chopped yellow capsicum We have to cut both capsicums into small pieces like this and steam them for another 2 mins We are adding capsicum later because capsicum steams early After lightly steaming them, transfer all the veggies to a bowl Allow them to cool for 1-2 mins Add the cashew cheese that you prepared to it Add 1 tsp rock salt and 1 tsp dry oregano leaves Mix them all properly together There! Our creamy cheesy salad is ready! Why not make a few people taste this salad? Wow! It's so tasty! It doesn't have any cheese? I mean not even a bit of cheese? If this is what a salad is, I'd love to have salads every day! I can prepare this salad for lunch or dinner easily If that salad tastes like this, then definitely yes! Now we'll move onto our next salad sweet potato salad! With the crunch of lettuce and the softness of sweet potato, and the tanginess of tomatoes, every bite of this salad is special This salad has 2 parts - a tangy tomato dressing and its base First we'll prepare the base For that, we'll need a medium-sized sweet potato which you can cut from the middle and steam for 20 mins till it softens When the sweet potato has finished steaming, keep it outside & allow it to cool Now peel it and mash it with a fork Top it with 1 tbsp dry rosemary leaves and mix it well You can easily buy dry rosemary leaves from Amazon for Rs. 100-200 1 bottle easily lasts for 4-6 months And now comes the most fun part of this recipe We're going to make these small cubes using the sweet potato mix You can make 10-12 cubes using your hands like this Now take a small bowl and add 1 tbsp lemon juice to it 1/4 tbsp black pepper, and 1/2 tsp rock salt Now dip these cubes in this mixture properly one by one Ensure that the lemon juice covers all sides of the cubes remove them and keep them on a plate If you're preparing this salad in summers, you can use pumpkin instead of sweet potatoes too Then add 1.5 cup chopped broccoli and steam it for 10 mins too Until the broccoli steams, take 1/4 red capsicum Chop it in thin long slices like this Similarly, take a yellow capsicum and cut it into thin, long slices too Take 2 cup lettuce leaves and remove big chunks of them with your hands Now take a big bowl and add your lettuce, capsicum, broccoli, sweet potato cubes, Add everything and mix it together Now our salad base is ready Now we'll prepare our tangy tomato chutney To prepare the chutney, you'll need 2 tomatoes Remove their seeds and peels and keep them in the freezer just for 40 mins Take a mixer and add your frozen tomatoes to it 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves 1 tbsp chopped red capsicum 1/4 tsp roasted cumin powder 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 chopped green chilli 1/2 tsp rock salt and a pinch of black pepper Remember for all these salads recipes, you must use measuring cups and spoons like these Don't use spoons and cups at home, or you won't get the right taste Now blend all these ingredients together properly We don't have to blend the chutney too much or else it will turn out too green and won't look good Blend it till it's mildly coarse in texture and red in colour There! Our tangy tomato chutney/our salsa is also ready Add it over all your vegetables On top of it, we'll add 2 roasted and chopped almonds for extra crunch If you want, you can use roasted peanuts or sesame seeds too There! Our sweet potato salad is ready too When you have this salad, you'll notice how different every bite is Some bites are going to give you the sweetness of sweet potatoes, and the juiciness of capsicum some with crunch of lettuce and the softness of broccoli You may have never had a salad with so many tastes and textures Now it's time for our final salad Beetroot-spinach salad. This is one of our oldest recipes When I want a leafy salad, this is the salad I make It's very easy to make as well This salad has 2 parts too - date coriander chutney and base First we'll prepare the base ingredients For this, you'll need 2 small beetroots which have been peeled and cut into small pieces like this then allow them to steam and soften for 5 mins While your beetroot is steaming, take 2 cups of thickly chopped spinach Similarly, take 1 cup of any green leafy vegetable like amaranth, or rocket leaves and cut it into thick pieces like this too We're taking rocket leaves because they taste really good but you can use any green leafy vegetable that you have available Transfer all these veggies into a big bowl Now we'll prepare our sweet and sour coriander date chutney Take a mixer and add 1/2 cup freshly chopped cucumber, for sweetness, take 4 dates with their seeds removed 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves 1.5 tbsp lemon juice and 1/4 tsp cumin powder Blend this mixture until it's smooth Now our chutney is ready too Did you notice we added no salt to this salad or chutney? No we didn't forget to add salt to this salad. It already has salt! How? Green leafy veggies like spinach have their own natural salt Add this chutney to all your veggies and add 1/4 cup chopped coconut kernel and 6 soaked and chopped walnuts There! Our sweet and sour beetroot-spinach salad is ready! A good dressing can make any salad tasty For more healing recipes like this, you can order our Satvic Food Book In this book, we have shown how you can reverse any disease by changing your food without any medicine how to remove the root cause of the disease It has over 50 healing recipes The principles featured in it are based on our ancient scriptures and the recipes have been crafted keeping our modern lifestyles in mind And if you want to find out more about the Satvic lifestyle, then click here and do attend our next workshop You can get detailed knowledge about it And if you want to watch more videos like this, then click here That's it for now. We'll see you soon
Channel: Satvic Movement
Views: 2,949,773
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Keywords: healthy salad recipes, healthy salad recipes for weight loss, healthy salad dressing, healthy salad recipes indian, healthy salad for weight loss, healthy salads for dinner, healthy salad for dinner, salad recipes, salad kaise banaye, सलाद कैसे बनाते हैं, winter salad recipes, salad for winter season
Id: s5UarLR8SmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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